The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.
Hey. What's happening? It's the Viktor Wilt Show. This morning, I tell you. You know, it's bad enough when you wake up at the time I do because every morning, it's like, why am I awake right now? So I hit snooze a lot today, which I don't really think that helps you get much extra sleep anyway because I've got multiple alarms set.
They go off, you know, every few minutes. It's just mayhem, And the cats know what the alarm clock means. They know I'm gonna get up, so they start moving around. They start getting crazy. Anyway, that was a pretty normal morning.
Alright? Waking up going, I wanna sleep more. But I started getting ready for the day, and I let Koopa outside. It's a daily thing. You know, he wants to go outside.
So let him out, and then I generally, like, take a shower, and then I'll let him back in before I come to work. So this morning, I'm getting all ready and alright. Time to time to go to work, and I, you know, spot him outside on the back deck. And I could tell looking at him immediately he'd gotten in a fight. You know, he's just a little frazzled looking.
So I I let him in and, you know, he's got blood pouring out his head. I maybe not pouring out, but, you know, he's bleeding. He's bleeding. It's like, you know, with the cat, dog, any kind of animal, little tiny wounds like that can end up turning into an abscess and an expensive vet bill. So, you know, if he hadn't grown up around the other cats that were used to going outside I don't know.
I I don't think it's ultimately good to let your cats outside, but he's he's always been outside. I can't stop now. And because he goes outside, the kitten, you know, she likes to go outside. Now she's in the habit of, yeah, I get to go outside. So, anyway, I bring him in, and he's you know, if if you've been around a cat after they get in a fight, they're on edge.
He's growling. He's hissing. But he doesn't generally attack me. So, you know, I pick him up. I'm kinda looking him over.
I notice the blood. So I'm wiping that up with some paper towels. I'm like, oh, jeez. This is a lot of blood. It wasn't like crazy, but it it was enough that I'm like, ugh.
So I get the peroxide out. And you ever tried to, clean a cat's wound on their head? They don't like it. They're not big fans of that. Luckily, you know, I've dealt with him like this before so it's not like he'd attack me again.
But he's he's very angry about it. It's like they've got the cotton swabs out. You know, I knew at this point I'm gonna be late for work. You know? Because 5, 10 minutes of dealing with cat wounds that there you go.
I was already, you know, a little behind from hitting snooze so many times. So, you know, I do the cotton swab thing, and then I'm like, alright. Does he have any claws stuck in his head, Any teeth? Anything like that? Don't see anything.
So I'm like, alright. Alright. That's good. You know, but he's he's aggravated because I'm poking and prodding him. I'm moving his hair apart and looking at the wound and poking at it?
Like, is there a claw in there? You know? You gotta do what you gotta do. And then just as a final precaution, I was like, I better put some peroxide directly on the wound. So, you know, you dump peroxide on a cat's head.
I mean, I had a towel there and, you know, so, like, if it poured off, I could wipe him up and things like that, but he's thoroughly aggravated. He's not having it. So I pour the peroxide on. It's all foaming up. All right.
Well, I'm glad I did that. You know, let's disinfect. But then he's just angry. He's just angry. And the poor little kitten, you you know, I worry about him attacking her.
He's a lot stronger than her. He's bigger than her. So I had to stay around for a few minutes and just kinda keep an eye on him, make sure he was calming down because he's just wandering around grumbling. I'm like, he's gonna attack her, but he seemed to be being a pretty good boy. So I left.
I I put a camera in the dining room because, you know, the the back windows where they tend to stare out and look at other cats and get all angry. So if they're both there and he decides to attack the kitten, I can, I don't know, rush home or something? I'm sure it'll be fine. But it stressed me out. Stressed me out this morning.
I was doing just fine. Now I'm just, you know, a little bit on edge. Hopefully, it'll clear up. And I hope your morning didn't start with any, you know, issues, issues like that. Poor little guy.
You know? I but it's my own fault, I guess. I let him outside. I I can't just keep him in. He'd go crazy.
He'd go insane if I just moving forward, never let him outside again. So I don't know. I don't know. Anyway, that was my morning so far. Now I can hopefully get my day going a little bit more normally.
But, oh, why can't it be Friday? Well, if you heard my first break, you know I've had a bit of an aggravating stressful morning. And so I figured we'd dive into something that will hopefully make us laugh. Weird things that dumb kids believe. Yeah.
Think back to when you were young. There had to be some dumb things you believed. I know I believed a lot of stupid things when I was pretty little. I'm not gonna get into specifics because I don't really have a specific that comes to mind. Or maybe I do, and I just don't wanna say what it is.
No. Let's talk about what other people think or thought. I again, hope this is a fun thread. I I I only previewed a tiny bit. Alright.
We've got, mustache warlord saying, I thought my belly button was where my skin was tied together. I thought if I messed with it too much, my skin would come off. Jeez. Now did somebody tell him that? Because I think that most things kids believe, they don't just think them up on their own.
Their parents tell them, a family member tells them, or some other kid tells them. And kids, like I've pointed out many times are uneducated. They haven't had the opportunity to learn yet. So they're gonna believe all kinds of things. You could convince kids of all kinds of crazy things because they, you know, believe adults.
It's, you know, kind of unfortunate really because of a lot of adults are pretty stupid. Alright. Anyway, the somebody commented on it. My mom told me I would internally bleed to death if I played with my belly button. I cried myself to sleep far too many nights as a kid thinking I was going to die because I accidentally poked it.
Jeez. That is horrible, horrible parenting. You gotta think about the things you tell your kids. You might be like, this is funny. But you might really terrify them.
I know there were things when I was a kid that scared me as I was going to bed. Yeah. Like, oh, jeez. And it's all all because of something somebody else told me. So ridiculous.
Alright. What else do we have? Weird things people believe as kids. Unborn Kamaza says that mushrooms can hear you and will hide when looking for them. My dad used to take me morel mushroom hunting when I was a kid and always told me to be as quiet as possible because the mushrooms will go back into the ground if they hear me.
Many years later, I found out we were just trespassing on somebody's property. Oh my gosh. Taking your kid out, trespassing. See? Another example.
