Card Chaos

This week on The Platinum Standard Grading Podcast, Rob comes bearing gifts and the boys rip into a box of 1994 Futera NBL Basketball Cards.

What is Card Chaos?

Join the lads from Platinum Standard Grading for a chat about all things cards, sports and hobby events.

Produced by Media8.
Brought to you by Platinum Standard Grading.

Speaker 0 (0s): This is a pod fire production.

Speaker 2 (13s): It's the highest of standards on the peaky of land. And it's not silver. It's not good. You want the best advantage? Go platinum. You know you want

Speaker 1 (21s): Do it platinum.

Speaker 2 (23s): You know you want do it. Go platinum, platinum, platinum, platinum,

Speaker 3 (28s): Platinum. Just listen to a conversation between, I guess, I think one of the guys from the BA Army and smokes because

Speaker 4 (36s): Bar Army,

Speaker 3 (37s): They, because smokes is going down to speak at a

Speaker 4 (40s): At that's Adam Holyoke, former England

Speaker 3 (42s): Cricket at a lunch with the Bar Army tomorrow.

Speaker 0 (45s): Oh,

Speaker 3 (46s): Cruising Sydney Harbor. That's cool. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (49s): Wouldn't be the first time that Adam's cruise Sydney.

Speaker 0 (52s): No, no. Probably. But it may be the last if

Speaker 3 (55s): Tell someone story soon as you said governor. I was like, oh.

Speaker 0 (57s): Hello

Speaker 4 (58s): Governor. Hello. Governor, listen. Hi, Rob from Sam Brun.

Speaker 0 (1m 1s): Hey Sam.

Speaker 4 (1m 2s): Sam

Speaker 0 (1m 3s): Kiss. Just three of us here as well. Yeah. Thanks Sam. Sam, appreciate it. Sam. We have a special

Speaker 3 (1m 8s): Relationship. He's probably enjoying beers. And Clark Keen singing.

Speaker 0 (1m 11s): He gave you a kiss hug too as well. He

Speaker 4 (1m 12s): Did, yeah. BA Sports cards just joined us as well. Goodday ba sports cards.

Speaker 0 (1m 16s): We gonna talk some cards today.

Speaker 4 (1m 18s): Why don't

Speaker 0 (1m 19s): We do that? Hope we

Speaker 3 (1m 19s): Should. We haven't mentioned

Speaker 4 (1m 21s): The Wal,

Speaker 0 (1m 22s): We haven't even mentioned who, what we're here for. What

Speaker 3 (1m 24s): We're here for. But

Speaker 4 (1m 25s): Should we do an intro? You're

Speaker 0 (1m 27s): Do an intro? Let's do an intro. Let's start. Let's everyone pretend this never started. Intro. I'm

Speaker 3 (1m 32s): Go take two.

Speaker 0 (1m 33s): Here we go. Action.

Speaker 4 (1m 34s): Goodday. Guys, girls, family and friends. I'm Brett MacCallum, CEO of Platinum Standard Grading next to me is our general manager, Robert Va. Hova Hobar on the right is the former general manager and no longer general manager now. Just shit kicker now. Just chief shit kicker. And that is Christopher Bilson.

Speaker 3 (1m 54s): Rob's minion.

Speaker 4 (1m 54s): Hello. And then on the, on my left is Pugs, who's our chief Cardiologist. How are you?

Speaker 0 (2m 1s): Pugs? I'm, thank you. And resident

Speaker 4 (2m 3s): And resident

Speaker 0 (2m 4s): Artist

Speaker 4 (2m 6s): Dj. Artist.

Speaker 0 (2m 6s): Dj. He's not a dj. He's

Speaker 4 (2m 9s): A rapper. He's a rapper. Rapper. Rapper.

Speaker 0 (2m 10s): Don't rap. Post pack. Hiphop

Speaker 4 (2m 12s): Artist. Hiphop artist.

Speaker 0 (2m 14s): Oh that sounds good. Hiphop.

Speaker 4 (2m 15s): I like that. That sounds good.

Speaker 0 (2m 16s): Hip. I

Speaker 4 (2m 16s): Like that you don't stop. Not Kanye though.

Speaker 0 (2m 19s): No.

Speaker 4 (2m 19s): Can I tell everyone what I just bought? Yeah,

Speaker 0 (2m 21s): Yeah. I was gonna say, will

Speaker 4 (2m 24s): Bought a Kanye West Presidential election patch card. One of our, that's actually cool. It's number four or five game

Speaker 0 (2m 33s): Used. That's

Speaker 4 (2m 34s): What's the patch? I don't know. Game used. But it's pretty cool

Speaker 3 (2m 37s): Though. What's the patch of

Speaker 4 (2m 38s): The American flag?

Speaker 3 (2m 39s): It's pretty cool.

Speaker 4 (2m 40s): Got bless. America.

Speaker 3 (2m 41s): Would've worn it. It's,

Speaker 4 (2m 42s): I don't know. That's just there. It's from the decisions. No. 2020

Speaker 0 (2m 46s): Manufacture. It's one of those manufacture patches.

Speaker 4 (2m 48s): And speaking of decisions, 2020 last week was a very special person's 78th birthday. And that is Rob Hoover Ho

Speaker 0 (2m 56s): 78 mean look a good

Speaker 3 (2m 57s): Doggies.

Speaker 4 (2m 59s): So it was Rob, it was Rob's 52nd birthday last week. And was that right? No, 50 times two. 51.

Speaker 0 (3m 6s): 150. Second annual 50th birthday, which is makes him my 51st.

Speaker 4 (3m 10s): Anyway. He's 10. He's old. You said 52. So was his birthday last week. So me being the nice human being that I am, I bought him a box of Oh yeah, 2020 decision. What's that? It's not a hobby box. The next one up.

Speaker 0 (3m 23s): What? I dunno. It was just awesome stuff.

Speaker 4 (3m 25s): It's like box. Yeah. And, but the cards come in are weird. Hey, they

Speaker 0 (3m 30s): Were, I actually didn't like that.

Speaker 4 (3m 31s): Oh, like little, they weren't wrapped? No, they were in like little pockets in

Speaker 0 (3m 35s): They like what Exquisite kind of came in, went back in the day. Yeah. No, no. With them just sitting in the thing.

Speaker 4 (3m 41s): Yeah. Pretty cool. They were cool. What, what was your favorite out that?

Speaker 0 (3m 45s): I think there was so many different ones. Obviously I, I got a Kanye base card, which you

Speaker 4 (3m 50s): Did. Pretty cool. That's why we found out there was Kanye cards.

Speaker 0 (3m 52s): Yeah. And then I think the Donald Trump, there was a Donald Trump, God thank America to five. That's right.

Speaker 4 (3m 59s): Yeah. A cg a keep American. Great.

Speaker 0 (4m 1s): Keep American. Great. That's

Speaker 4 (4m 2s): Right. So they're CAG cards.

Speaker 0 (4m 3s): CG

Speaker 4 (4m 4s): CG cards. I love that. There was another one in there that had like a dollar bill shredded. Yep. And it was a money card. Yep. That that

Speaker 0 (4m 10s): Was, but now, I mean it's, it's caused me to go and buy some other ones. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (4m 14s): Which is where I got, I bought you Avan, Ivan Card. Ivan Ivan. Ivan Trump. Avanda Trump. Ivanka Ivanka.

Speaker 0 (4m 22s): But while he was doing that last night, the first wife, yeah. While he was doing that last night, I actually bought a Chelsea Clinton and a a Sean Spicer auto's. So good. And for anyone? Chelsea Clinton. Auto. Auto, yeah. Oh wow. But there, Monica Lewinsky Auto. Oh no, there's just a,

Speaker 4 (4m 38s): It's just a black copy

Speaker 0 (4m 39s): Under the table.

Speaker 4 (4m 41s): Sickos a blue dress card. But

Speaker 0 (4m 43s): The Sean Spice one. I dunno what

Speaker 4 (4m 45s): It was. It

Speaker 0 (4m 45s): Was, I knew both of you would go

Speaker 4 (4m 47s): There. Thank you very

Speaker 0 (4m 47s): Much. Sean Spice was the one though. Like Fark the world's greatest Press Secretary Sec

Speaker 4 (4m 53s): Secretary. How long did he last? It wasn't, it wasn't long One Wasn't long, but it was pretty impressive. Obvious he was,

Speaker 0 (4m 58s): There was funny stuff. So if you, if you don't know, just put insurance by highlights. S e a n. Spice highlights and Yeah. Malinga. There should be

Speaker 4 (5m 5s): The one, the one second card. Yeah. Very similar. Monica Kosky. Van Allens joined us guns at g Midco Collectibles. Cohen KR Afternoon. Jensen. Any good hits this week? Yeah mate. We're just going through them now. Card guy. Yeah. Yay. He's a How'd he say it? Yay, isn't it? Yay. He's yay for press course cards. Goldie GCs joined us.

Speaker 0 (5m 30s): Hey. From Houston. She was. She just saw the Rockets

Speaker 4 (5m 34s): Play. She did Rockets play. Man.

Speaker 0 (5m 36s): That's so cool.

Speaker 4 (5m 36s): I'm jealous. Is pretty good. Can't

Speaker 0 (5m 38s): Wait.

Speaker 4 (5m 38s): Course cards good. A legend. Sam Brewer. Have fun gentlemen. See next week. Thanks. What? Thanks.

Speaker 0 (5m 44s): Bye Sam.

Speaker 4 (5m 46s): And it's Ivanka. That's Ivanka.

Speaker 0 (5m 50s): I dunno what it's so

Speaker 4 (5m 50s): Hard to say but he's actually spelled it out for me. E E

Speaker 0 (5m 53s): E V

Speaker 4 (5m 54s): U N K A. Yeah. Yeah. Ivanka. As opposed to Ivan

Speaker 0 (5m 58s): Ivanka.

Speaker 4 (5m 59s): Anyway, move on. So they have the decision cards. You enjoyed them mate. Love

Speaker 0 (6m 3s): Them. Yeah, as I said, I went on to CMC last night and bought a few

Speaker 4 (6m 7s): More. So do you buy 'em off cmc? Do you?

Speaker 0 (6m 9s): Yeah, I buy 'em off CMC and send them over to my ship, my

Speaker 4 (6m 11s): Cards and But you don't buy 'em on eBay?

Speaker 0 (6m 13s): I do that too, but go to cmc. I can go see him. See I can go and buy Come you can get a whole bunch. Yeah. Yeah. And then send 'em over in one. And it's only five bucks for the, for the one parcel.

Speaker 4 (6m 22s): They should never have told me

Speaker 0 (6m 23s): That. Com see is amazing. Yeah,

Speaker 4 (6m 25s): Don't do that. Oh really?

Speaker 0 (6m 26s): It's where I get all like my base cards if I want to. Don't fill

Speaker 4 (6m 29s): My sets. I don't need to know this. I have an addiction com.

Speaker 0 (6m 32s): Need

Speaker 4 (6m 33s): Help

Speaker 0 (6m 34s): Donald Trump into the

Speaker 4 (6m 37s): Matthews every 99. Try and gday Matt. What else

Speaker 0 (6m 40s): Did you do for your birthday or I, I did four days of cricket. Oh yeah. Four days of cricket. Five games in four days. Oh wow. It was awesome.

Speaker 4 (6m 48s): And you got to meet, oh, I believe that the photo's getting taken off the fridge.

Speaker 0 (6m 52s): Ah, the, the Martina HIAs photo's gone.

Speaker 4 (6m 54s): Is it been replaced?

Speaker 0 (6m 56s): Yes ago, man. Man.

Speaker 4 (6m 58s): Still no idea who the bird was. Oh

Speaker 0 (6m 60s): That lady can put me to sleep night. Call a bird. Just with her voice I'm talking about. She's the most beautiful voice ever. And she seems like a very nice person as well. And I may have jumped over a few people. Knocked a kid over You knocked over your dad. I didn't wanna say that, but actually it's safe. Dad won't be watching this, but I'm

Speaker 4 (7m 19s): Am I, how

Speaker 0 (7m 20s): Old's that man? 77.

Speaker 4 (7m 22s): Right? He's right back up.

Speaker 0 (7m 24s): So you were born before your dad obviously. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (7m 27s): Wow. There you go. Conception.

Speaker 0 (7m 29s): So no one else got a photo with her. Really? Just me. She saw Big Rob and she went, yeah. Okay. Well and

Speaker 4 (7m 35s): She shit herself and get scared. She saw this big man running towards her.

