Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 / Tupperware talk, the secret to happier relationships, maybe you should just have school milk, Chantel doesn’t want to get inside a tank, who can scream the loudest without looking like they’re screaming, celebrate your family’s birthday, motor powered hiking pants, Chantel wants to be a regular customer somewhere, savor all the things, the new smell-a-phone, and Josh wants to be a cartoon voice actor.

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Tupperware talk, the secret to happier relationships, maybe you should just have school milk, Chantel doesn’t want to get inside a tank, who can scream the loudest without looking like they’re screaming, celebrate your family’s birthday, motor powered hiking pants, Chantel wants to be a regular customer somewhere, savor all the things, the new smell-a-phone, and Josh wants to be a cartoon voice actor.

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Full show transcript:

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It is Wednesday, September 18th. And today on the show, we have Tupperware Talk, the secret to a happier relationship. Maybe you should just have some school milk. Chantel doesn't wanna get inside a tank.

Who can scream the loudest without looking like they're screaming? Celebrate your family's birthday, motor powered hiking pants, Chantel wants to be a regular customer somewhere, Savor All the Things, the new smellophone, and I want to be a cartoon voice actor. Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast.

Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Oh my god.

Want a cheeseburger? No. It's cheeseburger day. Yes. You do.

Have a cheeseburger. No. Thanks. Why? I just don't feel like 1.

They're delicious. There's meat in there Mhmm. And cheese Mhmm. And there's bun and whatever toppings you want. Cheeseburger.

We all know. We all know what cheeseburger is. Thanks. K. Well, it's National Cheeseburger Day.

Hey. It's US Air Force Day. Mhmm. No Air Force. Read an ebook day.

Uh-huh. I don't like ebooks. I just prefer a hard book. Just a paper book? Yep.

Not an electronic book? Correct. K. What about, one of those e readers that make it look like it's a book? The way that they're printed and they're just that grayish paper color.

I'm not I don't know what you're talking about. Have you used one of those? No. Like an actual book reader, like an ebook reader? No.

You might like it. It it looks like Paige. And But I like to fold a book Yeah. Like this. Like a book Yeah.

And have the pages fly open. Strange. That's not strange. That's real. Today is National First Love Day.

Oh. You're supposed to let nostalgia take hold and remember all the joys and pains of your first love. Fun. No. Fun.

World Water Monitoring Day. They have these testing kits. You can get it at the hardware store or whatever, and you can, check your water for different contaminants. No. World War Water Monitoring Day.

Ignorance is bliss. Okay. Equal pay day, international equal pay day. Yeah. Equal pay is important?

Yes. It is. It is global company culture day. What is your company culture? Is it equal pay?

It should be. It should be. It is also national respect day. These all go hand in hand. What else is going on?

National uniform day. It's rice crispy treats day. Oh. Mhmm. Dang it.

But dang it. You don't have a rice crispy treat? Is that the problem? Yeah. Exactly.

You know who never gets a day that that finally did Who? Today? Who? The ceiling fan. It's national ceiling fan day.

When was the last time you dusted your ceiling fan? Probably today would be a good day. The best day to do that. You'd be like, hey. Ceiling fan day.

I heard it was ceiling fan day. You deserve a dusting. World bamboo day, hug a greeting card rider. Do you know 1? I do not.

How are you gonna spell that? 1? I don't even know. I bet they're all written by AI now. Don't you think?

No. No. I don't think that either. I do. I think I don't think so.

Anyway, that's what's going on. It's Wednesday. Middle of the week. Here we go. Hoorah.

Oh. Oh. Been a long week already. Well, it's halfway done. Kinda, sorta.

About mid show, we'll be halfway done with the week. Alright. So hang tight, and good morning. Consider me held. Back in 1946, there was a guy named Earl Tupper.

Earl? Earl Tupper Oh. Made something called Tupperware. Tupperware. I knew it.

I knew it because his name's Earl Tupper. Good job, Josh. Tupperware. That was in 1946? 1946.

Back when they were hot. Hot. Hot. Women made Tupperware parties and sold sets to their friends, and that was the only way that you could purchase Tupperware. Correct.

And that went on well into the eighties and nineties. Yes. It did. Uh-huh. And it kinda made a small comeback, maybe 5 to 10 years ago.

I don't I remember I don't remember exactly when it was, but I do remember somebody talking about a Tupperware party. And I was like, what? This is coming back? Well and that might have created I don't know who who was first, but that certainly probably contributed to the market of other let me bring my products to your home to order Yeah. Kind of things.

There's many of those. Tupperware is unfortunately going through some hard times. Well Tupperware has $700,000,000 in debt. Oh, no. And, Oh, no.

That's a lot of debt. They're declaring bankruptcy Yeah. After 78 years. They've been struggling for years, thanks to falling demand and more competition from off brands sold on Amazon. Sure.

