Hello, and welcome to another episode of another Zelda podcast. I am David Geisler, your co host today. Here today joined by my cohost.
Kady Roberts:I am Katie Robert. So I was
Kady Roberts:wondering if you
Kady Roberts:wanted me to jump in or not.
David Geisler:I know. I was hesitating because of our intro in Echoes to Wisdom where I didn't jump in at the right time. Or maybe it was Akarina. I can't remember. But anyways, yes.
David Geisler:And then I also forget if it was joined with or joined by, but it's joined by.
Kady Roberts:It's been a long time.
David Geisler:Hey. We're getting back in. Yes. It's true. Our first two episodes, it we're we're this is our fourth episode into the season.
David Geisler:So exciting. I'm really excited with how season seven is kinda taking off here. A lot of lot of momentum, and I'm really so pleased about that. So thank you, Katie, for kind of being the official, like, literally the cast member at this point now, which is really great.
Kady Roberts:Very exciting.
David Geisler:I'm
David Geisler:getting some really positive feedback about you specifically and then kind of us doing the show and Oh,
Kady Roberts:that's nice.
David Geisler:Others have come to me without me mentioning it about how kind of the two different, experiences with Zelda, how it makes for a well rounded conversations. And I'm just so grateful for all of that.
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:Katie. Yeah. You've been well?
Kady Roberts:I have been well. I'm
David Geisler:Doing alright? Yeah. You've got pink hair. Yeah. Orange hair.
Kady Roberts:Orange hair. Yeah.
David Geisler:It's especially pink in the lighting right now.
Kady Roberts:Oh, that's nice. I wanted to do so I tried doing pink hair before, and it washed out out so quickly. So that that's very nice to hear.
David Geisler:That it's still looking pink?
Kady Roberts:That it looks kind of pinkish.
David Geisler:Did it go pink first, then it bled
Kady Roberts:Well, so this, I I wanted to do, like, fire kind of look. And so it's kind of washed out a little bit and calmed down, but it was very vibrant y, vibranty orangish red for a while. But, yeah, it still looks really nice. I like it a lot. Even though orange is my least favorite color, it's it I I feel like I've grown to have an appreciation for the color.
David Geisler:I hear you. But you're more you're more, internal sunshine of the spotless mind than you are, like, Fifth Element.
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:No. I know. If there is pink in there, I'm seeing it. Nice. There's pink and burgundy and whatnot.
David Geisler:Well, cool. I have not dyed my hair any any kind of
Kady Roberts:color. Though?
David Geisler:No. But I'm getting my hair cut in two days. Okay. My I I'm so sorry. I had to I had to kinda break up with my hairdresser.
Kady Roberts:Oh. It
David Geisler:just wasn't quite working out for the past six months. I think we just couldn't quite find you know, she she was cutting my hair a certain way. And even on, like, the next the very next day, sometimes the same day as the haircut, the things that I was asking for were still happening. And I was getting weird little hooks in the back of my hair. I'm not sure if if where my where my all my little parts and colics were was being fully paid attention to.
David Geisler:But that's okay. But I found a new person. Oh. And he works at a shop just down the street here. And it's kind of a hip shop.
David Geisler:So I'm kinda looking forward to to going in there and and getting I mean, I'm just not gonna be even crazy. Right? You know, it's kinda hip with the kids. Yeah. No.
David Geisler:Actually, it's it's kind of a funny story. One of my coworkers, one of my kind of not employees. It's not like I hired them. But one of my coworkers that I'm in charge of, his dad is this guy.
David Geisler:Oh. He
David Geisler:works in a in a barbershop, just down over on Ashland here. Oh, that's cool. I was talking to Alex. This doesn't matter at all, but I've also interviewed Alex for returning students. So blah blah blah blah.
David Geisler:Crisscross stuff there because he's also going back to school and working at the same store that I work at. But anyways, he was like, well, my dad, you know, they just started up a shop. And I went I went and looked at the shop, and Alex has a really cool haircut, honestly. And so even though I'm basically just looking for 40 year old man crew cut, hopefully, maybe it'll be a little tighter on the sides or something, and maybe it'll be kind of stylish. I'm kinda looking forward to it.
Kady Roberts:No. That's cool.
David Geisler:So it's
David Geisler:not no hair.
David Geisler:This is
David Geisler:the hair grown out a little bit.
Kady Roberts:Oh, okay. I was
Kady Roberts:gonna say because the hair looked different. Different. I can't tell what.
David Geisler:Yeah. Think I think it's almost grown out with Lane more now.
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:But anyways, Katie
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:Thanks for catching up. Yeah. Hair out hair on hair there. The hair conversation. Mhmm.
David Geisler:What are we talking about today?
Kady Roberts:Well, we are talking about top 10 power ups. However, I'll be interested to see what you said for that because I was struggling to figure out what would qualify as a power up. So I have some quite a bit of items on here. So this might be more for me, like, a top 10 items. However, I do have some that are are not items.
Kady Roberts:So maybe it'll be good. I don't know.
David Geisler:Yeah. We'll see. I think when we were texting about it, I kind of quickly thought I was trying to think it through, and I thought, how about a power up? Because we've done, top 10 favorite items or whatever on the show before in the earlier seasons. And maybe we'll do one of those again because there's been new games that have come out since.
David Geisler:But, I think I said something like I think I was trying to wrap my head around it. I was like, it can be an item, a transformation, or, like, just a thing that happens to Link or something. I can't remember what the third thing I said was, but, that's kinda what I used.
Kady Roberts:Okay. Yeah.
David Geisler:I actually don't have many items.
Kady Roberts:Oh, interesting.
David Geisler:So I think this might be well rounded.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. No. That'll be cool. I also wanted to mention before we happen, I've been playing the heck out of Wind Waker.
David Geisler:I'm not So you got the what? You got the GameCube plugged into the TV, all that? I don't have
Kady Roberts:a GameCube. I've been playing the Wii U version.
David Geisler:That's you know what's so weird is that's what I was visualizing in my head, the Wii U. Okay.
David Geisler:Even though
David Geisler:I think I just said GameCube because, obviously, it's weird.
Kady Roberts:But yeah. No. I I have a Wii Wii U now, and I have that. And I also have Twilight Princess now, so I'll be playing that soon as well.
David Geisler:Woo hoo.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. But I've been loving Wind Waker. I think it's really fun.
David Geisler:Where are you at in Wind Waker right now?
Kady Roberts:I think I'm about halfway through. I just finished with the Koroks, and now I'm running around, before I go back to can't remember if it's Dragon Rooster or if it's, Windfall that, has, like, the big fish section. That's where I'm going
David Geisler:next. You're looking for Jabun? Yeah. Ah, interesting. Yeah.
David Geisler:You're, like, maybe a fourth of the way through.
Kady Roberts:Oh, fourth of the way. Okay.
David Geisler:Yeah. Well, when it comes to dungeons, you're probably about a third. Alright. Let me finish my glasses out. But but I think game wise, I think you're, like, halfway through the first half.
David Geisler:Right?
Kady Roberts:Yeah. I was just running around last night, at, like, 3AM trying to fill out the map with all the different fish. So So
David Geisler:you you that's what you did in Echoes of Wisdom too. You like to go around the whole map and kinda get the whole thing cleared, and then you start, what, exploring or whatever? Or then start doing
Kady Roberts:Yeah. I don't actually, like when I'm doing that, I don't actually hit up the islands yet. I just, like, wanna see what the whole picture looks like, and then I can go back and, like, mess around.
David Geisler:Yeah. That's awesome. That's interesting. Yeah. Oh, gosh.
David Geisler:I'm excited for you to play Twilight Princess. But Wind Waker is also, great. You're in the you're in the meat of the game right now. You're in the best parts of the game right now, and I'm excited to see what happens next. We'll we'll we'll have to do some kind of oh, that's what I was gonna say.
David Geisler:I know we're not a news show, but as of this recording, about a day or two ago, there was a leak from a game store about next year's Zelda
Kady Roberts:Wait. Really?
David Geisler:Release. And it was it was it said something like it was like, re you know, Zelda remake release or whatever. It it highly implying, highly implying Wind Waker or Twilight Princess or maybe both.
Kady Roberts:That would be so cool.
David Geisler:Yes. Nintendo it's been known for a while that Nintendo even actually they, kind of unofficially said in some interview somewhere, whoever they is, that the two Switch versions of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are essentially done.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. They're just waiting
David Geisler:for the right time to bring them out.
Kady Roberts:I figured because it just just talking with everyone, especially talking with everyone at the Zelda dungeon, stream about it, it seems like they've been holding off from putting it places in order for them to have this big release on the Switch.
David Geisler:Yeah. And then to have Echoes of Wisdom, a full real Zelda game, come out right after Tears of Kingdom or full real Zelda game. We talked about this in our episode. That was a little weird almost to have two back to back full Zelda games that you'd usually, you expect, like, an HD rerelease and maybe a little side game getting peppered in there. But also with the announcement of the Switch two, essentially coming out a year, year and a half from now, you know, they have, like, one more year to kinda, like, just plant a little Zelda thing.
David Geisler:And I think Twilight Princess or Wind Waker is just the right exactly the thing to do.
Kady Roberts:I would also argue though that they might wait for the Switch two to plant it.
David Geisler:And have it come out with that or something like that? Yeah. To push the Switch two? I would I would say yes, except that, I really feel at least based on the release trailer of the Switch two, it feels like Nintendo's gonna use Mario Kart nine as their big release.
Kady Roberts:Oh, that might that would make sense.
Kady Roberts:How do
Kady Roberts:you feel about the Switch two?
David Geisler:I mean, we're not a news show, but I guess we're talking about a little bit. This is more this is actually stuff we're supposed to put on our Patreon page, but I guess we could talk about this a little bit.
Kady Roberts:Oh, okay.
David Geisler:I'm fine with it. Honestly, it's exactly what I wanted.
Kady Roberts:I will be happy with it if the Joy Cons are good because I've had to send my Joy Cons back to fix. I've been waiting, or, like, putting off. I need to send full sets again. I hope the Joy Cons are good.
David Geisler:I've never had a Joy Con drift on me yet, but I don't use them very much.
Kady Roberts:Oh, okay.
