The Lucas Skrobot Show

Born in the USSR, Mikhail cuts through the politics straight to the humanity of the Russia Ukraine war.

Show Notes

Time Stamps
Intro   00:00
Mike Nova - Refugee back story 02:31
Don't be afraid to not know and learn 07:51
What is driving the Slavic Conflict 10:01
Napoleon Complex 11:28
What do people on the ground in Ukraine think? 13:34
Bad blood between slav 17:01
Pro Putin Arguments 19:24
Neo Nazis in Ukraine? 23:07
Geopolitics aside . . . What is the cost of peace? 25:39
Decrease Suffering 29:30
Near death experience. 30:03
Images of war 37:05
Bombed out cities 37:49
destroyed buildings 38:09
What is the value of freedom vs survival 38:31
How do you win this war? 41:06
How to help Orphans in Ukraine. 47:29
Love your enemy 55:15
Elon Musk & Humility 01:02:21
Invitation to take courage and serve others 01:05:50
Outro 01:09:16

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What is The Lucas Skrobot Show?

Tired of being gaslit by progressive media?

Wanna fight back against deceptive narratives being pushed across the globe?

At the Lucas Skrobot show we tear down cultural & geopolitical events giving you the context you need to expose the worldviews driving the cultural agendas of our day.

Ultimately connecting back to why it matters to your world, and how to order our lives and society to own the future.

Join Lucas Skrobot and follow the show on your favorite podcasts app today to understand the world, discern the truth, own the future.

If we are to die now,
what's the value in it.

What's the value of this death.

And so now through that lens, I'm
judging, what's the value of how this

potential world war three is starting.


the value.

Welcome to the Lucas Skrobot
show I'm Lucas Skrobot.

And this is where we uncover purpose
pursue truth and own the future episode

274, we are recording a March 16th, 2022.

And the only thing that anyone
has been talking about, I guess

if you're U S American pundant,
you're going to be talking about

ridiculous U S American politics.

But the only thing that the
world is really focused on is the

beginnings of world war three.

And so we have the world's most
leading geopolitical expert on

the show today, Mike Nova mayhem.

Welcome to the show.


uh, it's good to be alive.

I just have to say, I, for those of you
who are listening, you can't see, uh, Mike

is wearing a shirt, filled with flags,
and that's how I know that he is the

world's foremost, leading geopolitical,
Slavic, uh, Eastern European expert,

actually actually to be truthful.

Uh we're we're taking all that
geopolitical garbage and we're

shoving it in the trash today.

Aren't we?




Or as some stuff.

Outside of the Christian
world Putin's bomb.

But we can't say that on that show that
that's, this is a kid-friendly show.

I'm not, I'm not saying
that I'm saying that.

I was just saying that.


If you were to say it well.


So, so, so the reason that we're going to
queue this up here, the reason that Mike

is on the show is because he is a refugee.

He is Slavic half Russian, half
Ukrainian family on both sides.

He is an entrepreneur with business
ventures, not only in the states,

but in Ukraine, in Russia, he has
connections through millionaires

and billionaires across the world,
especially in the Slavic nations.

He left Ukraine just days before he was
living there for a while, long story,

but he left Ukraine just days before.

Isn't that right?

And, uh, you have been ferocious on social
media, uh, really just too muddy, cutting

it right down the middle, not dealing
with the ridiculous crap on either side.

So, Mike, I'm just glad that
you're here on the show.

A hundred percent, a hundred percent.

Thank you for adding me, Lucas.

You're the best.


to cue this a little bit up a little
bit more for listeners tell, I want

to know what have you done, you
know, your background, your refugee

story, just to get a context of
why, why, you know, what's going on?

Why are you an expert on what's
happening right now in Ukraine

besides just being a internet?

Absolutely by the, um, there's
experts that are better than

me, but I'm not far off.

Um, so I appreciate you saying
that I will, uh, chase that word

down with honor the word expert.

Um, uh, 1992, uh, shortly after
the iron curtain comes down.

Um, my parents were refugees from Russia.

I'm a baby, like two and a half years old.

I don't remember it much, you know,
um, growing up in the states, you

know, I'm like five years old, I go
to school and I'm like, why are these

people speaking as weird language?

It was English, you know, I'm like,
there's clearly no way out for me.

Like I clearly am here and my parents
were bringing me here every day.

So I must learn this
language English, you know?

So, um, you know, and then that
like mix of like, where am I, what

am I doing, blah, blah, blah has
pretty much kind of driven my whole.

Um, whatever I've done.


In business, like in school,
uh, wherever I would take, you

know, go to university, whatever.

Um, you know, I always felt,
um, pretty comfortable with

providing things for people.

And if I needed money for
life, I would sell them.

You know, I felt comfortable doing that.

It's probably some of the most comfortable
things I feel like doing ever, you know?

Uh, and so, uh, I mean, bro, bottom star,
you know, like bottom line, I'm a sales

guy, like since seven years old selling
hamsters in front of a seven 11, for real,

like my youth pastor would make fun of me.

Say, say your training is in
rodent sales in front of the sun

loving when you're seven years old.

So like maybe on my personality,
that's a bit of a background, but on

like a fit, you know, more official
history for rough Russian refugees.

Um, I had a chance.

I went into passive income from my
dealership, like about few years ago and

I'm like, listen, what am I going to do?

Am I going to sit around in
the, like, wherever I'm at?

You know?

And just like, just do whatever, you
know, or like keep working on crappy

songs that I know aren't going to
make it to the top 100 by myself.

I need a team.

I don't have a team.

You know, what am I as like a, you know,
what's, I thought you said something

about, uh, you know, like whatever.

Uh, so, uh, I took the passive
income and I went to just go

and live across the world.

That's how we met Dubai when we met yeah.

A few years ago.

Uh, Dubai, you know, took a little
time to study Italy a little

bit, lived in Rome and Naples.

Um, in Berlin, I lived in
Berlin for a little bit.

Uh, so before this point, before this
point, you weren't really reconnecting

with your, your Slavic roots.

Uh, only those that were in the states.

