The Web Canopy Studio Show

Learning sales copy is a valuable skill for anyone in any career.

If you master the art of writing effective sales copy or get even just a little good at writing sales copy, you will be so much more successful because it is such a skill that can be utilized in so many different ways. It will provide an immense amount of value to your career and professional growth. 

It's a skill that can be applied in various fields and will bring significant value to your job and overall performance.

In this episode, John discusses the importance of understanding psychology and the problems of the target audience when creating marketing copy for your website.


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What is The Web Canopy Studio Show?

Everyone wants to grow their business, but not everyone has the time or patience to learn all the ins and outs of marketing, sales enablement, and making the most out of a CRM such as HubSpot. Join the Web Canopy Studio team, a HubSpot Diamond Partner Agency, as they chat about various topics all designed to help you grow your B2B business.

Here is the biggest piece of advice that I have when we're looking at anything with your marketing. This is not even just website specific, but looking at the actual copy of how you're engaging with clients. This is the biggest piece of advice, and it it boils down to, again, psychology and getting in the head of the people that you're working with so that you can solve their problems. I tell my team this all the time, if there's one skill that you should go and learn right now, regardless of if you're a developer, a designer, a marketer, content writer, salesperson, doesn't matter If you can get really good or even just a little good at writing sales copy, you will be so much more successful because it is such a skill that can be utilized in so many different ways. It will provide an immense amount of value to you and your career and in your growth.

And so what I want you to do is to think about sales copy and to think about different sales copy frameworks. Do not go through and wireframe your website based off of what other people have done and based off of your existing website and just say, oh, it would be cool to add some stuff here about this. Yeah, it might be cool, but is it what's necessary? Is it gonna help get people to take the next step? Might not. So we have to really, really think about that. So number one, we have to focus on sales copy. Number two, learn sales copy frameworks. Okay? Frameworks are, there's, there's a ton of them. If you just google sales copy frameworks, you're gonna find tons of blogs and tons of different options out there. You're gonna find courses. There's all kinds of stuff that you can dive into with that.

There's a handful that will go over in just a second, but those frameworks are gonna be so impactful and it's a simple step-by-step. Do this, this, this, and this, and you're gonna have a nice compelling sales page. And then the last piece would be, don't get lost in product focus content. I think a lot of us, we've talked about this in the past, but a lot of us get stuck in talking about ourselves, talking about our products, talking about our services, talking about the company. We don't actually talk about the problems that it's solving the most. And so people have issues, people have , we all people have issues, people struggle with different things. We wanna talk about those, kind of twist the knife a little bit, and then we want to present a solution for them. Okay? So that's my advice. Sales copy, learn it, do it.

Don't care what your job is, don't care what career you have. Don't care how long you've been doing it. Sales copy is where you need to go spend some time. So what are some examples of sales copy? Okay, there's, there's five that I'm gonna talk about really quick, and I'll give you a quick high level overview, and then we're gonna go into just a, a brief example of using this for a website. So number one, we have the p a s or p a i s. All right? This copy framework is my personal favorite. I use this all the time. Okay? This is, you will find this embedded in any website that I have a, a hand in creating or, or, or impacting in any way. And all of the landing pages that I develop are using this formula. And the reason it's so impactful is because it's, it's literally telling a story and it's kind of going through the things that I had just mentioned.

And so you, you could take this and look at it from, you know, these are individual paragraphs, or these are different sections of a page, or these are like, the topics of a video doesn't really matter. And what this stands for is p is pain or problem. Okay? So I'm gonna talk about the pain that you have or the problem that you have right now. And I'm probably gonna do it in more of a, of a story format. A really great example of this that I've done via email is like literally telling the story of a sales call that I had. And so my email might start out with like John, I just can't figure out why my website's not converting. We get tons of traffic and no one's converting on the website. And then I might caption on the side and just say, that's how a conversation that we had the other day started with a, with a sales prospect.

And that might be my initial piece of my, my email. Now, what I just did was describe a pain that I know just about all the people who are reading that email are feeling, right? So I'm talking about the problem, I'm talking about the pain. The very next thing that I'm gonna do is I'm going to agitate that pain and I I'm going to try and make it uncomfortable for them so that they're like, yes, I have that pain. Oh my gosh, yes, it also makes me feel like this. And so you're gonna agitate that pain and say like, the next, the next piece of that conversation or that email might have been, we are running up at the end of quarter four and my sales are down drastically. Our calls are down drastically. And now I'm starting to get concerned about my cash flow and paying my staff.

