Self Build & Renovation: Live! by NSBRC

We are delighted to launch our new LIVE interactive online talk show, “Self Build & Renovation: Live!” The series, broadcast and hosted by Visual PR, will enable us to discuss and explore in detail various key homebuilding subjects with NSBRC team members and industry expert guests.
If you are watching the live broadcast, then make sure you get your questions or comments in by commenting from wherever you are watching it, and it can be put on screen and answered or responded to appropriately. By design, this can be an interactive show with you getting involved too.
In this opening episode, we will be previewing the upcoming National Self Build & Renovation Show at the National Self Build & Renovation Centre in Swindon on the 11th and 12th of October. We will delve into what the show is all about, why it is worth attending, the key themes that will be covered over the two days, key questions people should be asking on the day, what is new or topical for the 2024 show, and of course, how to book (FREE) tickets!
Hosted by Visual PR’s founder and professional sports commentator, Chris Dawes, in this episode he will be chatting with NSBRC’s Katy Ashcroft and Nick Whant, and special guest Rob Bohm (Heating Consultant for CLPM Project Management Services and NSBRC Course Presenter).
Don’t forget to Click “Going” or “Interested” on the Facebook event, or “Notify me” on the pending live video on YouTube and LinkedIn, to make sure you receive notification and don’t miss the live broadcast.
We are looking forward to running our regular conversational series, “Self Build & Renovation: Live!”, which will provide the opportunity for you to join members of our team and special guests each month as they delve into a variety of subjects in light-hearted, fireside-chat style productions.
Each episode will be live, which means that it is not scripted or edited and has a more natural and engaging tone. This enables viewers to type questions or provide comments/input whilst watching the live broadcast on either YouTube, Facebook, or LinkedIn, which will be put up on the screen (with your profile photo and name) and responded to by the episode’s guests to make it immersive and interactive.
The stream can be watched live (and recorded) from any of the following locations: Facebook: 
This is a Visual PR production – Connecting the dots between PR and Marketing with authentic, credible, and engagingly natural conversational video content and resulting assets from each episode – Elevating your Brand and Igniting Audience Engagement!
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What is Self Build & Renovation: Live! by NSBRC?

The Home of Self Build, Custom Build & Renovation
• 67,000 sq. ft. year-round resource centre with 200+ stands
• Independent advice on everything from planning to plastering
• Self Build courses, exhibitions and Architect consultation days
• Free entry, plenty of parking and easy access just off the M4

These episodes will investigate various subjects in more detail, with expert guests, and previewing upcoming shows and events to help you with your potential or current self build and renovation projects.

Well, good afternoon.

Welcome to the incredible

National Self-Build and

Renovation Centre.

And it is.

We're live in the centre

right now and you'll see

that these guys have got a

fabulous facility.

My name is Chris Dawes and

I'm from Visual PR and I'm

delighted to be teaming up

with NSBRC for the first episode,

leading into a particular show in October,

which we'll come on to in a moment.

But it really is to give you

an opportunity to delve deeper into the

Mass of subjects that we

could be covering here.

Let's be honest.

So keep your eyes peeled.

The aim is, well, at the moment,

it's every two weeks,

but we'll always be scheduled in advance.

You'll be able to see what it is.

Obviously, I'm not the key person here.

I'm just the host that's

going to keep this conversation flowing.

Before I introduce my guests,

wherever you're watching,

whether it's on Facebook,

LinkedIn or YouTube.

if you add any comments or

questions there we'll be

able to put them up on

screen along with your

profile name and photo so

please don't hesitate if

you've got any questions

comments uh anything that

you can add to the

conversation please do drop

them in it's deliberately

an engaging uh conversation

I say that if you're

watching it back recorded

then it doesn't work quite

that way I've not mastered

time travel just yet but

watch this space you never

know so without further ado

and I'm going to do it

purely from that angle,

is that we've got Nick Want,

and I'm looking at my notes

because I've got the change

title description,

sustainability manager now.

Yeah, that's right.

Thanks, Chris.

Yeah, so brand new job title for this week,

actually, for me.

So yeah,

sustainability manager at the centre.

So yeah,

I've been with NSBRC for six months now.

Just started this week, a brand new role,

sustainability manager.

Which almost doesn't sound like a new role,

just from the few conversations we've had,

is that that was something

you were clearly very passionate about.


I think it was through the first six

months of me being here,

it's kind of just finding

the feet of what this role

is and it taking shape.

So it's a bit of a mix of

project management,

which actually turned out

being quite sustainable focused projects.


and then also dipping into a

bit of marketing as well

and chipping in with the

great work that Katie and Claire do.

which is where obviously our

connection then came,

is working on things like this as well.

And you're going to be

coming live from day one of

the show and all those sort of things.

So you get clobbered with a

lot of that side of things.


Well, great to, I was going to say meet.

It feels like I should say meet with you,

but speak with you on this episode.

Yeah, great to meet you publicly.

Yeah, publicly.

People now know that we know each other.

That's the key one.

Katie Ashcroft, content marketing manager.

That's right, yep.

Yours is a bit longer that

you've been associated with NSBRC.

That's right.


I've worked at the centre

for a number of years now.

I think I started full time

in twenty eighteen.

I'm not sure how it's flown by.

I think it's because we keep

very busy putting on all the events.

Absolutely, which you do quite a lot,

don't you, over the course of the year?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, very much so.

But just confirmed even our

twenty twenty five dates.

So feeling pretty ahead of the game,

but not to get ahead of

ourselves because we've

still got the October show first.

And I guess you need to be that far ahead,

don't you?

For certainly the core dates

need to be in the calendar.


we have something what feels like

almost every weekend, really,

whether it's one of our big

shows that we do three times a year.

But other than those,

every weekend or at least

every fortnight is peppered

with some sort of more

focused or targeted

workshops or training courses,

which obviously you do, Rob, as well.

So, yeah,

there's always something going on.

I love it.

And we'll come into NSBRC

itself in a bit more detail.

We don't want to assume that

everybody knows what it is.

So we are going to go into

that in a bit more detail.

But first,

we've got a special guest for

this episode.

I say that, Rob,

because obviously you're...

I don't feel that special.

Well, you are.

You are, trust me.

You are.

It's Rob Bone.

Is that right, Bone?

Yeah, absolutely.

Well done.

Thank you.

There's only four letters.

It's surprising how hard

that is to pronounce.

I know, I know.

Most people get it wrong,

so congratulations.

Thank goodness for that.

You are a heating consultant

for CLPM project management.

Correct, yeah.

Management services, sorry.

But you're also an NSBRC

course presenter as well.

And general help desk, general dog's body,


I think I have several.

I think advisor would be the right answer.


Yeah, yeah, that as well.

No, I do have several hats.

So, yeah,

so I'm actually a heating

engineer by trade.

And that was my core business many,

many years ago.

And about ten years ago, I thought,

you know,

it's time to sort of hang this

banners up somewhere and

get involved in actually

sort of helping other people.

I had a very good fortune of

being involved in a whole

different types of heating

and plumbing and building projects.

