
Join us in Episode 15 of the Changed Podcast for an uplifting and heartfelt conversation with Francine Sinclair, a woman whose life story is a beacon of faith, kindness, and transformative love.

Francine's journey, marked by extraordinary challenges and a deep-seated faith, exemplifies how love and kindness can reshape our narratives. When 'American Gangster,' a film about her father’s life, thrust her family into a media frenzy, Francine faced a pivotal moment. She could have remained in the shadows, but instead, she chose to step into the light, driven by a powerful sense of purpose and an unshakeable faith in Christ.

Her decision to share her unique story – as a child of incarcerated parents and as a woman of profound faith – not only altered her family's legacy but also sparked important conversations about issues often left unspoken. Francine's journey from the sidelines to the forefront is not just about taking control of a narrative; it's a story of how kindness can triumph over adversity, and how love can illuminate the darkest of narratives.

Throughout the episode, Francine’s larger-than-life kindness and her radiant relationship with Christ are unmistakably evident. Her warmth and genuine love for others are infectious, making it impossible to doubt the depth of her faith. She embodies the very essence of Christ’s love, using her experiences to empower others in building faith-driven personal brands and legacies.

This episode is not just an exploration of Francine’s remarkable journey; it's an invitation to experience the transformative power of love, faith, and kindness through her story. Prepare to be inspired by a woman whose life is a testament to the power of a Christ-centered existence, and the extraordinary impact one can have by simply radiating love and kindness in every aspect of life.

Introduction and Background
Encountering Jesus and Leaving the Catholic Church
Exploring Different Beliefs and Discovering Satan's Reality
Questioning the World and Finding God's Involvement
Experiencing Divine Encounters and Hearing God's Voice
Making Tough Decisions and Starting The Influential Christian Entrepreneur Podcast
Overcoming Fear and Sharing Testimonies
Empowering Christian Men in the Marketplace
Encouraging Christians to Share Their Testimonies
Closing Remarks

#ChangedPodcast #Episode15 #FrancineSinclair #RadiantFaith #KindnessAndLove #ChristCenteredLife #AmericanGangster

What is Changed?

Welcome to 'Changed' a podcast celebrating transformative encounters with Jesus Christ. Each episode unfolds powerful testimonies of profound life changes, providing inspiration for your spiritual journey. Join our community, drawing strength and encouragement to deepen your relationship with God. Witness the irrefutable evidence of lives dramatically changed by His love. We're here to inspire hope, reinforcing God's relentless pursuit, and sparking the desire to seek a life profoundly transformed. Let's chase after God together. Your journey to deeper faith starts here.

Brent Stone (00:00.725)
Hello and welcome to the change podcast. I'm Brent and I get the privilege of being here with my friend, Francine Sinclair today, we're just pumped to have her with us and it is going to bless you all, uh, just hearing not only about her encounter with the Lord, but just what she's done to walk, walk out her change after she was changed and Francine just thank you so much. Um, so excited that you're here with us and

I'm just gonna turn it over to you. I'm gonna let you start, and this is just gonna be a fun time for people just to digest everything that you wanna share with them today. It's gonna be awesome.

Francine Sinclair (00:33.752)

Francine Sinclair (00:39.27)
I'm just really happy to be here because Brent is one of those people who you would never expect to be like really jive with because I mean like we're like there's this difference in age, you know, he's a white boy, I'm a black lady, he lives in Virginia, I live in the south, I'm Puerto Rican, you know all these things and like just by looking at people you're like, you know, we're probably not going to be the bestest friends but

You know, when, when you've become a disciple of Christ, you, all of those things just fall away, right? It's just that one central thing, which is Jesus, that all of a sudden, ah, every other thing, race, age, gender falls away and you have an important commonality. So I'm really happy to be here. Sincerely, very happy to be here. Thank you so much.

Brent Stone (01:13.529)
That's right. Yeah.

Brent Stone (01:31.869)
Oh, well, the pleasure is mine and everyone that's getting the chance to digest this today, they're going to love every minute of it. I'm sure of it. So will you will you mind just starting off with where you feel the spirit taking you just as far as like, you know, your encounter and then and then we'll just go from there. Let's go from there.