They aren't going out of business. They're still being made, but they will not be American made anymore. They are closing its US factory and laying off a 148 workers, and a factory in Mexico is going to be taking over production. Really? Yep.

That's very interesting. Poor Earl Topperware. I mean, I'm looking at some, like, actual Tupperware, and they've they've got new labeling and stuff. It over. It won't break if you run it over.

It does. It breaks. But they're wanting I I mean, it's expensive. Like, this is a, you know, a real Tupperware brand vintage, little, you know, bowl for $35 for one bowl. One bowl.

There's a stack of 3 here you can get, but it's gonna cost you $84 for 3 of them. But they're cool. They're the real, you know, the real deal where they've got the sort of that pleated lid. They don't make it in that yellow anymore, though. That yellow was something else.

I bet my mom still has some of that. I should see. I bet it'd be worth some money, especially now that it's not gonna be American made anymore. Hey. I found some pre owned.

Set of 7. Yeah. Set of 7 vintage. Brown, orange, and yellow What? As they would be.

$55, and you're gonna get that's 7 pieces, bowls and lids. So that's 14 pieces. Wow. Yeah. And they have the lids.

Like, that's Wow. That's a miracle. It's 7 pieces. You know? Tupperware had it going on.

It did have it going on. I'm seeing a lot of the, you know, the cereal container that was the rectangle with the you pour your cereal box or bag into it and then add there's a lot of those for sale for pretty cheap. Those you can pick up for, like, 6 bucks, 7 bucks. But What was the did they have the slogan that was, like, if you open the lid, there was, like, a burp? Well, burping your Tupperware is what you were supposed to do to just let the let the bad air out.

Breathe. Yeah. Gotta let your leftovers have a burp sometimes because they're sealed so good. $63, you can get the Tupperware canister set. I saw those on everybody's counter.

They're brown with the little, like, gold looking flower. Tupperware canisters. Yeah. Brown mushroom vintage Tupperware, canisters with instant touch lids. Instant touch?

Mhmm. Hey. They have some cute new ones. I that's what I was saying. The new ones are nice.

The new ones are super cute. But they still kept the cool pleated lid, which I think is really nice. But they got that turquoise one and yeah. Anyway, Tupperware, you know? What are you gonna do?

What are you gonna do? This is a cool story from earlier this month. Rebecca Bowling is from Jacksonville, Florida. She, was celebrating her birthday, took a camping trip with her boyfriend. Okay.

And they were strolling along the shoreline at Cumberland Island National Seashore in Georgia when she, just walking along, having a conversation with her boyfriend. Was she selling seashells? Kind of seashells. Been. But really just strolling.

Strolling? Yeah. Her name is not Sally either, so that's fine. Anyway, she's she and her boyfriend are walking along. Her name is Rebecca.

And, she she looks over and she says, you know what would be really cool? I've never found, like, a message in a bottle. Wouldn't that be cool? What did she say it? A message in a bottle.

Well, you know, I just imagine that's what she said. Because you know what would be so cool? I've never found a message in a bottle. That's what she said. And about 10 minutes later, they're walking along, a bottle.

What? Yeah. What? Ain't that something? Did she plant it there?

Yeah. She might have. Yeah. And then she pulls the note out, and it says A plastic statue bottle. Yeah.

Weird. The bottle was sealed with a cork. It contained a note from an 8 year old girl named Parker from Charleston, South Carolina. And the note said, hi, everyone. I am a girl.

I love the sea, so I thought I would write a message. Love Parker. Good job, Parker. I thought her name was Harper. No.

Parker. It's been Parker the whole time. I thought you said Harper. Nope. K.

Rebecca, who is a 3rd grade science teacher and also some sort of psychic clairvoyant. Yeah. She was overjoyed and shared the discovery on Facebook. She's hoping to connect with Parker. The post, did reach Parker's family and her father, Matt.

Say that more often. They're like overjoyed. Okay. I'm overjoyed. I like it.

Okay. Nobody says that. K. Keep going. So the post reached Parker's family.

Her father, Matt, said that Parker launched the bottle, while they were on a boat ride pretty recently. Rebecca said, I was just stunned. I know it might sound silly now, but I had just said that I wanted to have that happen. It was my birthday, and I was like, this is a dream come true. Are you kidding me?

Happy birthday, Rebecca. Do you think Rebecca was maybe just a little bit disappointed that the message wasn't like A pirate map? Yeah. Or something older like, tell Ronaldo I love him. Oh, come on.

What was that one? There's a story here. That's what I mean. Like, some old green glass bottle. Tell Ronaldo I love him, Who wrote the the love letter to Ronaldo?

Fabrizia. Yeah. You got it. Mhmm. Nope.