And I also had the very good

fortune of getting involved

with renewable technologies very,

very early on when it first hit market.


So I was one of the very early guys.

And I must admit,

when we first started looking at them,

we were all scratching our heads going,

how does this work?

What is it?

What does it do?

And it was really early days.

It was quite exciting and

also quite daunting as well.

When was that then, do you reckon?

Oh, my God.

It was probably about

twenty-odd years ago.



They came out earlier than a

lot of people thought.

Yeah, quite.

And I got involved with that primarily.

There was a company

relatively local who were

one of the really early doors people.

And I had a client who wanted to fit one.

And we didn't know anything about it.

They said, oh,

go and see them and do a course.

I said, okay.

And I did.

And the rest is history.

And say then I thought I got

to the point in my life

when I was thinking about

wanting to change.

new challenges I suppose I

joined clpm and clpm we are

a construction consultancy

business but we're an

independent consultancy

which people really really

like yes because a lot of

so say consultancies do

have a lot of affiliation

to suppliers and

contractors where we don't yeah

And we help people through

the whole process of

building their own houses,

extending their houses,

renovating their houses.

So on a commercial situation,

so we have quantity

surveyors to help with pricing.

We have project managers to

deliver the project.

And me and my little team,

we jump in early to help

people to find out what's

the best way of...

heating making your property

sustainable what are the

options what can you do

because no one option is is

always ready for every

single person there's no

silver bullet so we get in

there early we do energy

audits um we even do for

like commercial we do a lot

of churches believe it or

not really well yeah a few

years ago may or may not be

where the general synod

came out with this

wonderful description so I

said right um we're all

going to be carbon neutral

by twenty thirty yeah and

they all went hurrah

What does that mean?

So we've been sort of

helping sort of various

churches to try and get

closer to that neutrality.

In fact,

we're working on quite a major project,

which is really quite

exciting because they're a great,

great team.

It's a quite large church in

Birmingham and they are

really wanting to go as far

as they possibly can,

which I think is fantastic.

So it is exciting times.

They need to have the

motivation for it to then

call on the knowledge.

And I guess one of the other

things that was coming to my mind is that

it moves so quick that it's

then somebody that's all

over that and keeping

abreast of the changes.

Oh, my word, you're absolutely right.

I mean, first of all, legislation changes.


So what's okay one year is not the next.


Funding, government change,

policy change has an impact.

But tech, obviously, yeah, I mean,

you turn around and

something else has been done.

Staggering really quick, isn't it?


And me sort of working here

is a double whammy.

Because first of all,

I work here for the NSPRC.

So I work as a general

helper on the help desk

quite a few times a year.

So I just sit there, people come in,

and I help with the general inquiries.

In fact, one of my favorite games,

someone comes in.

I go and have a word with them.

I said, you know,

do you need any assistance?

And they go, no, no, I think we're fine.

I think we're fine.

I said, OK, well,

just tell me about your project.

They start mad.

Then I start firing questions at them.

An hour later, they go,

I suppose we did need some help.

I love doing that.

Shamelessly coming back to

the help desk halfway

through their visit.

Yeah, exactly.


And I love doing that.

And I get a great buzz from

helping people.

And then we have the shows

where I do presentations.

I play a bit of sort of master ceremonies.

And also I help to run courses.

So we have two major courses

which we help with.

One is the three-day self-builder course,

which is superb.

There's a huge amount of

information for the three days.

So anybody who's wanting to

build their own home or

even do a major renovation,

it's a good thing to do

because there's so much information.

And I run the third day,

which is primarily on

heating and sustainability.


Also, I run a full day course,

which we're actually running this Friday,

which is a full renovation course,

which effectively goes

through the whole details

of what to do and how to do it.

There's a lot of detail in that.

And again, it's really,

really interesting because

no one scenario sits a

simple house and single

project and single person.

Everybody has different requirements.

And I do find that people

come away sort of thinking, oh, my God,

my head's going to explode.

There's so much information.

which is really nice and I

thoroughly enjoy it.

It's really, really engaging.

Which for me is what I pick

up about this place is that

a mixture of they don't

want to be overwhelmed with

everything all the time.

Well, not only have you got all the shows,

but this is a permanent

facility that people can come in,

go to the company that is

relevant to them now

because they've got questions,

they want to find out more,

they want to acquire stuff.

They can come in and do that at any point.

It's not just the shows.

Exactly that.


So we are the UK's only

permanent visitor centre.

So there may be other companies like us,

but we're the only one

that's here all the time.

So we're open Tuesday through to Sunday.

So I think it's great that

you've got the whole week almost,

apart from Mondays.

You've got weekends as well.

No one likes Mondays.

Yeah, Mondays.

You can deal with that.

We're very busy behind the

scenes on Mondays.

That's usually the day that

we've got lots of stand

maintenance going on,

lots of conferencing as well.

So there's always something

going on seven days a week here.

Like I said, we do keep busy,

but we do have the trade

stands here permanently,

which is probably the first

thing to tell viewers just because

we have over two hundred

stands in the center and

loads of life-size

educational exhibits you

can just drop into the

center at any point and

just have a peruse whenever

it's convenient for you

we're very well situated as

well so we're just off of

junction sixteen on the

m-four that's where we're

coming to our viewers live

from today yeah it's just

very easy to get to I think

I agree.

And heck,

you've even got a hotel if you

need to make a couple of

days and you've traveled

from further afield.

There's a hotel.

We won't name names because

they're not paying to advertise,

so we won't.

make joking but there is a

hotel just there so you can

come and make a couple of

days of it um and I guess

even for the the trade that

is here is that they've got

you've got facilities here

that they can suddenly

throw on specific training

days or anything like that

because you've got lots of

training rooms meeting

rooms seminar rooms let I

mean what's the big

auditorium down there and everything

yeah so yeah sustainability

theater just down there and

um yeah that's where some

of our lectures are

upcoming show will be such

a cool space yeah it's uh

sixty seven thousand square

feet really quite a big

area isn't it really yeah

incredible the center is uh

yeah it's it's it's mammoth

isn't it really the way the

warehouse that this this

was before it was formed

you know back in two

thousand and seven when it

was all transformed from

what could have been a

depot yeah actually into something which

That's how I feel.

It lives and it breathes.

Yeah, there's a real community here.

And I think that, yes,

you've got a trade village where,

of course,

there are businesses who have a

product or a service that

they would love you to buy.

But actually,

there's not a sales feel here.

There's actually...

where we'll make sure that

there's a range of

different solutions that

actually we have

relationships built between

the different exhibitors here.

And actually someone will be

really honest and say, actually,

I think you might be better

going speaking to them in this occasion.

And that builds a lot of trust.

And I think that offset with the

the specific exhibits,

which are all about education,

and they are not all about

a specific product or solution.

They're driven more from the

other end of what's the

challenge that you might

come up against and what do

you need to learn at point of entry.


there's just a really nice

balance struck here.

And you must be the same as me, Nick.

We're just saying that it's

six months that you've been here,

so you're still within that fresh enough.

I've still got my new card.

It doesn't feel like it.

