Torah Daily: Daily Doses of Divine Guidance on the Parsha

Unveiling the Wisdom of Shabbos Portion Shvi of Noso: Compassion, Leadership, and Divine Presence

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Welcome! Today, we explore the Shabbos portion of the Shvi of Noso, specifically chapter seven, verse 84. The analogy here likens certain figures to the kapos during Egyptian slavery. These individuals, instead of inflicting suffering, chose kindness and bore the beatings themselves. Their selflessness and compassion earned them the privilege to become leaders of the Jewish people in times of freedom.
We also delve into the dedication offering of the altar, which began on the very day the tabernacle and its vessels were anointed. This signifies the immediate sanctity and readiness of the tabernacle for holy service, with Rashi noting no defects in the holy vessels.
In verse 87, we discuss the total of twelve oxen offered as burnt offerings. A point of contemplation arises: does God's voice emanate from the doorway of the tabernacle or from the ark itself? This question invites us to reflect on the divine presence and its manifestations within the sacred space.
This podcast was produced and sponsored by Daniel Aharonoff.