
Episode 20: Rediscovering Faith and Family – Jen Guidry's Path to Healing and Dependence on God


Jen Guidry shares her life-changing encounter with God post her death-defying hiking trip in Costa Rica. After surviving an earthquake and being attacked by wasps, she suffered severe injuries to her legs and had to rely on others for help. Through this experience, she learned the importance of dependence on God and building relationships with loved ones. Since then, Jen has written books, spoken at events, and coached women, sharing her story of overcoming challenges and finding success through trust in God.

  • Trust in God and surrender to His plan, even in difficult circumstances.
  • Dependence on God and building relationships with loved ones is essential for a fulfilling life.
  • Success is not solely achieved through personal effort, but by giving glory to God.
  • Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and recognize the good that can come from them.

Introduction and Background
Hiking Trip to Costa Rica
Encounter with an Earthquake
Attack by Wasps
Injuries and Dependence on Others
Return Home and Relationship Challenges
Dream and Reconciliation with Father
Writing Books and Speaking Engagements
Health Challenges and Writing Journey
Final Thoughts on Trust and Goodness

Show Description:

In this heartfelt episode of the Changed Podcast, host Brent Stone engages in a deep conversation with Jen Guidry, whose life was profoundly altered after multiple encounters with God throughout her life. However during this episode, Jen goes on to recap a very impactful story.  During a multiple mile hiking trip in the jungle of Costa Rica, she found herself with her friend and their guide in the midst of an earthquake that was recorded at over a 6 on the Richter Scale.  Miles into the trip they took cover while the ground shook violently.  Once it was completed, the three of them headed back.  On the journey back to their vehicles, Jen quickly came up on this large thing that wasn’t there before the earthquake.  Realizing what it was as she was basically on top of it, she took off running with a swarm of wasps chasing her.  She explains that she was stung countless times and severely injured her legs running on the narrow rocky trail to get away.  That is until she tumbled down the edge of the trail.  Due to adrenaline she was able to finish the trail but soon found out the last two miles she had two broken ankles requiring casts on both legs.

Jen found herself bedridden and dependent on others, a state that challenged her fiercely independent nature.

Jen openly shares her emotional journey, beginning with the physical and mental challenges she endured during and after the hiking trip. The narrative takes a pivotal turn when, in her vulnerable state, Jen experiences a transformative dream. In this dream, God speaks to her, pointing out her distance from Him and providing her with a unique opportunity to strengthen her relationship with both her heavenly and earthly fathers.

This episode dives into how Jen's difficult recovery period became a time of unexpected healing and growth. Listeners will be touched by her journey towards embracing dependence, mending her strained relationship with her father, and rediscovering her faith. Her story is a moving reminder that life’s hardest moments can lead to profound personal and spiritual development.

Jen's experience underscores the importance of trusting in God's plan, the value of vulnerability, and the transformative power of rekindling familial bonds. Whether you're navigating your own challenges or looking for spiritual inspiration, Jen's story of resilience and faith will resonate with you. Join us on the Changed Podcast as we explore how embracing dependence on God can open the door to healing, renewed relationships, and a deeper understanding of life's true purpose.

