Welcome to the Love, Sex, and Leadership Podcast, where insightful dialogues and transformative teachings await. Join Aaron Kleinerman on a journey to explore the intersections of love, sexuality, and leadership. Through candid conversations with experts and live audio teachings, Aaron creates a safe space for self-discovery and empowerment. Embrace your true power, awaken your soul's wisdom, and live an inspired life as a natural, intuitive, and heart-centered leader. Dive into the mysteries of the universe and unlock the secrets to mastering the human experience. Tune in and embark on a path of profound transformation.
Ep 15 - Embodied Masculine Warrior
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Love Sex and Leadership podcast where you can discover simple tantric teachings to embody your true power awaken your soul's wisdom and live an inspired life as a natural intuitive and heart centered leader
It's your relationship with that warrior inside of you. That capacity to stand strong in the storm.
To see the challenge ahead and not to get overwhelmed by fear. But not to stand so strong that you lose your own center and you just become a stoic punching bag for others. Where is that dance inside of your own being?
Deep breath into the belly. Sound on the exhale.[00:01:00]
You ready? Opening the eyes.
And take a moment, again, to see, to see the other brothers who are here, who are on this journey. Discovering. And
today, especially this morning, we take a more embodied journey into the warrior inside of us. That healthy warrior. That has a relationship. The power tomorrow will dive even deeper into that dark power. That's inside of all of you that maybe you haven't accessed before. But today is really looking at, can you, as a man stand strong in society with the capacity to put your feet down in the stand and to be on moving, to not let [00:02:00] yourself get swayed by the wind, but to still know that tenderness and that vulnerability inside.
For myself coming from a maritime military alpha background, I learned quite strong of how to stand strong in the storm. How to be almost stoic without showing emotions and that the negative side of that is that you have a lot of beings that know how to be powerful but can't feel anything underneath.
And how many times have you ever received, whether from a brother or from the feminine. I can't feel you. Where are you Who's received that feedback? At times? Yeah. Because a lot of our upbringing as a man is taught to not express our feelings, to not let our tenderness, our anger, our sadness to be seen.
Because that would often be what would literally kill you. And not too far long ago, for many of us, and even happening right now in the world, there are men on the battlefield. [00:03:00] We're needing to hold their brother in the storm to be able to fight for ourself as well as the brother. Now that fighting capacity often has been blamed and shamed and ridiculed and taken away from a strong, you could say Me Too Movement who want men who are strong, but then don't want men in their power.
And so, how many of you have ever had the feeling of walking on eggshells? Where society tells you to be strong, be fucking a warrior, but don't be too much, and don't, don't destroy too much, and don't stand too much, because then, you know, you're gonna be looked upon poorly. And so there's this challenging dance, I know that's happened in me, even then coming out of that alpha military world into a world of, Yoga and meditation, where for a while, I felt myself just turn quite [00:04:00] asexual.
And I was just kind of like this seaweed floating in the sea. And you spend long enough in Ubud, and you can be a great seaweed in the sea moving around, and not having any connection to your fucking balls. But if you're so strongly connected to your balls, and someone's like, I can't feel you. I want to be able to feel the power and the potency of your alpha, but also The tenderness of that Yin that's inside that tenderness that's alive inside of you that needs not prove your worth upon another.
So some of the practices will be going into today will be an opportunity to look eye to eye with another brother and to recognize a part of you until you've run that energy inside that's wanted to destroy another man. That's wanted to rip another man's head off until you know that energy inside of you, then that energy [00:05:00] owns you.
That means that energy owns you in the place of you're going to blame and shame and ridicule all the places you see it on the outside. So when you can look eye to eye with another man and recognize that that man has the capacity to kill you and you have the capacity to kill him, then actually you can rise together.
Power with dynamic, not a dynamic of I need to push you down. So I feel good about myself and that way, uh, my worth is feeling okay because I pushed you down and I've been validated by my capacity to push you down, which is generally how most of the organizations and business and politics and finances work in the world today.
So what we're bringing forth in this group space, in this dynamic between men, you could say is more of an Aquarian type model of sharing power, [00:06:00] but not an Aquarian model that we're afraid of being powerful because I trust my brother right here because I know he has my back and he has the capacity inside of him to kill another, to kill another, to support me and to also support himself.