It feels like you're part of

the furniture.

Yeah, on one hand,

I'm part of the furniture.

but it still means you've

got an external view and

that wow factor and I use

that without exaggerating

is that still every time I

come to this place you know

we've got in the background

I love being up here is

that we've got full-size

I'm going to say fake

houses because obviously

they're not houses but that

doesn't they are they are

they really are show homes um

I think you're changing it,

but there was a whole building site,

as in a mock-up building.

Yeah, it's still there.

It's just getting gradually

a bit more empty as it was.

Because it's going to become

something different.

Yeah, so it was a demo building site,

and it still is.

It's kind of halfway there,

but we're making space for

an exciting new exhibit.

This is one of the projects

that I've aforementioned and kind of...

set about so yeah really

excited to be launching a

new new zone in twenty

twenty five um which is

going to be all about

retrofit so that's really

exciting so that's in

addition to our existing

renovation house um which

you'll see right down the

other end of the center

which we've had for a

little while and obviously

rob is uh really clued in

on that and gives a lot of

uh tours over there so you get um

If you're really lucky and

you're here at the right time,

you get a guided tour from

the likes of Rob or one of

our other help desk experts.

But actually,

any other time we have our

audio tours that you can

just scan the QR code over

there and you can listen

along and do it at your own pace as well.

Yeah, it's a really great setup.

So it's

It's one of the little stars

of the centre actually,

I think a little bit,

this exhibit where you look

at it from the front and

it's a full-sized front of

a nineteen twenties,

very dilapidated house that you think, oh,

if I had this house,

I probably would tear it

down if I had all these properties.

But I think what's great is

that whatever your property

is that you're looking at

and you've got a challenge

with it that you're looking to renovate,

you'll see that echoed in there.

But it's great.

You can go in the front and

you can see the first two rooms.

So you can see outside and

inside of the first two rooms.

And it's a bit of a wreck, isn't it, Rob,


But then you can come out

the side and then you'll

see the front stripped back.

And you come in from the second angle,

you come through and see, oh, OK,

this is really taken down

to the bare bones.

And you can come in and see

what does it look like when

everything rips out.

Stage three of that is where

you get to see actually, okay,

work in progress,

starting to get some of the

actual renovation going.

And then finally,

you get to see the inside

and then last of all,

the outside of the finished product.

And it's like, wow,

is this the same house?

And I think what people often say is, oh,

surely that fourth one is

actually a bit bigger than the others.

It's like, no,

this is just what it looks

like when it's done nicely.

This is a good use of space.

So yeah,

it's really amazing to be able to

walk through that journey

to help people visualize

their renovation.

What jumps to mind then is

it means it's better than

the Harry Potter tour

because you don't get to go

in their houses.

See, this one you do.

People have said that.

Is it like a film set, the way it's done?

It genuinely looks like one.

I've never thought of it like that.

I love that.

I'm going to remember it.

I'm a bit worried I might get sued now.

officially, but it was just a bit of fun,

just a bit of fun.

We've got our own expert alley,

which is kind of a version

of their alley as well.

I'm going to reiterate it

because there's a few more

have joined in and watching live.

Welcome, everybody.

If you've got comments, questions,

please do type them in in the comments,

either on your Facebook,

YouTube or LinkedIn,

wherever you're watching it.

We'll be able to put that up

on screen with your profile

name and photo.

It's always good to get the interaction

uh even if it's your

experiences that you've had

here and something that's

stuck in your mind please

do I'm expecting that to

grow as we go through the

episodes that it'll get

more engaging but please

feel free to do that um

I want to quickly make

another point about this because,

and I'm allowed to, I'm external to NSBRC,

so I'm allowed to wax lyrical.

What I find about this place that makes it,

for me,

a jewel in the crown that deserves

to be even more well-known

than it is in our local

area in particular,

is even outside of this,

I've kind of touched it already,

but you've got not just the warehouse,

but in effect office spaces

that we've got a big, another auditorium,

room down there,

I know we've got over there,

what did you call it again?

So down there we've got the

Sustainability Theatre.

That's the one.

And the other end of the

centre is the Build It Theatre.

So that's our largest space

where we hold our talks.

It's got a stage and

everything there as well.


so those two theatres are where all

the seminars are held at our shows.

And then you've got various

size rooms for like big presentations,

big training, big meetings,

through to quite intimate

little rooms as well.

And they're available, as I understand it.

They are indeed, yeah.

Which is what I just find

incredible with the fact

that you can lay on

catering for these things as well.

So I've gone off on a slight tangent,

but it's just to know that

that's what people can do.

And it took me a while to

even know that this was on my doorstep,

which is sad, isn't it?

There's only about twenty of

us in the team as well,

so we've got this absolutely huge space,

but it's run by quite a

small but dedicated team of

employee owners.

Sustainable team, one might say.

It's a very small business,

but operating on a national scale.

So our reach is far and wide, but actually,


it's only twenty pairs of hands that

are actually getting involved,

plus two hundred plus exhibitors.

Yes, absolutely.

It's amazing how fast some people travel.

So because we're pretty much

the only one in the country, as it is,

I love talking to people.

And there was somebody a

little while ago and they

had a very strong Scottish accent.

I said, you know, by chance,

where have you come from?

They basically come from Shetland.

They'd flew down from

Shetland and spent two or three days,

as you said, staying at the hotel.

And they came to a show,

and they were soaking up a

lot of information.

And I thought, you know,

that one takes a ticket.

And then a little bit later,

I was on a help desk one day,

just a normal day.

And a couple of people came in,

and they were just sort of

milling around and not sure what to do.

So I introduced myself and

had a conversation with them.

And in fact,

there were two guys and then a

pair of architects.

And they were looking at

different building

techniques and so on and so forth.

And I was explaining a

different place what they could do.

And again,

a bit of background on the

different systems and so on and so forth.

I said, oh, you know, what's your project?


we're looking to do a development of

about sort of forty-odd houses.

I said, oh, that's interesting.

He said, yeah,

but the problem is logistics.

I said, why?

He said, well, transportation.

Transportation, what's the issue?

He said,

we're looking to build on Falklands.

So they come to the Hawkins.

I thought, well, that's pretty good.

I think that's taken a bit

of the longest distance to

travel for someone to actually come here.

Of course,

they had come here to do other

things as well.

But high on their agenda was

to come here to learn more about systems.

And I thought it was fantastic.

And I'm genuinely not surprised.

There's the variety.

I mean, if you can think it...

around self-building,

renovation and building projects,

then it's going to be here.

I think that's probably a fair answer.

Yeah, any home building project really,

conversions, extensions as well.

And some amazing new tech around,

we're talking about sustainability.

What's the best way to say it?


is that the right way to put it?

There's a lot of tech that

I've seen wandering around

here that helps people to

be able to move around the houses.

Yeah, so future-proofing.

And that's a really big

topic that comes up at

shows and workshops.

And it's interesting you say that because,


I'm now picking up that you said

that to me about future-proofing.

It's not necessarily they

need it right now, but they're moving,

you said, moving into your forever home.