Jen Guidry, a force to be reckoned with, stands as a shining example of empowerment and success in the mortgage industry. Voted the Most Empowering Woman in Mortgage in the World in 2023, she has left an indelible mark on the lives of countless individuals and the industry as a whole.
With an illustrious career spanning many years, Jen has consistently ranked among the top loan officers in the United States. Her unparalleled expertise, unwavering commitment to excellence, and genuine passion for helping others achieve their dreams have earned her a reputation as a trusted advisor and mentor.
Beyond her accomplishments in the mortgage industry, Jen’s talents extend far and wide. As a best-selling author, she has penned insightful books that inspire and motivate readers to unlock their full potential. Her words resonate deeply, offering practical strategies and profound wisdom to navigate the complexities of life and business.
But Jen’s talents do not end there. She is also an accomplished artist, using her creativity to bring beauty and inspiration to others. Her artwork reflects her unique perspective, capturing the essence of human emotions and the power of resilience.
Recently retired from the mortgage industry, Jen has transitioned into a new chapter of her life as a success and business coach. Drawing upon her vast experience and proven track record, she empowers individuals and organizations to reach new heights of achievement. Her coaching style is marked by compassion, authenticity, and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by those striving for greatness.
Jen’s ability to connect with people on a profound level, coupled with her exceptional communication skills, make her a sought-after speaker at events. Her dynamic presence and captivating storytelling captivate audiences, leaving them inspired, motivated, and ready to take action.
If you are seeking a coach who can ignite your potential, guide you through obstacles, and help you achieve unparalleled success, look no further than Jen Guidry. Her remarkable journey, unwavering determination, and commitment to empowering others make her the perfect partner on your path to greatness.
Embrace the opportunity to work with Jen Guidry, and unlock the extraordinary possibilities that await you.

Jen is No Stranger to Adversity.

  • Survived Molestation
  • Survived Rape
  • Beat Cancer
  • Beat Death Twice
  • Abusive Relationships
  • Alcoholic Parent
  • Top 10 Most Empowering Women in Mortgage in the World, 2023
  • Risen to the Top of Her Profession
  • Failed
  • Was 100 Pounds Overweight
  • Been Poor
  • Climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro
  • Was in a 6.7 magnitude earthquake, got attacked by wasps and broke both ankles on the same day.
  • Has actually made 7 figures

For listeners to reach Jen:
  • Instagram @thejenguidry
  • Facebook:

Creators & Guests

Jen Guidry
Jen Guidry: A Beacon of Empowerment and Success Jen Guidry, celebrated as the Most Empowering Woman in Mortgage in 2023, is a testament to resilience and success. As a top U.S. loan officer, her dedication and passion have made her a trusted advisor in the mortgage industry. An acclaimed author, Jen's books inspire readers to reach their potential. Her artistic talents add another layer to her multifaceted persona, reflecting deep emotional insights. Transitioning from mortgage professional to success and business coach, Jen leverages her extensive experience to empower individuals and organizations. Her engaging coaching style and compelling speaking skills make her a sought-after figure for guidance and motivation. Jen's life story is one of overcoming adversity, including surviving abuse, cancer, and life-threatening challenges, and triumphing over personal and professional obstacles. Her journey to the top, despite facing hardships like poverty and health struggles, showcases her remarkable resilience and determination. Choosing Jen Guidry as your coach means unlocking a world of extraordinary possibilities, guided by a woman who has truly beaten the odds to achieve greatness.

What is Changed?

Welcome to 'Changed' a podcast celebrating transformative encounters with Jesus Christ. Each episode unfolds powerful testimonies of profound life changes, providing inspiration for your spiritual journey. Join our community, drawing strength and encouragement to deepen your relationship with God. Witness the irrefutable evidence of lives dramatically changed by His love. We're here to inspire hope, reinforcing God's relentless pursuit, and sparking the desire to seek a life profoundly transformed. Let's chase after God together. Your journey to deeper faith starts here.

Brent Stone (00:00.374)
Hello and welcome to the Change Podcast. I'm Brent Stone and I have my special guest today, Jen Gidry with me. And this is going to bless you all so much. Jen has been introduced to me over the last couple of weeks through some mutual connections and we've gotten a chance to become friends. And what she's going to share with you today about her encounter with Jesus is going to blow you away. So with that, Jen, I would love it if you just take it away and

answer the main question, which is the encounter that changed your life, the encounter with Jesus that changed your life, but then also any kind of background leading into that, we would love to hear. So I'll turn it over to you. Thank you so much for being here.