David Geisler:I kinda get my Joy Cons. I throw them in a basket, and then I use them by pro controller or I use I love these, like, third party Mhmm. Controllers like this one here by Hori, which gives you a nice, you know, so I I very rarely play with the Switch with the Switch cons. The Joy Cons, I only play with the Joy Cons really when I'm traveling.
Kady Roberts:Okay.
David Geisler:So I guess I'm maybe only playing using them, like, 2% of the time. So maybe I'm not wearing them out. It you know? I haven't had any problems. I it does look like they kind of implied in the trailer that the analog sticks are gonna be a little different.
David Geisler:Yeah. You know? That they might use a different technology than what the the Switch Joy Cons use or the Switch analog sticks use. The Switch Joy Con analog sticks use. There it is.
David Geisler:I
Kady Roberts:will say, I do hope that it's cross compatible with the original
David Geisler:Switch stuff. It has a problem. Yeah. They already they announced it officially. Even the Nintendo online service is all it's just more Switch.
David Geisler:Okay. Awesome. It's gonna be a little stronger. It's gonna be a little bit like when they release new three d s. It was like, okay, guess what?
David Geisler:Some games only work on the three d s and, you know, going forward, it'll be really all the games will probably just work on Switch two. Yeah. And so eventually, you'll you'll need to level up and and buy the next one, but all the old games will work. There's a few that won't, stuff like, it's likely that the stuff that uses Labo, Nintendo Labo
Kady Roberts:won't work.
David Geisler:Things like that.
Kady Roberts:Like a lot of that. But no. That's cool.
David Geisler:The Joy Cons themselves will connect via magnets now instead of the rails.
Kady Roberts:I like that.
David Geisler:I think I like it too. I think I like it a lot. That was actually one of the things that also broke the most on Switches. There was a Yeah. I used to when I worked at my other Target, we would have people we would have parents come into Target with Switches where the kid accidentally threw the switch down the stairs, accidentally threw the system sick, or tripped or whatever, and half the Joy Con would be ripped off with the rest of it still connected to the console.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. I remember when I was younger and the Switch first came out, I had a really hard time getting, like, the Joy Cons off because I didn't quite understand at the like, when I first got it how they worked and how to, like, pull it off and everything.
David Geisler:Like, little button in the back and stuff.
Kady Roberts:And then
Kady Roberts:I would lend it to my cousin, and she would have a hard time with it. And I'd be like, don't break my Switch. So yeah.
David Geisler:Yes. Totally. There it looks like there's gonna be a magnet and then maybe another mechanical peg. So there still might be the button, but I digress. I think this is the perfect little send off gift if it's gonna be Twilight Princess slash Wind Waker on the Switch.
Kady Roberts:Very nice.
David Geisler:Super happy about it. So here's hoping. So here's hoping. So maybe, you you mentioned you have Twilight Princess on the Wii U. It's not like you bought it because that store is down now.
David Geisler:Did you find it somewhere, like, as a disc or something?
Kady Roberts:Yeah. So my Wii U, I actually I've been looking for one for a really long time at, like, a decent price, and I found it on Facebook Marketplace.
David Geisler:Yeah.
David Geisler:That's where I got my Wii U.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. That's where I perused. So I found, a Wii U with, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and then a couple other just general Wii and Wii U games.
David Geisler:Yeah.
Kady Roberts:And, like, a whole thing. Like, it had Guitar Hero with a guitar with it and, like, 10 different controllers and all this for, like, $1.50.
David Geisler:Sure.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. So I was like, sign me up.
David Geisler:Yeah. Absolutely. That's great. I think I got mine for, like, 200 and had nothing with it, but I was just so excited. This is around when Breath of the Wild was coming out.
David Geisler:Yeah. But anyways, that's great. I'm so happy you have that. Today, we are doing top 10 items. Yes.
David Geisler:Top 10 power ups. Pardon me. And, but first, let's do some listener feedback. Yes.
Kady Roberts:Did you wanna start? Do you want me to start?
David Geisler:We should do we we we we fell into that conversation about the switch too. I'm so happy to talk about it. Oh. But maybe we should record a proper twenty minute thing. I'd love to.
David Geisler:Maybe on the next trailer, the next, like, release announcement, we'll get together and do, even if we have to, like, FaceTime it in or Skype it in or something and put that on our Patreon.
Kady Roberts:No. That'd be awesome.
David Geisler:Would you like to go first?
Kady Roberts:Yeah. Sure. In in honor of what I was just talking about with Wind Waker, I'll start with this one. This is a Spotify comment. I don't know what episode it goes to, but it's from someone named Ellie.
Kady Roberts:It says, I love this podcast. I'm 14 years old and started Zelda two years ago and have played 16 games. Ella, you're doing way better than me. My favorite place to live would probably be Windfall Island in Wind Waker. I love how bustling it feels.
David Geisler:Yeah. That's awesome. I think we had an episode about places, favorite places to literally live. Yeah.
Kady Roberts:No. I love Windfall Island.
David Geisler:Yeah. Windfall's a blast. That was the first, that was the first time in a Zelda game where I went to a place and really truly felt like it was alive. Yeah. Like Windfall Island was the first time it was on the GameCube.
David Geisler:And so they had enough processing power to actually run a little bit of, you know, all the all the NPCs. So like in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, two games that came just before it. Yeah. They just they just
Kady Roberts:spin around.
David Geisler:They just stand. Yeah. If you're lucky, they're spinning. Right? Exactly.
David Geisler:And that's it. This one, you know, characters are running up and down the streets and stuff like that. You can stop them at different times.
Kady Roberts:I was gonna say it's cool that they have different quests that, like, take place with when they're moving at different times of the day.
David Geisler:Well, even that too. You're absolutely right. And all of that is like, you know, you consider what happens in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. And boy, it really started in Wind Waker, didn't it?
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:Alright. I'll go to the next one here. This is a, a comment on our top 10 dungeons in Twilight Princess episode, which is one that I did last semester.
Kady Roberts:Is that wrong?
David Geisler:I start my in in three days, I start my next semester of school. And I'm doing documentary podcasting.
David Geisler:And
David Geisler:the other class I'm taking, it's part of the major, I'm so happy it is, is, truth and lies in the digital age. And it's about fact checking your journalism. Aw. Very excited to have
David Geisler:that class.
David Geisler:Yeah. It'll be cool. Are you,
Kady Roberts:like, a journalism minor?
David Geisler:No. I'm not. But it's just part of the podcasting major.
Kady Roberts:Okay. I guess because I wasn't a podcasting major. That's cool. Right.
David Geisler:Yeah. Yeah. Because you
David Geisler:were what?
David Geisler:You were voice over
Kady Roberts:basically? Voice over. Yeah.
David Geisler:And so, like, half of the half of the podcasting classes end up merging with the voice over students for obvious reasons, but the other half kind of merge with the journalism department.
Kady Roberts:That's really cool.
David Geisler:And so I've had a few of those kinds of classes. Anyways, yeah. Yeah. It's great. I do I think returning students probably the closest thing I do to, like, a documentary show, but you never know what you're gonna get hired for.
David Geisler:So I think that'll be great. Anyways, Amy Amy Boner over on I think this is also Spotify. Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. Says, I have such oh, no.
David Geisler:This was a comment on Spotify. Yeah. Comment on the episode on Spotify. I have such fond memories of Twilight Princess because I played it with my dad as a child in primary school. One of my favorites, oh, this is a listener from across the pond because it's spelled with a u there, is when my dad was in the arbiter's grounds and needed to open a wall with the spinner but couldn't figure but couldn't figure out that was what he had to do.
David Geisler:He picked me up from school telling me how he had been trying all day and I was and was sure I couldn't figure it out, but he let me try. In the first few seconds, I went on the spinner, landed it into the hole, and spun the door open. My dad was shocked. Just the scrolling there was a little weird. I apologize.
David Geisler:It took me a little while to go back and forth out of sentences. But, yeah, Amy, that is that is such a fun moment. I've actually the spinner was one of my, top 10 favorite items in our favorite items episode from, like, season one or season two. Katie, you have not yet experienced the spinner. It's a weird one.
David Geisler:It's a cool one. What Twilight Princess does best is really it has weird items.
Kady Roberts:That'll be interesting.
David Geisler:Yeah.
Kady Roberts:I do I think it being on this podcast has helped me a lot with especially when you pointed out to me, because I guess I never had it, like, really really fully click that whenever you get given a new item in a Zelda game, normally, that's what you use to be the boss of the dungeon. Yeah. So that was helpful. Last night when I was playing Wind Waker, I got to the room and immediately was like, I gotta use this boomerang somehow.
David Geisler:Yeah. Yeah. Totally.
Kady Roberts:And then I was able to beat it in, like, five minutes.
David Geisler:The big plant hanging down. Yeah.
Kady Roberts:I like that one
David Geisler:as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Reminiscent of the boss in Jabu Jabu in Ocarina of Time.
David Geisler:Yeah. Mhmm.
Kady Roberts:Absolutely. You'll notice there's, like, repeating
David Geisler:boss styles too. Yeah. I love it. Awesome. Alright.
Kady Roberts:Why don't you do
David Geisler:the next one? It looks like it might be a is this the Rob?
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:Rob Daman, Minnesota listener?
Kady Roberts:Rob Daman, Minnesota listener. It just says I think this is on Apple Podcast.
David Geisler:Definitely.
Kady Roberts:It's five stars. It says, okay. Fine. I like Breath of the Wild.
David Geisler:That's the title of the review.
Kady Roberts:Yes. So it says, love the pod. I grew up with the console Zelda franchise and have loved every title except for two. When Breath of the Wild came out, I had mixed feelings. In fact, after finishing, I immediately started up another playthrough of Twilight, my favorite Zelda game.
Kady Roberts:I felt the same with tears, but after listening to the borderline annoying level of positivity on your podcast, I started another playthrough of Breath of the Wild and dot dot dot dot am really enjoying it.
David Geisler:Oh, I love this.
Kady Roberts:And taking it slow and just walking around, taking it all in. I had forgotten about the dragon warped around the mountains, which was a great moment.
David Geisler:Oh, yeah.
Kady Roberts:So thank you for forcing me to play this game the way it was intended. I'm gonna try tears again next. Okay. Fine. I like Breath of the Wild.
David Geisler:Oh, Rob. That's wonderful. I love it so
Kady Roberts:much. I'm glad. Yeah.
