7 Questions

Ashley Cinders is a Private Investigator in the windy city. When her brother is attacked while on a case, she faces off a Murderous Masked Vigilante.

Show Notes

Ashley Cinders is a Private Investigator in the windy city. When her brother is attacked while on a case, she faces off a Murderous Masked Vigilante. 

What is 7 Questions?

7 Questions is Writing Podcast where the Vtuber Aloney hangs out with a friend and together they create a story. Aloney and Scott write something together in about an hour. They might write a Movie, Tv show, Anime, or even a Video Game. Join Aloney every Month as he creates something to make us all feel a little less alone.

00;00;00;05 - 00;00;18;19
Tony B Aloney
What is the concept? Who is the cast? Where do we start? How do we leave? Where do we go? How do we lose? And where do we end up with just these seven questions in mind? I Aloney and my friend Scott will create a story as fast as we can.

00;00;19;00 - 00;01;00;22
Tony B Aloney
Enjoy the mess. Try not to cancel us. We're good boys. But what are we going to do, Scott? I have no fucking clue. Do you have no fucking clue? I know. Oh, shit. OK. OK. The opposite of fantasy, because that's what this is, our genre is action adventure, sci fi fantasy.

00;01;00;26 - 00;01;20;04
Tony B Aloney
That's what we've been doing nonstop. Either it's old timey, 1400s and hundreds, whatever like fantasy, like like Victorian fantasy, I guess you don't know what you call it. Pirate fantasy. And then we always do space fantasy. So, yeah, I mean, that's what we care about, right?

00;01;20;04 - 00;01;35;09
Tony B Aloney
That's our thing. What else could we do? What could we do? That's like the opposite. To me, a fantasy is like gritty drama, which we haven't done yet because it's too hot to touch, you know? Yeah, Una was good, but yeah, I don't know you want to do anymore.

00;01;36;10 - 00;01;52;01
Tony B Aloney
OK. Took us 20 minutes when we got there, OK, what is the concept? We're doing film noir. Are we doing old school noir? Italian neorealism? What are we doing? Well, it's our noir. Are we just doing black and white like classic detective?

00;01;53;22 - 00;02;16;13
Tony B Aloney
What do you think? OK. The classic noir movie like Detective Pikachu. And there hasn't been a noir in a long time, I'm sure that's coming up in the 30 year cycle. It's a role and it'll come out soon.

00;02;16;27 - 00;02;38;05
Tony B Aloney
I want fucking horror movies and their common kind of, but. Neo noir horror is that has been made. I will point out, nor is the Salem movie we did. But let's go even more noir. Let's let's make some rules.

00;02;38;05 - 00;02;54;12
Tony B Aloney
No space this time. Can we not do space? And no medieval and no fantasy. All right, so that means it's going to be 1920 Brooklyn. That's the third one. That's our third heat. You got to do that with now.

00;02;54;22 - 00;03;15;02
Tony B Aloney
1919 1930 Chicago like Al Capone. That's something I know. You know, I'm apparently related to him. Yeah, apparently, according to my aunt, where through marriage, where like he's like my great uncle, their time to remove or something. I don't know.

00;03;15;02 - 00;03;47;02
Tony B Aloney
Someone in my family married his son, supposedly, but I don't know this person that did the marriage, and I don't know who they married. So I doubt it's real. Anyway, who's the cast, Scott? 00, that sounds good. That reminds me of some seven psychopaths little sprinkling.

00;03;48;00 - 00;04;13;14
Tony B Aloney
OK. I like that. OK. Serial killer after criminals. Gang members. Yeah, I actually just watched a video very recently about the real life vigilante. Yeah. What was the name Phenix something? He was he was in Seattle and he dressed like a real suit like Batman, like he had like a yellow Batman clothes.

00;04;14;00 - 00;04;31;22
Tony B Aloney
And he actually did fight crime. It was crazy. Like it happened. There was a whole team like they actually fought crime in real life, like superheroes. It did not end well, but he did it. He was a boxer, and then he became like a real life superhero, like he was a boxer at first.

00;04;31;22 - 00;04;49;02
Tony B Aloney
Then he became a teacher for like special ed kids, and then he became a superhero in real life. And eventually he got in trouble for, like basically missing people or something, and he ended up showing his real face and revealing his secret identity.

00;04;50;02 - 00;05;03;11
Tony B Aloney
And he was a famous boxer, which means like, just think about how comic book that is. It was so comic book that there is a comic book about it. Anyway, OK, detective hunting down vigilante serial killer. Cool idea.

00;05;04;25 - 00;05;29;07
Tony B Aloney
So what other characters can we have? Is the detective going to have a gal Friday or a man Friday and the detectives female, a female detective man Friday? We're doing it. I can't make anything unless it's woke. It's got to be work and, uh, just, you know, come on, I'm a Wookie, I got to do it.

00;05;31;00 - 00;05;57;00
Tony B Aloney
OK, so female Detective Man, Friday, vigilante serial killer, who's the what if this was like, I just had a stupid idea, but what if this was like noir John Wick? So, yeah, it looks like. Yeah, the what if the zero killer scenes are all like, it's like, what if a detective was following John Wick?

00;05;57;27 - 00;06;11;13
Tony B Aloney
Like, you just go into the bar and there's just like 80 people killed with the pistols or like the guy that gets killed with the pencil, you know? So you get like, OK, the vigilante serial killer is going to be like a John Wick type dude.

00;06;12;04 - 00;06;30;27
Tony B Aloney
And actually, that works really well for like, you know, him killing 500 people because it's puppy got killed. It's like vigilante serial killer doing the same crazy back story, shit. Yeah. What other characters we got, we got the crime boss, right, the big crime guy.

00;06;36;20 - 00;07;04;00
Tony B Aloney
OK. Yeah, so they own the city. And they also control the cops and the entire city, so that works for like a vigilante thing. So, all right, um, do we need a mentor of some kind or since this is no ah, I guess there is no mentor and nor is there.

00;07;09;28 - 00;07;36;23
Tony B Aloney
Yeah, well, we always I always write in hero's journey, so there's a mentor in there, but I'm like, You know what, maybe maybe we just pull it out. No, no mentor. Yeah. Their tipster, who also is the bartender, they always end up going to a bar at some point.

00;07;40;16 - 00;07;57;29
Tony B Aloney
Yeah, and then I always wanted to see a detective movie where you follow the sidekick. So then maybe the detective is a dude, and then the sidekick is the female. And we're following her. I don't know. Maybe adding too much to like the formula, you know?

00;08;00;13 - 00;08;17;18
Tony B Aloney
Is there anything we can throw into this? You know, I think we have enough spices, we don't need to throw in like lizard people and aliens and shit. It can just be mobsters. It doesn't have to be. I was immediately thinking I was like, Can we add zombies?

00;08;20;01 - 00;08;46;27
Tony B Aloney
I don't have. Yeah, well, with the John Wick murder man, yeah, we need suspects, don't we? It's kind of hard doing the John Wick murder man thing. And detective, because this is like one of the clues the 700 dead bodies he left behind.

00;09;02;06 - 00;09;19;28
Tony B Aloney
Yeah. He leaves behind something that identifies him in some way, some personal thing. Right? I mean, basically, I do like the idea of a movie where you just go, you follow a detective walking around and then they walk into the crime scene that was the John Wick murder room.

00;09;19;28 - 00;09;33;03
Tony B Aloney
And while they're in there, it's like flashing to the John Wick action scene. So they're like, or it was like, it's like backwards, like you like, like, imagine the visual of a guy of a detective walking up and they walk in and they look at the room.

00;09;33;03 - 00;09;43;01
Tony B Aloney
That's a bunch of dead bodies. They go up to a dead body, and as they walk up to one, we see in their head what's going, what they're what they're imagining. But instead of just cutting to it, it's like backwards.

00;09;43;17 - 00;09;55;29
Tony B Aloney
So like you see a guy dead on the ground, he walks up to him, he stands up, you see the guy rewind up and get shot in the head and then he turns and you see the shot of the guy holding the gun, but he has no face.

00;09;59;03 - 00;10;18;04
Tony B Aloney
And it's like, I just want to write that that just seems fun to write. So, yeah, we have five of those. And then the movie's over. OK, let's we got all the characters then, right? We got Detective Man Friday homeless hipster bartender, vigilante crime boss.

00;10;18;25 - 00;10;40;01
Tony B Aloney
You want to have a red herring? I don't know if red herring works in this. Yeah. Yeah, I know. Who is the suspects, you know? Hmm. OK, then let's just start, then that's a good enough concept and cast to keep going.

00;10;40;10 - 00;10;55;20
Tony B Aloney
So let's go to the next one. OK. Where do we start? What is the safe haven for this detective and where do we meet them? OK, perfect. Makes sense. I do want to see their office at one point, but I do think starting at the bar makes sense.

