Daily Boost - 20 Kislev
20 Kislev: Good Resolutions
The Daily Boost is a podcast, created by Tut Altz, to help inspire your day with a daily Moshiach-related Torah thought.
A 2-minute daily Geulah lesson to inspire your day.
It's short: it's quick, its insightful, and it's bringing Moshiach!
On this day, the Alter Rebbe’s most fundamental work, the Tanya, was printed for the first time.
It is written (Tehillim 55:19), “He redeemed My soul in peace from the battle that came upon me...” The Holy One, blessed be He, says, “If a man occupies himself with Torah study and with works of charity and prays with the congregation, I consider it as if he has redeemed Me and My children from among the nations of the world.” (Talmud, Berachos 8a)
Each of us must take what we learn in Chassidus and spread it by making firm resolutions in the areas of Torah study, works of charity, and prayer.
Sefer HaSichos 5752, pg. 172