The Sacred Hearth Podcast: Life Coaching for Tough Times

Join me as I sit down with Coach Patrice Simmons a fellow life coach and owner of PTalksSoul, as we discuss her coaching philosophy when helping clients and get to know her methods, in case you'd like to be her client, too. She is a bright and up and coming coach, so I suggest you follow her!

Show Notes

Join me as I sit down with Coach Patrice Simmons a fellow life coach and owner of PTalksSoul, as we discuss her coaching philosophy when helping clients and get to know her methods, in case you'd like to be her client, too. She is a bright and up and coming coach, so I suggest you follow her! 

Are you new to coaching? Do you have trouble picking a good life coach? Do you wonder if we're all the same? What is a niche? Well, come join me as I talk to life coach Patrice Simmons owner of PTalksSoul, as we answer these and other questions where Patrice specializes in her unique method of Soul Coaching. Find out exactly what that means to Patrice, and how she'd like to help you live your best life through working with her. She'll tell us about her story and why she's the perfect life coach for you! 

This episode was a LIVE event recording and is now being released as a studio episode, on all major streaming platforms so if you'd like to find a really great coach, be sure to tune in and find out how you can work with her, too! 

How can Coach Patrice help you live your best life? Through Soul Coaching! Contact Coach Patrice via email at, you can also contact her through my website at 


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What is The Sacred Hearth Podcast: Life Coaching for Tough Times?

Do you want to change your life?

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Do you feel like you don't know which way to turn?

Do you hate feeling like you have to be perfect to get ahead?

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My name is Andrea Welker, and you're invited each week to join me as we share stories, and discuss ways to help you feel inspired, laugh, and grow as you take control of your life. Come sit by the fire and warm yourselves, while you learn my personal coping strategies and self-help tips I offer as a life coach and best selling author, to make it through the long nights ahead. You'll occasionally hear inspirational stories from guests, too.

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Produced by Sacred Hearth Media.


Update: Season two will come out in August.