00;10;56;04 - 00;11;24;00
Tony B Aloney
OK? In a seedy dove bar in a speakeasy. Yeah. Why did I get so fucking stupid that I think about that there's no bars? Yeah, there we go. OK. So it starts with detective in the bar drinking. We could just start straight up with the murder.

00;11;24;01 - 00;11;34;03
Tony B Aloney
Like we could just be. There's a guy drinking at a bar. You think that's the main guy? And then he gets shot and then the whole John Wick action scene happens, and then it cuts to the actual detective walks in.

00;11;34;11 - 00;11;57;21
Tony B Aloney
And the guy they're talking to is like, we've lost three detectives on this case. So you see the previous detective get murdered. That's usually how it starts, right? With somebody getting killed. I'm saying you start the movie with the traditional old school noir main character, you know, where he has like the speech and he's doing the whole

00;11;57;21 - 00;12;17;14
Tony B Aloney
like monologue and it's that character and then he gets shot in the middle of his speech. So he's like, you know, I saw a dame and, you know, doing the old timey. Yeah, he's in the middle of his old timey monologue and then he gets shot, and then you just see John Wick running around murdering like ten

00;12;17;14 - 00;12;48;14
Tony B Aloney
mobsters and then walking up into the bar where all the dead bodies are is our main hero. Lady, Detective, Pick, pick a female name, Scott, and we'll use that. Ashley Burfict. Tony's right. Detective actually, Cinders, that we're going with.

00;12;49;27 - 00;13;25;05
Tony B Aloney
OK. So in a speakeasy and speakeasy in Chicago, a traditional like, what's the name of the guy to know? Our had a traditional no, our man. Yeah. Is doing his monologue. Oh, yeah. You get the classic, it's you.

00;13;36;27 - 00;13;48;06
Tony B Aloney
Like, he's talking about the criminal and like catching this murderer, and he's like, OK, this man killed seven women. Terrible monster. I finally put all the clues together and then you get a guy put a gun to his back and he's like, I gotcha.

00;13;48;06 - 00;14;03;08
Tony B Aloney
See, he's like holding a gun to him, and he's like, Oh, no, it's you. And then the guy he's looking at who was holding the gun gets shot by John Wick and then he gets shot. And then you see this John Wick man just in a mask like murder, everyone in the bar.

00;14;03;22 - 00;14;43;06
Tony B Aloney
And then our hero steps in. Ashley walks in. She's like, This is a shit show. Too much. OK, then, yeah, I went too far. That's why you're here to pull me back. As to it's too confusing, yeah, it would I just saying it would be pretty fucking funny to see a scene where a guy walks up and

00;14;43;06 - 00;14;54;28
Tony B Aloney
he does the whole thing, it's you and then they both die. But all right, I get it too far. That's why you're here. That's what this show is. If it was talking it, no one, I'd be doing something weird.

00;14;57;13 - 00;16;20;27
Tony B Aloney
Yeah. Yeah, I get it. I do remember something about peace in there. I think they kept the peace negotiation thing and just put it at the end. Yeah, I think they I think they took the galaxy, the object they're trying to get still causes that like it's still stops a war.

00;16;21;06 - 00;16;42;14
Tony B Aloney
But I think they got rid of them talking about it. Yeah. Yeah, no, it's cool. That's a fucking awesome idea. I get I get why they took it out, but it's kind of a shame. And that's just like this.

00;16;42;15 - 00;17;06;13
Tony B Aloney
All right. Yeah. It is killed by the killer John Wick action. All right. Detective Ashley Sanders walks in. So usually when you do a hero's journey type thing, you get their safe haven. But I guess a detective safe haven is the job, right?

00;17;07;18 - 00;17;47;22
Tony B Aloney
So there she's going to be briefed on the case, right? Is that where we want to start it or do you want to start with her doing something else first? OK. Yeah, note in the dead detective's hand. Yeah.

00;17;48;02 - 00;18;05;07
Tony B Aloney
OK. Yeah, I just I want to set us up before we go on the adventure, you know what I mean? Yeah. OK, well, I guess, because the cast is so streamlined. I'm just I'm trying to figure out like a nice maybe she's there when he gets murdered too.

00;18;05;17 - 00;18;18;05
Tony B Aloney
Like if we cut between this detective being murdered and this woman talking to people there, maybe we can cut back to her. Like the idea that this place gets destroyed. I feel like there needs to be a scene before this.

00;18;18;19 - 00;18;35;14
Tony B Aloney
You know what I mean? I don't want to just start with there's a case, because then there's no room to get to know anybody and you don't really care, you know, I mean. Yeah. OK, I'm just I'm trying to figure out like a safe.

00;18;35;28 - 00;18;47;17
Tony B Aloney
Like, normally it would be like a guy gets murdered. He's thrown through a window into an alley or something, right? And then the our guy, you know, he does the monologue. The guy dies, talks to the people. All right.

00;18;47;17 - 00;19;04;17
Tony B Aloney
You got the case. Then he usually goes back to like his office or like to the bar to talk to somebody and like, you know, chill for a second before he goes and does the big thing. So I guess we can still do that, I guess we'll do the briefing and then the two of them go back

00;19;04;17 - 00;19;20;01
Tony B Aloney
to the office then and then the office is sort of their safe area and maybe, I don't know, maybe we can have their office get destroyed at some point. Mike, I'm just trying to figure out the first ten minutes because the first ten minutes of a movie are very particular, at least when I do them.

00;19;20;12 - 00;19;36;04
Tony B Aloney
And once you have that solid base, you can do whatever you want. So if this is like a stinger in the beginning, that's fine. But then, yeah, they need like a safe place where something starts off, like there's a catalyst that creates the events that will follow.

00;19;36;13 - 00;19;54;17
Tony B Aloney
And then there is an inciting incident that is the big thing that happens. Yeah, I feel like the inciting incident of this is there, they're like her office blowing up or something. I feel like it's just start it big if it's a big, sprawling running around Chicago chasing this guy down.

00;19;54;25 - 00;20;37;12
Tony B Aloney
I feel like it should start with boom. Are shit breaks. All right, I'm going to get the guy, you know? OK. Yeah. I just I feel like after she goes back to that office, something should happen there. Like if you think about the gun fight as the catalyst, it's like the starting moment of this whole event.

00;20;37;29 - 00;20;50;10
Tony B Aloney
And then something that happens at this bar scene needs to carry over to when she's at her office. It can't just be like, Oh, you got to do, you've got to catch the killer. All right, I'll go back home and then she's home.

00;20;50;16 - 00;21;15;22
Tony B Aloney
There's more info like, I feel like something else has got to be going on. It's not a. Perfect. See, that's something because then she goes home, she's looking at the list, then you could have someone show up at her door and she's not sure if they're there for her or not like they're going to kill her, but

00;21;15;22 - 00;21;36;12
Tony B Aloney
they're not like, it's like a fake out. Like, we don't have to have the bad guy immediately attacking their house. But just the threat of like her name on the list. Yeah. Yeah, I think that works, it could we go as far as to say like it's her family, like it's her mother or her dad or something

00;21;38;15 - 00;22;17;04
Tony B Aloney
? And then it's like then the safe haven isn't her office, it's their family's house. Enforcer. Yeah. Yeah. List of people. Her dad at the top. Boxer. Add that to the characters Mickey Sanders. Boxer and father. OK. It gives me daredevil vibes.

00;22;17;28 - 00;22;46;17
Tony B Aloney
All right. All right. Then she goes to her dad's Do we want to be at her dad's boxing place or at her dad's house? Yeah, yeah, he's you know, there's a lot there's a lot you can do with that scene, you know?

00;22;47;20 - 00;23;08;03
Tony B Aloney
Boxing Arena, daughter meeting, estranged father like they're not super tight anymore, but his name was on the list. Like, that's already an exciting scene to write, you know? OK, so so far we got who the characters are, and then we figure out how the story starts with this action scene, detective shit where she's like, 00, what's going

00;23;08;03 - 00;23;23;19
Tony B Aloney
on? Mobster yo corrupt cop is like, Hey, we need you to do this. So she pulls out the note from the victim's hand, Oh shit, my dad's on this list. Head to the dad's place. I also want to say while she's there, I feel like to get a little bit of character shit.

00;23;24;04 - 00;23;40;26
Tony B Aloney
I feel like the man Friday should be like some like skinny nerd that follow us around writing like taking notes. Yeah, like an apprentice type deal. I think he's got like a newsboy cap, and he's following her around like Shia LaBeouf in Constantine, that character.

00;23;44;10 - 00;24;03;28
Tony B Aloney
Like, just like, oh, you're so cool and then they die like halfway through the movie, that guy. Yeah. Shia LaBeouf, that's his name, his name's Shia. Just as a as a as a nod. Yeah, Sheila Murphy, the man Friday, and then her name is Ashley Cinders.

