[00:00:00] Troy Van Vliet: Welcome to Catholic Education Matters, the podcast that celebrates the beauty of Catholic education, highlighting excellence in academics, athletics, and the transformative power of faith. Join us as we share the stories of those making a lasting impact on Catholic education. Let's begin.
[00:00:23] Welcome to Catholic Education Matters. My name is Troy Van Vliet. I'm the foundation of the [00:00:30] new St. John Paul II Academy in South Surrey, White Rock area. And, um, we've come up with this new podcast, um, Catholic Education Matters, a bit of a play on words, as it is something, of course, that we believe matters.
[00:00:44] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It matters for sure, Troy.
[00:00:46] Troy Van Vliet: And, um, also that, uh, there's many matters that come up. And today, for kicking off our podcast, we have the, uh, ever so special.
[00:00:55] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Ha!
[00:00:56] Troy Van Vliet: Archbishop Michael Miller, who has helped champion our new school, [00:01:00] and has championed many other things as well. You've been here now since 2007.
[00:01:06] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I have.
[00:01:06] Troy Van Vliet: In the Vancouver Archdiocese
[00:01:07] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That's 17 years already.
[00:01:09] Troy Van Vliet: 17 years. And before that, you've, uh, well, actually you've been a bishop for 20 years.
[00:01:16] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I have.
[00:01:16] Troy Van Vliet: Yes.
[00:01:16] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Coming on 21.
[00:01:17] Troy Van Vliet: Some fun facts. And, um, also, uh, you've also wrote a book, on Catholic education and, um, which is why we're here today.
[00:01:27] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: OK.
[00:01:27] Troy Van Vliet: So, in the book, I might add, is called, uh, [00:01:30] The Holy See's Teaching on Catholic Schools.
[00:01:33] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It is, and it wasn't really written as a book. It was a talk that I gave at the Catholic University of America. Some, 2005, whatever that is.
[00:01:46] Troy Van Vliet: Wow.
[00:01:46] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That's 19 years ago.
[00:01:47] Troy Van Vliet: That must have been quite a talk if it turned into a book.
[00:01:49] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Well, it, yeah. It just, it, it, it happened that there, it was helpful to teachers in schools and people doing evaluations.
[00:01:57] No idea. I didn't write it as a book. They, [00:02:00] they just asked for the manuscript and, but it has, I must, it has sold pretty well.
[00:02:04] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah, I've heard it's being used all over
[00:02:07] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It is. It is widely used,
[00:02:08] Troy Van Vliet: for catholic schools.
[00:02:09] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Much to my surprise.
[00:02:10] Troy Van Vliet: So, um, one of my questions was why, what, what drew you into writing a book? But you said it started out as a speech.
[00:02:19] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:02:19] Troy Van Vliet: You obviously had interest in the speech.
[00:02:22] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I did because, um, I was working in Rome at that time. I was working for the Vatican in their congregation or [00:02:30] ministry of Catholic education, which had an area for schools and faculties. Um, and so I used to give a fair number of talks on schools, particularly in places that were where they were maybe facing some difficulties.
[00:02:45] Troy Van Vliet: Mmmmmmm.
[00:02:45] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And so I had a chance to think about what makes a school Catholic and how can we judge whether a school is Catholic, you know, what are some of the criteria that we can use to say, yeah, this place is Catholic and following sort of [00:03:00] what the church expects or not. So that was, that was the, the, the idea behind it.
[00:03:06] Troy Van Vliet: Right. So, there's a lot of material there in terms of like you talked about some of the challenges.
[00:03:11] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yes
[00:03:11] Troy Van Vliet: that come up in catholic schools.
[00:03:13] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: There are a lot of challenges in catholic schools, particularly Um, I guess they're really cultural challenges. I mean that we're living in this Epic now, which is no longer frankly kind of Christianity doesn't infuse the culture.
[00:03:29] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:03:29] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And so catholic [00:03:30] schools are more counter cultural than they were at one time.
[00:03:33] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:03:34] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: They're more different from public schools. They didn't used to be so different, but, you know, Catholic teaching and so on really is, now, I hate to say it, but it's a, it's a variance with some of the values. That are being proposed in the culture.
[00:03:51] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:03:52] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And so, they are, it's, Catholicism has a distinct take on education and what should be [00:04:00] engaged in it. And we just have to be reminded of our heritage.
[00:04:03] Troy Van Vliet: Of our heritage, of our roots, of our foundations.
[00:04:05] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Of our roots, of our foundation.
[00:04:07] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah.
[00:04:07] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Um, and why it's, why they're more and more necessary actually than ever before.
[00:04:13] Troy Van Vliet: Right. Do you think there is a, not just a conversion, but say a reversion of people coming back to those foundations now? Because it's like the pendulum swung so far.
[00:04:27] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: A good question. I think we're seeing that [00:04:30] in a lot of our schools in the Vancouver Archdiocese, or some of them. Where people who previously might not have been attracted to a Catholic school are now thinking that, yes, this is probably worth the investment. And we like what that school is proposing because we're not so sure that we can depend upon a public school to convey the kind of moral and ethical life that we want for our kids. If you're Catholic, they also add the [00:05:00] religious, but for some people, they see the school as upholding values that families hold dear. Even if they're not, they don't share the same catholic religious values.
[00:05:11] Troy Van Vliet: That's right. So, there's that moral compass that the Catholic schools have that Some of the the well some of the other public schools.
[00:05:18] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: some of the other public schools don't have or it varies so much from from locality to locality and
[00:05:23] Troy Van Vliet: right
[00:05:24] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: and in Catholic schools, there's a certain Guarantee,
[00:05:27] Troy Van Vliet: right?
[00:05:28] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That, you know, this is [00:05:30] what you're going to get. If, if it's a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Vancouver, you can be pretty assured of.
[00:05:35] Troy Van Vliet: And because most of the, uh, schools in the archdiocese right now, they're all under the CISBA.
[00:05:41] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: They're all under the, the, the Catholic Independent School Board. Uh, you know, our elementary schools. But there are other schools like the John Paul II Academy, Vancouver College, St. Thomas Moore. Little Flower, um, Traditional Learning Academy. Uh, they're in the affiliated status. But they're all [00:06:00] Catholic schools because ultimately, it's the bishop who.