Bad parenting. You know? You wanna get yourself some morels? You know, go out on your own. Not, you know, having to fill your kid's head with the mushrooms will pop back in the ground if they hear you.
Alright. Let's see. Molly Hatchett, not the band, the user says, I've got a good one. For whatever reason, I thought that if something was wrapped in plastic and kept for a really long time, it would increase in value. My parents watched a lot of antiques roadshow, which is the only explanation I can offer besides being kind of a weird kid.
So I received a wrapped game of Parcheesi for a birthday or something, and I kept it in my closet waiting for the day it would surely be worth 100. Antiques roadshow. That's one of those programs that leads to hoarding that's for sure I got all this stuff for my grandma it's gotta be worth some dough it's old no not everything that's old or wrapped in plastic is going to be worth money necessarily. Let's see. This person says ice melting in a drink made the drink colder, so if I put a bunch of ice in a drink and then microwaved it until the ice had all melted, it would make the drink super cold a lot quicker.
That's that's, you know, a kid's brain working right there. I see the process. Now that's one that I don't think somebody told them. They just went through the, you know, pondering of this situation on their own, decided, hey. I want a super cold drink.
I gotta melt this ice as quick as possible. Alright. Booker the witness says that inside street lights were trained mice with tiny ladders and lanterns. And, somebody commented they had similar thoughts about other appliances. The Flintstones.
That's who's to blame. You see something in a cartoon? Oh, oh, that's how it works. You know, this is why I'd say, you know, kids should ask their parents questions, but their parents might reinforce these crazy ideas just because they think it's funny. I remember hearing that, you know, your blood was blue when I was a kid.
You know because if you look at your veins your veins are blue and I swear I learned this in school when I think back I swear I was taught in elementary school that your blood turns red when it hits oxygen But otherwise, it's blue, which is absurd and stupid because anybody who's ever had blood drawn knows the blood comes out red. So I don't know if I am you know, I would assume I'm not remembering things correctly, but I did learn some things in school that are no longer taught. You know, they've they've changed things up a lot from when we were kids. And there are things that, we were taught as fact that it turned out were not true, and they no longer teach them. So who knows?
Maybe they did teach that. I don't know, but I remember hearing it. I remember hearing it. And you there's a little bit of logic behind it because you look at your veins and you go, oh, that looks blue. Anyway, this is kind of a fun thread.
I wanted to say kids are dumb, but a lot of it is just being misinformed for, by their parents. So I'm gonna change my tune. Kids are not dumb. Parents are dumb. All right.
I'm having a lot of fun reading through this thread about dumb and weird things that kids believed. If you've got anything dumb or weird you believed as a kid, you can call me at 208-535-1015. Doing it live here. Speaking of the phones, let's go ahead and go to the phones here. K Bear, what up?
I think we just need to generalize that people be dumb. People do be dumb. People do be dumb. Was there anything ridiculous you believed as a child? Well, you know, there's a horse on the, top of the sign on, in Sugar City.
Yes. Yes. I always thought that horse was real, and I always wondered how the they got it up on top of it. Fine. You know?
Alright. I could see a kid believe in that, and that seems like the kind of thing my parents would have told me or my dad anyway thinking. It was funny. My dad, when he was, or when I was little, we had this picture of a wolf walking through the snow, and I remember my dad telling me that, he could turn into a wolf like that. He just thought it was funny, and I probably believed it.
Oh, I wonder what happened to that picture. I wish I still had it. I have a few of his his things, but that one disappeared. Right. So alright, man.
Well, appreciate the call today. Yep. Have a good one. You too, man. Peace.
Again, 208-535-1015. The number to call if you've got anything dumb or crazy you believed as a kid, Like, this user, my mom taught me humans have 2 stomachs. 1, an ordinary stomach to a dessert stomach. Her reasoning for this, no matter how full you are, you always have room for dessert. That's not true.
Alright. I guess I have eaten like a pig too many times. There are countless occasions I can think of where, yeah, there was no room for dessert. And there's I could see the logic behind that, I suppose. Alright.
Let's see. This user said, I believed that my dad was an art collector. What kind of art did he collect? Glass blown art. He would leave his beautiful glass blown art pieces all over the house and sometimes even use them to light incense.
Bongs. My dad collected bongs. That's what this user said. Yeah. If you've got, you know, paraphernalia, 1, depending on where you live, you could get in a lot of trouble for that.
But 2, don't don't leave it out for your kids. Alright? Jeez. Alright. Let's see.
One day, my father opened a letter that arrived, and he exclaimed our neighbor died. He was an older man who was around 60 at that time. The next day, I left my house to go to school when on my way, I saw my neighbor. I seriously thought I was seeing a ghost and was freaking out. I later realized we also had neighbors on the other side, but I had only ever seen the wife of the deceased person and genuinely didn't know she wasn't living alone all this time.
Alright. Alright. That's understandable. Alright. Let's see.
I'm gonna skip that one. I thought a wildebeest was a rapper named will the beast. That's a good name for a rapper. Will the beast. I like it.
I like it. This user said, I used to think people would volunteer to be killed to make horror movies. Well, was it just yesterday I talked about how I would I would love to have been in that ice 9 kills music video and get killed by art the clown. So, I mean, essentially, people are sort of volunteering to be killed to make horror movies, but they're not volunteering to really be killed. So, you know, he was sort of on the right track there.
This user said my dad told me when I was potty training that if I sat on the toilet for too long, my toes would turn blue and fall off. Fully believed that until I was, like, 17. See? That's the problem with telling your kids some wacky things. You don't know how long they'll believe it for.
Some of them will never stop believing it. The power that parents have over their children's minds. It's pretty crazy. It's pretty crazy. I mean, you could teach your kids something and it could be the most absurd thing.
And then they pass that on to their kids. Yeah. Gotta think about these things. Alright. Let's do one more, one more user here.
Alright. Antanas on top of roofs were skeletal remains of of crashed airplanes. Alright. See, that sounds like something a kid would come up with on their own. He also said that, police would randomly check-in on houses to make sure no crimes were being committed.
So if I ate cookies or spilled juice, I'd blame it on the police. It was lieutenant Crane. Oh, this user put a bunch of different things. I'm glad that they're honest about the stupid things they believed when they were little. Gas stations were mandated to provide free air as they were responsible for depleting all air from the planet, so they had to allow anyone who needed it to get it.