You might not need a stair lift right now.

That actually is,

are your stairs wide enough?


install that at the time

when you need it and

actually we've got all the

right people here to help

you make those decisions at

the planning stage yeah so

you're early on in your in

your decision making think

about all those things

don't block yourself at a

later date where you think

and that's just one of many

many considerations that

there could be and

especially and I'm not

going to go into details

because obviously we've got

multiple episodes to go

into to tie to detail on

things and when we're here

live on the eleventh of

october day one of the show

I'm going to be wandering

around with a mobile camera

as well as a studio set up for it.

And we'll chat to various people.

But one of them is that you

say stair lift.

And I've got a very distinct

view in my mind that it's

going up the side on the banister.

But it's like, actually, no,

there's a whole load of

other things here that

looks like a normal set of stairs.

And it then lifts up and things like that.

And it's like you wouldn't

know that you had that in your home.

So there's a lot of future

proofing and everything like that.

from a sustainability, from like I say,

motability is the only word

I can use for it.

There's just so much here.

And I'm being a bit

blinkered here because I'm

just giving some examples.

Yeah, of course.

But no,

there's something for every budget range.

So actually,

whilst we don't gloss over the

building fundamentals and

we really do make sure that

we're making lots of space

for all of that,

all of the important kind

of structure of your house

and the performance of the property.

actually all those things

that are going to make a

difference to how you live in the space,

actually it goes all the

way through from affordable

solutions up into some high-end stuff.

Yeah, it's all covered,

so it's accessible from a

financial perspective to a

broad amount of people,

but also we're talking

about that physical

accessibility now or in the

future as well.

So many considerations, like you say,

but really it's about

creating a customised,

tailored home to you and

your family's needs.

That's what we're all about

and doing it in a

sustainable way as well.


There's so much to consider, but, you know,

you don't want to overwhelm people.

That's what the shows are for, though.

It's a chance for people to

actually get that research

in and spend a bit of time

thinking about different potential ideas.


and running them past experts.

So like Rob, for instance,

being able to chat

one-to-one is so valuable

for people and it's doing it early.

And that's something I've

picked up from my years of

working here is, you know,

it's get that research done,

get the planning and the

design options in early and

you need to be able to chat.

Which episode two,

we're going into a lot more

detail on that, aren't we?

But I remember different industries,

but when I used to be an

exhibitor at events,

and one of the big things is that...

you are not there to

necessarily sell at the exhibition.

You are not necessarily

going there to buy as an

attendee at that point.

But what you've got is this

mass of people to go and look.

And we've been touching on

this whole mass of

different areas and you

wander around and you kind of go, oh yeah,

that's something I hadn't thought of.

That's something I didn't

even know existed.

And you've now got a list of

things that you want to go

and investigate more,

not necessarily on that day.

And what I love about this

place is it means that you can go away

And then you can go, right,

I now need to go and look

into that in more detail

that I hadn't thought of.

I need to come here and see this.

Yeah, if you reach that point of overload,

we're not here for three days.

That's relevant, that's relevant,

that's relevant.

We do have a little bit of

an ingenious system as well

to help you navigate that

kind of information overload,

which you could experience

where there's so much at your fingertips.

um so actually our front of

house team when you when

you come in will will get

you set up with a uh a

little scanner which you

can have uh wear around

your neck and actually what

you can then do is you can

as you come to each stand

uh or each of our

exhibitors if you want to

be contacted by one of those exhibitors

If you want, I'll send me a brochure,

scan this barcode,

give me a call about this.

I don't have to walk out with a bag.

So you don't have to be making this.

Not very sustainable.

People can do whatever works for you.

If making a list works for you, great.

But this is helping people

to navigate that and not

having to make all these

notes and remember

everything that you've seen

throughout the day.

And also it's putting it in

your hands as the visitor.

So you're not being kind of,

you're not just being,

contacted by people that you

haven't asked you know it's

kind of saying oh I

specifically want a phone

call about this yeah so

you're only getting

information if you've asked

for it it's specific to

what you're looking for and

it helps you manage where

you you know you could have

an infinite number of those

things throughout the day

that you think are useful

so you could end up with a

very long list that you're

leaving with actually

It's going to help you kind

of digest that.


I think the key phrase that

always sticks with me with

events like that is that

it's the start of the conversations.

It's not the full conversation.

Oh, most definitely.

Most definitely.

We like this because we also

find that people come here

at different times in their journey.


So they come in, like,

people I meet and say,

I've come here I'm thinking

about building my own house

but don't you come to the

right place and then start

giving them some pointers

of things of what they need

to think about what needs

to look for so on so forth

and then we have people

who've come back a third a

fourth time I said all

right now we've done all

this now we're really

really interested in this

and because what you're

trying to do is you're

trying to get people to

think in the right way for

planning yeah your trouble is that

It's like in terms of heating,

because I want to talk about heating.

No, before you think about heating,

you've got to think about the fabric.

You've got to keep the heating in.

You've got to think about

the energy you're using.

So you've got to start there

before you think about the heating.

There's no good thinking

about the end bit before we

start about the beginning

or the middle bit.

And so it's trying to

educate people of the right

process and the way to go

through that process of renovating,

extending, building a new house.

And that's why this place is

so good because there's

everybody throughout that

whole journey here.

just follow me,

from finding land to

planning consultants to all

the way through to

interiors and furnishes.

And then what's your door

knocker going to look like?

So it's everything all the way through.

And it's really quite pleasant sometimes.

You see people going,

I've seen you before.

they said yeah we came here

a couple of months ago and

thank you for what you told

us now we want to ask you

questions on this because

they've got a little bit

further exactly yeah

exactly it's so rewarding

isn't it it is you can

actually see their progress

as they come back and visit

center each point it's

fascinating and sometimes I wish I think

can I come and see your house now?

It's finished.

They'd almost want to do that.

A hundred percent, I can imagine.

And I think it's great that

we're so involved on that process,

on their journey to help

them fulfil their dreams.

And I think it's really

fascinating and I really,

really enjoy it because of that.

It's a real good buzz because of that.

And people, I think,

really feel confident here because it's,

as I said before,

it's not about the selling.

It's more of an educational facility.

And I can interview,

so it's almost like a

physical library of building stuff.

And you can see everything

from the ground foundations,

even different types of

grounded foundations,

up to roof tiles and

everything in between.

I think because of that

being such a wonderful

resource because the thing

is that also um I've been

involved in buildings

through all my working life

so you know I have you know

a lot of spatial awareness

and feeling of space and

how that all works and and

the tangibility of

different systems but if

you're not in that life

it's very hard sometimes to

see that if you look

pictures on a on a brochure

or pictures on the internet

it's much more difficult to

comprehend the implications

where if you can stand

there in front of a wall

and product and go, oh,

that's what it's like.

And we've got these

wonderful examples of

different sort of build up

of wall structures that

people can actually see it and go,

if I go down this route, it's that thick.

And they can actually

visualize and understand it.

And it's so much better for

people to do that.

And we are human beings.

We need to have that

interaction also with other

human beings to understand it far better.


you can read anything you like off the


But you never get the whole picture.

