Episode 123: Manifestation and Success (A Sneak Peek into the Evolution Podcast with Sagi Shrieber, Terrance X Johnson and Ethan P. Heisey)
Sagi: Everybody, what's up, Sagi here. Welcome to the Commit First podcast. Now, today we have a very special episode for you. I wanted to have two updates to share with you. One, I have an app out. It's called Affirmations & Co. It's an app for affirmations. If you love personal development and everything is podcasted about, you will love this app.
Get affirmations and code on the App Store and Google Play, and I would love to hear feedback. It's fresh, it's new, and I would love to hear feedback about it, and I use it every single day. Anybody from my audience who's already downloaded it says they use it on a daily basis, would love to hear your thoughts.
So anyways, get Affirmations & Co or you can go to affirmations.co and find the links there. All right, so now the second update is, I don't know how many of you know this, but I have another podcast. So one is this Commit First, and the second one is called The Evolution Podcast, where I interview my mentor, Mr. Johnson, every single week, and we have weekly episodes coming out and I just ask him about business and life and things that are more on the verge of like spirituality in business and success.
This is a great, great podcast and today I wanna show you an episode that rerecorded a few weeks back when I visited Mr. J. In Atlanta in his hometown. I flew out to the US. I flew out to meet Mr. J, and we sat down along with Ethan, the third host. He's also a mentee of Mr. J. And together we had an amazing session. We recorded two episodes, one, which is coming out this week, and so go out and check the Evolution podcast on spotify at Apple podcast and whatnot.
But you can listen to this right here, this is a teaser. This is one episode out of the podcast that we recorded together. Guys enjoy this episode with Mr. Johnson and Ethan P. Heisey that we recorded in a professional studio in Atlanta, Georgia. Enjoy.
What's up everybody? Welcome to another episode of the Evolution podcast. And as you're seeing if you're watching this and not listening to this today, we are live from Atlanta, from Gus's Studio and with us today as usual, Ethan.
Ethan: Hey everybody. It's good to be here in person live
Sagi: Oh God and Mr. Johnson.
Terrance: Hello everyone, as always, I hope you're doing super fantastic and excited to be here as usual.
Sagi: This is going to be an amazing episode just because first of all, we are all together for first time ever, not over Zoom. We can see each other's legs right now. You can too if . And we are, just going to talk about some things that came up before, which is manifestation.
Terrance: Right, right., well, you guys know, first of all, it's always a pleasure. Thanks for joining us once again for the Evolution Podcast. As normal, you know, I'm here with my guys, Ethan and Sagi. These are both of my mentees as well as quite a few others and what are we gonna talk about today?
Well, first of all, I'm just so glad that everyone's here. You know, we've been doing this podcast for quite some time. You guys know that Ethan and I both reside here in Atlanta, Georgia, but Sagi lives all the way over in Israel, so I just, super fantastic that he came all the way over to hang out with us.
I'm just so excited about it. Wonderful guy, great mentee. I already knew all of that to begin with, but just to have him in person is just wonderful. So I just wanna acknowledge him for traveling all the way from his country to spend some time with Ethan and I and to further our podcast, and what we're doing.
So, kudos to my guy Sagi and my guy Gus, for letting us host it in the studio. Shut out the Gus back there. We appreciate you Gus and I got my guy Mike in the building. My beautiful wife, Marie, just all my friends and family as normal. I know this is not our normal group that we would have with us when we were doing this, but nevertheless, we're just gonna move forward from here.
What are we talking about today? Well, what we're talking about today is, how do you actually manifest something? You know, there's so many YouTube videos and affirmations and so many different personal coaches that are trying to help you manifest things. Well, as I was saying to Sagi earlier, we've been doing this podcast for a while and Sagi has been my mentee now for over, I believe, close to a year.
And we have been talking about him coming to the States. Now, this is a prime example of manifestation. Before Sagi came here to the United States, I remember us conversing about it and we were doing what one would call planting seeds. All right, I have a saying, your mind is the soil, your thoughts are seeds and you water the soil, and those seeds with your words?
So Sagi says, I want to come see you, Mr. Johnson. Now, this is obviously quite a few months ago, but he puts it out there. He plants the seed, if you will. We don't know when. We don't know how. We don't know where. We just know this is what we desire. This is what we would like to have happen, and let's move forward a few months later.