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Toxic Relationships

Self Help Product Reviews

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Hey, there. This is Andrea Wilker, host of the Sacred Heart Podcast, reminding you to like, subscribe, share and follow for more exclusive content. And if you'd like to visit my website and subscribe to my newsletter, you can do that by visiting or Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy the show.
2s I'm going to welcome everybody who's here, and thank you for joining us. My name is Andrea Wilker. I'm the host of the Sacred Hearth Podcast. Joining me today is the absolutely lovely coach, Patrice Simmons of PTalksSoul. Hi. Hi. I'm so excited that you're here. And you, too. Patrice contacted me about coming on the show, and I thought it was a great idea. And so I wanted her to be able to tell you all a little bit about what she does and the soulful way that she reaches clients. 1s And would you like to take it away? Absolutely. Thank you so much, Andrea. My name is Patrice. She stated, I recently just began a practice peace talk. 1s It is fairly new, and I am so excited about it. To me, it's much more of connecting with clients and getting them to pertinently, dig deep within whom they are, and just to go beyond the surface. 4s Yes. That's a little about what I touched. 2s I just want people to be themselves. I want to have the authenticity. I want them to be able to walk. Their purpose on this is rhian. I want them to be able to live their life fully without these statistically just living for other people. Just be yourself. That's what I'm digging deep down into people. I want them to know who they are, discover who they are, and once you have that self discovery, life is blissful. 2s I love that it's so exciting to see that, because sometimes we can get lost in things as people, and we forget what we're here to do and how we're here to help each other. And I love that authentic message is coming through you. I think that's really great. And do you have any advice that you would give clients who maybe haven't done coaching before or they're new? Do you feel like. 3s You know how coaching could benefit them in addition to discovering that authenticity? That is a great question. You know why? Because people come to me and they seek counseling like therapy. And I'm like, I can't be a therapist, I'm not a therapist. Unfortunately, 2s yes. It's like it's not therapy. And I want to make that clear during our consultations as well because I don't want them to get to the point where they're thinking otherwise. It's like I am here to lead you to the water. You have to drink the water. It's like you are going to have to literally I can't make these things for you. This is your own self discovery, this is your own awareness, this is your own way of thinking. I am just guiding you to allow yourself freedom. That's really what it is. And I feel like everyone should have an open mind of therapy and everyone should have an open mind of coaching as well. It does sound the same 1s in the same category, but it's really not. To answer your question, I think they should have an open mind on doing coaching. And what I like to do personally, I give them motivation quizzes. So during our consultation, that's one thing I like to do. I do motivation quizzes so I can know myself before working with you and bring you into my practice. That this is something that you want to do. This is something that you are serious about. You're serious about your goals, you're serious about your relationship, you're serious about varies of things, about that self discovery, certain things. 2s I definitely feel that. Does that answer your question a little bit? It does. And I love it because you're completely right. What we do is totally it goes along with therapy and it can't. But sometimes people come to us instead of going to therapists and that's okay. But sometimes it can be. 2s It could be a lot in there. 2s It can be overwhelming to an extent. But I love it. I love what I do. I love that I have discovered my passion in life. I love that I'm not doing this for money. Have loved that about me because before it's like I need for me I'm just like what am I going to do? What am I here for? Please help me out universe. What do you want me to do? Because I don't know what I'm here to do. And when I had that awakening, that discovery, it was like wow, that's amazing. I love it. I don't care about the money. I care about people actually having that freedom. Like I said, it's the freedom part for me. 1s I love that. I think that makes so much sense too because we are in such a world where nothing slows down. We never take time for ourselves. We're always just go 1s and to put that focus on ourselves and show up and do that work, that can be hard. 1s It can be hard especially if you don't have a good coach who can really guide you through that. And I love that that's such a huge focus of your practice because sometimes people 1s don't have good experience with 1s coaches and self help books like trying to do it yourself. It's really hard. It is because people, they're like in a dark space, they don't know where to go. They have these what if questions. 1s And another thing I like to work on in my practice is reframing. I like for people to reframe and reflect as well and not deflect from what's going on. So put things in perspective and that has gotten people far as my practice is newly has really gotten people far with that because they are able to walk away from things that doesn't benefit them. 2s That's true and that is so important and that's part of when I started talking to you and we started having all the emails and the chats and everything. I loved it because. 1s It was such a it was so easy to connect with you. It was so easy to just open up and, you know, have these, like, moments where I could be myself and be authentic and 3s go through my own process for working through my things. 1s And I love that you were able to help me with that. And maybe I don't know if you know that you did that, but you totally did that. I love it. 1s And it was really cool because I was like, man, does she even know how good she is and what she's doing? Because she doesn't even have to do she just had to talk to me, and it helps. You know what I mean? Right. That's true. And very true that you said that to me. It's the listening part, too. I love for someone to be themselves, because, honestly, I wasn't myself for a long time. Yes, I wasn't myself for a long time. So I know how that can be, putting on that face, that mask, pretending to be someone you're not. So I am very grateful and honored that you said that, because to me, personally, I get that compliment a lot. And people who meet me in person also, versus over the phone or zoom, whatever, they love to be in my space because they feel it's peaceful, and that's where I met my life. I'm at peace. So I love that you said that. You pointed it out. Thank you for that. You are welcome. And I love that because some things you just can't teach, and that's something that coaches have or they don't have, and you have it. 2s And it's just this natural gift that comes through. And I love it. And I love that you know, that we were able to do this and that you're here and able to tell me about your practice. So can I ask you some questions? 