It was Parker, and she loves the c, and she wanted to write a message. Love Parker. I'm not trying to harsh her overjoyment. It was pretty that's pretty cool. But what about Ronaldo?

Somebody's wonder if she maybe was just a little bit disappointed. Like, this is cool that I found this, but, man, I was hoping for something older. You know what I'm saying? I do. Hey.

It's good news to get you going. Good morning. My daughter, our daughter. Yes. She's expensive.

Well And she asks for a lot. And we love her very much, but boy, howdy. She'll just randomly send me a text. Mom, can I have some money? For what?

What do you need money for? You're 15 years old. You're at school. What do you need money for? A soda.

Yeah. Nina's soda. Is that really what happened? Because she told me when I picked her up from school yesterday that, that she was like, oh, sorry. I was a little bit behind.

I had to go get a drink. I was thirsty. I went, they don't have you have a water bottle. Where's your water bottle? And it's so it's so easy to just transfer money.

I we did this with Beck too. Like, it open my app. I can transfer money from my debit card to her debit card. Do you wanna know what I told her? What'd you tell her?

I said, I know mom put $30 in your lunch account. Why don't you go get her milk? I told her that I did. And she said, no. School milk?

I said, yeah. She goes, it comes as a purple lid. What's wrong with that? I said, is it True Moo? She's like, I hate True Moo.

If they put if they put, like, Reed's Dairy Milk in there, I'd eat I'd have that every day, but not school milk. She was very upset about my suggesting that if you're thirsty, why don't you go spend some of that? I said, you get milk every day for the rest of your high school career Not at the same. $30. That's so funny.

Yeah. She wasn't happy. She would never have a heart attack. No. No.

School milk? No. Can I have a milk, please? She was not happy. And then she brought up something.

She said, one time, she had school milk, and it was chunky. And I said, what? You gross. She's like, yeah. I've never had school milk since.

So I'm telling you, from whenever that happened in elementary school to today yesterday, no school. No. No school at all. It's never been consumed. But it also was not the thirst quencher she was hoping for.

It's so funny. I didn't know that happened. That is hilarious. She shouldn't ask me questions like that. I already know you got money.

It's sitting in your lunch account. Go get a milk. You are definitely the bad cop a lot of times. Not necessarily the bad cop, but, like, the reality cop. Come on.

I'm thirsty. Go get a milk. Or a water. So Get some water. Yeah.

You take a water bottle every day. Go fill it up. What are you talking about? You're thirsty. There's water for free and milk already paid for.

Go get some. Yum yum yum. So I was thinking about that. Milk. Hey, Emery.

I'm gonna go get a soda. Oh, I'm gonna go get some milk. Yeah. I'll be I'll be I'll meet you in the cafeteria where I'll be having my milk. Because that's what the cool kids do.

I just can't even imagine asking, like, being her age and texting my mom and being like, hey, my mom. Well, we didn't have phones. So you would you would have well, we had we had phones. We weren't born before the Alexander Graham Bell. Let's be clear.

Have cell phones. Yeah. No. I know. You could go to the office.

To go to the office. I need to call my mom. Can I use a phone? And they'd be like, alright. And then you would call, and you have to hit some weird number combination to get out of the building.

And then you would call, and then maybe if she answered, you'd go, mom, can you bring me some money? I need to get a soda. And she'd be like, no. Go get a milk. Get out of here.

Go get a milk. No. Never. Never would have done that. Also, when I had to ask my mom for money for, like, real things, for school things that I needed, maybe, like, a poster board so I could make a project, it was like you had to sneak it in.

You had to find a slick way to do it. To ask for poster board? Not for poster board. That was a terrible example. Because I would have been like, hey.

I got a school project. School project. Okay. Let's go to let's go to the craft store and get you a poster board. So when I wanted money for something that I wanted, you had to you had to ask in a the right way.

Emery just goes, can I have some money? But when I was a kid, it was like, nope. Or I would, like, clean the house, and I'd be like, hey. Did you notice I cleaned the house? Look at what I did.

Look at look at look at all the chores I've done. Did I get paid? No. You can go have some milk. I know, Josh.

I know that I'm supposed to talk, but, yeah, I'm never prepared. What happened? Supposed to be professional, and this is not professional. What were you I was just letting you know that you could talk in the time you were ready. Okay.

Okay. Okay. Here it is. Happened? Okay.

I was You found it? I found it. Eureka. I was reading this article yesterday, and it said that couples who make fun of each other have happier relationships. Is that right?

Yeah. So we're on the right path. Are we? Well, one of us is. Yeah.

Me. As I constantly get made fun of. Are you? And what does it say about people who are the victims? Well, it says the humor needs to be playful, not hurtful.

Okay. And both partners should feel respected. Oh. Couples who can laugh together and not take themselves too seriously are better equipped to handle challenges and maintain a positive dynamic. I like it.