Francine Sinclair (01:48.286)
Yeah. So, you know, Brent, I came from a Catholic background. I actually grew up in Puerto Rico with my grandparents. And my grandmother was a devout Catholic. My grandfather didn't go to church. He was like, I don't believe in any of that stuff. My grandmother was a devout Catholic, and she was actually being groomed to be a nun by her mother, but her mother passed away suddenly. And then so back in those days, I'm thinking maybe the early 40s,

decided to get married. And so her whole thing was, you know, church, and she had me sign it up for everything in church. So I was in Catholic church all the time. So much so that when the Pope, John Paul II went to Puerto Rico in like 1982, I was like, I don't know, seven or eight, something like that. Calculate my age there. She made me walk, like, it was like six or seven miles.

from our house to go see him because there was no way to get through traffic. So there were a lot of people walking. And I was like, it was so excruciating. I was so tired. And, you know, when we got there to the stadium, I had then to get in a queue to kiss the Pope's ring. And then when I got there and I smelled his ring, it smelled like saliva. And I was like, taking a back because when, as I grew up Catholic, it was all about

we saw the Pope or at least I saw the Pope as kind of like God on Earth or God, the intercessor between God and us. And, um, when I smelled because there were like a thousand people before me who had kissed that ring. I was like, if he's like God on earth, why does his hand smell? And so it started to kind of erode my, I'm like, wait, something's weird. Something's not right.

Brent Stone (03:23.798)

Brent Stone (03:29.657)

Brent Stone (03:37.293)
That's awesome.

Francine Sinclair (03:43.522)
And it wasn't until I was 18 that I decided to leave the Catholic Church. You know, it was all about Mary, Mary prayed the rosary. I prayed to Mary. To be honest with you, I never prayed to Jesus. I didn't know I was supposed to pray to Jesus. I prayed to Mary because it was just like, oh, she's a woman, I'm a girl kind of thing. So I just, I kind of felt more comfortable with it. But then after 18, I was less, you know, one time I was in a confession doing confessing.

And after about 20 minutes of rambling on, I asked the priest something and I realized that he did not hear anything of what I said. I'm here spilling my guts out. And I realized that he was not paying any attention whatsoever to anything I said. And suddenly I'm like, why am I doing this? Like I could just pray to God directly.

Brent Stone (04:29.397)
Oh my gosh.

Francine Sinclair (04:38.73)
Why am I doing this? So I stopped going to church altogether for many, many years, Brent. It wasn't like I had serious church hurt, but it was like, I was offended. Yeah, I guess it was church hurt. Some people have different degrees of church hurt. Some have a lot of animosity because they had serious experience. For me, it was just like, I don't get this thing with the Pope and I don't get why I need to be talking to a priest about my sins if he's not even listening to me.

And so I dabbled in Buddhism, but it didn't work for me ever because I could not concentrate to meditate because my mind is so busy all the time. So I dabbled in Buddhism. I just straight up just didn't practice any religion at all. It was completely secular. Never stopped believing.

God and that Jesus Christ existed. So I always thought I was a Christian just because I had been baptized when I was a baby, because I didn't believe that Jesus had existed and that God exists. But I felt like God was kind of like out there, out there in the sky somewhere, and that he just kind of left us to our own devices and wasn't really involved until you die and you went to go see him. Kind of like that, you know? Didn't think it was even possible to have a relationship with Jesus. Like how is it possible? Jesus is gone. He's up there in the sky somewhere.

Brent Stone (05:35.705)

Brent Stone (05:49.837)

Francine Sinclair (05:58.314)
You know, like he probably doesn't even remember. Like if anybody brought my name up to Jesus or God, they'd be like, who, who? Oh yeah. That girl like, that was my idea. And, um, unfortunately for me, that's how I just brought up my children that way. Because my husband also came from a Christian, uh, Catholic background. Um, but we weren't practicing Catholics. And, um, I always told my children that yes, God exists.

Um, but that was about it. I, I didn't really bring them up as Christians because I was secular and, um, it wasn't until 2020, the year reckoning that, um, you know, we weren't locked down and all this stuff was happening and I, I was already a bit of a conspiracy theorist because, um, you know, my son was born with severe food allergies.

like anaphylactic food, not born, he developed them after we gave him certain immunizations. I tried telling the doctor, I kept on telling the doctor what had happened, this kid could eat this before and then after this particular shot, he can't eat it anymore, like I literally had EpiPen Hospital. And so I was already deconstructing in terms of trust.

Brent Stone (07:05.769)
Yeah, totally.

