Clydesdale Media Podcast

We recap the weekend of action from Carson California and the Torian Pro to see what athletes are moving on the the CrossFit Games.  We also see how Carolyne is doing with being on the verge of her semifinal in North America East in Knoxville Tennessee.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on everybody?

Welcome to Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

We're just getting right

down to business because

the action on the field

just ended 30 minutes ago

and we are here to talk about it.

couple shout outs first

though um I i need to shout

out the mvp of the weekend

our stats and information

person holly dugan who has

been killing it with

leaderboards and updates

and stats and graphics to

the instagram all weekend

long she is invaluable to

this team and I thank her

so much I just let her go

she does her thing and she

does it so well all I have

to do is approve it for our

instagram and it goes right

there she is amazing so

huge shout out to her now

we're going to jump into

the north america west

semis and the oceana semis

we're going to start with

north america west since it

just ended and everybody

that's in the chat is

already talking about

colton olivia kelsey hattie

all those people tutor all

those people and so we're

going to talk about all of

it I have a I have a thing

in my notes where I have

the good the bad and the

ugly but you can talk about

I'm going to open it up to

you guys first and then

I'll fill in whatever you

guys don't say okay so

let's talk about the good

from the weekend things

that you were impressed with

First for me was Colton's

finish on event one.

I was completely shocked.

Yeah, I agree.

I did not expect a top five finish there.

Even from Pat,

I was very happy to see him

get back into that final heat.

I didn't expect him having a

top five for a long-distance run as well.

So both of those were very

solid performances to start with.

Especially from the second heat with Pat.


And not having everybody

there to push him.

He had a great finish to get

back up in there.

For sure.

Well, he had...

ibarra was in that heat with

him right uh I think so

somebody was right behind

him so he had and who ended

up up there I feel like so

little did we know yeah so

aaron frazier is already

jumping in hot and heavy I

think the biggest story of

the weekend is the other

semis that gained a spot no

way olivia colton tudor

don't belong at the games I

think here's the issue

We are getting a deeper

field of well-rounded athletes.

And either you have to have

home runs or you need to be

very well-rounded.

And even if you have home runs,

because Olivia won two events.

Oldest Upanix won two events.

And neither one of them are

going to the CrossFit Games.

Tudor Magna.

And Colton.

Sorry, Colton won two, Olivia won two,

and Uldis, yes.

There's three people that

now have won two events.


So it is a more well-rounded field now.

There are people that you

have never heard of that

are coming to play,

and they're taking spots

from the people that we've

known for a long time.

Chris Ibarra, Hattie Cano.





I mean, at the end of the day,

I think most of the vets, you know,

performed as expected.

Like there wasn't that many

rookies that were able to break through.

But the ones that did really

caught my eye.

All that being said,

there's no way South

America should have three

and eight years should have three.

agree like in that vein yes

if Asia would have gotten

the two and we had the

extra one here for the for

like I think most people

would be happy and say it

was a more correct field

yeah so Carolyn what's a

good thing you had

I thought there was amazing performances.

I thought Olivia on the

snatch was incredible.

It was unbelievable to watch.

I don't know that anyone

beats that in the East.

I'm not sure, but that's just,

it was crazy.

So dominant.


Adrian said that that was

offensive and I literally

is like no better word for that.

Like it was, it was an insane performance.


Jamie, Jamie literally texts me.

Did she, did she skip a bar?

i felt like I missed four

reps in there like like I

was like did the judge only

count two on the four what

happened like all of it and

I don't know like I missed

her loading her bar and

hitting the first of the

265 or the 175 I was like

what what the heck she's

done like I didn't realize

she was that far ahead of

was it kelsey and her heat

in that one yeah and like

next thing I know she's

done I'm like what just

happened and then they

interviewed danny after and

she said when I heard that

that time well she's got it


You're not, you're not touching that.

I don't think anyone's touching that.

I think that one, um,

people will talk about

Colton's touch and go,

but I think what Tudor did

on that last event was more

impressive to me.


although Colton's touch and go was

super impressive.

Um, and I think I yelled when I saw it,

I was like, Oh my God.


but the way Tudor finished that last

event was incredible as well.


I didn't expect that.

I thought he was, you know,

missing a little juice on

his handstand walk event on

his snatch during the day.

Like I was expecting just a

little bit more.

Like there were,

there's three good events for him today,

like home run events.

And I thought that he, I mean,

at the end of the day,

he did miss out on a few

opportunities today to,

to take a spot because.

Speaking of that,

let me ask you this on the

handstand walk.

He came out flying as fast

as Cole Grishaber did as well.

hit that line, got the no rep,

and it seemed like he slowed down a gear.

Did you notice that as well?

I actually felt like he went

– I thought he went a little too panicky,

and I was like, whoa,

settle down because we

don't need another mistake

like that or you doing something dumb,

like rein it in.

It's just unfortunate.

Yeah, to me,

it looked like he geared it

down a little bit after that first round.

And maybe he just was tired.

Maybe another row just made

him more tired.

I don't know, but it just seemed, yeah.

But he was not jittery on the last event.



he sent the bike unbroken on the ring


and those lunges looked like nothing.



The kid has all the talent.

And I just,

my heart aches for him because

when Jamie and I talked to him last week,

like we said, you know,

we've picked you to win.

And he's like, oh, you're the only people.

Like he's so down on himself

at this point with

everybody beating on him.

Like he needs a win.

And maybe that last event is

what he needs to get him

over the hump to go further.


I'm going to switch this to the cooler.

There we go.


Yeah, probably my other one was, yeah,

I guess that was it.

That was it for me.

Colton's Touching Girl and

Tudor's World Record in Event 6.

I really don't know if

that's going to be touched.

I'm excited to see somebody

like Dalen try.

But, man.

Carolyn sends out guns out at 8 p.m.

I know.

I just haven't changed.

I need to shower still.

Anything else good?

For me,

Hattie being first going into the

final day was awesome.

And it's funny because on

every other broadcast, she's unknown.

Nobody knows.


You've had her on so much.

We did a whole series this year.

A whole series with her training in Bali.

Like a whole series.

I think at the end of the weekend, I think,

or on the broadcast,

Lauren Killough was like,

I can't wait to learn more about her.

And in my head, I was like, well,

we have plenty on Clydesdale.

Just sent the hair on my neck up again.

That I wanted to just...

Um, everybody,

can we pronounce her name correctly?

Patty Cano, not Kanye, not Haiti,

Patty Cano.

I think, uh, Cole Sager, you know,

punching 11 in a row, you know,

just smooth weekend.

Um, I mean, just to do it that long,


And, and still qualify.

And this is the third time

he's come from an outside

position and made his way into, uh,

know a qualifying position

on the last workout like

he's just has that in him

to to suffer on that last

workout and just do enough

uh kenneth hit one of mine

james sprague went from a

bubble athlete to a

contender he looked

confident yeah it it's like

it literally last year he

was a bubble athlete and

this year there was no doubt

No doubt he belongs.

But you know what's crazy?

I think we didn't talk about

Justin like all weekend,

and Justin did Justin things,

didn't win anything, consistency,

and he wins the weekend.

But like how many times did

the broadcast even mention

him all weekend?

Like nothing.

And he goes out.

It was hard to see on the broadcast,

but you could tell there

was a different demeanor.

There was like the lightness

that Justin had at the ranch in 2020,

the joking around, the giving high fives,

the not being standoffish.

I think we're seeing another

Justin coming into the games this year.

The one we saw back in 2021.

I was happy to see him one.

He needs that.

I think it's just going to

make the men's field even

more interesting going into the games.

Because Pat, I mean,

Pat had a bad day today

with a couple events.

But now that Justin's back winning, like,

you know, you start looking at Ricky's.

I mean, we'll talk about Oceana soon,

but Ricky's back and got

the East coming next week and.

Um, you know, James is,

is looking good too in the

West and Brent and Pat and Justin,

like there's never looked, uh,

better and deeper.

Um, I'm super excited for that.

And I went to pick the East for tonight.

Good Lord.

Like it's not even possible down to 11.


James W. says, the mullet, the goatee,

the whole is greater than

the sum of its parts.

It can't be argued.

Justin is back.

That's funny.

The goatee looked good.

Looked a little snidely whiplash,

like he was coming after

the Canadian Mounties.