Jen Guidry (00:42.468)
That's a lot of pressure. You know, I've been blessed to have many different encounters with God. You know, but and I thought long and hard about which story to share today. And the one that kept on coming back to me is a something that tragic that happened to me. But obviously, you know, in the end, God worked everything out. So

like how am I going to deliver this? I'm just going to tell you a story and it all starts with me being an avid hiker. I have hiked all over the world and back in 2000 and 17, 16, I had won a trip from work to Costa Rica and I unfortunately back then was separated.

from my husband. And so I had brought one of my girlfriends with me on this trip and she was also a fellow hiker. And we had this beautiful hike plan where we walk 10 miles out and back, all throughout the jungle and to a waterfall at the end. All right, so it's 10 total miles. We're like, no problem. Hired a guide for the day. And...

This guy picks us up and we drive out into the middle of literally like nowhere. I mean, we were about an hour south of Nicaragua. Two out of the three hours of the drive was on these big bumpy roads, but we finally get there and we're like, we're going for it. And when we finally parked the vehicle, the guide gets out and he's like, all right, let's go. And we're just, we're heading. And I've always been a very, very fast.

I like to get there and go. And what I noticed when we started hiking was that the animal life was acting really strange, like really strange. And we were almost like, like catniss. I mean, we were, we were just like birds all around us. And you know, like at one time they were like horse, not horseflies, but the dragonflies were all around us. We're like, Oh, we're in nature and we're hiking and we're having a great time.

Jen Guidry (03:09.944)
And then we started feeling tremors, which was interesting. And I lived in California, so I was used to feeling earthquake activity in the past, little tremors here and there. But we started feeling like, they're a little more than just tremors, they were like, arrr. And so we'd be hiking and all of a sudden you hear the noise first and then you start to feel the ground shake. So we get down,

five miles in, we're almost to the waterfall. We get to the waterfall. And while we're there, there was an earthquake. Like I'm talking like an earthquake. Ended up, I didn't know at the time, but it was a 6.7 magnitude earthquake. And we were about an hour away from the epicenter. So, you know, we're there, we're heading back and all of a sudden hear raw, raw. And you can see the trees going like this and the ground's moving. I'm like, oh my gosh.

like what's going on. And again, like the wildlife, they sensed it. It was incredible how they could sense it. So it finally stopped shaking. And we're just like, holy cow, what is happening here? Like, is the Earth going to move? What's going to happen? We started kind of booking it back to the vehicle, because it wasn't good. I mean, we had to go through all this terrain.

Brent Stone (04:27.911)

Jen Guidry (04:38.288)
to get back. And so I was hiking really quickly. My friend, Danny, she was right behind me. And then the guide was probably 50 to 75 yards behind us. And we just wanted to go. Now the path was very thin, very thin. And it was like trees all around and it was all rocks and roots. So just picture a very uneven path.

and you know we get about a mile in so we're about six miles out of the out of the 10 and you can see sunshine coming through the trees and these things buzzing around.

So I thought they were horseflies. Thought. So I start walking through and Danny's right behind me, guides way back. And guess what? They were not horseflies. So during the earthquake, a Costa Rican wasps nest had fallen basically and the whole swarm was in the middle of the path. And we were the only ones on the hiking trail. So I walk through.

the path and I'm like, I started getting attacked. So I'm flailing and that guy wasps head to toe all over me. They start attacking Danny and so the guy sees, you know, what what's going on. He's like

Jen Guidry (06:11.584)
run as fast as we can. As I'm looking down, now mind you, I don't know if you can see, I have a couple of scars on my neck. So I had neck surgery that wasn't completely fused, maybe six or seven months before that, but I was invincible. So I decided to go hiking anyway, probably one of the dumber things I've done, however. So I'm running as fast as I can. I'm trying to get these things off of me.

and they're just stinging me all over the place and stinging Danny and as I'm running I'm like, oh no, this is not good because I can see my ankles.

doing that. So I finally I fell. And when I fell, you know, your adrenaline's going. Danny's right behind me and we're punching things off of each other. They were all over my backpack. I mean everywhere. So we finally they stopped singing. And I looked down and I could tell I hurt myself pretty bad, pretty bad. And I'm like, Danny, I said, I, I