Speaker 0 (7m 38s): That was gonna be my first question. Were you the oldest person to ask her for a photo?

Speaker 4 (7m 42s): I was. And no one else knew who

Speaker 0 (7m 43s): She was. I know everyone knew she was. She's big. Yeah. No, she's actually tiny. No, but yeah, she's huge. She's famous. Like she's very well known. Yeah, very well known. Her. She's married to some like superstar rocker or some sort. Yeah, she played cricket as well. Yeah,

Speaker 4 (7m 56s): She played England, didn't she? Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (7m 58s): So next up I'm

Speaker 4 (7m 59s): Gonna, that major day

Speaker 0 (7m 60s): Did it. I'm gonna steal smokers' phone and see if she's got a number in there. Cuz he reckons he knows her. Does

Speaker 4 (8m 4s): He? Yeah, he says he knows

Speaker 0 (8m 6s): Everyone. He said he grew up with her,

Speaker 4 (8m 7s): So. Oh, that makes sense. Oh yeah, about the same sort of age I think.

Speaker 0 (8m 10s): Yeah. She'd be a bit younger or the, I'd say she'd be younger. Well she looks a lot better. She definitely does.

Speaker 4 (8m 15s): Not that hard. Definitely does.

Speaker 0 (8m 16s): Really. But yeah, that was the highlight. Saw some great cricket.

Speaker 4 (8m 19s): What was the weirdest cricket match you went to in the four days?

Speaker 0 (8m 23s): Oh, the Zimbabwe and Bangladesh game.

Speaker 4 (8m 26s): Was there a big crowd? There

Speaker 0 (8m 27s): Was an ab look. I think there's probably about eight or 9,000 in the ground, but, oh wow.

Speaker 4 (8m 30s): Didn't you say there was more people in the Cole's checkout across the road than there was at the game?

Speaker 0 (8m 34s): There was the Australia Island game. Oh. But yeah, the, the Zimbabwe in Bangladesh game, it was just amazing that the atmosphere that these supporters brought to the game with them, with their dancing and cheering and their drums and their whistles and everything like that. And Zimbabwe lost. But it was the weirdest thing ever cuz the game finished and everyone went off and shook hands and the next minute the players are back, back out there. Oh four, they decided the last ball was no ball and they had to rebo it. Oh

Speaker 4 (8m 59s): No. Was it close?

Speaker 3 (9m 0s): Yeah. Yeah. It was real

Speaker 0 (9m 1s): Close. Real close. Like if he had a four off the last ball, it would've resulted.

Speaker 4 (9m 6s): Was it like a horn moment?

Speaker 0 (9m 8s): God knows. No idea. Holding the ball because at the ground, no one knew what happened because we were all watching him. I'll be honest, I was watching Isha do an interview and then next minute she's been taken off the ground and the players are all coming back on and then they shook hands again.

Speaker 4 (9m 21s): Wow. So what they call the Noble post

Speaker 0 (9m 24s): Game? Yeah. So what had happened is they've bowled and the keeper has slumped the guy, the last guy. Yeah. So everyone just walked off and then they checked the replay and the keeper had actually taken the ball before it got to the stumps, which makes it mobile.

Speaker 3 (9m 38s): So there was one a close last night, was it? Yeah. It looked like the, the keeper had taken the stumps before the ball hit.

Speaker 0 (9m 46s): Yeah,

Speaker 4 (9m 47s): It was like Wayne, I think it was last week. I reckon he took the stumps out and there's no chance the ball was in near him. What

Speaker 3 (9m 53s): You have to like take the stump out of

Speaker 4 (9m 55s): The ground? Only if the bales are off. Yeah,

Speaker 0 (9m 56s): Yeah, yeah. Anyway, well cup it's actually happening. It's on at the moment.

Speaker 4 (10m 3s): Goldie gc. Just making sure you haven't burned the place down. Glad to see you're all still safe and sound. You can only see us from the neck up. Yeah. Thanks

Speaker 0 (10m 10s): Mom.

Speaker 4 (10m 11s): Cohen got an absolute triple tools of the trade, Rashed, white redemption, and a Phoenix six in a Chronicles hobby. I can't really speak. Probably f otl in the breaks. Stop.

Speaker 0 (10m 23s): First off line. First of line.

Speaker 4 (10m 25s): Okay, well done. That's awesome. Colin and Rob would knock a kid over to meet any sports player. Let's be

Speaker 3 (10m 31s): Honest. Yeah, he's a massive fanboy. It's scary. Well

Speaker 4 (10m 34s): The thing I wanna understand why I got in so much trouble for taking your photo with,

Speaker 0 (10m 39s): Oh yeah, that was

Speaker 4 (10m 40s): Last one too. And with,

Speaker 0 (10m 42s): But

Speaker 4 (10m 43s): It's not with who? Who was the rich, rich cat? Mike?

Speaker 0 (10m 48s): Yeah, come on. They're not. Yes, GU

Speaker 4 (10m 52s): I'll let him know that. Yeah, ring. Just go and find his son. He's give him a call. We'll

Speaker 3 (10m 58s): Let him know tomorrow that Rob thinks you're

Speaker 0 (11m 0s): No should car. No, and I, I dare say I'd agree. He would definitely agree with that.

Speaker 3 (11m 6s): What we haven't talked about is the, the Adam Sandler making a trading card movie. I was talking is it

Speaker 4 (11m 14s): Happening or is it just Well, it's

Speaker 3 (11m 15s): Rumor. Yeah, I think they're doing it like

Speaker 0 (11m 17s): That. The gem

Speaker 3 (11m 18s): One. Uncut gems.

Speaker 0 (11m 19s): Uncut gems. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (11m 20s): Oh awesome. Which should be cool. So brings me to my next point. Who would play you if you were in the movie

Speaker 4 (11m 28s): And before you think John Goodman.

Speaker 3 (11m 29s): John Goodman Goodman. I like that. That's great.

Speaker 4 (11m 33s): Mark up and drop it.

Speaker 3 (11m 34s): Yeah, but it, it'd probably be Aus and Aussie. So have, so I had two as well. Cause I, I said

Speaker 4 (11m 40s): I know yours is definitely,

Speaker 3 (11m 42s): Well

Speaker 4 (11m 43s): The Dny bloke.

Speaker 3 (11m 44s): Yeah, I was gonna say the toilet guy.

Speaker 4 (11m 46s): Mark Jacobs

Speaker 0 (11m 47s): Or Alan Angusangus.

Speaker 4 (11m 50s): Alan

Speaker 0 (11m 50s): From The Hangover

Speaker 3 (11m 52s): I had.

Speaker 4 (11m 52s): It's gonna be

Speaker 0 (11m 53s): Salmon. He was in a American show I watched recently. He was bloody funny. Yeah, he's Which one was it? He was, he was the Standover merchant.

Speaker 4 (12m 3s): The guy off Wolf Creek. He just got

Speaker 0 (12m 6s): John. Yeah, he came into the bank when I worked there once. And the lady asked you for ID and I said just tell him a joke. And he started laughing and he did that Wolf Creek laugh. I said that's his id. All the weird go to Woollen.

Speaker 4 (12m 21s): You've gotta be Kenny the man.

Speaker 0 (12m 23s): Kenny, what's

Speaker 4 (12m 24s): His name?

Speaker 0 (12m 26s): Markon.

Speaker 4 (12m 26s): That's,

Speaker 0 (12m 27s): But I like Angus Sampson actually. I really see that. Yeah. Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 4 (12m 31s): I reckon that dude had a Moneyball.

Speaker 3 (12m 34s): Yeah, that was my, that was my

Speaker 0 (12m 35s): Brad Pitt.

Speaker 4 (12m 36s): Yeah,

Speaker 5 (12m 37s): That's mine.

Speaker 4 (12m 39s): What's his name?

Speaker 5 (12m 41s): Oh yeah, you, you said it yesterday.

Speaker 3 (12m 45s): Yeah I did. I can't remember

Speaker 5 (12m 46s): His name. What's his name?

Speaker 3 (12m 48s): Seth?

Speaker 5 (12m 49s): No, not Seth Rogan. Now Other Other

Speaker 0 (12m 51s): Jonah Hill. Jonah

Speaker 5 (12m 52s): Hill. Jo

Speaker 4 (12m 53s): Hill. So Jon Hill's playing John Daley. John Daley. John Daley. Yeah. Yeah. It's gonna be pretty cool.

Speaker 3 (12m 58s): Who play you bj?

Speaker 4 (12m 59s): Jonah Hill. Jonah Hill.

Speaker 0 (13m 1s): Jonah Hill. I like

Speaker 5 (13m 2s): You.

Speaker 4 (13m 6s): Margo Arnold Schwartz.

Speaker 0 (13m 7s): Robbie for me. She could play me. We'll just change,

Speaker 4 (13m 10s): Play you.

Speaker 0 (13m 11s): Oh no cuz my name's Robbie.

Speaker 3 (13m 13s): Oh yeah,

Speaker 0 (13m 14s): I just,

Speaker 3 (13m 15s): That's what I thought. People call you Robbie.

Speaker 0 (13m 16s): I know. Not Margo. If she called me Robbie she called me.

Speaker 4 (13m 18s): Would would Kane know you'd obviously play pugs?

Speaker 3 (13m 21s): No. Who would play pugs?

Speaker 4 (13m 24s): Does that have to be Australian? Both

Speaker 3 (13m 26s): Just need to an American

Speaker 4 (13m 28s): And Oh, okay. Who's my Aussie then?

Speaker 5 (13m 30s): Annie Dingo.

Speaker 4 (13m 31s): Oh, I know who played played Chopper.

Speaker 3 (13m 36s): Eric Banner. Eric Banner.

Speaker 4 (13m 37s): For who? I'm gonna claim Eric Banner for you.

Speaker 0 (13m 39s): Boyer Boyer. Yeah. That's more I'll, I'll be Kim. Gk. What? What was his charact? Colin Carpenter Go. You

Speaker 3 (13m 48s): Big Kev was alive. He could

Speaker 4 (13m 50s): Play you Big Kev. Yeah. I'll tell you the other one you could play you is Kevin Bloody Wilson. You've got that Kevin Bloody Wilson. I was listening to it this morning. What

Speaker 0 (14m 0s): About you

Speaker 5 (14m 1s): Pugs? I have no idea. I don't, I don't think of these kind of

Speaker 3 (14m 4s): Thing.

Speaker 4 (14m 5s): Wells. Here's a chance. Anyone out?

Speaker 0 (14m 8s): This is random as Smith Will Smith. Well that's what they're saying. Who would play Tiger Woods and everyone went Will Smith. What I

Speaker 3 (14m 15s): The, it's not racist. The reason why I thought of it was someone was like, who would play Vegas Dave? Cuz it was supposed to be about high end trading

Speaker 4 (14m 24s): Stuff. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (14m 25s): So there'll be King Golden and stuff too,

Speaker 3 (14m 26s): You'd imagine. And well they're doing that Netflix series, aren't they? Yeah.

Speaker 4 (14m 30s): That car guy just said he'd be the New Zealand kid off dead.

Speaker 0 (14m 34s): Yeah.

Speaker 5 (14m 37s): The funny kid.

Speaker 4 (14m 38s): That little fat New Zealand kid that's on.

Speaker 0 (14m 40s): He's funny ass. And he does shaving ads now. Oh

Speaker 3 (14m 43s): Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's actually good. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (14m 44s): Yeah, he's really good. Yeah, that was a good

Speaker 4 (14m 46s): Film. And no, it's definitely not Danny DeVito card guy. You gonna get Bard from this podcast, I reckon.

Speaker 0 (14m 52s): Bar or elevated to legend stats. Neith.

Speaker 4 (14m 55s): Come on. We're gotta think of Pugs.

Speaker 0 (14m 57s): Pugs. I reckon Pugs plays

Speaker 5 (14m 58s): Himself. Chris. Chris Hemsworth.

Speaker 0 (14m 59s): Every, every, every movie has someone as

Speaker 4 (15m 2s): Himself. No. One of the other Hemsworth's

Speaker 0 (15m 4s): Odd Liam. No, there's

Speaker 5 (15m 6s): Other brother one. The one one knows about.

Speaker 0 (15m 8s): I just went and watched that

Speaker 4 (15m 10s): Movie. What?

