The Digital Bosses Podcast

What tweaks can you make in your daily routine to become a higher archiver?

In today’s episode Joseph is walking you through 5 tweaks you can do into your routine ti transform procrastination into power.

If you are someone who struggles with accountability on a weekly basis and you feel you could be doing with some help this is the episode for you

In this episode we covered:

Why is the difference between routine and habit?
How can you me more productive by doing less?
5 Tweaks that make s you a higher achiever without the burnout

Show Notes


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Creators & Guests

Claire Chen
Claire Chen is an image consultant, brand stylist and visual strategist. Over 16 years of international experiences working in the corporate of retail fashion and beauty industry as a stylist, and buyer, she has always loved the process of building a brand from scratch. She has combined her passion in merchandising, marketing and design to help small businesses owners and entrepreneurs build a strong, digital brand image and visibility.
Joseph Rubelli
Joseph Rubelli has spent his career building brands, helping businesses grow, and telling stories that resonate with audiences. After years of working in sales, marketing, and business across Europe and EMEA in the beauty & fashion industry for global brands like Lancer, Sephora, and LVMH Group, he combined his experience in corporate with a passion for storytelling and communication to found Rubelli Digital in 2020. He brings his expertise in digital marketing and PR to help business owners and service providers transform their businesses into strong digital brands.

What is The Digital Bosses Podcast ?

The Digital Bosses podcast is a biweekly snackable action-based training where you will discover the strategies and action steps to building a profitable business. Joseph and Claire explore topics from growing your brand, to building a successful online presence as a leader and beyond. Snack on these bite-sized business tips that can be implemented in your business right away!

