The Choosing Ease Podcast

I’m so excited to share today’s episode with you, recorded fresh from my apartment in Lisbon, Portugal. Yep, I made the spontaneous decision to pack up my life and move here – and let me tell you, it feels incredible!

But this episode isn’t just about the thrill of moving to a new city. It’s about something much deeper – the choices that lead to true freedom. I’ve been on a journey of making bold decisions that align with my core value of freedom, and I want to share how you can do the same.

Today, we're diving into why it’s so important to have the courage and integrity to make life choices that reflect what you truly want, both now and in the future. We’ll talk about those limiting beliefs that hold us back and how to reframe them, so you can break free from the mental cages that keep you from living your most empowered life.

I also share a bit of my own story – how I’ve followed my heart from theater and contemporary dance to creating a location-independent business that allows me to say "yes" to life’s amazing opportunities, like this move to Lisbon.

So, if you’re feeling that tug in your heart for something more, but the fears and doubts are creeping in, this episode is for you. I want to help you align your life choices with your deepest desires, so you can create a life that feels right on every level – whether that means moving across the world or simply designing a business that allows you to spend more quality time with your loved ones.

If this resonates with you, I’d love to connect. Find me on Instagram and send me a DM with the word “FREEDOM”. Let’s chat about how you can start making those empowering choices today. Because you deserve to live a life that truly lights you up. ✨

Relinde’s Instagram

What is The Choosing Ease Podcast?

A podcast for multi-skilled coaches and experts who are ready to leverage their unique expertise, create money overflow all while embodying ease. Discover how to stop forcing things in your business and start letting your natural life force guide you... so you can spend less energy, get bigger rewards, and make the kind of impact you were born to create.


I'm recording this podcast in my beautiful new apartment in Lisbon, Portugal, and I literally moved here yesterday. So this was a quite spontaneous decision as well. I'm gonna be here for 6 months. And it is you know, today, I took time to just go out, walk in nature, walk in the park, cross the street, explore the space, get some work done, but also get some groceries done and all that good stuff. And I'm so happy to be here.


I had the opportunity. It just came to me to rent out my apartment. And because I do not love winter and there was something in me already saying, like, would love to get out and be in a city for a little while again, I saw this as an open door, and I decided to walk through it. And the fact and that was what I realized today and what I wanna talk about. The fact that I could do that and say yes is because of life choices that I started making 10 years ago.


Choices that were really scary at that time, that were really daunting at moments, but that were aligned with one of my core values, and that is freedom. The freedom to be able to say, you know what? I'll just move to Lisbon for 6 months is something that I love and I can do that now. Now that being said, this podcast is not about how to move to Portugal whenever you feel like it. It is about having the integrity and courage to make choices that align with what you truly want, both now and in the future.


It really breaks my heart when I see people really wanting something and desiring something and then telling themselves that it is impossible. And in this podcast, I'm gonna break down why that is and how you can shift that for yourself. Now a little bit about me, like, my story is that I've had this innate desire to follow whatever it is that my heart really wants from a very early age on. And it wasn't always easy. It wasn't because it was all given for me.


It wasn't because I came from money and and everything was just always handed to me on a golden platter. It was just really something of deep inner drive that made me choose my first studies, theater. And then my second studies, contemporary dance. Not necessarily the careers that are like, this is gonna give you certainty and security, but it really was what I needed to do. I knew that for my development.


I wanted to share that with the world. I did all the things. Started my own dance company after that, toured with my own dance performances in the Netherlands through the world. Those were things really from the heart. And after that expired, almost like I did it.


I've done that now. A new desire emerged, and that was to be location on be independent and to be free. And that is when I started making changes in my business quite radically about 10 years ago. All in all, the desire and the decision to become self employed, that is about 20 years ago now that I took that decision. And I did mean embracing the uncertainty of where my next paycheck would come from in exchange for the freedom to choose when and how I work.


And I recently listened to a podcast with Esther Perel, and she said something so profound that really hit me. She said about her journey into entrepreneurship and working for herself instead of taking a job. She said, I could tolerate the lack of security better than the lack of freedom. She said, so I understood early that I'm going to be self employed, meaning I can tolerate not knowing when the next check is going to come from, but I prefer that than somebody telling me when I take a vacation. And I love this podcast.