00;24;05;02 - 00;24;19;10
Tony B Aloney
OK, so she's at the boxing arena with her dad after, you know, so in the beginning, her and and are hanging out, you know, go to the speakeasy. All that goes to her dad's boxing arena. So she's at the arena.

00;24;19;10 - 00;24;30;22
Tony B Aloney
We've already established her as a character, and the man Friday is sort of like a Poindexter nerd that follows her. Now we're going to get her dad, we're going to get her backstory, as well as her dad's back story at the same time.

00;24;31;08 - 00;24;42;25
Tony B Aloney
We don't need to outright say that, hey, her dad was a boxer, and that was pretty rough on her. And now she's a detective. She's grizzled and angry at him, but also cares about him. We don't need to say that, but that's what's implied in the scene.

00;24;43;05 - 00;25;30;13
Tony B Aloney
So what happens at this boxing arena? Yeah. Confronting dad warning them. Yeah. He doesn't know, does he know who it is then, or does he have a suspect or something? Or do you want to be like him being like I got a lot of enemies.

00;25;30;28 - 00;25;55;17
Tony B Aloney
I don't know who this could be. Or do we want it to be like, Oh, so long ago? No, not that symbol. That's on the paper. Oh, no, not that guy. Yeah. Yeah, that's why I'm thinking like. OK, yeah, then I think him saying like, yeah, I got a lot of enemies, who cares?

00;25;55;26 - 00;26;19;19
Tony B Aloney
My name's on some list, whatever. Yeah. OK, so we got all that. Does anything else happen unrelated to the questioning here? Or do we just get another clue because something could happen here? It could be another action packed moment or not.

00;26;19;29 - 00;26;30;18
Tony B Aloney
You know, this could just be a pope in a pool where it's just him boxing. And while he's boxing, he's talking to her and we get like all this exposition and him clean himself off and be like, Oh, there's no problems, nothing to worry about.

00;26;31;06 - 00;26;43;14
Tony B Aloney
And then what? Like, she knows somebody after her dad. Does she watch her dad is. It's like a stakeout where he's like, I'm fine. And then she leaves and she's sitting in her car out front with her sidekick, watching her dad.

00;26;44;00 - 00;26;56;12
Tony B Aloney
Like, What would you do if you were a detective and your dad was going to attack? Well, I'd warn him. And then if he didn't take it seriously, I'd try to make it serious. And then if he left to go do a boxing thing, I would wait and watch in case something happened.

00;27;05;06 - 00;27;33;17
Tony B Aloney
Oh, it's his it's his boxing place. Yeah, he's retired and owns it, but he's training someone when she comes in. Yeah. Yeah, and it's like fighting with Big John and Big John punched him in the face or some shit or Big John standing at the back and he's training some weak guy.

00;27;33;22 - 00;27;48;29
Tony B Aloney
But yeah, that's that's good. Yeah, he's like, I'll knock him out, you know, I mean, look at me, I still got it. All right. That all works. But like I said, what happens next? So we got that. So now we need more ties to continue the mystery.

00;27;48;29 - 00;28;04;23
Tony B Aloney
So as of right now, there's names on the list. Her dad's in danger. So does she continue to care about her dad and deal with him? Or does something happen or does she go to name to them trying to justify a reason for her to go to the second name on the list?

00;28;05;00 - 00;28;19;17
Tony B Aloney
But like her dad's in danger, you know, I mean, like if my dad was in danger, I'd be watching, even if I was a strange if he didn't want, if he didn't take it seriously, I'd like go sit in my car and like, watch and like, stake out, you know, like, he's next.

00;28;19;17 - 00;28;39;12
Tony B Aloney
He's the next one on the list. OK, so she would warn him first, because she cares, and then she'd be like, I'm going to go find the other two guys before him gives us enough room to like, do two more things and then it matter.

00;28;40;19 - 00;28;54;25
Tony B Aloney
But not so long down that it'll take too long for it to matter. But yeah, so she's like, all right. She warned him. So then you have to try and be like, Why aren't we saying, why are we going to leave?

00;28;54;25 - 00;29;08;00
Tony B Aloney
And she's like, Well, he doesn't want any help, and there's still two other people in danger, so. We got to go, we got to figure out who these people are. OK? How does she figure out who these two people are and are they notable if he's killing crime bosses?

00;29;08;01 - 00;29;51;15
Tony B Aloney
I would assume the next two people in the list are related to crime. So she would know about them. Are they big names or what? Yeah. Yeah, that works. I do like that. But I want to add one other thing to that.

00;29;51;17 - 00;30;08;21
Tony B Aloney
I feel like the names on the list should be like in order of how like they should get harder as they go. Yeah. Like if you're a vigilante hunting down and killing a bunch of mobsters and you're like, you would go up the list, you would go, you would go like weakest guy first and go up like

00;30;08;21 - 00;30;35;25
Tony B Aloney
because the dad is like just an enforcer for them or whatever, like her dad is only his third on the list, so he's like a low ranking dude. So I was like the people before him. So you're saying the list should be the most important people at the top?

00;30;37;03 - 00;30;52;16
Tony B Aloney
Yeah. You know, that makes sense, because if I was a guy about to kill French people, I guess I would right the people I hate the most on top. So yeah, mob boss, chief of police enforcer and then more mob bosses, it's like, I hate this guy the most.

00;30;55;03 - 00;31;19;05
Tony B Aloney
Yeah, no, that obviously Chicago doesn't have to even be the toes for that, for that to be, in fact. But yeah. Yeah, that's why she went there first, not just because it's her dad, but also because of that.

00;31;20;26 - 00;31;31;21
Tony B Aloney
Yeah, she's like, this is a mobster and the chief of police, why is my dad number three? Like, what the fuck do you have to do with this dad? Why are you so important to this killer? All right.

00;31;31;22 - 00;31;50;19
Tony B Aloney
Yeah, then. So yeah, it goes to guy number two, goes to the mobsters mansion. Or maybe should we do the mouse mansion like where this mobster is already killed? Should we do like a like a full mansion that's been killed like everybody in the building or just like some strip club or like what?

00;31;51;24 - 00;32;05;16
Tony B Aloney
Like. What like when you come across a body, what is the most interesting and the opposite of a gym? So first we were at a bar, then we were at a gym. I think probably a house, right? Like a mansion or titty bar.

00;32;09;09 - 00;32;31;27
Tony B Aloney
Oh, yeah, there you go, how smart goes in the Mobster's House party, and he's everybody's dead. Yeah. Yeah. Dead swing players everywhere. Just imagine, like a like a badass, like I'm fucking crazy, like swing party, but everybody's like, everything's dead.

00;32;31;29 - 00;32;44;26
Tony B Aloney
The second you go in. It's like if she would have gone there first, it would have been like the traditional like mobster shit, like the traditional noir of like a lot of the DA and the party and everything, but they're already dead.

00;32;44;26 - 00;33;16;17
Tony B Aloney
And then that gives us the whole detective thing, right with the rewind time, because then you can rewind swing music backwards. That sounds fucking awesome. Yeah, like the old record player with the big fan. OK. Yeah. So dead swing players everywhere she finds the Dead Mansion Party Time Rewind detective shit.

00;33;16;27 - 00;33;42;03
Tony B Aloney
Is there a survivor or do we want to have her go straight to the police station to report what just happened? Yeah, OK. Oh, yeah, and then while she's in jail, the whole police station gets destroyed like a Terminator style.

00;33;43;14 - 00;34;23;20
Tony B Aloney
Yeah. Yeah, OK. Cops arrest her. Yeah, they ignore them. I feel like if somebody works for the mobster, though, they're fair game. So it's yeah, I don't know. The swing player being bad, though, is pretty fun. Maybe there's like one dead swing player and everybody else ran out.

00;34;26;29 - 00;34;36;25
Tony B Aloney
Yeah. OK. So she goes to the Mobster's House party and she finds the dead people, and then there's only a couple of dead people in the building, but she can like as the time rewind thing happens, you see people running away.

00;34;37;08 - 00;34;58;05
Tony B Aloney
She could see the footprints or whatever, like scuffs on the floor, like swing music, rewind. And then you see, Oh, OK, there was a guy playing violin, and she's explaining to Chaya all this shit. I do want to have a scene later where she asks where she asks Chaya to do the rewind thing, and it's less good

00;34;59;14 - 00;35;25;26
Tony B Aloney
. He's like, All right, we're never to. He says that and then it shows them rewind to the person running and then to charging, and he's like, Nope, they're not charged and they change. So like updates with what he's saying anyway.