Brent Stone (07:19.489)

Francine Sinclair (07:26.206)
in government trust in medical because I went down the rabbit holes and this is like 2006 so I was already deconstructing a bit but it was 2020 I was like what is going on? I was sure it was something that had to do with something that wasn't good for us but I didn't understand what so I started going down rabbit holes.

And then I realized, wait, that Satan is actually real. Like to me, I thought Satan and the devil was kind of like a Christian fever dream, kind of like crazy. Okay, maybe in the garden of maybe like, you know, you imagine him with horns and, but Satan wasn't any more involved in our lives than God was, you know.

They're having their, they have their battle out there. Sometime it's in the Bible and, and they're just kind of letting us do our thing here, you know, and I did believe in the concept of purgatory as well. So, but then after I went through all these rabbit holes, I'm like, wait, if Satan is real and it's not just that Christians are crazy, how are we still here? Because I see that something's happening right now where it

Brent Stone (08:17.933)

Francine Sinclair (08:47.67)
They're trying to take away our freedom. Like they're trying to take away where you can go, what you can do, even if you can breathe. I'm extremely claustrophobic. So the idea of putting a mask on my face was just unbearable, especially on an airplane. Yet nobody had any compassion towards me in those days. They thought I was making it up. And even if I was like stuffed up because I have allergies and I have claustrophobia, nobody cared.

Brent Stone (09:04.77)

Francine Sinclair (09:16.542)
it was just callousness. And I'm like, okay, something is, I started to realize there's something spiritual happening and because people were not acting normal. Um, and so as I went down those rabbit holes, I, I said, okay, so if, if same is real and he's here actively trying to

Brent Stone (09:26.7)

Francine Sinclair (09:42.658)
take away our breath, even our breath, everything, you know, then God must also be real and active because otherwise, how are we still living in our homes? How do we still have, why, how are we still, you know, how are we still doing anything? If God were not interceding, you know? And so that then led me to scrolling as I was through social media and I started bumping into content.

social media content, people talking about Jesus, people talking about their testimonies. I can't remember who, they don't know me, I don't know them, but there was just content that I was seeing that started softening the ground a bit. And until one day, I'm looking at a piece of content and I literally, this is on my computer screen, and I literally see Jesus's.

Brent Stone (10:13.453)

Brent Stone (10:27.914)

Francine Sinclair (10:40.418)
face behind the content. And I'm like, wait, my eyes are playing tricks on me. What's going on? Because it was a content, it was like a testimony or was something about Jesus. So I'm thinking maybe it's kind of like a trick where they put something, you know, those things that they put that you can kind of like look at things a different way and it just looks like an image or people see this trick. This is like a visual illusion.

Brent Stone (10:54.701)

Brent Stone (11:05.846)
Yeah, yeah.

Francine Sinclair (11:11.954)
But it's like breathing. Okay, so you know when somebody's breathing that you can see movement? I'm like, wait, I'm starting to freak out here. So I scroll past and then I come back to see if it went away. It's not like, but then somehow I know I'm like, I'm like, it's Jesus, I'm thinking to myself.

It's like, I was like, Willy Wonka in the chocolate factory have found a golden ticket. And I'm like, I can't tell anybody this because like Jesus knows I exist so that I'm actually alive that I'm here, why not? Oh yeah, I was so excited. It was like, I was kicking my feet up in the air. And I'm like, because some people have like this open vision or Jesus Watson, I didn't have any of that. He just showed up on my screen on social media in a piece of content, like literally.

Brent Stone (11:54.396)
So awesome.

Francine Sinclair (12:08.178)
And I'm freaking out so bad, but I didn't tell my husband. I couldn't tell anybody there. I couldn't even explain it. I'm just able to right now explain it, but I knew everybody was gonna think I was nuts. So I didn't tell anybody. And maybe a couple of days later, I actually heard audible voice say my name, but it wasn't just I heard, it was I felt. Do you know when somebody whispers in your ear, you can feel the air, the words?

Brent Stone (12:37.054)
Yeah, right.

Francine Sinclair (12:37.934)
on your ear, that's exactly what I felt. And I'm like, Jesus! I'm like, Jesus!

Brent Stone (12:45.913)
It's amazing.

Francine Sinclair (12:48.062)
I'm like, oh my God, oh my God, Jesus is talking to me. So, but again, I didn't really tell anybody that because until I started meeting Christians, they're the only ones who could actually believe me. But if I told anybody who wasn't a Christian, they'd be like, okay, she's a classroom. Definitely, she's a Christian. Because if you told me when I was secular, I'd be like, nothing about people. Listen, hearing God and I'm like, I thought people were just crazy or they were just lying. So I knew what people would think.