David Geisler:I have also had that experience with some Zelda games. I love Zelda as a franchise, and there's a few games that I sometimes don't click with me in the beginning, and sometimes I don't even like halfway through, and I have to go back and give them another go.
Kady Roberts:That's how my experience has been with almost every Zelda game, I will say. And that is not a thing against Zelda games. That is just a thing as me as a person.
David Geisler:It's not me, it's you. Or it's not you, it's me.
Kady Roberts:It's not you, it's me. Literally, me was all this.
David Geisler:But we're breaking up Zelda?
Kady Roberts:Yeah. Because, like, I get into a game, and I just wanted it to start already. And so I'm just clicking through and ignoring all the dialogue. Or I go through, and I'm just running around doing whatever and not paying attention. Or I'm like, this game is completely different than this other game that was, like, twenty years later, surprisingly.
Kady Roberts:Right. Right. And just not getting it. So I would say pretty much every game except for echoes of wisdom, because that was the most recent one, I've had to try and play two or three times, just like starting from the beginning. And then once I actually calm down and pay attention to it, I love it.
Kady Roberts:So yeah. I agree.
David Geisler:I think that's actually one of the best things about the Zelda series is that as much as things remain the same, every single game is a little different. Yeah. And and sometimes in in in in different ways. Sometimes there's an overworld. Sometimes there isn't.
David Geisler:Sometimes, you know, I think about Skyward Sword. You know, so like, controlling Link, having Link run forward in Ocarina, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword, it's about the same. Like, there's no real jump button. It's all kinda feels the same. But maybe what happens in the game is different or how the dialogue works or the different mechanics that are there.
David Geisler:I was really turned off by the sprint mechanic in in Skyward Sword initially. So much so that I was like, I don't even know why we're doing this. And so and and and I've all I've talked many times about actually my struggles going back to the Super Nintendo game, which I think is a phenomenal game, but I had a really hard time playing it, literally playing it in the beginning. And I had to, like, relax and and play it. You know, I've said this a hundred times, play it the way it wants to be played.
David Geisler:And I think in some ways that's the the strength of the series too, is you're not only experiencing different games through the decades. One other thing that you're gonna get with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD on the Wii U is that your control stick is set to modern standards.
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
Kady Roberts:Because back
David Geisler:in the GameCube days, your camera stick was inverted no matter what, and you can't change it.
Kady Roberts:I will say I do like, inverted flight controls, so that has been
David Geisler:Yeah. I
Kady Roberts:had to, like, go in for the Wii. I wanna, like, change that
Kady Roberts:for me.
David Geisler:Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. I I switched that too on Skyward Sword. It's just it's just the Star Fox in me.
David Geisler:Like, I have to still think Star Fox.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. I don't know.
David Geisler:Well, the idea is if you're pushing down, it's because you're pulling back on the joystick. It's like Exactly.
Kady Roberts:I like it because it's like an actual pilot thing. That's how my brain works.
David Geisler:Yeah. I agree. Okay. Here's our last, listener feedback by one nerdy boy, back in October over on Apple Podcasts, another five star review. Thank you so much for the five star reviews.
David Geisler:I used to say that, you know, that's the best way for us to get shared on Apple podcasts is the reviews. It's how they use it in their algorithm. But also these days, Spotify has per episode reviews and comments now. And they also use that a lot in their their algorithm. So any kind of feedback you ever want to give us, we are so grateful.
David Geisler:It's the best way to support the show because it helps us be shared with more people. Alright. Let's see here. One nerdy boy says, you make working difficult is the name of the is the name of the review or the title of the you make working difficult. Five stars.
David Geisler:All I want to do is play Legend of Zelda. You've ruined me. Oh my gosh. This is hysterical. I listen to you as I work.
David Geisler:And with every passing episode, I find myself itching for that sweet sweet. You've inspired me to start a canon chron a canon chronological playthrough of the series. If you want to have a crippling Zelda addiction, this podcast is for you. A conservative three green heart emojis. Very, very well used there.
David Geisler:I appreciate the three green heart emojis. Thank you so much, one nerdy boy. That's first of all, a lot a little bit to unpack there. Super cool. I hear you.
David Geisler:Sometimes I have a hard time working because I'm thinking about what we're gonna do on the show.
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:So thank you so much for listening to us and this idea of doing the chronological playthrough. No, wait, chronological. Wait, does it say?
Kady Roberts:It doesn't say which, timeline.
David Geisler:One nerdy boy, you gotta let us know. You can, you can blue sky us or message us or just leave another review or something. Are you doing chronological release
David Geisler:order or are you doing chronological
David Geisler:timeline order? That's what I'm wondering.
Kady Roberts:Like the child timeline?
David Geisler:Which one's first? It's always the question.
Kady Roberts:Very interesting, though. I I completely get that too. When, David texted me and we were coming up with ideas for this. Yeah.
David Geisler:He says or they say canon chronological. So I I wouldn't say what that is, perhaps, like,
Kady Roberts:story. Timeline.
David Geisler:Like lore. Yeah. Yeah. Not not release order.
Kady Roberts:But, yeah, you texted me for, like, what our ideas were gonna be for this
Kady Roberts:this when I was
Kady Roberts:at work. And I immediately, like, opened up a Google Doc. I was like, all right, I gotta this is a little bit of spoilers, but coming up, later in this season, just like an episode or two later, we're doing, kind of like the evolution and, like, a deep dive into the Kokiri.
David Geisler:Yes.
Kady Roberts:And I will be hosting that episode because I'm very excited about that episode.
David Geisler:Can't wait.
Kady Roberts:And I got, like, three pages of notes that I was writing down.
David Geisler:Wow. Yeah. Oh, that would be great. Yeah. That's I think if if we stay to the release order that we have planned right now, that'll be two episodes from now.
Kady Roberts:Heck yeah.
David Geisler:Cool. Heck
David Geisler:yeah. Heck yeah. I
Kady Roberts:love that.
David Geisler:I love it. That's great. Well, One Dirty Boy, thank you so much for the review. Super cool that you're going through those games. What a cool experience that must be.
David Geisler:That's one thing that, you know, when, that's one thing that I'll I mean, I'm fine. I'm fine. But that's one thing I'll never have is playing the games in chronological order organically because you do because I've been playing them just as they've been coming out. Yeah. But it's fine.
David Geisler:It's fine. It's fine.
Kady Roberts:I've just been hopping back and forth though. All of them.
David Geisler:I'm just You're hopping all over the place. I think that's great. I'm all over the place.
Kady Roberts:I just am like, which one am I most interested in playing next?
David Geisler:I feel like you're like Gandalf with all the candles where he's just going through all the different books, grabbing and researching and be like, what can I get next? Yeah. Literally. But, I thought that's cool. Alright.
David Geisler:Let us get into our top 10 powers. Now I think maybe I'll go first
Kady Roberts:Yes.
David Geisler:So that you can, hoo hoo, go last with your number one. Is kinda how the math works out here. Yes. And we already talked a little bit about what a top what a power up was to us. And I could probably go back and look at the text, but it's basically it's not just items.
David Geisler:It could be an item. It could be an event that happens in the storyline.
David Geisler:It could be a transformation or
David Geisler:something like that. Yeah. A
Kady Roberts:transformation or something like that. Yeah. I take it when I was making mine as something that gives you an ability that you didn't have before, and typically helps you some way in the game. Yeah. Yeah.
Kady Roberts:Cool. So I took it. I think I used that. I think I used, I Yeah.
David Geisler:Yeah. Cool. I took it. I think I used that. I think I used how much does this change change the game going forward.
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:And then also I had a little sprinkle of, like, emotionally, how does it feel when it happens.
Kady Roberts:Yes.
David Geisler:So I'll go with my first one here and this one's almost an honor. I do have some honorable mentions, but this one's almost an honorable mention, but I think it has to be. Over the years, I have almost thrown shade at this item. This is just an item. Uh-huh.
David Geisler:It's in Ocarina of Time. I've actively said on this show, and I'm so sad that I have, so I need to write I need to write this. I've actually said, I don't even use that item. I get it, and I throw it in my pause menu. I never use it ever again.
David Geisler:But one thing that I forgot to mention on our season premiere Ocarina of Time three d episode Uh-huh. Is that there was an item that I started using because I got a little bit of feedback from listeners. They were saying, like, no. You gotta use this item. You know, use it this way.
David Geisler:Use it that way. It's so great. And I did for my playthrough of Ocarina of Time three d, and it was amazing. It changed how I played the game. Yeah.
David Geisler:It's an item you get very early on.
Kady Roberts:Okay. Can you
David Geisler:guess what it is?
Kady Roberts:Man, is it the It's
David Geisler:almost not a power up because it's so early, but you go from nothing to this.
Kady Roberts:Is it the Daikou seeds?
David Geisler:Yes. Yeah. Daikou nut. But yeah. Daikou nut.
David Geisler:Yeah. Daikou nut. It's the Daikou nut. It's I I admit admittedly, in any other context, maybe it shouldn't be on this list, but I thought, you know what? I gotta give it some love.
Kady Roberts:I like it. I thought you were gonna say, the lens of truth or oracle of truth but you get, like, really late on.
David Geisler:Well, no spoilers. Well, I guess, kind of a spoiler, but I have that in my honorable mentions.
Kady Roberts:Okay. Because I was gonna put that in an honorable mention as well. Yeah. Cool.
David Geisler:I guess we'll jump in. Let's just do honorable mentions first. No. I'm just joking. Not at all.
David Geisler:Yeah. The Deku Nut is amazing when you first get it. I never I never respected it. I never used it correctly. But it's almost the boomer what the boomerang is to the very first Legend of Zelda game, the deku nut almost is in Ocarina of Time.
David Geisler:You just smack that thing down on the ground, you stun whatever you're fighting against. Like I never I think I always just was like going in for the sword or jumping and dodging. But now you go in, you you you you freeze him. It freezes almost every single bad guy. I even did a little bit of research on it.
David Geisler:The only character it doesn't freeze apparently is Ganon in the final fight, but throwing him down still causes damage.
Kady Roberts:So it works on the reded too?
David Geisler:So it's my understanding that it works on everything, but it also there's a few that it affects slightly differently. Oh, okay. But, basically stuns just about every single bad guy. That's really cool. And so I need to give the deku nut some love because it deserves it.