00;35;26;20 - 00;35;46;22
Tony B Aloney
OK, so we get to the house party swingers, then swing players dead mansion time rewind. Detective shit. Cops arrive and arrest her. Maybe she has to fight the cops at first. I don't know or know, because fighting the cops, they're just going to shoot her.

00;35;48;27 - 00;36;02;14
Tony B Aloney
She just is going to get arrested then. Does she have to fight any of the survivors or all the survivors gone? OK, so all right, the cops show up and they arrest her. I'm sure we're in the writing process.

00;36;02;15 - 00;36;23;15
Tony B Aloney
It's pretty easy to write a scene where it's like, All right, everybody in this building's dead figure out everybody who's dead. All right, cops got you. That's that's enough that's a whole sequence. Yeah. She runs away. OK. All right, the next question is how do we leave, which is usually how we get out of the safe haven

00;36;24;00 - 00;36;38;23
Tony B Aloney
, but we've kind of already done all that with this cop thing. So I say we already answered that one. So we're in the police station, and before we do the whole figuring out what happens at the police station stuff, we need to figure out where we're going, like heading in the story.

00;36;39;08 - 00;36;52;14
Tony B Aloney
So she's at the police station. Shit's going down. There's going to be people getting killed. All this stuff. Police chief being attacked. Her dad's the next one on the list. So what is this big climactic moment we're leading towards?

00;36;53;02 - 00;37;07;09
Tony B Aloney
And the overarching movie and what's the moment where she loses? You know what I mean? Like, way later in the movie, I'm talking just because it'll help us shoot their fast. They get there faster if we figure it out.

00;37;09;09 - 00;37;27;16
Tony B Aloney
OK. Yeah. So that way, we don't have to kill Shia. We can just kill the bad. That's not all is lost moment is their dad is dead. So now we need to stretch the movie for her to get from police chief being attacked to her dad dead.

00;37;28;28 - 00;37;43;10
Tony B Aloney
So I feel like she needs to save her dad once if we want to keep him in. Or is it just going to be her dad dies and then the name after that? I guess there's just four names on the list, like it's like mobster, police chief, her dad.

00;37;43;19 - 00;37;58;26
Tony B Aloney
Last guy. OK, then, yeah, so they're going to kill the police chief, so we get the permit. So that means the whole movie so far is bar scene sequence thing where there's the bar, the murders she coming in.

00;37;59;02 - 00;38;12;09
Tony B Aloney
OK, like the bar in the beginning, the bar scene, the speakeasy, speakeasy, shit going down. Then we get a sequence of her going to her dad and we get the whole dad chat and learning about her past and her dad's past.

00;38;12;20 - 00;38;23;28
Tony B Aloney
He doesn't care. Then she goes to the mansion. Oh shit, the destruction. This person is rotting. Look how powerful and evil this person is killing all these people. Oh shit, the cops got her. Now she's in the police station.

00;38;24;01 - 00;38;37;13
Tony B Aloney
I need to warn them. I need to tell them up. They're getting shot because they ignored you. Now they're all dead. So I feel like there's like four scenes there where it's like arrested. Interrogation, Shia trying to get in.

00;38;37;29 - 00;39;33;18
Tony B Aloney
Maybe Shia gets arrested and then the the attack. Yeah. Or just like beaten and like abuse, like beating the shit out of her for it felt like false confession. Yeah. OK. Yeah, they did. Also, that like false interrogation, like cops beating the shit out of you, that's still a thing to this day, my aunt actually got reparations

00;39;33;18 - 00;39;46;11
Tony B Aloney
for that. Yeah, that's that shit still happens like she got paid because that should happen to her because it still happens with cops like arrest you and then they just like, sign it or will beat the shit out of you and then you sign it.

00;39;48;01 - 00;40;09;28
Tony B Aloney
OK, so she's being interrogated, tries to warn them. Beat the shit out of her. Maybe we get two different ones, too, like she tries to warn the detectives, then a corrupt cop shows up. Yeah. OK, so do you want the chief to show up?

00;40;11;06 - 00;40;21;22
Tony B Aloney
Like, so like, she's like, Yo, they're interrogating her two detectives and she's like, I've told you already, I didn't do it, it wasn't me. I'm a detective, I'm a private investigator. I was on the scene because I found this list.

00;40;21;22 - 00;40;33;17
Tony B Aloney
They're going after the chief of police and then they're going after my dad and then whoever this Ronnie dude is at the last or whatever the last name, she says, the last name. And then they're like, bullshit, blah blah blah.

00;40;34;05 - 00;40;50;22
Tony B Aloney
And then the chief shows up. Yeah, my thought was one detective is a good dude. He leaves and then the shitty detective beats the hell out of her. And then the chief shows up. Or do you want the chief to show up and beat the hell out of her?

00;40;55;20 - 00;41;40;07
Tony B Aloney
OK. Yeah, it's going to throw the book at them, literally. So then while he's attacking her, the vigilante kills him through the window. Oh, OK, so she's with him when it happens. Yeah. OK. And they haven't even booked her yet, like they don't even know her name or like have taken fingerprints that way.

00;41;40;07 - 00;42;17;16
Tony B Aloney
When she runs out, they don't go after a later. Because there's no cameras, so it's literally just fingerprinting and guessing. It could also mean that it could be they actually see their face and their target number four or target number five or whatever, or is that too much?

00;42;17;16 - 00;42;46;11
Tony B Aloney
Is that adding too much? Yeah. Yeah. Maybe, OK, we'll keep that in the back pocket, but yeah, maybe the shot of a gun fire chief is on the run. She slips out, he dies. Man, Friday shows up what the car sees the vigilante, but not their face.

00;42;46;25 - 00;43;06;22
Tony B Aloney
Perpetual anti spares them and walks past kills the chief. She escapes. All right, cool. Next is the dad, right? So she just escaped a corrupt cop who got murdered, and the next guy on the list is her dad, and she has a head start to make it to him.

00;43;07;05 - 00;43;24;19
Tony B Aloney
So are we going to get boxing arena number two? Or maybe he's somewhere else like she meets him wherever the hell he is now? OK, then we can get like, what if what if it's like a siege thing where like she has time to prep before they the guy gets there?

00;43;25;08 - 00;43;38;28
Tony B Aloney
So it's like, All right, he's coming for you. He just took out an entire mansion. He just took out all the cops. We need as many weapons as possible. We need to protect you right now. And they're like, Get all the people in the in the boxing place and all of the dad's corrupt friends to like get

00;43;38;28 - 00;43;51;29
Tony B Aloney
out guns like the dad's been running guns this whole time. He's like, Oh, they're coming for me, all right? And he pops open a locker and there's just a fucking tommy gun in there and he pulls it out and she's like, What the hell have you been into?

00;43;51;29 - 00;44;16;04
Tony B Aloney
And now you're learning more about the truth. I'm like, He is a he's not just an enforcer, he's actually a crime boss. What if Big John is is of mob boss like he pulls out the Tommy gun, she's like, What the hell are you into?

00;44;16;04 - 00;44;31;28
Tony B Aloney
And he's like, Well, it's from Big John. I told you Big John's got this, and this was like eight rows of guns and Big John pulls out like a fuckin chainsaw, or he pulls out like an 800 shotgun, like the really good shotgun pulls out a shotgun.

00;44;33;28 - 00;45;05;12
Tony B Aloney
Or like a fucking chain gun? I saw a. Oh, yeah, because the last guy on the list knows that the vigilantes come in for him. So he sent John there already before she even got there. Because this is like List two, like there was a backside of the last and it's like eight other people that are already

00;45;05;12 - 00;45;37;20
Tony B Aloney
dead or on the list, there's names checked off. So the mob boss already knows. Yeah, OK. So to recap that, all right, goes back to her dad's getting ready for the siege. Big John's got guns. Boxing and in the ring.

00;45;38;14 - 00;45;56;17
Tony B Aloney
Fuck yeah, yeah, that's what it is, big John gets his like big machine gun, his saw with the big drum and he puts it on the boxing ring. He sets it up in the middle on the stool, and he's like waiting, looking at the door, and then the vigilante comes from behind and they start boxing in the

00;45;56;17 - 00;46;15;24
Tony B Aloney
middle of the ring. Yeah, that's good. OK, so Big John's got guns, sets up in the ring with a big chain gun. The siege begins. People die in Big John vigilante fight. Does she? Yeah, the father is going to die next.

00;46;15;24 - 00;46;34;21
Tony B Aloney
So she's going to try to get the dad out. Yeah. And then he the fuckin killer pulls out a gun and fuckin shoots the dead. Or stabbed? What do you want? How do you want the dad to die, you want to get stabbed, shot choked out what?

00;46;36;04 - 00;46;44;10
Tony B Aloney
It's got to be like right in front of her, and he's got to like, take a bullet or something or she take a bullet. She would try to take a bullet for him. I don't know how does he die in this?