5 habits tweaks to make you a higher achiver in business .m4a

00:01. Speaker: 1:
Hey, it's Claire here. Let me ask you a question. How does your routine look like at the moment? In today's episode, Joseph and I are covering five habits that will take you from procrastination to power. Let's get to it.
00:14. Speaker: 2:
Welcome to the Digital Boss's podcast with Joseph
00:16. Speaker: 1:
And Claire. Our definition will be your own boss means showing up for yourself so you can show up for everyone and everything personally and professionally. So
00:26. Speaker: 2:
Congratulations on showing up, Boss. We created the digital boss's podcast to give you simple, actionable step, step strategies to help you start, grow and build a purposeful online business. If
00:36. Speaker: 1:
You are a business owner creator, looking to build an impactful brand that makes a difference, you are in direct race.
00:43. Speaker: 2:
So let's dive in here we are, Joseph, here. You are listening to the Digital Boss Podcast and I hope you're excited as much as I am today because we are talking about habits and routine. Now, I want to start with this episode and share a very important point. I am going to share with you five points today about how you can be a full achiever by making some small tweaks on your routine, but these points are meant to be little trigger for you. So I don't think that what I'm about to share is rules.
01:15. Speaker: 2:
I think everyone is different, but I think if you can take inspiration out of this and at the end of the episode, take a look at your routine and see what you can improve and change and tweak. I think the mission of this episode is accomplished. With that out of the way, I wanna start by saying that I am a creature of routine.
01:31. Speaker: 2:
That's right. I love a good routine. And let me tell you, I did not realize the importance of routine ever since I started working for myself. Because when you working on a corporate job, it's really easy to fall into your routine. You go to work, you have your schedule, and if you're slacking out of it, you have somebody telling you off because you should be working. When you're working for yourself, it's very difficult because you are your own boss and if nobody's telling you off rather than yourself and you don't have discipline, it can be a matter of minute to just get at the end of your day and realizing that you probably spend hours on social media or you got one thing done and you are supposed to do seven.
02:14. Speaker: 2:
So I think you can relate to this. When it comes to habit, I really want to advise you to take a look at the Atomic Habits book from James Claire.
02:23. Speaker: 2:
Now, this is not a sponsor. I bought this book and I absolutely love it. Well now let me tell you something. Is this is Beths book in the planet? Probably not. It is the book that's gonna entirely change your life, probably not. However, is it the book that's gonna make you think about what you can do to change your routine? Definitely. So when I go to spoke, I was looking for little changes in my routine because I didn't think I was as productive as I could have been. And the biggest takeaway I had here was that I was building a routine for somebody else, not for me.
02:57. Speaker: 2:
And I don't know if you relate to this, this, but sometimes due to the background that we have and to the people that we follow and to the people that we surround ourself with, we tend to have an idea of what productivity means and what productivity should be based on somebody else's journey, which is not ours.
03:13. Speaker: 2:
And this applies also to the hours working. I should be working nine to five, I should not be working after six. All rules that we learn from environment, surrounding and experiences, but that not always apply to who we are as a person. Something that is really interested in the book is that it actually, and this is something I didn't know, it takes about 28 days to build a your routine. And when I read that, a big light bulb switch on for me because I realized that most of the time my routine were not consistent because I was not trying them for long enough.
03:48. Speaker: 2:
So that was really, really interesting. So I wanna start now with the first point for me, which if you follow me on social media, you know I advocate for, which is a very good morning walk. We're gonna call it digital boss's walk.
04:03. Speaker: 2:
I talked about this throughout the summer and it is something I do every day and I go for a walk for about an hour. This is the time where I move my body and I switch on my brain. Why moving your body really helps you to wake yourself up and my routine and my rituals to have a coffee and maybe listen for podcast. Who knows, maybe you are on a walk right now and you're listening to this. And if you're not, that's a good episode to go back to. And this is the time where I think about the tasks for the day. I think about what I have to do.
04:33. Speaker: 2:
I start to prioritize in my head what I should be doing first. Or sometimes I just simply listen to music. Or now that I live in New York City, I use that as an opportunity to catch up with friends and family that live in the other side and live in Italy and England because due to the time zone, my morning is their afternoon.
04:51. Speaker: 2:
So that kind works out quite well for me. And I have to say I do manage time better now when it comes to socializing because I skipped my schedule of six hours and it works better this way. So it is really useful. So if you've never done a morning walk, I will suggest you to start. And the way you can do that, you can go out, you can go on your treadmill if you're someone that doesn't like a morning walk because it might be too cold by the time you listening to this episode or you simply don't like to walk in the morning, you just wanna go to the gym and this is something that you do.
05:23. Speaker: 2:
But the whole purpose of this is to empower you to move your body, move your body and activate your brain is the most important part. But there is another big part that I have to go back to do and full transparency, I've been lacking on doing this in the last three months, is waking up without your phone.
05:44. Speaker: 2:
Don't look at your phone until you start working. And if you are a creator, a business owner, online, part of your job is align as soon as you take your phone and as soon as you start unlocking your screen, that's where your day starts. And one of the worst things you can do is to actually scroll the news in the morning. You can do it, but we later allow your morning to be a moment of recharge and refuel, not a moment of consuming content, a moment of brainstorming, and really reconnect with what are the priorities for you today.
06:20. Speaker: 2:
That's a very important part. So you wanna wake up in the morning, go for a walk, put a podcast on, switch off your notification and make sure you do not look at your social media or any news to use a word. Going to point number two, I want you to look at your to-do list and I want you to start today with the hardest task of your schedule, whatever that might be.
06:42. Speaker: 2:
Whether it is creating a proposal, whether there is engagement on social media, whether there is prepare your content, whether there is doing invoicing. For me, usually it's invoicing. I hate doing that. And you know we kinda need that, don't we? So it's important . Or another one that I don't like doing for example, is emails. I find email very annoying, very stressful and it's not really something that I'm looking forward to do it, but what I started doing is doing all the annoying things first.
07:13. Speaker: 2:
So you get them out of the way and then you can focus on what you actually like to do in your to-do list, which could be being on social media, interacting with your community, whatever is your priority at this time for you. So I want you to take a twist to this task, okay? I want you to actually focus for three hours on one task and I want you to do it as a first thing in the morning.
07:37. Speaker: 2:
