Perfect Mode

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, JClay and Troy Washington are here to reveal the secrets to unlocking your "Perfect Mode" and living your best life. Don't miss this captivating episode where we explore just how good life could truly be! Tune in - your happiness may depend on it! 

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Creators & Guests

JClay's music ignites a transformative experience, fostering spiritual growth, mindfulness, and a positive mindset through powerful and uplifting rap.
Troy Washington
Real Estate Broker

What is Perfect Mode?

"Perfect Mode" invites you on a transformative odyssey to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hosted by the dynamic duo of JClay, a rapper with a spiritual twist, and Troy Washington, a realtor with a mindset of abundance, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to elevate their existence. Together, they explore the realms of personal growth, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, offering unfiltered insights into living a life unchained by societal expectations. Tune in for your weekly dose of inspiration and embark on a journey to align with your highest self.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection? Welcome to perfect. Welcome to perfect. For there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, and spiritual teacher, with my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor.


Let's be real, so let's be perfect. Perfect. Let's be perfect. Perfect. Everything.


Anything. Anything. Anything. Perfect. Everything.


Anything. Anything. Anything. Perfect. Everything.


Anything. Anything. Anything. Perfect. Perfect.


Perfect. Perfect.

Troy Washington:

What up? Welcome to perfect mode. First off, let me start by telling y'all that we love y'all. We're grateful for the opportunity to be anywhere sharing our thoughts and hopefully helping you realize that you are perfect. And the reason why I can unapologetically say that is because I know that you are one of 1.

Troy Washington:

Numero uno. You cannot be replicated, duplicated. And the only reason and I mean the only reason you would think that you're not is if you're looking at this person next to you and saying, I'm not them. But guess what? You are what you need.

Troy Washington:

And, of course, Detroit Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. And I have my boy, Clay, spiritual rapper and teacher. And we're about to get on here and talk about how good could life really be. How good could life really be? What up, Jay?


Happy day. What's happening? What's happening? To all my perfect people in perfect land doing the perfect thing. We are starting our 5th year today with perfect land.


Means we have completed 4 years of doing this for a lot of Sundays. This is it's a beautiful thing. And I'm loving the topic because how good could life really be? When's the last time we really checked in to see how good life can be and if we're on track to go toward it? Oh, and check out our Patreon.


It's on the link is in the bio. Go ahead. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

And and and and checking out the Patreon and checking out the link in the bio, I still wanna kick a shout out to Jeff, man. Of course, we appreciate you. You know, everything that you do you've done to to support. Keep on doing your 30th, I mean. And, man so, bro, 5 years is a crazy thing.

Troy Washington:

It's not a an amaze. 5 years in is an amazing thing, and I didn't even it didn't even it didn't even hit me until you just said it, but, salute to you. And, you know, the reason why I'm taking this second just to acknowledge it the way that I should is because how good could life really be? It is it's it's all about acknowledging what's right in front of you and not taking it for granted. So definitely appreciate you, bro.

Troy Washington:

But, you know, I wanna know what your thoughts were when you, brainstorm this and, you know, you know, where you where you are with it.


1 is kind of like, I mean, we kind of mid year right now. So it's like the the new year resolution, but the mid New Year resolution in the sense. Just kind of checking in with yourself in the directions that we're going in. Because again, like, one of the things that we've uncovered on this show is everything kinda goes in the direction of our thoughts and beliefs and and actions. You know, the the things that we're resonating with, the things that we frequently do, frequently think, it affects the reality we live.


And if we're not really checking in our thoughts and things, anything can happen. And I wanna make sure we're going in the direction where life is better and we're we're actually doing our part to make life better. Like, we, you you know, when you're when you're a kid, you dream big, you dream like, you know, what do you want to be when you grow up? Well, I want to do this. I want to try this out.


I want to try this. But then when you're an adult, you kind of stop, you think you can't anymore. You think it's over And it's not like like, every even in this one day, there are so many opportunities to step into how good life could really be.

Troy Washington:

You and and I and I'm gonna tell you the thing that comes to my mind when I think about this. I guess, first, to start on the back end of it is as an using your example, you're right. Kids' dreams are endless. And, you know, that hope and that anticipation of things to come is always something to make you feel good because we we have that that willingness to go out and try to obtain. And then what happens is as time progresses and you don't meet goals or you don't get to where you're trying to get to, that starts to become a domino effect of you having a, a a a mentality of lacking or missing or not having or wish I could have, could should have done these things.

Troy Washington:

And, you know, one thing that I've had to catch myself in being an adult is in any given moment thinking that I'm in lacking or I'm missing something or wishing I would have done something. And so, you know, the the the approach that I've taken in my life probably for the past 10 years is every time I would think of one of those things, I will stop myself, and I will I will think about what I do have. But go ahead, Jay. Yeah. And


I I I really wanna get to that. Like, I'm I'm actually gonna kinda, like, draft out after the show what that would look like for me. Like, I've I've already started back adding stuff or just adding little things I wanna try setting new goals. But I I I really wanna do it, like, from the from the perspective of how good could life really be? Like like, usually, we we do things based on curiosity.


We do things based on, like you said, we we might've heard somebody say something or it just seems like it's the end thing to do. Or maybe in the past, it's something that we always heard that you have to do, and we might tailor our life to that. But what about to our own blueprint? Like, whatever we get to choose whatever we wanna choose. And if we want life to be good, what are all the elements in it?


And without without putting limitations on it, how far are we willing to take it?

Troy Washington:

So so I I love that. And and, again, I wanna get to that, but, again, just and this is just my thinking as we're talking through it. Mhmm. The the mentality of always feeling like you have to have the answer now, again, puts you in a state of not wanting to continue to dream and build and and experience new things. And, you know, to your to your point, the most fun that I've had in a long time again, I I'm always having fun because I have kids.