Speaker 0 (15m 11s): Give me my hours back. Oh dunno. Is there a movie with the three of them? No, with the third one in. Oh okay. It's an strange, didn't know he was an actor. Yeah,

Speaker 4 (15m 20s): He is. Three of was actually four in total. I thinks we'll

Speaker 0 (15m 26s): Come up, we'll come up with something. We'll come up with something. What?

Speaker 3 (15m 29s): Who would play Ruby?

Speaker 0 (15m 31s): Ruby?

Speaker 4 (15m 32s): That chick that used to be on play

Speaker 0 (15m 34s): School. Drew Barrymore.

Speaker 4 (15m 35s): Drew

Speaker 0 (15m 36s): Barrymore. Yeah. She's a ringer too.

Speaker 3 (15m 37s): No, BMX band. It's Nicole Kidmore.

Speaker 5 (15m 39s): Oh yeah. Back in the old

Speaker 0 (15m 41s): School

Speaker 4 (15m 41s): Days. That would work. Get you

Speaker 5 (15m 42s): To Kelly.

Speaker 0 (15m 43s): Yeah, yeah,

Speaker 4 (15m 43s): Yeah. That could

Speaker 0 (15m 44s): See the look we are getting right this moment. Excellent. Anyway,

Speaker 4 (15m 50s): We may have just been cut off. Let's

Speaker 0 (15m 52s): Let,

Speaker 4 (15m 52s): Let's, let's, I've got a, I've got a question for you. I meant to bring 'em down, which I didn't, you know, back in the day, back when, in your day the 19 twelves we had the

Speaker 0 (16m 2s): Cigarette

Speaker 4 (16m 3s): Cards. Cigarette cards. But then I've recently picked up like the Wilt Chamberlain rookie and the Oh the big long ones. And they're the massive

Speaker 0 (16m 10s): Boys cards. Yeah. Yep.

Speaker 4 (16m 12s): But that was around sort of the same period. Late fifties, early sixties.

Speaker 0 (16m 16s): Yep. Sixties.

Speaker 4 (16m 17s): Yeah. And then you've got some of the baseball cards, which are baseball cards. Sauce. Does even know why they went with that bigger card. I

Speaker 5 (16m 24s): Think they were trying to be different. But that's like in 1990 was the NBA Jam session cards. Which were the

Speaker 0 (16m 29s): Tall, some of those at the local carts shop recently. They,

Speaker 5 (16m 32s): They're some of my favorite

Speaker 4 (16m 34s): Set. Were they trading cards though? Or were they like promotional? No,

Speaker 0 (16m 38s): No.

Speaker 3 (16m 39s): Tobacco cards were promo cards weren't they?

Speaker 4 (16m 41s): Yeah, that's what I thought.

Speaker 3 (16m 43s): Packet of cigarettes. So they had to be small.

Speaker 0 (16m 45s): Yep. No, no. The jam session that Pugs talks of is, yeah, it comes in packs. Like normal ones $8 pack on the local car Today you, oh I'm

Speaker 4 (16m 54s): Forget love a free ad. Yep. Phil K 88 just joined us.

Speaker 0 (16m 58s): Hey Phil.

Speaker 3 (16m 60s): Hey Phil.

Speaker 4 (17m 1s): Hey Phil. Welcome

Speaker 3 (17m 2s): Phil

Speaker 4 (17m 2s): Party joining us. Phil Knight.

Speaker 3 (17m 4s): Nah. No. That's a pickup of mine recently

Speaker 4 (17m 10s): Was I was a leading.

Speaker 3 (17m 11s): Was

Speaker 4 (17m 11s): It? Oh yeah, I was a leading cuz

Speaker 3 (17m 13s): IJ got me, me a present. Everyone shout out to

Speaker 0 (17m 16s): Bj. Hey bj. Well while we're talking about presents, I've got BJ present. Did you? He doesn't know about this suck.

Speaker 4 (17m 21s): I dunno about this. He doesn't know about this. Hang on. He's halfway through. Telling what?

Speaker 0 (17m 24s): Just me. Doesn't matter. Former gm. We go, this is a present for you.

Speaker 3 (17m 28s): Here's a blank piece of paper's. A

Speaker 4 (17m 30s): Blank piece

Speaker 0 (17m 30s): Of paper. You turn it up the other way, turn it up. They are stamps that you can put on your envelopes.

Speaker 4 (17m 36s): Actual post-it.

Speaker 0 (17m 37s): That's so cool. Actual post stamps. What pst,

Speaker 3 (17m 42s): How much they were

Speaker 0 (17m 43s): Ruby dollar 10.

Speaker 3 (17m 45s): Is that How much a stamped these say is that

Speaker 4 (17m 47s): That much? It cost to send the letter.

Speaker 0 (17m 48s): You kidding? Yeah,

Speaker 5 (17m 49s): No you have to put

Speaker 4 (17m 50s): Two of them on. Ruby's gonna show everyone now

Speaker 5 (17m 51s): It's 20.

Speaker 0 (17m 52s): That Ruby card. That is Ruby Pay. Ruby Ruby's, Ruby's film.

Speaker 5 (17m 57s): There's

Speaker 4 (17m 57s): Camera there.

Speaker 0 (17m 57s): The camera over. Earthquake. Earthquake. Good. Yeah. So that's for

Speaker 4 (18m 2s): You that sick. Thank you so much brother. I I love that. That is such a good

Speaker 3 (18m 7s): A dollar 10 for a stamp.

Speaker 0 (18m 8s): That's what it costs to, to post a normal letter these days.

Speaker 5 (18m 11s): Jesus. And if you send a card you have to have two two stamps. 20. Yeah. And then if you want it registered, you add That's criminal

Speaker 3 (18m 19s): Bought a stamp is

Speaker 4 (18m 20s): 50 cents. That is so cool. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (18m 21s): Back in

Speaker 3 (18m 21s): Mine. Hey, back in mine. Are they bigger than normal stamps?

Speaker 0 (18m 24s): They are massive because we want platinum standard grading on all your

Speaker 3 (18m 27s): Invoices. Is that where you're gonna start sending?

Speaker 4 (18m 30s): No, this is going, this is going straight to the pool

Speaker 0 (18m 32s): Room that that can go to his pool room. But I do have some others that we will send some letters out to people.

Speaker 4 (18m 36s): That's cool. I love that. That's so good. Thanks Rob. No

Speaker 0 (18m 39s): Worries. Appreciate anyway.

Speaker 4 (18m 40s): So my gift of what you look,

Speaker 3 (18m 41s): Sorry. Nah, I forgot about it now. Yeah,

Speaker 4 (18m 43s): It looks look shit out.

Speaker 3 (18m 46s): Suck up.

Speaker 5 (18m 47s): Sorry.

Speaker 4 (18m 48s): No, I did though. I did have a bit of a session cuz Chris and I were having a discussion in regards to if Phil Knight's gonna die or not soon.

Speaker 0 (18m 59s): So,

Speaker 4 (18m 60s): So we thought we'd, we'd buy a few cars.

Speaker 3 (19m 2s): That's not the discussion we had. But anyway. Wasn't it opportunistic?

Speaker 4 (19m 5s): That's the why I

Speaker 5 (19m 6s): Saw it. I saw a sick one yesterday on Comm C speaking of which. Yep. And it's, it's, it's, it's the Michael Jordan Spike Lee, you know when they did that commercial? Yeah. Back in the day. Yeah. And it's signed by Phil Knight. I was like, man, that'd be cool.

Speaker 4 (19m 21s): I, I bought 12 of them maybe I bought a

Speaker 3 (19m 25s): Couple. Yeah, I've got at least. So yeah, we saw them. I think Toga had them, had

Speaker 5 (19m 29s): A couple You

Speaker 3 (19m 29s): Had. Yeah, that's hobby hanging out and it sort of, and

Speaker 4 (19m 32s): We saw one in the states too, I think when we're

Speaker 3 (19m 33s): Over there. Yeah. And there's different types. Like you've got a custom made one. It's to make, it's to look like a Jordan Flea rookie

Speaker 4 (19m 40s): Card. Yeah. And it's him talking at a, at a, oh yeah, I saw that one. And then there was the, I got you the cutout

Speaker 3 (19m 46s): One. The cutout, yeah. And then

Speaker 4 (19m 47s): There's, but then there's the business cards, which happened to have a different sport and literally stamps the card just with his details. That's, and then signs the back

Speaker 0 (19m 55s): A business card.

Speaker 4 (19m 56s): That's what they're they're business

Speaker 3 (19m 57s): Cards. And then it's got a number and you call it and it's the head office of Nike. Oh

Speaker 0 (20m 1s): Okay. That's cool. What you gonna ring?

Speaker 4 (20m 3s): No, no it does. Yeah. It's one 800. No, we've got a question here. What's the chance of you guys doing a one off jersey slab? Funny you ask that.

Speaker 0 (20m 12s): That's your dream.

Speaker 4 (20m 13s): My dream, the reason it's my dream at the moment is because I have so many jerseys where you get the number and it's auto, but on the front it's actually a really cool jersey. And when you put 'em in a frame, you don't get to see the front. So I gave a challenge to our mate Chop from Ipswich pitch framing to actually create a slab. Oh that would be amazing. With PSG at the top of the, and he's still got it actually it's a Larry Bird USA sign Jersey.

God I had that. And that's actually with him at the moment. And the idea is to pretty much slab it together with a PSG thing at the top. And that's so cool. Talk about when it was from and all that sort of stuff. Qr, code of the game, all that sort

Speaker 3 (20m 55s): Thing. How would you hang? It would be

Speaker 4 (20m 57s): Mine. That's the issue we're having at the moment

Speaker 5 (20m 59s): In the middle. So

Speaker 4 (21m 0s): You can like if anyone

Speaker 5 (21m 2s): Who's gonna, I know.

Speaker 4 (21m 3s): Yeah. But if anyone can do it, I'll talk. Can

Speaker 0 (21m 5s): Do it. I'll talk to you about that later on

Speaker 4 (21m 7s): Actually. Okay. Sin Tones just joined us. Hey. He doesn't return phone calls, text messages or anything else, but he joins us live on,

Speaker 0 (21m 13s): He's just waiting to see if the chicken's gonna be played. That's all.

Speaker 4 (21m 18s): Wow. How to lower the tone. What I

Speaker 0 (21m 21s): Right. Chicken. That's all I said.

Speaker 4 (21m 23s): Okay. So yeah, hope that answers your question card guy. He would love to see that as we were. Yes. So that would be awesome. It's definitely in the works. Never comes off then. I think it'll be, we

Speaker 3 (21m 34s): Did see something Ultrapro used to do like giant.

Speaker 4 (21m 38s): We nearly bought 'em all didn't we? Yeah, but at the national and

Speaker 3 (21m 40s): Yeah. And then we spoke to the woman at Ultrapro and she's like,

Speaker 4 (21m 43s): Don't bother, don't touch them.

Speaker 3 (21m 44s): Really? And they stopped making them because the, the plastic cracks.

Speaker 4 (21m 49s): Oh okay. After a period of time. Yeah. But it was really cool. It was like, you know your suit bag you get but it was plastic. So the suit bag and it was like solid plastic. Like a one touch, no, no one touch top loader. A top load. Yeah. And push pushed together and you hang it on a coat hanger in the thing. So

Speaker 0 (22m 3s): This is, this is what I've got a mate who's got one exactly like that. And it is absolutely brilliant because you can actually change a jersey in it from time to time

Speaker 4 (22m 10s): As well. Well that must be the pro one.

Speaker 0 (22m 12s): No here is done here on the Gold Coast. Done locally. And they actually laser etched the North Melbourne Football Club logo into the, into the plastic as well.

Speaker 4 (22m 21s): Wouldn't do that. Hope they sold their etching machine after it.

Speaker 0 (22m 27s): No, it doesn't look awesome though. But that coat hanger idea is just brilliant cuz some jerseys you wanna show one way

Speaker 4 (22m 32s): Some. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 0 (22m 33s): And sometimes you just wanna turn it

Speaker 4 (22m 34s): Around man. I've got like the Robert Harry collection, which is all the jerseys and it just looks sick. If you

Speaker 5 (22m 39s): Could, that would be cool. Yeah,

Speaker 4 (22m 41s): No way.

Speaker 5 (22m 42s): How is it done?

Speaker 4 (22m 47s): Anyway, moving on.

Speaker 0 (22m 49s): Next part. Hey I wanna, I wanna show a card.