[00:06:03] Troy Van Vliet: signs off on that.
[00:06:04] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Exactly. Let's use the term Catholic. It's a bit of a brand, you know.
[00:06:08] Troy Van Vliet: Yes. It is a brand. Now, this is something that we're facing with St. John Paul II Academy.
[00:06:14] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: OK, yep.
[00:06:15] Troy Van Vliet: Uh, currently we're really tiny. There's only 75 students.
[00:06:18] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:06:18] Troy Van Vliet: Um, the new campus is under construction, which is ultimately going to be built for 900 students.
[00:06:24] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yes
[00:06:25] Troy Van Vliet: And we have such an incredible culture that we've already created.
[00:06:29] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: [00:06:30] Wonderful.
[00:06:30] Troy Van Vliet: And, um, the students that have graduated already, we've had two graduating classes are excelling.
[00:06:36] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yes, I know I was at graduation and they're going to all these great universities and so on.
[00:06:40] Troy Van Vliet: Yes, exactly. So, my daughter being one of them, I'm really proud of that.
[00:06:44] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah, she's at Trinity Western.
[00:06:46] Troy Van Vliet: She's at Trinity Western, yeah, CPC, she's there.
[00:06:48] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah, CPC, good.
[00:06:49] Troy Van Vliet: And thriving, she's doing really well, enjoying it. But we want to try as best we can to keep that culture because this school is going to grow from 75 students up to, [00:07:00] it's open for 540, but then it's going to be 900 students,
[00:07:04] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: right.
[00:07:04] Troy Van Vliet: And we don't want to be just Catholic in name because it was approved by the bishop. We want to be Catholic in our teachings and in our culture, which is extremely important.
[00:07:16] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It's very important, and you have a good head start because to be able to start with a small group, it's easier to establish, to get the roots of a culture.
[00:07:25] Troy Van Vliet: Right, I'm glad you said that.
[00:07:26] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: No, I, no, I think that's very true. I mean, if you had [00:07:30] 120 kids coming in in the, in the first, you know, it's just harder. I mean, a smaller group lends itself to identifying with one another and developing ways of doing things and thinking about things and celebrating and so on.
[00:07:43] Troy Van Vliet: That's right.
[00:07:44] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: So, it, yeah. It's an advantage, I think.
[00:07:47] Troy Van Vliet: Yes, okay, well, like I said, I'm glad you said that, because it's a, it's a fear. We have a strong, um, board, um, made of, parents, and then also of, um, other supporting groups.
[00:07:59] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:07:59] Troy Van Vliet: [00:08:00] And, um, we all have the same vision, that we want to, you know, keep our Catholic school Catholic, not just in name,
[00:08:06] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: right,
[00:08:07] Troy Van Vliet: but in practice every day. And what a lot of people don't realize is that the catholic school system along with the hospital system,
[00:08:14] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: right?
[00:08:15] Troy Van Vliet: Um is Has formed a lot of the school systems today both public and private.
[00:08:20] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: right?
[00:08:21] Troy Van Vliet: What have you that goes way back in history?
[00:08:24] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It sure does I mean, I know for the for the health care it goes back to the 1890s when the sisters [00:08:30] first established A 25 bed hospital, St. Paul's and the other just last week, we were at the, uh, dedicated the dedication of the cornerstone. It's going to be 564 single beds. And if you've seen the structure, it's an enormous thing. That's all, was all started by some sisters coming west, you know, and the Catholic school system in British Columbia. Oh, the, actually the school system, not just the Catholic school system to the sisters of St. Anne from [00:09:00] Victoria,
[00:09:00] Troy Van Vliet: Sisters of St. Anne, which is incredible.
[00:09:02] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: So, we've got good roots.
[00:09:03] Troy Van Vliet: We got some, we got some really good roots. We got, we have a good foundation.
[00:09:06] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: We do.
[00:09:07] Troy Van Vliet: Um, I'm just going to get back to your book for a second. The, there was a quick little write up here that I'm going to, um, read out.
[00:09:14] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: OK, sure.
[00:09:14] Troy Van Vliet: Because it actually describes. And it describes, um, the book in a little quick synopsis.
[00:09:20] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Okay.
[00:09:20] Troy Van Vliet: Um, it says, Archbishop Miller articulates the Church's vision of education, which is rooted in the belief that every student is created in the [00:09:30] image and likeness of God.
[00:09:32] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Mmhmm.
[00:09:32] Troy Van Vliet: He incites, being you, he incites the importance of integrating faith and reason, ensuring that students receive a holistic education that nurtures their intellect, character, and faith.
[00:09:46] The book delves into key documents from the Holy See, providing insight into the Church's expectations for Catholic schools and the responsibilities of educators, parents, [00:10:00] and the broader community. Does that sound like a pretty good description?
[00:10:03] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That sounds like a pretty good description. There's a lot in that.
[00:10:05] Troy Van Vliet: There's a lot in that. There is a lot in that. One of the things that I wanted to point out, it talks about the church's expectations for Catholic schools. What are some of those expectations?
[00:10:16] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah, that's a, that's a, that is a good question. I guess, well, some of the expectations would be that it's, uh, in it's, uh, and it's teaching and it's teaching of the faith that it'd be teaching the faith of the church and not [00:10:30] some wild eyed opinions and, and sort of goofiness that can sometimes infect things.
[00:10:35] Troy Van Vliet: It sneaks in there.
[00:10:36] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It can sneak in if you're not, if you're not careful. So, I think that's, that's a kind of a fundamental thing. I think also the notion that is so important is that the addressing the whole person, the holistic view, certainly the, the academic, the psychological, uh, the, uh, athletic and so on, all of those things. But also, the religious and spiritual, it has to be. [00:11:00]
[00:11:00] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:11:00] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That, you know, sort of in the school curriculum, not just, it's not a Catholic school, uh, the academy won't be a Catholic school because, or isn't, just because it teaches religion.
[00:11:12] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:11:12] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: There's, it's, it's, it's, it's a way of teaching, uh, the young people to think about the world, about their place in it, their responsibility in it, and that it, it should infuse the whole educational project. I think that's really important.
[00:11:27] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:11:27] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Also, I think Catholic schools [00:11:30] identified by, it should be evident from the moment you walk in the school, that this is a Catholic school. I mean, we have a great tradition of art, iconography, um, celebrations,
[00:11:42] Troy Van Vliet: mmhmm.