And I felt like there was something more,
I felt like, like in my spirit, you know,

because we're all, you know, we're all
busy, you know, you got your roots baker,

you're building, you know, business.

You're an entrepreneur, you've got
kids, you got a wife, like you're busy,

you know, we're all busy, so to speak.

But man, dude, like I felt like,
dude, there's something pulling me.

Like, there's something
else that I'm missing.

And I w I just want to feel it,
you know, like I want to see it.


And, uh, a couple of relatives
of mine from Seattle, uh, some

entrepreneurs as well, um, They,
uh, I would say their name.

I just such a weird political
time right now, like saying

people's names during war time.

Rightly about it, DME or something.

I'll tell you who they are and
they, yes, but Lana and Paula.


They're, you know, they were, I won't
say her last name, but they were, uh,

uh, they, they were a huge blessing
to a group of us and they gave us like

the confidence because they funded an
organization that took a bunch of Slavic

kids that were raised here and then took
them into the Slavic world over there.

After I got tasted that that's right
after I flew to Dubai, I met you.

Um, then I went to Ukraine, sang
on a tour with a buddy of mine from

Atlanta here, but he's from Ukraine.

Uh, they're trying to get like 30, 30 of
his family members out refugees right now.

Um, you know, whatever
did the whole thing.

Trying to get as much of the world in
me as possible study, like international

relations while I'm actually there.

Like, oh, I didn't know that it's
illegal to say, Hey, Hitler in Germany.

I didn't know that it's illegal
to not wear a swastika in Germany.

Like, I mean, it's clear, it makes sense,
but I just didn't know stuff like that.

And I want it to cause that's,
what's gonna happen in Russia.

My opinion.

I'm going to pause you on this because
there's so often I have to look

like when I'm producing for a show,
I have to look up that stuff too.

I think a lot of people feel when I,
when I discuss with a lot of people,

they feel like they're stupid.

They feel like they're dumb.

They feel like they're uneducated.

And then they get embarrassed to ask
questions and they put themselves

down thinking, you know, people always
say to me, oh, you're just so smart.

You're way smarter than
I am all this stuff.

I'm like, well, all I did
was read and research.

Just like you, you didn't know
these things about Europe or Slavic.

Uh, even though those were your
roots, you had to figure that out.

And I just want to bring that up
because it's, it's important that we

ask questions and realize that most
other adults in the world probably

don't know, you know, probably don't
know that the countries that comprise

NATO, they don't know, you know, what is

data there's about 30 of them.

What is the, that kind of stuff?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You know, and, uh, and to be honest,
bro, like, uh, I knew you, you know, you

hear it, but when it's war time, that's
when you really start researching it.

And I was like, starting to
research and read all the countries.

I'm like, okay, how many
countries right here?

Which ones?

What's, they're all
surrounding Ukraine by.

You know, this whole thing about
Russia, trying to be afraid that

Ukraine is going to be a NATO.

And I dunno, man, I'm still
keeping it on a lease, bro.

If I'm speaking too much on the rest
of the culture for real, no, this is


Cause this is where, you know, when
we think of people just don't know

I'm I, I like to play my Slav card.

You know, I'm half Polish square.

Backi I love to pull
on my Slavic heritage.

I don't know it though, but when, when
we're looking at this conflict, this

current conflict between Russia and
Ukraine, and it seems like it's really

Russia and NATO, it's very confusing.

What are some of these underlying
Eastern European Slavic history

that we don't understand?

You know, I, myself and I think a lot of
other people think of Russia and Russians.

Part of Europe, not necessarily, you know,
this other people group over in Asia.

Uh, how can you, can you just open
up and break down in a simple way?

What is the Slavic contextual
history and why is there so much

tension that's now boiling over?

Well, I can go a few ways with this and
I would like to, so just keep again, you

know, just interrupt me when you're ready.

You know what I mean?

But, uh,

we clearly know that there is,
uh, a man at the throne in Russia.

Every the world does
know that that's a fact.

Everyone can agree with that,
that there is somebody in media

that's, that's showing his face.


Um, we know that this man, I mean, let's,
uh, Let's let, let me just say this man.

Have you ever heard of
about the Napoleon complex?


And people in

complex Napoleon Napoleon complex.

I'm a, I'm a dude.

That's five 10 when I'm around
guys that are six, five.

I feel inferior.

Lower, sorry.



Right, right.

Word inferior.

I feel smaller guys.

There are five, four or five, seven feel
even smaller when they have 5,000 nuclear

bombs, then they're probably going to be
a little more prone to be a little more

Jabie in, in this case, world war three.

Uh it's like the guy who is
small event buys a massive truck.

Cause he's trying to
compensate for something.

Yeah, we got it.


So there's, there's a hypothetical
ruler of a nation called Russia.

Putin is his name


So how so, but how does that play into
the, the tensions amongst Slavic people?

Like what is the, the history
that is boiling over right now?


Um, and by the way, I really appreciate
you being really careful with the lag

cause we're in different countries and
I notice a lag and you're being really

patient with how we space the sentences.

So props to you on that, back
to your question, brother.

Um, Slavic nations, there's,
there's a lot of them, right.

There's dozens of them, right.

Or heritages languages, stuff like that.

Um, and one of the two closest and,
um, most kind of that rubbed shoulders,

so to speak are Russia and Ukraine.

Um, now, uh, I was taught.

I was talking to the people on the ground.


I, you know, I didn't ha I hung a
little bit with all like, like an

oligarchy or two, like, heard about
the stories of how they're, you know,

buying 200,000 euros worth of red wine.

So their girlfriend can bathe
in it, like whatever cool.

You know, like interesting.

I get it.

But like, I dunno how that applies to
what I'm doing, you know what I mean?

Um, and you know, uh, people on
the ground in Ukraine like pastors,

uh, you know, nine to five business
owners, entrepreneurs, uh, it's the

guys that aren't part of the 0.01%.

You know what I mean?

They are proud that they can go out
in public and Ukraine and say, say

that, Hey, in case they have a bad
president, they have, they know that

they won't be shot or arrested or.

On on the street for saying that
that's when I, when I was there,

that's the vibe I got off of everybody.