But here you do.

I think you've really hit

the nail on the head there.

All the educational exhibits

are so valuable.

We do a lot of our training

courses in person.

When you do your renovation course,

let's actually go and do a

tour of the renovation

house to bring that theory

to life and visualise it.

So it's not just stay in the auditorium.

No, no, no.

So what we do is we go

through all the theories that work.

And there's lots of

questions and answers as

you go through the course.

And then when you finish,

we come down and have a

walk around the renovation house and say,

you remember I said about this?

Well, here's your example.

And they look at this, this, and this.

Remember I said about this?

Look at this, this, and this.

And they go, oh, yes,

because it kind of brings it to life.

Almost feels unfair that

you're able to do that, to be honest.

It's too good.

All those other trainings

haven't got that wonderful.

But I mean,

I've got to say is that the one thing,

from my sort of commercial

mind that I love about this

place is that you could

easily have fallen into the

trap of just going right

then let's get all these

exhibitors of all these

different things like you

say it's all in one place

and that's it and it's like

no a the whole mentality

here is that they're there

you know the exhibitors

that are here to educate

and to be there to support

people but the fact that

there's all this non-stop

education these courses

this interaction yeah

the interactive exhibits

themselves means that it's like, no,

actually, it's not.

It's to really help people.

And like you say,

is that you don't know what

step people are on the journey.

Are they just thinking about it?

They will have a whole

different set of questions

and things that will catch

their attention to someone

that's further along and everything else.

And it's just all here.

I think a really nice way to

summarise what we do,

it's our three customer promises.

So informing,

inspiring and offering impartial advice.

So those are the three

things that we want to do.

So whether you're visiting

the centre generally on any

of our days in which we're open,

so Tuesday through to Sunday,

take your pick.

Or whether it's one of the

shows like the October show

that's coming up or another

workshop or a course.

So that's what we're doing

throughout all of our events.

Any offering,

it's those three key promises

that we're trying.

I do like that.

I really like it.

I'm going to move on in a

second to go into the,

I know we've largely been

talking about it already,

but the October show in a

bit more detail.

But before I do,

I just want to cover one

other element of NSPRC.

it's employee owned.


this was something that came about not

that many years ago,

and you guys have

absolutely embraced that.

Tell us about that, Katie.

So yes,

we were originally the centre

wasn't employee owned.

So the doors have been open

since two thousand and seven.

We've only been employee

owned since twenty fourteen.

I'm saying only I'm hearing

that come up my mouth.

We've actually just

celebrated ten years of

employee ownership.


it's just such a wonderful culture here.

You know, it feels like everyone

is able to have their say

and weigh in on how things have run here,

how we operate.

It's just a really wonderful

business structure, I think.

I think I can play my new guy card.

I'm still like six months in.

I think that it's got

another six months on it

before it expires, I think,

my new guy card.

But I can bring that

perspective of joining the team

um and joining this

community and actually

really seeing and feeling

the benefit of that that

real sense of everybody is

not only metaphorically

invested they're literally

invested everyone's an

employee owner that works

within the specific msbrt

team and the investment in

in those three eyes and in

the whole goal of the center

It's just, you can't miss it.

It's clear to see and it

comes through in the

culture of the place and it

comes through in the

experience of when you just

come here for a chat and

you have a cup of tea and

you get to speak to members

of the team about your project.

There's a lovely cafe here, by the way.

I'm on commission for cups of tea.

Everyone comes to work

with their business owner

hat on is a nice way of

thinking about it.

Everyone's just that little

bit more invested in how

things are run and what we do.

And I think we're all really

proud of our offerings and what we do.

Which, you know, Rob,

coming from the outside

with something that you've

been very passionate about for, I mean,

you can say for twenty

years because you just said

that the sustainable tech

was coming out then and you

were an early adopter and all of that.

you've seen that not only

are they really pushing

this and enabling you to

educate people and get involved,

but to see that level of

pride from it being employee owned.



And I always, I like,

I love coming in for several reasons.

One is these guys,

just real friendly bunch.


It's a bit like walking into a family.


You come in and meet with

the girls on the counter.

And quite often as I get out of my car,

walk up,

my cup of coffee's on the counter

waiting for me.

You know, can't grumble that.

I used to have a bar like that.

I think we're similar vintage.

But anyway, I digress.

But it's just a real nice warm atmosphere.

You know, everybody's friendly,

everybody's welcoming,

everybody's supportive.

And everybody helps each other out.

So even though I'm not an employee,

I'm a sort of a part-timer, basically.

I think my part-timing is

increasing over the years.

I mean, I've been involved here

six years seven years I

would say so yeah similar

to me seven years I think

but gradually I started off

just doing just the odd

show and then gradually the

last couple years of being

more and more and more

involved which is great and

I do see my future as being

more involved every time

time goes on but no it's a

great place to work great

atmosphere and what I like

about it say is is the

helping people you know

like people send away going

great that's fantastic

thanks for your help and

they walk away with a smile

on their face and I think

that's great and I feel

that it's a very positive

attitude in the place because of that

I think because people come here to learn,

to understand, to gain information.

And it's even great

sometimes you come to

people who unfortunately

have woe stories where

things haven't gone right

for one reason or another.

And they're the ones that

have more difficult conversations.

And sometimes you do have to

have a little bit more

difficult conversation with

someone and say, look, I'm sorry,

but you've got to stop what you're doing,

re-evaluate and start again.

And we do that as well.

But overall,

I think it's just this great

positive attitude.

Yeah, you're not yes people, you are.


It is that impartial advice.

It's not telling you what

you want to hear necessarily.

It's making sure it's what's

good for your project.

That's such a good point, actually.

We talk a lot about planning

your perfect home,

but things aren't always

perfect along the way.

And you need that support.

It's so vital to have that.

Because the unknown is the worst bit,

isn't it?

Even if you've got a rocky road to go,

at least if you know the

direction of that rocky road,

it makes it a little bit more manageable.

I feel like I was Wizard of

Oz or something.

crikey what the film

references well no we'll

keep going we'll keep going

right that I just say I

love the idea that um rob

has just said how friendly

the front of house team are

and I'm just imagining

actually every time he's

come in he's just pinched

k's cup of coffee yeah yeah

and I have to back up that

you're absolutely right on

that you know the front of desk

is quite mad is that Tom and

I walk in and they go, ah,

Chris from Visual PR,

you're going to be doing

that show with us soon, aren't you?

And I'm like,

How did they know that?

Of course they know who you are.

So involved.

It's lovely to feel that, isn't it?

It is.

We can get the cheers

reference in as well.

Everybody knows your name and all of that.


I'm going to change tack to

bring this episode to its climax,

which is going to be based

on the show to make sure

we've got all the

information out there for

you because it is the

eleventh and twelfth of October.

But we've got the big show coming up.


I said that we should have all changed

seats in that little break there,

but they wouldn't let me do it.

And Tom doesn't want us

messing about with audio

and things like that.

But we are in the same place.

Just cuts back to us all

tripping over each other.