[00:11:42] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Um, you know, just, just things that, um, are part of Catholic life, uh, that should be also evident in the school. There's something, because we're Catholics are, you know, we're visible sacramental people, and we use signs and celebrations [00:12:00] and objects and so on as part of our faith work. Because of the incarnation, Jesus became one of us. Also, I think an approach to students that they are to be approached as they have their own really innate dignity.
[00:12:15] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:12:16] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: You know, they are created in God's image and likeness. There's a, there was a former superintendent who used to say that our schools are in the saint making business, that these, you know, not gooey saints, but they're [00:12:30] made to make people truly, truly good. That's part of what we're interested in, that they be,
[00:12:36] Troy Van Vliet: right,
[00:12:36] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: um, they, they be saints in sort of popular language. And, uh, I think that those are at least some of the characteristics of, that make our schools unique and special.
[00:12:46] Troy Van Vliet: right
[00:12:47] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: and distinctive and they should be distinctive.
[00:12:49] Troy Van Vliet: They should
[00:12:50] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: yeah,
[00:12:50] Troy Van Vliet: they should. One of the, one of the things we're going through right now, um our a Society is going through putting together our vision statement.
[00:12:59] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Ah good
[00:12:59] Troy Van Vliet: and [00:13:00] our mission statement
[00:13:00] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Those are tough exercises.
[00:13:02] Troy Van Vliet: and our core values. Is it ever?
[00:13:04] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: yes, of course, it always is.
[00:13:06] Troy Van Vliet: And um, but it's exciting at the same time because these like minds.
[00:13:11] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: yes
[00:13:11] Troy Van Vliet: that are coming together are, are seeing the importance of this.
[00:13:16] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: mm-hmm.
[00:13:16] Troy Van Vliet: Because it's not just that you come up with a statement like this, you gotta live those statements.
[00:13:20] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:13:20] Troy Van Vliet: And they are statements that you can reflect back to on a big decision making that you're doing.
[00:13:26] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That's exactly when they're helpful.
[00:13:27] Troy Van Vliet: Exactly. So, you're, when you're in a [00:13:30] tough, you know, a tough decision, it's like, wait a minute, let's,
[00:13:32] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: does this, does this fit? Does fit the mission? Exactly.
[00:13:35] Troy Van Vliet: Does this fit the mission? Does it fit our vision? Does it fit the mission? Does it fit in the values with our core values?
[00:13:40] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah,
[00:13:41] Troy Van Vliet: Exactly.
[00:13:41] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: No, but those are helpful exercises. Often, it's about the words chosen.
[00:13:45] Troy Van Vliet: Yes.
[00:13:46] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Wordsmithing.
[00:13:47] Troy Van Vliet: Exactly. Exactly.
[00:13:49] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Quite a task in a group.
[00:13:50] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah. And if, if we include this word, is that, well, then we have to include this one.
[00:13:54] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I know, exactly.
[00:13:54] Troy Van Vliet: So maybe we should leave that one out then. And then it's, and then away it goes.
[00:13:57] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Oh, I've been in these.
[00:13:58] Troy Van Vliet: Yes. But it's, it's a [00:14:00] fascinating, fascinating process, but you brought up like, the school, um, it has to emulate that we're faith based.
[00:14:07] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yes, indeed.
[00:14:08] Troy Van Vliet: That we are a catholic school. Um, which is one of the reasons why we built the, I believe the largest chapel.
[00:14:15] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I think you're right.
[00:14:16] Troy Van Vliet: in all of the catholic schools.
[00:14:18] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I think that's, I think you're right.
[00:14:19] Troy Van Vliet: Right. And, um, it's huge. And not only is it, it's right in the front of the school.
[00:14:25] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That's also very important. Those are all they, they mark, they send the, they send [00:14:30] signals.
[00:14:30] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah.
[00:14:31] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: You don't have to even say much.
[00:14:33] Troy Van Vliet: No,
[00:14:33] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: it's, it's there.
[00:14:34] Troy Van Vliet: We've got a two-story stained glass cross above, you know, in the back.
[00:14:39] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: You are the biggest chapel in our Catholic schools.
[00:14:41] Troy Van Vliet: And it's, um, and you have, everybody has to drive by it during drop off. Like you drive by it when you see it. And when you come up, um, you see it from almost virtually all parts of the school when you're inside the school as well.
[00:14:54] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Wonderful.
[00:14:54] Troy Van Vliet: Which is really exciting.
[00:14:55] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It is.
[00:14:56] Troy Van Vliet: A family has generously also donated. A, [00:15:00] um, a live, a table, life size table with 12 seats and, um, and Jesus.
[00:15:07] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: All right.
[00:15:08] Troy Van Vliet: sitting there at the Last Supper.
[00:15:09] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Uh huh.
[00:15:10] Troy Van Vliet: And um, now the, the disciple seats are empty.
[00:15:13] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Uh huh.
[00:15:14] Troy Van Vliet: But Jesus is there.
[00:15:15] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: There. Right.
[00:15:15] Troy Van Vliet: And that's going to be right in the dining hall.
[00:15:17] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Okay.
[00:15:17] Troy Van Vliet: So, the kids will be able to eat, uh.
[00:15:19] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah, so that's fun.
[00:15:20] Troy Van Vliet: And celebrate the Last Supper.
[00:15:21] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: They'll jump into the other seats.
[00:15:22] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah, they'll jump in too.
[00:15:23] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That's okay.
[00:15:24] Troy Van Vliet: They'll be.
[00:15:24] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Be a disciple.
[00:15:24] Troy Van Vliet: And that's what it's meant to. I'm sure there'll be photo ops there.
[00:15:27] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:15:27] Troy Van Vliet: There's, but it's, it's a reminder [00:15:30] of, and, and we need those reminders in the school.
[00:15:32] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: We do.
[00:15:33] Troy Van Vliet: As well. And it has to be woven into. The science class, the math class, the English class, the, the, the, the basketball team, the volleyball, the sports, the, the, the, uh, music,
[00:15:45] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: right.
[00:15:45] Troy Van Vliet: It's got to be woven into all of it. So, here's a tough, here's a tough one.
[00:15:51] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Okay.