If you get that old reference.


You don't?


you write the cartoon back in the day?

Oh, man.

Come on.

Man, am I old.

I had a couple more goods

that I just want to throw out there,

and you guys can jump in.

I thought Caitlin Bernardin

was really good in the first three events,

and then she got out of her skis,

and the rest of the weekend

kind of went away.

Because we're going to hit

the broadcast in other ways,

but the remote cameras on

the rig were awesome.

that they could get the

shots from above from the

rig without having a

cameraman all up in

people's business under the rig.

I thought that was a great addition.

Tetlo PRing the last bar

twice to finish was really awesome.

And then I had Colton's

touch and go where the bar

came down sideways and he

still pulled it off.


When he brought that down, I was like,

Oh no, you are not.

Like, I was like,

there's no way you're getting this.

Oh my gosh.

And Bruce is right.

Abigail Doman had an incredible weekend,

a very Justin like weekend.


She didn't win a thing.

She was just consistent

throughout the weekend,

did her thing and ended up

on top at the end of the week.

I didn't know in terms of

running capacity.

I didn't think that she was

going to be a top four or five.

And then that first event,

she did super well there.

So it looks like she has a

lot of strengths.

And, yeah,

she's looking to have a good

season this year.

I agree with you.

I think they tried to get

some monitor shots while they're on.

But it's –

I know I've been in that

situation like when I was

filming Rudy or Jamie for documentaries.

You don't want to get in their way.

And it's tough.

The monitor's not that easy to see.



Kenneth Lapp,

great weekend for Trista Smith.

It really was.

For her being 18 years old,

first time in the elite.

Well, she competed last year in the semis,

but still was a teen athlete last year.

Coming out and having a shot

on the last event.

Pretty awesome.


All right.

So then we go to the bad.

Who wants to start the bad?

It was empty.

I had that in the ugly.

Yeah, okay.

I don't know.

I thought it was going to

get more packed as Saturday

went on and Sunday, especially today,

and it still didn't look

like there was many fans.

The atmosphere wasn't that loud.

So that part was disappointing.

I know California can be

busy and there's other things going on,


I don't know if it's a lack

of promotion or what's

going on or because we have the games.

North America just has a lot

of other events that they get to see.

I'm not sure,

but there's something that

needs to get figured out

because you look at Oceania

and Europe and you'll see

South America this upcoming week.

And it's crazy.

It's packed.

It's loud.

The atmosphere is unbelievable.

Oh, it's a holiday.

It's a holiday weekend.

I forgot for you guys.

The other thing is,

but so what's holiday weekend.

It's in a city where there

are other things to do.

You could make it your vacation,

but they always put it in.


There's other things to do in LA,

but it's also a horrible

traffic town and the,

and it's just so expensive.


Expensive to get there.

They need to find more

affordable locations and,

Because, I mean, I tried to get there,

and the plane tickets were

just unreasonable.

Yeah, it needs to be,

it needs to just be a more

central location.

And maybe the fact that we

have two of them splits the viewership.

I don't know.

Maybe there needs to be one

80-person one with just all

of North America,

and it needs to be in the

center of the United States.

I don't know.

Yeah, I think California's too expensive.


I forgot about the long weekend for

you guys.

Maybe put it on either week one or three.

Cheaper for flights, everything.

Larry Young said,

looking at the stands for the first time,

I was like,

your gym travels for regionals

makes a difference.

We've talked about that on this show.

When we lost regionals and

the ability for your gym to

drive to a local comp,

it made a big difference.

And I agree.

I think they should not

schedule on Memorial Day weekend.

But I think what happens is

they wait till the last

minute to try to find these venues.

And then they're stuck with just,

there were more people in

Pasadena last year in the

shopping center than there

were at this iconic location across town.



Like you were there.

I agree.

It was sad.

It kind of surprises me.

Like I thought,

cause I thought both semis

last year were fairly well attended.

The stands were pretty packed.

I completely didn't expect.

And one of them was on Memorial weekend.

So like,

we can't say that that is the reason,

but East was the Memorial last time.

And maybe that's a function

of being a little bit

cheaper of the two locations

so it was more feasible so

bruce says people enjoy the

games not the semis if you

enjoy the games more than

the semis you don't you're

not a fan of the sport in

its deepest sense there's

way more to do at semis

there's way more access to

the athletes and the

tension is so much higher

because there are so many

people's goal just to make

the games when you get to

the games you have two

heats of people just happy to be there

And everybody is competing

on these weekends.

John Gonzalez says, as an event organizer,

I can tell you they got a

sick deal on that venue

because it was Memorial Day weekend.

There you go.

So we're doing it because it's cheap,

not because it's what's

best for the sport.


So my other question to you

is we've cut back from 60 to 40.

And 40 or 38 to 30, right?

On teams or are teams the same?

30 on teams.

30 teams, I think.



So 20 less athletes there.

That's 20 less families to be there.

Does that make a difference?

More shots of having local

heroes out on the floor?

I don't know.

One of my,

one of my bads was that like here at West,

like the bottom 10 were

pretty inconsequential.


So there,

there is a point where too much

is too much, but that's where, when I say,

I feel like there should

just be one field of 80 in North America,

you're going to get better, a better,

well-rounded set of athletes,

as opposed to seeing these 10.

I don't think you're going

to see that bottom 10

situation at North America East.

Yeah, I don't think so either.

But like,

it seemed like the quarterfinals

didn't like weed out some

people that like didn't

have as much handstand

walking capacity or

snatching and just kind of

like the basic higher skills.

I was surprised to see in

such a bigger region like

North America or even

Australia or Australia, Oceania, that.

The bottom had a big gap between the top,

let's say two heats and

then the bottom two heats.



Something way a while ago

about West coast classic in

Vegas was awesome.

And it was,

it was packed because Vegas is

easy and cheap to get to.

And there are deals on

hotels all the time because

people want you to come and gamble.

And so I would hope the West

would go back to Vegas.

I think that's the ultimate

place for you to have that

Western semifinal because it is cheap,

it's easy to get to,

and the stands were packed.

And that was – COVID was

still happening when that was there,

and it was packed.


um I'll just finish up with

this it's not easy to throw

in any event in california

because it's so expensive

I'm in a new jersey and to

rent an expo center for

three days runs me like 30

to 40 k semis would imagine

I would imagine is a lost

leader for them yeah

they've said that a lot um

and then the thing in

europe that we can't match

is all the countries

Like, we just, we can't,

it's like an Olympic event

there because you get to go

root for your native person.

And that brings a level of

intensity that we can't emulate here.


Any other bad other than the

lack of people?

Ken's, Will Leahy's injury.


I hate to see anybody get hurt.


Along that lines, I think Colton and Tudor,

you know,

we had high hopes for both of

them going into the weekend.

Not great outcomes for them.

And Sydney McElishan,

we've been following her

for a couple years.

I just, I don't know what's up.

Like, she has all the talent in the world.

You know,

you saw the change in running

over the last year, and it just didn't,


translate on the floor until the

last two events, right?

Yeah, the last two events,

she looked like herself,

had some good top 10,

almost top five finishes,

maybe close to top five finishes.

And some of the events I

thought she was going to do better,

I just seemed like it just

wasn't her weekend.

Because there were good

events for her this weekend.

For sure.

My last bad is that if you

guys weren't watching the

simulcast on the spin,

my very own co-host, Jamie Latimer,

got into a fight with John Young,

and now there's beef.

I didn't get into a fight with him.

I just was commenting,

and then I got called out.

You know me.

Wait, what happened?

So let me set the stage.

So they were talking about

how the East field and the

West field are not equal

and that there are people

that didn't make it in the

East that could make it in the West.

Jamie piped up and said,

I'm one of those people

that would have made it in the West,

didn't make it in the East.

And John Young came back and said, well,

do you want to be Jamie

Hygieia and just finish

last in every event?


Well, I'm going to defend my friend.

Jamie Latimer and Jamie

Hygieia are completely

different athletes.

Completely different.

And they would have finished

way different in events in the West.

I would put Jamie Latimer's

fitness up against any

woman in the world.

She is just,

her engine is Sam Briggs-esque.

And she would have killed that run.


I think I would have been a lot like

this Caitlin Bernadine.