David Geisler:And we're probably five years in from my first Ocarina of Time review where I said, I didn't even use it. And it's amazing. And so, yes, it is when you when you when you actually realize what you've just gotten, it completely changes the game. And the reason I say it's a little bit like the boomerang in the very first Legend of Zelda is because a nice I don't think you've really played that game too much. Maybe you've poked around on it a little.
David Geisler:Yeah. There's a nice flow once you get the boomerang where the boomerang stuns bad guys and freezes them in place. So you kind of find yourself keeping the boomerang on b or a in the in the you know, obviously the sword is b or vice versa or whatever it is in that game. I can't fully remember. And you you get this flow.
David Geisler:You walk up to an enemy, you boomerang them, and you go in with the sword. And then you boomerang them and you go in with the sword. Stun them, sword. Right? Yeah.
David Geisler:And I realized that's the exact same gameplay flow once you have the Deku in Ocarina of Time.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. I figured that out. You can do that in Wind Waker as well. I never realized
David Geisler:Wait. The boomerang freezes people or characters?
Kady Roberts:Yeah. If it's not, like, small enemies like the keys or whatever, if you use it on bigger enemies, it, like, stuns them and you can go off with your sword. Wait.
David Geisler:It's starting to come back into my memory. Do they, like, bounce back and shake a little? Yeah. Yeah. I think I have done that a few times.
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
Kady Roberts:That's right. The
David Geisler:boomerang is always the item. Like, it doesn't work that way in Breath of the Wild and Tears, but it's, like, famously the one. And I think in the very first Zelda game, you can even technically not get it if you're not careful. I could be wrong about that. But anyway, I digress.
David Geisler:Nice. Daifu Nut was my number five. Ocarina of Time, Ocarina of Time three d.
Kady Roberts:Nice. So my number five I was trying to pick ones from all different games, but this one, I have a double up on here.
David Geisler:Okay.
Kady Roberts:So I loved Link's Awakening, when I played it. And I had to put the red mail on here for when you take quarter damage. Wow. Again, I don't know if this technically counts as power up. I think it does.
David Geisler:I think it does.
Kady Roberts:I think it does. I was going back and forth between the blue and red armor, but the red armor just does so much more for you. And you get it, like, right before that final boss, and it's so good.
David Geisler:I when I played the Link's Awakening remake, which is also referencing the the Link's Awakening DX game, I did keep that red tunic on all the time.
Kady Roberts:Oh yeah.
David Geisler:Once I got it. I think I got it. Well, you get it after the color dungeon, right? Yeah. Yeah.
David Geisler:You get red or blue. I went red and I wore it nonstop. I loved it. You're absolutely right. It's so nice.
David Geisler:In fact, in Echoes of Wisdom, if you scan a link amiibo in Echoes of Wisdom, you get a red tunic.
Kady Roberts:Really?
David Geisler:And I've been wearing it as Zelda. She's one running around in a red tunic. It's so much fun
David Geisler:to see
David Geisler:her do it. It's cool. Like if you scan I actually just the other day, it was with this switch right here. I was like, you know what? I'm not really a big amiibo person.
David Geisler:I've got a bunch of them for the show here. I put them up and stuff
David Geisler:like that. But,
David Geisler:I was like, I just wonder. And I I zapped a Zelda. It was actually this Zelda right here, this Wind Waker Zelda amiibo. And she gets, like, a new she gets addressed that looks like it's from the Super Nintendo game, in my opinion. Like, it could be wrong.
David Geisler:And then I was like, well, what the heck? Let's try a link. And I think I zapped this link right here. See this Inkbit link? And I got a red tunic, and I was like, that's the coolest.
David Geisler:And then I did a little reading. And I guess if you zap Ganondorf, you get a black catsuit. But you already have, like, I already have a catsuit. Yeah. But anyways, it's so much fun.
David Geisler:Not that I don't want Zelda to be in her, like, cool dress or cool disguise, but it is kind of fun to see her running around in a red tunic in a kiss of wisdom.
Kady Roberts:No. It's so cute.
David Geisler:I love it. Yeah. Red tunic. I think that totally fits. It kinda changes the game going forward.
David Geisler:It's a great power up. Interest I also would like to note, obviously not in the original Link's Awakening, you know? Really? Well, because the original was the black and white Link's Awakening and it wasn't until Link's Awakening DX when they added the color dungeon. And then they could actually color Link's tunic red, blue, or otherwise.
David Geisler:And that's, that's where it came from.
Kady Roberts:Okay. Cool to know.
David Geisler:Super cool. Have you ever gone with the blue? I don't think I ever have.
Kady Roberts:I don't think I have. I just I like the red.
David Geisler:Yeah. I know. I go that way too. Cool. Cool.
David Geisler:Cool. Well, I kinda took over that one. I'm sorry. I just really No.
Kady Roberts:No. No. No. No. No.
Kady Roberts:No. No. No. It was great.
David Geisler:You're like red tunic. And I was like, by the way
Kady Roberts:No. I appreciate it. I appreciate it because I didn't have much else to say there. I was just like, you take less damage. It's great.
David Geisler:I see. Well, I've I my next one, I don't have as much to say because there's not as much to say, but I really wanted to include it. In, this is, I also, whenever we do these top tens, I do actively try to find like, well, what's, you know, if we're doing favorite monsters, it's like, well, what's, what is it in this game? What's it, what is it in adventure of link? What is it in Phantom Hourglass?
David Geisler:What is it? You know what I mean? And, so I purposely try to find different games and I also try to kind of do the whole breadth of the timeline to get some representation in there.
David Geisler:And so I was thinking about
David Geisler:adventures of adventure of Adventures of Adventure of Link, which is Zelda two for the Nintendo.
David Geisler:It came
David Geisler:out in 1987 in America, I think. And you don't you get items in that game, but they work a little different than they do in the original Zelda game. They're, they're not so much items that you whip out and you can use as a secondary. It's like, you'll get the candle and the next time you're in a cave, the cave is just lit.
Kady Roberts:Oh,
David Geisler:okay. Or you get, you know, you get a hammer and you walk up to a stone and it just kind of breaks. It's not, you're not really assigning it to buttons in that game. But what you do do is there's a magic system in that game, and you slowly build up experience points, like a role playing game. You slowly build up experience points, and as you do, you can assign those experience points to different levels of magic.
David Geisler:And as you go higher and higher in the different levels of magic, you're essentially awarded new abilities. So the very first one is if I remember correctly, I think the very first one is, like, shield. Mhmm. So after a hundred magic points, if you want, you know, and then you you you the way you actually execute it because a is jumping that game and b is sword. So there's no extra buttons for, like, an an item.
David Geisler:I think that's why they were explaining experimenting with this because, obviously, in the very first Legend of Zelda, there's no jump button. So I think I think a is the item and b is the sword or vice versa. So they needed a jump. They needed a sword. Where do you put a third button?
David Geisler:It's select. Oh, interesting. So as you're playing, you push select to activate your magic. But instead of having to be like let's say it's a Deku knot, you know, you'd be like, throw it down. Throw it down.
David Geisler:You know, c left. C left. C left. Or or whatever it is. You know, on the DS, it's like push the screen or whatever.
David Geisler:Right? The way it works in the adventure of Link is you push select to activate the magic, and then it's like it's with you for an amount of time.
Kady Roberts:Oh.
David Geisler:So it's not like you're sitting there jamming on the select. Yeah. But you basically take your move your left hand, which is on the movement, and you just move over to select real quick. You hit it. And then for ten seconds, fifteen seconds, twenty seconds, whatever magic item you've selected ahead of time in your pause menu activates.
David Geisler:So if it's shield, you push select, and for the next ten seconds, link blinks, and he's he's got his shield magic working. And it uses a little bit of magic meter up top, and there it is. So that's how you use items in that game. It's very different. However, the one that I think is kind of the coolest, the coolest power up is the one that I I almost had jump in there because I just wanted to recognize it's the first time that Link ever jumped in a game or jumped really high.
David Geisler:Because he does have a normal jump button, but if you use I think it's like the second level of magic. If you get jump and you push that select button, he he glows red or something, and he jumps twice as high. So you can get you get into higher spots in dungeons. Nice. And so on and so forth.
David Geisler:There's other things. I won't talk about every single one, but almost to the end, like the second or third from the final thing you get is one called fire or or flame. I think it's yeah. Fire. Fire.
David Geisler:The fire spell is what I wrote down in my notes here. And so fire is kind of cool. It takes a long time to get. It takes a little bit of a fetch quest. You have to bring water to this woman in this town.
David Geisler:Even though, you know, you still need your magic and all that kind of stuff, you need enough magic to use it. But, once you combine enough elements, you go down and this, this old man in the basement of one of the one of the towns oh, it's the town way. I put it in my notes. It's the town Nabooru.
Kady Roberts:Ah. But
David Geisler:you gotta remember that all these names actually started in the adventure of Link. Yeah. All the Ocarina of Time characters are named after towns in Hyrule in adventure of Link. So in the town of Nibiru, you go and you get some water and a few other things, talk to this lady, you get fire. And it's not nuts, but I think it's probably the most dramatic magic that you get in the game.
David Geisler:Because, of course, in that game when you have full health and you use your sword, it still shoots a little beam out. But if you use fire, you shoot fireballs out. And you don't even have to have full health or anything. It's just while you're using the the magic. So while the magic is activated, you have fireballs.
David Geisler:And they shoot they're not Mario style where they bounce. They just shoot straight out. But you can use them. There's a couple range baddies that it's really, really helpful on. Otherwise, it's really tough to get some of these bad guys.
David Geisler:You can stand back and just shoot these fireballs. And so even though maybe not as dramatic as, like, Link turning into a wolf or something like that in try the Twilight Princess, which is a very dramatic moment, I wanted to include it. So fire spell as as a, top 10 power up should be noted. Probably the coolest power up in that game. There's one other magic where it helps you see one of the bad guys' weak points.
David Geisler:There's, like, this bird that's kind of invisible. One might argue that that's more epic, but I'm going with fireball
Kady Roberts:or Fireball. I like that. Oh, that's cool. I haven't played that one yet, so that's awesome. Yeah.
David Geisler:We'll get in there. We'll we're gonna do a we're gonna do maybe it's maybe it's the end of the season, maybe it's next season, like a proper maybe it's both Nintendo. No. We can't. We can't.