Now he's sitting here in front of me. How does it happen? Well, he calls it to happen, there's cause and effect, cause and effect. So the first thing he does is he sees it, his mind's eye, Hey, I want to come to the States and meet with Mr. Johnson. Let's not even get into the financial commitments and all those other things.
None of that, to me, is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is he's made a decision, consciously to say, "This is where I want to go". Now, over a period of time, what starts to happen? We call it synchronicity. You might call it the universe. I prefer to call it God. Things start to line up, if you will. To where all of a sudden now he's here.
What is the point I'm trying to make to each you, each of us all have the ability to create whatever we see in our imagination or in our mind. This is a great gift, a divine gift. Unfortunately, most people focus on what they don't want. They imagine what they don't want. They imagine themselves being sick or lonely or unhappy or depressed or said, and all these other variables that play a part in our life.
But if you take that same energy and you imagine something positive, if you will, and you hold that image in your mind, it would harden into your reality. And so if I'm Sagi saying I want to come to the States several months ago, to now he's here, it's hardening into his reality. So how do you manifest something?
Let me, I say all that to say this. What do I need to do to manifest something Mr. Johnson? What do I really need to do? I've heard all these speakers say this, do that, say affirmations, this, that, and the third. What do I need to do? Here's the first thing you're gonna have to do. You have to decide on what you want.
This is the very first thing. Now, unfortunately, most people can't even get past this. Most people don't know what they want. I'm gonna give you an example. Most people say they want to be happy. If I ask you, what do you want? They'll say, be happy. Then I'll ask this question, What does that look like? And then there's silence..
You see, you must know exactly what it is that you want. Now, here's the second thing, once you know what it is that you want, once you decided, Hey, this is the life I want, this is the marriage I want the finances, I want the business I want, the health I want, whatever it is that you want. Once you decide, you make that decision and you see it in your mind's eye, you're so called imagination.
Now, I want you to understand something and I'm a spiritual man. Not necessarily a religious man, but a spiritual man. And I say this to a lot of my mentees. I truly believe this, that God became man, that man might become God. I really believe that with all of my heart because everything you see around you, even the studio, the Teslas, the cars, the buildings, the skyscrapers, the condos, the food in the supermarket, and all those cans, all of that came out of the product of someone's mind..
This is a fact, and don't think that this person is smarter than you or that they're more intelligent than you, or they're more educated than you. That's not the case at all. They're just thinking differently than you. , they're just thinking differently. There's a scripture that teaches us that. So a man think of in his heart, So is that man, What is it referencing?
So a man can perceives himself to be, How do you see you? So if you want to manifest a different life, you must first see the image in your mind's eye first. Once you have that, you must start taking the appropriate steps to see what's in your mind to bring it into a reality. So the first thing you want to do, affirmations. They call it affirmations. You can call it a prayer. At the end of the day, it's all inner conversation, self-talk. What do you tell yourself about yourself every day? What do you say to yourself? How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself successful? Successful, or do you see yourself, you know, struggling in poverty?
Do you see yourself happily married? Do you see yourself with a prosperous business? Most people have low self-esteem , they have low self-esteem. You've been programmed to have low self-esteem, and I'm gonna show you this as you do a common exercise. Are you all are part of the collective consciousness? Even though this is a taping and my guys are sitting right next to me, just go along with me.
Finish the common phrase, No pain, no gain, anything in life worth having. You have to work what, hard. Now, here's the question, why do we all know that? Because that's been programmed into you. That's what you've been taught to do. You understand? Like you teach a child to walk and you teach a child to behave, you've been taught that everything in life you want, you're gonna have to kill yourself to get it.
You've been taught that and because you've been taught that, more importantly, you believe that and because you believe that that's what makes it fact.
Sagi: And can I start right here?
Terrance: Sure, absolutely.
Sagi: I mean, I think this is something that I really learned from you and picked up from you in the mentoring like this past years is a validation that when you manifest things or when you know, you tend to just say, hey, things come easily to me than they do. And so you work less hard and more things come. And then also when you put more energy in visualizing like in your own mind the proper outcome, then basically a lot of miracles happen along the way.
Terrance: This is true.