Yeah, you would have started hot.


Oh yeah.

I'm not saying I would have

done exceptional there,

but like John made a comment, like he, if,

if he would have shown up,

he would have at least had

like a home run and like made, you know,

but like, I just would have been last,

last, last.

And I just was, I, you know me,

I don't want to like,

I'm not a toot my own horn person.

So like,

I just let him talk and it is what it is.

He tested the workouts,

like not on the same order,

not on the same, probably transition, um,

I remember he said that he

tested the last one and he

gripped the dumbbells with his grips.

And it's like, well, I mean,

if you got a better score

because you gripped the dumbbells,

you gripped the dumbbells.

It's just hard to compare

when you're at home.

It's like every time that

the games happen or any

semifinals and people are like, oh,

I would have gotten this score here.

It's like, well, you didn't.

It's not the same comparison.

It's hard to compare.

I think the East and the

West field are a lot

different in their strength.

Let's say for the woman,

I think the woman on the

West have a lot more heavy

hitters than the East.

I think the East are more well-rounded,

less, less specialists.

If I were to say in terms of

the people that are in the field,

like there's a lot of home run people.

They were like fighting for spots, right?

That's just my opinion.

But I'm going to defend my friend,

and she is not Jamie Hagia.

Jamie is incredible.

I love Jamie.

She's incredible,

but they're completely

different athletes.

Yeah, they're not the same athletes.

They're completely different

athletes in what they're

good at and what they're not good at.

So to compare the two was

just an uneducated response.



I mean,

we had completely different leading,

like leading up,

like through open in quarters.

Like I was doing well,

even amongst worldwide.



You were in the top 40, weren't you?

At some point, like, like worldwide.



I don't know.

I mean, but I would, it's, I have like,

we just know my strength.

She'll never admit it.

Strength is my weakness.

I'm aware.

I do think I'm, I'm pretty fit though.

Like, I think I can, I don't,

I don't ever get much of an

opportunity to showcase it.

Like that, you know,

I feel like I'm better in person.

I don't get that opportunity very often.

She's still the only female

to try to kill Taylor.


And that's saying something.


That was not the best

workout to attempt to kill him in.

Um, but.

Well, no,

the box overs were taller than your head.


Gave it a go.

All right.

So now we go to the ugly.

And one we already touched

on were the crowds.

So I have three more.


I mean, for me, it's like always coverage.

Really tough to see the storyline.

But just, yeah, coverage in general.

I think it's been talked about.

I mean, especially like the last event,

like, yeah, okay.

We want to see the winners or whatever,

but we want to see the cut line people.

So show more of the field so

that you can see,

cause we could barely see

Colton and Cole for a while.

And it's like, no,

I want to see the people

like looking to get their

spot to the games.


I agree.

After being at the,

all the semis for the last

couple of years,

it really hurt me to watch

the broadcast and not be

able to see what I wanted to see.

When you're used to looking

at the floor and looking at

the story you want to know about,

free will is awesome.

The broadcast really,

really sucked for me.

The other thing I'm going to

say is with all due respect,

get your facts right.

Like you have people in the wrong camps.

You have people like doing the wrong jobs.

You're calling people in

their lanes the wrong name.

Like, just get the facts right.


That's what – that really

was upsetting me.

And then I don't know how

Mike Arsenault did it,

but he – to tackle the

Hamburglar and steal his shirt for today.

Was that – is –

northern spirit french was

that like their or are they

italian I don't know but I

felt like that was their

like theme shirt for their

I don't know I don't know

where they came from it was

crazy I would that was wild

that shirt was wrong it was

yeah I was waiting for me

to put the face paint on and start miming

I did like the kits that

Northern Spirit gave the

judges and everything.

I think that's a huge win

because for so many years,

making it to the semifinals is huge,

and I think a lot of the

athletes to get that kit is pretty cool.

So I think that's a good

that we could add that

Northern Spirit gave.

Well, and a lot of people,

their goal is to make semis

and to have a kit that they

get to frame up with or –

get to wear in the gym,

the show they've made semis.

Like that's a super cool thing.

And I,

and I thought they came out really well.

I don't know what they feel

like or whatever, but,

and then I thought it was cool.

Like, um, Olivia Kirsten or war,

Chris Ibera's Jersey out on the,

on the floor.

I don't know if you guys saw that.

I did see that.

Cause they both trained with a Heppner.

Oh, Oh, that's awesome.

So I thought that was pretty cool too.

so yeah I'm not going to

talk specific names but our

text was blown up today

with that so the other

thing that I'm going to say

is ugly is cutting the berm

run I disagree

I think it's a different event.

I think you want to make sure that, like,

if they're running 1,200 meters and it's,


the time cap is going to be all messed up,

like, you want to make sure that, like,

I get it's a different semifinal,

but you still want to make

sure people are going to the games with,

like, a similar event.

They don't need the berm run.


we got to get rid of the whole history.

Like, we already have the tennis stadium.

Like, I think get over it.

You just want to draw spectators,

and that draws spectators.

It wasn't.

Soccer field and take the

400 off the flat piece.

Instead of going around the soccer field,

go across the soccer field.


I still think it needs to be

pretty close to 800.

Like if it's going to start,

like if people are going to

start getting just to add the berm,

like I don't agree with that.

Cause they came in the tunnel,

made a left and went down

around the back end of the

soccer stadium.

Cut that piece off.

They just don't think for spectators.

I get what you're saying.

It should be close to 800.

I'm not saying get rid of the history.

I'm just saying they're

already in the tennis

stadium and doing stuff.

You don't have to use the

berm in the rummet if they

can just use the stairs or

something else.

If it's going to add that much distance,

and it was going to add 400

meters every single round

for five rounds...

That's not the same workout anymore.

That's really not.

The weightlifters would have

a chance to make up time,

but now you're adding even

more of the workout to the run.

I don't think it's fair.

I just don't think it would be fair.

Yeah, I agree.

Yes, get rid of history.

We keep doing it with everything else,

and you guys tell us to get over it.

Stop living in the past.

You were the first one that says, you know,

stop living in the past and stuff.

And you want to add, you know,

another 400 times five.

You want to add another 2K

of running to the workout.

I didn't say I wanted to add 2K.

I said figure out another

way to make it work.

I guess they could have

started maybe somewhere else,

but I don't know.

I don't know how to make it work.

It just doesn't seem like

they think things through.

I thought it was fine.

The camera they use during downtime,

nobody ever sits behind the rig.

So you have an empty stadium

to begin with.


So why show the empty part

of the stadium on every downtime,

put the camera behind the

rig showing this,

the start finish line where

people are actually sitting.

And it looks like there's at

least a few people in the stadium.

Or play commercials.

Like let's try to fund.


Maybe someone will pay to

have a commercial run during the time.

That's a novel concept.

make some of your money back.


Promote CrossFit.


All that stuff.

But like,

I'm sure that there are companies

that would love to get onto

a stream with hundreds of

thousands of people in a

very niche market.



John Gonzalez says,

promote Clydesdale during that time.

We take all of that.


Well, they were doing the 20% off.

No affiliate promotion.


They would name like Go Ruck

and Northern Spirit during the broadcast.

Why not run a commercial?



It just makes sense.

But even that,

when you're setting up and

getting ready to go and you

have that one shot,

make the one shot where the

freaking crowd is so it

doesn't look so bad.

It's just perception.



so I'm going to go through the who's

in and who's out quickly as

soon as I find my mouse here.

All right,

so on the women's side in North

America West,

we have first place Abigail Domet,

Alex Kazan, Ariel Loewen, Hattie Kenyo,

Emily Rolfe, Danny Spiegel,

Bethany Flores, and I said it last week,

never count that woman out.

She could have six broken

legs and a broken back,

and she's still going to make the games.

And Kyra Milligan.




Every year I count her out for injury,

and every year she makes it.

If she was healthy, she's so fit.

She made that snatch ladder look easy.

She smashed it in 2021.

she had like,

she probably just needed that

confidence to just hit that weight again,

which she did on her

Instagram story or maybe a

post this week.

So that probably just, you know,

helped get the confidence

before the competition to

know that she can do it.

Cause sometimes with those back injuries,

like it's like breaking the,

that wall barrier.

That's like, you know,

you're protecting yourself constantly.