So every comment, every, every common
or every normal, you know, run to the

middle person, who's not the, the ruling
elite are just glad that they have the

freedom to disagree with their government.

Honestly, even the ruling elite.

I mean, yeah.

They, you know, we're walking around like,
you know, in their group, like there's

body guards or whatever, whatever they got
a button for, like emergency services that

like some crazy team comes in to scoop
amount and something that goes down, you

know, but like, uh, they're, they're good.

They're good.

They're not, they don't feel weird.

They've made okay.

Maybe one is a little,
seems a little cocky.

Maybe somebody seems a little poor,
maybe so, but they're all pretty

balanced out as humans outset.

When, when you talk to people about
that, I have like, especially like I

talked to a pastor that I stayed at, they
actually invited me to come stay at a

couple of surgeries in, uh, in Ukraine.

And they invited me to come
recover at their house and like

serve at their church, you know?

Uh, and it was such a pleasure.

And, you know, the pastor in his
just like calm tone, you know,

just full, full patients' mode.

He's like, man, we know, we know that
people are suppressed over there.

There's the freedom of
speech is just not there.

We would rather be poor and have
freedoms, then be probably still poor

and have to look up to some dude that's
a tyrant that the whole world looks at.

Like what's going on?

You know, So they're really kind of
fighting for that, between these two.

I mean, that's, there's bro.

I've had so many conversations with
Ukrainians Russians, uh, relative to

view, and I was born in the USSR, but
now it's the territory that dangerous.

That's actually a little bit
dangerous to a PO podcasts

like this to some Ukrainians.

Like I have I'm on a VPN every day.

I'm looking kind of
looking just left to right.

Just in case, especially if I go
back anywhere in Russia or Ukraine

again, which I will, you know,

uh, why is that?

Why is it, why would that be?

Why is that dangerous to say that
you were born in the USSR and

now it's the now it's Russia.

Why, how has that, why
is that controversial?

Well, simply because I was raised, which
a lot of people in Ukraine, millions

of people in this 40 million people in
the crane, um, a few, a few million,

pretty much fundamentally speaking.


So it's kind of dangerous for them a
little bit in that sense, because if

you rubs, if somebody rubbed the wrong
way with the Russian language, the pay

patriotism, it could really get you.

It can really snap you that
you will, you can get into a

fight on the street over that.

And was that before, was that before this
war even started, that there was already

bad blood between Ukrainians and Russians?

Or is it now since the war started,
there's a lot of tensions between

Ukrainians and Russians taking sides

because of the annexation of Crimea.

But, uh, it wasn't like crazy.

Now it's better.

If you just speak
Ukrainian Ukraine, right.

'cause it's like, Joe, is he a spy?

Is he a, you know, is he a what, you know?

Um, and I'm just, I'm just, my dad was
born in Ukraine and Dunbar, you know,

where there, we bombed everything in
2014 or, you know, whatnot and, you know,

uh, I just have to be careful because
I know that I'm acting out a good day.

And so I just have to look out
for my wellbeing in a sense, and

help as many people as possible
set as much money as possible, uh,

communicate as much as possible.

Just be, be a shoulder if someone needs,
needs it and, and build businesses in

the state that are going to affect, not
just Ukraine, uh, but then the rest of

the world, because there's some really
talented engineers that I've met there.

There's some really talented people
there, and they're all going to work

for $500 a month to build some of the
greatest companies in the world right now.

So if you're like an entrepreneur.

Let's let's chat or go chat,
go do, go do your own work.

Cause so if you were to trying to build,

so I, I guess, you know, when we,
when we bring it back to the current

conflict, you sound like, even though
you are born in Russia, Russian by

blood speak, Russian, not originally
Ukrainian, you seem to be pretty

But right now there are a lot of
people who I see who are in one or

two stance, one, they are either
kind of anti globalist data.

Maybe dabbling a little bit in, you know,
bio lab theory and Putin is actually,

uh, you know, just a misrepresented,
good guy by the leftist CNN MSNBC media.

And he's actually the, the resurrection
of Donald Trump and he's going in and

he's emptying the swamp of, of deep
state politician neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

And we should just let that be because
their argument is actually, this is, this

is a good thing because it's going against
the globalist, um, alphabet agenda.

But you don't seem to be of that thought.

No, not at all because I try, I, when I
am in really tough moments in my life,

Um, I, first thing that I'm asking for
for this life is wisdom a hundred percent.

I'm not asking for a
specific interpretation of

what any precedent insane.

I'm asking for wisdom, because I
want to understand what that person

is saying, what they're doing, how
they're acting, what they're doing and

their actions, how they're matching
up with their words, what their body

language is, what are they eating?

What are they, what, what
is, what do they look like?

How much makeup is on
them, stuff like this.

Like whatever I want logically to think of
whether I should trust this person or not.

And I 100.

A hundred percent put my life on it.

Do not trust this guy for a second.

Do I trust Lucas?

Groba who runs his
podcast hundred percent.

Do I trust this man?

That's that's got a ton of ton of ton
of balm for the world, by the way.

Uh, and he's saying some things that I've
researched very thoroughly and I've seen

my neighborhood where I was restoring
from brain surgery and McCann and a

mechanical surgery apartment building,
like dream, dream penthouse that I wanted

to have that I was like, you know what,
usually I give money everywhere else.

This time, I'll just, I'll just rent
a penthouse for three months on a,

on a sky level view above Kia rockets
and missiles through a brother.

You know what I mean?

The house where I was being restored
in like physically with the, with

the pastors dead bodies on the
street, walks away dozens of meters

away, which is a hundred feet.

200, 300, 405, everything
dead bodies, dead bodies, dead

bodies, tanks burned down tanks.

Z's on them.

I'm talking about like, so I know
what's happening on the ground.

I've been with the elite and Ukraine
personally, I'm talking about

the people with the most money
handshake away from the president.

Zelensky because he was an actor
before I'm on a flight from Atlanta.

Thank God.

This, this guy, uh, that hit me up on
top of our government calling me, you

know, from the federal level, they call
it called people that submitted their

information online and they call us
personally after all the news and all

the detentions at friends, been friends
like, yo, get out, get out, get out.