It really hit me. Now she then goes on on how she applies that to relationships, which is very interesting. I'm gonna not talk about that today, but I love that seeing that she says I can tolerate this thing better than the other thing because there's always gonna be downsides to certain decisions. They're gonna be downsides to being location independent, for example. But it is what can you tolerate better?


And I really love that. So this could be one of the things for you to, like, think about. Like, what is what are those things that are more important for to you than to other things? And be careful not to think of, like, what other people think or what a standard or normal, but really what is that about you? Then when this comes to your business, this is found I found so fascinating.


And this is what happened to me about 10 years ago when I went to Bali and also almost by accidents. I went for 4 weeks, and I ended up staying 3 years. I I think that's now I talk about it. It's a pattern in my life. But I came there.


I instantly had beautiful friends. I got invited teach in a yoga studio. I was teaching yoga and contemporary dance in Bali, and I would fly every month to Singapore to teach a dance company there. It was just beautiful. And I could say yes to that again because I could, and I had made choices before that allowed me to say yes to that.


But it was very scary, and what I started doing then is really realizing that I had been making choices of the things I really wanted to do and the role that I wanted to be in of performing arts. But there was a part of me that wasn't, you know, that was a bit just didn't get what it needed. And that was a part of freedom and independence and abundance and expansion and international connections and all that good stuff that I really love. And I started to ask myself, who am I and what do I really want? Me, outside of my career, outside of what other people think of me, outside of what I wanna do in the world.


So what I want to create in the world, what it is that I the message that I wanna spread, which is really important. But I can do that in many different ways, shapes, forms. I can make a dance performance. I can record this podcast. I can create an online program.


I can do so many things that ultimately contribute to the same, I would say, why? The same inner drive that I have to share with the world. So what if I can do it in many ways? And I can also not only think about what kind of work do I do not wanna do, but also who do I wanna be? What are the experiences that I want to create in my life?


What does my life literally look like? What is it that I want to do here? So for me, for example, there's started to be that desire. I wanna be able to be free to say, oh, I see this opportunity come up, and I wanna go there. I wanna be in a room with people that I find really inspiring and be able to say yes to it and not, not be able to go because I don't have the time or I have commitments of things that I have to do for money but don't really enjoy.


That was really, really, ultimately so important to me that when I was in that place 10 years ago in Bali, I started to really take that in account too. And when I look back at it, before that, I already ran my own business. I had my dance performance company. Again, it was the best thing to do for about 8 years that I did that, but I never really thought about this this company that I'm creating also giving me the life that I want to create. And that was really, for me, very mind blowing.


It really changed my view, and it changed certain decisions that I made. It also made me see that I might have poured in some ideas in how I thought I should live my life that weren't really from me. There were more societal norms, generational patterns, and ultimately also my own limiting beliefs. So it really was that moment where you start seeing, but who am I? What do I really want?


And where does that come down to? You know, who is that I? And what is that yearning, that desire that I have? And then if I can feel it and I know what I really want, but I feel in some way, like, in a cage, I feel in some way that I can't express it or that what I truly want is too much to ask or can't be true or can't be like whatever, then where does that come from? And then to actually look at that and see how can I release that, how can I let go of that?


Because that isn't true. That is never true in the first place. What is really true is that you are worthy, deserving, abundant, infinite potential in your full power. You know? All these things are true, and everything that says I should or I could have, but now it's too late, or I should have been further ahead, or I'm just not worthy of this, or this is just not what I can do because x y z people expect whatever from me.


All those things are ultimately untrue, but it can be really tricky to release that. For me, that happened in Bali 10 years ago, and I can honestly say it was a breakdown to breakthrough. I had a deep transformational process, which doesn't have to be true for you, but that's what happened for me, where I really had to let go as an identity. It was the identity of Rolinda de, a choreographer, like, up and coming choreographer. If I'm not that, what am I?


If I'm not an artist, what am I? If I'm not dancing in this and this stages in the Netherlands, who am I? And I started to see, you know, what all of that super contextual. Like here in Bali, the people that I met, they didn't care if I was like I'm like, I was in this stage and this and this city in the Netherlands. They're like, we don't know what you're talking about.


I was like, oh, this is so good to see. It's contextual. What really matters is how do I feel? What is it that really gives me happiness? Not something that gives me ego, that gives me, you know, more, like, other people see me as somebody that I, you know, see me in a way that I want them to see me because this looks important or successful or whatever.