Even though you could be like,

I don't know what she's going through.

She could be somewhat.


But she's still scared to,

get to that point where she

could injure herself.

So I'm not surprised that she made it.

She's so good.

On the men's side,

we have Justin Medeiros who

took the championship.

We have Brent Fikowski, James Sprague,

Pat Fellner, Sam Quant, Chris Ibarra,

Brandon Luckett, Cole Sager,

and Cole Grease Sabre.

Chris Ibarra, people are saying,

who is he?

We interviewed him two years ago.

You can go check that out.

He was part of our semifinal

series a couple years ago.

What a vast improvement from

a couple years ago.

Totally working on strength.

He was a gymnast,

kind of came from that background,

and now the heavy stuff did

not slow him down at all.


The other thing that popped in here,

sad to see Rebecca Fusile.


When she hit that last snatch,

I actually shed a tear.


because I knew that had to mean

something to her.

And all the work she's done.

Her placing on event two was

incredible to me.

It was another... Big Becca.

Yeah, like...

just kind of like Colton's

run event went like fifth

place or whatever,

like her placing and that shocked me.

And I was like, Holy cow.

She's yeah.

I thought I really liked at the end when,

you know,

they were showing the girls in

the stands and she stood up

the whole time and clapped

for her competitors.

And I think that's very respectful.

It's hard to be in that moment.

Like, you know,

she already knew she was out,

but you still, you know,

it's still hurtful,

like being in that position

and just to stand up and

clap for every single person that made it,

um, it's not easy to do.

And, and she was the only one to do it.

I thought that was, um, you know, cool.


And another huge shout out for us.

He captures is the one who

caught all of our photos

from the weekend that you

see used in all of our leaderboard stuff.

Make sure you go to his Instagram.

He's put up pictures all weekend long,

killed it all weekend long.

um and I just got a message

from that he put up the

podium pictures for us to

go ahead and put those out

so uh he captures go check

his stuff out he's awesome

and really appreciate him

doing that for us this

weekend um so oceana let's

start with the women any

shockers there um not really I mean

I put Van Zyl in my heat one pick,

but I don't know.

I just kind of threw her in there,

kind of going down the list.

Um, so I,

I'm not really surprised that she

didn't make it.


I think if I would have sat and thought

about it,

I probably wouldn't have picked her.

I had Georgia prior one out

and I've talked about her a lot.

I don't know if I've talked

about her on here with you a lot,

but like,

I know like Patrick Clark gets on,

he and I are in the chat,

usually bringing her up

when people are talking about that region,

that region.

And like, she's such an incredible mover.

I'm so excited that she

punched her ticket.

I was surprised for vanzilla.

I thought she looked off.

I don't know if she's coming

off an injury or anything like that,

that I don't know about.

Um, I thought she was going to get a spot.


I thought some of the events were

lining up good for her.

Um, she just didn't seem like herself,

I guess this weekend.

I think it's,

it's starting to get to where

it's not a surprise that

she's not making it anymore.

And that's sad.


it's every year it's just missed

because of something.


maddie sturt was I can't

believe she lost in the end

she was so consistent on

the front end and and then

gracie walton taking the

lead over her um daisy

mcdonald she's the big

surprise for me um I

actually had georgia pryor

in my heat one as the

qualifier um but the daisy

mcdonald was a big surprise yeah

yeah I had I had prior to

just I just had caitlyn

benzell instead of daisy me

too but that's what happens

in a small region when the

depth isn't there it's kind

of like gee right like you

can win almost all the

workouts you have one bad

workout and then she lost

her first place for maddie

sturt um because she was

the most dominant like

overall she just uh her

snatch wasn't as strong so

But I think it lines up that

she could have a good games

performance because she

looked good in everything else.

Yeah, she looked great.


On the men's side,

I think there was a big shock.

Bailey Martin beating Jay

Crouch was a shock to me.

He looked good.

Those three guys were fun to watch.


But Bailey really...

shocked me because I thought

there was a gap between

ricky and jay and then him

and he's still like very

good and he looked great

yeah I think I actually had

jay crouch beating ricky in

the semi because I thought

jay had been making

incremental increases in his fitness

over the last year and a

half and he kept showing it

at the games last year at

Rogue very consistently and

then for Bailey to beat him

and uh and not be that far

behind Ricky was really

impressive that's going to

be a fun region to watch

for a long time and then

Peter Ellis is so young

And I actually picked those

four in my heat one app.

I think, I think me too.

He made me cry.

His interview at the end.

I teared up when he teared up,

like he was just crying.

I was like, Oh, that's so cute.

Cause you know how like,

you know how hard it is to make it.

So it's just like, yeah.

Just seeing someone get

emotional about making it.

I was like, yep.

And what's her face?

Is it Bella, her name?

Like you could see in her

eyes that she was even like teary eyed.

And that happened to me when

Hattie got interviewed at

the end of Northwest.

When she started to cry, I started to cry.

I just I've hung out with her all year.

And for this to happen is

just so freaking awesome.

I've been on cloud nine all day today.

All weekend, for that matter.

I did have a question for you.

Everybody's talking about

how awesome the broadcast was in Oceania.

And it was great.

They do eight-lane heats.

It makes it so much easier to watch.

I didn't realize that until

you see it and you're kind

of noticing it.

It's much easier to see the full floor

even when they're kind of

honing in than a 10 person heat.

Is that something that we

should look at going

forward for broadcast, especially?

Yeah, I don't know.

I guess it's possible.

I didn't even notice that like they, it's,

it didn't necessarily seem

longer to me watching that.

Cause there's always an extra heat.

There's five heats that way.

And I don't,

I didn't feel like it was

longer when I was watching those.

Well, I'll be honest.

I watched them in the

morning when I woke up,

and I fast-forwarded

through the first couple heats.


I don't know that we want to be

adding heats.

I think as a competitor,

the bigger the heat,

the more you know where you

are in the race.

As a spectator,

I don't think you want to

watch as many heats.

As a broadcaster and as

someone who's looking to

know the athletes better, sure.

But I think I would rather

have more people to just know –

To have more people racing

against me and just know where I am.

And I don't want to watch

five heats of things.


They're just person.


North America.

I could watch six heats.

I did it last year and I

enjoyed every bit of it.

Me too.

But I could not do that in Oceana.

I did not know 20 through 40.


That was tough.

I mean, it's like the masters, right?

when you have all the different age groups,

it's like rewatching the

same workout for so many.


she under brought to walk the rock star

show again, flames flying lights.

The dancers were back.


Why can't that ever be done here?

Why not treat it like the

big event it is in the season?

I think we'd have to have a

certain venue that it's at

every year like they do

that is set up for that.

That stuff is there.

That's where it is every year.

But you can bring

flamethrower things in from

somewhere else.

That happens at every rock concert.

Maybe not in California.

Probably a rule against it there.

I mean, Vegas does that all the time.

Then maybe we need to go to Vegas.



John Gonzalez says what's cool about

Oceana is the vibe.

You can feel the vibe

through the stream and you really can.

It, it was great.

Every, every bit of it.

Any other thoughts about Oceana?

No, I missed day one or two, whatever.

Like I didn't see anything

with that Zach Thomas coverage.

So was there any like update on that?

On what?

I'm sorry.

Zach Thomas withdrawing.

I did not get any update on that.

I was reading this comment.

Oceana semis, regionals,

and whatever it will be,

has been amazing since I've

watched Gantz in 2013.

Thing is,

I don't think CrossFit is booming here.

I just think we want to

support our friends.

Valid point.

So I disagree with Vi.

I was at West Coast Classic in Vegas.

I don't think it was empty.

But it was COVID.

It was still COVID at that point.

And the lower bowl was pretty full.

I didn't even see the lower

bowl a quarter full at this one.

Linda Jerry says, yes, he's okay.

He came to spectate on the

last day and cheers competitors.

That's your Zach Thomas update.

Thank you.

And that was a cardiac event, right?



Took me a minute to remember

that seems like three weeks ago now.

Oh, yeah,

he said he had it happen like

twice or something before,

but not to the extent that

it happened during event number one.

So I'm sure that was a very scary thing.

Wow, that's crazy.

So let's take them now.

Let's cap that.

And we've got one more week

of semis to go.