Funny stuff. Funny stuff that kids come up with. Alright. Depending on how funny the rest of these are, I'm I might just keep going with these. Alright.
I just can't get enough of this thread about dumb things that kids believed when they were younger or that adults believed when they were kids. Anyway, don't rely on me for properly structured sentences. Alright? I am not a professional. Okay.
Again, if you have anything dumb you believed as a kid that was pretty funny, you can call me at 208-535-1015. Alright. This person named popular monster 111 said that grown ups knew everything, and when I was a grown up, so would I. I I think I already pointed out my my thought on this one. Yeah.
There are a lot of stupid grown ups out there. You kids listening. Let me tell you. You could confidently you can hear an adult confidently exclaim some type of factoid with a 100% conviction, full belief, and they could be completely full of crap. Alright.
I I know lots of adults because I'm an adult. I might not behave like 1 all the time but I am 1 and there are a lot of adults out there who are straight up puddin' heads that believe ridiculous things. Alright. Let's see here. I thought you had to be from a wealthy family to get good jobs and had to pay your way in.
Well, I tell you what. From from what I've seen, if you come from a wealthy family, you know, going to college, a, you know, higher level college, an expensive college, your chances of that happening gonna be a lot better if you come from a lot of money. And then also there are a number of people considered to be, like, extremely successful innovative businessmen. It's like what the they inherited a bunch of money and were able to invest it and hire a bunch of people to do the work for them. They're just rich rich kids that, you know, started a business.
You know? Doesn't mean that they, you know, aren't aren't morons. Alright? If you got the dough and you can hire the best people out there, you know, you you you could become a pretty successful business person by having a lot of other people run the show. Alright?
So they were kinda right on that one. Alright. I'm not gonna say that one. Let's skip that. I really believed that I could speak to my grandma's cat by meowing, and they understood me.
Now why is that ridiculous to think? I still think that today. Okay. I don't think my cats understand me when I meow at them. Only when I'm actually telling them things like, Koopa, why did you go out and get in a fight?
What's wrong with you? Are you stupid? Look at this. What's wrong with he doesn't understand. He's just like, why are you, dumping this horrific stuff on my head that's foaming up?
Leave me alone. Alright. Let's see here. That I'd be tall when I was an adult. Sorry.
Sorry, everybody. Not all gonna be tall. Yeah. I think once my brother who's younger than me got to be taller than me at a very young age, I was like, yeah. I ain't gonna be very tall, am I?
Never had that one floating around in my head that suddenly I'd be tall, Plus, my parents were both pretty short. So let's see. If my feet were anywhere near the edge of a bed, a monster would come and grab me. So I've slept curled up in a ball since. That had to be a parent's fault.
You get out of bed, a monster's gonna get you. See? You mess people up for life. Oh, the Cadbury eggs had raw eggs inside them. They do kinda look like they do.
Thankfully, they don't because they wouldn't be as delicious if they had raw eggs inside of them. Our hands would blow off if we stuck them out the car window. I mean, we all heard when we were kids if you have the dome light on while driving, it's illegal. Right? Which, you know, our parents were just making that up because it's annoying when the dome light's on and it, you know, a little bit harder to see.
I really love this thread. I don't know why. Maybe it just makes me feel a little bit better about the stupid adults because I'm like, you know, maybe it's not their fault. It's their parents' fault, and it's an endless cycle. You know, it makes it a little bit easier for me to have some sympathy toward idiots, I guess.
You you should still know better, though. I mean, it's it's I would say actually, you know, come to think of it. Doesn't work anymore. I was gonna say in this day and age we have access to all the information you could ever imagine with the internet but that's a lot of the problem. There's a lot of conflicting information and stupid garbage on the internet.
So I can't just say you should be able to figure it out. Well, not so easy. It depends what, you know, echo chamber you live in. Alright. I I'm gonna try to find a different topic, but I'm just I'm having a good time with these.
I don't know why. If you wanna call in with 1208-535-1015, let's go to the phone, see what we got. K Bear, what's happening? Hey. What's up?
Something stupid I believed as a kid was all adults worked together for the betterment of humanity. Well, an optimistic youth you were, Stuart. Oh, man. Yeah. That must have been a little bit crushing when you found out the truth.
Couldn't start figuring out how things really work. It was like Everybody's, you know, selfish and only gives a crap about themselves. So, okay. Yay. Oh, man.
Yeah. I think I was a lot more optimistic as a child too. I still try to be optimistic, but, boy, some days, it it gets hard. Right? Some days, it gets really hard to be like or we're not just spiraling towards doomsday.
No. No. Yeah. Yeah. I know.
You You know, there are people out there that, believe that, you know, the planet is like a a living entity. And, when when when you look at how the human body deals with viruses, you know, it heats up and tries to get rid of the virus by cooking it out of you. Getting a little toasty around the world these days. So who knows? Who knows?
Right. Well, appreciate it, Stuart. Hope you have a great day today, man. Yeah. No problem.
You too. Right on. Peace. And, again, the number to call, 208-535-1015. No.
These these are just kinda fun, lighthearted. I mean, there were some some dark things in the thread that I'm not gonna get into here, but, if you have anything fun. I guess Stewart's was kinda dark as was what I just had to say about the planet trying to wipe us off from itself. But, anyway, it's still fun. Right?
Still fun. Pierce the veil with a match into water. It's the Victor Will show. They're gonna be out on tour, hitting the whatever you saw on his called now, Utah United First Credit Union Amphitheater or something. I I don't remember what it's called because it's such a long name.
I cannot remember it. I need to dedicate the time to remembering it because it's, you know, inappropriate to call a venue that we give tickets away to all the time by an incorrect name, but it just will not stick in my head. It's just too long. Anyway, if you wanna find out about shows coming our way, we got a pretty cool new calendar at It's got local events.
It's got concerts of all types. But if you wanna just hone in on rock shows, when you go to the page, click choose an event type and go to concert slash rock, and you can bring up all of the awesome shows that are going to be coming our way in the next, many months. So I don't remember who they're playing with. Maybe I'll get to it eventually, but let's take a look at some shows that are coming up somewhat soon. Very quiet for the next about 2 months.