[00:15:51] Troy Van Vliet: How do we do; how do we make sure? With our teachers that they're doing that
[00:15:57] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: doing that.
[00:15:58] Troy Van Vliet: coaches [00:16:00]
[00:16:00] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I'll be honest with you Troy. They probably need they they need some formation in that they need some help.
[00:16:06] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah,
[00:16:06] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: because um, teachers are traditionally here certainly in BC. They're not formed on how to do that,
[00:16:14] Troy Van Vliet: right?
[00:16:15] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Because we don't have a Catholic school of education. They're, they're good people, and they know how to teach their subject matter, and they're well prepared. But in order to integrate the Catholic, um, we often call it the Catholic worldview, or, you know, [00:16:30] they, they need, they need some help. Fortunately, there are, Now, there's a great book called, um, Educating for Eternity by a fellow from Saskatoon, or Regina, I think, maybe is now, Brett Scalford, uh, he's done workshops already here in the Archdiocese, but I must admit, they probably need a little professional development in that area, because nobody's really done, been, people have done it, without thinking [00:17:00] about it, but maybe not as intentionally,
[00:17:02] Troy Van Vliet: right,
[00:17:02] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: as needs to be drawn out. This is across the whole system.
[00:17:06] Troy Van Vliet: Right, right, right. So, it's not, uh, it's not just in one school. It's not, it's throughout all of the Catholic schools.
[00:17:13] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It's throughout. And people, for example, um, are getting used to the idea of threading bigger ideas throughout curriculum. You know, there's been a big emphasis in recent years on indigenous learning and so on.
[00:17:24] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:17:25] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That it's not, there's not necessarily a course.
[00:17:27] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:17:27] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: But it's to infuse,
[00:17:29] Troy Van Vliet: yeah.
[00:17:29] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And so, the [00:17:30] idea that you can sort of infuse a curriculum with certain takes on life, that idea is already rooted.
[00:17:38] Troy Van Vliet: We should, we should be able to do that.
[00:17:40] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I think, and with help, I mean there are increasingly, that's everywhere in the Catholic schools of the archdiocese.
[00:17:46] Troy Van Vliet: And does the CISVA have any role in that?
[00:17:50] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yes, well they often provide faith development days and, and professional development days and so on. They sure do. They have to, they actually have to take the lead more [00:18:00] than an individual school.
[00:18:01] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah, oh ok.
[00:18:01] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And they're very aware of the need, what it's called, to foster a Catholic worldview throughout the curriculum.
[00:18:08] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:18:09] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It's one of their strategic goals.
[00:18:11] Troy Van Vliet: So, we have, we've got a shortage of teachers.
[00:18:15] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: We do.
[00:18:15] Troy Van Vliet: Right now, not just in the Catholic system,
[00:18:16] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Everywhere.
[00:18:17] Troy Van Vliet: But across the board.
[00:18:18] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right
[00:18:18] Troy Van Vliet: Public system, private system, like, um,
[00:18:20] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:18:21] Troy Van Vliet: There's a shortage of teachers right now. So, it's a challenge. There's a, there's a, a bit of a difference in, um, In uh, salaries [00:18:30] too between the public system and the Catholic system.
[00:18:32] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah, it's it by the time you take in You know union dues and so on it becomes.
[00:18:39] Troy Van Vliet: it's closer.
[00:18:40] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It's much closer, you know.
[00:18:42] Troy Van Vliet: So, but being a catholic teacher, we're also of the belief that it's a bit of a calling as well.
[00:18:46] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It is a calling.
[00:18:47] Troy Van Vliet: not just to be a teacher but to be a catholic schoolteacher.
[00:18:49] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right, and I mean, we don't I mean people they certainly need good salaries.
[00:18:53] Troy Van Vliet: I mean, yeah, of course.
[00:18:54] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: But but that there is a that there is a small difference Is probably [00:19:00] not a bad thing in a way. It's a, it's a slight marker,
[00:19:03] Troy Van Vliet: Uh huh.
[00:19:03] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And a person can say, I'm doing this for a bit of a sacrifice. Not too much because they have families, but, but a bit.
[00:19:11] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah, It's a bit of a signal, yeah.
[00:19:11] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: A bit of a signal to the person that I'm serious about this,
[00:19:15] Troy Van Vliet: right.
[00:19:15] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Uh, you know, God willing, if somebody dropped a hundred million bucks on a place, maybe we could give everybody a huge bonus, but that doesn't look as, I haven't, the lotto max never hits a hundred million.
[00:19:27] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah. No, it doesn't. No, [00:19:30] it doesn't. And it doesn't seem like, well, I haven't had, I haven't, uh, had any luck with that anyway.
[00:19:34] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: MmHmm.
[00:19:35] Troy Van Vliet: So, um, your support of St. John Paul II Academy, um, It's, it's not unique in the sense that you've supported, I mean, Notre Dame's been rebuilt recently, S. T. A. 's been rebuilt recently.
[00:19:48] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: S. T. A. 's been rebuilt. There's a big rebuild now going on at Holy Cross.
[00:19:52] Troy Van Vliet: At Holy cross, which is in Surrey. Um, and, um, SJB's got some,
[00:19:57] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yes.
[00:19:58] Troy Van Vliet: Some upgrades as well.
[00:19:58] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: They've had some upgrades and [00:20:00] then, uh, let alone a lot of grade schools too.
[00:20:02] Troy Van Vliet: Yes.
[00:20:02] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: A lot of the elementary school.
[00:20:04] Troy Van Vliet: And the elementary school. Vancouver college just got rebuilt.
[00:20:06] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yes. That we made a small donation, but then that was, that was private donations, and they did a fantastic job.
[00:20:13] Troy Van Vliet: Exactly. So, um, What now, obviously you're, you're massive supporter of Catholic education. You believe in it.
[00:20:20] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I do.
[00:20:21] Troy Van Vliet: But SJP II, St. John Paul II Academy, I mean, I believed it was needed, there was others that needed it.
[00:20:28] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: No, you had a great vision, and [00:20:30] a great risk taker you are too, coach.
[00:20:32] Troy Van Vliet: But what... ha-ha...It's been a long, it's been a long haul for me.
[00:20:36] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I bet. Since 2017, is it? Is that when you first came?
[00:20:38] Troy Van Vliet: 2015 was the first, uh, yeah.