Sagi: Right? And so like you get way more out of doing the inner work instead of doing the outer work and then you get to do less outer work which most people hate doing, but basically like it all comes together.
Terrance: This is so true and a lot of times what most people don't realize, am I saying go around telling everybody you're a millionaire and you're not a millionaire. No. Am I ? I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying to you is the inner conversation you're having with yourself, you must decide who you want to be. You know, I refer to a lot of scriptures because I find that if you can remove the control of religion in people's personal beliefs and just look at the text and understand the spiritual meanings behind it, it says this call, the things that are not as though they were.
Each of us have the ability to call whatever it is to us. For example, a young lady might want love, she might want to have a husband and because she's in the right frame of mind, she's vibrating at the right frequency. She attracts that to her, and then all of a sudden she's happily married. As opposed to a girlfriend who says, I can never find a man. There are no good men, and she's single at 40.
This is now, what's the difference? Is it really predicated upon beauty or is it really predicated upon one state of mind? You see, you must understand where one sees the world. totally depends on where they're standing in it. How you perceive the world to be. So if you perceive the world to be filled with this, filled with that, and then if you allow those thoughts and that narrative to creep into your consciousness. Then that by definition, the law must make it that way for you.
What law am I referencing? The law of creation. There are certain laws that govern our planet and govern our universe. We all know there's a law of gravity. Jump off a building, you're going to fall no matter what. That is a law. You know that if you place a plant or a seed in the ground and you water it, the law states that that seed must grow and it produce a tree.
If the law also states, if you put a body in the ground, the ground knows to decompose the body. Also proving that it should let you know that the ground is intelligent and knows one to grow a seed and the other one that the decompose a body. Just to let you understand that you're surrounded by certain laws of creation.
I'm not trying to go too far with that, but I just want you to understand that there are certain principles that govern on existence. One law is you reap what you sow. Think about that for a moment. What seeds are you sowing in business? What seeds are you sowing in your personal relationships? What seeds are you sowing as a husband or as a wife?
Are you planting good seeds of prosperity, health, happiness, peace, love, joy, mercy, forgiveness, or are you planting seeds of distrust, anxiety, worry, fear? See, we're all dealing with it. I don't care if you are white, black, gay, straight, short, tall, fat, skinny, none of that matters.. At the end of the day, we have certain commonalities.
Number one, we're all born, and number two, we're all going to die. Now in that dash in between that life from the time you're born until the time you die, that is your time to manifest. Now, what are you manifesting in your life? I don't wanna get off topic, but remember, you can manifest whatever you want.
Number one, decide. Make a conscious decision. Number two, write it down what you write. Write your vision down and make it plain. I tell both of my guys, write down what you want. One thing I love about Ethan, he's always do, He's always taking notes. He's, this guy is just like a note taker. He's listening and writing it down.
And listen, it's not enough just to take notes, but I want you to apply what you're learning. The application, the acquiring of knowledge makes one smart. It is the application of what you've acquired that makes you wise. But Mr. Johnson wants you guys to be particularly my young men and women is to become wise.
I know you're smart. Two plus two is four.
Ethan: Can you say that again?
Terrance: Say that again?
Ethan: Yeah. The application part.
Terrance: The acquiring of knowledge makes you smart. It is the application of that knowledge that makes you wise.
Ethan: That's so if you're taking notes right now, write that.
Sagi: Ethan doesn't have a notebook right now.
Ethan: I don't have my notebook.
Terrance: Yeah, and listen, the reason I say it, and you guys see Mr. J's obviously a little bit older than the guys that don't, I surround myself with these young guys because they're already successful in their own right. But at the same time, how do we get to the next level? And a lot of times guys are always thinking, I need to just grow my business or increase my revenue by 20% without scaling themselves.
They want to scale the business without them scaling. They wanna make more revenue without them changing, it doesn't work that way. Your business will grow in direct proportion to how you're growing. Now, is it just growing financially or do you want to grow spiritually? Do you want to grow emotionally? Are you a good business citizen?
Are you a good business person? Let's put all that out the way. Are you a good person? Period. You see there's a shift going on in the world today. It's obvious. It's all around us. The world is obviously in crisis. There's war, there's pandemics, there's monkeypox, covid, inflation, taxation. There's all this, and any otherization you can come up with.