You know, December is, you know, just dead in the music industry. Everybody takes basically the whole month off except for radio people because we just need to work, work, work, apparently. Been talking to all my friends at the labels. They're like, yeah. I got a nice 2 week vacation kicking off on Friday.
Like, oh, good for you. How would that be? But I think they probably don't get a lot of time off throughout the year anyway. So alright. You take your 2 weeks at the end of the year.
Let's get back to these shows that are coming up. First one on the calendar, not till February 4th, That would be Silverstein and Thursday at the complex in Salt Lake City. Some of the others coming up, Play Royale. They just announced this tour yesterday, I believe. Gonna be at the Knitting Factory in Boise on February 11th.
TX 2, who opened for Ice 9 Kills, is gonna be at Neurolux in Boise on February 15th. That should be interesting. TX 2. I don't know. Neurolux is a venue that has a certain vibe, very hipster.
I mean, cool. I'm I'm I'm happy to see bands of all types coming in there, but I've only ever seen, you know, kinda underground, like doom bands or indie bands, you know, hipster bands playing at Nerlock. So that's kinda cool. Hey, Peaches. If you're listening, you spelled the name of the band decapitated wrong.
We've got decapitated. I've gotta get Peaches' grief. Peaches, look at that. You spelled it wrong. You failed.
Anyway, they're gonna be at the Metro Music Hall in Salt Lake City, February 19th along with, Incantation, Darkest Hour, and Ex Mortise. Got the plot and you coming up at The Depot, disturbed with 3 days grace and 7 dust at the Idaho center February 25th. Alright. You know, these are all pretty good but I'm, like, where where's the show that I've just gotta see? Alright.
We got Poppy, March 16th at the complex. They haven't announced the support for that tour yet but I have never seen Poppy live. What day of the week's that? March 16th. I should probably go.
You know, and I've tried many times to line up an interview with Poppy, and it's always a fail. Maybe I could line 1 up at the show. That'd be cool. That's a Sunday. Alright.
Well, Sunday's not too bad. You know, it's not middle of the week and taking a Monday off. That sounds pretty good. It's too bad that Killswitch isn't gonna be in Salt Lake. They're gonna be in Boise the following night.
That'd be great to see Killswitch and Poppy back to back, but I've done that drive once with Ben from the advocates. We went and saw a Sleep Token in Boise and then we bombed down from Boise to Salt Lake to see Bad Omens the next night. That's that's just too much travel. Too much. I mean, part of the problem was I picked up some kind of bug and got sick, But I think because this one's on a Saturday night, I think Jade and I may go to make them suffer like moths to flames and wind waker at the complex at the end of March, March 29th.
So there are a lot of shows getting announced. The only thing we need is a show to be announced that's a rock or metal show at the Mountain America Center in Idaho Falls. So, hopefully, we'll hear something about that venue soon. Anyway, there's my long winded concert update, and I skipped a bunch of shows. You should go check out the concert calendar at kbear dotfm.
Lots of other great bands come in Spirit Box, the used, Memphis May Fire, While She Sleeps, Chelsea Grin, Machine Head. It it goes on and on. Meshuggah. Oh, Meshuggah. I gotta go to that show too.
Make them suffer with epitaph. If you're listening to the show on demand, that's why you should listen live. You get the music as well, live on air. Every weekday, 6 AM to 10 AM, you can stream us in the free k Bear 101 app. You know, I was talking about make them suffer couple songs ago and how Jade and I had discussed possibly going to see that band in Salt Lake City at the end of March.
Great lineup with, like, moths to flames and wind waker. Sounds like a good time. I don't know a lot about Make Them Suffer, but I know that their songs are catchy, and I really like them. When I did some googling on the band, it turns out that, the keyboardist and clean singer, the the female vocalist, her name's Book of Nyle. I guess she was on a reality TV show during the pandemic because, you know, touring had shut down for bands and things like that, and she's like, what am I gonna do?
We got all this time. Can't make any music. I'm gonna go be on this reality show called Married at First Sight. And I guess this is one of these shows where, I don't know, you they show you know, you you meet somebody and I I don't know. I I didn't pull up episodes and try to get the gist of how it works, but it's one of these bachelor type shows, you know, or the bachelorette or something like that.
So she was talking about, you know, the dude she got hooked up with on the show. And she asked him and this, I guess, went viral in Australia, make them suffer in Australian band, but she asked him, have you ever listened to, like, metal core? And I guess that was a a bit of a meme over there. But this guy, he listened to a little bit of Make Them Suffer, and he's like, it makes it feel like my ears are bleeding. Oh, he hated metal.
Yeah. He said that, the music made him feel anxious and that it was horrific. Alright. Ladies, if you meet a guy, and he's like, oh, metal hurts my ear. Get rid of them.
Get rid of them. Like, we've talked about on air how I, you know, could never imagine being in a relationship with someone that you disagree with politically. Seems impossible. Impossible. I you know what?
There are supposedly people out there doing it. How in this day and age, especially, I it's baffling to me. But I don't know. Like, if my girlfriend was like, metal, it hurts my ear. Yeah.
Thankfully, she has such good taste in music. If we couldn't go to see metal bands together I mean, we were in a metal band together when we were teenagers. So yeah. Knew right away she she liked good music. Yeah.
I mean, in our crew, we would go to a lot of good shows back back in the day. So but can you imagine? Maybe some of you out there in relationships with people who hate your favorite music. That'd be rough. That would be rough because then you can never listen to it.
You know, you wanna be able to listen to your favorite band sometimes, not just when you're, like, sitting at home alone. That's no fun. So so, anyway, yeah. It didn't work out with her and that guy. Well, I would imagine.
Jeez. And, oh, man. Dudes who don't like metal. There was another thread I was looking at that I didn't get into, but it was something to the effect of you know, is there anything that you silently judge people for? And if you think metal's just a bunch of noise, I am definitely silently judging you.
Alright? I can't help it. I can't help it. Like, maybe saying, you know, it's just not my thing or whatever. Okay.
But, oh, it's just a bunch of screaming and yelling in racket. All that screamo. That I just can't hang with that. Alright. We got somebody calling.