I, at the very least, I've torn probably every single ligament, uh, in tendon in my legs. Uh, but I don't know how I'm going to be able to walk back. Um, and we were four miles from the car and, you know, once I started, again, your adrenaline's going, but once I started kind of getting back into just regulating my breathing, I tied my boots as tight as I could.

and the guide finally catches up to us, like what seemed like an eternity later. And we're like, do you have an EpiPen? No, I'm like, what if we were allergic? Like, what kind of guide are you? Like, I'm like, do you have a satellite phone? No, I'm like, you don't have a satellite phone? It's over in the middle of nowhere. I'm like, how am I gonna walk back to the car? And so I ended up, I had to walk back four miles.

Jen Guidry (08:17.932)
with which I didn't know at the time, but I had two broken ankles.

So, finally get back. And, you know, I made the mistake. We finally, they had to lift me into the car because by the time we actually got into the car, I mean, it was like my adrenaline had worn off. I was in a ton of pain. And as soon as I took my boots off my feet, can you, oh no, it gets worse. So we get, we dumped all the...

Brent Stone (08:42.818)
I can't imagine.

Brent Stone (08:48.51)
Oh no.

Jen Guidry (08:53.836)
all the like the drinks out of the cooler and then we're just icing my legs. And I got, I was sitting in the back seat. I had my legs in between like on the center console and I'm like, where's the nearest hospital? Right. Cause again, at this time I didn't know I broke my ankles. Um, I said, I need something for pain. I need, you know, so we finally get to like the, the clinic and the net, cause it was a, it was a San Recon national park. Um, so we get in the clinic and

The clinic was literally an ambulance, the back of an ambulance stuck into dirt. And so there's a picture of me where they got the guide and some other guy that carried me, because I couldn't walk into the back of this clinic. And then they're like, well, you got to give me a hundred bucks for a shot. I'm like, a hundred bucks for a shot and we only accept cash. So long story short, that was his tip money. He never got a tip because.

was a horrible guide. But yeah, they so they finally gave me something to just stop the pain. And then we had a drive two hours on the bumpy road, which that was awesome. Finally get back, went to the hospital. And again, they wrap my legs up in ACE bandages. And they said you need to go see an orthopedic doctor like the second you get home.

So this is on like a Friday. Saturday, I couldn't catch a flight home. Sunday, I finally get home. And I just remember, so I was in a wheelchair. I couldn't wear like anything. I couldn't even put socks on. It was horrible pain. I didn't sleep, nothing. So as you can imagine by Sunday, I am number one. I just remember crying the whole way home.

When I'm on the plane and they felt sorry for me, so they upgraded me to like economy plus I could have some room Couldn't walk I had to be carried in him a wheelchair. I mean nothing crutches. It was a mess so my mom picks me up and You know just side note on that Backing up my story. I would never tell them and again. I've hiked all over the world I've been to Africa been all over Europe like you name it. I've been there, but I never tell my mom and dad like

Jen Guidry (11:18.356)
hiking here today. And so my mom, she was like, I texted her before we left and I'm like, hey, you know, just in case this is where I'm gonna be today. And she's like, why are you telling me that? I'm like, I don't know, I just felt like I should. So she picks me up from the airport, we get home, and my husband had moved out. And not only did he move out, he took all of the furniture with him. So we get home.

I walk in, the only furniture I have in the house is the bed, that's it. And that was like step one of my, or step two of my, like you gotta be kidding me thing, right? Can you imagine like all this stuff happened and he had no idea in his defense, we were going through a rough time and we ended up, we got divorced. However, just walking into that and I'm like, what else could...

Brent Stone (12:02.955)

Jen Guidry (12:16.948)
go wrong, right? So had an ortho appointment the next day, get the MRIs, and yeah, I cracked both my ankles. So they put me in CAS. So now, this is the things that you have to picture. So in talking a little bit about myself, I was at a point in my life where I had a relationship with God, but I had also become like I was invincible.