David Geisler:We gotta do separate, but we'll get there.
Kady Roberts:So my number four, I have us you you had us on the second game of the series. I have us stripping all the way to breath now. Oh. Love it. So obviously, you start with, like, the first, what, four or five, I guess, abilities that you have.
Kady Roberts:You have the bomb, you have stasis, you have all that.
David Geisler:Yeah.
Kady Roberts:But you can level up certain ones of those. And I by far, the best one is stasis plus. Because with stasis plus, not only are you able to freeze moving objects, you're able to freeze living creatures, including enemies.
David Geisler:Yeah.
Kady Roberts:And that makes the game so much more fun. You can come up with such cool ways to deal with enemies. I think it's a blast. I think it's so cool.
David Geisler:Stasis Plus. I remember getting Stasis Plus, and is it just that you have it longer or it's stronger? Or what what was it again?
Kady Roberts:It makes it so you can freeze enemies, because both You're not freezing. Not at the beginning. At least from what I was looking. I think
David Geisler:it was. It's been
Kady Roberts:a while. You're able to use it on rocks or whatever, but you can't use it on living creatures yet.
David Geisler:Yes. You're right. Yeah. I guess I never fully noticed that. It's really cool.
David Geisler:Yeah. Yeah. You start I stasis all the time. I think I use stasis mostly in age of calamity.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. I
David Geisler:agree. Because they worked it in. But no. Stasis is great. Stasis plus on bad guys.
David Geisler:Do you ever do you have did you ever have, like, a good freeze the bad guy moment in the game or anything?
Kady Roberts:I just like freezing the goblins when they, like, get up on their legs and, like, they lean back a little bit. And they're just, like, on one leg, and then when you hit them and then, like, do the ragdoll physics when they fly. I think it's really funny.
David Geisler:Yeah. That's good. That's good. That's cool. Man, I never I I guess I never really fully noticed that.
David Geisler:I remember the pluses happening in Breath of the Wild, and that was to to my weakness. I was kind of, like, pushing buttons. Let's keep going.
Kady Roberts:Uh-huh.
David Geisler:And I didn't fully read those. I guess I just missed that that's actually what it what it brought. Yeah. Super cool.
Kady Roberts:No. It's I think it's the best, upgrade for sure. Because, like, the bombs, it's just, like, oh, they deal more damage and, like, the radius is bigger for the explosion. But Stasis is the only one that, like, fundamentally changes the ability.
David Geisler:I agree. Yeah. Yeah. You can do completely different things by sending the bad guys around and freezing them up stuff like that. That's cool.
David Geisler:That's great. Well, I think we should go to break. Okay. And we'll come back and do our final three each, and then we'll have our list put together here. Maybe we'll take some notes here.
David Geisler:I'll see. We'll have our final our final list of 10 and then maybe some honorable mentions. Do you know what I didn't do today? Which I usually do for these top 10 episodes is I didn't shoot out social media posts to get some of our listeners thoughts on these items. But if as you're listening, you're more than welcome to find us on x or blue sky or Instagram or a bunch of different places, where, we're just we're just another Zelda podcast on all those things.
David Geisler:And you're more than welcome to include, or even if you listen to us on Spotify, you can add these add your thoughts in right in the comments on the episodes. I feel a little bad that I didn't do it preemptively because sometimes it's fun
Kady Roberts:to mention a few of them
David Geisler:in the episode. But there it is.
Kady Roberts:That's alright.
David Geisler:Alright. We'll go to break. We'll be right back for our final three. And we are back. That was the most exciting way to get back into the episode ever, wasn't it, Katie?
Kady Roberts:Yeah. Mhmm. I don't know what that was.
David Geisler:I wasn't sure where it was gonna go. I was making choices with each word. I don't know if I made the right choices, but here we are.
Kady Roberts:Hey. You got to, be confident in the decisions that you make in your life.
David Geisler:That's right. That's right. Absolutely. Absolutely. There
Kady Roberts:you go.
David Geisler:That's that was that was Eeyore vibes right there. I don't know. We gotta be careful. Alright. Let's do this.
David Geisler:Our final three.
Kady Roberts:Yes.
David Geisler:Oh, what do we have so far? So it's it's deku nut.
Kady Roberts:You have the deku nut. I had the red mail.
David Geisler:Red mail.
Kady Roberts:And then you had the fireball.
David Geisler:Yep. I'll I'll say fire spell.
Kady Roberts:And then I had stasis plus
David Geisler:stasis plus. Yeah. We are working up stasis plus. Yep. Cool.
David Geisler:Awesome. All right. So I guess, pardon me? I guess I'll go next for my number three.
Kady Roberts:Mhmm.
David Geisler:I almost feel like this one's a little obvious, but it I almost feel like it has to be in there and maybe you have it too. I don't know. Okay. It's a game you've played.
Kady Roberts:Okay.
David Geisler:But
David Geisler:maybe you haven't finished it yet. What? I think any if you asked any person what's one of the most dramatic power ups that Link ever gets in any Zelda game, there's a few out there, but I think every single person considers the Fierce Deity mask to be one of them.
Kady Roberts:Oh, yes. I haven't I've
David Geisler:only I've only personally experienced it once in my life. But, so I'm I you know, but but, it is actually, it's hysterical because obviously we experience it more as a costume in Breath of the Wild So the thing doesn't do as actual as the actual moment in in Majora's Mask. But, it it's it's it takes a lot to get the mask. It's a huge quest. And when you put it on, it gives you literal godlike powers when you're fighting Majora's Mask, and you can take Majora's down with one or two hits.
David Geisler:One or two well deserved hits, Link grows to be, you know, ten feet tall. Ugh. And, it's legitimately kinda scary. Puts it on and every single mask transformation in Majora's Mask has a little bit of terror in it anyway.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. You
David Geisler:know? The the
Kady Roberts:I feel like that whole game, from what I've played so far, I'm still playing it, but, it has a little bit of that horror element to it. And I love it.
David Geisler:I I love it too. I really do. I think it was, like, the best, best way to go, when it comes to, you know, there was never a third. But if Ocarina of Time is episode four A New Hope wait. You don't watch Star Wars.
Kady Roberts:I need to. I know I know I need to get my roommate spit on me about it.
David Geisler:No. Totally no problem. But, like, it's like, Majora's Mask is almost the Empire Strikes Back. It's like we're gonna go darker, we're gonna deal with some more interesting themes, blah blah blah blah. There never was the, Terminator.
Kady Roberts:Spider Man, set of movies.
David Geisler:Yeah. There you go. That'll take that down.
Kady Roberts:That works too.
David Geisler:That works too. That works too. And, yeah, do you know what I was thinking? Like, and the Tobey Maguire Spider Man. I was like, and the Tom nope.
David Geisler:Tom Holland one doesn't get sad. The second one is just them in in, France, I think. Right? Just jumping around with the elementals. I
Kady Roberts:the third one, it gets kind of more serious and sad, but also not fully because then you get the other guys that come in, and it's great. It's a fun time. Seeing that in theaters opening night, whoo. That was an experience. That was great.
David Geisler:I also saw Spider Man three in the theaters. I don't often go to the theaters. It wasn't opening night, but I still saw it with enough of an audience that they were hoops and hollers and it was cool.
Kady Roberts:We were losing it. I will say though, I was one of the only people in the theaters that freaked out when Daredevil showed up because I liked the Daredevil series a lot. And I kept telling my brother, hey. Spider man's in trouble. He's needs a lawyer.
Kady Roberts:He's gonna show up. He's like, shut up. Like
David Geisler:You you really didn't know?
Kady Roberts:No. No one knew Going in? Yeah. No one knew going in really at the time because all that we saw was a hand. He's like I was like, that's that's him.
Kady Roberts:He's like, no. You can't, like, you can't just say that. As he showed up, like, first five minutes of the movie. Yep. So excited.
David Geisler:Yeah. That was cool. That was cool. So, anyways, fierce deity. There's not too much more to say because the battle actually happens pretty quickly, but it's just one of those big moments.
David Geisler:It's it's, there's no version of it, like, really happening. I guess if you got it earlier in the game in any way, shape, or form, it would ruin the game anyway. It's it's almost the super saiyan thing a little bit.
David Geisler:You know what
David Geisler:I mean? Like, he goes big. But anyway, Fierce Deity Majora's Mask. Nice. That's my number three.
Kady Roberts:So my number three, is hopping to tears. And it's a armor set that I was craving in Breath of the Wild. And then when they added it, it made me very pleased. And that's the Froggy armor.
David Geisler:Oh my gosh. Awesome. Yes. Yes. The game reigns
Kady Roberts:way too much. And so being able to still climb and not have to to halt your entire life is so nice. It's so great. As soon as I saw, like, they had, like, the carrier quest in order to get that, I was like, I'm doing this immediately to get this armor.
David Geisler:Yeah. A %. That's a great pick. That's a great pick. I I think I I don't think I have the full set yet.
David Geisler:I think I just got, like, the shirt or something.
Kady Roberts:The full set is amazing. Because I obviously, like, you are able to climb fully without, slipping. I could be wrong, but I think it makes you a little bit faster when climbing too, so it still works as, like, the climbing gear. I could be wrong, though. But, yeah, it's great.
David Geisler:Yeah. Wow. Cool. What was that technically, what's it called? The slippy suit?
Kady Roberts:I think it's just the froggy armor.
David Geisler:Froggy armor.
Kady Roberts:The slippy suit. I like that. Oh, it packs.
David Geisler:Alright. There we go. Cool. Love it. Okay.
David Geisler:Well, then I guess we're kinda moving right along here, but I'm fine with it. Oh, yeah. So the next one that I have is Breath of the Wild. I know I haven't had a Breath of the Wild one yet. And I almost didn't put it on here because it's technically part of the DLC.
David Geisler:So maybe one might argue that it's not part of the main game experience. It's still good, though. But I wanted to mention that.
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:Because for me, it was a real highlight. Have you played any of the DLC for Breath of the Wild? I
Kady Roberts:have not. I know a decent amount of, like, stuff. I've seen something like the memories and clips and stuff from it.
David Geisler:Oh, like the cut scenes and things? Yeah. Well, there's there's a quite there's a few things that get added in, especially in the second DLC package that came out for, for Breath of the Wild. And there is the there's a part of the game just you you know, they they build a couple new shrines and all that. Yeah.
