Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Tuesday the 4th June 2024.
The Welsh Government has announced that new measures to make the nation more attractive for infrastructure investment have come into law.
After being given Royal Assent, the Infrastructure (Wales) Act has become law, now simplifying the way that significant infrastructure projects in Wales are developed. The act sees major changes being made to the legislative framework, making it easier to gain consent for projects on land and at sea.
By making it easier to gain consent, more consistency and certainty can be created in how Wales is able to deliver, develop and attract further investment in infrastructure.

York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority has announced that it has approved the budget for achieving mayoral priorities, whilst also confirming the region’s Deputy Mayor.
Six priorities will benefit from £2.21 million of the Mayoral Investment Fund, with these helping to improve the understanding of communities in the region, developing a new fund, and establishing how transport and housing improvements will be achieved.
Alongside the approval of the funding, Mayor David Skaith confirmed that Pete Kilbane will be the new Deputy Mayor. Kilbane is currently a member of the Combined Authority, whilst also being Deputy Leader for City of York Council.

Cross-service collaboration and skill sharpening have been worked on over the course of a three day training exercise at Cotswold Airport.
Firefighters, police officers, ambulance crews and military personnel were all part of the exercise that honed skills on how service respond to major incidents. This included multiple scenarios, such as a plane crash, a terrorist attack, trapped casualties, and the discovery of an identified device and suspected nerve agent.
Hicks Gate Fire Station’s Watch Manager, Shane Saunders, said that it is vital to practice response and how they work alongside other agencies.

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