And I'm like, I had, I was
timing the surgery because I

was like, all right, buh-bye.

And this guy comes into to my life
that I knew, like, so he used to work

with the project, but when the Alaska
was an actor, he used to work with

them, you know, uh, with our businesses
and stuff, they would hire him out.

And, uh, you know, he showed me photos
on the plane of the lens, like the

president, his confidential stuff
that they can't release now, but they

have NDAs on, but I see visually I'm
like, dude, I've been with the elite.

I've been with the broken and the
poor and not one person is a Nazi, not

one person is they're normal people.

They're just like the people in the
United States, just like the people

I saw in Dubai, just like you and
me, everything there is a little bit,

there is a, there is a perversion.

From whoever the aggressor is.

I don't care what his name is.

I don't care what swastika they have.

I don't care.

There is a perversion it's 100% I put my

life on it.

All right.

So I understand that.

And then where I, where I also,
you know, the arguments, the

arguments also are coming in and
I've seen you deal with this.

And so I'm asking you, it seems as
though the world is going to be pulled

into world war three, it seems as though
NATO increasingly is getting involved.

It seems as though, uh Zalinsky
who a lot of people criticize as.

You know, continuing being an actor
hired by the globalist elite to push

forward a globalist elitist agenda.

And that it's just a, it's just
a stage and a show to pull the

world into world war three.

And, you know, that's kind
of the stuff that people say.

I don't know, Salinsky I have
zero idea, but those are the

arguments that people are making.

You know, they show that video
back when in 96 or whatever, when

he was a dancer and people say,
oh, look, so is not a great guy.

It seems to me, I guess my point is,
it seems to me that this whole thing

is just propaganda on both sides.

That there's, there's
propaganda all the way through.

And I'm curious because I'm
curious because if NATO is pulled

into this, what are the effects.

And it seems like there's this, all this
geopolitical nonsense that's going on.

That I'm not smart enough to understand,
but what you're saying is, okay.

Yeah, that's great.

But people are, are dying on the
ground and you're calling for peace.

But my question is, how can you have
peace if the only way that you can have

peace is by throwing the world into
world war three, because this leader

of the nation of Russia, you're saying
has an informed inferiority complex.

And if he's going to
lose, he's going to start.

A lot of people worry that he
might start using biological,

chemical or nuclear weapons.

Ah, man, um, right now brother, when
I look at our government, the United

States, which is the largest threat
to, you know, the Federation, that's

being the aggressor right now, you know,
are the government here in the U S.

I'm praying for the people that are
the advisers to a sleepy president.

Um, I'm praying for the people
that have influenced there and have

on or for life and understand the
sacredness of life and death and how

scary, how very, very scary it is to
come close to death, which I would

know personally, once you were in that
position, even when you're fighting

somebody, which you might have to in life,
you might have to fight somebody, but you

want it to be the guy that still has love
for that person after the fight, even if.

Even if you lose, you want to be that guy.

That's a good, that's a good man.

That's a good dude.


do, are you asking me specifically if
asked, what would happen if a world war

three or what the, what the consequences
might be what's happening or if it will

happen or, you know, stuff like this?


that's a great question.

I think, I think really what I'm
getting at is that it seems like

this is a lose, lose situation.

It seems that Russia invading,

how, how does, how does this,
obviously we're, maybe we're getting

too deep into geopolitical stuff,
but how does that deescalate?

How does that deescalate
NATO gets pulled in?

It just continues to grow.

And who's, who's paying the cost of that.

Who's the one, the people who
are actually suffering from that.

And you, you know, you talked about
just now, I need to have love, love

in your heart for, for your enemy,
or you need to have, you know, at

the end of the day, you need to have
love in your heart for your enemy.

Otherwise, you know, you're just
as evil and corrupt as them, but

you've been trying to tow the line on
social media and trying to split the

center of saying, Hey, I love Russia.

I love my Russian roots.

I love Ukraine.

I love my, you know, Ukrainian
relationships and family.

And you're, you're trying to say,
okay, geopolitical stuff aside, here's

the people who are suffering is that.

A hundred percent, hundred percent.

I even started a nonprofit, got
a bunch of donations already.

And the motto straight up across
the board is decreased suffering.

Wherever the next conflict is
decrease, suffering, wherever

the next issue is decreased.

If fits in your life, decrease
suffering, let's figure it

out, balance this thing out.

You know, let's go because, uh,

can I tell you something about,
uh, getting hit by this car

and kids four months ago?

Can I tell you something?

What happened?

I blacked out for a very, for a bit.

I'm not going to tell you,
I don't need to say much.

I don't think to get the point across, but

I thought I was depressed.

I thought I had suicidal thoughts
before I thought that I did.

But when I, when I blacked out for the
longest time in my entire life and woke

up with a massive Eva Toma in my head in
a shattered school shattered jaw shattered

collarbone with two dudes, trying to
take me away from the ambulance that hit

me, then later hit the car away from the
police, have arrest records on their name.

This war is kind of saving there, but
honestly, I'm so happy that I have a

chance to sit here and talk to you on
this podcast about something in going on

in the world, including let's be real.

We got some amazing hair.


Let's be real here.

Uh, but can't believe I just said that,
uh, there's, there's massive problems

going on in the world, regardless.

I'm just attached to this.

That's why I was able to speak out maybe
a lot or tow align or this and that.

But, um, you want to.

You want to be able to the blackout, the
blackout when there's nothing there and

you can't feel God anymore, whatever it
was for me, I couldn't feel anything.

It was just zero.

I was reduced to zero because
I was not, I was not conscious.

I was not blah, blah, blah.

And it was, and then my body starts coming
back and that's when my respect for the

creator goes up a hundred, a million fold.

And that's when I realized, I
said, listen, if we are to die,

now, what's the value in it.

What's the value of this debt.

And so now through that lens, I'm
judging, what's the value of how this

potential world war three is starting.

What's the value here?

How valuable is it?

Does it look valuable on both.

Most people want this thing to
not, not want to talk about it.