And I was just so excited and I went and read a Bible, I bought a Bible and I tried to start reading, but I'm like, I just wasn't understanding, you know? And because I converted, it just happened here in this office by myself. I didn't have any mentorship. I didn't really know what I was supposed to be doing. And I was stuck in that limbo for quite some time because I wasn't hearing Jesus. I wasn't...

anything, nothing was happening. I felt like I was just like stuck. And it occurred to me in April, 2023 this year that I'm supposed to be actually reading the Bible every day and praying. I don't know how I caught that big idea. Somehow, maybe somebody posted something online. I'm like, oh, that's what I'm supposed to be doing. So I started reading the Bible as best as I could. I started praying, which I was, I still feel like my prayers are.

or like really inadequate, like compared to some people, how they just get up there and they can just flow my prayers or like, you know, a three-year-old. But then I saw, I think I saw the chosen where Jesus told somebody, you don't have to have these prayers. You could just be in your quiet in your room and just say this or something like that. I'm like, okay, so maybe my prayers aren't that bad as long as I have, as I do them. And as soon as I, a while after I started praying and reading the Bible,

is when God again spoke to me, but it wasn't audible this time. It was just like, how would I say? It was like an idea that popped out of the nowhere. And then it was an idea that just wouldn't go away, that kept just like pressing on me. And the idea was this, that because I was working in this online business space and I was working with people repurposing their content for social media.

Francine Sinclair (15:14.814)
I was working with a few subject matter experts, which I really enjoy because I love interviewing people and extracting their content where they don't have time to do it and just creating social media content for them. But I was also working with some people that were in the new age. And right about then, I had some unusual interests from people in the new age, which were pretty advanced. I said pretty advanced witches type of thing.

Brent Stone (15:43.71)
Yeah, sure.

Francine Sinclair (15:44.214)
I keep pointing to some big time witchcraft stuff. And right there, God stopped me in my tracks, he said. Because I thought it was okay as long as I'm not doing it. Like as long as I'm not, you know, but then it was a strong conviction that it doesn't matter that you're not doing it. You are, if you're lending your skills to this, then you are coming into agreement with it, is what I felt.

Brent Stone (15:57.011)

Brent Stone (16:12.78)

Francine Sinclair (16:13.986)
So I had to have a couple of conversations with people and tell them that I just couldn't work with them because I was scared of having these conversations, but I had to come clean and say, I'm a Christian and I'm not trying to be judgmental. It's just that it conflicts with my beliefs and I cannot promote this type of work. I can work with someone who is, who happens to have different beliefs that is new age and I can work with you as a person, but I cannot.

help you because your business is new age. I cannot promote this.

Brent Stone (16:48.097)

Francine Sinclair (16:49.194)
And so, you know, pretty much, I just like dropped almost all my clients in there. And I was like, God, you know, I don't know what's gonna happen. Luckily, my husband has never depended on me to pay the bills around here because he would have not been happy about that. But I'm like, God, I'm just trusting you. And he gave me, then God came back and gave me the idea of, not the idea, he gave me the command.

to start this podcast called The Influential Christian Entrepreneur, gave me the name, gave me the whole idea behind it. And the whole idea is to talk about faith and work. We've always been told to society that we don't mix faith and business, but as Christians should be, we'd be listening to this. The world telling us that we aren't supposed to mix our faith and business because of fear of, oh, we're gonna offend somebody or it doesn't look professional or faith is a

personal thing that you leave at home to challenge that and ask people what they think about it. And if Christian entrepreneurs and based on what their answer is, you know, how do they implement it if they do? And so I don't want to keep going. I'm going to let you interject there because I can go off for three hours. So yeah. Yeah.

Brent Stone (18:10.153)
No, it's so good. I think that that's so good. You know, when you're talking about how you heard from the Lord, everyone hears differently. And so that's one thing I do want to say. I was reading a book here recently, Dallas Willard, Hearing God, and he talks about how people can be sure if they're hearing from the Lord or not, because a lot of people don't have the privilege of hearing like an auditory like

or like a visual, you know, whatever. I will sometimes, like when I'm praying, like even like prophetically for people, like I'll get words, but I won't like hear them. I'll see them in like my mind. And it's like, it's from him because it hits differently. And it's, and Dallas explains a lot of that in the book, which actually helped me realize like, hey, I'm not just...

hopeful that that's something from him, even though it's really encouraging and it's something that person needs to hear at that moment in time that I had no idea that they needed to hear at that moment in time, you know, all these things. But there's other things pointing to that, that that's definitely the Lord speaking, but we even sometimes have doubts. But then, you know, you read encouraging material like that, that's backed up by different scripture explaining, you know, hey, this is why this is and so that's awesome.