Troy Washington:

Right? And I get to kinda live vicariously through them and see them dream and things of that nature. But at the same time, I I recently told you that I have an investor that I work with. For anybody that doesn't know, I'm a realtor. I have an investor that I work with, and he's graciously allowed me to come and shadow him and work on re per rehabbing a home.

Troy Washington:

And, you know, the time before I actually started doing this where I would always say, man, I wish I knew how to do that. I woulda did this, or I would do this, and I would do this. And then having that sense of lacking, makes you feel like you missed the mark. Right? But, you know, again, graciously, he's let allowed me to come, and he's, you know, coached me and teaching me and training me.

Troy Washington:

But one of the most exhilarating I had was this weekend when we we're in this house, and he was like, okay. Today, we're gonna build a iron in the kitchen. And, again, just something that I I think that I would have imagined when I was younger, but it was far beyond my reach because I've gotten too old. Again, age and time plays a role in they're talking about because we feel like we've missed the mark or it's too late to do things. Oh, I can't learn this now because there's no purpose in me learning because I can't use it.

Troy Washington:

And so, you know, we he I was like, okay. Cool. We're gonna build the island and I did. I'm hammering. I'm doing the nail gun, and I'm doing it.

Troy Washington:

And then when I looked at it at the end, there was a level of appreciation that I expressed until the point where I had to stop and say, man, thank you again. I really appreciate this because it's something that I never thought that I'll ever be able to do. It's something that I never imagined that I would have time to do, and I'm here doing it. And, again, it the the the beautiful part of it is building a house aside, as you start to feel like you can still dream and you can still create and you can still be, that person that you were when you were a young person. There's a domino effect because it opens up your mind to what else there's out there to explore and have the limitation of time is no longer real.

Troy Washington:

But go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Yeah. And and I I I definitely say, like, when exploring this, throw it out out the window. Throw out all the the possible things that could go wrong, all the possible, anything. I don't need to think about that.


Just think in terms, like, how good could it be? Like, just just dream. Act like you your own genie that you can grant yourself these wishes and and and see it exactly. And see how high you can take it. Because because I I really get because I I do enjoy my life.


I like my life. But when I think about it, it's like, I I left a lot of stuff. But how do I say this? I I haven't been mindful on a lot of stuff. It's it's like, why not make this fun?


Why not do this this way? Why not do this this way? But I haven't stopped to think about it to even dream to even get aligned with something like that. And I and I I think it's yeah. I I think it's in everyone's best interest to do it, especially with, you know, stuff happening in the news.


People might be like, oh, man. It's getting worse. It's getting this, and you hear all kind of stuff, but it can become what you want it to become. And are you willing to have it become that for you personally?

Troy Washington:

No. And and and see, that's the point. And the funny thing is we said the same thing personally about how we feel about it, even though it was said a different way. And and that's and and I think that's the part that we need to explore. You said I I hadn't really taken the time to think about how this could be something for me, and the question is why.

Troy Washington:

I said that I you know, it it gets beyond us. It's like, I'm too old to even worry about the details of that now, or I I don't have the time to worry about the details of that. And, you know, the question that you should ask yourself is, why do I not have the time if I'm actually thinking I mean, even the we don't think about it in the detail that we should in order to expand ourself, but we do think about it. Because these type of things cross our mind at any given time, and you will literally say, you know, let me just keep on moving. Right?

Troy Washington:

And so it it that is really a thing that, especially as you get as you you gain a age or you gain years in life, you you the the the funniest part about it is you're more experienced. You're more knowledgeable. You're you you're you're stronger. You know, there's all these different attributes that increase. And meant the mentality of it is you can't do or there's not enough time even though you become way better.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And I mean and and, you know, I feel about time. There there's always time to do what you wanna do or to do what you feel is the most important thing that ever needs to be done. Like, because that's one thing I'm amazed of too. Like, when I did have the the day job, I would do so much in that morning because I'm like, man, I only have a limited amount of time.


I gotta do some do that. But then some some days when I have an unlimited amount of time, I'm like, I'm not about to do that now. So it's it's funny how even a restriction can be a plus.

Troy Washington:

And and I will say, yeah.


But but even use that even even use the lack of time to quickly craft what you would enjoy. Because because even the act of even if you do it for 30 seconds, your whole mind shifts. Like, you're you're you're you're in a different reality. You're in a reality where you can see all the positive possible things that can happen or all the fun, joyful, life bringing things that that can lift your your life up and your and your mood up versus just being in a mundane state or in the opposite state where you're like, something's wrong with this. That's wrong.


You're doing this wrong. These people are this, that people is that. Judgment. Judgment. Judgment.


Judgment. And it's like, nah. Let's let's let's get back to the to the fun where our whole life is ahead of us.

Troy Washington:

And and, again, that that kinda goes to the point that I'm making. Just in the example that you said, there are there's lots of thinking going on. There's lots of exploring ideas going on, whether even even in judgment. Think about the and and I'm I'm saying this being myself. I try not to judge anybody, but because of teen in life, I can look at anybody in any given moment, or I can look at any circumstance or situation driving in the street and saying, oh, man.

Troy Washington:

This this this this this this. And there's so much energy, so much, time given to exploring a moment that we don't realize and and how impactful it is on our life. And so that's the that's the mindset that I'm of now. And this there's a book that I read, and I I've told you about it. We've talked about it before, called the one thing.

Troy Washington:

And that this book is is about exploring doing one thing the one thing that you could do every day to help you achieve your goal. But just to kind of, I guess, use that in a different way, I'm of the mindset of taking the time to explore any given thought to its fullest and see what you can pull out of it. And, you know, the same way that we would explore a negative moment, you see somebody with some clothes on that you think are funny, and you you will sit and think like, I wonder why they wore yellow boots with red pants. That's a crazy thing, and and and it's just a domino effect of you thinking all these things. How about exploring today?