[00:20:41] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Was that when you first came to the, was that, is that going on 10 years now?
[00:20:44] Troy Van Vliet: The first deanery meeting, yeah.
[00:20:46] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Okay.
[00:20:46] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah. And, we had already done work before that to present to the deanery.
[00:20:51] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Ah-ha.
[00:20:52] Troy Van Vliet: So, we had been tooling around with it for a year or two before.
[00:20:55] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah.
[00:20:55] Troy Van Vliet: So, it was a long, it was a long, uh, process, but, um, it wouldn't have gotten [00:21:00] off of the ground. I mean, we, we put a team together, um, an ad hoc,
[00:21:04] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:21:04] Troy Van Vliet: Uh, board that,
[00:21:06] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Sure.
[00:21:06] Troy Van Vliet: You know, that, that people chipped in. And, um, you know, we had an accountant, a lawyer, and somebody that had built a private school in the past, you know,
[00:21:13] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:21:13] Troy Van Vliet: We put this team together.
[00:21:15] Um, we presented it to the deanery and ultimately to you, but you supported it and not without researching it more and figuring out who the team was and, um, but what were the key reasons why you got behind it? Why did you,
[00:21:30] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: [00:21:30] I guess what,
[00:21:31] Troy Van Vliet: because it's been tried before and it's been there,
[00:21:33] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: well
[00:21:34] Troy Van Vliet: in South Surrey. And...
[00:21:35] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: yeah, I mean, I think part of it is, you know, presented a very good case. The need is self evident,
[00:21:43] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:21:43] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Given the growth of South Surrey. The only Catholic high school being overflowing, you know, at Holy Cross. Your willingness to, you know, to take risks and to do it and to invest. I mean, the idea that people will invest time, energy, resources, [00:22:00] and so on is very compelling.
[00:22:02] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah
[00:22:03] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Also, it's exciting That it would be the new, the newest school kind of,
[00:22:09] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah.
[00:22:09] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: You know, Catholic school. That the other. Catholic schools sort of in a similar position, Little Flower and, and STMC and Vancouver College, they were all founded by religious communities. And in the age of the, uh, of the laity when, you know, religious communities aren't founding schools anymore to, to be able to see that, you know, lay [00:22:30] people emerged, they have the idea,
[00:22:31] Troy Van Vliet: Mmhmm
[00:22:32] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: they own it. That to me is, is, is, exciting and really kind of points in a particular way to, um, how the contemporary church should should be working, you know,
[00:22:44] Troy Van Vliet: That's right.
[00:22:44] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It's, you know, the lay faithful at 99 percent or more of it and
[00:22:50] Troy Van Vliet: right
[00:22:51] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: coming to the top. So that's kind of inspiring to me. And also, that it was well, well thought out.
[00:22:57] Troy Van Vliet: Mmhmm
[00:22:58] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And a bit exciting.
[00:22:59] Troy Van Vliet: [00:23:00] Yeah, you know, I mean, you know that there's something exciting all along and I know that the population definitely Supports it there. Um,
[00:23:07] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: yeah, what's the growth in in South Surrey? It's huge. Is it not?
[00:23:10] Troy Van Vliet: Well, I mean It's huge. Yeah, the the overall population growth it was growing at two thousand people per month there.
[00:23:18] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:23:18] Troy Van Vliet: For a while Um, I’m not sure what the stats are today. I know a year or two ago there was 85 000 kids in k-12 in Surrey, versus 50, 000 in Vancouver.
[00:23:29] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I [00:23:30] remember seeing those statistics.
[00:23:31] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah.
[00:23:31] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And I know Surrey is having trouble putting up schools.
[00:23:32] Troy Van Vliet: And Vancouver has been shrinking and Surrey's was, was expanding,
[00:23:35] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Sure.
[00:23:36] Troy Van Vliet: Um, every year. So, one's growing and one was, it's not going to shrink forever, but, um, that was just sort of the demographics.
[00:23:43] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah.
[00:23:44] Troy Van Vliet: And you can see them growing. And we had one Catholic school at the time.
[00:23:46] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah, no I...
[00:23:47] Troy Van Vliet: In Surrey and four in Vancouver.
[00:23:48] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Exactly.
[00:23:49] Troy Van Vliet: And it was like, we've, uh,
[00:23:50] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah
[00:23:51] Troy Van Vliet: so that's great. And, um, St. John Paul II
[00:23:55] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: yes. Good name You chose.
[00:23:57] Troy Van Vliet: Great. Well, okay, so we, we suggested, we [00:24:00] suggested a few.
[00:24:01] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: uh huh.
[00:24:01] Troy Van Vliet: Ultimately you chose, you picked, and I am so glad you did.
[00:24:07] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm
[00:24:08] Troy Van Vliet: Um, when
[00:24:09] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It saved some other arguments.
[00:24:10] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah. We were in, uh, um, uh, there was, there was other good.
[00:24:16] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yes, names.
[00:24:16] Troy Van Vliet: Saints that were, that were put forward.
[00:24:18] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: We got, we got a good, we got a Pantheon of Good Saints.
[00:24:20] Troy Van Vliet: Yes, we have a Pantheon. And, um, this one, this one came up and it was like, it almost seemed like it was overnight. We sent them to you and the next day it was like, [00:24:30] there's your saint. And uh, why did you pick St. John Paul II?
[00:24:33] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Well, I mean, I'm a great admirer of John Paul II. Throughout most of my priesthood he was the pope.
[00:24:42] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah,
[00:24:43] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And of course he was, um, he was an educator himself, he, you know, at the higher level, the university level. Uh, and he had a great emphasis, on one was one of the, the, uh, the passage you read on the importance of faith and reason. [00:25:00] working together that Catholics, we're not ashamed of science or anything like that, or learning,
[00:25:06] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:25:06] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: But looking at the world as it is and so on, that this is part of our tradition, but it works together and along with faith. And in fact, in the, in the long term, faith strengthens our mind to see things in a wider perspective, as opposed to excluding. A lot of secular knowledge excludes God. We don't really exclude [00:25:30] anything because we're not, we're not afraid of science. We're not afraid of, of people thinking. And, and so, I mean, and John Paul was a great advocate of that. One of his great encyclicals or, uh, special letters was called On Faith and Reason.