Alright? I think, I think you and I have done really well at that our entire time together. In front of each other? Yeah. But also taking it in stride, I think, is important.

You said it's important that you don't take it too seriously because if people are, you know, not able to laugh at themselves and they get offended, that can be a problem. Yeah. So I can see how, you know, you could quickly let that get out of control. And I I I'd see where we're headed. Well, here's what you've done in our Oh, no.

I didn't ask. I don't need to know. Oh, well, here's what you've done. What did I do? You have set a nice example of making fun of me to our children.

And so now our children get in on the ice. Listen. Listen. When you say things that make no sense, that is not my fault. The kids just started to notice that doesn't make sense.

You're really, really good at idioms, for example. You're an idiot. Yeah. That's what you say every time. You also have trigger words that are really fun, and so we like to exploit those.

Look. It's not it's not just making fun. We're having a good time. Oh, it's not about that. Expense.

No. You're joined in on all the good times. You're welcome. That's because I can take it all in stride. That's right.

And nothing's gonna hold me down. Alright. We just played that song not that long ago. But, no, what I'm saying is you and I, we got a good thing going. Do we?

Yeah. When it comes to being able to take things, on the chin, you know, I think we're I think we're doing pretty good. Your silence is reassuring. I'm glad one of us thinks that. Whatever.

50%. 50% of us thinks that this is a good idea. Alright. Well, what do you think then? About what?

Are you serious right now? The whole thing you just talked about, what? What do I think about what? I don't know. I don't know what to do with you.

We had a scout meeting last night. Yeah. And, there were some young boys that were there, and they were talking about an activity coming up where there might be an opportunity for them to go inside a tank. Yes. The room lit up.

Like, what? We can go inside a tank? Am I I've just never been excited about going inside of a tank. What do you think it smells like inside there? I think it smells worries you?

I think it smells like oil and grease. Yes. And Yes. No. No.

I Metal. No. I'd rather just look at some pictures of what a tank looks like. Yeah. Like, I'm curious to know what it looks like inside, but I don't necessarily wanna go inside a tank.

No? No. I'll just just show me some pictures. But what if there's one there you could get inside? I don't I'm saying to you, I don't wanna get inside of it.

How many people you think a tank holds? 5. Okay. That's a fair number. I don't I don't know.

Let's go with, like, the Abrams tank, and and let's see how many people. Have you ever been inside of a tank? I mean, not not particularly, like, like, in one that was moving or anything. I've I've probably Well, right. I didn't assume that you'd been inside an active tank.

An Abrams tank has a crew of 4. I've never been inside one that's been moving. Yeah. No duh. I might have I might have seen one up close.

I don't know if I've been in, in a tank. Oh, do you wanna go inside the tank? The Yeah. I it's I've I've seen, movies where they're filmed inside a tank. Yeah.

It looks cramped. Yeah. I don't. That's why I'm like, no. Too claustrophobic.

No. Thank you. There are, 4 people. Four people. Can you The commander, the gunner, the loader, and the driver.

And that's it. That's all you can fit. Four people. In in an Abrams tank. What's an Abrams tank?

Oh, it's just the m one. Oh, an Abrams tank. It's a it's a very popular, tank. Must not be that popular. I'd never heard of it.

Well, you also haven't, got a desire to go see what's in the tank. So I actually am curious to see what it looks like. But, again, you go inside of it. Cram. You take some video and then show me because I don't I don't need to I don't need to go inside a tank.

I know those scouts were all excited about going inside that tank. How many scouts can fit inside a tank? Well, there's only 4 seats, so that's that's part of what we're doing. That they don't need to all be sitting. Let's see how many scouts we could fit inside this tank.

Somebody said, the Abrams tank is, amazingly easy to drive, and everything in the driver's seat is pretty intuitive. It's the most comfortable seat in the tank, perfect for taking a nap. It also, is so much better to drive, with an open hatch sticking your head out, feeling the wind like a convertible. Oh. Oh, here we go.

That also sounds very dangerous. Yeah. Well, it depends on where you're driving, doesn't it? Exactly. Or where you're driving from, I guess.

Sure. Sure. Sure. Yep. How fast can can an the Abrams tank its top speed?

Abrams tank speed. We're gonna learn a lot about it. The Abrams tank's top speed is 45 miles per hour on the road. Yep. That's the m one a one.

The m one a two has a top speed of 42 miles per hour on the road. Off road, top speed of 25 miles per hour. Really moving. Going off road in this, baby. Yeah.

Because it's got those big tracks. You know? Just drive over anything. Anyway, let's go inside a tank. No.

I just told you. You go inside and take a couple of pictures. Or just come with me, and then you can go, wow. What a cool experience. Nah.