Let's see what they want. K Bear, you're live on the show. Keep that in mind, please. Who's this? This is Chelsea.
Chelsea, what's up? You were talking about how you couldn't stand to date somebody who didn't like good music. So I love punk music. I'm used to everybody in my music, so it doesn't bother me. Well, okay.
Punk, for example, I love going to punk shows. I think they're so fun. The punk crowd is, you know, one of the best out there. It's so fun to hang out with the, the punk scene. But I guess I I don't throw a lot of punk music on in my spare time, but I I I don't dislike it, I guess.
You know? You should you should totally put more punk music on. Alright. Is there any punk bands you would like to hear this morning? Oh, I know I have called in the past, and I've asked for some no effect.
And I was told no. So You were told no. Who said now no is not the proper answer. Uh-oh. Well, okay.
They they didn't straight up say no. They just said they didn't have it in their system. Okay. So Now that type of response would make sense. And you know what?
Yeah. If we don't have no effects in our system, that's kinda weird because we've got alt 101, and that's the perfect station to be playing no effects on. So Right. Some me and Jade and Peaches have all apparently dropped the ball, and, I'll get some no effects going on the show today. It might take me a little bit, but I'll play something for you.
Awesome. Cool. Thank you. Absolutely. Thanks for listening to the show.
Yeah. No problem. Thanks. Peace. How do we not have no effects in the system?
Jade, are you listening? How do we miss that? That's weird. That doesn't make any sense to me. Alright.
Well, you know, even the best programmer in America, me, is not always perfect. And I I I actually do take a lot of pride in my programming. You know? I don't think I'm one of the best at very many things. But setting up a playlist that has some mass appeal because, you know, nobody's gonna like everything you play.
I will openly admit I don't like a good portion of what we play, but I try to do my best to please everybody. So yeah, anything you ever wanna hear, you can always call us with requests and we'll do our best to get them going on. Freak news powered by Grease Monkey voted Idaho's best oil change. Let's rock and roll. Alright.
Let's see here. What do I wanna start with? Alright. If you are going to run from the police, a chimney's not the best place to hide. It's cramped.
Eventually, somebody could start a fire. And it's embarrassing when you get caught because you end up on the national news, like this guy from Fall River, Massachusetts. Arrested on drug charges after getting stuck in a chimney, trying to hide from officers. They've got the video here of him shining flashlights down, and he's just stuck in there. As a guy who's a bit claustrophobic, this looks horrific.
This is this is horrible. Alright. And I'm sure if you're on the run from the cops, you're gonna try anything to get away. But jumping into a chimney. I've I've read some chimney stories gone awry before, you know, getting arrested and dragged out of the chimney.
That's probably one of the better results you could have because it's getting cold outside. Only Santa can pull that one off, buddy. Alright. Speaking of Santa, they have a Santa con in New York City. And I guess, you know, people get all hammered and dressed up as Santa, and they cause a bunch of mayhem.
You're supposed to, you know, be a good influence on children if you're gonna gonna be Santa. Right? So they had to ban booze because these guys would mow down like eggnog, get all, you know, just loaded and unleash mayhem on the subways and all all kinds of Santa con. I don't know. I guess there's a convention for everything, but that's a weird one.
I don't know. Seem like everybody's busy enough during the holiday season. Last thing I wanna do is have to play dress up and then then go, get hammered, deal with all the other Christmas stuff while you're all hungover from Santa Con. Anyway, they they're trying to tone things down and get, ticketed if they catch you with any booze. So if you're going to Santa con in New York, you know, behave yourself.
Alright. What else do we got here? Down in Texas or, actually, I think I saw some people arguing about this on Reddit, and, I didn't know what it was necessarily about. But, if you walk into a place like Walmart, you know, depending on where you're at, I guess. I'm no longer in Texas, but there are items you can purchase that I know you can purchase at the mall in Idaho Falls.
Alright? Go toward the back of a certain store and they have, massagers. We'll just call them massagers. Alright? And I've seen these in department stores before and I don't see anything wrong with those items whatsoever.
But Texas, you know, one of those beacons of freedom as, you got the lawmakers there banning these obscene devices from all stores and, or at least drug stores in Texas. Alright. Now I could imagine if these were, like, you know, the gag gifts that I used to sell in Burley, oversized and, you know, very realistic looking aside from the size. You you can't have that in your neighborhood Walmart. But, you know, a pretty basic looking massager, nobody's gonna know what it is that doesn't already know what it is.
And I I just find it funny. Some of these states that pride themselves on we're the freest states in the land. You know, we live in one that touts itself as being a beacon of freedom, but when you look at personal freedom, anyway, wouldn't it be nice if they could just put these things up to vote? Politicians should not be able to just implement whatever they want just because they got elected into office. You know, like, I've I've complained about a number of stupid things that have been implemented in our state in recent years.
And I know if they were put to vote, they would not have gone through, But that's not how it works. Anyway, stupid Texas. You know? People got a sore neck. You know, they need a massager.
Come on. Now might be a really good time for you to get angry. That's my secret, cat. I'm always angry. What happened there?
Buttons didn't work right. I'm not gonna take the blame for that. I did what I was supposed to. Anyway, after that train wreck of audio, let's queue the outrage. Looks like Bloomingdale's in New York.
They got Santa out saying hi to the children. People are very upset because Santa is wearing a green suit. How dare he that's secretly the Grinch. Is that what it is? Yeah.
That's what it is. Santa is actually the Grinch. The Grinch hiding in plain sight. Now I'm looking at a picture of Santa here in a green suit, and it seems like I have seen other instances of Santa in a green suit in the past. Like, generally, it's the big red suit, but, I mean, green's the other Christmas color.
Right? So who cares? Santa's more of a Luigi fan. Is that I don't think that's why people are mad. They're actually mad because they're doing it in honor of the new very popular movie, Wicked.
Oh, and that's that's All they had to say was, hey. Christmas colors are red and green. The end. Shut up. Santa can wear whatever he wants.
I mean, if Santa's there taking the pictures with the kids, asking them what they want for Christmas, blah blah blah, he's doing his job. Who cares? Who cares what let him wear a neon, neon pink suit. I don't know. Bright yellow.