Speaker 4 (22m 50s): What card you got?

Speaker 0 (22m 52s): I wanna show a card. Can we

Speaker 4 (22m 53s): Show a card? Looks like a number plate. It

Speaker 0 (22m 54s): Is a number plate

Speaker 4 (22m 55s): Way.

Speaker 0 (22m 56s): It is a number plate. Apparently

Speaker 5 (22m 57s): It's the coolest card in the world.

Speaker 3 (22m 58s): Coolest in the world.

Speaker 0 (22m 59s): World

Speaker 5 (22m 59s): This morning.

Speaker 4 (23m 0s): Yeah. Queensland, Australia. Yeah. What's the population of Queensland when this was printed?

Speaker 3 (23m 5s): 772,000.

Speaker 0 (23m 7s): No, that's how many cards?

Speaker 5 (23m 7s): 1 million. 1 million. 1 million.

Speaker 3 (23m 12s): 1 million.

Speaker 5 (23m 12s): 1.5

Speaker 4 (23m 13s): Mil. 1, 2, 3 8. Triple oh oh. It's close. Average square mile. 670,000. This is really old.

Speaker 0 (23m 20s): That's right. Yeah, because the currency is the Australian pound.

Speaker 3 (23m 23s): It's not the coolest card in the world. It

Speaker 0 (23m 25s): Is the coolest card.

Speaker 4 (23m 26s): And there's 77,000 930, 70.

Speaker 5 (23m 29s): So, but because Brisbane's written backwards. Oh yeah, yeah. Apparently it's the coolest card ever. Oh no. Oh it came outta the top. Loader. Kin it

Speaker 4 (23m 37s): Fell out. My hand. My hands. It's

Speaker 0 (23m 40s): Like, like a Frisbee

Speaker 3 (23m 41s): Thread. Don't you say

Speaker 0 (23m 42s): This is the kind of stuff that I love. Shit. Like 19. No, that's come from the nine. No I think it was 1961. I found out it was from, that's a cracker. And if you have a look at the back, if you flip that over roots. Not for me. That's shiny. You can't read it unless it tells you. It tells you that if you, it asks you a question. What's the capital of Queensland? And it says if you can't read it, put this in a mirror and you'll see the word. They've got Brisbane techn technology.

Speaker 4 (24m 5s): Did you go and put it anywhere?

Speaker 0 (24m 7s): No, I knew the capital. Brisbane. I knew the capital.

Speaker 4 (24m 10s): So did didn't You

Speaker 0 (24m 11s): Did. So what's the oldest card you've got

Speaker 4 (24m 13s): Brett? No. Oh. The oldest one got in the office is probably in 1948.

Speaker 0 (24m 19s): So why did you buy that one?

Speaker 4 (24m 21s): Because it was a PSA one.

Speaker 0 (24m 22s): PSA one, the oldest PSA one. Is it 48 Bowman?

Speaker 4 (24m 26s): It is a 48 Bowman.

Speaker 0 (24m 27s): Wow. Pugs. What are you man? Mine's the same. 48 Bowman. 48 Bowman, Fred Lewis. You dunno because you are, you're one of these and new age people. He's

Speaker 4 (24m 36s): A Chrome. I mean, sorry, 2019 tops Chrome.

Speaker 0 (24m 41s): Did they do Mandalorian? I don't even know what the Mandalorian is, but he tells me this morning I was watching the Mandalorian

Speaker 4 (24m 48s): Last night and I was

Speaker 0 (24m 49s): Cracking a box of Mandalorian. Yeah, it's the way to do it. The box it was supposed to be cracked on here.

Speaker 4 (24m 54s): So he's already cracked. Was there anything that we would've got that we would've went? Oh hell yeah. Oh my God.

Speaker 0 (24m 58s): No, not really. No it was so, well look to 25 man.

Speaker 4 (25m 3s): Yeah

Speaker 0 (25m 3s): That's nor 25.

Speaker 4 (25m 4s): So Ben asked, every time I look out, it reminds me of Bernard Fanning for some reason. Benning

Speaker 0 (25m 10s): Wish you

Speaker 4 (25m 11s): Well. How is your patch slabs going? Are they far off with us sending our patch cards for grading? Oh,

Speaker 0 (25m 16s): Oh, that's what he meant when he said not. No, this is a

Speaker 4 (25m 20s): Different person. Different question. I'm gonna say they're not far off. They are being manufactured when they arrive is the question that we currently have. The US dollar is not very pleasant at the moment. China's not very pleasant at the moment. So there's lots going on in that space. Getting, getting

Speaker 0 (25m 34s): Stuff outta China's

Speaker 4 (25m 35s): Hard. It's very difficult at the moment. They have been ordered. We are waiting on a certain machine as well. So I'm gonna say early next year will be in a position to do that

Speaker 0 (25m 44s): Noise.

Speaker 4 (25m 46s): AWS cards and Truck Star. Let's just joined

Speaker 0 (25m 49s): Us while we've got, how many people we gonna line now?

Speaker 4 (25m 51s): Nine one hundred and seventy two.

Speaker 0 (25m 53s): 109. So what

Speaker 4 (25m 55s): About ticket stubs? Hey. And full ticket slabs.

Speaker 0 (25m 58s): That's the other one that we're working on. Tickets Stub. That one. We're working ticket stubs now. Now it's full tickets. Yeah,

Speaker 4 (26m 3s): Full tickets. But we do have a solution from local card shop with PSG brought out into the country, which are the, the three magnet one touches. Yep. So we can do something with those.

Speaker 0 (26m 15s): Yep. But the ticket, so we did our first ticket stub, which was a cool, cool ticket because it was the first ever home game for the Melbourne Storm.

Speaker 4 (26m 22s): Always.

Speaker 0 (26m 23s): So the person who sent it to me was kept telling me how he was on a concession ticket then. And I wouldn't have been. But anyway. But yeah, no, it did a little bit of it. Did a little bit of the rounds on a couple of the Facebook pages and people really liked it,

Speaker 4 (26m 39s): So. Oh, that's awesome.

Speaker 0 (26m 40s): Yeah, I've got a few messages about that one. So we really do need to look further into the, the full ticket stubs. Oh not ticket stubs. The full tickets

Speaker 4 (26m 46s): As well. Yeah,

Speaker 0 (26m 47s): Because they are cool. They're, they're super cool

Speaker 4 (26m 48s): Tickets. Now the only thing with the tickets is that we obviously need certain types of machinery for certain sizes. Yeah. And then it's just how many we get and all that sort of stuff. So from a business point of view it will happen. It will happen. Yeah. We'll do, we'll do the whole lot. A few more questions coming here. Adam Nelson up to one 30 point. That's the same, same thing as the

Speaker 0 (27m 6s): Yeah, that's the ones that we're as the

Speaker 4 (27m 8s): Patches mate. A few different sizes in the new year. Yep. Being able to grade booklets would be fire. Once again we have the booklet one touches. We won't be grading booklets in the very near future.

Speaker 0 (27m 22s): What about, talk about booklets very quickly. Yeah. That booklet you showed me yesterday.

Speaker 3 (27m 27s): Yes.

Speaker 0 (27m 27s): From

Speaker 3 (27m 28s): Origins. From Origins. It was, it was weird because my only booklets are short num like, well they're serial numbered but low. This one was number to 50. Yeah. And it was a jewel rookie obviously from the same team. It's bloody nice though would be

Speaker 4 (27m 42s): As well. Yep.

Speaker 0 (27m 43s): Yeah. There would be no one toucher could take it. No, because it was double the size of a normal booklet. Cause it was, yeah, no, no height. Height width.

Speaker 4 (27m 51s): Oh really? Was like the big long one but double the size.

Speaker 3 (27m 54s): Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Two players

Speaker 4 (27m 56s): And what

Speaker 0 (27m 57s): Was

Speaker 3 (27m 57s): Really good Patches or the new NFL origins. Oh wow. It was on, I was watching a what-not video and she knew straight away she was breaking it and she's like, oh I've got a booklet. And then knew obviously cause it was thick and you could see the edge

Speaker 0 (28m 10s): Of it. Yeah. A Titans one, wasn't it

Speaker 3 (28m 12s): Tight,

Speaker 4 (28m 12s): Goldcrest

Speaker 3 (28m 13s): Titans, Tennessee Titans.

Speaker 4 (28m 14s): Oh, close. Close soccer cards. Australia's just joined us. I'm probably getting very excited. The World Cup coming up. I

Speaker 3 (28m 21s): Believe he's a vendor at the South Australia. Collector card show. Card show

Speaker 4 (28m 27s): Collector. Oh, can you confirm that with us? Soccer card Australia and the Adam Holyokes just joined us as well.

Speaker 0 (28m 32s): Hey, smokey, smokey,

Speaker 3 (28m 33s): Milky. Oh I thought him in real life.

Speaker 4 (28m 35s): No, no. He's upstairs. He's listening. And he must have heard you talking about Isha. Isha. Yeah. And Adam, if you've got Ish's number, if you could call her and bring the phone down live while Star rob's on. Don't

Speaker 3 (28m 47s): Do that will turn to water. That

Speaker 0 (28m 49s): Would

Speaker 4 (28m 49s): Turn to Absolutely. It'll be pretty funny though. Be there.

Speaker 0 (28m 54s): Can we steal my baseball? Have you seen my Jesus?

Speaker 3 (28m 58s): Anyway. Won't be saying that. You won't be saying that on the phone. Do

Speaker 4 (29m 1s): It. I love that. We're culturally correct in this movie.

Speaker 0 (29m 3s): Oh yeah. It's a great movie. It's quite

Speaker 3 (29m 5s): Movie. Great movie. It's one of the best. It

Speaker 4 (29m 7s): Is a great movie. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (29m 8s): Some high quality HDL too.

Speaker 4 (29m 11s): What about that's, yeah, so there's new cards coming out shortly. They are the tops. MB l cards. Do we know when No,

Speaker 3 (29m 20s): No. Haven't even heard.

Speaker 0 (29m 22s): There hasn't been much talk about it. Anything

Speaker 3 (29m 24s): About like what Sea, like what it is.

Speaker 4 (29m 26s): So we, we know a couple of people in that space and we know they are doing legends cards cause a couple of legends have been asked to them. But then that's

Speaker 3 (29m 34s): Cool. They haven't signed

Speaker 4 (29m 35s): Them. They haven't signed anything yet. Cause they haven't been produced is my understanding. Yep. But yeah, it's, I, I dunno they were, maybe it's

Speaker 3 (29m 43s): Four. No they were, they were

Speaker 0 (29m 45s): Scheduled. They were scheduled for November.

Speaker 3 (29m 47s): November. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (29m 47s): But I don't think that can happen.

Speaker 3 (29m 49s): Well

Speaker 0 (29m 50s): Well must say they're redemptions.

Speaker 3 (29m 51s): Yeah. Oh of course All those could be redemptions. But I

Speaker 0 (29m 55s): Couldn't see Tops doing it like that though. But

Speaker 4 (29m 56s): That stuff sign a contract. Contracts haven't been signed. Yeah,

Speaker 0 (29m 59s): True

Speaker 3 (29m 60s): Sound. The contract Big boy. But yeah, there's been no talk about release. There's been no sell sheets. Like no shops that we know of that have that. No.

Speaker 4 (30m 9s): What's actually

Speaker 3 (30m 10s): Going on. Yeah. But very interesting to see. I'm very keen to see, we've seen, we've been to an NBL game recently. We did.

Speaker 4 (30m 19s): Adam Holyokes just replied. Okay. My goal is to get her on FaceTime right now with Rob.

Speaker 3 (30m 24s): Well, not right.

Speaker 0 (30m 25s): Well she's probably working right now

Speaker 4 (30m 28s): Anyway. You never know. So are you And Andy's toy story has just joined as well.

Speaker 0 (30m 31s): Oh what

Speaker 4 (30m 31s): Great Dragon. He's got Andy written on the bottom of his foot. Oh,

Speaker 0 (30m 34s): That's a great

Speaker 5 (30m 35s): Name. He's

Speaker 0 (30m 36s): Your name. That's a great name. Hey

Speaker 4 (30m 37s): Rob, did you find my Luca card? Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (30m 39s): No, Lukey. Luie. Yeah. Yeah. I'll talk to you later about that one.