We would rather talk about how Dubai
is building the next amazing building,

how, whatever whatever's happening
somewhere else and all this and here

where y'all looking at this stuff
and it's starting starts to gets kind

of, it's not, you know what I mean?

You know what you mean?


Uh, it's it's

that it's, it's hard for us.

I think, I think we're finally getting
to the core of the core of this year.

It's hard for us to look
at death and suffering.


yeah, yeah.

And it's natural and it's natural.

And I don't see that there's
some people, there's some people

that are in media, in government.

Maybe have lost people.

We all have lost something.

That's not fun.

Now imagine that being someone you
love or yourself, then you start

looking at it through a different lens.

You say what's the value.

And yet everything's relative.

This is in a bunker in the
Russian Federation sitting in,

and this is valuable to him.

If we would not be P built to
change people's minds, then

what kind of people would be be.

So we, we are here to affect change.


And we're either going to
do, we're going to do it.

We're going to do it
for better or for worse.

So where our logic steps in,
that's where the understanding

steps in that we have to use.

And we have to say, okay,
so what are we gonna do?

What are we going to say?

You know?


Some of it, maybe we
came off controversial.

We're sorry if you're offended.


But if somebody is offended, I apologize.

And if.

Still aggressing.

I leave, I go and be
changed somewhere else.

You know, like there's no point
in staying in, fighting for

something that's not valuable.

What's the point in fighting for it.

If it's not insanely excellently
valuable, how valuable is this?

Explain it to them.

You can't because it's hard to explain.

And only one guy tries to do
it in this world and he's not

doing that great of a job.

He's he's got stutter,
stutter steps in his speech.

He's got hands that he
can't keep together.

He's got this going on.

He's got 25 women around
him, like a chic bro.

You're not in the UAE.

You're in Russia.

You, you were praying
with the Catholic church.

We believe in marriage there.

One one-to-one we don't believe
in 17 women in a room with, you

know, What's the point of that.

You're another flex in
another part of your project.

Not it.

How special is that?

You know that the Ukrainian
on the other side.


Let's say whatever, let's take some
shots, you know, be more passionate.

I want to see some tears.

I cried from the states on
Instagram and felt like a weak man.

I want to see some emotion from you
if you're really who you say you are.

You know, so we, I mean, I'm
passionate obviously about the subject,

bro, because I'm in love with the
culture and I'm in love with life.

So in love with it, and I wasn't
for 30 years probably for give or

take, I was, I was a happy kid.

My parents were off, you know,
but for a long time, I didn't

have an insane love for life.

And I'm really appreciate that right now.

And I want to see that, especially for me.

And I expect it from myself and yeah, not
everybody needs to come close to death.


No, but should we sit and maybe agree
and maybe show things in our media

that we put out, like you're putting
out with you, like you're putting

out, should we show something that's
really to the core and exposes, so we

know what the root system looks like,
because what if you really got big?

Why are you scared?


So, so I've been in the previous
couple of episodes talking about

not coming to agreement with the
spirit of war and really in thinking

through the complexities of, of
defending your Homeland against war.


and you know, you've, you've
sent, you've sent over.

Just atrocious, atrocious images of,
uh, see if I can pull it up here.

Uh, just horrible images

of what's happening there with the
war what's happening with people

just being put into mass graves.

Uh, really just shocking images,

no mass graves.

We see images of cities being bombed out.

Just totally bombed out flames,
apartment buildings, just being

totally, totally, completely decimated.

You know, you sent over videos of,
of, uh, you know, some of your friends

walking into buildings that have
been completely bombed out showing

the carnage, the carnage of war,


of, of, of this assault
that has come on on Ukraine.

And there's, as you said, like what's
the value, is it, is it more valuable

to preserve your life and not stand
up to evil tyrants to not stand up

and just say, you know what, it's more
valuable to, to just let these tanks

roll in and set up a puppet government?

Or is it, is it more valuable
to fight for your freedoms?

Um, is it more valuable to.

The stand in and fight for what you
believe in, in the midst of being bond.


And what

do you think?

How, how do you, how do you, you
know, you're talking about the passion

and love of a fly and you're talking
about, uh, the importance of life,

how do you, how do you
rectify those two things?

How do you rectify the, okay, well,
we're, we're going to turn around and

hate on Russia because they're being an
aggressor, but you see the, you know,

18 year old kids going to fight these
wars who thought they're going on?

Training operations.


I love what you said, puppet government.

These are like big, big, big, like, you
know, strong, like a strong statement

in a sense for any government, um,

when we're out of balance.


Well, I guess in the, and then the,
the act it's funny, both sides are

accusing the same thing because Russia
is accusing Salinsky to be a puppet

organization for the west and NATO
and the west and NATO and Salinsky

is accusing Putin of trying to come
in and set up a puppet organization.

And so it's, it just seems like this is an
impossible situation where no one can win.

How, how do you then love your enemy?

How do you then carry yourself, right?

Because you and I, we're not going
to, we're going to have, I'm going

to affect geopolitical anything.

We're not going to make a dent,
even if we know what the most

powerful people, I don't quite don't say
that quite yet, because like, I mean,

you know, literally the president of
Ukraine might be watching this podcast.

I'm not joking just based on me
sending it to three people that

are near him, you know, like they
might maybe later, anytime is good.

How do you win?

How do you win in the
face of the loss of life?

How do you win in, in realizing that it
is a, that the world is on thin ice of

slipping into really the next world war.

How do you win from that point
as a governmental leader?

How do you win a Zelinsky?

How do you, how do you, how do you
deescalate when you're balancing.

Either giving up the freedoms that
your country has to tyranny or possibly

losing tens of thousands and millions
of lives in a coming world war.



there have to be risk takers,
whoever that's going to be, God's

going to praise them and God's
going to glorify those people.

They are not always presidents.

They're not always people that you expect,
but then they show up after they've

done what they've done after they've
meditated and let God do it through them.

In a sense, I don't want to
get too religious either.

You know, for people that are listening
to this with their logical side, you

know, but you know what I'm talking about.

