Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Monday the 24th June 2024.

Tributes are being paid to former Manchester City Council Chief Executive Sir Howard Bernstein, who passed away over the weekend after a period of illness.
Bernstein was an advocate for regeneration across Manchester, with this being seen through his support for initiatives such as the Metrolink, and the development of the Manchester Arena and the City of Manchester Stadium.
In a statement, Leader of the City Council Bev Craig said that Bernstein “served Manchester with remarkable distinction” and that he will be remembers as a driving force in the city’s turnaround.

A new report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies has outlined how major political party manifestos have steered away from outlining how individual public services will be funded.
Labelled as a ‘conspiracy of silence’ when it comes to plans for public service spending, the lack of baselines for spending has created three issues according to the IFS. The first of these issues relates to it being impossible to evaluate whether improvement plans are plausible, the second emphasises the struggle to evaluate whether policy costings are realistic, and the third centres around the potential cuts that public services face.
One suggestion from the report is that plans for spending should be made clearer, to be followed by broader changes to context for future elections.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities has published local authority service expenditure budgets for the 2024-25 financial year.
This has brought in increase of £8.6 billion when compared to the expenditure that was budgeted for 2023-24, and comes in a number of areas. These areas include education, adult social care, and children’s social care.
Numbers were calculated based on returns from 96% of England’s authorities, with sixteen not returning their data in time.

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