We've got Carolyn Prevo up

next weekend in Knoxville,

Tennessee in the North America East,

trying to get her bid for

how many would this be?


the spin cycle of my dishwasher is

going on right now.

Qualifying would be my fifth,

but actually going to the

games would be my fourth

because I lost my spot in 2020.

Fourth time officially.

Are you prepped?

Are you ready?

Have you tested?

Feels like I've been testing

different parts of the

workouts and intervals of

the workouts for the past month.

But I'm as ready as I can be.

What are you most looking forward to?

Just trying to be consistent all weekend.

Like I don't see myself

having like home runs and I

don't see myself having bottom finishes.

I feel like I've been

visualizing good things

happening on each event and

just trying to maximize my points.

And I feel like I know what

type of athlete I'll be

there and who I'll be.

fighting against for points

and um yeah I mean I feel

like I'm not going to be

surprised because I I've

been prepared and I know

where like where I'll stand

ready for it uh john

gonzalez says do you think

north america east will be

as empty as west I don't

think it'll be as empty um

but knoxville has never

been a great draw that's true

It has never been a huge drop,

but they're doing a

community event this time,

and I'm anxious to see what

that brings to the table.

So there is an individual

competition one day,

there's a duo competition another day,

and there's three-person

teams on the other day,

all happening around the venue.

And if you participate in that competition,

you get free tickets to the event.

So I'm hoping that that

draws some people in.


and it's a cool venue because it's

there it's elevated seating.

So there's nobody standing

in front of you.

It's easy to get a good lay

of the land and the floor.

Um, and so again, I,

I want to pound this home.

If you've never been to a semifinal,

that is the time to go watch this sport.

It is much better at

semifinals than it ever is at the games.

Um, it is,

and if you want to meet athletes,

you're going to meet them at semis.

That's just the point blank

bluntness of it all.

So with that, please go.

Go root on to Carolyn next week.

She needs all the cheer squad she can get.

to get her to the games.

So now is that time that we

pick who we think is going

to go to the CrossFit Games

from North America East.

We'll start with the men

where Carolyn can participate.

We are not going to make her

participate on the women's

side and call out the

people she is going to beat

to go to the games.

So I will let Jamie go first for the men.


And do you have these in order or not?



Yeah, I guess.



I do too.


I have Adler, Pepper, Kronikov, Hopper,

Hatfield, Spencer, I think I put first,

then Travis Mayer, Luke Parker, Saxon,

Taylor Self, Will Morad,

and Tyler Christofo getting...

right on that, not making it again.

I have Adler, Pepper, Hopper,

Saxon Pancheck, Roman Krennikoff,

Jack Farlow, Spencer Pancheck,

Travis Mayer, Sam Cornway, Luke Parker,

and Taylor Self with Austin

Hatfield on the outside looking.

Dang, bold take.

Do you think he's going to

be too similar to Colton?

I just watched it play out.

I know.

Colton is fitter than he is.

And that was in a lesser division,

lesser region than the East.


Yeah, I might have to rethink that.

I don't know.

I'm trying to go through my

shot caller picks to see

where I think people are

going to pull more points.

Carolyn, your picks.

Jeff, Dallin, Roman, Hopper, Travis Mayer,

Saxon, Jack, Farlow, Cornoy, Vigneault.

I think this sets up well

for Vigneault with a bigger guy.

Taylor Self and Austin Hadfield.

I have Will Morad just on

the outside for right now

until I reflect a little

bit more on my picks.


I'm telling you,

you look at the next people

I didn't even mention on mine.

I'm like,

any one of those could be in here.

Yeah, there's so many people.

There are.


because I think Farlow could do


Like, I mean, you guys both picked them.

But I also feel like you've

got Luke Parker,

who's a similar kind of athlete.

Alex Caron.

Yeah, that's what I was going to say,


Luke Parker, Spencer.

Alex Caron, if his pec holds out.

I just don't know where he is.

If he can get through those muscle-ups,

he goes to the games, I think.

I just don't know if he can.

Lynn is asking,

you all have Taylor even

though that snatch event?

I don't think it's that.

It's squatting.

I don't think the nature of that one.

It'd be like if he had to do

a shit ton of pit.

I actually think workout two

is going to be tougher for

him to manage than that snatch event.

I'm not...

But then he has great double

unders and really good toes to bars.

Very good toes to bars.

Because his grip strength is really good.


And his upper body pulling is really good.

So can he – I think he's

fine going unbroken on those squats.

I don't think it's as heavy

as it could be.

So I think he'll be okay.

I have him just getting in

because he's willing to die for points.

I think he's going to do

good in the last event.

Like when he needs to do

good in the last event, he's,

he's one of the best in the

world at the ring muscle ups.

So I think he can take a

chance going fast on the

bike and still getting through those.

Now, I don't know if the knee,

if lunging like I,

that's the other question for me is,

is lunging at all something

that he was slow to come back to?

He does a lot of box step

overs and stuff like that.

I think in his programming.

So you would think that the

lunging would be a strong,

and he does a lot of like

dumbbell step ups.

So I feel like his grip

strength would be good for the dumbbells.


So Kenneth says, so it's a big,

strong person bias semis.

I don't think so.

I think you have to have a fitness level.

You can't be tutor.


Tudor killed the back half of this semi,

but because he didn't do

well in the front half,

he didn't make it.

Or Olivia.


But I think,

but I think this level with that, I, yeah,

I think,

I think if you're a gymnast

specialist and a weightlifting specialist,

the weightlifting

specialist has more opportunities,

like a strong person to

stay relevant all weekend.

I think if you're efficient,

you stay in a better shape.

For sure.

I mean, if you're just fit overall,

that's the point.

Like you look at a Hattie Cano,

who she's not the biggest

athlete in the world,

but she is efficient at those snatches.

She's efficient at all of her movements.

And it just played out where

over the course of the weekend,

her thirds, her fifths, her fourths,

all led to her making the CrossFit Games.

So it's not necessarily big person.

It's who has the best

efficiency of movement.

And if you are bigger,

it's going to help you on the bike.

It's going to help you on the row.

It's going to help you lift some weight.

I just think that there's

more opportunities for a bigger person.

If you're smaller,

you need to be very well-rounded.

That's the thing.

You can have big holes as a

big person and be on the cut line.

Huge holes as a big person, strong person,

be on the cut line.

If you're smaller,

you need to be fit overall.

That's my observation.

And Hattie is fit overall.

She's well balanced.

Here's my hot take.

I think other than Jeff Adler,

Saxon Pancheck has the best

chance to win this regional.

Because he is extremely fit.

He has all the efficiencies of movement.

He's going to Justin Medeiros this thing.

And at the end of the weekend,

you're going to be like, oh gosh,

there's Saxon.

And everybody forgot about

him because he got hurt last year.

There's a lot of really

well-rounded athletes in the East.

So that's why I think it's

going to be very close.


Next week is like so unpredictable,

like crazy.

So now we're going to go to the women.

Do you want to go first?

You want me to go first, Jamie?

You can go first.


So I have, I think Tia's going to make it.



These are in order.

Tia, Alexis Raptus, Emma Lawson,

Danielle Branden,

Paige Semenza, Annika Greer,

Amanda Barnhart, Haley Adams,

Carolyn Prevost, Caroline Stanley,

Fisa Goffey,

and Shelby Neal on the

outside looking in.

I have Neal on the outside too.

And Brooke Wells not making it.


Just not confident in her shoulder.


I am struggling with both her and Amanda,

to be honest.

And I probably will rethink

this list at a later date.

But right now I have Tia, Emma, Alexis,

Danielle, Haley, Annika, Fi, Paige,

Brooke, Carolyn.

And who's on the outside?

Shelby on the outside?

That leaves Amanda Barnhart

right on the outside.

OK, but you have Shelby out, too.

I have.


Basically, I go Shelby, Neil, the Hiller,

Ellie Hiller.

I feel like she could do

really well at a few of these events,

like kind of like Caitlin.

I don't know how she's going

to shake out the weekend.


I think she could I think she could

be top three in event one.

She's, I mean, she's a,

she's one of those longer,

she likes the long workouts.


I just talked to her last week and I,

I didn't get the sense, right?

Like I didn't, like,

I don't get the sense she

feels she's making it.

So I guess.