There has to be the S like, there's you
and I, we grew up around, you know, these,

these, uh, figures in human history,
like this girl, Esther that went and

risked her life to save her people.

That's how you're going to do it.

Don't do, don't make a dumb risk.

Don't go play at the casino.

You know, you know, you're going to
lose, you know, and even if you do,

when you're going to be annoyed, you
know, because you had put so much

effort into it for what, for paper,
for, for like money that you could've

made somewhere else and been happier.


So that's take the risks, but
analyze how you're going to do it

and let the spirit that's in you.

That's wholly do it.

Take those.

You know, and that's how,
because there's no other way.

It's like, it's like when you're
hungry, there's no other weather.

There's no other way to eat,
but to go and find food, it's

not, it doesn't just come to us.

And if it does, we get fat and lazy
and we get unhappy and all this

stuff, we got to take the risks.

We got to get up from the chair.

We gotta be done with
whatever we were doing.

We gotta go, we gotta go find the fruit.

We gotta go.

Make sure it's clean.

It doesn't have bacteria on it.

We're always taking risks.

So we got to calculate these
things that are on a major level,

especially on a world level, you know?

And that's why I'm blowing the horn.

I've done things on my Instagram
that I wouldn't, I wouldn't

have even imagined doing or set
things, but I thought it through.

And I said, I want to draw as much
attention to this as possible.

Even if it looks like it's coming
from a back around some way that even.

I would never say in a church or
at a, you know, into a microphone

on a stage, you know what I mean?

So I'm like, this is, you know, this
is my stage that I really want the

real ones to just get and be like,
okay, it's really going down for real.

There's absolutely no room for error
because there's going to be error.

Even when we're risking, there's going
to be air, but we need to make sure that

we minimize it to the point where we
feel good about the air that's coming.

Because most of the time we don't.

Yeah, that

was, as you're talking, thinking
about multiple stories from world

war II, about Victor Frankl, who
wrote man's search for meaning and

how he was in a concentration camp.

And he was stripped of everything,
stripped of everything in the end, he

realized the depravity of his humanity
and how he found how to find purpose.

Outside of all of his accolades or
his, his titles or of his clothes or

what he did, or his past life had to
find purpose and he had to take risk.

And it was in the midst of that suffering
that he figured out how to live.

Uh, you know, you think of all these
stories of, of world war two, uh,

of, uh, Schindler and how he, you
know, took risks to save thousands

of Jews from the gas chamber.

Quite literally, because
he was a businessman.

He, I, I think of, I forgot
the gentleman's name, but he

took risks to smuggle hundreds,
hundreds of children out from.

To the UK, never called anyone
about it until he's old and gray

and his wife or his niece or
something finds in the addict.

All these records of how many people
that he saved and the, they pulled him

and the generations that he saved into
room and they, they called them up and

they said, these are all people that are
alive because you took a risk because

you stood up and you did something.

This is what we talk about on this show
about owning the future about stepping

up and taking a risk that could, that
could actually cost you something, not

just for your own self centered purpose,
but to actually to serve someone else.

I want to, I want to transition to,
you know, if people are been following

this, they want to know how and where.

To give they, they, they see the
human cost of Ukrainian citizens

who are the one paint new is
paying the price for this war.

Whoever started it for whatever reasons.

It doesn't matter.

What matters is, is who is truly an
ultimately paying the price in the cost.

Can you, uh, tell us

how people can give to this project?

How can people give through whether it's
through your NGO or whatever it's through,

how can we tangibly make an impact?


Um, most of the people in the
world are not extremely well.

Um, so if you can give a
dollar, that's perfect.

If you can give.

That's perfect.

If you can give 10 as perfect.

If you can give a
thousand, that's perfect.

You can give a million.

That's perfect.

Um, and if you can't give

obviously prey, you know, and

what initially, what initiatives, what
initiatives do you have going on right now

there that people can tangibly pour into?

Um, so the photos that you're
showing here, these are orphans.

These are babies that were evacuated
from an orphanage that was bombed.

They were trapped in a basement.

My friends, my good friends.

I've in vehicle with
the orphan foundation.

Uh, the link is in my Instagram
bio, uh, at Mike Nova music.



Oh yeah, you haven't tagged.

Thank you so much for this.

If you want to give there, do it.

If you feel comfortable giving somewhere
else, I'm not fighting charity versus

charity, just make sure that you
feel comfortable doing it and they

amount is comfortable for you too.

You know what I mean?

Um, don't, you know,

what's on your heart.


Don't give out of guilt, but
give generously and, and yeah.

Give generously.



And for some people it's, it's, it's a
dollar and for some people 3000, for some

people, it's a million and guess what?

It's going to evaporate like this
because each one of those bombs that

you see exploding, that's 50 million.

That's just down the drain, 50
million bucks, 50 million bucks.

How many bombs were launched
already rockets, almost a

thousand, just rockets, you know?

So there's.


Give, just get it out of
the goodness of your heart.

Don't don't give to, to feel guilty
later if you're going to give do it.

And if you find a charity
that you can trust, do it, you

know, um, these orphans, man.

Oh man, dude, I have like, especially
out of this, like out of this

position that I'm saying like it's,
uh, these kids are so cute, man.

These blue eyes, these little baby faces,
like, I'm just like, yo, I won't, I'm

not a father, but I'm, I'm about to be
like trying to adopt one of these kids.

You know what I mean?

But, uh,

so this is, so this is the guy right here.

This is Ivan.

Is that right?

He's the one that is going in and
saving these orphans, moving them to

safe shelters, safe houses, pulling
them out of basements, arranging

transport, getting them to safety,

amazing people.

Again, 10 years ago I met Ivan.

The son that's either on the phone.

Senior and junior, and he
is out there like literally

however old, I think he's 70.

Uh, and he's literally out there just
plowing through evil, like straight up,

you know, and cause he's connected, he's
connected spiritually to the country.

That's his Homeland, you know?

Um, these people have been doing this for
10 years before any annexation of Crimea.

Uh, these are the avoids
they're from Portland, Oregon.

And uh, like shout out wise.