Speaker 4 (30m 42s): Yeah, no, that's not for live on on Air. Yeah. But going back to my Nmb stuff. So then what we, well we were having a chat about this and Rob's coming in my office this morning and go, guess what? I got some Nmb cars. I'm sitting the, how the fuck did you do that? And he goes, I got some of the old ones. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (30m 56s): 94

Speaker 0 (30m 57s): Fuera. 1994 Futura. Look for the Ricky Grace and Lenard Copeland. Best of both worlds. Redemptions will not be able to be redeemed any longer. 110 cards in the set, individually numbered insert cards. I've got a feeling that this series may have been the Scott Fisher tribute cards and the Yeah, I think it might have been. And the, what are they?

Speaker 4 (31m 19s): So the boxes limited.

Speaker 0 (31m 21s): Yeah. Limited to 15,000 boxes.

Speaker 4 (31m 27s): And what number was that? Box number?

Speaker 0 (31m 29s): This is 10,849. However, let's, let's just be completely, Frankie is Futura. So

Speaker 4 (31m 35s): There could be 450, there could

Speaker 0 (31m 37s): Be 5 million

Speaker 4 (31m 37s): Boxes. 15,000 boxes.

Speaker 0 (31m 38s): And what they did is they had their release and then they wanted more. So they did the export edition. And so they stuck a stamp on it and say, goodness don't have many

Speaker 4 (31m 45s): Things. I'd love to know the story cuz I don't know the story about Fu Were they an actual Aussie company or were they a Chinese company? With Australian.

Speaker 0 (31m 52s): Australian Aussie company.

Speaker 4 (31m 54s): And they, because they had the Surfing.

Speaker 0 (31m 56s): Surfing. Cricket. Cricket. Yeah. MB

Speaker 5 (32m 2s): Tennis. I

Speaker 0 (32m 3s): Think there was was no, that was Motor sports. Motor sports. The F1 cards, which is still my favorite Aussie set of all time.

Speaker 4 (32m 9s): The F1

Speaker 0 (32m 11s): 1994.

Speaker 4 (32m 13s): So everything seemed to happen in 94. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (32m 15s): They were like 93, 94. It's funny. Last oh and 95 in 96 as well.

Speaker 0 (32m 21s): Futura lasted about four years. So no, I won't say it. No, it's not to say it. I, there was a cricket release that came out and there was a, in an insert card, which was number to a hundred that I have 164 of them at home.

Speaker 5 (32m 37s): Oh wow.

Speaker 0 (32m 38s): Huh. Mic

Speaker 5 (32m 39s): Drop. Were they serial?

Speaker 3 (32m 41s): You have a hundred. Are they serial number cards or you have serial number number? The number hundred.

Speaker 0 (32m 45s): Serial number. Bring

Speaker 5 (32m 46s): 'em in. I

Speaker 0 (32m 46s): Wanna see them. There's like number 38, there's five of them. And there's

Speaker 4 (32m 50s): Really? Yeah.

Speaker 0 (32m 51s): Which is a bit sad. Wow. And that's, that's,

Speaker 3 (32m 54s): Did you, how quickly did you realize?

Speaker 0 (32m 58s): Oh, I bought them in one lot.

Speaker 3 (32m 60s): Oh,

Speaker 4 (33m 0s): Okay. I brought

Speaker 0 (33m 1s): Lot someone. Yeah. Cause I thought it was really cool to have 164.

Speaker 3 (33m 4s): I thought, I thought you might.

Speaker 4 (33m 5s): That's, you might

Speaker 3 (33m 6s): Have just realized like, hang, ain't

Speaker 0 (33m 7s): Gonna sec. No, no, no. This was, this is a big, this is a big ticket card too. But I don't have the redemption cards with 'em. I just have, sorry, I don't have the sign cards with 'em. I just have the redemptions. But there was always a lot of talk that you could get signed cards outta there. Sets. It's pretty easy.

Speaker 4 (33m 20s): So what I wanna do here, we're gonna, I know, I know you weren't gonna let us open this.

Speaker 0 (33m 24s): No, we're guaranteed,

Speaker 4 (33m 25s): But we're gonna, but we only have one pack each cuz we know that's actually stock from local cards that we've stolen.

Speaker 0 (33m 30s): That's, that's not the, that's not the

Speaker 4 (33m 31s): Problem. And, and the, oh,

Speaker 5 (33m 34s): Love

Speaker 4 (33m 34s): That. What we're chasing here is a Neil Turner. Neil

Speaker 0 (33m 38s): Turner. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (33m 40s): Hobart card

Speaker 3 (33m 42s): Was of Hobart at

Speaker 4 (33m 43s): This time. I believe So. Look at those. I might've complete.

Speaker 0 (33m 45s): Look at the way they look at the way they did that. Isn't that beautiful?

Speaker 4 (33m 48s): That's cool. So this is where we need to explain how they did it, because it's,

Speaker 0 (33m 52s): Remember, so I've opened up the box and it is, it's just immaculately packed.

Speaker 4 (33m 57s): Nice color. They're like yellow

Speaker 5 (33m 59s): Cards inside it.

Speaker 0 (34m 0s): 20.

Speaker 4 (34m 2s): You

Speaker 5 (34m 2s): Got what? It's gonna have GI Joe cards inside that

Speaker 0 (34m 5s): The, the fight was fixed on the weekend. Who would've thought the Logan Paul would set up a

Speaker 4 (34m 9s): Fight?

Speaker 5 (34m 9s): Never. You mean Jake Paul

Speaker 0 (34m 10s): Or, oh, well who am I talking about?

Speaker 5 (34m 12s): Jake Paul was one that won.

Speaker 4 (34m 13s): Jake's the fighter and Logan's the wrestler. Oh fuck. I'm with the double. Let's, let's to be world champion. Let's mate

Speaker 3 (34m 21s): Is the Lords of the ring inserts in this?

Speaker 0 (34m 24s): Oh, is this, is this the one? Cause I

Speaker 3 (34m 25s): Bought a car. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (34m 27s): Ah, this takes me way back.

Speaker 4 (34m 29s): So we're looking for one in 20 Lord of the Rings. The N B L heroes. One in 17. Best of both worlds. One in 300. Yep. Or offensive. Offensive threats. One in nine. The 1994 series. One future of basketball. Hundred and 10 cards.

Speaker 3 (34m 47s): Leeway logs.

Speaker 4 (34m 48s): All 14 N B L clubs. Can you name and pugs.

Speaker 5 (34m 51s): Oh,

Speaker 4 (34m 52s): From 94.

Speaker 5 (34m 54s): Probably not. Adelaide 36 s

Speaker 0 (34m 56s): Wildcats

Speaker 5 (34m 57s): Supercats cans. Oh no, there no cans then Tasmanian. Yep. Southeast Melbourne. Magic North Melbourne Giants. Melbourne Tigers you said per Wildcats. So Brisbane Bullets. Sydney Kings. How many is that now?

Speaker 4 (35m 15s): Eight. Eight.

Speaker 5 (35m 17s): Gold. Townville Crocs. Gold Coast. There wasn't gold. Oh there was rollers.

Speaker 4 (35m 24s): Oh. So we could be chasing a brand new Newcastle

Speaker 5 (35m 26s): New Yeah. Newcastle Falcons.

Speaker 4 (35m 28s): Yeah.

Speaker 3 (35m 29s): Your AFL team. How

Speaker 5 (35m 31s): What,

Speaker 4 (35m 31s): Sorry? North F Super

Speaker 0 (35m 33s): Cats. Your AFL

Speaker 5 (35m 33s): Team? Yeah. Geelong Supercats.

Speaker 4 (35m 35s): I just dropped them. Oh,

Speaker 0 (35m 37s): Hey, that's not

Speaker 5 (35m 39s): The, that's 12. I'm hands table

Speaker 0 (35m 41s): Jones. Yeah. All right. Who we got?

Speaker 4 (35m 43s): Hey Christopher, your first.

Speaker 3 (35m 46s): I can't say that name. Darren Smith. Oh

Speaker 0 (35m 48s): Wow. Darren Smith

Speaker 3 (35m 49s): Played league for the, the

Speaker 0 (35m 51s): Bulldogs. I don't think he did. Not that one. No,

Speaker 3 (35m 53s): Not that one. But a Darren

Speaker 4 (35m 54s): Smith. And who's he play for?

Speaker 3 (35m 57s): Townsville.

Speaker 0 (35m 58s): Townsville Crops.

Speaker 4 (35m 59s): You Miss Canberra Cannons.

Speaker 5 (36m 0s): Yeah. I did. Miss Canberra

Speaker 3 (36m 2s): D

Speaker 5 (36m 2s): McDonald. No cares about Canberra. Mark Davis,

Speaker 0 (36m 4s): Darl McDonald. Robert Rose. Robert Rose, didn't he? Didn't he win an MVP in the nba? He

Speaker 5 (36m 8s): No, no. In B he did Andrew

Speaker 3 (36m 10s): Gays.

Speaker 4 (36m 11s): Oh, g

Speaker 0 (36m 12s): Leroy Loggins. Aye right

Speaker 4 (36m 14s): There. You

Speaker 5 (36m 15s): Got the

Speaker 3 (36m 16s): Ack. Is that Dante's dad?

Speaker 4 (36m 18s): It is. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (36m 18s): With the hair coach when I was How's

Speaker 0 (36m 20s): The hair do on that one? Nah,

Speaker 3 (36m 21s): Sure.

Speaker 0 (36m 21s): Yeah. It's, it was like on a, on a slide

Speaker 5 (36m 24s): Flat top.

Speaker 0 (36m 25s): Yeah. It was like the French prince of

Speaker 5 (36m 27s): It was my coach when I was a kid

Speaker 0 (36m 28s): Out.

Speaker 3 (36m 29s): Cecil

Speaker 0 (36m 30s): The big sea dog. Seadog.

Speaker 3 (36m 34s): And we only have one back

Speaker 0 (36m 35s): Each this stage at the moment.

Speaker 4 (36m 38s): Well,

Speaker 0 (36m 38s): Here you got mate. I've got the great chain heel. Oh,

Speaker 4 (36m 41s): Hammer. Hammer.

Speaker 0 (36m 42s): The great chain heel.

Speaker 4 (36m 43s): Don't go into business with him.

Speaker 0 (36m 44s): Alan, Alan Black.

Speaker 4 (36m 46s): Alan Black buggy.

Speaker 0 (36m 47s): Coached. Coached. Didn't he coach Australia for a while? He

Speaker 4 (36m 50s): Did. Dunno.

Speaker 0 (36m 51s): And then the other one that I saw, I had a gaze, but I think every pack's got a gaze. Oh, I got, I got the great, the great big man from the Tigers. Do you know who who I've got Mark Brad. Mark Brad.

Speaker 5 (37m 1s): The man. The seven Foot Layup.

Speaker 0 (37m 2s): Yep. The, and his son is now a football player from the Melbourne Football Club. There

Speaker 4 (37m 7s): You go. Is he really? Yeah. Brad wasn't seven foot, was he?

Speaker 0 (37m 10s): Yeah,

Speaker 5 (37m 10s): He's probably six foot 11. He'll tell you on the back.

Speaker 0 (37m 13s): He tells me things on

Speaker 4 (37m 14s): Because he, he was Luke's best mate. Luke Long, his best mate. Playing through, Hey, I've got Chris Steel from the Hawks. Oh, Fred Herzog. McKinnons. We've got a checklist.

Speaker 5 (37m 25s): It'll tell you how many centimeters he

Speaker 4 (37m 27s): Is. Yeah. Brett Maher from the sixes. Hey Roy Borner from the Supercats. Was that Geelong Supercats, was it? Yeah. Yep. Oh,

Speaker 5 (37m 35s): Hang on. Bruce Bolden.

Speaker 4 (37m 36s): Bruce Balden 93 Awards.

Speaker 0 (37m 39s): Magic Jonah's father

Speaker 4 (37m 42s): Brian Andrews from the Sons. Who is the

Speaker 5 (37m 44s): Sons Townsville.

Speaker 0 (37m 45s): Yeah. They were the sons before the crocodile's.

Speaker 4 (37m 48s): I got two sons to Tony Jensen.

Speaker 0 (37m 50s): Art Pa

Speaker 4 (37m 53s): Parkinson.

Speaker 5 (37m 54s): He was like my, one of my favorite players.

Speaker 4 (37m 56s): We should, we should grade that and give it to the boys on the tour. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (37m 59s): 208 centimeters. Mark Brek, whatever that is in

Speaker 5 (38m 2s): Old

Speaker 0 (38m 2s): Scale's.