I'll just wait. For what? Wait. The video? Yeah.

Just go inside the tank. Joanna. Yes. You do. Kinda.

No. I don't. Not a little bit. Smells. Like what?

Gunpowder and lead. Yes. Is there a place where you feel like you are a regular? There's one lunch spot that I go to where Where the people know who you are. Know me when I walk in.

Are are you a regular enough person there that they know what you order? Not all of them, but, the owner and the manager, yes. I know of them. But not every not every person. But the owner and the manager definitely know So you don't have to order.

No. They'll just know. They're they're not usually the ones up at the front. They're usually in in the kitchen in the back or whatever. Yeah.

But there are definitely But they'll wave to you and say, hey, Josh. They go, hey. What's going on? And I go, hi, guys. Good to see you again today.

I was here yesterday. Yeah. And I'll be here tomorrow. Food. It's so good.

Thank you. We went to visit I remember we went to visit, well, we went to Arizona a couple years ago, and we stayed with a friend's relatives while we were there. And she was an older woman who would go his aunt. It was his aunt. Yeah.

And she would go to Dutch Bros every morning Right. At 8 o'clock. And they knew her so well every Yep. Everybody knew her. My name.

While we stayed there, we went there every day because she goes, it's 8 o'clock. It's my Dutch Bros guy. Head over. And they knew her, and they knew what she ordered. And, hey, Marilyn.

How's it going? To see you. And she was like, hey, Jackie. Jackie? And she knew them.

They knew her. And we I remember we all kinda looked at each other, and we were like, this is really cool. I wanna be a regular somewhere. I know. And I'm not, like, daily regular.

I I need to get into a mode where I'm a daily regular somewhere. That would be that'd be cool. I think it would be too. Or is it pathetic? I'm trying to determine pathetic.

I'm supporting your business. What do you mean it's pathetic? Okay. It's not pathetic. Not like I'm going in there going like, do you know who I am?

Give me something for free. Okay. No. I'm here to support your business. I like your product.

I'm going to be a regular consumer of your product. I'm not a regular anywhere. I need to be a regular somewhere. Yeah. I don't know what to tell you.

I wanna be a norm. You're a regular around here. I'll tell you that. Yeah. That's different.

I know your name, and I could I could probably fulfill an order. I I don't wanna be a regular at work. I'd rather not be a regular at work. At work oh, you're here again? Yeah.

Oh. Oh, man. Thought we got rid of you. Here I am, behind this desk again. Yeah.

Why? I don't know why we didn't hear it. I get a paycheck. That's true. It does come with that benefit of getting paid to be there, where being a regular cost you money.

I just wanna go where everybody knows my name. Alright. And they're always glad I gave. Yeah. Well, there's one spot I know of.

For you. Yeah. That's right. Hey. Hey.

How are you guys? I'll have the regular. You know what I like. You and I celebrated our anniversary back in July. Yes.

I saw a thing, just the other day online. This family, to celebrate their anniversary, they have, they have dubbed their anniversary their family's birthday Oh. Which I think is kinda cool. Yeah. And so they, they get the whole family together.

They have a cake. Everybody kinda takes part in putting candles in the cake and doing other, like, family birthday celebration stuff to say, hey. This is our family's birthday. It's when we the presents. Well, I I think it's more just about celebrating.

I think you still have the anniversary mentality for that, but everybody gets to be a part of the fun, and I think that's kinda cool. That is cool. Fun little idea. I would also like a present. No.

I know I know how you are, but then, you know, you get to, you get to celebrate with everybody. I guess just cake. I'm happy with cake too. Or pie. Or pie.

Yeah. Or brownies Right. Or a cookie. Right. I'm just happy with treats.

Right. I'm easy to please. Just it's just treats. Just sugary treats. I just thought that was kind of a sweet idea I like it.

Just to have you know, I mean, if you're a if you're a young family, like, not that we're an old family, but if if you're a young family, what a cool little tradition you could start with. Like, hey. It's a it's our anniversaries. It's when we start traditions anytime. Just because we're a well seasoned family Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Doesn't mean that we can't start that tradition now moving forward. That's what I was trying to say. But if you're if you have a young family and you've got younger kids who are trying to understand what anniversary means and stuff, it's a cool way to kind of explain it and bring them into it.

I think that's fun. It's like those signs you say, like, the Tielor family established. Yeah. 2003. Well, was it established?

It wasn't established then. That's when you and I met, but it wasn't established. Oh, I see. Well, I guess 2,005. There you go.

That's when we were established. And that's when the That's when the family So we're about to turn 20 next year, old people. Yeah. Yeah. Old people.

About to have our family's 20th birthday. Yes. Ain't that something? That is No more teenage family. Just old 20 year old family.