00;46;44;10 - 00;46;53;09
Tony B Aloney
So the siege is like they got a bunch of dudes with guns and they're safe and this dude's coming. And then him and Big John are fighting in the ring after he'd just like, killed like 20 dudes in a hallway.

00;46;55;03 - 00;47;11;19
Tony B Aloney
Because you came through the back or whatever. So how does the dad die? That's what the next thing that happens is the dad died. So like, what is what happens? What's his redeeming moment to? Because right now we've learned that he's like, we're going to add a little bit of him being a shitty dad in there, probably

00;47;12;01 - 00;47;50;13
Tony B Aloney
. But like, what do we do with this? You know? Because the guy wants to shoot him, not her. So he can't, like, take a bullet for her. Yeah. Yeah, and then he finishes him off, then what if what about this, what if so?

00;47;50;13 - 00;47;57;21
Tony B Aloney
Yeah, he says, Yeah, I can't wait to see Big John beat the hell out of him. And then he pulls out the brass knuckles beats Big John to death in front of him, and he's like, OK, we need to leave.

00;47;58;00 - 00;48;13;18
Tony B Aloney
And then they start running and they get into a back room and they have to go out the window and the windows up really high. And then they both go into the room. And maybe he locks the door and he confronts the guy because I want to hear through.

00;48;13;19 - 00;48;30;13
Tony B Aloney
I just I had the image of her in a tight space, like a window or like an alley, like trying to get out and her hearing her dad talk to the guy instead of coming with her. So like, I just I also like the idea of like a door being locked and him being on one side and

00;48;30;13 - 00;48;40;00
Tony B Aloney
her being on the other. So he's like, we're going to leave through this door, there's a window in the back we can go through. And then he she goes in and then he shuts the door behind her and locks it.

00;48;40;16 - 00;48;53;06
Tony B Aloney
And he like, says through the door, he's like, I got it. I can't. I can't live with the guilt. I got to talk to him. And then we hear through like that. Or I need you to be safe.

00;48;55;28 - 00;49;15;13
Tony B Aloney
He's trying to save her, and she's like, I can save myself. Get your ass over here and he gets killed. Maybe a mix of both. But whatever he he locks the door on purpose is what I'm saying. Yeah, I wanted it to be like a like a heroic thing, but also I kind of there's got to be

00;49;15;21 - 00;49;34;15
Tony B Aloney
I just want to have the guy talk like the bad guy. Talk to him and us hear what the fuck is going on. And so we hear echoing through the room as she's in there looking through the keyhole or whatever, like her dad getting killed by this guy and the guy basically like yelling all of his bad

00;49;34;15 - 00;49;51;12
Tony B Aloney
guy speech shit at him because that's where vengeance is about. You want them to know who's killing them. So like, maybe he takes off the mask and she sees it. Or better yet, we could still do the shakes and she's like, on the other end or something, and he sees it unless we want it, you know, fuck

00;49;51;12 - 00;50;19;15
Tony B Aloney
it. It's just her seeing it. She's looking through a keyhole over a bad shoulder. She sees the guy rip his mask off. I don't know who it is that we've already seen. We don't have any suspects, anything. While adding the John Wick Hook is like, you know, it's just like a force of nature they're fighting, it's not

00;50;19;15 - 00;50;31;28
Tony B Aloney
even like a like a mystery guy, you know what I mean? Because it's not like we can't really have like a Scooby Doo ville and be like, Yo, it was me all along because it's like he's just murdering mobsters.

00;50;32;29 - 00;50;45;24
Tony B Aloney
So the important thing is whether or not the detectives are alive, not really whether or not we know who the guy is, that's killing everybody in this one. It's not very know, Ari, but it is kind of the vibe we've gotten this.

00;50;45;26 - 00;51;03;06
Tony B Aloney
This is more of an action movie with no VAR like noir elements, you know? But yeah, I mean, who? I feel like it's just some guy who he killed his family, you know? I mean, like, I don't know how we make that super compelling with it also being a mystery.

00;51;03;21 - 00;51;27;24
Tony B Aloney
The idea is that this is the opposite side of a revenge movie, that the revenge movie is happening, and she's following it. So now it is revealed you killed my wife or you killed my daughter or whatever. Well, what is it?

00;51;34;16 - 00;51;58;18
Tony B Aloney
Mm hmm. It could be her brother that could work, we could add the brother into the boxing arena earlier, but then he would have just killed the dad. He's murdering people. Yeah. World War one. It's ten years ago.

00;52;08;12 - 00;52;24;12
Tony B Aloney
Yeah. I also had another dumb idea, which is what if it's Chaya, who's the bad guy? The reason he's not there when the when the chief of police dies because he's the killer. Like it could work. I mean, we don't either.

00;52;24;12 - 00;52;42;07
Tony B Aloney
It's her brother, it's the killer kid and it's Shia or it's, you know, the the some random dude the brother thing could work if we insert him in in the beginning. We could even have him at the bar in the beginning, and that's why she's there.

00;52;44;05 - 00;53;00;04
Tony B Aloney
Like, he's a drunk like he like, that's his cover, is that he's he's broken and drunk from, you know, the war. He's got PTSD or some shit, but actually he's like a savage killer. We never did the homeless tipster either, or the bartender.

00;53;01;09 - 00;53;27;25
Tony B Aloney
Whatever we don't need them are useless. Yeah. All right. So, brother. All right, we meet him, and let's see, we have the speakeasy. Killed her man. Friday takes notes. Crooked cop tells her stuff. Detectives hand OK. Her brother is a drunk.

00;53;30;28 - 00;53;56;07
Tony B Aloney
I kind of want him to be in the back. Her brother is drunk in the back. A little bloody, but OK. I got it. Yeah, I got it. When the killer broke in, he kicked open the door and it hit him in the face.

00;53;58;22 - 00;54;14;19
Tony B Aloney
He broke his own nose. Yeah, that shows the chaos, like when it cuts back, when she sees his face, we'll get it cut back to him eating his face into a wall. His nose is broken. He was hit by the door when the killer came in that way.

00;54;14;19 - 00;54;31;29
Tony B Aloney
He didn't see his face. He didn't see anything. Then later, he's going to be at the mansion when she's there. Maybe, maybe we can do the killer's still there when she shows up at the mansion just to give it a little bit more oomph.

00;54;32;16 - 00;54;51;04
Tony B Aloney
Since we didn't do her going to the police directly and the killer being there like she goes in the mansion, she's detective ing the bodies. She sees the killer chases after him. Cops block her. In a mask, he is in a mass.

00;55;02;14 - 00;55;20;04
Tony B Aloney
Yeah, somehow he got out and she doesn't know how. He's like a ghost, maybe at that point she suspects he's a cop. What if her brother is a cop? That would explain why he's at the police station later and why he can get around and do all this shit and why he hates the criminals.

00;55;20;20 - 00;55;50;27
Tony B Aloney
Like what? What? What if her brother is a corrupt cop? And that's why when he runs out the door into all the cops, he disappears because he is a cop took off the mask. Yeah. You add at the police station, when the chief gets killed, we can hear the killer monologuing about how he was a good cop

00;55;51;09 - 00;56;04;09
Tony B Aloney
. And it's people like you that ruin the force for me. Yeah, and his voice is different, like he's putting on a voice or something, or it's echoing, you know, Shia, here's that part because she would recognize the voice.

00;56;06;08 - 00;56;21;24
Tony B Aloney
OK, so let's see, he runs out the door, cops are all there. He's like a ghost. Cops arrest her. She she runs away. Interrogation tries the one the detectives chief shows up, beats the shit out of her gunfire.

00;56;22;06 - 00;56;45;29
Tony B Aloney
Chiefs on the run. She slips out, man. Friday shows up in the car. He sees the vigilante, but not their face. Hears them. Tell the chief that he's the reason he left the force. Yeah, I did my duty and you threw me away.

00;56;48;06 - 00;57;14;24
Tony B Aloney
And then the vigilante spares Shi'a instead of the despairing we just he kills the chief and Shia runs. Yeah. To the ship runs into Ashley Escape. OK, all right, so then she's back at her dad's the big heist, but everything is going down.

00;57;15;07 - 00;57;34;26
Tony B Aloney
She tries to get her dad out. He locks the door through the keyhole. It's revealed it's her brother. Flashback like through her eye. We see him like Matt breaking his own nose. Like in the beginning of the movie, she sees blood as a blood stain on the wall.

00;57;36;01 - 00;57;53;09
Tony B Aloney
And she doesn't know where it's from. And then she gets interrupted, and then later you see him hitting his head up against the wall to break his nose. Him hiding behind the wall after taking off his mask and the cop showing up and then cuts back to him, killing her dad.