And I'm excited that you had that as an initial thing, but you're talking about praying and you're like, yeah, sometimes I don't know. Honestly, one of the best books I've read or actually listened to an audible on praying is by Pete Gregg, How to Pray. And it just talks about just doing it because God just desires so much that he desires us so much. He just wants to have relationship. And when we're praying, it doesn't have to be some.

lengthy thing that's really eloquent or whatever it has, it doesn't have to be any of that. It can literally just be, we're just expressing our true feelings about a scenario that's either wonderful or not wonderful or whatever. And then I remember being younger and listening to this televangelist talk about something that happens when you're just being honest with God and he said one of the best prayers you could ever pray ever.

Brent Stone (20:28.433)
And then he got really quiet and then he just yelled, help right into the microphone. That's a full prayer, right? And it right, right on its own. Not, not, not some well thought out, you know, long piece of content or anything like that, that you're trying to, you know, make perfect and send to God. It's not that at all. It's just, you're being honest with where you're at and that's what he wants. He wants a genuine relationship. So.

Francine Sinclair (20:38.492)
That's a good one.

Francine Sinclair (20:54.679)

Brent Stone (20:56.237)
I think it sounds like it's awesome, it's going awesome. And yeah, but maybe we can go into that or like how you've been walking this out because you made this tough decision to like say, hey, you know what, I can't serve this client base anymore. And I mean, I've followed you with a lot of your stuff and you're doing great, but like maybe you could tell listeners about like, you know, how it's been walking that out and what that looks like and you know, what you're excited about now.

Francine Sinclair (20:58.903)

Francine Sinclair (21:20.439)
Ha ha.

Francine Sinclair (21:25.022)
Yeah, you know, it hasn't been easy, I'll tell you that because like, a certain client base, you got to remember most of the people in the new age tend to be women. And it's a completely different mindset. It's spiritual, but just not the same type of spiritual, right? But they don't realize yet. So after

I started the podcast. I'm like, okay, God, so I mean, is this what I'm gonna do? I'm fine with doing it, but is this like what I'm gonna do? Like, just about it, because I have no idea, like I'm not a podcaster. I have no idea how to monetize this, and I don't know what I'm doing. And then I can't, I wish I was as good as you, like knowing dates. Like I didn't write these dates down. All I know is like a few weeks into planning the podcast.

It was strongly pressed upon me. And, you know, I'm learning now that when God speaks to me, one of the ways is like, I can see words, like the word or a sentence in my head, right? Kind of like somebody typing on a computer type of thing. I don't know, it's kind of like the words. And so that my new type of client that I'm gonna work with are,

Brent Stone (22:37.741)
Yeah. Totally.

Francine Sinclair (22:51.694)
Christian men who are business leaders, middle age. And I was like, I was like, what? I'm thinking to myself, I made this up. Like I made this up because I was working with a complete, I don't even know any men who are Christian business leaders. And I was like, why? I didn't understand why of it. So I tried to ignore it for like,

two months. I tried to ignore it because I was sure that I had just made that up myself. Like I don't understand why I would work with men and not just everybody who are Christians. Made no sense to me and I tried to ignore it. I went off on vacation to France in July and then when I came back from vacation, the day I came back, I ate a plum of all things with my food.

Brent Stone (23:23.033)

Francine Sinclair (23:51.49)
which I'm not allergic to plums, but this plum had happened to be a cross between a plum and an apricot, which I'm not allergic to neither one of them. And I had an anaphylactic reaction that took me a while to recognize because I had never had anaphylaxis in my life. Although I'm familiar with it because I've been dealing with my son and that by the time I realized that what I was having was an anaphylactic reaction, I was in my kitchen looking in the kitchen drawer for my son's EpiPen.