Speaker 5 (38m 3s): 6 6 11.

Speaker 4 (38m 5s): Six

Speaker 0 (38m 5s): 11.

Speaker 3 (38m 5s): Yeah. Put that aside. Definitely

Speaker 4 (38m 7s): We'll do that. But

Speaker 5 (38m 8s): He was the guy that would do a layout wide open. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (38m 11s): I assume there'll be a, a lot of his friends on the tour.

Speaker 4 (38m 13s): Yeah.

Speaker 0 (38m 13s): We would expect he would've done slowly too.

Speaker 5 (38m 15s): Oh yeah. We, we used to laugh because I like, I'm, I'm five nine and I would at least try and dunk it where he's like a foot taller than me and do a layup.

Speaker 0 (38m 22s): Like

Speaker 4 (38m 23s): I saw a five nine kid this morning on TikTok. Kiss the

Speaker 0 (38m 26s): Rim. I think he's got an insert in

Speaker 5 (38m 27s): This pack. Yeah, I do have an insert.

Speaker 0 (38m 28s): Yeah. I can tell.

Speaker 4 (38m 30s): We're spinning

Speaker 5 (38m 31s): Roofs, Shane. Oh, we are too.

Speaker 0 (38m 35s): Do we? Does spinning mean we've gone?

Speaker 4 (38m 37s): I don't know. He's spinn spin there too.

Speaker 0 (38m 42s): Anyway,

Speaker 5 (38m 42s): Just test

Speaker 4 (38m 43s): Him if, make sure they hear us. Bernard Finney, you still alone? No,

Speaker 0 (38m 48s): Just one. I wish you will

Speaker 3 (38m 50s): Side note.

Speaker 5 (38m 51s): N b. I know it's still on. Yeah, we're

Speaker 3 (38m 52s): Back. N B one. Just, just

Speaker 4 (38m 56s): N B one.

Speaker 3 (38m 57s): N B one just said they have expanded. There's four new teams. Oh

Speaker 4 (38m 60s): Yeah. Where are they?

Speaker 0 (39m 0s): 900 teams in total. Now

Speaker 3 (39m 5s): The Center of Excellence Basketball Australia. Penrith Panthers basketball, Sydney Comets.

Speaker 0 (39m 11s): They just wanna win everything. Penrith.

Speaker 3 (39m 13s): And

Speaker 4 (39m 14s): They're their footy players. Very play basketball. Greenback

Speaker 3 (39m 17s): Spiders.

Speaker 4 (39m 18s): The green back spot. No,

Speaker 3 (39m 19s): No, no. That's, that's just a picture of

Speaker 4 (39m 21s): A green back spider.

Speaker 3 (39m 22s): It's a spider's it. No, no words.

Speaker 0 (39m 24s): Anything. Alright. What have we got? Pubs

Speaker 5 (39m 25s): Bud. We got Shane Fralin from the Bullet. Yeah. Wayne Larkins from the Supercats Wayne. Wasn't

Speaker 0 (39m 31s): He like the littlest bloke ever?

Speaker 5 (39m 32s): No, that was D Darryl. Oh. Can't remember his name. How tall, tall

Speaker 0 (39m 36s): Old was he?

Speaker 5 (39m 36s): He's hundred 74 centimeters. He's pretty, he's pretty, pretty pretty on there. Daniel Donald

Speaker 4 (39m 42s): Dog.

Speaker 0 (39m 43s): His his son plays in one of the N B one teams that we went and watched this year. Larkins. Yeah. He was really angry too. Like his

Speaker 5 (39m 51s): Old man. Donald Whiteside from the, the Devils Tasmania. He's the got insert.

Speaker 4 (39m 56s): What is the insert

Speaker 5 (39m 59s): Defensive threats of Melvin Thomas? 27 0 6 of

Speaker 4 (40m 3s): Offensive or defensive?

Speaker 5 (40m 5s): Defensive of thousand 5,000. So

Speaker 4 (40m 7s): It's not even on

Speaker 5 (40m 8s): The track out 12,000.

Speaker 4 (40m 10s): It says offensive threats. Took me a

Speaker 0 (40m 12s): While.

Speaker 5 (40m 13s): Yeah. Oh, so well there's,

Speaker 4 (40m 14s): There's no defensive

Speaker 5 (40m 15s): Threats. There's a defensive. Good job. Oh yeah. Oh no, it's offensive. There you go. I was wrong. Steven Whitehead from the Tigers. Wow. Lucas Agros from The Suns. Andrew Goodwin from the Rollers.

Speaker 0 (40m 27s): There you go. The

Speaker 5 (40m 28s): Rollers. Terry Dosier getting

Speaker 0 (40m 30s): Back as Alumni

Speaker 4 (40m 31s): Doz

Speaker 5 (40m 32s): And Chuck Harmon from The

Speaker 0 (40m 33s): Hawks. Chuck Harmon. Sounds like a commentator's name or

Speaker 4 (40m 37s): A U ffc photo. That's

Speaker 0 (40m 38s): Who.

Speaker 4 (40m 39s): So what, what do we think? Grab a card. Let let's, let's talk through the car. What do you think about the quality, the, the way that they're designed?

Speaker 3 (40m 46s): I think they're pretty good

Speaker 5 (40m 47s): For these Were like some of my favorite cards as kids.

Speaker 4 (40m 49s): Yeah. What do you think from a like centering? Cause they look pretty good actually.

Speaker 5 (40m 52s): Yeah. Very spot on. I know we've greeted quite a few of these

Speaker 4 (40m 57s): Gaze ones,

Speaker 5 (40m 58s): Didn't you? Yeah. And they're always pretty spot on.

Speaker 0 (41m 1s): The thing that I like about them, and I think what trading cards have forgotten over the years is that there's more than just a picture of

Speaker 5 (41m 7s): A player. Yeah. And I love what there's like a little story on the back. Yeah. Like they put some effort into it.

Speaker 0 (41m 12s): Yep. So you look at the, you look at a trading card today and there's a picture of Steph Curry and they black out everything else around it. And I guess there's a lot to do with rights and images and all the rest of it. But you look at this card and there's a few blokes in the background.

Speaker 4 (41m 25s): Yeah. Well look at this one. I was just reading this. You know what we were chasing the Neil Turner? Yeah. Well Chris Steele actually played with Neil a Newcastle. Yep. And then went on to play for And Andrew Gay is in the picture.

Speaker 5 (41m 35s): Yeah,

Speaker 0 (41m 36s): The goat. See that's cool. Well apparently I, I think it's Andrew Gazer talks about it. He's in an NBA trading card where he is dumped. Oh,

Speaker 5 (41m 43s): He gets dunked on by. Yeah, I've got, it's in Collector's Choice by Brian Houston.

Speaker 0 (41m 47s): Ah, is it, is that the one,

Speaker 5 (41m 48s): Brian Houston? Yeah, I think so. But yeah, so I've got the, the normal, I've got the Silver Sig and the Gold Sig and then I've got a plane base that I want him to sign. Yeah. That I want him to sign. Yeah. As well. That's cool. Whenever I meet Gaze again. So yeah, he's he's

Speaker 0 (42m 4s): A cool dude, isn't he?

Speaker 3 (42m 4s): I saw I love Gaze. There's a guy on Twitter who basically randomly met this guy and they got talking about trading cards and the guy that he was talking to is mates with a guy that plays Major League Baseball.

Speaker 0 (42m 18s): Oh

Speaker 3 (42m 19s): Really? And he said, oh come, I'll give you tickets to this game. A home game. And it happened to be the day that Tops or whoever were there taking photos for the cards. And he said that to the photographer. Make sure you get my maid in the background.

Speaker 5 (42m 32s): That's awesome. No.

Speaker 3 (42m 34s): And so he is made, he's in the stands. He's wearing a red shirt. I forget his name or who the player is, but yeah, he's in the background of a cat. That

Speaker 5 (42m 41s): Is awesome. Good.

Speaker 3 (42m 43s): He's a sick story. That's

Speaker 0 (42m 45s): Sick. That is amazing.

Speaker 4 (42m 46s): Okay, so

Speaker 0 (42m 47s): Any questions?

Speaker 4 (42m 48s): Do you remember any of these Gold Coast players? Oh,

Speaker 0 (42m 51s): Here we go.

Speaker 4 (42m 52s): Andrew Goodwin.

Speaker 0 (42m 54s): Yeah. Big tall, skinny white fella.

Speaker 4 (42m 57s): Andre Lale.

Speaker 5 (42m 58s): Oh yeah. He was the man.

Speaker 0 (42m 59s): He was cool.

Speaker 5 (43m 1s): Him and Mitch Mitchell. Mitch Mitchell. Mike Mitchell.

Speaker 0 (43m 4s): Mitchell.

Speaker 4 (43m 4s): Matthew Reese. I'll tell you what, Matthew Reese's kid goes to my kid's school and I, his wife runs Seahawks.

Speaker 5 (43m 12s): Oh she does actually. She

Speaker 4 (43m 14s): Does. Yes.

Speaker 0 (43m 14s): There you go. Brooky Reese. That took a long way to get there. Oh,

Speaker 4 (43m 17s): I get it. Yeah. So, yes. He's one of the coaches at King's Basketball here on the Gold Coast. That's Mattie Reese. So we need to find a Mattie Reese so I can get him to sign it. Mike Mitchell and Greg Fox.

Speaker 5 (43m 28s): Greg Fox. I used to play with Greg Fox as well. He used to runaway B Did

Speaker 0 (43m 31s): He?

Speaker 4 (43m 31s): He did. He did. Did He's a question challenge. Did Shane Hill play for the Canberra Cannons?

Speaker 5 (43m 41s): Yes.

Speaker 0 (43m 42s): That was their time. I'm gonna say no, I don't

Speaker 5 (43m 46s): Think he did. I I'm gonna say yes even if it was just for a little small period. But he didn't, there you go. He played for, I knew it was Brisbane and Sydney.

Speaker 4 (43m 52s): BOL or Sydney Kings. Yeah, there you go. I don't think

Speaker 0 (43m 55s): It was super Cannons. I

Speaker 5 (43m 56s): Was wondering if it was a trick, trick question. No he wasn't.

Speaker 4 (43m 59s): I just thought it was a bit of a trick cuz they weren't on the list. But there's some great names from the past. Phil

Speaker 5 (44m 5s): Smith. Oh yeah. Phil

Speaker 4 (44m 6s): Smart. The man that looked like he was 87 when he was with

Speaker 5 (44m 9s): His little came over.

Speaker 4 (44m 11s): Brett Ma, Brett Ma, Mark Davis. Rodney Monroe, John Seltzer. Some big names here from back in the day. Well

Speaker 0 (44m 21s): The one

Speaker 4 (44m 21s): Reminiscent now

Speaker 0 (44m 23s): That Luke Longley was talking about Ray Bonner.

Speaker 5 (44m 26s): Oh

Speaker 0 (44m 26s): Ray. He's from that time. That time. He's

Speaker 5 (44m 28s): A big fella. So

Speaker 4 (44m 28s): We're doing one more. What are you reckon?

Speaker 0 (44m 29s): Crystal Long Supercats mate tell you. You what you need to get up on Supercats Facts. 1989 to 1991.

Speaker 5 (44m 36s): Who? Derek Rucker.

Speaker 0 (44m 38s): Shane.

Speaker 5 (44m 40s): Oh yeah. Tell he did.

Speaker 0 (44m 41s): Yeah.

Speaker 4 (44m 42s): I, no dear. I was just reading

Speaker 0 (44m 43s): The thing. Bullets Supercats bullets. Kings. Timberwolves Kings.

Speaker 4 (44m 47s): Oh,

Speaker 0 (44m 47s): Going again Kings. Yeah. What? No, obviously one

Speaker 4 (44m 50s): More

Speaker 0 (44m 51s): South Dragons. Oh, he played for the Blaze as well. I forgot about that.

Speaker 5 (44m 54s): Oh he he did actually. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (44m 56s): Top what? Bottom one.

Speaker 5 (44m 58s): The second one? Yes

Speaker 4 (44m 59s): Please.

Speaker 5 (44m 60s): Yeah, that will do.

Speaker 0 (45m 1s): N b will clear the year. 1988. Who's that? Shane Hill. Shane

Speaker 4 (45m 4s): Hill. When did he play in the us?