I think it's kinda cool. I do too. It's cute. And then as the family grows over the years, you know, you start getting grandkids involved, you start building in, you know, the bigger bigger birthday party. Yeah.

I like it. Anyway, it's kinda fun. I would like for us to play a game. This is gonna okay. Okay.

Fine. Okay. What? I just Are you nervous? Yeah.

Why are you nervous? This is inevitably gonna make me look like a dope. Well, the good news is there may be video of this game that you can watch on YouTube. We do have a YouTube channel, by the way. Classy 97 KLCE on YouTube.

My tube? YouTube. YouTube. Alright. Here's the game.

Tube. Are you ready for the game? Yes. The game is who can scream the loudest? Are we gonna scream loud?

There's a catch. What is it? And this is where the video part comes in. You cannot look like you're screaming. Okay.

So so there's a catch. Okay. I don't know. This game being played on the Internet, and I said, this is a game we're gonna have to try. So the game is who can scream the loudest?

You can step away from your, you can scoop back from your microphone a little bit. Who can scream the loudest without looking like they're screaming. So step back just a little bit more. Hi, Doug. Step back.

Put take your microphone with there you go. Okay. Come come a little closer. There you go. Right there.

Okay. Very good. Go go a little bit to your right, and there you go. In frame? Am I in frame?

Yeah. Can you see me now? Now push your microphone away from you just a touch. There you go. K.

Perfect. Now I can pick you up with that loud and clear. So you you're gonna scream. Formal. You can't look like you're screaming.

I don't know how to do this. I know. You do it first. No. No.

It's scary. Mhmm. Did I do it right? You look like you're screaming. I look like I don't know how you do it.

So think about this. Right? This is a game that you can play in a public space. Like, this is a game you would play, like, when you're at the mall and you wanna be able to scream but not look like you're screaming, so you can also look around and go, where'd that scream come from? Who's doing that?

Be able to do it without control your voice. Kinda. Yeah. Yeah. Oh.

Is that how you normally scream? It's pretty funny. You can do it now. Well, you just gotta do it like you're just doing normal stuff. Like, the guy I watched doing, he was eating a sandwich, and he was just like without without But he has something covering his mouth.

Well, sort of. Yeah. But it I mean, you know, he didn't look like he was actively screaming. K. You do.

You do. Have a seat. Sit down. Sit down. You sit down.

There you go. Alright. Here we go. You just gotta do a normal thing. Like, you're writing in a book, and you go, oh.

You kinda looked like you were screaming. Did I? Yeah. Did I look like I was screaming? Oh, no.

It wasn't me. I don't know where it came from. It's a ridiculous game. We still have to play that game where you have to somebody wears the the Friday 13th mask. Yeah.

And you have to race inside the house. Breaking. We still have to do that. Yeah. We should have done that on Friday 13th.

Yeah. We shoulda. Well, there's another one coming up in December. We got plenty of time. No.

We don't we gotta do it before then. Okay. It doesn't have to be on Friday 13th. It could be on Tuesday 18th. Sure.

Why not? Wednesday. Wednesday 18th. Alright. One more time.

Well, you just do it normally like, oh. Your eyes, though. What were you looking at? You look like you were frightened by something down to your right. You went, oh.

I don't know. It's a ridiculous game. Try it at home. Try it at work. Fun.

Film yourself. Share the videos. We wanna see them. Scream without looking like you're screaming. It's it's not as easy as you think it is without looking at it.

Got big. I know. That's the part you have to avoid. You have to be like, I'm just sitting here doing nothing. Just catch.

I don't know. Stupid. Yeah. Alright. I love it.

You and I have talked about even if there's that rare chance that we fall out of love and we decide that we can't be married anymore, it's too bad. Like, we're gonna always be married because neither one of us wants to date again. Yeah. It's too complicated. No.

There's too much nonsense. So we'll forever and always hate each other. Not we don't hate each other currently. But if we do fall out of love, okay, you just go live on your side of the house. I'll live in mine because I can't I can't be bothered to date somebody else.

Okay. I don't wanna meet somebody else's family. I I just don't wanna I just don't wanna Okay. Okay. Not an issue.

There is a new dating trend where people are following the 666 dating rule. What is this? Don't be alarmed. Okay. I was a bit alarmed.

What is it? It's a dating rule where you find a man Uh-huh. With the preferences of 6 foot tall Oh, boy. Earning 6 figures Oh, boy. And has a 6 pack.

Oh, boy. 666 rule. Yeah. First of all, needs a different name. Secondly, not this guy.

What is he? 57. No. Radio guy. And, one one pack.

It's just a it's just a mass. I got a one mass. You can add that surgery while you get the 6 pack. Or I could just draw it on with a marker. Have you seen that?

Yes. That's a good look. You can get a T shirt that has the 6 pack. Or, again, that rubber body, I could get that there. You could.