Brent Stone (24:07.967)

Francine Sinclair (24:20.142)
because I realized, oh my gosh, I'm having an allergic. And then I don't know what happened. Next thing I remember is, you know, my son screaming, my husband screaming, apparently I had passed out and they had to take me to the hospital. My blood pressure was so low, I literally almost died. Like it was hard for them to get my blood pressure back up. And in that process, I realized, I realized like,

I literally could have stepped out of my body and I had no idea what had happened. I don't remember falling, I don't remember blacking out. I literally, last thing I remember was me just having my hands in the door looking for this. And it made me realize how fragile our life is. Like, we're always thinking like, when we die, it's kind of like ahead of us, right? Or the other world, the spiritual world is kind of like ahead of us somewhere else, but it's like right here. And all it is you.

Brent Stone (25:07.549)
Right, yeah, yeah.

Francine Sinclair (25:17.942)
something happening in your body, almost like snapping a hair, and you step out of your body, and you don't even know it, so you need to wake up somewhere else.

Brent Stone (25:26.354)
Yeah. Yeah, that's really good.

Francine Sinclair (25:28.514)
That that other some that somewhere else better be heaven

Brent Stone (25:32.952)

Yeah, that's what you're saying.

Francine Sinclair (25:35.474)
You know what I'm saying? Because, you know, after I became a Christian, I'm like, this is some serious stuff. Like, almost everybody I know is gonna go to hell. And it's so easy to die. We're here, it's a miracle. The only thing that sustains us is God. It is God is the only, yet we disrespect him.

Brent Stone (25:54.674)
It's a miracle that we're here. Yeah.

Francine Sinclair (26:00.302)
take them for granted. We have no fear of God yet. Our lives is hanging by a thread, you know. And that just blew my mind. I'm like, I better do something about this. I better go tell people, do something, because I don't know, maybe this is what God would tell me. And so after that, I started taking it seriously.

Like, okay, so God, what is it that I'm supposed to do with these men you're telling me about? Oh, I got your message. What am I supposed to do? And it all has to do with, you know, the marketplace, Brent. You know, 165 million people have come into the online space to become creators, to do business online in the past three years. And as you probably know,

eight to 10 times more conversions are happening in the marketplace than at church. You know?

Brent Stone (27:00.521)
I didn't know, I didn't know it was that drastic, but I, I've heard obviously your story, but then others here in the last couple of years, but that's, that's amazing to hear

Francine Sinclair (27:11.018)
Yeah, and so all of these people are out here hanging online, scrolling for hope is really what people are doing. And we Christians are being quiet, okay? And men in particular who are the leader, if you look at the biblical view, right? Men are the leaders, you know? Men are the leaders, but...

Brent Stone (27:18.966)

Brent Stone (27:25.913)

Francine Sinclair (27:39.19)
They have been attacked so much in the past few years, especially men in leadership, because that spirit of Jezebel goes after the men in leadership because they have influence. And men have been attacked so much in the past few years with this toxic masculinity, with all of this stuff that they've just kind of like Elijah hidden in a cage, but we need to, men need to...

Brent Stone (27:48.31)

Francine Sinclair (28:06.426)
you know, take hold of their spiritual authority, Christian men, and do something, share your testimonies, use the influence that you have to leverage your influence to reach more people because, you know, the enemy is doing a great job at leveraging his people of influence on the digital platforms online, everywhere TV, but we're not doing that as much. Yeah, but these men

Brent Stone (28:09.943)

Brent Stone (28:32.158)

Francine Sinclair (28:36.174)
probably aren't gonna be the ones to, they'll tell you their stories all day, but they're not gonna sit down and write them and post them. So that's it. And part of my trepidation was like, why me? I like, okay, you're telling me to work with Christian men, especially middle-aged, which are probably a little bit more conservative, but knowing my background and just to give you, you already know this, just to give you an idea of my background.

Brent Stone (28:42.24)

Francine Sinclair (29:03.934)
And my background was pretty unorthodox. You know, my father was a literal drug dealer, like a gangster. So much so that they made a movie about him in 2007 with Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe called American Gangster. That's how notorious he was. So I'm like, wait, what do I have in common with these men? And nothing at all. Like I did not have that type of father figure in my life at all.

Brent Stone (29:20.321)

Brent Stone (29:23.829)
so bless my mind.

Francine Sinclair (29:33.718)
You know, and so, but I just trusted God and I'm trying to be obedient and know that even though I don't know the steps or what lies ahead, I'm just walking the way that he tells me to walk. And so that's my story. And I think that we Christians need to do more with the tools that we have. You don't have to be a CEO to take your story.