Yeah, it's like,

I need to lengthen the clip.

No, see, what we could have done, Steve,

was like, you know, take a chair away.

I was pressed it up.

I've lost out.

I've lost out.

Yeah, I don't count.

Magical chairs, what's all, you know.

Right, this year,

I call it the Autumn Show.

Is that another sort of sub,

an unofficial name for it?

Yeah, yeah.

So this edition,

we usually refer to them as editions of.

So we have the Autumn

Edition and then our other show.

So we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves,

but the January show we

call the Winter Edition.


And then we sort of have the

Spring Summer Edition.


The official title, of course,

is the National Self-Build

and Renovation Show,

October the eleventh and the twelfth.

It's a Friday and a Saturday.

What's it all about is the big question.

I mean,

it's fairly obvious and we've been

kind of touching on it.

But is there anything that

we haven't covered that's

worth emphasising about this show?

Well, I think to kick things off, really,

the obvious difference is about, you know,

why is it worth attending a show day?

If you've already been to the centre,

you know,

what are the additional

offerings that we have?

So really,

the three shows that we do a year,

I think that's where the

centre is in all its glory,

because we've invited all

of our exhibiting partners

to come down and have a

presence on their stand.

You know, we've got,

so not only have we got

loads and loads of people

here available for you to chat with,

so any manufacturers,

suppliers that have a stand

in the trade village.

We haven't actually

mentioned our professional services hub,

which is actually

underneath us as we're speaking.

We've got companies.

You're there.

Yeah, they're all down there.

So the companies that

exhibit underneath us are

more sort of architects, designers,


They don't have products

that you could go up and

look at on a stand,

but they offer services.

So we invite people from the

Trade Village and also the

Professional Services Hub to come down

And a lot of those

exhibitors are going to be doing talks.

So we mentioned the theatres earlier,

the Build It Theatre and

Sustainability Theatre.

So all day we've got talks

happening on a range of subjects,

which I'm sure we'll discuss in a minute.

We're offering tours of New Build Journey,

which I sort of mentioned earlier,

the building site.

So we start there and we

work all the way round.


from planning, site setup,

all the way through to finishes.

And then we've got the

renovation health tour as well,

haven't we?

We've got the one-to-one

appointment offerings.

So this is where you can sit

down with a specific expert.

So say you're interested in planning.

You could go and sit down

for twenty minutes

completely free with a

planning expert and just

talk about whatever you

want to do with your project,

any concerns, queries,

whatever stage you're at.

um and then yeah I think

those are probably the key

things really yeah it's

really the sense of firing

on all cylinders isn't it

so if you have come on your

average day um actually

what you would have found

is rob or one of our other

experts is is on the help desk

and there to support you

with any general queries,

but actually the majority

of our exhibits and trade

stands at that point are

kind of on self-service mode.

Although there may be the

odd exhibitor who's chosen

to be there that day,

maybe to have chats with people,

but actually what you'll

see is the trade village is bustling with

with all our exhibitors.

So this is the kind of top

end of the... They're there.

Yeah, this is us firing on our cylinders.

This is actually... There's

talks scheduled in both the

theatres throughout the day

that you can pick and choose from.

So actually,

if you do want to come both days,

there's going to be

different things to hear throughout.

You know,

it's not just a repeat of the same day.

I was going to ask you that.


so I don't want to get into too much


No, no.

And especially as episode...

I know we're going to go

into some detail.

Episode three will be going.

one of the rules yeah is

that we're going to go into

the details of the time we

can give a little bit of a

flavor of it and I think

really that is we've got to

tease a little bit so kind

of the general idea is that

the build it theater which

is our biggest uh biggest

exhibition space down down

the far end um actually you

kind of get your essential

journey in there so that's

where the day is structured

everything from kind of

finding land building

systems financing funding

all the essentials that you

will need for for a

self-build or for a renovation

you can cut you could go and

sit in there all day if you

wanted to and just absorb

that and actually this is

it's just a free amazing

course really because this

this event even though

we're firing all cylinders

it's still free so you can

come along and you're still

getting the absolute best

of the center and I've just

readmission and I've just

put the web link up on the

screen there that you can

go to actually I'm going to

bring it off because I'm

going to put it in the chat

from from our angle um so that

you can click that link get

your free tickets to be

able to come that's free in

advance isn't it free in

advance that's right yeah

it needs a pre-book so if

you follow the link that's

where you can get your free

tickets because on the day

it costs twelve pounds yes

so it is worth it

definitely uh everybody I'm

just gonna apologies I

forgot that I'm a man I

can't multitask that's

right I'll I'll talk a bit

more while you go so it

seems like the build it

fears a little bit

But the Sustainability

Theatre is where you'll

actually hear from a number

of our experts and exhibitors.

And they're going to be

talking about a whole range of things,

whether that's kind of insulation,

whether that's different

tech implementation from heat pumps,

mechanical heat ventilation recovery,

solar and battery storage,

roof planning systems,

anything you can think of.

There's loads of different

topics in there that are going to be,


here's forty-five minutes on this

topic specifically that you

can come and listen and ask questions.

And actually maybe that's

one of the experts you

might want to go and have a

bespoke one-on-one chat with afterwards.

But we've also got a few,

between the two theatres,

a few of the presentations

are actually panels.

So actually where you

wouldn't just hear from one

speaker at a time.

but you'll actually get a

range of opinions within

just one um one

conversation so it's great

so you actually you can

have a bit of a q a session

where you might ask your

specific question um and

whether that's about heat

and energy whether that

could be um our passive

house panel whether it's

our battle of the building

systems where you're

deciding what the structure of your

of your property could be

yeah actually you can hear

from people who maybe have

their own thoughts about

well I think this is the

best because this I think

this is the best because

this and you can hear those

pros and cons within the

same conversation so

there's loads of great

stuff there weighing it up

as well for your own

individual project your own

individual needs and once

you're hearing lots of

different thoughts you can

say well that sounds about

right for me you know and it's it's

I think it's quite

empowering to hear different options.

It's not just you're being

sold to from one company.

It's you've got this nice broad range.

Because we're all going to

have our own nuances, aren't we?

And so you need to hear that to make it go,

that's what resonates.

And there isn't a right way to do it.


I was going to say there's not a right

and wrong way.

There probably are wrong ways to do it.

Yeah, maybe.

The wrong way.

But there is not one right.

way to do anything.

There's always different

approaches to take.

And Rob, you host a lot of those panels,

don't you?

I do.

I play MC.

And sometimes it's quite interesting,

actually, because you get the audience,

and they've been there all day,

and then the first person

wants to put their hand up,

and they're trying to get

someone to interact or ask a question.

And only once one person does,

and somebody else does,

and somebody else does.

