Wake Up, Look Up

In this episode of Wake Up, Look Up, Pastor Zach explores the promises made by political candidates regarding the economy, especially during election seasons. Drawing from an article in The Economist, Zach discusses how both major U.S. presidential campaigns promise economic prosperity without providing concrete plans. He compares these empty promises to the biblical perspective on money management, emphasizing that God offers lasting wisdom on financial matters. Instead of relying on politicians, Zach encourages listeners to seek God’s guidance for their personal economic decisions.

Creators & Guests

Zach Weihrauch
Follower of Jesus who has graciously given me a wife to love, children to shepherd, and a church to pastor.

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Check out new episodes of our daily podcast, Wake Up, Look Up, with Zach Weihrauch as he interprets what's happening in our world through the lens of the gospel.



hello everyone thanks for listening to

wake up lookup a podcast where we

connect events happening in real time to

the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck

and today's episode we're talking about

how to fix your economy and it's

actually prompted by an article I read

in The Economist this week about the two

presidential campaigns and how both of

them are promising to lead our country

into an economic Utopia at least when

you listen to them talk I thought the

person who wrote the article had a great

phrase where they said that both

campaigns are offering a better economy

without really getting into economics

that's because when you listen to them

talk uh they're saying similar things

and they're not saying similar things

what they promise is that somehow

spending will be more but taxes will be

lower uh inflation will go away jobs

will be everywhere and the deficit won't

be a problem the only thing they don't

promise is a plan that actually tells

you how they're going to accomplish

those things uh listen that's a tale as

old of As Time politicians offering

Promises of economic prosperity and

economic recovery without taking the

time to really tell us how they would

get there of course because the more

details they give the more someone else

can come along and say that's not going

to work they're selling us on promises

and the reason why they're doing that is

because a lot of what drives voting is

the economy the old Clinton campaign

adage that it's the economy stupid said

that at the end of the day people can

get animated about a lot of political

issues but they vote most fundamentally

on their pocketbook they vote on the

economy but what's so interesting to me

is that we know politicians love to talk

about the economy and we know they make

big promises they can't possibly keep

but they keep selling because we keep

buying we keep believing their promises

we keep thinking that somehow the right

president getting elected is going to

make all of our economic problems go

away and make all of our dreams become a

reality but it doesn't work that way as

they say the the definition of insanity

is doing the same thing over and over

again and expecting different results

but from a Christian perspective what's

most troubling isn't just that they're

selling promises and we keep buying it's

that God actually has a lot to say about

about money and how to handle it well it

must break God's heart that we go

everywhere but to him when we are

looking for answers for our own economic

situation it's true that the Bible

wasn't written to lay out an economic

strategy for countries but it has a ton

to say about managing personal finances

about how to think about saving and

investing and borrowing and spending you

know when Jesus says in the gospels that

all those who are weary should come to

him for rest that they should take his

yoke upon them because his yoke is easy

and his burden is light what he's saying

is what's causing our stress is the

feeling that we have to solve things for

ourselves and what he's telling us is if

you would just let me lead if you would

hitch yourself to me and let me do the

heavy lifting of telling you what's wise

and what's good you would find rest and

also Prosperity reading the Book of

Proverbs for example Proverbs is full of

great wisdom about what to do and not do

with money how to think about work how

to advance in your career that's because

you may not realize this but the Bible

is actually written in pursuit of human

flourishing to the glory of God God is

honored as we listen to him live

according to his leadership and actually

flourish as a result the consequence of

that is that everyone around us says who

are you listening to about money and the

answer back is I'm listening to a God

who has proven he loves me through Jesus

Christ look the Bible doesn't promise US

that we're going to fulfill all of our

uh Financial dreams uh in in selling you

on the idea that if you just love God

enough and listen to him enough you'll

be rich is not really what I'm trying to

do but the Bible is full of wisdom and

it does argue especially in Proverbs

that listening to wisdom does lead to

better things and ignoring wisdom leads

to worse things so this fall What If

instead of thinking that uh vice

president Harris or former president

Trump had all the answers to your

economic situation you instead turn to

God what if you went to God and said God

I desire for your economic plan for your

view of money for your philosophy of

spending and saving and investing to

actually shape my life their track

records are full of broken promises God

has never broken a single one so I don't

know which candidate is better for the

economy but I know who's better for your

economy and that is to seek the wisdom

of God through the scriptures to the

glory of Jesus Christ hey thanks so much

for watching this this video while

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