2s Okay. 4s Can you tell me 2s how coaching helped you in your life? If you're comfortable with that? Absolutely. I'm comfortable. It has helped me tremendously. I know when I spoke with you, also, 1s I discovered this passion because I was going through a tough time in my marriage. 2s I wouldn't say that my husband was the soul of everything that was going on. It takes two, right? So 2s it was both of us. But it was the fact that I have the underlying healing I needed to do. I had shadow work I need to do. I need to heal. And I didn't do that. So the things that we were going through, the surface things, but because 1s that healing, that pad under there, that needs to be ironed out, I didn't take that seriously. And becoming a mother, a wife, and so fast, to me, I didn't have time. And honestly speaking 1s now, looking back, it was a great thing for us to separate before coming back together, because I needed that time for myself. I needed to find who I was. And during that time, like I said, I had a spiritual awakening. I immediately joined 1s an organization. I mentor the youth. I mentor youth as well. The girls are from 6th grade to 12th grade. So outside of me handling my own practice, I mentor. So that has helped me tremendously to grow. And now with my husband, of course, he wants to be a life coach too. 3s Yes. And I think that the impact of me changing and showing him differently, it has helped us tremendously of joining together, because now we can communicate without taking things more personal. 1s I can calm him down if he overrides with his emotions. So now it's a major impact in our life. It has helped us a lot, not only in my marriage. It has helped me 2s as the overall person. 1s It's amazing. My husband and I, we went through something similar as well. And I'll tell you, it's. 3s You know, I'm always surprised 1s that we did it, but we did it and we are stronger now. And sometimes clients will come to us and they'll feel so heartbroken and so devastated. And I always tell them, never say never. Because the experiences that we go through as coaches really does help our practice. Because anybody can tell you how to work through something, but until they go through it, it's a whole different process after you go through it. Exactly. That's very true that you said that, Andrea, because 1s you can't tell me anything. You can tell me what you want to say, you can tell me anything. And I'll listen to your advice. I'll listen to you, but it's up to me to follow it. And you have certain people saying what they'll do and certain people saying what they wouldn't put up with. 1s But to me, 1s it was an experience I had to partake in. I had to partake in that experience because it helped me as a person, as a woman, as a mother, as a wife, as a friend, as a daughter, as a cousin. Overall, it helped me be able to grow growth in the direction I needed to grow. So. 1s And, you know, it's so hard sometimes to do that growth 4s because I'm stubborn. I'm so old. I'm a taurus. I'm completely way out there. 3s What are you? My mom's a taurus. Nice. Are you? I am a cancer. Okay. See, cancers I like cancers because cancers are like we'll work with anybody. We can do that. Yes. And it's a natural gift. So yes. Hi, mom. 5s My husband is a leo. 7s Right. But I love it because you have to be a strong person to go through things and. 3s Sometimes as a coach, it can be hard because sometimes we just, you know, we are real people too, and we have real feelings and it can be difficult 2s to experience the feelings we feel and right. 2s It's always nice to have an authentic coach in the room or cross the screen who really gets that deep practice of you've got to love all the parts of you, not just the parts you like, but especially love the parts you don't like too, right? Exactly. Now, I do have a question. Do you go by zodiac signs? Because me personally, another thing I like to involve my clients in is like their birthing charts. So I like for them to dig deep into birthing charts and go by their sun sign, which is the sign they were born in. And then I like the moon sign because look, I'm a Cancer, I was born in Cancer, but my moon sign, I'm a Leo. So it's like it's something that's why we click yes, look, it's something when I started engaging in that and finding that stuff and I was like, this is amazing. So it did a deeper to your personality. And for the people that watch it. I really pressure you to not pressure you. But I really want to suggest for you to just take that time to figure out your birth information. What time you were born. And you just need the time you're born in your birthday and the place I believe and you'll learn so much about yourself outside of the 16 personality quid. You will because I don't do a lot with birth charts. Because astrology. 2s I do more of like the energetic part versus the astrological part. But I do sneaky peek at people's astrological symbols and I'm all like. What is 1s that makes sense. That makes a lot of sense 1s because very often, and I don't know if you noticed this, but we know there are some signs that are more compatible with others. Right, but then there are some where it's like and you'll wonder why you all fight. 3s Exactly. That's why you have to dig deeper open to those things because 1s people need to take those things seriously. I would just say that. 1s They do. They do. I think they need to take them maybe a lot seriously than they do. And when they don't, there's all kinds of things that influence us in this world and on this Earth that we can see and that we don't see. And I think sometimes we do need to pay attention to that and we do need to look at 1s if I'm a Taurus and I have a Venus moon, but I'm also an Aries, like on the cusp of an Aries, that's going to cause me some problems in the relationships, but it's also going to make me a good fighter for them. But, like, if my partner is something else, that's not going to work 2s with this is so fun. I love this because I didn't know this was going to go in this direction. And this is why I love live interviews so much. So when you do the chart size, what advice would you give someone? Say, 3s If they are maybe attracted to the sign that they are not compatible with, like, would you encourage them to, like, 2s find out why they're attracted to to that type of person? Or would you you know what I mean? Because there's so many ways as a coach you could take that. This isn't even something that I even 1s considered and you are blowing my mind because it is a whole layer holding the ball game. It is a whole layer. And I like to go ahead and pull those layers off and get to the bottom of why it's not working with anything in your life. Why is it not working with anything in your life? And strictly like I said, I pushed that to my clients because I want them I encourage them to do it because it will take off so much pressure from you. It will leave you from so many things you don't have to go through something that you don't have to go through. If you just look here and figure out, oh, it's just not meant to be, or I like doing this, so I need to heal from this and dig deep down and go into, like, your childhood. I like to go deep. That's why peace talk soul. Because I go deep. I want to go deep into your soul. That way it's not in temporary freedom. You're going to be forever free. You're going to be forever happy living in harmony and blitz. So it's for me, it's ideal. 