Well, I don't,

I don't think she will make it,

but I think she might be kind of close.

Maybe not.

Maybe she'll be.


Guardi Sanchez says Amanda

Barnhart is going.

If she's recovered, I think she goes.

For me,

I need to look at some things

between her and Brooke Wells.

I think with one of them,

the shoulder may not.

You got to remember those

ring muscles are going to

be pretty important in that event.

And if either of them break too many times,

it could be a place someone sneaks in.

There's so much change up in

that sixth event, in all these semis.

So Dennis O'Leary says,

I think Haley Adams will surprise.

It's just an unknown.

These are great workouts for Haley.

I have her top three.

The only reason I backed her

down was the snatch ladder.

I can see that.

I actually think her lifting is,

I think she might be

stronger than we remember.

And I think she's going to

surprise us in the snatch ladder.

And she's going to do

incredible this weekend,

this coming weekend.

Jasmine Edwards,

first half of the events

are test fitness and speed

while the second half test

strength and precision.


But there's still like

handstand walking and

there's still muscle-ups

and there's still,

I think it's a good balance test.

And then Peter Benoit,

what's the over-under on MO1 TIA2?

For the games, that's what I have picked.

For this, too few of events,

it's going to be TIA.

Yeah, I agree.

Event six didn't go to plan

for 95% of the ladies in

the West compared to

training and testing.

That's from Tristan Patrick,

who just watched Hattie Kenyo,

his athlete,

punch her ticket to the CrossFit Games,

but bobble on the last event.

That would have been an

event I would have thought

she would have done quite a

bit better in than comparatively, so.

Linda Jerry says you're all

missing Erica follow.

She's the indie rookie.

I think we'll make it.

I have her written down.

So I had her there and

removed her and I'm going

to keep that close to my vest.


All right.

Uh, okay.

So now we'll go to South

America and make those

picks where Carolyn can join us again.


So she doesn't talk bad

about her competitors.

So we'll let Carolyn go

first since she had to sit out.

Let's go women.

Women first there.

South America.

How many spots do they get?


Women first.

Oh, boy.

They get three spots.



Julia Cato.

I think it's Cato.

You just finished the spin cycle?



And I just randomly picked Fusuma.


The third one I have, I mean, I,

I don't know.

I've never seen the name.

jamie okay I have campos kit

kato and I actually think

that pinheiro like could

make it I kind of hope she

does is that a masters yes

so I have the same thing as

you hoping that pinheiro

has to get drug tested yeah

like send her okay that's

why that's why I recognize

the name she'll actually

she's gonna have to get if

she's in the top five

they're gonna drug test her

And I think she will be.

But I think some of these

events suit up very well for her.

She's good at ring muscle-ups.

She's good at squat snatches.

I mean, she's incredibly strong.

So, I don't know.

Alexis Tester.


I hope she goes individual so

that she's not in my bracket.


Garty Sanchez says, Emma won is crazy.

Tia barely lost to Laura at Rogue.

And after that,

Emma was behind them by a mile.

It's been a year.

Emma is, what, 19 years old?

Tia hasn't been on the floor in a year.

There's a lot of unknowns.

And everybody just assuming

Tia is going to be the

exact same athlete she was

two years ago is, I think,

playing gambling a lot on that.

lex also said nobody wants

to say it but I will tester

we've said it we've said it

we want her tested all

right I think louisa

marquez will round out that

top five then we have the men okay

I'll go first.


Gee first, Kalen Souza second,

and Heike Savani third.

Augustin Riquelme on the

outside looking in.


I did Gee, Augustin, Savani,

and then Kalen looking in.

I have Gee, Kalen, and Riquelme.


I think Lex makes a great point.

We don't even know the

athletes in South America

to say they need three spots.




It's ridiculous.

We would rather have

Kersetter and Tudor and whoever.

I would put Guy on the outside.

He always has a hole.

Normally I would, but with the third spot,

I don't see how he doesn't get in.

I agree.

And I think these,

I think these will line up

pretty well for him.

He should do well in the

double under with the front squad.

He's very strong.

He's got great ring muscles.

I don't see any huge besides

maybe the run.


but he'll kill the jerk part of that.

And right.

We all know Campos is good,

but I think South American

leaderboard is going to be

shaken this year because of the way the,

The events are the events are this year.

I don't know.

The best,

the best person out of South America,

if we all agree is Victoria

Campos wouldn't make the

games in the east.

And yet they get three spots.

That's the crime.

Would she,

would she even have made the

semifinals in the east?

I do not have those numbers,

and I don't want to speak out of turn.

No comment.

She's got really good ring muscles.

She does have good ring muscles.

Not I know.

Really good ring muscles.

But it is clear cut.

When you look at the people

you have to leave off in the East,

she would not even qualify for

the east at all with 11

positions right yeah she'd

be lucky to finish top 20

for sure it's not a dig on

her it's just a fact of

yeah I don't know how they

got three that's crazy all

right africa are we doing

africa I didn't even do

that one but they only they

only get one right correct

Give me your one and two.

Give me your first out.





I'll go Ruan Duvene.


That's why I first out.


In Africa.


I don't know how to say her last name.

I'm picking her first.

I'm going Monique Schmidt.


Because I can say it.

Gemma Burke.


There we go.

I have Gemma Rader first out.

That's why we're the best

analysts in the business.

Right there.

Did Lex beat you on Shot Caller this week?

Now that there's like 17 of them,

she probably beat me in all of them.

This is the problem.

This is my problem with Shot Caller.

I said this to Jamie this

weekend I think I know

something that other people

don't know so I go for the

long shot and then I pay

for it like event one in

the west I thought Emily

White would pull it off she

always does good and run

lift events I didn't

realize that Emily White is

not as good this year as

she was last year

yeah I uh she's another one

I had close to the top line

instead of making the safe

pick that's what I do and

so I am done with that I'm

just gonna make the safe

pick that I think is

correct and stop playing

these games yeah so that's

that's my problem because

I'm tired of losing to lex all the time

so I have a quick question

for event four the

handstand walk row who is

who's like top notch in the

east men wise I'm

struggling to pick them at

uh for event one no event

four the hands yeah who's

gonna do well in event four

hand checks are great on their hands

For the men.


For the men.

I'm struggling with my heat one pick.

Sam is very fast on his hands.

I know that.

I don't know if he has the

power output on the rower.

Cause I think the rower has

a big factor in it.

Which, so I'm kind of guessing pepper.

Cause I think he's quite

fast on his hands and he will,

but I also feel like, I think like,

I think Luke Parker is good

on his hands and will row fast.

I don't know.

I don't know.

I'm struggling with that one.

That's like my one east heat

one shot color that I'm struggling with.

So it makes the game so much

fun and the east is going

to be harder than any of the other ones.

Hopper too, maybe.


Because it's just a straight race.

If there were obstacles,

I'd take Saxon every day of the week.

But straight run, I don't know.

On the women's side, it's pretty easy.

Yeah, that's what I'm going to ask.

It's just the one.

Carolyn, get to work.

Getting that dub.

Picking myself for every event.

Train to Live says,

we all know DB is winning

that one for the women.

That's just, she's just a freak with that.

Like there's, I think Lydia fish will,

well, she's fast on her hands.

I don't know how fast she'll row, but I,

but I think she'll be up

there in that event.

Who's that?

Lydia fish.


Um, yeah.

So that's our previews for next week.

I think I'm going to Knoxville.

to cheer on carolyn to get

some content to broadcast

live from there jamie's

gonna run the man the ship

from home or she's gonna

find a way to get there I'm

gonna try my hardest

whether if I drive thursday

night through the night or

how long is that for you

like eight hours just over

if she just drive to me

then I could drive the rest

of the way I have to be

here thursday though

Like I, I can't go as soon as you,

but I can try to be there by Friday.

I got to teach Wednesday

morning and then I'm

getting on the flight.

I'm taking a half day.

I didn't want to take a full day.

And then do you have to

teach Monday morning like previous years?

No, I'm actually,

I didn't find a flight late

enough on Sunday.

So I was going to miss my

day on Monday anyways.

So I'm going to teach on Tuesday.


We're going to finish up the

show with a couple things

that happened this week.

The first is I made another

appearance around the whiteboard.