It really is about what really aligns with my values, my true desires. And let's if you go spiritual on this, I really believe that those desires come from your spirit. I really believe that comes from that part of you that was here before you were born, that will be here after you leave this temporary vessel that has your name right now and your stories right now. I have experienced and sensed too much where that those desires, those true desires are actually your spirit talking to you, giving you direction, and that is amazing. You know?


That is so important. We just do not grow up learning how to actually do that and how to actually listen to that because we're so programmed to follow certain rules. And I think those rules actually don't exist. And it always feels very inspiring when somebody aligns with their true desires and their spirit. Because I think even if we if it's not conscious, we recognize something in that.


And you're like, oh, there's something right about that. There's something that feels really powerful in that, and effortless and powerful at the same time, and that is when those two things come together. When you allow yourself to live the thing, to embody that, what you really came here to be in the world. Now if we align this to business and entrepreneurship as coaches and experts, how do you make decisions in how you organize your business that can lead to the exact business that you wanna do and the story that you wanna share. So I'm thinking of one of my clients in the Elevate Mastermind, my beautiful group coaching program.


She went through it, and we had a session where I helped her see what it was that she was could create. So I helped her really find that core message, the deeper message that she is here to share with the world. I helped her see that. And then I helped her also see how we could package it in an offer that could take her away from the limit, the ceiling that she was in. So she's a therapist and a coach and a brilliant human being, and she brings together all these different modalities in such a brilliant way.


But she was only doing 1 on 1 work for ultimately a way too low rate. So the problem was that she has her 2 kids. She's divorced. She has to take care of her family, pay her house and all that. And she was just in the ceiling.


So she was like, well, Linda, I'm successful. I have these amazing clients. I have so many degrees and certifications, and I'm not making more than, like, 3 to 5 k a month. You know? I can't actually take my kids on a really great holiday, or I can't do a lot of things that I wanna do.


I wanna hire another coach in my business. I want to hire a team. I can't really do it. So those things were really frustrating for her. And when I helped her see how we could, first of all, just really align her even more with her core message, package that in a signature method, and then create an offer that would be high value and scalable so that she could start, you know, hitting 10, 15 k months quite easily.


First of all, she was really happy, and then she was, you know, aware enough to tell me, Belinda, I'm starting to feel resistance. She said, it's almost like you see me in a state of greatness and power that I couldn't see myself in. And I think that's one of the things that I really enjoy doing, not to make somebody afraid, but to really see, like, listen. This is what is available to you. You're playing at a field that you don't have to be.


This is where you could truly be. So I went into that process with her, and we started to unravel the fears and the anxiety that came up that made her resistant to what I had what we had discussed in the session. And when we did that, she started taking these steps and she got so excited. Her method is just taking amazing shape. She just rolled out this new program, starting a beautiful first round and a pilot for it.


And it just really feels for her like, wow, I'm now building something that is right on all levels. That is right in what I want to do and share with the world, and it is also right in the life that I want to create for me and my children. And I love when somebody says that. I have plenty of client stories like that. This is like ultimately when I hit leave read back client testimonials, people that things that people share with me, they're saying that.


And like, Bolinda, you integrated something, took away some of the things, like the limiting beliefs, the generational patterns, the fears around I can't do what I really wanna do. I put them in their greatness, and from there, they can actually step into a life that is in alignment with them. And, again, it can look like it looks for me, which is moving to Lisbon whenever I want to for 6 months. And for my clients to actually spend time with her kids and to only work 3 days a week and to take it back her kids on a great holiday and create memories together, you know. So it really is can look very different, but I think it always comes down to really aligning it with your desires.


And I think freedom is one of them that shares that we all share as entrepreneurs that we just wanna be have the freedom to choose what we wanna do when we wanna do it. Now let's dive in a little bit deeper into those limiting beliefs. So when you're listening to this, you might start feeling things pop up like, oh, this is what I would really want or this is my dream. Also, what I see a lot is that people then start to share their dream, which I love, but then already downplay it because they have been disappointed, I would say, in the past. So, for example, I talk to people.


They say, you know, I I joined a mastermind. I had this dream, and I wanted to do it, and then I didn't get my results. Or I tried launching, but I didn't have right away the results that I wanted. There's a disappointment there, and they feel like I tried it. I put myself out there.


I was vulnerable, and then it didn't work right away, which causes them to give up, which is such a shame because what really happened in that moment is that there were some deeper beliefs and patterns, subconscious subconscious patterns triggered. So those feelings of being a failure, being a disappointment, feelings of unworthiness, fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, those were there already. When you take the courage and you say, you know what? I have this desire. I see my spirit wants this thing, and I'm gonna step into it.