1s I love it because 2s you have to go deep. And a lot of people 1s I don't know if you've seen this is and maybe I'm sure you have because a lot of people say they want to go deep until they do. 2s And then they'll be like, oh, no, I'm good. Bye. 3s Yeah. Yeah. And that's why I love this selfhelp industry, and I love working inside and alongside it. And I love that that there are so many people that are helped by it, but you have to be willing to go deep. And I love that you're a coach who goes deep, because a lot of people, 2s we can love everything about the world, but if we don't go deep, we won't really enjoy it. Exactly. Because 3s you don't know what's out there. 3s You're just blinded. You just know that you were born. You know that you were born and you were taught these things and to do these certain things. But it's deeper than what people think 2s it is for real. And one of the things that I have seen a lot is people like when they come in for that initial session, 2s They're just like, I don't know what I want with my life. I don't know where to start. They will come to you, for one thing, but it's never the one thing they need the coaching for. Exactly. 1s Yeah. So what advice would you give the people maybe who 1s are really hyper focused on one area of their life? What would be a good question for them to ask themselves, 2s to kind of get the ball rolling? 1s So I have an exercise as well, and it's called your powerful plundering questions. And it's like, maybe one to five questions. One to five. And it just stimulates your mind to get your mind thinking and going and to make me understand who you are and who I'm working with. So it's just those questions of what are your goals? 2s What makes you happy? You know? Or those hundred questions like, 1s What if this doesn't go well in your life? How would you take this? So just pondering exercises and also, like I said, I do the motivation quizzes as well to get to know my clients before bringing them onto the practice, to ensure that they are serious. I don't want to waste my time or anyone else's time, because time is valuable and I can be helping someone who actually needs to help. 2s Yeah. So it's definitely things like that to try to express themselves, to get them thinking and get their minds stimulated to the point where they need to figure out what it is that they really need coaching for. 3s I like that you do that because I have some questions too. And I'm always impressed that sometimes it's the simplest questions because when you are reading over a worksheet or someone asks you, sometimes it does have a different effect 3s when you're looking at the question and it's staring you in the face and you're like, oh, what is my life? Right? How do I answer this right? That's why you realize why a coach is such a good investment. Yes, exactly. 3s I've had sessions with people where it's like, this is the first it might be like the first five questions. 2s And it might be something like, what's your favorite 1s way to unwind? 1s And they're just like, what do you mean? Do you mean relax? I don't do that. I don't relax. It's like, well, maybe that could be something that we work on. Right? Yes, that's a problem. 1s That's the problem 2s with clients. What do you notice? 1s It's like one of the top struggle points that people are they keep hitting that wall on 1s time management. That's a big one. A lot of my clients struggle with because, like we said, most of us are wives, most of us are mothers, most of us are with significant others, and we take care of our parents, whatever it is. We have such big agendas and we work. We're trying to figure out it's so much that people carry on their backs and they don't have time. They don't know how to manage in times, which brings on a lot of depression for a lot of people. So that, to me, I run into time management a lot. 3s I would agree. Because it's big. It is. And I think 1s for the people who say, I just don't know what I can cut out 3s or what advice you give. 2s That's a great question. Because we don't want to give away all your secrets. Right. We don't want to. Hold on. Yeah, we don't want to. 3s That's why you all should book a session with her. Yeah, exactly. 2s We would love to have you. 2s That's a great question. I personally feel that I like for my clients to really sit in a quiet space 2s and listen to that inner voice. I want them to ask themselves the questions 1s and listen to your inner voice and whatever that says. And you follow your intuition and you moved with it. 2s I like it. Your intuition says, Book Patrice for a coaching session. 2s Yeah, I had to. I'm sorry. 3s Yes. 2s It with wilderness. Package deal. Package deal. Yes. I love it. 2s I love it so much. 1s I love this conversation, because sometimes in coaching sessions, people get nervous to talk to people like us, right? And sometimes it's like, no, dude, I put my socks on, like, one at a time, just like you. It'll be fun. 2s And they'll get really nervous and bless their hearts. It's like sit down. Just sit down. It'll be okay. 1s I think that once people go through the anxiety, because anxiety is big too. So I think that once people go through that and they get a feel of the atmosphere, they're they are comfortable. 4s I think it's great. And again, like this conversation, it's so much fun for me. It's so relaxing to be able to just interact with you. You are so easy to talk to. 2s For all of you who are out there and listening and watching, I would strongly suggest for you to 2s book a session. And I say that 1s not because I'm biased or anything, but she's got the real deal skills here. 2s So speaking of, if people want to book a session with you, how should they do that? Because I have a session in the newsletter that went out today and on the website. On my website where they can book with you so they can email you. Yes, but is there a way that is there another way that you also like to have people reach out for you? Currently at this moment, because my practice is new, my website is currently under construction, but people can reach out to me either to my phone number or via email as well, which is Yes. And the contact details are going to be available on the website 1s when I post the episode, if you're good with that. Because 1s I want to make sure that people are able to not only reach you to book sessions, but if they come across this show six months or a year from now, they can still book your services because thank you. Yeah. The great thing about podcasts and just the digital age, which may be good or bad, is that everything is recorded and has a record. Yes, I know. 2s I'm so glad I did all my questionable of things before the Internet. Oh no. 3s I think we all are. 3s And I imagine for younger audience members who may be listening, 1s just life right now in the world, the pandemic, 1s everything's got to get you know, it's got to be harder now, you know? Yes, I think so. I think so. It's too much going on. You know, I try to reframe my kids from watching a lot of TV because too much are being shown to our children 2s too much. And I don't want to go dig deep into what can come out of the TV. 2s Listen, 2s it's kind of reflective surface. That's all I'm saying. Okay. 4s So I feel like we're going to have maybe we need to book another show. 2s It's like Sacred Hearts after Hours or something, because I feel like we've got some 1s stuff 3s after the show is over, 2s we'll make that happen. We'll do. It don't feel 3s it is true. And I think especially as a mom and then launching a new business, that just sounds like a lot. So my hat is off to you and all the moms who are listening, who are 1s on either starting their own business or who have started their own business. 