But the fact of the matter is none of that changes the basic dynamic of our existence. We are all so called human beings. And I'll take that a step further. You are the gods. Now, most people won't tell you that. Most people probably won't believe that, but you tell me, can a pig make a flat screen tv? No? Can a doberman pincher make an electric vehicle?
No, it cannot. But man can, man can take a man's eyes out of a person who's dying and place those eyes in somebody else, and they can see. They can take the heart out of a person who's clinically brain dead and place into another person, and that person would live. Can a bumblebee do that? How about a kangaroo or a moose?
Man is the only creature given two great gifts from my creator. The gift of speech, and mind. We can speak to each other and we have a mind. Notice I did not say brain. Brain does the calculation. Your brain looks at your bank account, your mind figures out how to fill it. I'm gonna say that to you again.
Your brain looks at your bank account and says, I have $8,000 in the bank. Your mind is always saying, How do I get another 8,000? You see, they are not the same thing. The brain does the calculation, the mind does the figuring, if you will.
I want to talk to you about faith. Most people do not know what it is to have faith. It is a word loosely thrown around and very easily misunderstood. Now what is it is to have faith. Now I'm gonna give you the biblical definition. You can find this in the great book of Hebrews chapter 11, beginning at verse one. It says this, "Faith is the substance of things, hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
What does that simply mean? I'm gonna break it down for you, faith is a real thing. You have to have faith, not just in yourself, but have faith in your, everything that you're doing, your business, your health, your marriage, your children, everything you do, you're doing it in faith. Well, how so Mr.
Johnson? Every time you start your vehicle up, you have faith that it's gonna turn on. Every time you go to sit down at the dining room table and you sit in that chair, you have faith that that chair will hold you. You don't even question it. You don't even think about it. It just open me, start my car up.
That's how it works, right? Yeah. But when it comes to your own life, your own business. Do you have that same type of clarity, that same type of faith? Faith is a real thing, the substance of a thing hoped for. Let's get a littles scientific. The substance or the matter, everything is made of matter. This chair is solid.
Remember that we learned that in high school matter, right? Faith is the substance of the thing, hoped for. So if you're hoping for a business, you're hoping for a new car or marriage, your faith is the substance of that very thing you're hoping for. All right and the evidence of the thing not seen. What does that simply mean, guys?
It means this. The fact that you believe it is what makes it real. That's how it works. I'm gonna say this to you again. Listen to me carefully. The fact that you believe in it is what makes it manifest. Don't you see that? Do you think Elon Musk had to have faith that his ideals would work out? How about Bill Gates? How about Jeff Bezos?
Ethan: That's right.
Terrance: Did they not have to faith? And I heard Amazon crashed a couple of times. Now look at where it's at. The point I'm trying to make to all of you is this, have faith in yourself. Most of you will say you believe in a higher power. Well, would most of you believe at that same higher power believes in you?
Would most of you believe that? Most of you say, I pray to God, or I pray to Christ, or I pray to Allah, or I pray to the moon or the sun, or whatever the universe and ask for all these things to help me. Well, would it be something for you to find out that that higher power believes in you? You see, if God became man, that man might become God.
Then you must see that the word of God or the creative portion of man must be his imagination. It must be, and see, you have the gift you can imagine beautiful, lovely things. Or you can imagine war and destruction. So I didn't mean to be so long with it, but things good. Yeah, it's good stuff. I just want you guys to know you can manifest whatever you want, believe in yourself and don't doubt yourself.
And there is a huge difference between believing and knowing.
Sagi: Yeah. And just to add on top of that, we were talking about like really big things like Amazon. You know, going back to again, people like us and we just talked about it, that I wrote an article about why I flew out to the US.
I came for a conference and I'm coming here to meet you. I don't know what will come out of me spending thousands of dollars and leaving my business and family back home. Like, I didn't have an agenda, like, you know, coming here but I have faith. So, you know, that's the ROI.
Terrance: Well, there it is and at the same time, it takes faith. You see, I tell my guys this and you guys gotta forgive us. It's warm in the studio. That's why I'm wiping my head . A lot of lights. Yeah, it's a lot of lights. But as I tell my guys this, again, they're already successful, but you say, Well, Mr. J, what, what? What are you looking for them to get?