[00:25:45] Troy Van Vliet: Mmhmm.
[00:25:46] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And so, you know. Uh, also when I, I worked at the, at the Vatican on two occasions and the first one was under John Paul.
[00:25:56] In the 1990s, when I returned and worked later, then he died [00:26:00] sort of well after I'd been there about a year. But, um,
[00:26:02] Troy Van Vliet: so, he has a place in your heart.
[00:26:04] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: He has a place that plays a place in my heart and in the life of the arch diocese too, you know?
[00:26:09] Troy Van Vliet: Well, I was in high school at St. Thomas More when he visited here.
[00:26:12] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right. And what was that? 84, was it?
[00:26:14] Troy Van Vliet: 84 yeah. In a BC place and then out in Abbotsford as well.
[00:26:18] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:26:18] Troy Van Vliet: And, uh, that was, uh, an exciting time and he was pro youth.
[00:26:22] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yes, he was a great, um, he had a special knack of communicating with young people. He just had that, [00:26:30] he had a charisma, he was a bit of an actor,
[00:26:31] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah.
[00:26:32] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: You know, he had that in his background.
[00:26:33] He knew how to play a crowd.
[00:26:36] Troy Van Vliet: Yep.
[00:26:36] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And, and be appealing and
[00:26:38] Troy Van Vliet: Yes.
[00:26:39] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: All for the good because it was all for the cause of Jesus Christ. So
[00:26:41] Troy Van Vliet: That's right. And, uh, world Youth Day, I believe he was.
[00:26:46] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: He was, he was the one who started World Youth Days, and he came to, uh, North America twice. Once to Denver in the nineties. 93 and then Toronto in 2002.
[00:26:56] Troy Van Vliet: Yes. Right. Yes.
[00:26:58] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And he was also the [00:27:00] inspiration, be behind a number of, of priests in the archdiocese who were very influenced by him.
[00:27:07] Troy Van Vliet: Ah, okay.
[00:27:09] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: You know, so John Paul is a, he's a great patron and he was a a great Kind of a you know a strong guy. I remember.
[00:27:16] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah,
[00:27:16] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I grew up in Ottawa and my sister they had a cabin You know what by ski hill.
[00:27:21] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah,
[00:27:22] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: and they had a picture of John Paul, uh, with, you know, old fashioned skis and everything in their, in their mud, in their mud room.
[00:27:29] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah,
[00:27:29] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: You [00:27:30] know, with his, with his blue toque.
[00:27:31] Troy Van Vliet: Isn't that something?
[00:27:32] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah.
[00:27:32] Troy Van Vliet: I think he was a soccer player as well.
[00:27:35] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: He was, he was a good athlete. He was a good athlete. He liked it.
[00:27:38] Troy Van Vliet: That's uh, that's fantastic. Well, we couldn't be happier with that name. Of for the school.
[00:27:42] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah.
[00:27:42] Troy Van Vliet: It's been, it's been absolutely fantastic. And it's the name here too, at the past. It is the past, yeah.
[00:27:46] It is.
[00:27:46] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: No, I mean, John, John Paul is a well known in the diocese. It's, it's not introducing,
[00:27:51] Troy Van Vliet: yeah, absolutely. What advice would you give to educators striving to instill timeless virtues and values into their students?
[00:27:59] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: [00:28:00] Teachers, I think the first thing would be for them to. Recognize the nobility of their vocation, that they're, that, you know, a Catholic teacher is dealing with shaping of, certainly, minds, and their, you know, bodies. But also shaping of souls or the inner person. And to be able to do that, you have to have a little bit of a reflective character yourself.
[00:28:23] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:28:23] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: You know, the biggest thing, um.
[00:28:26] Troy Van Vliet: Humility?
[00:28:27] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Humility. And prayerfulness that [00:28:30] there's that there's a time even for teachers business as they are is to take the time to reflect on what they're doing on and their own relationship with God because you can't talk about it with others if You don't have it yourself. So
[00:28:46] Troy Van Vliet: yeah, yeah, it's tough to sell it if you haven't bought it.
[00:28:49] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Exactly. Precisely. That's exactly it.
[00:28:52] Troy Van Vliet: Exactly.
[00:28:53] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It's not formulated like that in the bible, but that's the truth of the matter.
[00:28:56] Troy Van Vliet: I'm paraphrasing. I'm paraphrasing.
[00:28:57] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah, yeah No, no, it's good. We need contemporary [00:29:00] phrasing for real truths.
[00:29:01] Troy Van Vliet: Yes. Can you share a powerful story that um illustrates, and I’m putting you on the spot with this,
[00:29:07] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah,
[00:29:08] Troy Van Vliet: um that illustrates the impact of catholic education on a student's life. I have a small story on that but Um And, uh,
[00:29:17] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I'm trying to think of most of the students that I personally interacted with over the years. They were, they were university students.
[00:29:26] Troy Van Vliet: Okay.
[00:29:27] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Of course. I only taught high school [00:29:30] for a year.
[00:29:31] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:29:31] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: When I was, when I was very young. You know, for, for university, it would be, you would often have, you would have more, you know, the stories that I remember are often ones when they were in, um, usually moral quandaries.
[00:29:46] Troy Van Vliet: Right. Yes, yes, yes.
[00:29:48] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And maybe if they came to talk to you, they were able to escape doing irreparable damage.
[00:29:55] Troy Van Vliet: Right.
[00:29:56] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: To themselves. And I remember just one particular [00:30:00] case of a student, and I saw her years, years later, and she had a daughter. And she wasn't going to have that daughter.
[00:30:10] Troy Van Vliet: Mm.
[00:30:11] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And I don't frankly remember talking to her.
[00:30:14] Troy Van Vliet: Mm.
[00:30:14] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: But I, cause I talked to her a lot, and so I'm sure we talked about, uh, about the, you know.
[00:30:19] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah.
[00:30:19] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Not to take the life of an unborn child.
[00:30:21] Troy Van Vliet: Wow.
[00:30:21] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And she didn't. And so
[00:30:24] Troy Van Vliet: Wow.
[00:30:24] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: She remembered that. I,
[00:30:25] Troy Van Vliet: wow.
[00:30:26] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I didn't, you frankly, I didn't remember the particular [00:30:30] conversation.
[00:30:30] Troy Van Vliet: That's huge.