Troy Washington:

You know, I wonder why I am happy when I see the dime on the floor. There's a shiny dime. Oh, I wonder if I pick it up. Like, I picked up a dime yesterday, and I literally thought these things because I'm of the mindset of allowing my mind to dream on things that I feel like are great for me. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And I I wouldn't even go as far as, I mean, you could. I I wouldn't even go as far as to understand why you enjoy something. More so explore how how you can continue enjoying something or how you can extend this joy or or bring more joy. Because why, like, why is the funny thing?


I I I I x y all the time. That that that's why I'm bringing this up. Why can it can be a dangerous game if you don't allow it right away, but it sounds like you're you're allowing the answer to come. Like, you're not just trying to it's this I I define it as this, and this is gonna be the the end all be all. But but I know that that's also a different mindset than how good everything can actually be.


Like, how how joyful, how blissful, how I don't know, man. Like like like even even today, I have not meditated yet, but I know that when I do, it just opens things up. And it's like, why haven't I enjoyed meditating? I I know what it can do for me, but it it's just so

Troy Washington:

many things that go into play. No. No. And and and to your point and and that's what I'm saying. Live in it.

Troy Washington:

Because we live in all these other moments. You know, we live in a lot of things that we personally don't feel serve us. That serves you. Like, I know for a fact, and I I again, this is the experiment that I do for myself all the time. It's driving.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. I've I've become great at this where I don't allow, you know, being in a car to affect me emotionally, but there are still where the I see these things over and over again. And as an example, I was dry today, and a person was riding on my my bumper. Like, they were just riding me real close. Right?

Troy Washington:

And, normally, I would go down the like, I don't have to pay attention to it. I can be mindful of it so that way I can drive safe, but I don't attention to it is what I mean. Right? So in the past, what I would do in that moment is I would think of a reaction, or I should just push on my brake. Or I I would think, okay.

Troy Washington:

When they try to get around me, I'm not letting them get around me. Like, there's all these different none of this is happening, but these are all things that I'm allowing myself to dream on. These are all things and and I personally know that they don't serve me. So the question that I would ask myself is if I can just be mindful of the situation so that way I can, in a sense, be safe and make sure, you know, I'm being mindful of this of not just this person, but everyone around me that I should be mindful of and not living live in a world that's not of me, then it changes the whole dynamic of my ride. So now when this happens, instead of me having this imaginary mindset, and I don't even know if imaginary don't matter.

Troy Washington:

But having this mindset of out this this this fictitious world that's not real, I can imagine something else that is for me. So what else did I wanna do? What else did I wanna do in the car? I want I want to write a song. Okay.

Troy Washington:

Well, now I'm worried about that. Let me just live in this beat for a little bit. Let me just think about what's inside of me that it can come out. And now I'm able to expand myself, but not only that. Now look at how much better my world has become.

Troy Washington:

And guess what? The scenario hasn't changed. Only me. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And even in this moment, like, I'm I'm I'm even allowing myself to dream even about this, but then everything goes, like, like, what what are what are the areas that I would want to be better? Like, yeah, I wanna be in better shape. Am I doing something to to foster that? I I wanna experience even more freedom.


You know what I mean? Like, just just more not tied to responsibility. That's not to say it like that, but, yeah, just not tied to it all the time. And even that I've been experimenting too, like, how do I say that? Because I because it's gonna sound like I'm I'm I'm not doing my responsibilities, but I am.


But just in a way where it's like, let me take let me take care of this. How good it can be first, like because this is bringing my energy down. Less. I I can't continue to let this bring my energy down, but then I I go do something that raises it, and it's like, oh, okay. Let's let's step into this next thing almost.


So yeah.

Troy Washington:

And so no. And and and I wanna touch on what you said as well. Like, the reality is what is truly your responsibility? And that and that's the key here. Like, for me, like, your only responsibility are things that you've made that like, it's only what you've dictated.

Troy Washington:

Right? And so at any given time, you could dictate something as not being your responsibility. I now for for for myself, my my kids are my responsibility in order to make sure that they have food and a home. But, you know, one thing that I tell you I do with my son every single day is get up and help him practice basketball every day. Right?

Troy Washington:

And I've made that my responsibility. But any given moment, I can stop. And that doesn't mean that that's not his responsibility if he wants to accomplish that in his life. But any if I decide not to do it anymore. Because at the end of the day, the reality, there are some things that I I I feel like I again, there's a there's a a a a godly conversation in this as well, but, you know, we're not gonna go there.

Troy Washington:

But, there's always certain things that that are responsibilities of mine that I have to do every day, period. And that would be, like, eat for my you know, feed my family and, you know, take care of the household, you know, that we live in. But go ahead, Jay.


Right. So using that example and knowing you, like, you want to do that with your son. And, like, you you I mean, it's a responsibility, like you said, but it's not a responsibility. And the only thing that will make you not wanna do it is filling the burdens of other responsibilities. And that's the key.


Like, if if we're really looking at how good life can be, how can we minimize those responsibilities that we don't wanna be responsible for? Because I mean, it like, responsibilities can be good if you if you enjoy the things that you're doing, but it's those other things. It's just like, nah. Let me ah, get get out of here. Like, it it's it's it's kinda minimizing those while increasing the ones that you do want.

Troy Washington:

And and that's the thing. That's why I think identifying what you really want is important and not what you think you want. Right? And so, like, what what I mean by that is my son wants to go to the NBA to the NBA, nor do I wanna coach in the NBA. What I want is to be what I've deemed in my own head a better my dad was.

Troy Washington:

And I have this construct in my mind of what that looks like, And so this becomes a responsibility for me. My son doesn't under and he'll never understand that. My wife doesn't understand that. She'll never understand that because this is our own self proclaimed responsibility that I feel for myself. And there's no real, there's no real, rules in it.

Troy Washington:

It's only what I've made for myself. And so, again, I can still be, in my own mind, a better father by doing nothing but being here. Get what I'm saying? That's all I would that would be the only if if I had to bring this break this down to its core, the only true responsibility in my own head, but then there's levels to it. How much do I, you know, how much do I want this how far do I want to go with this?