Brent Stone (29:33.762)

Francine Sinclair (29:59.686)
your testimony and sharing online. And your testimony is not just when you met Christ or when you came to Christ. Most people think that their testimony is the moment they came to Christ. You have a testimony every day of how Christ is working in your life. Share that and spread the gospel. So that's that.

Brent Stone (30:13.558)

Brent Stone (30:20.297)
so good. No, that's so good. So awesome. You know, I think that what God's put in your heart to do is just so timely for where society is right now. Because who better? I mean, I mean this like who better than a woman of like

where you come from to come along and combat all of the noise and be like, hey, let's empower some of these guys that should take their spiritual headship and go out and fight the good fight because for the longest time, I was concerned about my brand image on not wanting, I mean, I would tell people, hey, I'm a Christian, quietly at a barbecue, but not like I wouldn't wanna go online and start posting scripture verses and.

telling people my testimony, especially not the testimony that I had on May 31st. I mean, that's, you know, a lot of people, it's one thing to be like, yeah, I follow Jesus. And another thing being like, I was delivered from spirit of witchcraft and lizards and you know, like weird, like stuff that I never thought I would say out loud before this, before it happened, because I'm like, that stuff's crazy, but like it's not. And I know because, you know, you go through something like that and you're just like,

That happened. And so I respect you so much for just, what you're doing in your obedience to carry out God's call in your life. And...

Francine Sinclair (31:52.842)
Yeah, and I respect you because you got over that. I'm finding that a lot of Christians are there in that place where they fear messing up their reputation, their image, especially if they have a lot to lose because they built a $300 million company. Like they have everything to lose, but they also have everything to gain. We have to...

Brent Stone (32:17.957)
Oh my goodness. Yeah.

Francine Sinclair (32:22.158)
know that if you're afraid of, if you consider yourself to be a follower of Christ, you have to be willing to put everything on the line. And if you have a fear of doing that, then you have to look into your heart because God knows hearts. And we can fool ourselves. We can fool everybody else, but you can't fool Jesus. So.

Brent Stone (32:30.124)

Brent Stone (32:44.693)
Yeah, it's so true. It's so true. And you know, at the end of the day, we're not taking any of it with us. And when we get into, as God's kingdom comes down to earth and as we transition to the next stage of our being, it's like, whatever we give up in the name of growing the kingdom, or just put it out there and stake it on the line for Him, it's like...

Francine Sinclair (33:06.542)

Brent Stone (33:14.085)
He's going to take care of us, regardless of whether it's like a like a directory payment. And that's what I think a lot of people get. It's not necessarily repayment money. But like, here's the thing. He's the creator of the universe. So whatever reason people are going after for me, it was childhood wounds. You know, I was I was chasing just productivity in the name of making money simply so I could say, you know, I'm providing for my family. I was I was trying to fill holes from childhood that were black holes. I couldn't I couldn't put enough.

Francine Sinclair (33:22.391)
I'm sorry.

Brent Stone (33:43.793)
stuff in them. I couldn't put enough businesses in these holes to fill the painful points. And if I didn't get anything for basically like staking my I haven't lost stuff but let's say I do it's like I guess I there's certain things that I've lost but there's a lot more that I've gained in other areas that are so much more powerful that can fill those holes. And that's where I think people need

the testimonies like that. They need stuff like that.

Francine Sinclair (34:15.75)
Why we got to share? Why you got to share your testimony? I have to share mine. Because you're gonna encourage other people like, then this is what I need to be doing. Because if we all stay quiet, we got to stop being reactive Christians and we have to become proactive because we've let this go on for so long is where we why we are where we are and we got to fight back. So, yeah.

Brent Stone (34:18.818)

Brent Stone (34:24.142)
That's right.

Brent Stone (34:35.753)
It's so true. And here's the thing. If you're watching this, if you're listening to this right now, I'm gonna put in the show description, there's going to be links where you can link up with Francine, and I'd encourage you to reach out to her. If you're an executive, C-suite, whatever, you wanna message her, reach out to her about her mission and what God's put in her heart to do. It's just a really special time and she's helping so many people. So first off,

Francine, thank you so much for being here on the show today. This is just such an honor to have you and so excited about what you're doing to grow the kingdom. Everyone, thank you for tuning in to Change Today. Look forward to seeing you all the next time.

Francine Sinclair (35:13.174)
Thank you.

Francine Sinclair (35:18.69)
Take care, bye.