There were, One of the things I do with the Evolution Mentor Program is that I want guys just to be simply better, they need to improve. And so when you see Sagi say, I don't know what the return on the investment is, Well, I already know what the return on the investment is for him. He's gonna grow from it. You see?
You must invest in yourself. This is another thing I would tell people. You must develop a habit. Develop a habit of making yourself a priority. And I'm saying this particularly to men and women because particularly women with children, they make their children their priority. I don't agree with that.
They should make their children one of their priorities, but not their sole priority. This is, I really believe that. And secondly, as I say to my men, they'll work themselves into the grave and make their finances a priority, but not their health.. Also I think that what I would just say is make yourself a priority.
Make your happiness important to you, and you must go for it. You are going to die. You know why I'm so direct with people? Because people live in a la la land. You wake up as you go to bed, assuming you're gonna wake up. Do you know that thousands of people died last night? For all of you who are listening to me, thousands of people died.
Thousands all over the world. Thousands. They went to bed, they kissed their husband, they kissed their wife, they kissed their kids, and the husband woke up and the wife didn't. The wife woke up and their child didn't. The child woke up and the dad didn't. But you don't hear about it because you're in your world.
Me, I have a bit of a broader perspective. You are going to die. Do you understand? You are running out of time, and let me be clear with you. Time is fixed. Time is not getting older, we are. Time is fixed. You are running out of time. So I strongly advise you to take stock of your life. Now is the only moment that counts, my friends. Now is all you have. There's no guarantee that you'll wake up tomorrow, cause tomorrow never comes. Tomorrow was always today. Today is always yesterday. So tomorrow never comes. So what do you do? Make a decision now, it doesn't matter where you are financially, education wise, I don't care what you're dealing with.
If you have breath in your body, you can breathe. There's something called hope, faith, hope and love. Three traditional aspects of our existence, but very rarely use in truly misunderstood and definitely in short supply. Love yourself. Don't doubt yourself. Believe in yourself. Put your best foot forward, and go for it.
Don't be afraid. I'm gonna say this to you again, to hell at what society thinks. Okay? You wanna know the truth, you're looking at a black guy got two white guys next to me, right? The world says this shouldn't happen. The world says we should be racially divided. The world says, these guys are my enemies.
That's what the world says. Is that true? Well, how could that be? And we're all in a room together. You see, at the end of the day, there's a shift coming. It's gonna be the shift between good and evil. No one talks about that anymore. Evil is not politically to talk about. They call it mental illness
Sagi: And I think that's a good intro to our next episode. Because I think like talking about manifestation and everything like that, now we can talk about the forces that maybe sometimes prevent us from manifesting what you want.
Terrance: All right. That sounds good. So what we're gonna do, we're gonna do, Go ahead, Sagi.
Sagi: Yeah. So what we're gonna do, we're gonna end this podcast episode right now and pick up on the next episode of the Evolution Podcast. Guys, as always, if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to share it with your friends. Rate us on Apple podcast or Spotify, wherever you're listening to this. And yeah, just share it, you know, share the word.
Terrance: Well, listen, we're gonna circle back up with you guys shortly that's supposed to, you guys, he directs all this stuff. So, but anyway, listen, let me leave with these words. From the day that you're born to the right and at hearse, things are never so bad that they couldn't be worse. I once saw a man complaining because he had no shoes until I saw a man with no feet. Life is colorful. Keep everything in its proper perspective.
Sagi: Hey guys, what's up? Sagi here, I hope you enjoyed this episode, and if you did, please rate us on Apple Podcasts. Also on Spotify, it only takes a second. And remember, this podcast is brought to you by Affirmations & Co, the app for affirmations.
If you wanna change your life, if you wanna crush the meeting beliefs, if you want to change your inner chatter, you need affirmations. I use affirmations on a daily basis, and that's why I created this app. In the app, you can set reminders to have your affirmations sent to you via crucial notifications. In the app you can set widgets on your iPhone or on your device. In the app. You can follow me and other creators and entrepreneurs, and basically you can see my affirmations and with one tap, you make them your own. Let's build with each other. Let's build on top of each other and help each other grow together. So get Affirmations & Co. ,you can go to affirmations.co, you'll have the download links, or just go to your favorite app store and search for Affirmations & Co. All right guys. Thank you so much and see you on the next episode.