[00:30:31] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And, and she thanked me, you know, and I was quite Moved. It’s still by, by that, uh, you know, so, but you don't get those stories in the high school or not, not so often.
[00:30:43] Troy Van Vliet: No, no, no, no. In University
[00:30:45] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: But you do change people.
[00:30:47] Troy Van Vliet: You do.
[00:30:47] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And I think it's often, I had, I had a nickname, which was more sort of that I was a tough marker. And so, what it rhymes with Miller, but, but, but, but [00:31:00] that that's different. It's not more the interactions that that change people. And,
[00:31:03] Troy Van Vliet: yeah. It's funny that you mention it because our school, we were faced with, um, my wife and I, we were faced with our youngest daughter who has Down syndrome.
[00:31:12] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:31:13] Troy Van Vliet: And, and we found out in, in utero.
[00:31:15] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:31:15] Troy Van Vliet: Um, and I can't even remember, well we found out I think through an ultrasound.
[00:31:20] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah, sure.
[00:31:20] Troy Van Vliet: That was, that was expected. And, um, even in the local hospital when we were living in Vancouver. Um, we were all but encouraged to terminate.
[00:31:29] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yes.
[00:31:29] Troy Van Vliet: That [00:31:30] pregnancy and there's there's a reason why I’m saying this is because the inspiration The ultimate motivation.
[00:31:36] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: right.
[00:31:37] Troy Van Vliet: For us to champion this school.
[00:31:38] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right, right.
[00:31:39] Troy Van Vliet: Was because of my youngest daughter.
[00:31:41] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Your daughter. Yeah, yeah, sure, I met her.
[00:31:43] Troy Van Vliet: And, um, I had her out at the school
[00:31:45] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:31:46] Troy Van Vliet: Months ago, and we were there, and I was showing her.
[00:31:48] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right, right.
[00:31:48] Troy Van Vliet: Around the new campus. That is, because she currently,
[00:31:50] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: she's at the first campus, right?
[00:31:52] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah, exactly. And, um, and I said to her, I said, do you realize this massive building that you see here? wouldn't have [00:32:00] happened if you weren't born.
[00:32:01] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Wow.
[00:32:02] Troy Van Vliet: And we didn't say yes.
[00:32:03] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Uh huh.
[00:32:04] Troy Van Vliet: And so, I, I, I had to mention that after you just mentioned your,
[00:32:08] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: right. No, those are those things. Well,
[00:32:11] Troy Van Vliet: and she is the, our world revolves around
[00:32:14] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Of course.
[00:32:15] Troy Van Vliet: Our two kids and she's been the biggest gift to our entire family and our extended family as well. And, um, it saddens me that, um, uh, cause abortion is an issue. It's a massive, massive issue.
[00:32:28] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It's a massive public issue.
[00:32:29] Troy Van Vliet: I Heard a statistic, I [00:32:30] don't know if it's 100 percent accurate, um, but it was from a man of the cloth that said this, that globally we're over 1. 5 billion abortions.
[00:32:41] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Over the last 40 or 50 years it could be.
[00:32:43] Troy Van Vliet: Which is Mind boggling, you know, the, the reverence for human life is just, you know, both, uh,
[00:32:50] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It's declined.
[00:32:50] Troy Van Vliet: The sanctity is declined.
[00:32:52] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It's declined.
[00:32:52] Troy Van Vliet: And we hope at our school.
[00:32:55] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That the kids will get, acquire pro life way of looking at the world.
[00:32:59] Troy Van Vliet: That [00:33:00] foundation, yes.
[00:33:00] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That's what it is. It's to, um.
[00:33:02] Troy Van Vliet: And taking care of our elderly.
[00:33:04] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That's the other end of the thing.
[00:33:05] Troy Van Vliet: That's the other end.
[00:33:06] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That's hitting us now.
[00:33:07] Troy Van Vliet: Both ends, from conception
[00:33:08] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That's it.
[00:33:09] Troy Van Vliet: To its natural end.
[00:33:10] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Natural end. You know, and those are, those are so fundamental, you know, to, to be able to get across to, to folks.
[00:33:19] Troy Van Vliet: It's huge.
[00:33:20] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It's huge.
[00:33:20] Troy Van Vliet: And evangelizing in a school is also something that we hope, because we're going to have a lot of people from outside of the Catholic community.
[00:33:27] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: right
[00:33:27] Troy Van Vliet: that are coming in, a lot of students from outside of the Catholic [00:33:30] community. Um, and I'll tell you this one story, which, which, um, um, really touched my heart too. And it was at our, our last open house.
[00:33:37] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: right.
[00:33:38] Troy Van Vliet: So, we're, we're promoting our new campus, of course, right.
[00:33:41] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Of course.
[00:33:41] Troy Van Vliet: And, um, so we had the open house at our current campus in the gym and we had, it was well attended. We have over 300 people there,
[00:33:47] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: great
[00:33:47] Troy Van Vliet: so, it was fantastic. Everybody's anticipating the new building.
[00:33:50] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And they've all seen it. Anybody who comes knows where the new building is.
[00:33:53] Troy Van Vliet: Yes, a lot of people have seen it, they've driven by.
[00:33:54] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right, exactly.
[00:33:55] Troy Van Vliet: On 24th avenue.
[00:33:56] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Sure. To make sure that it's really there.
[00:33:57] Troy Van Vliet: Exactly. And, um, [00:34:00] uh, one of the students got up up to speak at the open house.
[00:34:02] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:34:03] Troy Van Vliet: And, um, the, uh, the student was, was really quite interesting because it was not Catholic.
[00:34:09] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Mm hmm.
[00:34:10] Troy Van Vliet: Um, he's come through and he's going to be graduating this year.
[00:34:12] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right.
[00:34:13] Troy Van Vliet: And he's also going to get baptized this year.
[00:34:15] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Oh, really? Oh, wonderful.
[00:34:16] Troy Van Vliet: And uh, so listening to his speech and he ended with that, and I said There it is,
[00:34:21] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: right? No, that's wonderful.
[00:34:21] Troy Van Vliet: That's why we're here.
[00:34:22] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah,
[00:34:23] Troy Van Vliet: like those those types of stories.
[00:34:24] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah No, those are those are.
[00:34:26] Troy Van Vliet: we absolutely love to hear.