Boom, I just twisted the knife. I know everybody has who is reading that email because I have a very tailored audience that I'm sending that kind of an email to. I know they're probably either in that situation or they felt that situation. So I've pushed on a pain and I've agitated that pain to the point where it's like, Ooh, cringe. Yes, I feel that way too. Okay? And then if you want to, you can then add an invalidation. And that's what the I is, it's invalidating the competitors or invalidating what they're probably trying. Okay? And so this is gonna say like, if it was the next piece of that, that same email, I might say something like, I've, I've tried hiring other salespeople, I've tried a bunch of ads. I've tried ramping up our SEO and just nothing seems to be working. So what I've just done was I invalidated the things that everybody might naturally think are the next natural progression.

Okay? And then the last piece of this s is solve or solution. I'm providing a solution, okay? And then I'm gonna say so here's how I instructed that client of what they should do. Number one, they should go like this. Number two, they should do this. Number three, this. So I literally just gave step by step into the solution, and that's using it in an email format. You could do that same exact concept in a landing page on any kind of homepage or sales page and so on. But that is a great example of how to move people through sales copy frameworks next, before, after bridge. So what this is doing is saying like, we're painting the picture of where someone is at before or their current state. We're painting the picture then of where they want to be or what the after state is.

And then we're gonna talk about the bridge of how to cross that of, of going from A to B. And that would be something similar to you know, talking about a product maybe or a use case of, of using this specific product could be a value proposition as well. Number three is hook story offer. This one is really popularized by Russell Brunson and then a lot of his different books and his content out there. I absolutely love it. If you haven't secrets, definitely go take a look at it. Hook story offer is about getting somebody to, you're, you're capturing their attention by a hook. You're making a big bold statement. It's compelling, it catches 'em off guard. In fact, it's so attention grabbing that it stops them from scrolling. This is a great example of how to use hook story offer is using them on ads, scrolling through Facebook ads, and you see this super like jumping out at you statement.

It's gonna stop you from, you know, just scrolling through and looking at your best friend's, kids who you don't talk to anymore. And then you see this hook that jumps out and like, oh, interesting, I'm curious about that. You click on it, there's a story, and the story could just be the compelling maybe it's the PAs formula, and then it's the offer, which is buy this or do this or take this action. Then we have the five objections. This is written in a lot of different ways but these are answering like the five key questions that people are gonna have. These are the natural objections that people have before they buy anything. So whether you realize it or not, you actually go through these kind of objections in your mind. The first one is, I don't have enough time. I don't have the time to deal with this.

Okay, so how can you answer that question? You could do it through story, you could do it just through a list. There's a lot of different formats in which you can address that. I like to put these on different sections of the website. The next one is, I don't have enough money. So how can you break down the objection of someone who has a cost objection? The next one is, it's not gonna work for me. I don't think that this is the right thing for my company, my time, my business for me specifically. The next one is, I don't believe you. So how do you build the trust and play on the trust factor? And then the last one is I don't need this. This is something I don't need to, this is not important enough to me. So how do you break that down and to start solving those objections?

So those are the five objections. And then the last one are the four Ps, or P P P P is what I've seen it called many times as well. And I like this one because it's, it's also a great way to tell a story. Again, story sells walking people through a natural progression. This is a fantastic opportunity here. And so the first thing would be to paint a picture. P number one P picture. We're gonna paint a picture of what success looks like of what what they're trying to achieve. We're painting this really great success story, this picture of where they want to go. The next one is a promise. So we are going to isolate the the product or the service that you are, are promoting and you're giving a promise that we're gonna help you get there by going through X, Y, z with you.

The third one is proof. So we're gonna back up how, how what it is that we're saying is actually accurate. We're gonna prove it. So we want to, we wanna have some kind of proof. And then the fourth one is a push to a CTA called action. Okay? Now all five of these are sales copy frameworks. I'm not saying this is how you should go through and map out a wire frame on a website, so please don't take it in that context. These are ways that I want to start promoting with you, how you can think about solving different situations on specific parts of websites.