4s Like, if I had a mom come to me and was like, I need some coaching, I would say, Well, I can work with you, but have you heard of a trip? Because she has a lot of like, I can coach people on a lot of things, but I'm not a mom. I have a cat. 1s He's old and cranky and 2s he sort of likes people sometimes. But I think that could be something that people find benefiting that moms and benefit in is being coached by another mom. 1s Because I think that's a lot of there's just this connection. 2s Right. I feel like there's this unspoken connection that moms have where they just have the bond of, you know, 1s I don't want to say being unselfish, 3s but moms are great age. Yeah. I think that it's a connection of that understanding of bringing life into this world to this rhian and understanding that we are never not working either. We're working for someone else ourselves or our kids or our husbands or our boyfriends. We're non stop. So I think women in general just not mom. So I definitely think that you'll be a good fit as well to go to mother, because it's just another woman. 3s Yes, I appreciate that. It's so funny. My dad told my mom that she was not busy one time. One time. And he never did it again because she became busy. 2s She was like, you know what? 1s You do it right? And he said, never again. Yes. That's how they are. 3s I loved it because she was one of the first inspirations for me to become coach because she was so giving and she had this way of 2s really honing in on why people did what they did. It was like that was her gift with the discernment. Oh, wow. So I wanted to ask you, 2s who inspired you? 2s Was it like one person like that? 1s Do you have anyone specific who inspired you to be a coach? 2s You know what? I have a very supportive family, and I like to think that I'm the princess of the family, 2s my family. I love of my family. And I don't think just one person expired me. I think they all have because. 3s They're just so wonderful. Like, seriously, I've been blessed with a great immediate family. A great, you know, just family. Overall, I feel like all the people who came to me, who I'm close with, who I'm not close with, I still see some good to them. 1s They still inspire me in every way. Most of my family have their own businesses or they have degrees, they went to school. 2s They're just really great people. Just a great person. Great people. And I believe that, to answer your question, my entire family inspired me. But one person that I 1s don't want to cry. 2s Don't cry. Don't like making people cry. I know, right? But I think someone who really I really and truly was inspired by was my aunt. Like, my entire family. But my aunt, she was such a giving person. She was such a sleek soul. She was everything. And unfortunately, she had to transition. 3s We don't deal with that well. But she was very sorry. She would give anything to anyone. And literally, I believe she taught our family that because that's how my entire family are. My entire family is that way. 2s I love it. You absolutely must have this amazing family, because 3s just the way that you speak about them is so respectful and so loving, and I love it, and it's so beautiful and hey, I'm really glad you didn't cry, because that would have felt really awful. I was like, Keep it in. Keep it that's fine. I wear makeup on days I record, because I'm like, don't cry. Don't ruin your makeup. Don't be okay. Right? Yes, exactly. 3s I'm very honored and blessed to have been have them to be chosen to experience this experience with them. 3s I believe sometimes 2s our families influence us in ways that we love, and even if they do things that we don't agree with, they still influence us. Exactly. And they have a lot of wisdom. 1s There's a lot of wisdom that comes, and I think sometimes people forget that. Exactly. That's very. 4s I love that your family is right here for you. Yes, I see very big on family. I love it. 2s That makes me happy. It makes me happy because like, families are where it's at. Exactly. 2s And that is something 2s as a life coach, 4s sometimes it can be challenging to find that work life balance. 1s Yes. There. And 1s having a life coach is something that can help with that. 2s For those listeners who are here, 3s which I have to say, I want to give a special shout out to the listeners that are in other countries because 3s just hi. Yes, hello. Thank you for joining. You can book her as a client too. It's yet. Come on. 3s Anybody is welcome. 4s So with you as a coach, do you have a specific 1s type of coaching, like a niche that you like to do more? I know that your specialty is soul coaching. 3s Can you tell people a little bit about that? Yes. So, like I said, self coaching is particularly for me, just digging deep within, digging deep down to discover whom you are from the time you were born into your time with me. So that's my niche. I like to have that self discovery. I just don't focus just on the soul. I tend to go around everything and I touch every aspect of a person. But honestly speaking and truthfully speaking, we all know the soul is the priority of why you're experiencing things on the outside. On the outside. So I feel as if that it all ties us together. 1s So I do dance around other things and I try to help. Like, 1s I am really into relationship counseling. Coaching as well. Spiritual co coaching, 2s it varies. But at the end of the day, I'm digging into your soul so you can know how to go about your experience. 4s That's awesome. I love it. 3s It's such an honest, authentic way to explain it to 3s no other way. No other way. 1s No other way. It's so great. And, you know, it's so nice because 1s sometimes it's hard for people to talk about like, it's hard for us sometimes to talk about what we do 1s because sometimes we have that little tape that rolls and we're like, this is what I do, and this is everything. And then 1s we might get asked a similar question, like, five minutes later, and we're like, what? Exactly? 