Or if it's linking to my bio DME
or something, if you have questions

about them, but they, they are
amazing people and I've done this.

They're great in money, you know, they're,
they've, they're funding a lot of stuff

themselves, like to the point where they,
you know, they're stressed like and th

and you know, the kind of stress that
they hopefully can take on, I think.

But, uh, I'm supposed to meet
him today, actually here in, uh,

Um, the junior, not, not senior.

Uh, so I kinda plugged his
name there a couple of times.

I just want to make them feel special.

All, I'll take a step out of this
saying their names and you've done that.

And they're going to, they're
probably going to cry though, but,

uh, you know, it just it's special.

Um, and, and LA, we, we
have to do it in love.

If somebody is not ready to give,
if somebody is not ready to convert

to have a conversation to do
that, we should leave them alone.

You know, we should let him be
because let, let him deal with,

with what they've got going on.

You know, show him, love that way,
give them peace, give him space.

You know, some people aren't
ready to be talking about this.

You know what I mean?

Uh, so people are, you know, and we,
we, again, just like we take risks

in a conversation like you and me
are taking risks today, just being

on this podcast, you know, W we
calculate that and we say, all right,

I think God's going to bless us.

I think this is not my ego or whatnot.

And we moved that way and everything.

So, I mean, yeah, I hope I answered, you
know, as far as the giving and charitable

stuff, um, there's plenty of places
vet them that the, well, make sure they

have that a long history, um, you know,
and make sure that they don't seem to.

Well guys, this, as you all know,
this is a value for value podcast.

If you get value out of the show,
we just ask that you give value back

to the show in the measure that you
got it, that you took out of it.

And today, if, if you give through the
podcast or if you go to the link that

is in the bio to give directly through
to, um, this orphan organization that

they're saving orphans, um, either way
that you give, if you make a note, if,

if you're giving to the podcast, um,
through, through that, if you make a

note of the Ukraine, a hundred percent
of the proceeds is going to go to this

project in this organization, uh, you
know, orphans and widows it's, it is what

it's about is really doing the real work.

I don't pitch this hard on a show,
uh, but this guys, I believe in.

If we can help a few people who are
outside of whatever geopolitical nonsense

is going on outside of whatever bombs
are dropping and who's right and who's

wrong, it's, it's the citizens of Ukraine
that are ultimately paying the price.

And if we can do anything to
help them, uh, I would strongly,

strongly encourage you.

The courage you to do that.

Um, Mike has, as we wrap up today,

you've said that, you know,
on your Instagram, by.

You have both the Russian
and Ukrainian flag.

And you're saying that a lot of people are
getting mad that you have both flags, but

everything that we've talked about today,
it really seems like you're one-sided.

So why do you even have both flags
in your bio and why are people on

both sides getting upset at you?


it may maybe feels like both sides.


It just, a couple of people are very
patriotic to Ukraine in are straight

up racist, straight up, you know?

Uh, and it hurts because
I'm close to them.

I'm close to the people legally, you know?

Um, uh, and I'm one sided for the fact
that, um, this is all going to change.

This is all going to go.

You know what I mean?

And the people that hear the call and
they hear the invite and it's not just,

it's not just Ukraine, you know, we
don't have perfect governments today.

We won't have them tomorrow, but the
people that can recognize it and be the

best that they can be in their countries
across the world, because we're world

people, I'm wearing a world shirt.

I mean, I got the blue and yellow
fruit crane, but I'm a world person.

Um, that's it, you know, uh,

I don't, I don't know how
much more I have to say, man.


I love what you were saying about,
you know, your near death experience,

where you're crossing across walk.

You get hit by a car running a
red light, blacked out almost.

Before you saying you, you know,
you're depressed, suicidal, not

knowing if you want to live and you
have this near death experience.

And all of a sudden you
realize that life is precious.

It's worth risking things
for, uh, any right.

This, you know, this crisis, however
long it takes, it's going to be out

of the new cycle and there's going
to be another crisis somewhere else.

But it takes us as people standing
up and taking risks, not just to

make our lives better, but to serve
someone else's to serve someone else

and help them in their time of need.


Serving can be really hard.

I feel like, but it shouldn't be.

So we have to figure out ways where
serving isn't extremely hard for us

because we got interesting lives.

We're all, we're not all heirs to Johnson
and Johnson or some fortune 500 company.


And even then they themselves say,
I wish I would have built it myself.

And these rich kids, you know, and I
feel for them too, you know, um, uh, we

have a calling, we feel the calling and
we have to, it's so hard to be honest

to it because our brain, our brain
is saying, I want to bomb and kill.

That's what our brain is saying,
but our soul is saying something up.

And so find the balance because we need
our brains to, we can't just shut off.

You know?

How do you, how do you ride guys?

How do you recognize the calling?

Like how do you recognize that

when it's gets so painful and you
have the fear of real pain doing

something that you feel is incorrect,
it's maybe more feeding an ego or

some idea that's more up in your head.

It's not balanced with who you are
with food you're created to be,

then that's your problem, right?

You're too far in your head.

I thought I was going to be like,
uh, you know, I thought I w I thought

I wanted to be some pop star and
I've got, and I got to taste it all

in a sense, you know, you're on TV.


Let's go, let's get it done.

Let's do this.

Let's do that.

But at the end of the day,
the balance wasn't there.

And I was really pulling away from the
sidewalk that's already there and I'm

climbing these crazy rocks and guess what?

I'm still going to get all that stuff.

And I'm still getting it today.

But the way that it's the way that
it's valued, the way that I'm using

it, whatever, what is it doing?

Is it hurting my brother
to hurting my family?

You know, what am I doing?

How am I balancing this stuff out?

You know, is it, am I, am
I am able to serve easily.

I'm serving right now, the easiest, the
most serving have ever done in my life.

And it's the easiest.

You know, and we all have
that somewhere somehow, and we

just, we do need to find it.

We have to find it.

We have to take that risk
and say, I got to find it.

I got to figure it out.

I got to do it because it's there.

If I have to engineer it, it's good.

You know, if I have to
ask for it, it's good.

You know?

Um, but yeah, man,

you know, and you were saying
that we all want to bond people.