David Geisler:So there's more shrines to do. But one way in the second wave of the DLC, before unlocking a lot of the shrines or before unlocking the ability to go find them all, there's a quick little mode, I guess you could say, where you go go back to your original cave house
Kady Roberts:Uh-huh.
David Geisler:Where where Link wakes up, where he opens his eyes and, you there's a weapon waiting for you there called the Obliterator.
Kady Roberts:Oh, that sounds cool.
David Geisler:You heard No. It is part of the champion's quest, and the Obliterator actually looks like a four pronged trident. So what is it? A quadrant? Is that what that would be called?
David Geisler:I guess. I'm not sure. Anyways, four prongs. And it's a it's a weapon that you hold in your hand, and it's like a big old fork. And each of the tips kind of evoke each of the four champions just subtly.
Kady Roberts:Oh.
David Geisler:The thing that happens is that when you use this item, it's a one hit, I guess, kill for any any enemy you strike with it. However, you also go down to half a heart anytime you hold it.
Kady Roberts:That's so interesting.
David Geisler:And so there's a couple things you have to do with it. There's a few there's a bit of, like, go here and get this, go here and get that on only having that weapon. And the reason I wanted to mention it is because even though it's just a simple ad, it's just another weapon in the DLC, but the way that they handled it is, I think, kind of brilliant. The thing with Breath of the Wild and Tears that is equally fun and after a while less fun is that, you know, the fun thing about let's just say Breath of the Wild specifically is the fact that in the beginning, it's just so hard. How will I ever?
David Geisler:I can barely climb a tree. How will I ever? You know what I mean? And then eventually, after you have three rings of stamina, Link's basically running straight up hills. You know what I mean?
David Geisler:Or mountains. And that's cool. It's fun to have that growth and feel like you're getting more and more powered up. But sometimes I think, I'm critiquing it a little bit here, but occasionally there's a little bit of a, there's a bar graph there, a line graph where the difficulty and mystery and inability to do things where you have to be creative to get stuff done
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:Starts to diminish as Link gets stronger as you play the game. Totally okay, it's just that the gameplay changes a little bit. Yeah. You know? Because in the beginning you're like, oh my gosh, one No.
David Geisler:No.
Kady Roberts:You go to a stick and it has question marks on it. Yeah.
David Geisler:I have
David Geisler:an apple and a stick. Like, what am I gonna do? I'm gonna sneak around. How am I ever gonna get away from this goblin? You know, the first time you get, you know, get to a Lizalfos or whatever, they're like they they just ruin you.
David Geisler:You know what I mean? And then eventually, you know, you're you're so powered up that, you know, you're okay. Which is still cool and that's fun and that's all part of it. Sometimes in stuff like Breath of the Wild, when they reduce you down to nothing again, a little bit like Eventide Island in Breath of the Wild, sometimes I kinda like that stuff. Sometimes it's fun halfway through to be like, oh, that's right.
David Geisler:I remember how crafty I had to get Yeah. In the early days just to just to get through the levels. You know what I mean?
Kady Roberts:Yeah. This is completely, like, a different game. But my what it makes me think of is my response, to Assassin's Creed Valhalla that I played.
David Geisler:Okay.
Kady Roberts:Because that game has an eternal leveling system, and I do all the side quests, and I have all the DLC for it as well. And I wanna do all that before I do the mainline quest. So then I do all that, and I get to the main quest, and I'm level 400.
David Geisler:Okay. Yeah.
Kady Roberts:And the whole point of Assassin's Creed games is you're supposed to be stealthy and find ways to go about things. I can just walk in and one hit anything, and I won't lose any health and just go about my day. And that's why I haven't, like, really returned to the game since then, because it gets it gets boring after a while.
David Geisler:There's a whole science to balancing. Having people feel good when their
David Geisler:character when they're rewarded and their character levels up and they feel a
David Geisler:little bit stronger, they feel like the stuff they've done rewarded and their character levels up and they feel a little bit stronger. They feel like the stuff they've done is being rewarded or that their character is growing in some way. But there's a whole math and science and artistry really to making sure that the the game scales with it at the same pace. And that's not just bad guys getting harder, but I think in Breath of Wild and Tears, the game changes a little bit once you can run up mountains. Yeah.
David Geisler:So to that point, this obliterator item, it's kinda cool because when you first get it, you know, the whatever whatever the text dialogue says is something, you know, tells you it's a one hit one hit for any bad guy. And you're like, oh, this is amazing. I guess I'm just gonna go wreak havoc. Right? Yeah.
David Geisler:And you grab it and you might you probably noticed that your hearts go all the way down to one, but you but you've been playing for, you know, twenty, thirty hours plus, super powerful that you, you know, let's face it at a certain point when you come to a bokoblin camp, you just kinda run-in there and you start hacking and slashing in the later parts of the game when you're so powerful. So I remember having this obliterator and being like, all right, let's go. I went in, went for a hack and slash, got two bokoblins or whatever cause they're down in the it's it's in what else, what's interesting is you're coming back out of that original cave
David Geisler:that you
David Geisler:do in the beginning of the game. So there's some pokoblins down in the woods there with that huge log that's kind of on its side with a crack down the top. There's and you kinda run over there because I think you have to collect some things. But anyway, it's been a couple years actually. I ran in there and I got one or two bokoblins and then one, like, threw a rock at me and I was out.
David Geisler:Hit me on the head with a rock, you know, from, like, afar, and I was like, punk. And I was like, what? And he's like, oh, you know what? And so what happens is the irony is you get the you get one of the strongest weapons in the game, but you actually have to go back to playing stealth. Yeah.
David Geisler:Instead of, you know, instead of being this all powerful source, all of a sudden I totally reinterpreted how I was thinking about the game and I was sneaking. It was everything. It was like, oh, sneaking up behind them and getting, getting the bokoblins to get, do what you gotta do. Cause the second one sees you, you basically have to run away. You can't, you know what I mean?
David Geisler:And so that was a blast. And so I really wanted to mention that power up because I think it was a fun one. It was a really cool thing to get in the end levels of the game. It was a really I think it was a really smart way to twist the game a little bit without making it too twisty. Yeah.
David Geisler:One of the one of the critiques of something like Eventide Island, or when you're doing, like, the math the trials of the sword, master sword stuff is, oh, I spent all this time getting all this cool gear and you took it all away from me. You know, sometimes that happens. That anxiety can kick in. Well, this is something where, no, nothing's taken away, but these are the rules of the weapon.
Kady Roberts:You have the choice to use it.
David Geisler:Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And so it it was really fun. It really turned the game more so than ever into a little stealth game for me again.
David Geisler:And I just, I just really enjoyed it. Even though at first sometimes, you know, it was also sometimes frustrating, but that's all part of
David Geisler:it. Yeah.
David Geisler:So I wanted to mention the obliterator. The one hit obliterator, I think is what it's actually technically called. It's a weird looking weapon. But it was, it was a fun way to, to kind of begin the more the slightly more, rote or mundane kind of, like, let's go unlock 12 more shrines thing. Yeah.
David Geisler:But before that, it was really quite interesting. It was cool.
Kady Roberts:Oh, that's so cool.
David Geisler:Well, I want we gotta figure out a way to get you the DLC.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. I need to play it.
David Geisler:On the you you have it on the Switch. Right?
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:Alright. Alright. We'll figure something
Kady Roberts:out. So my number two, takes us back to well, I'm specifically talking about it in the leaks awakening VX, but, it's a classic item that a lot of the older games have.
David Geisler:What?
Kady Roberts:Uh-huh. I was gonna go Rock's Feather, but then I was like, no. I know what I'm truly talking about.
David Geisler:I almost went Rock's Feather too.
Kady Roberts:I know
Kady Roberts:what I'm truly talking about, and that's the pegasus boots. Dude. The pegasus boots are my number two because Wow. Look, rock's feather lets you jump, but it's not good on its own. If you get the Pegasus boots, and then you can do the super long jump, you can also use it.
Kady Roberts:And the battles are really fun where you can do the little run-in and splice through people. And also it's just great for extra movement when you're going across screens to get places faster. It's great. I love the pegasus boots. Yes.
Kady Roberts:They're perfect. No notes. No notes.
David Geisler:And they're even better on the, the switch version because I think they're mapped to a different button. I don't think you have to put them on one of your items. Isn't that right? Aren't they a shoulder button on the Link's Awakening version?
Kady Roberts:They might be. I cannot remember though. The only downside on the Game
David Geisler:Boy version is that they were an item. So it's like, you'd have to take your shield away and put them on. And so sometimes you'd use them less. So I think they really are like the item to have. Yeah.
David Geisler:Especially in the 2019 version.
Kady Roberts:No. It's so great.
David Geisler:Yeah. You have not played A Link to the Past yet.
Kady Roberts:I have not.
David Geisler:That is actually the origin of the pegasus boots. Really? Mhmm. I didn't know it either. I actually played Link's Awakening before Link to the pikeus
Kady Roberts:boots. Really?
David Geisler:Mhmm. I
David Geisler:didn't know it either. I actually played Link's Awakening before Link to the Past myself. And I remember in Link to the Past being like, oh, it's like the Game Boy thing.
Kady Roberts:That was me playing. But I played Tears of the Kingdom for the first time, and then I went back and I played, like, the old Zelda games, so I'm like, oh, it's the monster from Tears of the Kingdom.
David Geisler:Yeah. Right. Exactly. I love it. It's so funny.
David Geisler:It
Kady Roberts:was so good.
David Geisler:Oh my gosh. Pegasus boots. We are on okay. We are at our finals.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. Did you wanna do, the finals, or did you wanna do honorable mentions first?
David Geisler:Oh, I
David Geisler:love that format. Let's do honorable mentions first.
Kady Roberts:Okay.
David Geisler:Yeah. Yeah. What's, I think I only had two. And one was Wolf Link. I'll I was gonna hand it off
David Geisler:to you,
David Geisler:but I'll just say Wolf Link real quick. You have not experienced Wolf Link or the transformation yet. I'm very excited for you to play Tears of the King, Twilight Princess. Very excited indeed. I'm almost I'm almost I know you have it on your Wii U, but there's a little part of me that almost wants to wait to see if it'll be on the Switch.
David Geisler:But I digress. Maybe you can start playing on your Wii U. I'm not gonna control what you can and can't play. But I'm very excited for you to play that one. It's not the perfect game.