It I I wish I would have sent it to you yesterday. There was a video of a mall in the 19 eighties with a whole bunch of Christmas stuff everywhere. Kids playing with toys. And all these people are going like, what happened to this? Why aren't we like this anymore?
So many different comments blaming certain people. It's it was quite fun to read. It's just times have changed, you know. The world changes. I don't know why people get so stuck in, you know, traditions in the past and this and that.
I do miss The world is constantly evolving. The festive time of the year. Like, this year feels the most out of whack for the The festive time of the year. Like, to this year feels the most out of whack for the out of all the Christmases. Well, that's because you're old, Peaches.
It's not gonna ever be the same as when you were a kid. Well, I'm saying, like, there's no decorations. There's hardly decorations out. Why are we talking about? Look at the classy studio.
It's more decked out than you ever said. There's only 2 people that I know. Have you driven through any neighborhoods, Peaches? There's Christmas lights all over the place. Yeah.
But they should be everywhere everywhere like they used to be. Like that's the thing. They used to be everywhere. Now it's just one house goes all out, 2 people in the building are going all out. I don't know.
It doesn't seem any different to me. And, also, around here, Peach, is it gets cold. So, you know, once October hits, you're like, I'm I'm not going out there and standing on the roof putting up lights. This year. It's a perfect year to go out there and put the Christmas lights up.
But, like me, I I never considered putting lights on my house. Because you no longer have a family. You're just by yourself. Well, but even when I had them, it's like that you know, it's a lot of work and it's cold outside. But you still put up stuff?
I I remember. Yeah. I would put up, well, what I would do is put up my Halloween decorations and just leave up Jack Skellington. You know? My house is decorated inside the same as it always is.
I've got a Christmas tree up. You know, I've got, the stockings. I've got, a variety of other just little things around. So, actually, my my Christmas you saw my Christmas tree. It's blinging.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. My Christmas tree is a party. Definitely. I I went all out this year.
Oh, I guess. You know? But The Victor Wilt way went all out. But, also, when it comes to Christmas decorating, it's it's frustrating because and same with Halloween, you put these decorations up, put all this effort in, and they're up for a few weeks. And then you have to take them down.
It's like a wedding, all that planning for one day. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. I still think if you're gonna have a wedding, do the wedding cheap, and then go on an awesome honeymoon.
You know, spend your money elsewhere because what what's the point of blowing it all on the the party? You know, a venue, fancy over the top clothes It's gonna suck. Food for everybody. Once I, like, finally have kids and I'm gonna be like, you guys ruin vacations for us because I'm not bringing some screaming little kid into an airplane. I'm not gonna be that guy.
You will. No. If you have kids see, everybody can say, you know, when I have kids, I'm gonna blah blah blah. But Especially at the whole if the future missus Peach goes the entire time, I'm just gonna get the kid with the shoe. Forget the kids.
Jay Davis joining me and, making me laugh right when he walked in. Oh, you you started it with your bloody cat. Yeah. You know, we have the the daily ritual is, you know, I wake up, let Koopa out, feed Lucy, take a shower, let Koopa back in, feed him, leave. So it was all going as usual till the let Koopa back in happened, and he you know, I could tell he'd gotten in a fight right when I saw him.
Koopa's always causing mischief. He's a he's a troublemaker. He gets in fights. How many fights he's been in? And how many times you actually have to take him to the vet after said fights?
Well, that's the thing. Yeah. The last time he had, you know, all of a sudden his head's just swollen up. You know, just half his head. So he's starting to look like you is what you're saying.
Yeah. Kinda like me. And, you know, so I take him to the vet. You know, a couple $100 later, you know, they squeeze the goo out of his head, and then he's fine. So I'm I'm trying the preemptive strike, so I got first I got a paper towel and wiped all the blood off.
Then I got, you know, cotton swab with peroxide and tried to clean it, and he's getting very wet. And then I just was like, well, I better, like, pour some peroxide. Right? He better really love that. He was so mad.
Did it bubble real good? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Really good. So I was glad I did it because I and who knows?
He might have a bite somewhere else on him that swells up, and then next thing I know, I'm taking him to the vet. But I figured I'd at least try, but it he made me lay for work. Like, dude, stop bad boy. Bad boy. So I sounds like you had I mean, it it wasn't traumatic, I guess, maybe.
Maybe. How do we work around this on air? I wish you could just say what you said to me because that was hilarious. It's not gonna be as funny no matter how we try to work around this. My little Zorrie, she's a a Shmorky.
A Shmorky? A Shih Tzu Maltese Yorkie mix. Okay. She's adorable. She is.
She's a cute little dog. She's got a lot of energy, very excited when I've come over and fed her. She's cute. Yep. So when she was younger, she, broke her back leg and the growth bones in the that leg.
So instead of like chopping it off or just having her get a stumpy leg, we opted for the surgery which was not very cheap. I would imagine. So we're like, alright well, I guess we're not gonna fix her now and then she needs to have puppies, so she can pay this credit card. You're gonna pay for this. You need to get a job.
You're gonna pull yourself up by your work straps. Turn your key. So it's it's that time. So we had a a boy come over and say hello to her yesterday and she was really excited at first and then afterwards, just like what just happened? And even this morning, normally she greets me waking up and this morning it was barely by the time I left just like crawling out all the shoveled.
Oh, geez. Like, It looks But too funny. Gonna have some cute little puppies. Or so you hope. Yeah.
You know? I mean, I I don't know what the the rate of, geez. Just trying to work around this one here. But, you know, is it is one time, you know, pretty much good to go with dogs? Or is it like people where, we're gonna have to get test tube babies going on?
I don't know. But there's another date for them, Sunday or Monday. Okay. I I there's so many questions I would like to ask, but I I think it would just barrel into, you know, inappropriate for Eric. Especially our sense of humor.
Yeah. Exactly. You know, I have funny questions I'd like to ask, but, well, I'm wishing you luck on becoming a, you know, a a puppy grandpa. That's weird. How many puppies can a dog that size have?
I have no idea. Because she's tiny. She's a little little tiny dog. Yorkie, I think there was, like, 7 litters 7 puppies puppies in the litter she came in. Oh, cow.
Really? But our other Yorkie, the one that passed last year, there was only 2. Okay. So 2 to 7? Wow.