Absolutely. I'm serious about that rubber body. I think that'd be fun to have. Then get it. Let me look up how much that thing cost.

You just gave me permission to buy a rubber body. What if here's my here's my question. What if you find 2 out of 3? Like the old Meat Loaf song. 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

He earns 6 figures, and he has a 6 pack. I see. I see. Not 6 feet tall. These are expensive.

The ones with arms yeah. The one with the it's got a neck that goes clear up behind your ears, so it looks real legit. And then it's got full sleeves down to the wrist. $250. They're expensive.

Yeah. I didn't give you permission to buy that. We don't This one's 550, but it looks real. And we don't need a rubber suit. You don't need a rubber suit.

You're gonna get stuck in it. You're gonna get sweaty. It's gonna be gross. But it's gonna look so cool. How?

Just because it has a 6 pack? I'll look ripped. But where does the rest of your body go? In it. It's inside underneath the rubber skin.

I feel like there's gonna be some disproportionate areas. No. Why? Where? It's got, like, pecs and 6 pack and strong arms.

It's gonna look real. Mhmm. Mhmm. Well, never. Just the part where it folds at the elbows will be weird.

The rest of it's gonna be so cool. The rest of it's gonna be totally normal. It's not gonna be an identical skin match at all. You won't even know. $250?

Well, some of them. There's other ones. Like, that was kind of a high quality one. There was one for 550 that looked real nice, but there's some budget options. And if I get a budget option, then you're gonna have problem areas.

If I don't if I don't invest in the right one, then I'm gonna end up regretting it. Okay. If you buy the rubber suit, that takes care of the 6 pack issue. Yes. Is there, some kind of stilts you could wear that would make you Stilts.

6 feet tall? I just need, like, you know, some platform shoes. Yeah. Because you only need 3 inches. To get to 510.

Oh, I'm no mathematician, but I think I need 5. You know? K. That takes care of that problem. Now 6 figures.

You said 2 out of 3 wasn't bad. I can get some monopoly money. Ah, yeah. Look at all this real estate I own on this game board. I'm rolling in the dough.

2 out of 3 ain't bad. Oh, thanks. Listen to this. What's up? This is called Mogo hiking pants.

Have you heard of these? Mogo hiking pants? Mogo hiking pants. I have not. I'm gonna look them up.

Short for mountain goat hiking pants. Mogo hiking pants. This is a hiking pant that comes with a built in exoskeleton that is powered by powerful motors. This can increase the wearer's leg strength by 40% and make them feel about £30 lighter. So this is, like, perfect for people who love to hike, love to be outdoors, but don't necessarily have the stamina or the mobility Really cool.

Yeah. So it feels like a natural extension of the body, which enhances your mobility. It is kind of expensive. How much are these things? $5,000.

$5,000? The motors are located on the side of the knees, and they're powered by a battery pack that's located around the waist of the pants, but it assists whoever is wearing them during a sense for about 3 hours on a full charge. Wow. And the battery recharges automatically while you're walking downhill. That's pretty cool.

I know. Look. I I do some hiking, and there are some times where I'm like, man, a little bit of a little bit of a boost would be sweet. Get the Mogo hiking. $45100 if the buy them if you preorder them now with a $99 deposit.

So you can save yourself $500 if you preorder. They expect them to ship late next year. Interesting. Cool. Right?

Yeah. I like I like the idea. I like where we're going. They're made by Arc'teryx, which I'm also not surprised that they're $45100. Why?

Arc'teryx gear is really expensive. They well, this the battery pack, the pants weigh about £7 with the motor and the battery pack, but they say that wearing that can make you feel £30 lighter because the the sensors feeds this is all very sciency, but there's a series of sensors that feeds data to an AI powered computer module, and it adjusts the level of assistance depending on the terrain and the wearer's walking style. I gotcha. I think that's kinda cool. That's cool.

Right? I like Arc'teryx, you know, just as a brand, but they are ridiculously expensive. Like, you know, just a regular jacket is gonna cost you 100 and 100 of dollars. Like, it's it's wild. So I'm not surprised that it's gonna be expensive, but I think it's cool that they're trying to put some of that kind of technology that they're they've been developing robots and different things, you know, for so long.

I'm glad to see some of that coming into the marketplace for the benefit of people. I think that's great. Well, because I was watching the video of it, and it's, like, older people that are wearing them. Yeah. So people that are having problems with mobility, but still You wanna get out and ride?

Get out and do this kind of stuff. I think it's very cool. I'm all about it. If you have a mattress it wasn't so expensive. Yeah.

$45100 for a pair of pants. My role, you got 2 legs. Not just a pair of pants. It is. It's $45100 for a pair of pants.

No. Not just any pair of pants. With robot legs. Robot knees. You got robot knees.