David Geisler:It is it is my favorite, but it's not the perfect game. I actually think Breath is actually a a maybe better game as far as, like, well roundedness and all that kind of stuff. Uh-huh. But Twilight Princess is a blast. It is my favorite Zelda game.
David Geisler:And there is a the reason I have it as an honorable mention is the dynamic of changing into a wolf in that game, does change the gameplay a little bit. Playing as a wolf is different than playing as a human. Uh-huh. You see differently. You smell differently.
David Geisler:You can talk to things differently. You can't talk to humans. You can talk to humans. You can talk to animals. Blah blah blah blah.
David Geisler:Going in and out of the twilight changes. And the transformation this is like that honorable mention. The transformation is a cool cut scene. It's there's a nice emotional moment. It's quick.
David Geisler:It's only a couple seconds. But Link actually doing his werewolf thing and turning into a wolf. It's a cool little moment. Yeah. After the fact, sometimes you feel a little more cape the reason I didn't have it on my list Uh-huh.
David Geisler:Is because even though I just said all these things about the wolf, the truth is when it comes down to truly navigating the world, you don't feel stronger as the wolf. You technically feel stronger as Link. And if it's a power up, you're like, oh, I'm unstoppable. Quite frankly, as a wolf, there's a lot of times where you feel like you can't do things. You can't open doors because wolves can't open doors.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. You know
David Geisler:what I mean? So it it changes things, which is really cool. That's why I did not put it on my list.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. No. I get that. Honorable mention for me, is in Echoes of Wisdom,
Kady Roberts:so
Kady Roberts:the most recent one. When you get the ability to grab things from afar, I consider that as a power up. Oh. But also it is something that is, like, inherit you have to have it for the game. You know so I wasn't sure whether to put it on the actual list, but that is something that just inherently changes the gameplay.
Kady Roberts:It makes you feel like you can do a lot more within the game, and it's super fun getting to mess around with it to bring things further and farther away, use it to, like, drop things on people or to just mess with enemies. I think it's great.
David Geisler:I don't know if I've gotten that yet. Is it essentially a power up that happens to try? Can try just reach farther?
Kady Roberts:Yep. Try you can shoot try out by holding your, button down
David Geisler:and
Kady Roberts:grab things from afar and just, like, go farther.
David Geisler:That's cool. That's cool. I finished I just finished the Deku dungeon last night.
Kady Roberts:That's fun. Right?
David Geisler:It was fun. It was fun. Yeah. I haven't even I literally finished it and then paused and saved, so I haven't even talked to the locals yet
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:Story line wise. But it was a blast. But Try just got their fifth triangle.
Kady Roberts:Oh, yeah.
David Geisler:And I I feel so powerful with that fifth triangle. I'm like, I I can, you know, throw so many things out there. But anyway, I can't wait. I wonder when that one happens. I don't think think I've gotten it already.
Kady Roberts:Really? Okay.
David Geisler:But it's part of the progression bar of try leveling up, I think. Right? Yeah. It is. Or maybe I have.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. I don't know.
Kady Roberts:I don't remember.
David Geisler:Cool. Love it. Love it. Honorable mentioned that's great. Another one that I had is Ocarina of Time is the megaton hammer.
David Geisler:There is a hammer also in Wind Waker. The megaton hammer is not an item I used a lot in combat, but if you're good with it, it is allegedly as strong as the master sword in that game. Like the actual attack damage.
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:If you actually use it, the thing is it has to stay balanced. It has a huge wind up. Yeah. And and and it takes a while for Link to pull it back up because it's so heavy. And then there's also there's a hammer in Twilight Princess that works similarly, and there's a hammer in Wind Waker.
David Geisler:The hammer in Wind Waker, I'm sure you've seen it already, is so cartoony. It's humongous and it waves around and stuff like that.
Kady Roberts:I haven't gotten there yet. What? I haven't gotten there yet.
David Geisler:Maybe not. I think you get I think you use it what's that initial what's that original isle that the sisters trapped in, in Wind Waker? You know, the, like the first one where you go Forbidden Island or something like that, or Forbidden Fortress or something like that, right? Yeah.
David Geisler:Is that
David Geisler:what it's called? Well, you go back there a couple
Kady Roberts:of times and I definitely
David Geisler:use the hammer in one of those.
Kady Roberts:Okay. Yeah. I've only been there once so far.
David Geisler:That's right. That's right. You might go back there two or three more times or one or two more times for a total of three. Cool. Well, the hammer will come in and it's kinda funny.
David Geisler:It was a stark contrast from the Ocarina of Time hammer. Ocarina of Time hammer is very realistic looking, very like, clunk.
David Geisler:You know,
David Geisler:there's the hammer. Oh, one other thing that I wanted to point out is that the the Ocarina of Time's hammer, the shock wave itself that goes out can still deal damage.
David Geisler:So if
David Geisler:you do it in the middle of a group of, like, little guys, they all get hit. Nice. As a kid, I didn't use it that much because the attack was so slow. I didn't have the strategy.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. But,
David Geisler:I used it a little bit more in our playthrough
Kady Roberts:just for the fun of it, you know,
Kady Roberts:a few months ago. Yeah.
David Geisler:One more honorable mention for you. Yeah.
Kady Roberts:One more for me. I I'll just say one more. So, with Breath of the Wild, I had to mention one of the power ups, I would say, or, like, the the spirits that you get. You get the little abilities.
David Geisler:Yes.
Kady Roberts:I know everyone likes Revali's gale the most. However, for me, who was not very good at games and I was new to the Zelda stuff, Mipha's grace was my favorite. Mipha's Grace. I loved Mipha's Grace. I also just liked it a lot because I loved Mipha as a character and I liked her song and everything.
Kady Roberts:So Mipha's Grace is a honorable mention for me because when you get knocked down, she just comes and brings you back up and it's great.
David Geisler:She brings you up and does she refill your lives all the way?
Kady Roberts:Yes, She does.
David Geisler:So it's really it doubles your life.
Kady Roberts:Oh, yeah.
David Geisler:That's exactly what it does. Yeah. Yeah. I I actually got Mifah's grace first because I went to the Zoras First the first time I played breath, and I was I was fine with it. I was so happy to have it.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. And I think that's probably why I don't have as much love for Rivali's Gail, I believe is what it's called, because I think that's where I went last.
David Geisler:Oh, so oh.
Kady Roberts:So I didn't use it as much.
David Geisler:Wow. I went there second, and you do it does help with traversal quite a bit. Yeah. Wait. Oh, yeah.
David Geisler:We're doing our number ones. I was about to say, like, I didn't do my number one yet. Is that it for honor engines? You got one or two more on there just
David Geisler:real quick?
Kady Roberts:My other one was just, again, I don't know if it counts, but the Deku leaf from Wind Waker
David Geisler:Oh, interesting.
Kady Roberts:Being able to use that to fly around has been really fun.
David Geisler:Fascinating. Interesting. Well, let's get to our final number ones.
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:I'll do mine first.
Kady Roberts:Uh-huh.
David Geisler:I skipped over your, honorable mention there because my number one top 10 power up power up is technically the evolution of the chicken to the decou leaf to the sailcloth to the paraglider.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. Yes. Yes.
David Geisler:The decou leaf. It's so funny. You said it's honorable mention. I was like, oh, yeah. Okay.
David Geisler:Okay. It's my number
David Geisler:one. No.
Kady Roberts:No. It was only honorable mention because I was like, I don't know if it counts. But yes. I love it.
David Geisler:Yes.
Kady Roberts:It's such a great item. It's something that, like you said, it evolves throughout the games and gets to that point where you can just soar and breath. Uh-huh. And you can traverse so far. It's so nice.
Kady Roberts:And then it's also just really pretty. And I like all the memes too of Link stopping mid air to eat a meal to get his stamina back and continue flying.
David Geisler:Keep going. Like a pair with a paraglider in Breath of the Wild? Yeah. Yeah. Totally.
David Geisler:The reason I actually originally picked Deku Leaf as my number one, because it was the first time in a Zelda game in the series where it actually changed how you'd move through the game and how you move through the levels. Yeah. You know, the little we know as the paraglider now in Breath of the Wild is is you you move through Breath of the Wild in a completely different way than you do in any other Zelda game. Well, except for these moments. You know, the Deku leaf, I remember getting it and being like, wait.
David Geisler:Oh, we can glide and sail and, you know, Link could barely jump in previous games.
Kady Roberts:Yeah.
David Geisler:And it was so exciting in Wind Waker. And then I realized as I was thinking about it, I was like, well, I guess the precursor to that was the chickens in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask was like the the hit the beginnings of the hints of that because in the the cuckoo quest in Ocarina of Time, you actually you you know, you pick up a chicken and you use them to float over to other parts of the level to get the other other cucoes. And I'm just realizing now that there's also the chickens help you fly they help you glide in even the Super Nintendo game, but I I digress. Anyways, I feel like in the three d games, started with the chickens, they're just not everywhere. But like, oh, I can actually move through this level differently if I can't jump places.
David Geisler:I can glide through the air. It really was fully realized with the Deku leaf in my opinion. It changed the game for me. Changed changed what Zelda was for me with that with that Deku leaf. Then actually in Skyward Sword, it took a little bit of a step back for me.
Kady Roberts:They had the sail cloth. I think it was called the sail cloth. Yeah.
David Geisler:But you
David Geisler:just go straight down. Yeah. It's really just catching you for falling. There's no traversal. They kind of reinterpreted it.
David Geisler:So the real return of the Deku leaf for me was the paraglider in Breath of the Wild. Yeah. And, and I guess Tears of the Kingdom, you have it right from the beginning. But, but I considered it a power up because even in Breath of the Wild, even though it happens early on, it's after kind of the prologue Uh-huh. It does change how you move through the game.
David Geisler:It you you move through Breath of the Wild in a way that you don't move through any other Zelda game ever. And so, that's I think that that there's actually more to be said for that than people even fully realize.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. No. I was, I got it last night. I played through the entirety of the, Forbidden Woods and, like, the Koroks and all of that last night.
David Geisler:And Oh my gosh. You just got it.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. I just got it, and I love it.
David Geisler:You will continue to use it in that game.