Troy Washington:

How great could I be? You know? And and this is all just things that I'm creating within myself. Again, how great I am of a father, my son has a whole different opinion on that. It it it doesn't even, you know, if you ask him if I'm a good dad and and and and you ask him why, he might just say because, you know, he talks to me every day.

Troy Washington:

I don't know what he'll say. You know what I mean? But in my mind, I said because I do this, because I do this, because I do this, but because I do this. And these are out of the responsibilities, and that's why you finding out what really means something to you or resonates in your own world is important. So that way you can set it up in a way where you can live or, you know, dwell in those in those places.

Troy Washington:

And shout out to him now. BK baby, what up?


Yeah. One thing, one thing I I I didn't bring up when we started that that made me think about this. He said, oh my god, Trump. What what thing that that made me think about this topic was, like, crafting the perfect day. Right?


We had a show and they talked about it, and I haven't did it in a while. Like, last time we did it, I stepped into living my perfect day. But, of course, you know, times change, priorities change, things change. And I don't know if I'm I'm fully in my perfect day. Like, I haven't I haven't checked in with myself to see.


Like, I but I I I am still living the remnants of what I deemed my perfect day before. And it's like extending that. Like like, yeah, let's okay. We tried this. Do we wanna continue doing this?


Do we wanna make it better? Like, we can we can do anything. You know what I mean? Like, why aren't we doing anything? Why aren't we choosing it?


Why are we so quick to forget that we can in favor of other things that happened in the world? Like, you know, the Trump thing. Like, some people may look at that and see that as a bad thing. The good thing is something or choose to have like me, I choose to have no meaning of it. I have no idea what it means.


It doesn't concern me with how good life could really be.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. And so I'm I'm a touch on the Trump thing as well based off of what you just said. Mhmm. But also just kind of just reminding people to keep on finding out what because, again, there's, like, a a a definite endpoint on finding out what you like in life. Like, people feel like and and I'm saying this because I I I'm one of these people.

Troy Washington:

I'm not just trying to talk with people I don't know, but I what I've witnessed from other people. But we get to a point, and kids do this at some point as well, where we feel like, okay. This is what it is, and we stop wanting to explore that the possibilities of liking something else. It's it's it's it's an amazing thought process, and and that's the reason why I continue to bring up the things that I I do today because it's it's it's me finding out something new about myself. I mean, I wanna read what him now.

Troy Washington:

I said real quick. I'm I'm, just he's he says, sorry sorry, guys. Gotta go college tomorrow early morning. I have, to miss you a lot today. No no problem.

Troy Washington:

Shout out to you. Good luck. I don't know if you're just starting tomorrow or whatever, but, you know, you got this. Easy work. Handle your business, baby.


Yeah. I know him loud. He's on the other side of the world, so appreciate you joining us as always. And yeah. Good stuff.

Troy Washington:

And and and to, you know, to the point of the whole, the Trump situation and and what you were saying, you know, whether you found meaning in it or not found meaning of it. You know, when I was sitting at the house yesterday, and, again, I don't get news updates because I don't wanna say that news is not a part of my world, because it is in some aspects, but living in it is not, nor the politics of anything. Right? I just they're just not things that I want to allow to just dwell in my head on a consistent basis. Not to mean not to say that I'm not wanting to be aware, nor do I try to draft a a meaning for some good or bad.

Troy Washington:

Now this is what I will tell you. Once the notification came to my wife's phone, she let me know. And, of course, so that way I a part of my world is knowing what the world is doing in a sense. Right? And so what I did was I said, okay.

Troy Washington:

Well, let me see what's going on. So I put it on the news. I left it on there so that way I can kinda what's going on. And then after that, I turned it, and and that was pretty much the end of it for me, first, from looking at TV. Then when I got on social media whenever I got on social media during the day yesterday, because I had to do some work.

Troy Washington:

I wanted to show some houses and stuff. Then I started to see people's opinion or see what was going on or see all of these different things. And then I sat and asked myself literally yesterday. I was like, okay. You're going down a rabbit hole that's not of you.

Troy Washington:

Right? That you don't care about people. It's not that you don't want to see that everybody's okay, but that you could spend because you cannot have any bearing on the circumstances or the situation. So what else could you do with your time to be what else could you your time to create the world that you want to really live in? And then I just stopped.

Troy Washington:

And that and and and it was just that. And I hadn't heard anything else about it until just now when him now asked a question about it. And the the beautiful thing for me is I could hear whispers in the world of people being miserable in a sense because I don't know the word to say, but people were dramatically impacted. Other than the people that were directly impacted, I mean, people that had no, they weren't there. You know what I mean?

Troy Washington:

They dramatically impacted by it, and their worlds were upside down. And and that's what I mean to me when I think about, you know, how good could life really be. It's like, where are you allowing your life to lie? Hey, Jay.


Yeah. Yeah. And and that's the thing about, like, social media is, and that's that's, yeah, that's probably something I I need to start to limit again to Because it, like, it takes your mind in so many directions so fast. Like, you might you might have the inspiration one, then you might have the the quote, unquote bad news. Then you have the conflict where you choose the side like, oh, I can't believe they did this to the same person.


Then you have the funny. It's like you're going through these wide range of emotions quick, quick, quick. And you're you're feeding your your brain these things before you even have time to process them. And it's like it's different. Like, if you had a goal, if you had an aim, like, how could this be better?


Like like, well, yeah. What if we did that with social media? How can my time on social media be be served best? And and am I willing to go toward that? Like, you because now when you're watching it, you're doing it according to your goal.


You're not just minding mindlessly watching it.

Troy Washington:

So so I'm I'm gonna say this, bro. And I'm one of these people that I think that social media, albeit Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, like, I I believe social media is the smartest thing in the world. And the reason why I say that is because they really figured it out. It it it's just like life in a sense. Right?

