Public Sector Executive News

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Daily News from Public Sector Executive

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And here's today's news from Public Sector Executive on Tuesday, 16th April, 2024. Crown Commercial Services announced that tax payers saved £1,000,000,000 of pounds in the last year, with the agency celebrating its 10 year anniversary. Over the course of 2022, 20 23, more than £3,800,000,000 worth of taxpayer money was saved, thanks to the work of CCS, with the number of approved suppliers on commercial agreements increasing to more than 10,000. As part of this 88% growth since 2014, 7 a half 1000 of those suppliers are SMEs. Simon Tse, CEO of CCS, said that the organization is still on a journey of changing and evolving.

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The Scottish government has confirmed that the economic activity generated through public spending reached more than £13,000,000,000 across 20, twenty one-twenty two. According to the 5th annual report into procurement activity, £16,000,000,000 was spent by the nation's public sector, with £8,900,000,000 of this being spent in Scotland. This also contributed £7,500,000,000 to Scotland's GDP over the same period. The public sector organisations required to consider opportunities to bring environmental, economic and social benefits through their spending. The report was able to find that suppliers within the local area of the purchasing organisation benefited from £3,800,000,000 of the spend.

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The Department For Work and Pensions, alongside the Department of Health and Social Care, has announced a new innovation fund that will support reforms to occupational health services. Coming as part of a boost to economic activity by tackling in work signals, the new small business research initiative will allocate a share of £1,500,000 to 5 projects as they look to develop new ways that occupational health services can be improved. If successful, these projects will then be scaled up and made available to small businesses to ensure they can keep their employees in work. Health and social care minister Helen Whatley said a healthy economy depends on a healthy workforce. And that's the latest.

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