00;57;55;06 - 00;58;12;01
Tony B Aloney
So we have now reached how do we lose that, was it. So we are now at the end, all that is left is this final arc. So she knows it's her brother. Does she run away at that point or does she like kick open the door and go to kill him?

00;58;12;01 - 00;58;35;00
Tony B Aloney
Like, what do we do? What's the final confrontation here? Do we want to have a whole separate scene for them to fight? OK, then maybe after the dad dies, the building starts on fire. Yeah. He lights the building on fire.

00;58;35;25 - 00;58;47;09
Tony B Aloney
She tries to get her brother. She tries to get her dad out, but he dies. All right. Where do we end up? That is the last part of this story. Where should the brother and sister fight to the death?

00;58;48;17 - 00;59;00;09
Tony B Aloney
Because that's what's happened, there's no cops, the cops suck. They all just got killed. The city is owned by the mob. There's one guy left on the list, right? Or was the dad the last one? You know, I feel like the dad should be the last one because it's personal.

00;59;00;10 - 00;59;14;18
Tony B Aloney
It's literally his dad. Like, there's nobody bigger than killing your own dad. Next is like there's no more on the list, like her dad's last on the list. It's it's 15 names. They're all crossed out, except for three on the end.

00;59;14;18 - 00;59;27;15
Tony B Aloney
The mob boss, the chief of police, her dad. Why the fuck is my dad on the list with chief police and the mob king? Like what the fuck? Why is Al Capone and the police chief my dad on the same list and everybody else is dead?

00;59;29;17 - 00;59;48;02
Tony B Aloney
So her brother kills her dad, burns down their home, basically, or her dad's home. Now watch, how does he does he leave her a note or some shit? Like, How does she? She's lost everything. I feel like she would go home and at her office he left a note or some shit.

00;59;50;02 - 01;00;03;28
Tony B Aloney
Oh, wait, wait, wait to give her another time. What if the brother takes Chaya like he kidnaped Chaya when he leaves? I feel like his story's done now, like he killed his dad, his dad was involved. His sister isn't.

01;00;23;23 - 01;00;40;03
Tony B Aloney
Yeah, I'm leaving. I'm taking a boat to Singapore from Chicago, Scott. Yeah. I'm going across Lake Michigan and then I'm going to get a car over there. I get it. He's like, I'm going to take a train. It's probably.

01;00;43;03 - 01;00;53;23
Tony B Aloney
I'm taking the train to L.A. or I'm taking a train in New York or I'm going to Canada. I'm going to drive all the way that the fuckin six hours up to Minnesota and cross the border to Canada.

01;00;56;10 - 01;01;15;27
Tony B Aloney
But yeah, so him calling her makes sense is. Oh, yeah, he doesn't. I forgot about that, he doesn't know, so he'd call her. Maybe he's not leaving, maybe he because he didn't get caught, right? What if he's like, all right, when we go into dinner, right?

01;01;15;28 - 01;01;30;08
Tony B Aloney
Like, he just killed like or the funeral. Her killing her brother at her dad's funeral is pretty fucking epic, though. Yeah, because I know I think about it if he doesn't know because she was looking through a keyhole.

01;01;30;17 - 01;01;46;23
Tony B Aloney
He's completed his goal. He won the revenge. We get to see what happens after the revenge movie, Scott. All right, so there's one there's basically one sequence left, so how do we get from her brother just murdered, her dad burnt down the building.

01;01;46;23 - 01;02;02;08
Tony B Aloney
There's no evidence he killed the chief of police in a mask. He killed the mobsters, all of them. He destroyed all the speakeasy. He destroyed a speakeasy like he's done. So now what? Maybe we should figure out what he wanted.

01;02;02;18 - 01;02;19;24
Tony B Aloney
Like the exact sentence, I feel like, OK, so he he was a cop. He was a good cop. Corrupt boss. Screwed him over. Then something put him over the top after it, so he got screwed over by his boss, he no longer has a job, his sister's a private investigator.

01;02;20;16 - 01;02;34;22
Tony B Aloney
So he was thinking about doing that, but then something his dad did stopped him and made him lose his shit. So did his dad kill someone? Did her dad kill her sister in law? And that's why he's here.

01;02;35;13 - 01;02;57;23
Tony B Aloney
Like, like what? Unless her brother is just gone unhinged and he found out that the dad has been working with them, and that's enough to kill his own dad. Yeah. OK, so like, what if he's gone? It would be crazy if he was fired for legitimate reasons, like he was fired for just being abusive.

01;02;58;05 - 01;03;12;09
Tony B Aloney
But that doesn't make any sense with the corrupt chief. You know? He was trying to take the chief them down like I get all that I get, I got to take down the mob bosses, so I'm a kill.

01;03;12;09 - 01;03;21;14
Tony B Aloney
All the mob boss is going to kill the chief of police, but the dad is the part that's crazy and we need a reason for him to kill his own dad. I know his dad was abusive and shit.

01;03;21;21 - 01;03;39;00
Tony B Aloney
So is that all we need? His dad abused him, so now he's going to kill him. Like, he was working with the gunrunners, obviously his dad was running guns, maybe while he's in that because we need the we, I want to figure out what he actually says in that hallway, because that'll help us figure out the end

01;03;39;15 - 01;03;54;03
Tony B Aloney
. So he says, I was a good cop. They let me go. I've killed the mobster. I've killed the chief of police. I've cleansed the city. All that's left is you, dad. I found out the truth. And then he reveals, like his dad's working with them.

01;03;57;29 - 01;04;10;25
Tony B Aloney
Are there not even his kids that he bought them? Well, I try to figure out what crime is so unspeakable that your parent could have committed that you will murder. I mean, he already hates his dad. He's already going to was wants to murder him.

01;04;11;03 - 01;04;24;20
Tony B Aloney
This is the reason is his dad selling kids like, what the fuck could he be doing? That's so awful, you know? I mean, maybe the dad really is a bad guy, you know? Yeah, OK. Maybe at the speakeasies where it all went off.

01;04;24;27 - 01;04;41;14
Tony B Aloney
He's at the speakeasy. He's getting drunk. He just lost his job. His life sucks. He's at the bottom of everything. And then he hears someone talking and he overhears the name like the mobster at the bar. Talk about what happened, whatever the thing is, right?

01;04;42;08 - 01;04;56;19
Tony B Aloney
And that's what sets him off. He's like, the police commissioner was in on it. The mob boss was in on it. His dad was in on it. The guy in this club is in on it. So like the guy at the club is drunk and he's talking about what he did, so maybe we have to cut the

01;04;56;19 - 01;05;17;28
Tony B Aloney
detective in the beginning then. Still, why I want to say the detective in the beginning just gets shot doing a different thing. It would be really funny if the the monologue in the beginning where the guys like and I did it, I killed that woman I killed, like Marjorie Cinders, I killed her with the chief of police

01;05;18;01 - 01;05;31;29
Tony B Aloney
, with the mob boss with everyone. And then the guy standing three feet to the left shoots him because he said that. And that wasn't even the crime. The detective was like arresting him for like, the detective is like, You killed Molly Hatchet.

01;05;32;09 - 01;05;46;02
Tony B Aloney
And he's like, Oh, I thought you meant when I killed. And like the thing you said earlier. And then he kills both of them in a homicidal rage. And now we can just change the beginning if we need to.

01;05;47;06 - 01;06;01;27
Tony B Aloney
But he's at him being at the bar, getting drunk and then killing the man that orchestrated something with his dad, the mobster and the chief of police. It all makes sense that because he's drunk, he writes on a piece of paper, I kill this guy.

01;06;01;28 - 01;06;33;07
Tony B Aloney
This guy, this guy, this guy. Why wouldn't he just write, dad? Or maybe he's writing down with the guys saying while he's saying it. Or the detective wrote the list. Yeah. Like, he could be completely evil and this was all premeditated.

01;06;34;12 - 01;06;53;28
Tony B Aloney
But I what we know so far. Her brother was at a speakeasy, he was at a bar. He learned something about one of the guys at the bar that the guy at the bar. The chief of police. The head of the mobsters and his dad all did something together that is worth killing all of them over.

01;06;53;29 - 01;07;09;13
Tony B Aloney
And he found that out. And now he kills them all. first, he kills the guy at the bar impulsively in front of everyone while wearing a mask, I guess. Like, do we want to say it was impulsive? Do we want to say it was premeditated because he bashes his nose into the wall so that he can cover

01;07;09;23 - 01;07;30;24
Tony B Aloney
? And he killed everyone there, too to. Well, I feel like if you just shot the guy, you wouldn't need a detective like you would need a P.I. if he shot the guy like in the middle of the crowd, he just shot to do in the face and you're like, Oh, it's that guy!