Now that doesn't mean if you know Xavier, he's not going to go out and kill someone, but if you've met him in the potency and the power inside of him, then that potency and that power actually is what creates more safety. And so the very part of you that sometimes doesn't feel safe to fully express your tears or your anger or your sadness is generally because That warrior inside of you doesn't feel safe to be the protector for the tender part.
These two pieces have to speak with one another. They have to know one another or else you're often [00:07:00] projecting the outside world to create safety for you. Or the other side is you're so strong in that warrior that you're afraid of being in your tenderness because it's unsafe to be in the tenderness.
So these two places is where you can begin to intersect and to meet. So today's journey is really about this morning activating more of that healthy warrior, that healthier warrior that can be in the battlefield, that can stand strong. That's not just going to be a seaweed in the sea getting pushed over, but actually feels a backbone inside of you.
So right now, just take a moment and bring your back straight.
And breathe into this body.
And now you have a single column of energy from the crown of your head down to the base of your spine. There's a rigidity [00:08:00] to that. There's a strength to that. But if that spine is totally rigid without a capacity to move and flow, there's Then you're just walking around stoic and not actually connected to the fluidity.
If you take for a moment and touch and meet the bones in your arms, in your legs, and this bones is what allow the flow to happen through your body. But if you're afraid of the structure, then the flow can't happen. And if you're only so immersed in the flow, Then you don't know how to stand strong in the structure.
So structure and flow, masculine and feminine, yin and yang, good and bad, kind and cruel. We're playing in the realms of polarity so that we can master polarity so that we can utilize this compare and contrast this [00:09:00] good and bad, this high and low, this light and dark. Not from a place of one being bad and one being good, but from a place of knowing thyself more deeply.
So what you are afraid of will often be the very thing that you need to confront in order to own your true power more deeply. So as we're going into practices, remember this rigidity of your spine, this open your shoulders. This expanse that connects you to your root.
But that deep connection to your, to the root from heaven to earth, if only knowing that without the flow, then you're just a pile of bones. And if only knowing the flow without the bones, and you're just floating and moving and hoping something [00:10:00] happens for you in this life. Deep breath in. Sound on the exhale.
Opening the eyes. So in a moment, we're going to go into a lot of practice, a lot of embodiment. Because this is where the rubber meets the road. Just as we're doing here, there'll be moments where I'll speak into some of the concepts that we're diving into, and we'll take on that journey. And the other thing to keep in your awareness as we move into this healthy warrior, imagine that that healthy warrior is actually what creates safety for that inner child.
Because how many of you growing up had a completely conscious deeply loving, absolutely amazing father, unless you're Phil that brings his son to a men's retreat. I know I'm [00:11:00] playing with it. I'm playing with it. Of course, he had his own challenges, of course, to bring into his son's life as every one of our fathers, as your father as well.
And so if we grow up with not releasing and letting go of that child's story, Because we're afraid of actually stepping into the power of our own being, then that child story is actually what's going to be ruling and running our life. Any of you ever felt like you're just a big boy in a man's body?
Yeah. And so this week we get to let that boy grow up, let some of those stories die, not die as if they're bad and we need to get rid of them, um, die from the place of where they're still controlling your life. And so the way this body works is that we're a bioelectric magnetic vibrating [00:12:00] machine. We have cells.
Cells are positive charges and negative charges that annihilate each other to a point of equanimity. So in your childhood, if you had moments that you didn't speak how you really felt, Express what you really need, move and vibrate your emotional body. If you did not do that, then those moments are still being held inside your body.
And as a result, because you are a bioelectric, magnetic, vibrating, attracting machine, I have here my two magnets. If I have something in my past that I'm holding on to as being negative, as being bad, then those And I haven't invoked enough of my own inner warrior to create safety for this part and side.
Then what I'm going to be doing in my present day life is attracting situations that are going to feel [00:13:00] quite similar to the pain that I went through in the past because I haven't learned to love, honor, and appreciate the gift of the past. When that cell neutralizes, it finds the other side of something that we held on to be as being negative.
Therefore, we have to recognize the advantages, how it supported you. But you might have moments in the past, maybe around mom or around dad, around the past that you're like, but that was fucking terrible. That was shitty. I wouldn't want that any, I wouldn't want that to happen again. So therefore, because you're saying to yourself you wouldn't want that to happen again, you keep attracting the same situation into your life that's trying to make you love and appreciate the perfection of the past.