[00:34:27] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah,
[00:34:27] Troy Van Vliet: and we're creating servant leaders [00:34:30] that we're sending out into the world.
[00:34:32] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Right, they'll go out in the world and do good things.
[00:34:34] Troy Van Vliet: to do good things and be um, great contributors to our society So
[00:34:38] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah, they will be I know that they will be. They're already there. They're already there What you're going to do is increase the number because you'll have the facility and the wherewithal and
[00:34:46] Troy Van Vliet: exactly.
[00:34:47] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And able to meet, help meet the needs.
[00:34:50] Troy Van Vliet: the needs
[00:34:50] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: because society needs schools Like JPII. I mean they We just do.
[00:34:56] Troy Van Vliet: yeah, absolutely
[00:34:58] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Would, that it could be multiplied.
[00:34:59] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah
[00:34:59] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: all [00:35:00] over.
[00:35:00] Troy Van Vliet: Yes, we’d love to be a great example.
[00:35:01] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: We'll leave that, we'll leave that to the next couple bishops.
[00:35:04] Troy Van Vliet: Exactly I agree. I know people have talked to me about universities already too.
[00:35:08] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Oh no no!
[00:35:09] Troy Van Vliet: and I'm like hold on!
[00:35:11] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Hold off a bit - Hold off a bit.
[00:35:12] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah, let us get this established. Your grace, I am here with gratitude for you for your support for your in the school, in our school, but not just in our school. Um, and not just in the CISBA, but you, the book that you've written that's [00:35:30] being used.
[00:35:30] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah, it is.
[00:35:31] Troy Van Vliet: throughout all
[00:35:31] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: It is used much.
[00:35:32] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah.
[00:35:33] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: to my surprise.
[00:35:33] Troy Van Vliet: And, um, congratulations to you for that and for championing, um, Catholic education.
[00:35:40] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And congratulations to you, Troy, and your team for coming up with something that I think most people would have said, ah, I'd like to do it, but that's impossible.
[00:35:49] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah.
[00:35:49] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And, and you were able to, to, to dream and see yes. It is possible with, you know, with, and I'm sure you got support around you and so on.
[00:35:58] Troy Van Vliet: Lotta support.
[00:35:58] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Great support.
[00:35:59] Troy Van Vliet: Thousands [00:36:00] of hours of,
[00:36:00] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: And, oh I know.
[00:36:01] Troy Van Vliet: Of people that have stepped up.
[00:36:03] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Given,
[00:36:03] Troy Van Vliet: Chipped in,
[00:36:04] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: That's one of the things I think that kind of, uh, sacrifice at the foundation of the school that'll reap, that'll reap many benefits,
[00:36:13] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah,
[00:36:13] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: in the years to come,
[00:36:14] Troy Van Vliet: Yes,
[00:36:14] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: you know, because it's, uh, it's from the heart and from the, offering your talents.
[00:36:20] Troy Van Vliet: And also, um, thank you. You're, you're going to be retiring.
[00:36:24] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I am. Yes. I don't know exactly when it'll be this year though.
[00:36:28] Troy Van Vliet: Right. Well, [00:36:30] you're, we're so grateful for everything that you've done here at the arch diocese. And I, I can't, I can speak for me,
[00:36:36] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: yeah,
[00:36:36] Troy Van Vliet: and of course, the people around me, but you've done so much.
[00:36:38] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Well, there's, it's a great, it's, it's, it's, it's a great local church or a great arch diocese. And, and the fact that there's a new secondary school kind of coming online,
[00:36:51] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah,
[00:36:51] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: is something that I go with if I dare, dare say it with with some pride that this is that that happened that there's such a Such good [00:37:00] folks who have brought this about.
[00:37:00] Troy Van Vliet: Well, I, I'm,
[00:37:01] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Thanks a million to you, Troy, and everyone that's, that you're, everyone involved in the great, in the great project of, of the Academy.
[00:37:08] Troy Van Vliet: I think this is a good time to, to wrap it up.
[00:37:11] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah.
[00:37:11] Troy Van Vliet: I know you're a busy man as well.
[00:37:13] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Yeah, there's, um,
[00:37:14] Troy Van Vliet: got things to do.
[00:37:15] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: There's, um, a neo catechumenal group coming to see me.
[00:37:19] I don't know whether you know them, but They're coming. They're coming at 4. 15.
[00:37:23] Troy Van Vliet: OK,
[00:37:23] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: So, I still got half an hour. I can get, I can get, I can get my coke in.
[00:37:26] Troy Van Vliet: There you go.
[00:37:29] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: My, [00:37:30] my, my three o'clock coke.
[00:37:31] Troy Van Vliet: The, uh, Catholic education does matter and, uh, hence the name of our podcast. And, uh, so we will be doing more of these. And, uh, maybe we'll have you on, uh, remotely from your retirement place.
[00:37:44] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I probably could be.
[00:37:45] Troy Van Vliet: Yeah, that would be fun.
[00:37:45] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: I think, I'm sure I'll have a computer and, and I'm on a university campus, so I'm sure they have.
[00:37:50] Troy Van Vliet: I'm sure you will. So, thank you again for being here.
[00:37:52] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Thanks, Troy, a pleasure.
[00:37:53] Troy Van Vliet: And, uh, for those of you that tuned in, um, please be sure to tune in again.
[00:37:59] Because we [00:38:00] will be, uh, hosting another podcast here.
[00:38:02] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: How often do you hope to do them?
[00:38:03] Troy Van Vliet: We're going to have them come out every month.
[00:38:05] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Every month, okay.
[00:38:05] Troy Van Vliet: Yes.
[00:38:06] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Good for you.
[00:38:06] Troy Van Vliet: Absolutely. And if, with success, uh, maybe we'll even have them come out in more, uh, frequent.
[00:38:13] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Okay.
[00:38:13] Troy Van Vliet: Yes.
[00:38:14] Archbishop J. Michael Miller: Thanks a million.
[00:38:14] Troy Van Vliet: All right. Thank you everybody. Thank you for listening to Catholic Education Matters. If you enjoyed this episode, please follow the podcast on your favorite listening platform, rate it, and also leave a review. Don't forget to share this episode [00:38:30] with your friends and family to help spread the word about the impact of Catholic education. Be sure to listen again.