Right? Like I didn't need anybody to take care of me. I didn't need anything. Um, you know, get out of my way or I'm going to run you over. And that's how I was. I mean, in, in business, I mean, I was very successful. I had an established a name for myself in San Antonio. And I was like, in this amazing shape, I'd overcome this, you know, crazy, you know, neck thing. And, um, I was like, right.

And I was very independent, didn't need anybody. And all of a sudden, I needed help. And I had never asked for help. I mean, no one's ever, I mean, I just, that was my nature. So my father flies in because I'm like, I can't drive. I can't take care of myself. I can't even take a shower. I mean, how do you take a shower with?

Brent Stone (13:24.213)

Jen Guidry (13:42.)
two broken ankles and casts up to your knees, right? And so my father came to my rescue. And my dad, and I know he won't mind me sharing this part, but we had a very tumultuous relationship. This is a part where I'm like, ah. And we didn't, I don't know. I didn't really like my dad that much, honestly. I mean, we were not very close, but I loved him.

Brent Stone (14:07.982)

Jen Guidry (14:11.712)
Obviously, I still do very much. I like them now too, which is great. But my back then, we weren't close. I mean, I never actually spent time with my dad at all.

And it was very, like I was like, what is this gonna be like? And so I went on, I remember rooms to go and I ordered whatever could be delivered the next day for furniture. So I bought a bed and a bedroom set for him and bought a couch. I mean, I did all these things where it was like, just whatever you can deliver tomorrow, like that's what I'm buying. And so he did, and you know, he put everything together for me.

And I will tell you that I was a real jerk. Like I was miserable. I was like, pity party, a bed bee, and bee, you know what I mean? That I was really, really mad that all of my independence had been completely taken away from me. And that for the first time I actually had to rely

on someone to actually take care of me. So during my worst evening of, and I treated my dad like crap. I mean, I really did. I was, I was, I was miserable. I was so angry at not being able to do anything. So one night I was watching TV and my dad came in right before he was going to sleep.

And he's like, all right, is there anything I could do for you? And I'm like, yeah, I room. I was just like, and he tried to like put my feet up for me so I can elevate them. And I was just a jerk. And he's like, I'm just trying to help you. And I'm like, I know, you know? And so he left and I just cried myself to sleep that night. And this is where the real story comes in. It up again, try to do without crying, but it's probably not going to happen. So.

Jen Guidry (16:18.34)
God has talked to me in several different forms, and I have crazy dreams that I remember every bit of them when he wants me to remember them, like every single detail. And having had those in the past, I obviously recognized this one that I am about to have tonight. So cried myself to sleep, and I just remember

God saying, Jen, you need to pay attention right now. He goes, you are too independent.

Jen Guidry (17:00.151)
And, um.

Jen Guidry (17:03.46)
Sorry. And he's like, you need to feel like what it's like to be dependent on your father and your father.

Brent Stone (17:06.175)
It's okay, take your time.

Jen Guidry (17:17.524)
And he's like, you got too far away from me. And he's like, you're not close enough to your dad. He goes, I did this to bring you back to where you need to be. And he's like, you need to take this time with your dad and you become closer to him. And savor the time, build up your relationship.

Brent Stone (17:17.784)

Jen Guidry (17:46.024)
and come back to me also. And so I woke up.

Brent Stone (17:50.101)

Jen Guidry (17:52.996)
And I'm like, all right. No, I actually woke up crying. And I called my dad in. I don't even know what time it was in the morning. And I'm like, I'm so sorry. And I apologize for being such a turd. And I said, I really want to take this time. And I told him about my dream. And I still, it's crazy. Cause to this day, I remember every detail of that dream. And...

And so that time ended up being.

Jen Guidry (18:34.716)
like one of the best times of my life. Um, because I got close to my dad.