Kady Roberts:Oh, I love that. Because I liked going into the the Baba plants and shooting up and then getting to glide around. And then I've used it a few different times by changing the wind to get to different islands and grass and stuff. It's so fun. Yeah.
Kady Roberts:I love it.
David Geisler:Yeah. And you can whip it out anytime you want in any level of any dungeon. As long as you jump off the edge, you can make that leap happen. And so I think I would even argue that the paraglider, and by extension these other things I've all talked about, changed Zelda games as much as z targeting changed Zelda games. I'm just gonna drop that one down now.
David Geisler:Hot take. Alright. That's my number one.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. So my number one is also from Wind Waker. However, I think this might be a Wii U exclusive item.
David Geisler:Is it the faster sale?
Kady Roberts:It's so much nicer.
Kady Roberts:It's so much
Kady Roberts:nicer. That is like number one. I never use the normal sale. Get that thing out of here.
David Geisler:Your number one top 10 power up of all Zelda games is the faster
Kady Roberts:sale. Yes, because you always have fair wins. You go super fast and I don't care. I don't care if it's cheating. I don't care if it's not the original experience.
Kady Roberts:It is so much better. I don't wanna constantly be changing the winds. I don't wanna because here's the thing. Here's the thing. I am a completionist, and like, I'm going around, I wanna complete everything on the map first.
David Geisler:Yeah.
Kady Roberts:So I don't if I did not have this faster sail, David, I don't think I would make it through Wind Waker because of all the constant back and forth. With the faster sail, I'm like, okay. I'll just, like, put the sail on, move my thing in the direction, scroll TikTok for a little bit, and I'm there. There we go, I'm there, it's great.
David Geisler:You, I love it. I'm in full support of this being your number one pick. It does change the game. You're absolutely right. Yes.
David Geisler:The sail in general is faster in the Wii U version. Even the first version of that sail. Mhmm. You you sail quicker. The wind in GameCube, you would put the controller down and, like, drink and wait.
David Geisler:I still
Kady Roberts:do that.
David Geisler:But I don't even know what you're doing.
Kady Roberts:It doesn't take as long.
David Geisler:It doesn't. Yeah. No. But that speedy sale, you get it, do you go back
Kady Roberts:You go to the auction to get it.
David Geisler:You get it in the auction. That's right.
Kady Roberts:You have to so thank you to our friends over on Zelda Dungeon. I've been following you rock through. You go to the auction and you have, like, random chances to get that. They also have, like, a piece of a heart you can get, treasure charts, all that. And you just keep going back and forth, changing the day to night, seeing if you can get it.
Kady Roberts:Eventually, it'll get there and you have to do the whole thing. It's the most expensive item. I think you have to have, like, a full 500 or whatever to get it. But once you get that thing, it is amazing.
David Geisler:I love it. I I I'm in support of this choice. Alright. Here we go. Let's, we gotta wrap this episode up.
David Geisler:That's awesome. I appreciate the passion there. No joke. What's it called? Swift Sail?
Kady Roberts:It's either Swift Sail. I just called it the red sail.
David Geisler:Yeah. Alright. So bottom to top, we've got the Deku knot. This is a crazy list. I mean, there could be, like, nine different versions of these lists, really, quite frankly.
David Geisler:With power ups, there's so many things. And, listeners, I'm sure they're thinking of some items that they'd like to include. And, again, like I said, on a break, you know, you're more than welcome to reach out out to us on social.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. Let us know.
David Geisler:But we got the deku nut.
Kady Roberts:Red mail.
David Geisler:Red mail. I couldn't read my own handwriting. I was like, red mole? What the heck is a red mole? The fire spell, the sta what is this?
David Geisler:Oh my gosh. It's so statist?
Kady Roberts:Oh, stasis plus.
David Geisler:Stasis? Oh, that's a plus, not a t. My hand I I write like a child. Fierce Deity mask, froggy armor, the obliterator, the pegasus boots, the paraglider, and the swift sail.
Kady Roberts:I think that's a good list.
David Geisler:Both of our top picks
Kady Roberts:We're Wind Waker. Navigation. Yeah. And navigation. Because I think that's the thing that really stands out to you the most.
Kady Roberts:Because you can have items that make you stronger in a game or just do that. But on the other hand, you could also argue, well, I like playing without these things that make you stronger because then you have to be more crafty or it makes the game harder. But navigation, just something that changes navigation in a game. Everyone, it's just it makes it so much nicer, so much more family friendly. I was gonna say family friendly.
Kady Roberts:Just makes it so much friendlier
Kady Roberts:to the
Kady Roberts:player. I love it.
David Geisler:Yeah. I had I had a speaking of navigation, I had Epona on here in a very early version and then it didn't you know, I think she's a different category of stuff. Yeah. Anyways, cool. That was awesome.
David Geisler:Alright, Katie. Let's get going. We'll see you all on our next episode. The next episode, I'll be meeting with Steven. Steven is a YouTube streamer who has never played a Zelda game ever.
David Geisler:And I've talked to him a little bit. And he was saying, you know, I've always been I've always wanted to try Ocarina of Time. And I and and so I have given him one of my personal original Nintendo sixty four controllers with a cord coming out. He's going to, over the next couple months, stream it over stream it or I think the way he usually does it is he drops them his actual YouTube, videos. He's gonna play the game.
David Geisler:It's gonna be a little collab, I guess, between AZP and his channel. He's gonna play the game, drop the episodes. But in the meantime, he's gonna be over here. I'm gonna have him on our show so that we can just talk about what it's like, what his expectations might be, if he has any questions about Ocarina of Time. And then, Katie, towards the end of our season, maybe you know us already, I think we've talked about it once, towards the end of our season, once he's done playing, it'll be you, him, and I on an episode.
David Geisler:And we'll do one more recap on Ocarina of Time and what it's like because we'll have we'll have three different points of view of the game at that point.
Kady Roberts:I got excited. That, that sounds really fun. I also was thinking that you're gonna say we would all play Tri Force Heroes.
David Geisler:Maybe we do. Maybe we need to. That'd be cool.
Kady Roberts:I don't know.
David Geisler:We haven't done many of the multiplayer games yet. I have all of them now. All four swords adventures. We got them all. We just need the, the, the coordination to find people to do it.
Kady Roberts:I've played four swords on, like, the live stream for Zelda dungeon.
David Geisler:I have
David Geisler:not been by force, though. We got the Zelda dungeon dates. Mas has, messaged me. So exciting. I can't remember what they are offhand.
David Geisler:And maybe I shouldn't say it publicly anyway because I think they might they could still change. Yeah. But I'll share it with you. And one thing he was talking about is they might do, like, they might he was mentioning I don't know if I can say this or not, but they're considering at least me particularly because I'm not I'm not actually context of speed runs, I'm not a good Zelda player, and I really embarrassed myself last season. But, they're considering having, like, hosts do things in between each of the streams, maybe a little bit of interviewing, maybe a little bit of, like, setting up what the next thing is and stuff like that.
David Geisler:And he invited at least me to kind of do that. And I know that you're, you're better actually at playing these games than I am. Really? Yeah. Well, as far as like in the context of like, we gotta go.
Kady Roberts:I will say, I will say I ranked really highly in the mini game Olympics this last year. I think I got like third.
David Geisler:So I think we're if if if if, you know, the universes allow, we'll be on the stream again, maybe in a slightly different capacity. Or also playing games. I mean, it was whatever you wanna do, whatever I wanna do. I know for me, I felt a lot of stress really not being good at, like, speed running Link's Awakening. I play these games.
David Geisler:I I that's just how I play. I play them so slow. I'm not even done with echoes yet. I'm not even done with tears yet. I'm okay.
David Geisler:That's how I like to play my games. I go I like to play them slow. So in the style of, like, everyone's watching. Get this game done in five hours, you know, that was actually kinda stressful even though I absolutely loved every minute of being in that in that, marathon. Nevertheless, I got the dates, so I'm so excited.
David Geisler:Hopefully, you and I will be there again
Kady Roberts:Yes.
David Geisler:This summer. Alright, Katie. I'll see you I'll see you in two episodes where we'll be talking about the evolution of the Kokiri.
Kady Roberts:But first, David Yes. How can they find you?
David Geisler:Yes. They can are we are we turning into Snape? Are we doing are we doing Snape?
Kady Roberts:Well, I wasn't doing Snape, but now I will.
David Geisler:Yes. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. You're right.
David Geisler:People can find me on all the socials at raptor paint. And, that's that's really all I need to say at raptor paint. You can find the show at another Zelda pod, another Zelda podcast, and all the different social media platforms. And, our YouTube channel, you can find us as another Zelda podcast. We're doing a new thing this season where I'm, taking our episodes here and taking little highlights and chopping little things and throwing them up on YouTube as shorts.
David Geisler:And I'm also throwing them into Instagram reels and over there on on on TikTok as well. So we take little excerpts from really, honestly, what we do is we take little excerpts from our magical sword Patreon videos and I just put, you know, little thirty second clips out on the internet for people to see what it's like as we sit here and record. And there's our magical sword people right there watching us. And that's that. So you can also find us over, you know, on YouTube and all those kinds of things.
David Geisler:We've actually been having some success with those shorts on YouTube. It's been really exciting.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. Yeah. You can find me on Instagram. I recently changed my handle. It is now KD Stargazing, like the letters KD, because I wanted to start doing Twitch stuff and wanted to come up with a name.
Kady Roberts:So that is my new name on there.
David Geisler:Was it
David Geisler:it used to be Mind of KD or something? Yeah. Yeah.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. So KD Stargazing.
David Geisler:Love it.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. And on my website, Katieroberts.com.
Kady Roberts:Just k a b y. I don't know. Yeah. That's it.
David Geisler:And you may or may not find Katie working at my favorite youth video game store on the weekends here in Wicker Park.
Kady Roberts:Yeah. It comes to high.
David Geisler:Oh my god.
David Geisler:I can't even That'd be great. It's weird. I have, like I'm getting, like, what is it when you like know a celebrity? Fan,
Kady Roberts:Do you like fangirling?
David Geisler:Fangirling a little I guess. Yeah. Like, because I'm like, wait. You work at that store? No.
David Geisler:It's so silly. It's exciting. Yeah. It's a fun story. Alright.
David Geisler:Alright. Alright. Cool. Cool. Cool.
David Geisler:Everybody. See you see two
Kady Roberts:weeks. See you.