1s That's what people do. 7s Oh, no, I lost audio. Hopefully it'll come back. 4s Let's see. 3s Can you hear me? Yes. 3s It's like you're given that job in your program to do this job. So with me and my practice, I choose not to be program, you know, I choose how things in a certain manner, 3s I love it, and I love that it's just this very organic, natural flow. I love it. And that's how it should be. That's how it should be. Because sometimes you'll see a coach and they're, like, very regimented. And if you're a person who's got, like, OCD 2s or you really like, structure and benefit from it, 1s that's good. But sometimes that organic. Just let's see where it goes. Exactly. Is what you need. You don't want to feel forced, because if you're feeling forced to do something, then it's not something you should be doing. But not about. 2s So let me ask you, 3s we have a little bit of time left. Is there anything specific that you would like 1s our listeners to know about you or about your practice in general? 3s Mainly 6s human being 2s a wife, daughter. Like I said, family is big to me, and my cousin meets 2s specifically to remember 1s me just being who I am and true to who I am and just wanted to help someone become as I have the experience. I had a breakthrough, so I want someone to remember me specifically. I want to feel like I want to feel like Patrice. I want to feel how she feels. I want that extra to my regular, my life. 3s So, yeah, truthfully, I'm an honest person. Humble 1s ground, you know, just truthfully speaking, just being authentic. Authentically me. I can't be anyone else but me. 3s That's an amazing answer. 1s I'm so just excited. 1s Yes, she's been excited for day one. Look, I don't have a lot of excitement going on right now, so it's the little things, right? And 3s my inside joy, like, the thing that brings me 2s joy when I look at life is I like finding joy in the small things. And I found myself throughout the pandemic becoming very cynical, and I thought, like a lot of us did, and I thought, we really need to find a way to be 1s more joyful and more just excited about the little things and the day to day stuff. Because if I don't, the pandemic will eat me and I don't want exactly. 1s I think that a lot of people thought that way, including me, which is when I tend to have that breakthrough, that awakening, because 1s I want it to be of everything other than just a mum and a wife. I wanted to be everything. I wanted to get back to me, I wanted to get back to who I was before I had those titles, before I was ever placed in a category. And I did that times ten. And I'm here and I'm here to stay and just welcome my practice and come on over to the good side. That's it. 3s I love it. That's got to be your do you have a tagline? Because if you don't, there you go. You know I don't, but you're right, you are for something. 1s Now, you do go over to the sole side with Qtok Soul. Yes. Love it. 6s Listen. It's the little things. I'm telling you it is. You have to be a grateful and happy for every moment that you're gifted. 2s Life is a gift and everyone is not promised it's. Babies dying at birth. Babies people not even listen. Be happy. Every moment you get, every minute counts. Every second, every minute counts. 3s That's the advice. That's it right there. 3s I think maybe as people in general, we've got to do more to just embrace where we're at, right? And maybe look at our history 1s and not repeat it. 4s Break it under generational curses. 2s Yes, clearing that subconscious. They will get us if we let them. Yes, 2s you will want to break it, but it will be like I said, subconsciously bad here. And you're doing it, you're acting it. That's it. It's like it will just ram. And I decided with the pandemic, actually, that was going to be my practice. That was maybe like my personal part of my spiritual practice was just breaking those curses. And that tough work. It's still tough work because it does never really stop. But once you commit to it, you really do have to commit. And if you don't. 2s That's a whole it's hard to go back. Exactly. 2s And finding a coach who is able to help you through that, that's a trick, too, because not everybody can do that, and it's beautiful that you can. Exactly. Thank you for that. And like I said, that's why, specifically, speaking about my practice, I'm well rounded. It's just not talking specifically about sold things. I'm touching on every aspect of your life, but you're going to find out every aspect of your life by digging deep within yourself. You're going to have that discovery. So that's why it's petox. 3s And you should book with her today. Yes. Book with me today. 2s Yes. I love it. 3s It's so refreshing to be able to have these talks, because. 4s Life can get you down. And for a lot of people, we've all had covered depression, we've all had 1s anxiety and it was like what ever anybody's baseline was like times $1,000 1s and energy. Yes. 3s So I do think it's so vital that you look at the whole aspect of the person and what their life is like because 2s you really have to do that to get a good foundation going. 5s In my early days of coaching I went through and I would just be like, okay, let's focus on one thing. 1s And that doesn't work. 1s It's good, but it can't be the only thing. 2s You're right about that. You're right about that because then 1s it triggers other issues in their lives. They worked on one company, but it all is conjuncted together. It's all disconnected. So they have to get to the bottom. The root of everything. 2s And how and why they're experiencing things this way. Absolutely right. Yeah. And it's so important to have that. And I love that you want to foster that bond with with your clients, because it's not just about and that's where you can tell, like the natural coaches, when everyone gets to 1s you put people with what they're good at. And I love that that is your gift and that you're doing it and that you are able to share that gift with other people of just helping them 1s find their space and find their purpose and find their own calling. Absolutely. It brings me joy, 2s and it should. And there are times when 3s sometimes life is difficult during this pandemic, and it's hard for people, especially, and there are a lot of people who are struggling. And so having a good foundation to rebuild on 1s is absolutely fundamental. And I love that that's, like, just so much of what you're doing and who you are. And I love that. 2s You're like, no, this is the type of coaching you're going to get if you come see me too. Because 1s some coaches, I think some coaches, I think, are maybe afraid to say that. And I love that you're not. I love that you're just like, this is what you get. This is who you are. This is what I offer, and this is where we're going to work together to build you. And I love that you offer that and do that because it's so important. And I know I keep saying that, so I apologize to everyone for sounding like a broken record, but I love that you do that because 3s not everyone can 3s and not everyone is at that point. And this is how, you know, for our listeners, maybe, who are new to coaching, who've never heard of life coaching before, this is how you know someone has done their own internal work and they are followed far enough along on their journey to be of help to others. 