Carolyn was supposed to take

out Colton early, but because she didn't,

I lost by half a point to Colton Mertens.

But after what happened this weekend,

I'm glad he got a win.

Too soon, Scott.

Too soon.

Well, if you watch,

and I know you didn't

because you had stuff going on this week.

Kiefer actually said in that

episode that Colton would

not make the games and

would be sitting in drug

testing hoping someone

popped at the end of the weekend.


And who knew that that was

actually foreshadowing what

actually did happen.

And Kyra gets the last spot for him too.

That's a double.


Yeah, it was a good episode.

It was tied after every

round by a three-way tie.

And then the last round,

Colton won by a half point.

Yeah, that was a good show.

A lot of good takes.

I'll tell you this, though.

Doing it almost three weeks

in a row because I was in

the last group to go regular semifinals,

finals three weeks in a row,

that's a lot of stress and research.

And Carolyn, who has done it twice,

should know it's a lot, isn't it?

But it's fun.

But three weeks in a row was

almost too much.

But it was fun.

And then the last thing we

have on the list is Dave Castro's.

We can review where he talked about media.

And that was put into our notes by Lex.

So the only thing that I

know that happened on that

episode is that he

responded to Andrew Hiller

and him not getting his

credentials for any of the semifinals.

And the reason why he didn't,

because all he does is post

negative things about CrossFit HQ.

and challenged Andrew to

make a video of positive

takes on CrossFit HQ,

which Andrew did put

together a clip of 12 shows

where he was somewhat

positive about CrossFit HQ.

A few of them were stretches, I think.

Very small little positives.

My take on the whole thing, though,

is that

when we,

when I'm going to try to say this calmly,

when we look at personal

vendettas against other

media or against the media

that are covering your sport,

you're doing nothing but

hurting your sport by shutting him out.

He's still going to produce content.

He's not going to stop.

And all it's doing is

fanning the flames to come at you more.

If you invite him to semis,

he'd be busy going around

getting interviews and

stuff like he did last year

and not posting about all this stuff.

And he is the second largest

media company in the business.

And I said this on Around the Whiteboard.

It'd be like the NFL saying, CBS,

we don't want your business.

We don't want you covering what we do.

And we're willing to give up

a third of our ratings.

No professional sport is going to do that.

And there are networks that

say bad things about the NFL.

There's networks that say

bad things about the NHL.

It used to be a famous

Canadian broadcaster who

would just bash the NHL forever.

And they never stopped him

from coming or stopped.

They would hire him because

people would watch him.

Talk about Don Cherry?

That's who I'm talking about.

I mean, he eventually got fired,

but... Right,

but... Some of his takes

that were across the line,

so he eventually... How

many... When he was like 80, right?

So he was around a long time

before the firing.

That's all I'm saying.

CrossFit needs to start

reaching out to third-party media,

not alienating third-party media.

They need to use them.

And share their stuff on their page.


Like it's already,

it's already done for the

work is done for them.

So use,

use the content that you like from

the third party.

You don't have to grab

everything from the third party,

but the stuff that is promoting, you know,

what the good stuff that's

happening in the space,

that's the stuff that you share.

And if you don't like the stuff,

then you don't share that part.

Let me use this as an example.

How many people were in the

crowd at West coast classic?


So I did all these

interviews leading up to

semifinals with all these

athletes that were going to

be there to get to know them.

I tagged West Coast Classic

in every single one of

those with the reels after

it was done and worked my

ass off to make sure I had

a reel out from every

interview that went to West

Coast Classic before West

Coast Classic came out.

How many of those got shared

by either West Coast Classic or CrossFit?

That's a missed opportunity

by West Coast though,

because those are great

little reels and just get

to know the athletes.

Like they, they did a couple, you know,

past stuff from syndicate.

They like featured a few athletes,

but like those interviews

and those reels are really well done.


I mean, I work hard on those and,

and I'm not the only person

doing things like that.

I'm just using that as an example.

Other people do things like that.

It's just a share.

I'm tagging them.

All they have to do is share

it to their story.

That's it.

And they, and they don't even do that.

And we're here trying to help them.

And what do we get in return?

Two weeks notice that we're

approved for media

credentials to get to the

place and no shares.

It's ridiculous.

Were they mad at you for calling them out?

And they're like,

we're not sharing his stuff.

Well, like when I called them out,

they were very apologetic.

They sent me an email saying,

how can we rectify this?

You're of course you're approved, blah,

blah, blah.

But that didn't make the

plane ticket any cheaper.





you rectify it by sending a plane ticket,

I guess, is the option there.

Like, I didn't know I have time.

If you share my stuff,

then maybe my viewership

goes up a little bit.

And then it's easier for me

to come cover you even more.

And now we're working in

tandem instead of working

against each other.

Like and subscribe.

Ah, so that's, that's the part of,

that's the part of old

school CrossFit that I get

really upset about that we

need to get rid of.

That's the history we need to get rid of.


I agree.

I think, I think that's a.

trending problem with with

dave especially vi kind of

says it here this was my

thought when I was

listening I listened to the

dave right before because I

told you I hadn't but so I

went and listened um and vi

says other people have

reported being shut out

blacklisted by dave for

ticking him off I think

this decision was pretty in

line with his behavior in

the past I think I think

CrossFit in general seems to

be just a bunch of yes men

and things just keep going.

The bad things aren't

obviously not getting...

talked about and fixed they

just I think they just have

a bunch of yes men around

them and so you what you're

telling us as media is

don't say any bad things

about us don't criticize us

because you're not going to

cover it you're we're not

letting you into anything

that's what that telling

hillar you're not welcome

tells every other media

space you better get in

line that's not good no

Well, on another take, well,

let's go here first.

Jasmine Edwards says you got

to shake things up to get a result.

I think she meant hit Hiller.

Miller speaks on things that are tough,

but may come across,

may not come across easy,

but CrossFit listens.

And do they listen?

This is my,

the people they listen to are

the unsilent minority.

Like the age group

semifinals having to not

start until a Friday because people work.

If you are serious about

competing in age group

semis and you want to go to the games,

you will find a way to get

those workouts done.

Just because three people

bitched about it doesn't

mean you change it for everybody.


So there's that let's okay.

I'm tired of ranting tonight.

So, uh, John Gonzalez, if,

is there an athlete you

guys think in North America

East who will surprise

everyone that you did not

mention in your qualifying spots?


I just don't know enough about her,

but I think, I mean,

that that'll be the surprise.

I think Jamie's right.

I think Ellie Hiller could surprise,

especially the first day, first two days.

Yeah, I don't know.

No comment.

On the men's side,

I think everybody's been

talking about Austin Hatfield.

I'd have to look at the leaderboard.

What about Benoit Boulanger?

You know what?

I did think about him.

I don't know.

He's training with Jeff all the time.

He's training with Carolyn.

That's true.

I think he'll be close to the cut line.

I don't know enough about him, but...

I'm telling you that cut

line could go to 20th and

we'd still be like, it's like Jerry,

I think Draystrom could

have a exceptional semis.

I think,

I think Seth Stovall's incredibly fit.

Like, yeah,

I'm just trying to think of

people that don't have that, that name,

like behind them,

like some of the others.

Yeah, not, I, let me open up the list.

Yeah, I only wrote down so many.

I think Alex Caron is a

sleeper because of what

he's been through.

I think you can never count

out Jack Rosema.

I was just going to say him.


But just like the Tetlo

Mertens Hatfield thing we talked about,

he's similar in stature,

but I think he's a little bit stronger.

So I would go with like Jack Rosen.

I think that would be my

sleeper pick out of this list.

And he was,

he was right on the cut line last year.

That's a good pick.


So there's so many, like there's like,

it's like 20 people

fighting for 11 spots.



Even more probably like it's

just going to depend on

what kind of weekend people have.

Uh, how do you think?

How do you,

you didn't have Christa fell in, did you?

Do you have him like even close?

I'm always ruined for him.