And it's great.

um and getting and what's

quite nice in those little

panel situations because we

have differing opinions of

the experts we bring with

us um and there can be a

little bit of sort of

interaction between them

agreeing on the things

because every now and again

some will throw up a really

really good question again

again and then sometimes

it's really quite

interesting because like we

haven't thought about that

and so you know and the one

thing I would say to people

is that don't think any

question is a silly question yeah okay

really it's really really

important thing don't and

don't think put your hand

up saying oh my god if I

ask this question I'm going

to be ridiculed okay that's

not how it works okay we're

not we're not there to

laugh at anybody you know

there is no silly question

because the thing is if you

don't know you don't know

okay and that's what's

important a lot of people

unfortunately don't know

what they don't know yeah

that's why coming here is

so so useful but yes never

be never be concerned am I

going to ask a silly question

But taking that a step further then,

if someone is still,

and there's plenty of

people in this bucket that still go, no,

I still don't want to ask that publicly,

they've got the ability to

ask those questions privately afterwards.

Of course they have, yes.

Of course they have.

And we actually have that

sometimes where someone's

sort of shutting up a shop

and someone will come up

and have a private

conversation with somebody.

And that's absolutely fine.

That's absolutely fine.

Because generally what we do

is when the show,

when the presentations finish,

the show doesn't finish,

if that makes sense.

So there's a little bit of

leeway afterwards.

But if you want to go and

grab somebody and have a

sort of one-to-one with them,

by all means do so.

Because I understand that

some people do not feel

comfortable wanting to put

their hand up in an

auditorium for people.

In essence,

he doesn't disappear into his

green room and whatever

rider he's demanding at this time,

he's still available for conversation.

We all are.

We keep you so busy during those show days,


You're here, there and everywhere.

There are days, but it's great.

I get here at half past

eight and some of my watchers are like,

half past five, where have they gone?

And I gather the girls are wonderful.

I've been sat in it and

they've come and brought me

a cup of coffee and said,

we haven't had one for a while.

Yeah, you don't get the chance.

They're angels.

They really are.

What should people bring with them?

Are there any tips?

I don't know how good a

question that is or not.

It is a good question, actually.

So it depends where you are

in your journey.



So I think what's important

is to try and set some basics.

What are you looking for?

So don't come here and go, I don't know.

So come here with at least

some sort of ground ideas,

the kind of things which

you're interested in,

the kind of things which

are your passions, your ideas.

Because you can then

immediately plug into somebody.

Now, so for example,

if you were going to say,

I want to build an extension on my house,

go, great.

What's it going to be like?

Because if you've got even

some rudimentary sketches,

then you can go to an

architect who's here and spend sort of,

sort of, fifteen,

twenty minutes with them, free of charge,

to get some feedback on it.


if you want to build yourself a new house,

well, first of all, where is very,

very important in terms of

looking for plots.

but also what kind of size,

what kind of shape,

what kind of thing do you want to have,

I think.

So doing a bit of research

yourself before you come

here with some ideas that you can,

so when you can come and

have a conversation,

you can have a meaningful conversation.

But not with all the answers.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Not at all.

Something to start with.


And an open mind thereafter.

Oh, my God, yes.

You must have an open mind.

Because that will then take

you down the different routes to go, oh,

I had no intention I was

going to go and speak to those people.


But now I realise I do need it.


So when it's like, for example,

when you're thinking about

building a house,

think about roughly how big you want it.


What kind of look at the

house you may be thinking

about wanting to have.

In terms of what you're building out of,

that's why this place is so brilliant,

because there's so much

information to give you a

direction to do that.

But come here with an open mind.

It's really, really important,

because then you'll get so

much more out of it.

But having a starting point, I think,

is important,

because then you can have

more meaningful

conversations with any of

the experts that are here.

again it's bringing that

visualization into it yes

because you know you're not

just it's not even just

having a blank piece of

paper it's you know if if

you're just chatting it's

quite hard to articulate it

sometimes I think if you've

got something bring

photographs so for example

if you're renovating or

want to extend the existing

house bring photographs you

know on your phone

If that's the least what you do, do that.

So people are going to go, oh, yeah,

I can see that now.

And it starts,

it's because a picture

speaks a thousand words.


So if you can bring any

information with you,

and we have actually had

people who sort of bring a

whole plastic bag full of

plans and start bringing

them all out on the table,

which is great.


So to that degree,

or someone just got their

phone out and say, well,

this is what the house looks like,

you know, which is fine.

But bring something.

That's true as well, isn't it?

Just having things on your phone as well.

I mean,

it's not just having actual

physical plans or blueprints.

Well, you might not be that far along.


If you have it, bring it.

Even if they rock up with

the Martin Luther, I have a dream,

you know, it's still the start, isn't it?

I think the thing is,

a lot of our businesses who

come thinking about their projects,

whether it's a self-build

or a renovation,

A lot of the time,

it's a couple that's coming, right?

So actually,

are you even on the same page

with each other, right?

So I think a really useful

exercise to do pre-coming

to visit us for the first time.

Yeah, you almost need it sometimes.

You know,

it's just thinking about a really

useful exercise to do

before coming along for the first time.

Maybe get together, the two of you,

whoever's going to be

involved in this decision-making,

whoever's going to be living there,

What are your wants and your

needs for this project?

And that can be just one

sheet of paper with wants

and needs on it.

And if you've got that,

that's going to help you

articulate what you must

have and what you would like to have.

I'm still loving the idea

that there's so much here

and so much knowledge here

that you could actually get

here and find both.

There is the ability to have

both of our ideas and preferences.

within the same build anyways.

Not always, I know.

But actually,

it might help you visualize that,

because if you're trying to

have that conversation

without any visual aids, actually,

if you come along here,

you've got lots of things that you can,

to use Rob's phrasing,

to poke and prod and to look at.

Actually, you can make it real.

A question then, Caden.

I don't know whether you

know the answer to this or

whether it's a silly question.

You come along,

you book for free tickets for the Friday,

and so much happens,

so many conversations that

you now want to come back

for the Saturday.

Of course, yeah.

Even if you miss the Friday,

so say if you couldn't

attend on the Friday,

you could always come on the Saturday.

We can just carry a book in a bit.

But what we hope will happen

is that you do come on the

Friday and the Saturday, you know,

if there's so much going on.

But does that become a, I've pre-booked,

and I don't know actually

whether you pre-book,

I think you do pre-book for

one of the days.


And you go,

I want to come back now tomorrow.

Does that become a pay on

the door on the Saturday?

No, no, it wouldn't be the case, no.

I didn't think it would be,

but I was going to ask that question.

It's like we were saying earlier,

a lot of people do actually

stay at hotels or they're locals,

so they think, oh,

I can just come back the

next day if they want to

follow up on some conversations.

I can imagine that would happen a lot.

It does, it does.

Or just attend the talks.


we do quite often see people here for

the two days.

and make sure that you tune

in what would it be it'd be

in four weeks time for

episode three where we're

going to go into detail on

that timetable um and we'll

pick out some of the key

things that you won't want

to miss and all of that

sort of stuff um and which

is why we're kind of almost

just teasing this at the

moment is that we're just

trying to let you know and

on that subject is there

anything new or topical in this


so I would say we actually just run a

survey every year, don't we,

of our visitors about

people running their own

projects to understand all

things about how has the

project gone or what are

the challenges they're facing,

what's gone really well.

We're actually waiting for very,

very soon to have the latest one.