01;07;31;03 - 01;07;52;15
Tony B Aloney
You know? OK, so if we have him wearing a mask, then yeah, it's got to be premeditated, then it's like. OK. So he followed the mobster there to kill it. And then the mobster stood up the detective with a gun and was like, Hey, detective, you know who I am?

01;07;52;15 - 01;08;06;05
Tony B Aloney
You know what I did? And then our vigilante shoots the guy like the mobster because he's about to kill the detective. Like, he did it early, like the plan was. Follow this guy until he goes somewhere private and then kill him.

01;08;06;14 - 01;08;19;08
Tony B Aloney
But then he pulls a gun on this detective, and our former cop vigilante is like, I have to shoot him now. So he shoots him, hits it, takes the mask off, hits his head up against the wall a bunch and then waits to see what happens.

01;08;22;23 - 01;08;37;26
Tony B Aloney
I think it's a great cover. I think like his plan was to follow this guy out of the bar and kill him somewhere else, killing a man in the middle of a crowded bar, a criminal bar, a speakeasy is the stupidest thing you could ever do, and it would not be premeditated.

01;08;38;08 - 01;09;02;03
Tony B Aloney
Following a guy to a bar and then killing him because he's going to kill someone else does makes sense. Well, my thought was just like he stayed there because he couldn't get out. Oh, whatever, he hurts himself, the reason I said broken nose is because if you hit your head up against the wall, you break your nose

01;09;02;03 - 01;09;14;18
Tony B Aloney
and then you just say he ran. He came through the door and broke my nose and I hit the ground. I couldn't see anything like breaking my shoulders, like I could still see the guy. Like the idea of just like my thought was, he kills the guy, right?

01;09;14;18 - 01;09;26;22
Tony B Aloney
Like he's he's planning to kill him. Later, he sees him about to kill someone. He's like, All right, I got to shoot him, shoot him. Everybody freaks out. What does he do? Well, he runs into the back, takes off his mask.

01;09;26;22 - 01;09;38;23
Tony B Aloney
Maybe he's got like a separate outfit underneath that he was going to use. You know, it's like, like, like it's like a jacket or something that he can take off because it's part of the plan is to, like, have an outfit that you can hide underneath.

01;09;39;09 - 01;09;51;22
Tony B Aloney
So he goes in the back room, he changes super quick. And then he hits himself with the door, and he says the guy ran that way. Does that work? Or he breaks his own arm. And then he says, Oh, the guy just broke my arm.

01;09;52;14 - 01;10;05;04
Tony B Aloney
The reason I want him to hurt himself is because it immediately proves it wasn't him to like normal people, because if he's not wearing the outfit and a guy in a mask just shot someone, they're not going to question, Oh, he broke someone's arm or, Oh, he punched that.

01;10;05;04 - 01;10;18;10
Tony B Aloney
He broke that guy's nose when he went out the door. You know, I mean. So he gets injured in order to like cover and then his sister comes in and she's like, Oh, what's going on? And then he's like, Oh shit, she's here.

01;10;18;19 - 01;10;33;13
Tony B Aloney
So then he tells her, he's like, Oh yeah, he hit me. I didn't see anything done. So we still haven't figured out what the crime is. What do you think for men? What did they do that makes this guy go off the deep end and kill his own dad?

01;10;34;01 - 01;10;50;22
Tony B Aloney
Because we're almost done, that's all we need to figure that out. And then the movie's done. Wait, wait. I just figured it out. What if the private investigator in the beginning is him like the montage starts? It's her brother doing the monologue.

01;10;51;06 - 01;11;03;25
Tony B Aloney
He says, I tracked him down to this bar. Like, we get the whole story, right? And then you hear a gunshot and you don't know what happened. And then she walks in. She sees her brother broken nose, laying on the ground, holding a gun.

01;11;04;16 - 01;11;23;24
Tony B Aloney
A guy got killed. He tells her, I was chasing a guy, a mobster. I caught him. He, he shot me. Maybe he shoots himself. He's like, he shot me. Yeah, he's like someone killed a mobster right in front of me and ran away some, some guy in a mask, but it was him all along.

01;11;23;26 - 01;11;38;02
Tony B Aloney
Like, that's the reveal at the end of the movie is that he actually went to this bar with this guy, was getting him drunk, shot him, shot himself with the mobsters gun or with, you know, with shot himself with the same gun and then hid the gun.

01;11;38;19 - 01;11;53;03
Tony B Aloney
So instead of the bloody nose or any of that, it's we get the intro with the monologue, right? Hey, my name is where was the brother's name? Mickey Carter. The dad was Mickey. Yeah, I guess Carter was out of my head.

01;11;53;24 - 01;12;12;15
Tony B Aloney
Yeah. Carter, Sanders, right? He says, I'm Carter. Sanders city of Chicago is dead, dirty and bloody and horrible. And we get this whole monologue of like a noir monologue, right? And then he's like, I tracked the man down, the man who murdered my mother.

01;12;12;28 - 01;12;23;24
Tony B Aloney
I tracked him down at his bar. He he was right in front of me. He confessed. You see here the two of them talking, and he's like, Yes, I did it. I did it with this guy, this guy, this guy and this guy.

01;12;24;04 - 01;12;48;23
Tony B Aloney
We all did it. Then you hear the gunshot and then we see the actual detective come in, Hey, I'm actually. I'm Ashley Synder. I'm here in Chicago as a main street like we get the same intro, but from a different detective.

01;12;52;19 - 01;13;07;20
Tony B Aloney
Yeah. And then she walks in and she's with her detective man Friday, walks in, sees her brother, he's holding a note covered in blood and he's been shot. He's been shot in the shoulder and he says, I need your help.

01;13;07;23 - 01;13;21;23
Tony B Aloney
I I can't do this anymore. But he's like, I can't. I'm hurt. There was a mobster. I was tracking him down. He got shot. I tried to shoot at the guy. The guy shot me. But I have a list of all the people he's going after.

01;13;21;24 - 01;13;33;29
Tony B Aloney
Maybe. Does that work like there's one problem in this is why does the note exist now? Because before it was a note in the detective's hand. But now the detective is the brother. So what is the new note?

01;13;34;17 - 01;13;48;13
Tony B Aloney
Him telling her who he's going to kill is kind of fucked up. Him being like, Hey, a guy came in, he said four names and he shot this guy. I wrote the names down. Here's the names like, it's just not mysterious enough here.

01;13;48;13 - 01;14;06;19
Tony B Aloney
I mean. Like, where does the list come from now, because I still want him to be the detective and I still want that whole thing. Oh, yeah. Maybe she finds the list separately, and he doesn't know about it.

01;14;07;11 - 01;14;19;24
Tony B Aloney
OK, that makes sense. He before he went in there, he wrote down the people he was looking for. He found the mobster killed. The mobster said it was. It was someone else. She's looking for that guy. She finds the note.

01;14;20;03 - 01;14;31;03
Tony B Aloney
Maybe the guy that got killed had it on him, like he had the note. What if the note says, If I ever die, one of these guys did it and it has a list of the four names is at work.

01;14;31;29 - 01;14;41;18
Tony B Aloney
And then she's like, Why the fuck is my dad's name on this list? And then she goes to talk to her and she's like, You know, this guy said that you killed him. Like, why is your name on this list?

01;14;42;06 - 01;14;53;17
Tony B Aloney
This guy wrote, These are the people who would kill me on this list. Your name is on it. Why? And he's like, It's nothing. Nobody's after me. I'm fine. Go ask somebody else on the list. Then she goes, Ask the next guy.

01;14;53;17 - 01;15;03;17
Tony B Aloney
He's dead. Ask the chief of police. You say, Why is your name on this list? There's a guy going around killing people. one of them had your name on a list. They've all. He's already killed two people on this list.

01;15;03;17 - 01;15;14;15
Tony B Aloney
He's coming for you, and then he beats the shit out of her because he's like, Don't tell anybody that I'm on that list. Brother comes in and kills him. Hey, I was a cop. We got that. Then at the end, kills the father.

01;15;14;15 - 01;15;50;07
Tony B Aloney
He says, Hey, I've been planning this for weeks. You killed, mom. You beat the shit out of me. I knew you did it, but I could never prove it. So he kills his dad because his dad was going to kill him.

01;15;52;05 - 01;16;05;08
Tony B Aloney
I feel like somebody else has got to be there than if that happened, like they killed him and his wife or him and his partner. I actually like the visual of like he's in a trunk with his partner.

01;16;06;04 - 01;16;19;14
Tony B Aloney
He's a cop. Chief of police, mob boss and his own dad, along with this fourth guy, opened the door. He's like, Why the fuck are you here, dad? Why? What are his memories like I used to? You got too close, son.

01;16;21;15 - 01;16;38;09
Tony B Aloney
You got to close, son. I'm sorry, it's just business. But can they chuck him in his and his partner off the bridge? He survives. Yeah. He hasn't talked to his dad. His sister doesn't talk to his dad. So then he becomes a pie and starts killing people.