That's pretty wild because it's just you know, an animal that size, you're like I mean, I guess the baby's a good one too. Tiny like Yeah. When we first got both of them, my all my Yorkies and this, Schmorky, they barely fit in the palm of my hand. Not even the a finger part of my hand, like just the palm. Yeah.
I mean, she's smaller than my cats. You know? She's she's pretty small. Is she £7, £9? Yeah.
Koopa's about 10. Alright. So I think Lucy's about 7. So yeah. Well, if anybody's needing a I I don't know what kind of a blend of dog that's gonna be.
You're you're creating a new The boy's a a Shih Tzu Pomeranian. Okay. And she's a a Shmorky. A Shmorky. Should I mean, I can think of A couple couple of ways to call all of that.
We'll have to talk about that one off here. Yeah. Put that up on Facebook Marketplace. You'll get some attention. You can you can get rid of some puppies pretty easily.
How long do, dogs, you know, take to have babies? Yeah. I heard the small ones like the Schmorky is about 6 weeks and then, you know Oh, wow. It's pretty quick. Okay.
Alright. I had to have to look that up. That would that came from the lady that brought over the the boy. Okay. Well, good luck to you.
You're gonna have mayhem going on at your house. I know. I know. I mean, what if you what if all of a sudden you do have 7 little puppies? And there's gonna be noise for, what, like, 9, 10 weeks?
That's Well, it's better than the noise I hear, I guess. You know, chainsaw of cap mayhem. Alright. Metal heads, don't be afraid of admitting your guilty pleasures. I mean, you shouldn't feel guilty about them anyway.
But, there was a post in the metalcore subreddit the other day. What are your guys' guilty pleasures of 2024? And this user commented, did you really like the new Wage War album? Or did you get into somebody completely off genre like Sabrina Carpenter? I wanna hear what songs or albums you like that would normally get looks or comments around these parts and hopefully doesn't get too many looks or comments either.
1st, most popular comment is not even music. Somebody being funny. Their guilty pleasure of 2024, Feet. Now Feet is a good name for a band if it hasn't been a band name yet. Let's see.
Feet band. Okay. There is a band called Feet. Sorry. Sorry, locals.
Can't use that name. But I was curious. You know? Okay. What would the elitists that hang out in the Metalcore subreddit be willing to admit were a guilty pleasure?
And someone did say my favorite band is Paramore. Alright. You know, in that kind of a subreddit, coming out and go, my favorite band is Paramore. Alright. We'll take that as a guilty pleasure.
So, I mean, this post popped up days ago and I decided, alright. I'm gonna leave a comment and see if people start making fun of me and yelling at me. We talked about my Spotify wrapped and the fact that, you know, I don't listen to a lot of music on Spotify. I tend to use it more for work related stuff as far as music goes. I usually listen to podcasts.
But the song that was at the top was Dua Lipa illusion, which, I mean, I will admit I like that song. It's a good song. So I was like, I'm gonna go in this subreddit and I'm gonna leave a comment and we'll see if these people just start trashing me horribly. So I put, the Dua Lipa songs, illusion and dance tonight as well as Lady Gaga disease. There you go.
Guilty pleasures of 2024. I've got 33 upvotes. And then, crunchy grundle commented, I was gonna say Dua Lipa. What a queen. Listen to her entire last album.
It hits. And then, another user commented illusion and end of an era are fantastic songs. Then people start getting into stuff that's like, bleep. Alright. I don't know if saying shoegaze.
Now, if you're not familiar with shoegaze, it's a genre of music. I think the biggest band known in that genre may be My Bloody Valentine. But it's, kind of droning music. I I don't know how to describe it. You'd have to look it up.
But I wouldn't call that a guilty pleasure because it's a a niche genre that, you know, most of these Metalcore people probably aren't gonna hear of or aren't going to have heard of. So I was kinda disappointed with the results of the comments in here I've seen so far. Oh, here here we go. There's a lot of people commenting about Dua Lipa. She puts out some bangers.
She does. Olivia Rodrigo. Somebody said, I saw Olivia Rodrigo in July with my fiance. Didn't realize how pop punk leaning a lot of her music is. Went back and listened to Guts a bunch of times after the show.
Solid album. And, then a lot of people mentioning Sabrina Carpenter. Funny enough, I'll throw my daughter's boyfriend under the bus. She was making fun of both of us because of my number one song being Dua Lipa and his number one artist being Sabrina Carpenter. And the rest of his playlist looked just like mine.
It's like tool and all kinds of prog metal, Gojira. I don't know. Nothing wrong with diving into some music outside of your your normal genre. But, so, like, you can't put Poppy as a guilty pleasure. She puts out metalcore songs.
Don't be ashamed, metalcore subreddit. Little bit of Danzigung k Bear with wolf mother before that. Both tracks featured in The Hangover movies, which I just love. I don't know why I love those movies so much, but you wanna talk about guilty pleasure movies or maybe more of a comfort movie? I cannot go wrong with The Hangover movies.
I did a rewatch of all 3 a while back, and I think I'm feeling due for it again. It's just one of those film series that something in it just clicks with me and brings me some kind of joy. I don't know. It's weird because Vegas itself is a place I have a strange relationship with, a place I both love and hate. Like, I really like Vegas, but I can only last about 2 days there and I'm get me out of here.
I think it's just overstimulating. You know, it's chaos. There's flashing lights and screens and weird people everywhere. Tons of people everywhere, you know, if you're hanging on the strip. But even though I was in Vegas, like, what, a a month ago, I'm feeling ready to go back.
And I've been, yeah. Day 2. I was like, all right, let's get, let's get to Phoenix. And like, I even like driving to Vegas, which is a long drive through some, you know, pretty terrible parts of Utah. You know, driving through the traffic chaos of Salt Lake to Provo.
Then after that, you're just out in the middle of nowhere going through, like, you know, Lehigh and Beaver and but then you get down to southern Utah. The landscape changes, and it's just really cool. You start seeing the red rocks. You go through that little passage through through the canyon where you cut through the, guess the northwest corner of Arizona, and then you're dumped out by Mesquite, Nevada. You know, once you're headed to Vegas and the casinos pop up on the horizon, I don't know why that's exciting to me.