Troy Washington:

Just like I told you, I don't watch the news. But somehow, some way, sometimes, the news that I is the most impactful news, I guess, will make its way to me, whether it be through my wife, be it my kids, or a friend or something. Right? But so social media is just like that. Social media, it shows you what interested in.

Troy Washington:

And if you don't believe me, just try. And I'm talking to everybody out there. Like, when you see something on social media that you that's not of you, skip past it quick. Don't give it any credence. Don't give it any, you know, life.

Troy Washington:

And, eventually, what'll happen is those type of things will stop showing up in your feed. It it it's how I I've I've tested this in so many different ways. I'd even tested it with some of my friends and not like like, when I say I purposely did it, I would skip past a friend, and then the best of their friends start showing up in my feed. I didn't have to click on any button and say I don't wanna see this anymore. It lit they time and watch to your mind.

Troy Washington:

That's number 1. Number 2, social media can be set up in such a way that you can get on it, any of them, and look at only what you want to look at. Like, you can look at like, if you want to have a life full of inspirational quotes, like, that's all you care about, you can start you can search inspirational quotes. You can group every you can every group on inspirational quotes, and every time you pop up, that's the only on your feet. And and, again, this goes back to the point that you were making earlier.

Troy Washington:

I haven't taken the time to really delve into these things to recalibrate and say, is my life what I really want it to be? We don't really we don't really take the time to say, you know what? On social media, this is the way that I want it to be. When I'm playing basketball, this is the way that I really want it to be. Or when I'm doing this, this is what I really want to do.

Troy Washington:

You we may have thought that at a time, and then once we got into the routine of life that we're living, we don't never come back, stop, and recalibrate and say, let me set the record straight. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. The the the thing too, even even with that, even with social media that we haven't even stopped to consider is, will we want that in our ideal life? And what I mean is, like, every now and then I might take a tropical vacation. I'm on a beach and stuff. My phone is the farthest thing from my mind.


It's probably still in the hotel room or something. I didn't even bring it out there because it's so much life that I enjoy. It's like sandy beaches, the the the beautiful weather, probably in a pool or looking at the ocean all the ways playing in that. Like, it's it's it's so much fun out there. And usually, like, if I'm being truthful with myself, I'll go to social media and, like, the quick dry spots or or bored moments if I if those are are there or but but it's not like from the it's there are other things that I would rather be doing if I'm being truthful with myself instead of watching social media.


And so that that's why it's like we it's best to try to get to the root of it even before identifying the things that are already in our life. Because then we might come to find that, hey, this this really has no place in my life right now. And why am I giving so much attention to it? I'm saying this to myself right now because I think yesterday, I spent a lot of time on social media more than I normally do.

Troy Washington:

So Yeah. So so so this is I'm gonna tell you something. I'm gonna tell you a quick story real quick. Right? This is not a real name because this this is involving kids and people that I'm around on a daily base basis.

Troy Washington:

Right? So just past this past week, I did a drill in in basketball practice. Kid named Jason Grigsby. Jason Grigsby. Right?

Troy Washington:

I have all my kids lined up around the 3 point line in their position that they play in games. Right? And I had all of them shoot 5 threes and, we can't threes. Right? And some of the kids didn't make any shots.

Troy Washington:

1 of my kids was named Jason Grigsby. Right? And so Jason Grigsby is embarrassed in practice. Like, he feels a a way. Jason Grigsby goes to his dad, Elliot Grigsby, and says, I I don't like feeling like this.

Troy Washington:

I don't, you know, I don't like not being able to, you know, do this. And so Elliot Grigsby, Jason Grigsby's dad comes to me and says, hey, man. You know, my son is sad. You know, you know, he he doesn't like the feeling of, you know, not being able to do this. And I told him he needs to practice, and he, you know, he literally, you know you know, quoted your son is playing good, and, you know, he said, but I told him your son practices all the time.

Troy Washington:

And so I said, yeah. That is the that is the fact. You know, my son practices all the time. He's gonna shoot better because he shoots more often. And so he asked me if I could talk to so I talked to Jason, which I talked to my kids all the time.

Troy Washington:

I'm always encouraging them, but I had a specific one on one talk with Jason. And I said, Jason, do you want to play basketball? And Jason told me, I don't know anymore. I might wanna play soccer. I might wanna play basketball.

Troy Washington:

And I said, okay. Cool. So I'm gonna give you a goal of what I want you to do because you wanna do one of the other for sure. And I said, when are you gonna be coming back? This is what and I said, okay.

Troy Washington:

You have 30 between now and who starts back. I want you to, every day, for a hour and a half, go out and make 400 shots, And then I also want you to go and dribble the soccer ball for an hour. That's 2 and a half hours of your day for something that you said once. And he said, okay. I'm going to do it.

Troy Washington:

But I said, but before you do this, I want you to send me I want you to go to your Apple, screen time and send me a, send me a screenshot of your screen time for the week. So he sends me a a a screenshot of his screen time and says, when he sent it to me, it's a lot worse than I thought. It's a lot worse than I thought. And, you know, this is not just him. This is Alki's.

Troy Washington:

It's not about because they're not even on social media. They're playing games on their phone. They're doing all of this stuff. It's on. And so but the average that he sent me was about hours on their phone every day that I see from all kids.

Troy Washington:

Right? And so I said, okay. Cool. And he he recognized that he's saying that he wants to do something, but he's doing everything else a ton of more than what he says he wants to do. And the reason why I bring this point up and I use this as an example, even in your social media example, is the fact that we tend to get lost and not recognize that we're not doing the things that we want to do.

Troy Washington:

Even kids get lost, and that's where the habit or the routines starts. And that's the reason why coming back to recalibrate, The reason why I wanted him to send it to me is because I knew that before he sent it to me, he was going to really look at it in detail himself because there's a sense of embarrassment when you do these type of things. So he had to recalibrate with himself to recognize in that moment, dang. This is way more than I thought it was. And that's what we have to do.