5s I agree. 1s I agree. 4s That's amazing because, you know, 1s trying to start before, it was not working. It was not time for me. So being that it is time for me now and this is here, this is what I manifested, and it just feels so surreal. And I'm just honored and grateful for the opportunity to be here on your platform speaking about my practice. So I'm very grateful. 1s You are so welcome. And I'm grateful that you could be here. I'm grateful that you wanted to be here. 2s There's this whole thing 1s because there are coaching podcasts out there. 1s Mine is a little different because I like having people on my show who are different or who do the same thing. I like sharing 2s because I just think that's important. Why would I not? You know what I mean? It's not pie. And 2s if I can't share this space and I'm a coach, I'm doing something wrong. 2s Absolutely. 4s Well, thank you for saying that, because sometimes you get into your little focus and 1s you can forget where you're at and where you're going because you just get so focused on what you're doing. And I love that other people are like, no, this helps. Thank you for letting me do this. 1s It always blows me away because I'm like, oh, yeah, this is what I do. This is what you do. This is what I can see. It's absolutely a great way of new coaches to be profound and be out there in the open and getting themselves in their fees way, especially those motivational speakers. Also sounds. 3s It does. So this is awesome. And I am very, very 1s happy and honored to be here. Now you're going to make me cry. 2s Love it. Okay, you all just go get your drinks refilled. We're just going to 1s okay. 6s Yes, 2s it was fake. It was safe for me to come across your coaching, your practice, so we were here for a reason. The universe smacked us together like this. 2s It did. And I love it. I hope you would do me the honor center of coming back on also. Absolutely. Anytime. Anytime. Awesome. Yeah. We'll have to do some things because all the little side discussions 2s I'm sure it's. We could have probably spent like an hour talking about those things, you know? Yes, it's deep, I'm telling you. 2s And that's the thing, like, in spiritual coaching, too, it can get deep. Like, deep as in the perception of what you allow in your mind is challenged. The perception of how you see yourself as a spiritual being can be challenged. There's all these different things. Like, this whole world opens up. And it may not necessarily be like a religious journey, but it will definitely be a spiritual one. Exactly. 5s I think that people need and I will suggest I won't say people need I think that people should suggest on to being open and having an open mind. On to having a spiritual journey as well, outside of religion. 2s Yeah. I would agree with you, though, because I think when we limit ourselves, 3s I think maybe when we use certain labels, we can limit ourselves to what the universe wants us to absorb as our life lessons and spiritual lessons. But I feel like that's a whole show. 2s Going to have to charge admission next. I can go hours and hours. This is so much fun because 2s I'm actually launching a podcast on spiritual topics later this fall. So I'll have to have you on to that because that'll be really fun. 1s I don't know how much time you have today. 6s We're just having some fun. 1s We are having fun because this is how it's great. 2s For those of you who are tuning in, who maybe came into the discussion. Lee. I'm here with Coach Patrice Simmons of Peacock. And she is. 1s Telling me all about her practice, her brand, her personal style of coaching, how it can help you as a client, and if you're interested in obtaining her services, you're welcome to email her. There's a link to do that on my website. And once I have her contact details updated with her website information, it will go there as a permanent link because I want to be able to help her find the people who need her help. So 2s definitely check her out. She is the real deal. 1s Thank you. And I'm honored she would be on my show. So thank you for coming on today. Absolutely. Thank you for having me. I am in all. Thank you so much. You are so welcome. For the people who are not able to watch live, which I feel so bad for you because you are missing an amazing opportunity, but I won't hate you for it. 1s I won't hate you for it. But. 1s I will tell you, this episode is being recorded, and it will broadcast on the Sacred Hearts Podcast 1s on Friday. Wherever your favorite podcasts are found, that includes itunes, Apple, Podcast Spotify, Google, Amazon, all the big names, they'll all be there because 3s it's an awesome show. Yes, it is. And it's a real show, and it just gets the people going. It gets you going. 1s Thank you. Like I said, this is my first time ever being on a podcast with my practice being new, and I did have some a little anxiety. I had to talk myself out of it. But speaking to you also, you made me comfortable enough to know that you were built for this. You good. You did 2s anything. If you get stuck, I got you, and I appreciate that. I value that. And I value our new friendship, our new partnership and opportunities. 2s Absolutely building. I'm all excited because, I mean, everything excites me, as y'all have figured out. But I'm excited because I love seeing new coaches, like, come up, and I love watching people find themselves 1s in their professional voice, in their professional style. Yes. It's beautiful to be to be able to to be even a tiny little part of that. It's awesome. So I love it. And I was sitting here thinking to myself, I was like, I don't even know, because the show for people who haven't been listening long, I just celebrated the first year anniversary. We are in multiple different countries. 3s There are people listening to the show in China, Brazil, Russia, 1s South Korea. 2s I want to get that one wrong. I don't want to get anybody in trouble. New Zealand all over. People are listening. It's amazing. And it's like, wow. And then I remember, oh, yeah, this is the beauty of the Internet. Yes. So I was thinking at my desk when I first got your email, it was really late at night, one night, and I had a really awful day. And I was like, what is this? Because I had 2s sometimes you get some bad emails come in where it's like, I want to sell you this. And I was like, what the hell? Yeah. And I was like, so glad I opened that email because it was so just what I needed in that moment as an independent producer, as someone with their own because they're still my own personal things I have to deal with, and my own personal hang ups and my own personal because starting a media company is hard. And like, I mean, this is my living room. I'm a one person job. The cat edits all my emails. 3s That's why I'm a website. I'm serious. My cat is my office manager. It's the whole thing. And honestly, I had to throw him outside because he will come up and just be all up in the episode, walking all over my keyboard. I can't have that. It's not professional. 