What happens?

What happens when we are, w we find
ourselves starting down that road

in our calling and our brain starts
veering us off and the jealousy,

hatred, and becoming the very
thing that we're fighting against.

What, how do you, in the midst
of you wanting to bomb specific

nations or a specific nation
right now, or someone who is that.

You know, leading, leading
to all this catastrophe and

heartbreak and tragedy and war.

How do you keep from becoming
that thing that you hate?

I know that I know that what
we feel is good and I can trust

that going out into the world.

I can trust myself because I
know that deep down inside.

It's good.

And so when I start thinking too
much about, okay, this is what I was

going to do, it starts to feel bad.

I don't like to feel bad, you know?

And I got to reel it back a little
bit, forget about the money I got.

I'm a guy that grew up, you know,
whatever welfare, blah, blah, blah stuff.

It wasn't bad.

But my mom and dad did, you
know, But the money was money

was a target for me, for awhile.

I thought about it enough, or
I would, I would suffer enough

just to save it up, you know?

And, uh, and I realized that,
Hey, there's some things.

And there's so many different ways, so
many different ways that are beyond me,

that people in my life know about the, I
don't, you know, let me tell you what the

richest man in the world says, Elon Musk.

Can I tell you something?

What he says?

He says, we're, we're
launching rockets into space.

It's some of the most intense
engineering cumin have ever done.

And he says before every launch,
we look at that rocket standing

there with the whole team, and we
say to some degree, we're wrong.

That's not happening with some leaders.


Some people think they're
a hundred percent right.


And to some degree we're always wrong.

We're always wrong to some degree.

And we have to consider that
and still go and do good, but

don't forget to some degree.

We're always wrong a little
bit, a little bit, at least.

And that's enough to be humble.

That is a good word.


is a good word,

Mike, thank you so much
for being on the show.

People can find you at Instagram at
Mike Nova music and, uh, links is all

over in the show notes to be able to
give, uh, to this, uh, To the NGO,

to, to your nonprofit, to be able to
help, um, the work in Ukraine with

these orphans, saving people and
feeding food or giving food to orphans.

Um, right now, if you check out
the Instagram, there's posts,

links all over the place.

Um, and as we close, I
just want to say, uh, yeah.

Thank you for being on the show.

Thank you for fighting, probably in
wrestling in your own heart to find that

middle ground and for, for taking action,
not just being a pundant on everything

that's happening when it comes to
Ukraine and Russia right now, but you've,

you've moved beyond just being a pundit
and you're taking action to actually

build a better future for, for people
right now for these orphans right now.

So that's committed.

And, uh, an example to us all.


It's never going to stop the,
the tensions in our lives.

I'm not talking about this war.

I'm talking about tensions
in our lives somehow.


So I don't want to preach too much.

I'm sorry, man.

But, uh, if, if we know that what we
believe in is right, and it's good,

we're going to have the easiest time
and it's going to fly by like this.

And it's going to be a miracle what
we're feeling and what we're doing.

And it is a miracle right now
in a lot of people's lives.

And it should be more of those
kinds of people, you know?

And we invite them, we
invite them to be like us.

We invite them because it's an awesome
experience, the beautiful experience.

And it's worthy.

We invite them to be like us.

You don't have to, you don't even
have to meet us, you know, just.

To start thinking like that,
doing like that, you know,

you don't even give a dollar.

Sometimes we invite you to be like us.

You know,

now when you say, be like us, you're
saying, be like someone who doesn't

just sit on the wayside, but someone
who stands up and tastes takes risks,

like, what do you mean by that?

You know, uh, be like somebody
that has such intense faith

and passion and no fear.

That's a really hard balance.

That's a really hard bowl of ingredients.

It sounds like a few ingredients.

It's tough.

So be like that and you will
feel so amazing in your life.

You will feel so great and you will do
everything that you've ever wanted to do.

And every single dream will come true.

Might have.

Yeah, it's great.

We just talked about on a previous
episode, don't shrink back.

Don't shrink.

And in times like these, you know, us
men, things just tend to want to shrivel

up a little bit, you know, just kinda
like pull back and shrivel and, uh, but

it takes, it takes courage to stand in
the face of fear to stand in the face

of man, I might, you know, this might
crash the global economy and I'll lose

my job and how I'm going to eat and how
I'm going to feed my family, how I'm

gonna feed my kids, what I'm going to do.

But it's what I hear you saying.

It's in that, that we stand
up and say, no, I'm gonna, I'm

gonna live in spite of this fear.

I'm gonna, I'm going to go
forth with courage and boldness.

There might be destruction waiting
for me in the streets, but I'm

not gonna hide in my house.

Go forth out of my comfort out of
myself, preservation to build something,

to, to meet the dragon outside, rather
than waiting for them to come into my

house, to attack me and to devour me.

And I think in these times
everyone has a dragon.

Everyone has those things
looming in our lives.

I have things looming in my life that I'm
well aware that I need to get out of my

house and attack those in the streets.

Those, those dragons in my life,
rather than seeking self-preservation

and small minded thinking, playing
it small and playing it safe.

So that resonates with me.


That's amazing.


And you're awesome, man.

You're so dedicated bro.

And watching you the last
four years or such, right?

Something like that.


Um, it feels like that.

You know, well, you've been so
committed to, um, just value, you

know, you've been so committed to,
uh, your business, your building.

It's so awesome.

You know, great name two
roots bakery, like so cool.

You know what I mean?

You hear kids

say, what is it?

You heard it here.

First kids.


I love that.

I can't talk about that.


You know, um, just amazing concepts and,
um, you know, you're a blessing Belle.

You're a blessing, you know what

I mean?

Thank you.

Thank you.


Go follow Mike.

Give, do his nonprofit give to the work
of helping orphans in Ukraine right now.

And thank you for
listening to this episode.

Remember you, you are a.

Truth seeker, someone who
goes out and pursues truth.

And that means that you have to
have that sliver of humility.

You have to have that humility,
knowing that you might be wrong because

we were in the pursuit of truth.

And it's through that, that we
really are able to own our futures.