How many of you have hit your head into the same brick wall over and over and over again expecting a different result? Yeah, because suddenly you expect the brick wall to be something different than the pain that you dealt with as a [00:14:00] child, and unless you feel the pain. Of what happened as a child and that brick wall is going to keep appearing, but when you neutralize, when you bring it to an equanimous state inside your being, and you have appreciation, not just from the mind, but from the body, then you're no longer need to attract that situation in your life because you've learned to love, honor, and appreciate what it is.
And part of that. is activating that warrior inside of you that says no. No. That's not welcome here and it's not a no from a place of fuck you. That was so terrible. It's a no from a place of I learned I'm fucking grateful and I'm ready to create a create a new trajectory of power in my life because I've learned the lessons that God has given me.
I can say thank you to them. I don't need to [00:15:00] live in the fear of being too much. How many of you have ever felt like you're too much? There's too much fucking power. There's too much strength. There's too much happening. When you embody that too much, then you actually can create the safety that you're most afraid that is on the other side of that too much.
Does that make sense? That safety is what then creates a field of presence. For those around you, your brothers, your family, your friends, who you can walk into a room and they know just by the power and the presence of your being that you don't need to destroy anything, but you have the capacity to destroy everything.
That's an inherent power that's inside, but if you walk around afraid, afraid of that power, afraid of being too much, And the world takes advantage of you and says, yeah, you're fucking afraid of being too much. So [00:16:00] I'm going to be too much and make you my fucking sheep. And there's a lot of sheep on this planet.
There's a lot of sheep following. Where do we go? Which way? Which way? Which way? And I know all of you are here because you're leaders. You're leaders making an impact in your community. To support both yourself and others to no longer be that cheap. And that doesn't mean you can't follow the guidance of others.
I love it when my brother leads because I know I can trust him. He has the capacity to know a relationship with death and destruction, but inside of that is able to lead from his heart, from the place within that can both destroy as well as stay centered and lead from the projection of his heart. Deep breath in, shake out the body.
So shall we dive in? [00:17:00] Yeah. One thing for a long time I was love and light because I made a commitment many lifetimes ago that would create no more suffering. So I put my warrior, I put the sword in the ground and I decided I would create no more pain and suffering, no more fighting. And I realized I was being pushed around.
So for me in this lifetime to reawaken this warrior, there was a lot of resistance. I was like, no, no, I just want peace. No, I don't want to do this warrior practice. But what I realized is as I was forcing myself, because life was forcing me into this situation where I had to regrow my power, is that the more power I have, the less people abuse me.
The more I'm able to kill, the less I have to fight. In fact, I never have a fight anymore. So this is actually for me the way of the peaceful warrior is that my warrior is so strong and I can kill without hesitation but I choose not to [00:18:00] and therefore no one challenges me and I know that we got a few martial arts masters here and I can probably confirm that that they never really have to do a real fight because in their energy field it's felt that they can kill us in a fraction of a second.
So no one really wants to challenge them or be rude to them. It's shown in those Hollywood movies where you see this old warrior who is now retired. He's just doing his own thing. And then this young impetuous ego driven man come and challenge the old guy. And they push him around and they push him around.
He doesn't want to do anything. He doesn't want to do anything. And then suddenly it's too much. And then he kills them all. This old guy. So this is this mastery that we want to have. This old guy is a peaceful warrior. But if someone pushes you too much, if someone challenges your children or your home or your country or whatever is true for your business, it's felt in your [00:19:00] energy field that you can be there fully present and serve and protect.
And this is what a woman wants to be able to trust and relax and make a family with someone. This is what the children want to feel so that they can be children and grow happy and not have this second subconscious fear that will create a next wounded generation. So if we want to be living in peace and change the world, we need to be able to serve and protect and choose peace from a place where we can choose also war.
We can choose to kill, but we choose not to. So we can defend, we can protect, but we will not attack. Does it make sense? It took me a whole year to reprogram my shame and fear and, Oh my God, everybody's going to think I'm crazy. I'm going to think I'm dangerous. They're going to put me in a hospital.
They're going to think I'm dangerous. No one's going to like me. The women are going to be afraid of me. [00:20:00] In fact, it's the opposite.