Speaker 0 (45m 6s): That's

Speaker 5 (45m 7s): What, 96. 97

Speaker 0 (45m 9s): Ish. He's good. This man's good. 98

Speaker 5 (45m 13s): Back. Scotty Fisher.

Speaker 0 (45m 15s): So he's a, he's a legend. Flyoff. He, yeah. I used

Speaker 4 (45m 19s): To love, I love this. It's a Tiger's card. Right. And it's Robert Sibley and it says he move to Brisbane card.

Speaker 0 (45m 26s): He moved to Brisbane. That's very educational.

Speaker 5 (45m 27s): Everyone from Melbourne moved to Brisbane.

Speaker 0 (45m 29s): I got Cecil.

Speaker 4 (45m 30s): Rodney Monroe. Relocated to the usa. He's obviously not here.

Speaker 5 (45m 34s): Hey Greg Fox. There we go. Look at

Speaker 0 (45m 37s): That

Speaker 4 (45m 37s): Big Dave Simmons from the Melbourne Tigers.

Speaker 0 (45m 42s): I a hammer. We're in the Reebok pumps. I got Al Green.

Speaker 4 (45m 45s): I was talking about Andre Lair.

Speaker 0 (45m 47s): Peter Harvey.

Speaker 5 (45m 47s): He's another Golf Coast legend.

Speaker 4 (45m 49s): He's coming on the tour with us.

Speaker 0 (45m 51s): He's

Speaker 5 (45m 51s): He.

Speaker 4 (45m 51s): Yeah. Take it with you. He'll be on the tour. Is that when he was at the Falcons? Yeah.

Speaker 0 (45m 55s): Yeah.

Speaker 4 (45m 56s): That's when he played with Neil. Oh, Chris Steele again. Same card. Doubled up.

Speaker 5 (46m 0s): I played Butch Hayes when I was playing for like, well before it was Nmb one. I was playing for the Gold Coast and we played Butch Hayes. Yeah. He was like 40 something and smoked us like it. Oh really? Scored like 40. It was ridiculous.

Speaker 4 (46m 13s): He was Andre La flair

Speaker 0 (46m 14s): Cards

Speaker 4 (46m 15s): All day. Now he doesn't look like he's French.

Speaker 0 (46m 18s): He could be a Peppi. Doesn't either.

Speaker 5 (46m 22s): Ricky Grace. Wow.

Speaker 0 (46m 23s): And you said, you said you, we've graded some of these at psg. Yeah, the gays card. This one

Speaker 5 (46m 27s): We've done Gays we've done, we've

Speaker 4 (46m 29s): Actually done upstairs. Oh we've done a heap of,

Speaker 5 (46m 31s): We've done Laga,

Speaker 0 (46m 33s): We did a Leroy Logs. We

Speaker 4 (46m 34s): Did a, we did

Speaker 5 (46m 35s): A,

Speaker 4 (46m 35s): We've done a logs. We've done a Chris Ty order

Speaker 0 (46m 41s): From mb. Yeah. No, no. Have we?

Speaker 5 (46m 44s): I

Speaker 0 (46m 44s): Don't believe we have. There's no Ty order from mb.

Speaker 5 (46m 46s): We need to do

Speaker 0 (46m 47s): One. Did you just start a rumor?

Speaker 4 (46m 48s): No, I just lied. It's

Speaker 5 (46m 50s): Just gonna happen.

Speaker 0 (46m 51s): I'm just looking at 'em. They're pretty set. The corners. The

Speaker 5 (46m 54s): Corners. Well they have been sitting in a box for 30

Speaker 4 (46m 56s): Years. But what's that mean? The box didn't hurt anyone.

Speaker 5 (47m 0s): These corners

Speaker 0 (47m 1s): Look fun. They're our creas in the box.

Speaker 4 (47m 4s): Maybe

Speaker 0 (47m 5s): This just one side. Hey, we gonna finish this week up.

Speaker 4 (47m 8s): I think we should

Speaker 0 (47m 8s): Talk about psg.

Speaker 4 (47m 9s): I think we should finish with a soul.

Speaker 0 (47m 11s): Well no look,

Speaker 4 (47m 12s): I mean no because didn't we set someone a challenge last week?

Speaker 5 (47m 15s): Oh, I don't, I didn't have that. Sorry.

Speaker 0 (47m 19s): Oh, but he, he really went

Speaker 5 (47m 21s): Straight up.

Speaker 0 (47m 21s): Ridiculous. He knew straight up it was him. Oh

Speaker 5 (47m 23s): Yeah. I a hundred percent knew it was me.

Speaker 0 (47m 25s): Oh, okay. But let, anyway, we've got a few submission partners. I think we should give a plug to a few of our submission partners.

Speaker 4 (47m 31s): Who's the, I was gonna say best that's the wrong word. Who's the newest in Victoria?

Speaker 0 (47m 37s): The newest in Victoria would be probably

Speaker 4 (47m 40s): Gik Gik. Who else is in Victoria? Double coverage Boys. Double

Speaker 0 (47m 44s): Coverage Boys.

Speaker 3 (47m 44s): Yeah. The collector Smith.

Speaker 0 (47m 45s): The collector Smith out at Bendigo.

Speaker 3 (47m 47s): Excellent. He might be the newest. I don't know who was first out of Collector Smith. I

Speaker 0 (47m 51s): Think they're all just we'd them at same time

Speaker 3 (47m 53s): Equally. But I think the probably worth shouting out the South Australia card

Speaker 4 (47m 58s): Show. Yeah, that's next one again. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (48m 1s): South Australian Card show.

Speaker 3 (48m 3s): I don't forget the name of it. What's it

Speaker 0 (48m 4s): Called? That's, I don't think that's what it's called. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (48m 6s): Something collectors.

Speaker 0 (48m 7s): Oh, south Australia Collect.

Speaker 3 (48m 9s): Thank you. Ruby Pay Graham. P a g r a m as a boyfriend. Tender. Why

Speaker 0 (48m 15s): Would you say that? It's just like wander

Speaker 4 (48m 17s): It's yeah. Harassment.

Speaker 0 (48m 21s): I would if I could, but he's my boss.

Speaker 3 (48m 23s): Oh please.

Speaker 4 (48m 24s): It's not my job.

Speaker 3 (48m 25s): Let's

Speaker 4 (48m 25s): Go back. Everything. What was it called? South Australian Collectors Card Expo. Yep. So

Speaker 3 (48m 32s): Tyson Beck will be

Speaker 4 (48m 32s): There. Tyson Beck will be there. He lives here. Local.

Speaker 0 (48m 35s): Yep. Liam Schiffer

Speaker 3 (48m 37s): Will be there. Liam

Speaker 4 (48m 37s): Schauer. Remember the challenge. Keep dirty Long neck in a photo and I will give you a free Great.

Speaker 3 (48m 44s): Yep. We'll be taking submissions live at the show.

Speaker 0 (48m 48s): Live at the show. And

Speaker 4 (48m 49s): Adam Nelson will be there. Oh, awesome. He's keen. There's a bean

Speaker 0 (48m 54s): From, from what I've can gather and I've, I've seen a lot of the background work going on with this show. It's gonna be an absolute ripper,

Speaker 4 (49m 1s): I'm gonna call it. I reckon it's gonna be better than I'll be hanging out.

Speaker 0 (49m 4s): I will. Not only will I call it, I will double down and double call

Speaker 3 (49m 7s): It. I heard a rumor there's gonna be a thousand people there.

Speaker 0 (49m 10s): Yep. And they'll be collectors.

Speaker 4 (49m 11s): That's awesome.

Speaker 0 (49m 12s): That's cool. They'll be collectors. They're, it's, it's a really good environment and And what a place to have it right next to the Adelaide Oval I believe it is.

Speaker 4 (49m 18s): Oh

Speaker 3 (49m 18s): Wow. Still never been to Adelaide,

Speaker 4 (49m 20s): Haven't you? No. City of churches. City of really good at all.

Speaker 0 (49m 23s): You City of Murders.

Speaker 4 (49m 25s): It's a really

Speaker 5 (49m 26s): Dazzle land mate. That was the greatest place when I was growing up as a kid in the My center. It was like a theme park at the top of my center.

Speaker 4 (49m 32s): Where In Adelaide. It's

Speaker 0 (49m 33s): Amazing. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (49m 34s): Oh you go. I just know there's Brazilian place there. Got smashed with food.

Speaker 3 (49m 43s): I forgot what I was gonna say now

Speaker 4 (49m 44s): All

Speaker 0 (49m 45s): You can think of is, so we got

Speaker 3 (49m 46s): Baz, cause I'm starving. Bazinga.

Speaker 0 (49m 48s): Bazinga and probably Kingdom. Kingdom.

Speaker 3 (49m 50s): There we

Speaker 0 (49m 51s): Got Diggers.

Speaker 3 (49m 52s): Diggers. Diggers.

Speaker 0 (49m 53s): Diggers. Yeah. And I know that we had Brad, I was talking to Brad earlier today, he's going into Diggers to buy some cards and drop off some cards for grading, which is good. Awesome.

Speaker 4 (50m 2s): What about old mate that goes to every one of these cards? Shows that we met in the National Sunny? No, the other one. Gary. Gary,

Speaker 5 (50m 9s): Gary Chan.

Speaker 4 (50m 9s): Reckon Gary will be there.

Speaker 0 (50m 11s): I reckon he will. Oh, is he not one of the nicest blokes in the hobby? He's, he is. He's just

Speaker 4 (50m 15s): Amazing bloke. He's a lovely bloke. Gary, Gary partner.

Speaker 0 (50m 19s): No, he's not. Well,

Speaker 4 (50m 20s): He should be. Well,

Speaker 3 (50m 21s): Well, I think he doesn't have a physical

Speaker 0 (50m 22s): Show. He doesn't, he's, he's just so good segue. Absolutely. Segue purpose plan that. No, no. Good. So I want to bring up with people, and that's why I was asking before, how many people go online because every one of these people are eligible to do this as well.

Speaker 4 (50m 39s): Eligible? Yep.

Speaker 0 (50m 40s): So we are, we are launching the PSG affiliate program. Boom. So the affiliate programs are very different to the, to the submission partners because with the submission partners, people will go into the submission partners and the submission partner does a lot of work and gets the cards to us and we give them a little bit of a thank you for that. With the affiliate program, you can sign up and it will offer a 5% discount to anyone who hits the link from your, from your link.

Okay. Sorry. From your page. Yep. So if you, if you, if you have a Facebook page or whatever it is, you can put the link and advertise PSG on there. Yep. If you hit the link and use that. Sorry. So if you have it and I hit the link and use that, then I will get 5% discount and you'll get a little bit of a commission back too. Thank you. So I think I made that sound a lot harder than it is. Absolutely. It really is. Just hit the link at a little discount for you and a little dis and something for them as well.

Speaker 4 (51m 37s): So Ringa, Rosies collections just joined us. Ringer.

Speaker 0 (51m 40s): Rosies collections would be crazy not to sign up for the affiliate program.

Speaker 4 (51m 42s): So let's use Ringa Rosies collections as the example. Yep.

Speaker 0 (51m 45s): One of my favorite collections. Ringa

Speaker 4 (51m 47s): Rosies. Yep. Ring Ringa

Speaker 0 (51m 48s): Rosie. Yep. I have no idea who they, but I'd love to know who that, A

Speaker 4 (51m 51s): Tissue. A tissue down. Please stop. Bang. Anyway, so Ring and Rosie becomes an affiliate. Yep. Yep. One of her mates goes on there and how do knows

Speaker 0 (51m 59s): To her?

Speaker 4 (52m 0s): Yeah, I don't Yeah,

Speaker 0 (52m 2s): You just made that up. They,

Speaker 4 (52m 3s): They, them, you can associate anyone you like, don't care. Yes, exactly. Anyway, so Ring and Rosie, they, they have a little link on their site, on

Speaker 0 (52m 11s): Their Facebook page, their website.

Speaker 4 (52m 12s): Chris Christopher wants to get something graded.

Speaker 0 (52m 14s): Chris hits

Speaker 4 (52m 14s): The link. Hits the link. Once they get 5% discount, the person that hits the link. Yep. And ringer Rosie gets a little commission. Yep.

Speaker 0 (52m 22s): Well

Speaker 4 (52m 23s): Ring for Jim.

Speaker 0 (52m 24s): It is And absolutely no cost. No, the only, the only there is a, a minimum amount that we will post out to him. You know, we

Speaker 4 (52m 32s): Can we do it in 5% pieces?