01;16;39;26 - 01;16;53;00
Tony B Aloney
Well, she's a P.I. so he's not. Yeah, I actually like the idea, he's not even a P.I., but he's doing the monologue in the beginning. Actually, that works because it the monologue makes you assume that the person you're in that's talking is a P.I..

01;16;53;11 - 01;17;05;01
Tony B Aloney
But the monologue in the beginning isn't the P.I. it's the killer. That's why I like this whole setup as complicated as it is. You could even get flashes to him being thrown in the river like in the beginning.

01;17;05;12 - 01;17;20;02
Tony B Aloney
Like, he's like, Chicago is a dirty city. You see him, you see someone the guy he's after in the beginning, you see him open the door and he says it has to be done, and then he throws him and his partner into the water, and then he wakes up and he's alive and you see him walk to

01;17;20;02 - 01;17;36;25
Tony B Aloney
the speakeasy. He finds the guy and he's like, I know it was you. I saw you do it, you know, gunshot gunshot. Well, yeah, that's what I'm saying is like we could keep some of it in the beginning if we want.

01;17;41;20 - 01;17;58;16
Tony B Aloney
OK, so then we'll just flashback to that when he's killing the dad. OK, so Chicago is a dirty city full of dirty people. Maybe I'll even add like a little splash sound effect in the background, some some subtle so that later at the end of the movie, but whatever.

01;17;58;17 - 01;18;12;15
Tony B Aloney
Anyway, he's doing the monologue detective shit tracks down a mobster. You hear three gunshots at two. You hear gunshots go off. Then you see the new detective, she says. This exact same beginning line. She's like, Chicago is a dirty city, but it's her voice.

01;18;13;14 - 01;18;25;07
Tony B Aloney
She walks up. He's there. He says, Hey, I follow this mobster here. He some guy came in and shot me and shot the mobster. We didn't see that, by the way. All we did was just hear the gunshots.

01;18;26;04 - 01;18;40;17
Tony B Aloney
We think it's just a stylistic choice. But later you find out, Oh, no. He did both shots. The movie happens. And then when the dad gets killed, he says, like, do you remember that night? And then it flashes back or whatever, and he gives him the line that his dad said to him before he threw him in

01;18;40;17 - 01;19;04;20
Tony B Aloney
the water, which is like, It's just business kid. And then he shoots him, sets the building on fire. Sister saw the whole thing. She knows her brother's a murderer. What is what is the ending here, Scott? Yeah, I guess.

01;19;06;07 - 01;19;22;01
Tony B Aloney
OK. Buildings on fire, he doesn't know she's there. She kicks open the window. Maybe it crawls out, sees him walking away, gets up. The two of them are looking at each other. He knows, she knows. She knows. He knows they're reaching for their guns.

01;19;22;14 - 01;19;50;24
Tony B Aloney
Part of me wants to have Shi'ia shoot him, just to add just to add a third element to this. Yeah, you get you hear the gunshot and you see her face, you see his face. And then you see she's holding a gun that's smoking.

01;19;51;01 - 01;20;06;25
Tony B Aloney
He shot him. And then you hear him say, Chicago is a dirty city, and then it cuts to black story over. So going through that one last time so that we can make sure we both are on the same page with this, it's an action film noir.

01;20;07;23 - 01;20;26;14
Tony B Aloney
It starts in a speakeasy. We hear a monologue from a Detective Carter Synder private investigator. Chicago is a dirty city full of dirty people. He's following a mobster to this bar. The two of them meet up. Gunshots, two of them sister, says the exact same line.

01;20;26;15 - 01;20;43;17
Tony B Aloney
Chicago is a dirty city. Walks up onto the scene investigating what's going on. Finds her brother, her brother says. I was tracking down this mobster. Some guy came in, shot me, shot the mobster. She's like, OK, moves on, finds the note.

01;20;43;25 - 01;20;56;25
Tony B Aloney
If I'm dead, this is who killed me. She takes the note. I'm the lone mobster. Chief of Police. Her dad goes to her dad's boxing arena. Yo, what the fuck. He's boxing a guy. We get to know about their past a little bit.

01;20;57;03 - 01;21;16;21
Tony B Aloney
We've completely forgotten about the brother at this point. Then she warns her dad he doesn't give a fuck. She decides to go deal with the other people. Heads to the mobsters, place mobsters. Entire mansion is destroyed. She's investigating the murder with her assistant, and we see like the rewind time effect of each of the people in the

01;21;16;21 - 01;21;28;29
Tony B Aloney
swing bars. We hear swing music backwards as she's like figuring out what's going on. She sees the killer in the distance chases after him. We get a nice chase scene through the dead mansion of dead people. He runs out the front.

01;21;29;00 - 01;21;45;02
Tony B Aloney
She follows him cops everywhere. You just hear sirens and guns pointing thrown in a jail cell. Her buddy gets away. He escapes. She's in the police station, meets with the detectives. They're interrogating her. She says the chief of police is dirty.

01;21;45;03 - 01;21;57;18
Tony B Aloney
He's on this list. We got to get him. He's going to get killed. Chief of police comes in and says, Don't tell anybody I'm fucking dirty. Beats the shit out of her. You hear gunshots. He's going to kill her so that she doesn't tell anyone.

01;21;57;28 - 01;22;08;03
Tony B Aloney
Guy comes in. They both escape or whatever. There's the big craziness of everybody dying in the police station. Chief of Police is walking away. She is on the other side of it where he could hear what's going on.

01;22;08;07 - 01;22;21;00
Tony B Aloney
Vigilante walks past Shaya and then Chaya hears through the door. The chief of police and him talking. And he says, I was a cop and you threw me away like I was nothing. You killed my partner. Your son of a bitch.

01;22;21;08 - 01;22;35;08
Tony B Aloney
Gunshot. Chaya runs away, runs into actually two of them leave. Then they go to her dad's boxing arena again and they say, Hey, they're coming for you. They just killed the other two people in this list to coming for you now.

01;22;35;16 - 01;22;47;07
Tony B Aloney
And he's like, All right, well, I'm not leaving. And she says, Why not? Like, we need to get out of here. And he says, I'll be fine. He opens the guns. Big John's got guns. Big John's got this right.

01;22;47;26 - 01;23;01;15
Tony B Aloney
Pull up the chain gun. All right. Single guy kills like 30 dudes breaking into here beats Big John with a with brass knuckles to death. The dad and the sister run into the back. The dad shuts the door and he says, You don't need to hear about this.

01;23;01;15 - 01;23;14;21
Tony B Aloney
Get out of here now. Run. She stays. He thinks she left. She's looking through the keyhole. She sees the two of them talk, he says. So I guess you lived. I guess you survived. Son rips off his mask.

01;23;15;10 - 01;23;31;27
Tony B Aloney
two of them fight dad's losing brother points that pulls out a gun. We get a flashback to when the other got killed. He got thrown in the water. His partner murdered. His dad was a part of it. He shoots his dad right in front of his sister, sets the building on.

01;23;31;27 - 01;23;41;25
Tony B Aloney
Fire goes out. Shia runs up to the glass window at the back and he's like, Hey, we need to get out. You need to get out of here. He breaks open the window. She gets out of the fire and she walks on to the street.

01;23;42;08 - 01;23;55;27
Tony B Aloney
Walking down the street is her brother. He stares at her. She stares at him. They both know what's about to happen. He pulls out his gun. She pulls out her gun. She's not going to shoot him. He puts his gun away.

01;23;56;07 - 01;24;14;25
Tony B Aloney
You hear a gunshot pan to Shia LaBeouf. Chicago is a dirty city. The end? Perfect. I think that's a good movie. It took us a while, but we. We got to move it in. It really proves that you can write anything, even if you don't know.

01;24;15;08 - 01;24;27;11
Tony B Aloney
I think it's good that we start these without knowing what the fuck we're going to do because it makes stuff like this. Like, where did we get that? You know, that was a mobile. It's pretty OK. one. Yeah.

01;24;27;11 - 01;25;04;27
Tony B Aloney
So extra listening. By. Yeah. Well, that was pretty fun. I hope you liked it. I know we missed an episode last week. We were pretty busy and the two of us could get together to record. We're going to try to record more batch episodes in the future so that we have a backlog more.

01;25;05;11 - 01;25;22;19
Tony B Aloney
But I hope you like this extra long episode. Chicago is a dirty city. Film noir is the best we could come up with, with having absolutely no idea. If you like this podcast, please like subscribe. Comment. Give YouTube and Apple a reach around.

01;25;22;29 - 01;25;29;13
Tony B Aloney
Do all the things they like to help us grow. And as always, thanks for listening. Bye.