Troy Washington:

What I said, we have to recognize that there's a there's there's things that I say that I want. There's a life that I say that I want to have. And whether it be social media or anything else, we're not recognizing that we're not giving it it giving it its proper love and attention in order to relish in it the way that we really want to. Go ahead, Jay.


Right. I I agree. I I think that's that's good that you did that. And the thing is for a lot of people with social media, including myself, is a, how do I say this, is the best option for quick fun. You know what I mean?


Like, you can go and go on real quick, get to see some funny, send it to your friends, laugh, you know, real hard or whatever. Like, it's the it's the best option, but it well, it's the seemingly best option because it's at your fingertips. It's it's it's it's right there. You you're in the habit of it, like you said, but we haven't really checked to see what is the best option. What what are the fun things that I enjoy doing?


And, and I'm sure even with that, like, we might the things that we we think we wanna do, we've probably made excuses for why we can't do them or why it's not that feasible for us to do it in this moment. And we say, oh, I'll come back to it later. Let me check out this thing on social media first. So let me see what's going on in the world today of social media. And and and this is not to harp on social media.


It's just an example because I I know a lot of people do use it. But the it it can be any number. They could be television. It could be, listening to music, even though I I would like people to listen to my music. But, yeah, it's it's it's so many things that that we don't realize because we haven't reconsidered, what our life is like on a day to day or moment to moment basis.

Troy Washington:

And and and that's the reason why I use the kid Jason Grisby as an example because they're not on social media. But the same habitual acts that we have translates to kids. Right? And, you know, the reality of it is, again, I don't I don't wanna even I don't you don't want it to be about social media. I don't even want it to be about fun.

Troy Washington:

I want it to be about recognizing what I want. Because, ultimately, even if you're on your phone playing games or even if you're on your phone doing social media or no matter what it is that you're choosing, the question that you have to ask yourself is, did I am I maximizing this, or am I making this or, helping this along for to for me to achieve what I'm trying to achieve? That's the reason why I say you can make social media whatever you want it to be. If you're saying that it's the easiest, and I'm not saying you, but I'm just saying as an example. If if have I programmed myself to think that the quickest and easiest way for me to have fun is to jump on and look at some posts, and that's not the truth, then I'm lying to myself.

Troy Washington:

Now I could jump now if I have it set up in such a way that I need encouragement now and the quickest and easiest way for me to get encouraged me to jump on social media, then we we have you have something that I feel like anyway. The same thing with the kid. If I'm one of basketball and, like, I I never have a problem with Brody playing his PlayStation. The reason why is because Brody wants to be a basketball player. That's what he told me.

Troy Washington:

He's 6 years old. He don't know what he wanna be. But I believe him in his heart. That's what he wants. Right?

Troy Washington:

But when he jumps on, he's playing basketball. He playing basketball. So now in my mind, I can say, okay. Well, what can he get out of this? He's actually seeing them dribble.

Troy Washington:

He's actually seeing them run plays. He's actually seeing how to play defense. Like, he's still doing something that's moving him along in his goal in a sense because it's specific to what he I think that's where we have to be. Like, even if you're in the mindset of I want to be somebody that's continuously growing. Well, YouTube, and I can explore all the ideas of things that I've always wanted to do.

Troy Washington:

This morning, when I jumped on a video that I would have never looked at, and this happened before we got on perfect mode. A video that I would have never have looked at was basics of pouring cement. Why? Because of me do like, I'm I'm telling you, it's great. But the reason why is because me working on a house has given me the authority and the mentality of I can grow, and I can do things that I've never done before even if it don't even make sense.

Troy Washington:

You know what I'm gonna look up today? Pouring cement and see how to I don't know if I'm ever gonna do it, but now feeling that I have in my life, there's a a a level of enjoyment because I'm believing that something else is possible. But go ahead, Jay.


I'm laughing. I realized what you said. You were saying pouring cement, like cement. Oh, okay. It doesn't sound like you're saying something else.

Troy Washington:

And I


was just like, I was like, what? So, my god. Yeah. And I was like, I was like, what did you watch the video? Like what's going on?


But now, but yeah, but, but not that's true. Like we, we it. Okay. How do I start it? So so yesterday I was kind of really planning out stuff with, like my album and stuff, how I want it to be, how I want it to to come out and all this stuff.


And then there's a lot of work to be done that I that I saw. But when looking at it, I don't feel overwhelmed. It's more like, man, this this could be fun. Like, how far can this take me? How how far can I go with this?


And the the only thing that would hinder it is if I spend all my time doing stuff that doesn't align. Like, even even recently, I I've been asked to to come to certain engagements and things and and maybe speak at some stuff and, like, just other stuff. And I I never really considered the type of events or the type of things I I wanna do. You know what I mean? Like, I I mean, of course, these align, like, a lot of these that have come to me.


Thank goodness that it aligns with what I believe I want, but I never really checked in. I'm like, okay. If I could speak at any types of events, if I could go perform at any place, if I could go, I don't know. Visit whoever I wanna visit or visit wherever I wanna visit. Like, what are those places instead of just accepting what's coming?


Like, I mean, you you should, but it's it's like a twofold thing. Like, you get to you get to choose and accept. You get to do both. And how much are we allowing that that creative side of us, to to actually create?

Troy Washington:

Yeah. No. I'm with you, bro. And, you know, the the funniest part about life, man, is the fact that you sit down and you tell yourself what you're not supposed to do and what you can't do. And then when you start to open yourself up to everything else, life becomes grand.