Sorry. Yeah, no, and let him take care of me for... I mean, it was weird because he didn't take care of me when I was a kid. Again, we were never close. He was a different person.

Brent Stone (18:44.606)
No, this is great. No, take your time.

Jen Guidry (19:04.035)

Anyway, but yeah, I mean, that time went from being just a time of like, I was so mad to a time where I'm like, this is freaking awesome. Like Marietta's here with me. Yeah, like overnight, like from there to there, and then just getting closer to God in the meantime, and then, you know, realizing that, man, it's not about being dependent, like the...

Brent Stone (19:19.934)
Yeah, like really quick.

Jen Guidry (19:36.268)
You have to be, or it's not about being independent, it's about being dependent. And that's what happens to us, right? When we start doing really well at things, we're like, ah, I don't need God, right? We put them in our back pocket, and that's what we do. I mean, I think it's, a lot of times it's human nature, but what we don't realize is that like, God's way bigger than that. And that in order to receive and to live the life,

that he wants all of us to live is that you have to be dependent upon him. You've got to be childlike. And so it was such like a profound lesson that I still, you know, carry with me. You know, and from that day forward, like my relationship with my dad was completely different. And he stayed and he we enjoyed our time. And then I also

Brent Stone (20:11.67)

Jen Guidry (20:33.088)
really reaffirmed my dependence on God and really started bringing him with me in every aspect of my life and my career. You know, it changed so many different things and I write about this a lot and I talk about this a lot. It's like, you can have success but you can't have true success unless you give God the glory.

for it and when people in business and people tell me all the time like you're crazy for talking about God so much I'm like no I'm not I'm like you're the crazy one for not talking about God you know it's like it's but yeah I mean that and I've had other encounters like that but like this one was like the one that really

Brent Stone (21:15.219)

Jen Guidry (21:29.656)
changed so many different things for me, not, you know, personal and my personal life and my relationship with my dad and my dad, you know. So that's that.

Brent Stone (21:39.966)
It's so good. You are literally, you are the definition of broken physically, emotionally, and God met you in that space and was like, daughter, come back. Yeah. I mean, how beautiful is that? I mean, that's just how good he is to just meet us where we are and to just use scenarios in our life to bring us back to him.

Jen Guidry (21:47.164)
Oh, totally. Yeah.

Jen Guidry (21:59.107)

Brent Stone (22:09.194)
so we can have just a more fulfilling life. And you know, he how many people does he reach out to that don't respond the way that you did? Right? But yeah.

Jen Guidry (22:16.396)
A lot, I'm sure. Yeah. I could have gone the other way. I could have been miserable the whole time. But you know, it's funny is like, I never let people take care of me before. I never let, I mean, I was always like, get out of my way. I don't need anybody. And just the piece that came from that is like, until you actually experience it, I can't even describe it.

But it changed me in so many different ways. And I really did enjoy. I mean, I ended up being in CAS for.

12 weeks. And then I was in fracture boots for another 12 weeks. It took a while to heal. But some of the best times that's like it was, you know, I would go to the pool and I'd be like, you know, the girl with the pink casts and you know, I actually let people take care of me and I let that time just, I don't know, I mean, it was great.

Brent Stone (23:01.806)

Jen Guidry (23:22.232)
But as soon as those things came off and I was able to start working towards, I mean, I couldn't even walk. I was like Frankenstein when I first got all the boots off and everything. But I just, I was never that independent again. And I realized like, you need God. You have to have God. I mean, there's a difference between religion and relationship, right? And it's all about...

the relationship and you know, just stop putting God in your back pocket. Stop just taking him out when you need him because you need him all the time, you know, and when you acknowledge that and surrender to it, um, changes your life, changes your life.