But if we defer to the

twenty twenty three stats,

um and I think this will

probably still still be the

case today actually the

biggest challenge that

people see is with planning

and that's almost the

biggest bottleneck for

people um but actually

what's really encouraging

about that at the moment

fingers crossed it's

delivered is that we have a

new government who are making

I don't know if I'll say promises,

but they're making noises

in the right direction

around planning reform and

around actually making

that... Just don't dig us a hole now,

whatever you do.

Don't dig us a hole.

They can dig themselves a hole.

There's a stand over there

about digging holes, I'm sure.

It seems to be making noises

in the right direction

around being able to

actually set up planning

authority that's not going

to be such a bottleneck.

Now, obviously that needs to be delivered,


To even be saying about

those things and aiming to

do those things I think is

really positive.

So hopefully that number one

kind of challenge and

bottleneck that our

self-builders particularly

are seeing actually is

great to unblock that.

So fingers crossed.

agreed uh we've got I've got

stream along the bottom

here is the web address

again plus I've put it in

the chat although I've

noticed that it's only gone

on to the youtube and

facebook um but you can go

in the episode description

it should have the link to

the to the website

And it's got in the events page.

And you'll find this

particular event for the

eleventh and twelfth of October.

And you can book tickets, get them booked.


They're completely free if

you do it that way.

Sorry, guys,

but I'm trying to encourage

people to do that rather than go ahead.

You do.

I know you do.

And come along, get those questions ready.

As I said, we will go into more detail.

Is there anything else that

we want to cover?

I'll pick about three.

Free parking,

you can't underestimate how good it is.

For those who don't know,

if you've ever come even past the NSBRC,

you'll see that out the

front there's parking and

you might kind of go, well,

that's kind of the same as most offices.

a finite amount there no out

the back just massive now

imagine that if this as you

say if this was a warehouse

and it does have the

loading bay uh doors there

doesn't it is that trucks

would be out there and and

everything that's the kind

of space that's out the

back is just yeah have you

got a number for how many

cars that takes oh gosh I'm

not not off the top of my

head yeah I've never loved

it depends how well they

park yeah a lot hundreds

it is it's loads of parking

so get here totally free

parking good yeah you won't

get stung with kind of

hidden hidden fees like

that oh it's free entry but

you have to pay us for

parking it's no it's it's

free um you can do a meal

deal at the cafe you can do

a meal deal yeah the cafe

isn't free but it's

reasonably priced so

actually you can grab some

lunch here as well while

you're here um food and

drinks available throughout

the day um the only things

you would have sorry go on

I was thinking timings as well.

It's from it's nine to five.

I mean,

the centre itself is open till five


The show runs from nine until five.


So, yeah, it's an all day event.

So, yeah,

I think we've tried to make it as

easy as possible.


Definitely would always

recommend trying to arrive early.

There's so much on the run out of time.

You can't even get in it first thing.


So, yeah,

you won't need to get here early

to get a parking space

because there are lots of spaces.

But get here as if there was less parking.

That's what I would say.

Yeah, good idea.

And get the conversations going.

Plus, as I say, in episode three,

we'll go through the

timetable of the different

presentations that are on with them.

They, of course,

have times and you want to

make sure you get them.

Key things, though, show highlights,

huge range of independent experts,

one to one expert consultations.

Guided tours of the NSBRC's

fantastic life-size educational visits.

Three tips that were on the

site were bring your plans,

drawings and sketches,

as you rightly said there, Rob.

Arrive early, as you were just saying.

There's a packed programme of talks, demos,

case studies and tours.

The seminars start at ten.

So the show starts at nine,

the first seminars at ten.

Get settled before that.

Have a look round, grab a drink.


You want plenty of time to browse over.

Two hundred exhibited displays.

And point three is don't be

shy to ask questions.

Many experienced

representatives will be on

hand to answer your

questions and offer support

based on their experience.

And as you rightly said,

there's no daft question.

So get stuck in on it.

It's the best thing to do.

I think that covers all of

the elements of the show.


I think we could keep

talking forever and ever and ever on it,

and especially, and I know, Rob,

that we've only gone into a

bit of detail.

Future episode, I'm sure,

we'll go into more detail

about your specifics.

But the next episode is on

the eighteenth of September.

It will be twelve noon again

is the plan to go live again.

And that one is actually a

meet the experts or should

I say meet some of the experts,

because that will be a

theme that we'll do a number of times.

And we're covering three

core subjects for this one.

And that is funding a project,

finding a plot and planning permission.

I almost feel that we're

going to be skirting over

those to some extent, aren't we?

For what they could be in their own right.

That's the plan.

And who knows?

It could be then that we

establish that we need to

go into even more detail on

one of those on its own.

But watch this space.

I meant to write down who

our guests are for that one,

but I forgot them now.

We've got Tom McSherry from Build Store.

So he'll be giving all the

great financial advice.

So he's a...


he's a wealth of knowledge on that front.

So talking about all sorts of things,

being able to fund

different stages of your project,

making sure the right cash

flow is available at the right time.

And then who else have we got on that one?

Apologies, I meant to... It's all right,

I've got it.

Mark Deeds for planning.

It is Mark Dudes.

You're quite right.

I didn't want to quote

somebody who's on episode three.

But yeah,

Mark Dudes is going to be here

talking about planning.

So again, a wealth of knowledge.

And as I said as well,

that's the number one

challenge people have at the moment.

So having someone like Mark

give you some insight,

some of the inside track is

really useful.

And from the NSBRC side,

we've got Harvey joining us next time.

That's the plan.

You get a rest in two weeks.


he's got a wedding and a honeymoon to

do between now and then.

That's the plan.

We should see what Harvey

turns up for that episode then, won't it?

And then rob you all back

for episode three.

I think that really covers everything.

Thank you to everybody that has watched.

I hope you've enjoyed it.

I've loved being up here.

It's such a great location to be doing it.

You guys will be back for episode three.

We'll be back in episode three.

Plus, as I say, we'll be live.

So it'll be this motley crew for that one.

So Rob, thank you for joining.

It's been an absolute pleasure.

I hope you've enjoyed it.

As I said,

we will be back in two weeks' time.

Now you've seen how it works.

Be prepared to rock up with

some questions as you're watching it.

And it just triggers a

thought or you've got some

experience or your own

thoughts on something.

Do put them on.

It's great to get that

involvement as well.

But if you're now watching this on record,

then we're not live anymore.

then feel free to drop a

line to the guys and ask

those questions that it

maybe conjures up for you

because they're here to let you know.

What's the best way to get hold of?

Is there a generic one?

So we do have a couple of

different email addresses.

Probably the best one,

if you've just got a generic query,

would be our reception at or our main phone number,

which you can find on the website, oh,

three, four, five.

four four five five oh I

can't sorry I think it's on

the website it started off

so strong I haven't said it

in so long yeah but even if

you just comment on any of

our socials or anything and

we'll come back to you as

well so that's great and

we'll be live again before

that two weeks is going to

fly exactly thank you so

much for joining us been an

absolute pleasure we'll see you next time