Troy Washington:

That, you know, how good could life really be is the fact that you anything is possible. And somewhere along the the the the the the this life that you live, you start to start to cut things out. And, you know, again, just just to kinda, you know, talk about even, you you know, you doing the music and not being overwhelmed because you seeing the possibilities of how much you can grow in within the process. You know, even when I think about when we were doing it back in the day together, the way that we were doing it, there was always a challenge in front of us, and we will always have fun trying to figure out, how to overcome, how to make people how to how to get people to respond to us. And the thing was, it was not the fun in life as hard as some of that stuff might have seemed to some other people, we knew we wanted to do that specific, be in that specific world, meaning in music.

Troy Washington:

And so it didn't matter what was tied to it. We was up for the challenge of it all, and it never seemed like it was impossible. We were too old. We didn't have enough time. It was just like, okay.

Troy Washington:

Let's put our time on this. Today, we're gonna figure out how to come up with an email to get people to respond to us and blah blah blah blah. And then it it it was a game. And, I think gamifying things also helps that as well. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. The the the thing about, I was talking about knowing, like, how you can you can know too much. I know too much, but knowing can stop you from doing things because you you think you know how it's gonna the outcome of it, how things are gonna end up. And honestly, all the things that I'm credited for for doing well, I don't know what I'm doing.

Troy Washington:

Oh, it started off.


And then I, and I, and I, I get credit for a lot of things. It's like, I don't know. I just did it. I just tried it. I just, I just keep doing it.


People say they like it. People say this, but if I'm being real, I don't, I don't know how, like, even, even the act of writing a song. Right? I I do this with myself all the time. Like, how did how did that just come about?


How did that come out? I never thought about that before. I never had that sequence of thoughts before. Like, how how did this happen? And I can't.


I I I don't know if I'll ever be able to answer that. And but I just say that to say that you get to make your own rules. Nothing matters except what matters to you. So it's like you might as well do it how you want it. You might as well craft your matter.


Like, if you're gonna if things are gonna matter to you, it should be things that you want to matter, not stuff that, like, who cares about what what's happening over there or whatever? Like, it doesn't matter. But yeah. Go ahead.

Troy Washington:

Bro, no. You you hit that, though. Like, we'll look. Only because it's a spur of the moment, we just talking. You know what I mean?

Troy Washington:

But in my mind, I believe the things that I've gotten the most recognition for were things that I didn't know everything about. And the stuff that you think you know, or the things that you think that you necessarily a master of, you don't really get the recognition. Again, that's just me saying it, but just me trying to run back all the thoughts in my head of times where I got recognized for stuff. Because I would be like, what? Really?

Troy Washington:

Like and it's just funny. When you don't feel like you don't when you don't feel like you know everything and something that you want to do, the possibilities for growth are endless. Yeah. It's just endless. But not only that, people can sense in you the growth, not where you are, but the the trajectory that you're headed in.

Troy Washington:

And trajectory, I feel like, is as important as what somebody feels like they know. Go ahead, Jay.


But but to that, people are their trajectory. Like Real top. Like like, once you once you recalibrate in a sense and say, you know what? This is how I want my life to be. People can sense that.


Like, what because that's the state of being that you're in, and it's gonna just naturally lead like the it's just gonna unfold that way because that's the direction you're going in. That's the intention that you set. But without you setting that intention, you can be pulled back and forth. You can be teeter tottering where it seems like you're in the same space. You can't really stay in the same place, but it just can seem like it because you just rocking back and forth to the to whatever is thrown your way, which which again is is cool.


Like, it there's it's it's there's a powerful thing in acceptance and allowance. But there's just another side of that coin too where you get to pick and choose and then take you do that, you know, to as far as you can take it, and then that's when you allow the allowance and acceptance and stuff. But without that other part, it's almost meaningless.

Troy Washington:

And and, you know, I I I wanna add that when you actually subscribe and buy into your trajectory the amount of energy you have is different it's just what it is you know. When I first became a realtor and I didn't have to say anything to anybody for them to know that I was I had the energy to do it. I didn't have any I didn't have to say anything to anybody for them to know that I was going to push it to push it. You can sense it, you can feel it, You you just you just kind of know. And, again, that's not knowing anything.

Troy Washington:

That's having a blank slate and not understanding where you're gonna go. It's just like writing a song. When you hear a beat that you know you love and you come up with one line, you just I if you've ever if you've ever wrote a song, you can come up with one line in the song, and you would literally say, oh, I this. Like, you just know it it and not only that. You if anybody's around you when you're doing it, if they hear it, they can feel it too.

Troy Washington:

It's about to go down on this. And that's the liking of life. You know what I'm saying? That's the reason why I I think that allowing yourself the to grow even outside of things that you know because there are things that we we want. Again, how good could life really be?

Troy Washington:

There are a 1,000,000 things that you want that you don't believe are possible today. There are a million things that you want to be that you don't feel like you could be because of whatever the case be. And I'm saying that even for kids even kids having that that limitless mindset, they have hiccups based off of things that they see from adults today. So they still have ceilings that they they prescribed to, and the reality of it is you're prescribing to that because of specifics in it that don't necessarily apply to you. And once you lift that and you say, you know what?

Troy Washington:

I'm gonna build a house tomorrow whether I know how to or not, and I I really say that I can do it, life becomes better whether I'd build a house or not. It's it's it's better thing that I can than I can't until I just can't do it. Right? And I I think that's just a big part of what we're talking about, but go ahead, Jay.


That that that's not everybody has done anything that they really enjoy doing. They just they just said I'm a do it one day and don't know how. Like, I remember when I started making my first beats, I didn't have any way to record it. I didn't know anything. Then then one day, maybe a couple years later, I heard a commercial about a computer program called Asset Pro that you could make beats on.


I was like, yes. Get it. And then, like, next thing you know, okay, make beats. How do you make a song? How do you how do you get somebody on it?


And it just it just transformed and blossomed to all of this stuff, but which everything does too. And and I said it to say that it's it's okay to not have the answers when dreaming because that I I think that that could be the hindrance in dreaming as an adult versus a a child. Like, as an adult, you like, oh, I can't do that because I don't have the resources for that. I don't know people for that. A child is like, I'm gonna do this.