I feel like he just needs,

he just needs to shot.


i talked to will morad last

week last friday I think

he's really wants to try to

be the first duo to do

games both masters and

elite I think he just wants

to be the first yeah victor

hopper is a big guy no but

he's super fit and he moves

very well yeah yes he moves very well so

and one more ad always seems

to find a way I agree

that's why I have him there

just like cole sager yeah

kim and cole sager are that

cockroach you just can't

get rid of and when it

comes to announce who's

going to the games they're

the last name mentioned

like he's going to do well

in that running workout

right away I think he has a

really good snatch doesn't he yeah

he's going to do great in

the muscle up the last

event he's just he he kills

a bike that he gets to do

that twice he's got he's a

good handstand walker isn't

he well he's great at

handstand push-ups yeah I

don't know how that

translates fast on his

hands his shoulder

endurance must be pretty darn good


He's not the biggest guy for the row,


Now you're comparing Jamie

Higia and myself.

You're just being John Young, Ken.

Same, same.

Really different.

Maura did not retire Bruce.

We haven't had a master's athlete qualify,




So is Will.

Will's the last chance.

I guess there's no,

there's one master female.


No, no, no.

And I guess, yes, she could.

In the East for the females.

And then she'll pop and it'll all be over.

She did.

What was the one that,

that one crash happened?

Oh, Kloots.


I don't think she has shot.

No, I know,

but I'm saying that there's not

many that are in the field yet.

Yep, Carolyn Kloots.


Will told me last week he's not retiring.

He's going to keep competing

until he can't anymore.

Until the wheels fall off.

Ride that, boss.

And he's back with TTT and

feels like a new lease on life.

Did you see the TTTs moving?

They're merging or something, right?

So forever,

one half of the building was

Travis Mayer's affiliate,

United Performance,

and the other half was TTT,

the competitive piece.

They're merging into one company.

They were in the same building?

They were.

Okay, this only makes sense.


But now they're moving to a new location.

Oh, and a new location.


remodeling that and merging as a



Good on them.

I think it's going to be awesome.

They've got a lot of

athletes in the last year.

They have.

I've interviewed a lot of

people who are TTT athletes.

I was shocked.


And Travis Mayer actually is

coaching an athlete for the

first time in Kirinapoli.

Oh, I did not know that.


She was actually born and

raised in Alpharetta and

has known Travis her whole life.

And she just wanted a coach

that she trusted and knew.

And Travis eventually wants to be a coach.

And so he took her on with

the stipulation that he had

to be able to get to his kids, his wife,

all those things.

And so, yeah.

It sounds like that has

helped Alexis a ton having Kira there.


She said her and Alexis in

the last three months have

become super tight.


So... Yeah,

they're supposed to be having

renovated bathrooms at the new facility.

So... And hopefully we'll

have Travis on the show soon.

He did commit to kind of coming on, so...

yeah it's been it's funny

the semi-final series

people who I didn't get a

chance to ask have been

reaching out to me and

saying hey can I come on

after semis or can I come

on so uh so yeah I actually

asked travis but he was

busy this week so yeah got

something going on next

weekend or something

But yeah.

All right.

I think anybody else got anything?

Go do Murph.

I did half Murph today.

Oh, good.


And I wanted to make sure I

was recovered if I went to Knoxville.


I did.

We did it yesterday.


we've always done it on Monday and do

like a barbecue at the gym

and we wanted to shut down.

So we did it Saturday

morning with the barbecue

yesterday and it was nice.

I'm glad that it's done.

I think I'm the least sore

I've ever been from Murph.

I partitioned.

I, I've like never partitioned Murph.

I was like,

I'm going to be hurting tomorrow.

So Alex wants to know when

Carolyn's coming on for the

semifinal series.

I don't know what I would

even ask her because I

always ask her stuff on here.


We're good.

And then Kenneth says,

bearded Scott is always upset.

Great riffs when Scott does have a beard.

Did you do half Murph with a partner or?

just did it myself I had a

beautiful morning today

it's supposed to rain

tonight and tomorrow so I

got it in when I could um

plus I needed to be outside

I just needed to

What's your scaling for the pull-ups?

Did you do at home or did you go to?

So I scaled.

I did it at home.

I biked.

I actually biked a mile

front and back and did it

half the middle.

And I did it with ring rows

and then push-ups and squats.

Oh, you have a set of rings at home.


I do.

i do yeah and I did I

started full push-ups and

then I went to knee

push-ups about halfway

through they went away hard

yeah they go away for all

of us yeah so all right

well hey harley mom says

great show uh wood or

plastic rings I have wood

rings I actually bought like

It seems almost 10 years ago now.

I bought a Charlie package from Rogue.


So it comes with like an Ohio bar.


Set of 45s, 35s, 25s, 10s.


Does it come with a wall ball?


Wall ball, kettlebell.

Yeah, it was a nice little cool kit,

and I've had it on.

And then last week,

I get a message from Andrew Sten,

who I haven't seen in here lately,

but that Rogue was moving

out of their original location,

and any equipment left behind was free.


And I was in it.

So Rogue's original location

on Steel something Drive.

Like where their store is?

Not their new warehouse?

Not the new warehouse, the old, old store.

They were using it as a warehouse.

So they put on Facebook or something, hey,

we're all moved out.

All the equipment that's

still here is free.

Come and get it.

I'm about to drive to Ohio.

I almost asked you to go

over there for me.

I couldn't get out of training to go.

If you don't get there within the hour,

it's all gone.

Yeah, there's no way it's still there.

Oh, there's no way.

No, I was like considering I'm three,

three hours away.

I was considering getting

the car and I was like, I won't make it.

If Scott can't make it, we're screwed.



the garage sales they used to have

where they would just

discount everything like an hour.

It looked like, I mean, it was,

everything was gone.


I would have hauled ass down there.

Andrew said they gave a two hour window.

That was it.

That's like Christmas and

birthday and every... And

it's literally a few

minutes from my house.

Oh, my gosh.

When you posted that you were in training,

I was so upset.

I was like, I need to go back.

I would have left.

Midwad, I'm going.

Well, this was training for work.


The job that comes from...

Bathroom break.


That's a long bathroom break.

Judy Reed said,

our gym went and everything was gone.

Grandview got it all.

CrossFit Grandview is

literally like half a block away.

So they went and grabbed

everything and didn't leave

anything for anyone else?

That's how it works.

And for people who don't

know the history of Rogue,

CrossFit Grandview used to

be Rogue CrossFit.

It was Bill Henniger's affiliate.

When he started Rogue,

he sold the affiliate off,

but he wanted to keep the name.

So he made them change the

name and it became CrossFit Grandview.

And that's why they're only

a half a block apart.

Now Rogue's a crosstown.

Yeah, their new warehouse is huge.


It's a whole city block.

I still think it was so cool

to do a rope climb in the

middle of an aisle and go

over and under the logs.

That's still super cool.

Well, when they did the first rogue,

it was there in the warehouse.

This is their new one.


That's what I'm saying.

The first Rogue Invitational.

That's where it was.

The first part of the day

was outside in what is now

the parking lot.

It used to be grass.

And then the second part of

the day was in the warehouse.

It was so cool.

So cool.

And then 17.3,

17. whatever open

announcement was in the warehouse.

And then they did.

Don't they have a brand new one?

That's where it was.

It was just being billed at that time.

And then 22.2 or 3 was in

the showroom of the new facility.

That's when Saxon went

against Justin and Laura

went against Emma.

I'm trying to picture it.

i was I was at all of them

that's why I know andrew

said their newest um

warehouses in their

european location true uh

who is the latest rogue

athlete after agent uh

ariel lowen she's got a cool t-shirt

she does very smart of her

to not have like her name

on it and stuff because

just like people just want

to buy a shirt and it's

like the line looks great

um like it's just like an

easy shirt to to buy it

where I just think it's

good marketing it's just

perfect yeah I actually

bought one they're really

cool I think lex did too

what she has is mine

anyways so yeah true 50 50.

All right.

With that, we'll let everybody go.

We've got a big week ahead.

I'm going to Knoxville.

I'll just say it now.

I'll be there,

and we'll do some stuff from there.

Hopefully, Jamie can join me.

If not,

we'll have her man the center from home,

and we'll do some shows.

And now we're getting a

squabble going on in the chat.

With that, thank you, everybody,

for being here.

This was a great time.

Chat was on fire tonight.

And we will see everybody

next time on the Clydesdale Media Friday.


Sunday night CrossFit talk.

That's what we are tonight.

I hope it's a great Sunday, guys.

There we go.

Great Sunday.

Bye, guys.