Brent Stone (24:00.884)

Brent Stone (24:07.09)
Yeah, no, that's so good. Well, okay, so now, and we've talked a little bit, we talked a little bit before we went in to record today, but what I was going to say is that you've had other experiences and today I wanted you to be able to also talk a little bit about since you shared this particular experience, how have you walked out that change since then? Like what are some of the things that you're doing? Because I already know about your background, but our listeners don't.

Jen Guidry (24:11.014)
my story.

Brent Stone (24:34.766)
And I think it'd be really cool to share how God shaped your life since then and what you're doing about it.

Jen Guidry (24:41.104)
Whoo! So it turns out I can write, which is a, you know, a whole nother. A couple years ago, I had a really bad illness. I have a blood clotting disorder and I've had blood clots in my lungs before, back when I was in my 20s and survived those. And then back in 2020, I had it really bad, like where I should most definitely not be alive.

Um, and it was like, you know, I knew I was going to be okay. There's no reason I'm alive. I mean, the doctor still to this day, I have an appointment next week. And every time I walk in there, he's like, it's the miracle girl because there it was like, how are you alive? Um, you know, and, uh, so during, I had this, this idea because I have, I've had a crazy, beautiful, amazing, crazy life.

where people are like, how are you so happy? You know, and I'm like, it's God. That's the only reason, because other people would have used the things that have happened to me in my past as a reason to be a victim. But so it had this idea, years, writing all these things down, showing people the lessons that I've learned in my life. But.

I had gotten too busy to actually write. So I tell people that God cleared my schedule because he took me out of commission for about four months back in 2020. So I just retired from the mortgage business.

Jen Guidry (26:29.296)
2020 is a lot of people can remember was like interest rates were like 2% and people were buying houses without You know even looking at him paying a hundred thousand dollars over the busiest time of my career ever Top of my game just met the man of my dreams, which is my husband now, which is awesome and Got the blood clots again and this time they were it was bad and I had developed a

disease, which is I'm cured of it, by the way. And I could. It got, yeah. I had I couldn't work for four months. And so I'm like. What am I going to do? I'm like, well, I guess I'm going to read that book. I've been meaning to write forever. And I did. And I wrote I wrote every day and I put together my first book, which is called The Storm.

Brent Stone (27:04.558)
Praise Jesus.

Jen Guidry (27:29.68)
And I wrote it, you know, I hate to say this, but like just in case I did die, because I wasn't sure, they said when I was diagnosed with this disease, I said I had five to seven years left. And my heart was going to fail. So I kind of wrote it as a legacy piece, but at the same time, it's like, I knew I was going to be okay. Like I wasn't worried about it. I don't even know how to explain that. I just felt at peace with it.

So in the book got published very quickly, won an international book award for the best general religion book back in 2022. Then I wrote another book called Grit and Gratitude. And it's again, kind of lessons and stories, but this one I kind of added more business tips for women and Christians in the workplace. But the whole time, I mean, I brought God with me and he's in everything that we do. I mean, we would pray at work.

pray over our loan files, we would pray over our customers, we would, I mean you name it. I mean God was with me and nothing was my own doing. All God inspired. And yeah, so I mean I have a couple books now. I speak and matter of fact as soon as we get off of this.

podcast, I am calling the women shelter because I want to, I've been on my heart to go and speak to the women there. I started coaching women specifically, just to try to get them to like, like if I could do it, you could do it. You know, I mean, that's my, you know, the most powerful message right now, but I can't think of anything else, other way to put it.

Brent Stone (29:16.205)

Brent Stone (29:22.183)
No, it's great.

Jen Guidry (29:22.936)
But yeah, I mean, just bringing God with you. And I try to just show people like a life with God is so much better than without him. And the only way to know what that feels like is to try to have that relationship, you know? And it does, it changes you from the inside out. It does. I mean, I look at myself 30 years ago, 20 years ago.