You are going to be triggering because it's really it's really I don't know. I think it has to do with this is like what we've come to do here to overcome that. Right? But what happens is you get really triggered so things happen. Things maybe not work right right away.


Your first lines might not make you a 100 k. For some of us, it does. For others, it doesn't just, And that doesn't mean anything. It really is about them. How do I take these mirrors, these lessons in my business to shift them around and to heal the deeper layers beneath it, which is ultimately much more important than the whole 100 k launch, which is amazing, and we're gonna get there.


But it really is about healing these deeper layers and then being again, aligning yourself with the true power that you have inside of you because you've let go of everything that you're not. You're not broken. You don't have to be healed. You don't have to add on a whole bunch of stuff. You don't have to work really hard.


You just need to know how you can release what isn't you, what wasn't you in the 1st place, and what never have. That is the the thing that you wanna do. So when you're listening to this, you can think about, you know, what limiting beliefs are popping up for me when I think of my big desire. If I can see the things in my life that I want to see, that I would love to have there. What are the thoughts that immediately pop up that take me out of it?


The oldest, I shouldn't. I couldn't. It's not possible for me. I have to wait, like, all these thoughts. What are the thoughts and where do they come from?


When you find that, you don't wanna leave that hanging there of course. It can even be quite confronting to find those beliefs, but what you wanna do is then reframe it. That is the first step. I've talked about it before, but this process is deeper than that. Yeah.


Shifting deep subconscious limiting beliefs. It really looks at it really comes down to looking into your subconscious mind and seeing what you've been programmed with from childhood even before childhood. What is in your, you know, in your genes that was passed on? What are you here to heal in this life and let go of so that you can release those limiting beliefs and instead have empowering beliefs? But the first step is very powerful already.


It is to see them as beliefs instead of the truth. And from there, reframe them and say, like, what would I love to believe instead? You know? I could've believed all kind of things about I can't just go to Lisbon right now because I have cats, and they don't like flying or, like, whatever. I could have said, you know, this is I might lose all my friends when I do this, which is, by the way, the opposite.


I love it. My friends are so excited, and one after the other is like, I'm gonna I'm gonna swing by. I'm gonna come for a weekend or for a week, which is amazing. But there could have been all these beliefs or anxieties not to do it. And the thing is to see them as beliefs and to see them as thoughts and not to take them as the truth and to say what is truly, you know, what I want to align with and, are these deeper patterns that I can overcome.


So let's summarize what we talked about today. What it comes down to is to aligning your choices with your core values. And even if we go even more spiritual in that, aligning your choices, your life choices with your spirit and what you've come to experience in this life really. And to recognize that every time that you make choices from that place, you're creating the best life for you, not only next day, next month, but next year, but even 10 years, 20 years, 50 years from now. Right?


So to do that, you will need courage. Courage to break patterns that are generational, that are societal, and instead choose the power of designing a life and a business that reflects your true self. Doesn't believe that doesn't go with your limiting beliefs, but that instead chooses your empowering self that really chooses living from the empowering you that you truly are. If this sounds like something that you would love to do on a deeper level, but your how isn't clear. If you're like, okay.


This sounds great, Willinda. Thank you for this podcast. I now know I really want this, but I don't know how to do this. This is a great moment to go to Instagram and find me there. We'll have the link to my Instagram on the show notes and in my page as well.


But you can just find me at rolynda moors and send me a message. You just have to say the word freedom. And if you do that, I know that you've listened to this podcast. And I will ask you some questions. We'll have a little chat on Instagram where I can help you flesh out how this could work for you or what is holding you back.


I'm really excited about that because there's nothing more beautiful than watching somebody's spirit align with their life's choices. That is for me what true integrity, authenticity, and grace look like, and I'm here for it. So I would love for you to send me that message. Just send me the word freedom on Instagram. And let's chat a bit about what all of this looks like for you.


How you can align who you truly are with your life even more. Thank you for joining us today on the choosing ease podcast. Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to connect. And I'd be so grateful if you could share your thoughts in a review. Join me next time as I continue to explore the powerful skills and strategies that will help you to let go of everything that keeps you from fully sharing your genius.


You are destined for greatness, and through the Choosing Ease podcast, I'm here to help you own your unique wisdom and share it with the world. Until next time, keep choosing Ease.