Art of Spousing

A determined husband and wife can make this their best year of marriage yet, proactively investing in themselves and each other to find the hope they need to overcome the 92% of New Year's goals that fail.

You will learn how to unlock the secrets of a successful marriage and discover why intentionally investing in your relationship is key.

Show Notes

A determined husband and wife can make this their best year of marriage yet, proactively investing in themselves and each other to find the hope they need to overcome the 92% of New Year's goals that fail.You will learn how to unlock the secrets of a successful marriage and discover why intentionally investing in your relationship is key.

This episode is all about Intentionally investing in your marriage. We have learned that investing in your marriage can be done in three ways: investing in yourself, investing in intentional time together and proactively investing resources to grow your relationship. Investing in yourself requires self awareness and self management, and setting goals that will make something of you to achieve them. Investing in intentional time together with your spouse requires making your relationship a priority, unplugging from the regular grind and serving together. Finally, proactively investing resources to intentionally grow your marriage relationship includes coaching, marriage intensives, marriage retreats, and marriage reboots. Investing in your marriage is a proactive way to ensure a successful relationship.

"Hope is the belief that your future can be brighter and better than your past and that you actually have a role to play in making it better."

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. What is the Science of Hope and how can you apply it to your marriage?
2. What are some practical ways to invest in yourself and your marriage?
3. How can you proactively invest resources to intentionally grow your marriage relationship?

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What is Art of Spousing?

Art of Spousing is for marriages that what to move from being mundane to becoming masterpiece relationships. Hosts James and Lisa Duvall share truths and lessons learned from their 30 years of marriage and over a decade of teaching, coaching, and speaking on marriage.