Like, I'm I'm always like, alright. And I feel, you know, just pumped to be rolling into town. Last night, I'm playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, and I finally got to the part in the game where you're directed to go do a mission in I think they call it Los Fierro or some I I don't remember what they call Vegas in San Andreas. But, I'm driving down the strip in San Andreas. And even being in, you know, a 15 year old video game version of Vegas.
I roll up in front of the Circus Circus and I'm like, I was just there. Oh, look at this. And I just drove around and was like, this is awesome. I I don't know what my deal is. What a weird place.
I've had both some of the best times of my life and worst times of my life in Vegas, and and I'm still always ready to go back. I don't know why. There are a lot of things in Vegas that I wanna do that I've never done while I was there. They have the mob museum. All all of these things I would just love to take my girlfriend to.
I think we would have a blast in Vegas. Yeah. We'd have we'd have to go during the, part of the year where it's not scorching hot. But, you know, go to Zach Bagans haunted museum. Go to area 15.
And all all of these weird attractions that, you know, don't involve gambling because gambling is not my thing. I I don't remember the last time I put money in a machine in Vegas. I've done it. But if I lose $5, I get so mad. So I I just don't do that.
I just wander around and look at stuff. You know? Like, oh, look at these weird people. Look at that. Let's go in here.
It looks weird. Anyway, even though I was just on vacation a month ago, that that vacation, there was no relaxation aside from the driving. But driving starts to beat you down after too long, so I don't know. I think I need to plot a somewhat relaxing vacation with some fun activities. For now, I guess I hang out in Vegas in, San Andreas and I'll have to watch the hangover series again.
But, if you've never been there, it's an interesting place. One thing I recommend doing, go to the Las Vegas subreddit and keep an eye on it because people will post these graphs that show when hotels are expensive and when they're they're cheap. When they're cheap, they're really cheap in Vegas. But when they're expensive, they're insanely expensive, so you gotta plot your trip at the right time of year. And it's looking like January's, like, perfect because, you know, it's not gonna be super hot and the rooms are cheap.
But, you know, post Christmas. That that's probably why rooms are cheap. Nobody got no money to be going out of town right after Christmas after, you know, blowing all that dough on the friends and family. So anyway, I don't know. I just, you know, just daydreaming here.
But watch The Hangover movies if you've never seen them. They're fun. I'm Victor Welt. Holidays are coming up, and holidays are rough in this day and age because every thing is outrageously priced, and I'm sure that's not gonna change anytime soon. So any opportunity you have to potentially get some extra money, you might as well go for it.
We're giving away lottery tickets. Teamed up with the Idaho Lottery, and we've got $50 scratch ticket packages. Got a couple of those that we're gonna be giving away tomorrow. If you haven't entered to win yet, fire up the KayBear app, fire up the alt app, fire up the Cannonball app. Enter once in each of them for your best odds of winning.
$50 in scratch tickets. So it's an interesting prize because it's got a few potential angles to it. It's gonna be fun because scratching tickets you you know, it's it's fun. But there's no, you know, guaranteed outcome. You might not win a dollar, but you could win, I mean, serious bank.
So it's worth a shot. These are lottery tickets that you don't have to buy. You get them from us as a early Christmas present that's potentially really good or potentially meh. Might as well try, though. Fire up those apps.
Any one of our 3 apps, Kay Bear, Alt, Cannonball, enter in all of them. And if you're lucky, we will draw you as a winner and hook you up with some lottery tickets just in time for this coming weekend. What's the name of that song, Peaches? Heck is empty. Heck is empty.
You're gonna get listeners yelling at us talking like that, Peaches. They don't get the job. The devil is near. I'm gonna say the name of the song. Sure.
I am. Go for it. No. I'm just playing. Now the hell is empty.
Okay. Anyway, that's the second time I said that word on this show. Wow. We're going off the rails, aren't we? That's right.
Getting crazy. I need to change your rating from, e to m. I know. I know. Well, I mean, I'm not gonna every time the band, heck yeah, comes up call them that.
Alright? It's our it's our rules. You know, you always repeat to me the management says jump. You say how high. Yeah.
But but those words on the air. Jerk butt. You're not paying attention to the rules. The rules are we can't say it in the, you know, course of a conversation. Like, Peaches, go to heck.
But we can say Woah. Woah. Woah. You know that band that featured, Vinnie Paul on drums that wasn't Pantera? That's a band called Hell Yeah.
What's doctor's latest song? The darn. Now, Peaches, it's not even spelled that way. We have, one of those that collapsed out near, Denton. Where do you wanna go on vacation?
Amsterdam or maybe, Hekseinkee. So anyway, Peach, as you told me, you'd come in and you're like, have you looked at our Facebook page? I'm like, no. I'm busy. I'm working.
So I go check it out. And is this a new meme or is this just something you came up with? On Twitter, somebody posted saying which one you're preordering and it shows Wallace and Gromit as different Pokemon games. I'm like, you know what? Let me just do that one for me or Victor.
Yeah. I'm like, what what does this mean? Stupid. Took me, like, an hour to make that thing. Jeez.
More than an hour, I think. Alright. I had to get Maddie's help. I had to go across the building to be like, hey, you know, Photoshop. Can I can I borrow you for a quick second?
And she showed me how to do the font and rotating different things. Okay. Listeners, please go, react to Peach's post so that it shows it was worth his effort. I mean, we're just obligated to post on our social media pages. We're not in charge of people reacting to our page or Well, you gotta make content that people will react to.
I mean, yeah. If you wanna choose either 1, Pokemon peaches or Pokemon victor. What does that even mean? Do you see how mine was rated m and yours is rated e? Hey.
I'm the one willing to say the name of songs on the air, so I can get a foot my favorite movie. Gotta flip them around, jack butt. That sounds worse than the name of the actual movie. Kick butt. But, you know, what what do they what do they put on the streets every year?
Butt fault. K? That's just what it's called. Oh, my goodness. Alright.
I think it's time to end this show. We'll be back at noon. Y'all have a good rest of the morning and thank you again for all always tuning in and hanging out with this good show today. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt Show. This program is a production of Riverbend Media Group.
To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at