Brent Stone (29:45.335)

Jen Guidry (29:53.668)
I was such a jerk. I really was. And you know, now I like to think that I'm not a jerk. But I just want to help people now. I just kind of just share. And that's why I wrote the book. That's like, yeah, look at this, and this. If I can overcome cancer, blood clots, abuse, molestation, you know, sexual assault, you know, crazy relationships. I mean, if I could overcome all these things and still have...

success and like great success. Like let me show you how to do it. You can too. It doesn't matter like where you've been. It doesn't matter how you grew up. It doesn't matter what happened to you or if you had no money. I've had nothing. Nothing. You know, live in an apartment with cardboard boxes and sleeping bags and ate ramen noodle soup. You know, and I've also made a ton of money. It's just but you gotta just bring God with you.

Brent Stone (30:29.314)

Brent Stone (30:49.694)
Yeah. I think, yeah, you know, this is so awesome. And I think that the biggest takeaway that I'm getting from this is that when people that have this sense of independence due to, you know, God blessing them and using scenarios in their life, I mean, not that they don't show up. I mean, you have to show up and you have to work hard, but God uses things in your life. I'm thinking about, I'm literally reflecting on some of the things in my own life. And I'm like, you know,

When I was at a stage in my early 20s where I was like, oh, let me pat myself on the back. I did these really awesome things and all these. I got, it's like literally like I got humbled very, in various ways doing, based upon the pride that I had and different things. And all of a sudden I realized, it's not, it wasn't just me, it was God. And now it's like, the more I just give him credit and the more I do depend on him, it's...

Jen Guidry (31:25.42)
It's all you.

Jen Guidry (31:29.752)

Brent Stone (31:48.106)
It's so good. And he just comes in and makes it so much more fruitful. The reward emotionally is so much more fruitful. Spiritually, I feel this wholeness. And I think that this is really blessing our audience, Jen. Thank you, because so many people, I think, battle with this and they don't even know how to articulate it.

If that makes sense, there's a lot of people, especially our generation here, you know, there's a lot of people that are listening to this and they're like, you know, they don't know how to articulate it. And I think you did it phenomenally. And I thank you for that. As we're coming to a, of course, as we're coming to a close here, is there any other takeaways you would like to leave our listenership that maybe I didn't?

Jen Guidry (32:24.784)
Thank you.

Brent Stone (32:37.15)
Mention here as I was like kind of going over my main takeaways. Is there anything else that you'd like for people to take away?

Jen Guidry (32:43.437)
I'm in a hurry.

Brent Stone (32:46.038)
It's a nose acceptable answer to try. Okay. Yeah

Jen Guidry (32:46.212)
Just trust. Yeah, just trust.

Jen Guidry (32:55.216)
I'm trying to think of how to best put it. Trust is so important. You know, if you look at the things that you worry about and then think about how much time you wasted worrying, right, and like everything always works out the way it's supposed to, and it's always better than you think it's going to be. So if someone is going through something right now, like, you know, we'll use my ankles as an example.

Brent Stone (32:56.778)
Yeah, take your time, synthesize that thought, yeah.

Jen Guidry (33:24.924)
broken ankles. Again, that could have gone the other way, but that incident spurred so many other ripples in my life. Not only gave me a great testimony to help other people, but it changed everything. The relationship with my dad, the relationship with my dad, the success and

dependence and independence and you know just because you're going through something that's really on the surface looks like it sucks. It doesn't. Like there is a reason for it but your job is to trust right? You can't just be like you know who knows what's gonna happen. You have to trust that it's going to happen like something good is going to come out of it and then you have to be

how your heart has to be open enough to recognize what that good thing is or can be. And it doesn't matter whatever that thing is, something good will come out of it if you let it. Right? You have to invite that into your heart first and be open to those possibilities. That's all I got today. Thanks.

Brent Stone (34:39.726)
So good. So good. No, it's so good. Hey, well, everyone listening to this, please like and share this if you know of anyone that's going to benefit from Jen's message, which I think so many people will. And we just give God the glory here. And we ask you that if you're if you're watching this, please keep walking out your change. Thank you so much for tuning in today. And with that, we'll see you on the next episode.