And you'll be like, nah. Well, what about this? I don't know. It don't matter. I'm gonna do this.


And if we can get back to the root of that of I'm just gonna do this just for the sake of I wanna do it. I wanna see where it goes. I don't know where it's gonna go. Then it can it can change a lot.

Troy Washington:

Bro, dreaming is where the rest of your world is, earnestly. That's kinda how it go. And I I love the fact that you, mentioned making beats because my my my lifetime my lifeline or, I guess, timeline is kinda similar to yours. Because I remember the most fun I had when I didn't know how to make beats and I made beats, but the reality what happened was everybody was around me because I and I I didn't even know what I was doing. It's it was it's just me thinking about it as a a crazy thought.

Troy Washington:

But shout out to Robert Clay Pops. We appreciate you joining us today. He said, we should think of ourselves not just as human beings struggling through life, but as a spiritual being going through human experiences for the purpose of growth and development. That is right. And I love the growth part of it, and I love the development part of it because when we talk about taking the moment to explore these things that we've decided to grow in.

Troy Washington:

Just taking a moment to allow yourself to dream within your dream. Dream within your dream. Freddie Crook, dream within your dream. Right? And see how far that go goes because on the backside of it, I've dreamed within my dreams in ways that are not of me.

Troy Washington:

And I talked about that when I was talking about driving in the car. Like, whenever I'm imagining what could have happened, I'm dreaming. And then when I start to let that branch out, I'm dreaming within the dream. And so it might as well be towards something that even that you feel like is impossible, the growth part of it, give yourself an opportunity to live in it and then dream within that dream. Go ahead, Jay.


And I would add to what he said for the purpose of growth, development and just because you want to like, you say?

Troy Washington:

No. Go ahead.


No. No. Yeah. Just just because you want to. Like, we we we can't control our desires in the sense.


Like, a lot of people say, you know, somebody has god given talent. I don't believe that. I believe in god given desire. You have a desire to to uncover that talent, to develop that talent. There we go.


You have a desire to develop it because you're just so interested in the thing that you wanna learn everything about it. You wanna embody it. You wanna practice it. Like, you can't you don't just come out the womb knowing how to shoot a basketball, like, but you might have the desire to shoot a basketball. So, like, I so that that desire, that's all you need.


Like, you don't need you you don't even gotta explain it to anybody. Like, why are you doing this? I want to. Why do you want to? I don't know.


You but and that's that should be good enough. Like, just, yeah, make it make it as fun as you want for no other reason than you just want to.

Troy Washington:

I I wanna talk about that exactly what you said, that god given talent versus god given desire, and I 100% wholeheartedly agree, and I'm gonna use basketball as an example. Michael Jordan was not the best player I always. Kobe wasn't always. LeBron wasn't the best player I always. But I I personally feel based off what I know, the information given to me, they are people that dreamed with dream.

Troy Washington:

They thought. They dwelled on it. And if at any of their stores, I'll people, they were consumed with what they wanted. They dreamed within the dream. Like, Kobe dreamed of being better than Michael Jordan, and he lived there so much to the point that he found Michael Jordan and talked to Michael Jordan, and he kept on and the run dream to be better than my so the the thing is that's why I said your your world is in your dream.

Troy Washington:

Like, you can get there. My kids, they wanna be in the NBA, fam. And in my entire time growing up, I don't think that I ever met a NBA player. I don't I I can't recall ever personally meeting an NBA player. My kids have met each one of them have met 10 to 12 NBA players, and they're 1 is 12 and 1 is 6.

Troy Washington:

One of the like, I could have never you know, their their dream is they're living their dream. They're bringing their dream, and it's bringing them closer and closer to what they want. And that's just kinda how it go. But go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. I I know we gotta wrap it up. I I just wanna say one thing to that. I I heard a lot of people a lot of basketball players speak about, like, their room or show their childhood room. They had a lot of posters up, of basketball players, and it just made me think, like, what what posters are we willing to put up for the life that we wanna live so that it stays in our mind?


And when we wake up, bam, it's in our face. We see it. So, yeah. So so so I would say just just to to wrap this up, do that. Like like, craft out how fun you really think it could be.


Show images to yourself all the time that align with it and just go for

Troy Washington:

it. One thing, and I I'm I'm a wrap it up, and I'm saluting you on this because I don't know if you still do this or if you've done this, but in the and I'm going to actually do this for myself. But in the past, you told me I found the the image of a a a a body with ID.


You you paused. You froze.

Troy Washington:

Back in the day. Right? I don't know.


You remember that? You you froze.

Troy Washington:

Sorry, myself. Sorry. You found an image of a of the body that you wanted, and you printed it and you put it


up. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

And, I don't know if you still do it or not, but that's something that I I I I love the fact that you just said that. And the same thing can be said about artists or musicians. They have everybody has to have Biggie on the wire. Everybody's had, like, do are you willing to look at your, dwell on your dream and allow your dream to you hit that, bro. Pitch is going up.

Troy Washington:

Pitch is going up this week, bro. You hit that mud. I know we're at the end of the show. I just wanna say thank you to everybody that joined us today, to everybody that's, been a part of this and helping us realize our perfection, and we hope we do the same for you. And just understand that, you know, your way is the way, and it's important for you to understand what your way is and not, get bogged down in the thought of, not realizing where you can go.

Troy Washington:

No limits is not true. And shout out to my girl, Shanny Ford. Love you. I hope I'll live with you. Wells with you.

Troy Washington:

And, Jay, you can take us out, baby.


Yeah. Appreciate everybody that joined us too as well. If you found this helpful, hit that share button, like, subscribe no matter where you're watching. And remember, your perfect creation made by a perfect creator. So you might as well accept your perfection and enter perfect mode.


Yeah. If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step Welcome to perfect welcome to perfect where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, rapper, and spiritual teacher, with my cohost Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect.


Let's be perfect. Perfect. Perfect.