Speaker 0 (52m 33s): No, no, no, no, no. We, we actually use the electronic medium of transferring money. But

Speaker 4 (52m 38s): Oscar,

Speaker 0 (52m 39s): Yeah. So it'll be once a month is generally what we're planning on doing, but Awesome. Depend on how much they've had. But yeah, look, it's a, it's a good way that, you know, especially a website, if you've got a shop, if you were ring a rosy collectibles and you've got a website, you can just chuck it on there, get a little bit of free money to pay for something.

Speaker 4 (52m 57s): Well, do you know what we're gonna do? Cause I just thought of this Uhoh. No, the biggest, the biggest affiliate for the year, we'll get a special prize from us for

Speaker 0 (53m 6s): The year is in up until the end of December

Speaker 4 (53m 7s): And December year. Okay. It'll be what I made you guys last year for Christmas.

Speaker 0 (53m 13s): Ah,

Speaker 4 (53m 14s): Cool. That is the number one card. That's the greatest gift ever. Greatest gift ever. So whoever, whoever becomes our biggest affiliate will announce it live on the show on the 19th, I think it is of December will be our last show and we'll be here.

Speaker 0 (53m 28s): Yep. And we'll do that and Yeah, absolutely. Everyone cries. Anyone

Speaker 4 (53m 32s): Can do it. Anyone minute,

Speaker 0 (53m 33s): You know, and you just gotta fill in your details. And if you have any questions, just get on the blower.

Speaker 4 (53m 38s): On the blower,

Speaker 0 (53m 39s): Get on the blower. Or you, you can use it again.

Speaker 4 (53m 40s): You'll probably use something like social media and message

Speaker 0 (53m 44s): Electronic mail.

Speaker 4 (53m 45s): You could do or we've now got our own stamps. You could use the post

Speaker 0 (53m 49s): Post. You could use the post. That's right. We, we'll be selling PSG stamps for $3 for each $1 10 stamp. We'll just send you checks to

Speaker 4 (53m 57s): Love that. Don't do that. Okay. So we announced a couple weeks ago that Christopher had one job and one job only to arrange And that was the new hats that The new hats. It was

Speaker 0 (54m 8s): Only last one

Speaker 4 (54m 9s): Actually it was last. And they'll be going live.

Speaker 3 (54m 11s): Me.

Speaker 0 (54m 12s): Well, well you took the, you took

Speaker 4 (54m 14s): The job. You Yeah, you took it. You put your hand up and went. I'll do that. That's a fucking, that would be great.

Speaker 0 (54m 19s): No, you did. I said hey, what do

Speaker 3 (54m 20s): You leave one aspect of it to me.

Speaker 0 (54m 23s): Which aspect was that? Get in the home, the sourcing.

Speaker 4 (54m 28s): Anyway, we've teamed up with, or we will be teaming up with our friends of man Pana Media to arrange that and Christopher will be in charge of that piece of the puzzle. So they should go up online, I'd say in the next couple of days. But remember if you order a hat before the end of November, I'm gonna send you one of my personal PSG graded cards plucked out of my,

Speaker 0 (54m 51s): I'll pluck, I'll pluck it out.

Speaker 4 (54m 53s): Rob's been the plucker, he's plucker out

Speaker 0 (54m 56s): All the Trumps, all the

Speaker 4 (54m 57s): Hos are gone and there'll be some hidden so no one actually sees what he gets done. It'll be a blind tasting and yeah, you'll get sent us surprise as well. So the hats will go on sale. I'd say within the next couple of days, pre-order only on

Speaker 3 (55m 10s): Say Monday. There will be something going up online tomorrow. Ruby's promised she might work on it today. She said most likely tomorrow.

Speaker 0 (55m 18s): She told me that before too or something.

Speaker 3 (55m 20s): Yeah, you'll be able to pre-submit your cards for the South Austral.

Speaker 0 (55m 23s): Oh yeah, the South. Strange. Oh

Speaker 4 (55m 24s): Wow. Awesome. That's exciting. So

Speaker 3 (55m 25s): That's very exciting. Avoid the cues, submit your cards online

Speaker 4 (55m 30s): And then just drop 'em

Speaker 3 (55m 31s): Off. Just drop 'em off to Liam.

Speaker 4 (55m 33s): Same time, we've obviously got PSG auction at the moment. It's a different pace this week we have autographed Luke Longly cards. So these were signed in person by Luke on his current tour. They were done in Tasmania. I was sat next to him when he did it. So they are, they have been authenticated by PSG and they're, this is limited to 13 of these in the world, I think. What numbers we got up there, boys?

Speaker 3 (56m 1s): I don't know

Speaker 4 (56m 3s): What we put on.

Speaker 0 (56m 4s): No think

Speaker 4 (56m 6s): Number

Speaker 0 (56m 7s): Three. Was it three and nine? We're looking, it'll be a number lower than 13. Yes

Speaker 4 (56m 14s): It will Two. So number two,

Speaker 3 (56m 17s): Two of 13. So the Chicago Bulls one, they're both running, they've got a week left

Speaker 0 (56m 21s): And like,

Speaker 4 (56m 22s): What are they at? What number? Chicago

Speaker 3 (56m 24s): Bulls is $21 and the Boomers one is 26.

Speaker 4 (56m 28s): Yeah, we've gotta get that up guys. This is for Charity. Charity. This is for Flourish, which is Luke's Long's charity of choice. Yep. That's a mental health organization I think based outta Western Australia. They do amazing things and we wanna try and get as much as we possibly can for these cards. So

Speaker 3 (56m 44s): I'd be shocked if they didn't go for, you know, 300 or

Speaker 0 (56m 49s): So at the, at the shows they were selling the, they auctioned off a couple in the Sydney shows, but at the Brisbane show they sold 'em for 300 bucks each. There you go. And there was two people arguing over

Speaker 4 (56m 59s): 'em. They need to get onto PSG auction. They do.

Speaker 0 (57m 1s): If

Speaker 3 (57m 1s): I, yeah. And that was a limited like, you know, how many people were there? 300 people in the room. Yeah. Yeah. This is out to the world.

Speaker 0 (57m 6s): The world,

Speaker 4 (57m 7s): The world

Speaker 0 (57m 9s): Electronically.

Speaker 4 (57m 9s): So if anyone knows the guys that run NBA Card Market or any of the other Facebook pages. Yeah,

Speaker 0 (57m 15s): I'll get it on

Speaker 4 (57m 15s): There. Anyway, yeah, if we can get it up on there and point it out to everyone. I know there's a heap of Longly fans around Jimmy Spago Big shout out to Jimmy. He's a massive Longly fan. Triple

Speaker 3 (57m 26s): Double Trader.

Speaker 4 (57m 27s): Triple Double Trader on social. Yeah. And I know that card guy 98 wants to put a bid in as well as Adam Nelson Ringer Ring. Ring Rosies Jay Sparton 76. So guys just have a look on there. It's for a great cause. And they are sensational cards so they come into one touch, they're sealed and yeah, we're happy to grade him on

Speaker 3 (57m 50s): Card Autos.

Speaker 4 (57m 51s): On Card Auto.

Speaker 3 (57m 52s): Sorry, Luke's probably touched,

Speaker 4 (57m 53s): He has touched them probably. Well he's definitely touched him. I saw him touch them.

Speaker 0 (57m 57s): How would you sign them without touched? He was like this, like

Speaker 4 (58m 0s): That I was holding and he was, no, he, he actually did all himself

Speaker 3 (58m 4s): Think

Speaker 4 (58m 4s): Rob think and he signs at Luke Longley 13 as well. That looks really good. Yeah, he does. Looks really, really good. So jump onto or if you're on, there will be a link on there I'm sure. And we may even be able to put some stuff out on the socials and all that sort of stuff. There

Speaker 0 (58m 21s): Is a link and we do have a couple of beautiful social pictures that we are using in the next day or so.

Speaker 4 (58m 26s): Awesome. So we're looking forward to that. And I think that's about us, isn't it this week boys? Well

Speaker 0 (58m 33s): Yeah,

Speaker 3 (58m 33s): I got nothing. I've got nothing. Nothing standard. This

Speaker 0 (58m 35s): Has been the, the most input that we've had from you for a while. No,

Speaker 4 (58m 39s): We have to get him when he's guys

Speaker 3 (58m 41s): Just talk crap. So

Speaker 0 (58m 42s): Yeah, well

Speaker 4 (58m 42s): Welcome. We need to get him on board when he's hangry cuz that seems to be go

Speaker 3 (58m 46s): Well. I'm just trying to hurry it up so I can go get food.

Speaker 4 (58m 48s): What do you wanna crack as we'll?

Speaker 3 (58m 49s): Just keep talking him. Oh, I'll do that later. I've

Speaker 0 (58m 51s): Got a box of, Hey, you wanna leave this or something first. Thanks you. No worries. Check the cards.

Speaker 4 (58m 57s): What have you got Christopher? How come there's no Maryanne Bilston today?

Speaker 3 (59m 3s): She's, I reckon it's time zones. She's in

Speaker 0 (59m 7s): Time zone. She's having fun playing games.

Speaker 3 (59m 11s): She's in South Hampton.

Speaker 4 (59m 11s): I like time. I think that's the same time as only as London.

Speaker 0 (59m 16s): Yeah, she was on last week. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (59m 18s): I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed from,

Speaker 3 (59m 19s): She might be

Speaker 0 (59m 21s): A League one game or something. Who knows. She could

Speaker 4 (59m 24s): Be. Wasn't

Speaker 0 (59m 24s): Southampton League one? She might be at a Rugby league World Cup game. She could be.

Speaker 4 (59m 29s): Is this the first time in history? There's been All Leagues World Cups happening at the same time?

Speaker 0 (59m 33s): No. Last week as well. No,

Speaker 4 (59m 38s): I hit the wrong one. That was one You

Speaker 0 (59m 41s): Liked that one didn't. You did. I loved it. Oh, you didn't play your video? No, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 4 (59m 45s): It's not appropriate for this podcast.

Speaker 0 (59m 47s): You said we'll played on the podcast

Speaker 4 (59m 49s): Tomorrow. Yeah, I was actually talking about the, not just a Pretty Face podcast coward. There's a, there's a plug. There's a plug. Yeah. Not just a Pretty Face podcast brought to you by Pod Fire on all your socials and all your other media. You get to hear it myself and Christopher when not hangry. And then

Speaker 0 (1h 0m 3s): No, no footage though. So

Speaker 4 (1h 0m 5s): Then ladies Tabatha jumps on and gives us a bit of news about Kanye West. She talks well, depends how grumpy she's that day. Really? How much she talks,

Speaker 0 (1h 0m 15s): Doesn't she? She's fantastic. No, she's good on it. She's great.

Speaker 4 (1h 0m 18s): She's done. Well she

Speaker 0 (1h 0m 19s): Notice a pugs, you notice that, not just a pretty face. You and I we're not on that. No, because we're pretty face

Speaker 4 (1h 0m 25s): Pretty. So pretty. Anyway, on that note Rob, what are you leaving us with?

Speaker 0 (1h 0m 30s): Go the World Cup Dutch. Go the go. Go the you. The Dutch won the cricket yesterday. Go

Speaker 4 (1h 0m 34s): The Dutch. So are they in the semis now? Or

Speaker 0 (1h 0m 37s): Nore? Duds mate. They're duds, but all these won't even make the semis. We beat Zimbabwe yesterday, so Oh, done.

Speaker 4 (1h 0m 42s): Pringle.

Speaker 0 (1h 0m 43s): Once you pop, you can't stop. He's a cult hero at that point. He is a legend.

Speaker 4 (1h 0m 48s): Sees

Speaker 2 (1h 0m 50s): Go platinum, go platinum, platinum, go platinum.

Speaker 1 (1h 1m 6s): You know you wanna do it. Go platinum. You know you wanna do it. Go platinum. You know you wanna do it. Go platinum. You know

Speaker 2 (1h 1m 15s): You wanna do it. It's the highest of standards on the peaky of land. And it's not silver, it's not food. You want the best? Take advantage. Go platinum.

Speaker 1 (1h 1m 22s): Platinum. You know you want do it. Go platinum. You know you

Speaker 2 (1h 1m 26s): Wanna do it. Go platinum, platinum, platinum, platinum, platinum,

Speaker 6 (1h 1m 31s): Platinum, platinum, platinum.