2s Right? I love the chance that you were willing to take 1s with Sacred Heart Media and the Sacred Heart podcast as well. So, I mean, flat out. If there's ever any way I can help you, let me know, because 2s you're one of the good people we've you need in this world. Thank you. 3s It's hard being a good human, you know? 5s It does. And, you know, my husband, he taught me the expenses of ceramic debt, and I wait. Let's talk about it. So I try to keep that in the back of my mind too. 1s I don't want to experience 1s any karma. I don't want my kids to experience any karma, my family to experience any karma for my bad doing. So I try to walk in the good light. I'm not perfect at all, but I try to be perfect. Okay. No, I totally get that, because some of my friends are just like, you're a goody two shoes. And some of my friends say, I'm like, 2s I don't know if I can I can say it. I just don't want to say it on this show because we're not after hours. 1s But they'll be like, you're a lovable. 1s And I'm like, but I'm still the same person. It just depends on which part you get, 2s because you've got to be authentic wherever you're at. You know what I'm saying? You've got to meet people where they're at. And sometimes you have to be the lesson. 2s But with that said, 1s I agree with you. I think you have to keep your hands clean. I think you have to, you know, don't like a lot of people will go out into the world with a grudge or looking for trouble or they just want to fight everybody because they're so angry from not doing the work. 1s But then it's like they don't always have the tools to do the work. Or maybe they missed that life lesson earlier on where they needed to be to receive that lesson. Because sometimes we stand in our own way a lot, all the time. And that is something like I did for a very long time. I like to learn the hard way. There's a reason I'm a life coach and I tell people it's because I don't want them to do the dumb stuff I did. 3s I would prefer they get the lesson without having to do the dumb things like that. 3s That's true too, because that goes with seeing 1s everybody's journey is different. You can only be so voiceful on your experience. But everybody you have that one person that say, oh, that's hot, let me touch it. So they touch it, they get burned, then they learn. Or they got to continue touching until they lose a finger and then they'll so it all goes with that. It's true. It's true. And there are people like my husband the other day he was saying you like to be doing at horses. 3s A leo telling me that. Really? Right. 2s Okay. I said, Maybe I do I can take that because I like constructive feedback. And I said, Aren't you the one who puts them in the field for me to hit? 1s And he was just like, 1s what do you want for dinner? 2s That's the table, this topic. Right? And that's funny, because my uncle, too, I had a conversation with him yesterday, just looking for advice about being repetitive and saying the same things ongoing. And he told me, he said, you just got to keep saying it to get it. And that was his advice. And I'm like you're right. You're it's true, though. Yeah. Okay. I'll take that. Because I got to tell you, there are times and I love every one of my clients. I have the best clients ever. 4s But I'll tell you a story. There was one time where someone came to me and I went, they're not ready. 1s And sometimes, in all honesty, 2s you have a lot of false starts. Like, if you're looking to start over in your life, there's a lot of false starts that you have. It's just part of the journey. We know it because clients do this, 2s but sometimes people just are not ready to hear it. Or if they process maybe slower than others, sometimes you might have a session with someone and three months later, they call you up and they're like, the advice you gave me was really great, and you don't even remember what you told me. Right? 2s But they're just like, it was what I needed to hear. And you really do. You have to keep telling them until they get it. Because sometimes and sometimes you are that person, like as a coach, where your whole job is to just be the person who is like their. 3s What a great time for me. Blank it's their accountability system. It's like you're their accountability, buddy. 3s And some people, like, when they first have that shift of energy that goes along with that, they don't always know how to handle that. Exactly. So sometimes there's a lot of repetitiveness. So if you're working with a life coach, 1s I'm just going to tell you who is not one of us. It should be one of us, but whatever. 3s It's great marketing, right? 3s If you're working with a life coach and they do repeat themselves a lot, I promise. It's because of a purpose, and it's because they're trying to get you to stop beating the dead horse right back with the dead horses. Okay? 2s Clean the horse up and move it. That's it. Just let it drink it's water. Let it drink its water. It'll beat fine. It'll find its way home, I promise. 3s Absolutely. 3s Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you, Andrea. Any time. I can't do that. Yeah, we'll have to book something soon because it will be fun. 1s Thank you all for coming. As always, you can check out the Sacred Hearts on all media platforms. You can visit my website at Sacred Hearts, and then you can go to the show link for Sacred Hearts podcast. If you'd like to see details on how to contact Truth, you can also visit my website, sacred., and you'll find details there as well. If you're interested in upcoming classes, there are classes that will be offered later this fall. They're starting November 1. Think about it. On demand classes are starting November 1. And if you would like to receive any type of 3s platform, reach with that. Like if you're someone who wants to subscribe to Self Help Journeys or classes or just sign up for the newsletter, feel free to there are going to be some big podcasts news dropping. I'm going to have a lot of shows premiering this fall. There's going to be shows also premiering this winter as well. So please thank you for coming. Contact Ms. Patrice if you would like to book her services. Petok soul. Ms. Patrice Simmons. Thank you so much for being a part of the Sacred Hearts family and being on the show today. Always and forever. Thank you for having me. Thank you. I love that you're here, and I will talk with you soon. All right, talk to you soon. Bye bye. 1s Hey, everyone. Thanks so much for watching and listening to today's show. If you had any difficulty joining our live broadcast, I do apologize. I was told there were some technical difficulties in post development, so I wanted to apologize for that. I am working on that, and hopefully that will not happen next time. I'd like to give a shout out to our wonderful guest coach, Patrice Simmons. Thank you so much. Patrice Simmons is a life coach with Peacock soul. That is her coaching practice, and she is accepting clients. If you would like to schedule an appointment with her, you can book a session through the website. I do have her information there for you, or you can email her directly at pete. Hawks Thank you so much, Patrice, for appearing on today's show. I look forward to seeing you succeed.