And here's why. When we are doing this as a first thing, our brain is empty. We haven't consumed any information, we haven't seen any content, we haven't read any news, and therefore we are fresh. Our brain is fresh, which means if you are doing something that requires a lot of focus, you will be more likely to focus better at this time of the day rather than later. And if you are doing something that requires a huge level of concentration, take three hours out of your morning.
08:07. Speaker: 2:
First thing, switch off your phone, put it or not disturb, don't look at social media, don't look at anything else and focus on that. It can be three hours, it can be two and a half, but make sure you do that as a first thing in the morning. This is leading me to point number three, which is switching off your notification.
08:25. Speaker: 2:
Now let me tell you something. I am the person that you will text on iMessage or WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger or whatever could be. And I will probably be very active on social media looking at client's account, looking at my own account, but I will not look at my messages. And here's why, because I don't have any notification on my phone. Notification gave me anxiety a few years ago and I thought I was constantly on the fear of missing out.
08:57. Speaker: 2:
So I decided to take them off and not have notification on my screen. I have the notification on the app, so I work with the phone, not for the phone. Same thing on social media, notification on your comments, notification on your dms, all things that can be very destructive and makes you feel like you need to grab the phone straight away to reply.
09:21. Speaker: 2:
And I cannot tell you the difference. And not having notification on makes on your productivity, but also in your mental health, let me tell you, that's very important. We don't realize how much our phone and technology affect our mental health, so it's really important to share that as well. Going to point on before, this is a very interesting exercise that my therapist told me to do. It's called this self-awareness exercise. And that's a very interesting one because I did not realize how much this matter until I started practicing this a few months back.
09:56. Speaker: 2:
Now the first part of this exercise is the improvement tracking. And this can be done for your business or for your life or for your fitness, whatever might be your prerogative. For example, my prerogative a few months ago was to build a new routine in the gym. I was lucky on consistency in the gym and it was really hard for me to go back to it.
10:19. Speaker: 2:
And let me tell you, when I travel, that's the worst path for me because as soon as I go traveling, whether there is for a week, whether it is for a few days, I don't work out on holiday, I used to not anymore. So I really struggle to go back into the routine and it takes two days to break the routine. So if you are someone trying to build a routine, make sure that if you're taking a day off your routine to go back the next day because you only takes two to three days to break it and then it's really hard to go back to it. And that happens a lot with workout and fitness, especially during summer holidays or Christmas holidays or whatever type of break we might have.
10:58. Speaker: 2:
Now, the self-awareness exercise works really well if you are doing this as a way to track your improvement and not judging yourself.
11:07. Speaker: 2:
And here's why you wanna do this once a week. Okay? So you wanna go from I am not good enough to I can do this better. And that's a big shift. The next part of the exercise is the personal level practice and here is where we take him in of hour day and we do a self awareness check. I want you to think about the person that you haven't spoke to for a while, that friend that you're meant to call every day, but then you never have time or that family member that you were supposed to text but that you forgot or that person that you were supposed to hear from.
11:48. Speaker: 2:
But then you never pray about, I am guilty of this because I can can get really cut up in my things that I have to do in the day and really get involved in my day so much that I forget to check on people.
12:03. Speaker: 2:
And I talk to my therapist about this and she give me a little trigger, which I will share with you today. And it's really interesting, it's about Joseph. Think about if today was one of your last day, how would you act? And this question, I cannot tell you how much it triggered me because I realize how many things I haven't done that I shouldn't be done and I wanted to do, but then I kind of caught off my day. And I think having that self-awareness exercise every now and then allows you to then do the things that you forget to do, but include them in your routine.
12:39. Speaker: 2:
And this is the whole point of this episode today is to trigger you and help you to gain flexibility with your thinking in line to produce better. Hey,
12:50. Speaker: 1:
It's clear here, How's going? Are you enjoying the episode today? And what is your biggest takeaway? If you like what you're listening and make sure that you go over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review. We value your feedback and let us know how we can improve. And now back to this show.
13:14. Speaker: 2:
Now after your workday, which includes task online with clients and on social media, you need to switch off. And why I say that because when it comes to social media, we tend to be online until very late at night. And what I started to do recently is to have a bedtime routine. So about 6:00 PM 7:00 PM I will take my phone and I will put it in my bed and I will go in the kitchen and do my own thing. Whether there is put in a self mask on whether there is having an nice shower and a relax and think about the day, whether it is going for a walk, for example, what I started to do is eating a little bit earlier than I usually do normally eat about seven 30 ish.
14:00. Speaker: 2:
Now I started to eat about seven or six 30 and then go for a walk after dinner.
14:06. Speaker: 2:
And that became part of my routine and that really helped me because I digest better, I sleep better. And then it became a little bit of a, of a little thing to do after work and I look forward to it. You always wanna have something in your routine that you look forward to, and that's very important because that's how we kinda keep ourself excited and motivated about everything we do. And for example, once or twice a week, I will have my skincare routine. And that for me is such a treat. And if you haven't done any in a while, I want you to finish this episode and tonight do it.
14:38. Speaker: 2:
Take your mask, buy a very funky mask, something really cheerful, but makes you feel good. And do it how one day awake, where you look after your skin, where you look after your body.
14:48. Speaker: 2:
Do something that makes you feel rich and powerful because we also talk a lot about digital bosses, but digital bosses is also a type of energy. It's the energy you wanna attract, the energy you wanna be. Digital bosses, Energy is about doing things to achieve the best version of yourself and empower other people to do the same. And I want you to start doing that from now because that's how you're gonna be able to do things in a way that is fulfilling and also impactful for the people that are in your life, whether it is your friends, your client, or your business partner, whatever it could be.
15:24. Speaker: 2:
I want to wrap up this episode with one point, which is really important that we are all a work in progress when it comes to achievement and improving our habits. And if you're starting today, even with one point out of this list, you are a winner.
15:40. Speaker: 1:
Wow, this is the end of the show. And thank you for listening to the Digital Bosses podcast with Yoko host Claire. I hope you enjoyed the our conversation today into all the practical tips and hacks that you can apply to grow your business and you are ready for the next level. If you like the show today and you would like to support our podcast, make sure that you share with other bosses and take a screenshot and tag us on social media such as Instant Ground and Lincoln and let us know how we do because we will love to hear your feedback and make sure you catch us over there to get more support.
16:17. Speaker: 1:
And until then, I will see you with Joseph, same time, same place. Next.