I think it's cool. I hope they I hope they continue to develop more of this stuff. Josh Gad, who voiced Olaf in Frozen Uh-huh. Said that if he could do it all over again, he would he would use a different voice. Yeah.

I saw that because he just used his own voice. He just uses regular voice. So whenever he's at a store, anywhere, anytime he speaks, he sees every little kid. Yep. I he's got a very But he's a very unique voice.

Yeah. Yeah. Distinctive. Uh-huh. So anywhere he's out in public, people turn and look.

They're like, what? Oh, there's Olaf. Which at first would be exciting. Right? You'd be like, oh, people recognize me, especially little kids.

And so you'd you'd really hype it up, and you'd be like, hey. You would be Olaf for that little kid. But then But that over time, you gotta be like, boy. I just wanna live. I just wanna live my life.

But it is such a very, distinctive voice for sure. And I think that there are other people. Like I've said, if I could go into cartoon voice over, animation voice over, which I think would be amazing, I would love love love to do that. But you said would want to do my own voice as the character because my own voice is unchanging, unwavering. It's the same.

All I have to do is go in and talk, and he'd be like, wow. That's great. And I could do different, you know, things like that. But I don't know what that character looks like that has this voice. And you said before that when you do voices, because you've done voices before, that you can't ever recall Yeah.

How to do the voice that you've done. That is correct. There's only been one time You'd be a terrible voice actor. No. No.

No. I would not as long as I got to use my own voice. Yeah. Your real voice. Great.

There is one voice that I did as a character for a dentist or something for a long time, and this particular character voice that I did, I had to remind myself of a mindset. And so what I had to do was, like, envision this particular character before I could even figure out how to do the voice. And in order to do that voice again and again and again, you know, every time they wanted a new commercial, I had to think about that character and go, oh, yeah. Yeah. I remember who the character looks like, what it is, and then I would be able to go, okay.

I think I remember it. And then I'd listen to some audio from old commercials I had done, and then I'd be like, okay. I think I got it, and try to lock in as close as I could. But that's a hard thing. Like, that's a unless you you really practice it and do it every single day, it's really difficult to fall back into that character and be so consistent.

So when you see people like the guy who does the voice of Winnie the Pooh, for example. Yeah. Winnie the Pooh. Man, like just a soft spoken real easy character. Not too far from his actual voice, but he does a lot of different inflections and stuff.

But if you see those those character voice actors who do multiple I'm thinking of Seth MacFarlane who does Family Guy. Sure. He does multiple voice acting from that or anybody from the Simpsons Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. For sure.

Bill Hader does a lot of voices. When you see them on talk shows and they're like, do this voice, and they can just easily fall I know. In and out of these voices. It's a talent. It sure is.

And and I think with the right training and practice and and those kinds of things, like, you could figure it out. Like, I could figure anything out. It's confidence, a willingness to try, good support system. I'd be in good shape. It's all you need.

Those three things in life, you can do anything you want. And maybe some practice. And practice. Regular. Regular practice.

I'm not gonna be able to, like, walk into a studio and nail it the first time. It's gonna take some time. And if somebody's willing to work with me, I would love to do cartoon voice over. I think it would be so cool. Taking applications.

That's right. That's right. I think it'd be a ton of fun. Voice acting? So cool.

Like, I sit in a room and I talk all day as it is. There was a video I saw recently where there's 2 actors that are, working together to do the voices of the minions. Oh, yeah. I saw that. Those 2 That's so fun.

That's a crazy thing to think about too because they can't use actual words, but they have to use the right inflection in order to convey emotion while speaking gibberish. That's really challenging. That's cute. That's a cute video. Yep.

Good for those and it's 2 ladies in that video. Right? Good for them. Well done. I like it.

Anyway, you know where to find me. Have you heard of savoring? Like, eating slowly? Yeah. Because why?

Why would you do that? To savor the flavors. Yeah. That's why it'd be called savoring. Savoring.

Every time I go out to eat, people go like, dude, did you even taste your food? Yeah. Like, yeah. I did. It was delicious, and I gotta get back to work.

So let's go. I've never seen anybody eat faster than you. There is, my cousin who eats faster than me. You eat like somebody's gonna take away your plate any minute. You roll off your sleeves.

No. Listen. What I do business I do that. If I didn't know any better, I would've I would've thought that your parents withheld food from you as a child. They may have.

I I don't know where my my food trauma comes from. I don't think that they had. No. I don't think they did either. I was a well fed child, clearly.

My, my thing is that, like, I don't, like, chit chat's fine, but when the food gets there, the food is hot or fresh. Like, I really wanna enjoy the the goodness of the food. And if I if I take too long, the quality diminishes. No. That's not true.

It the food depreciates the longer it sits on my plate. So I like to consume it while it's all good. There for hours. No. I know.

But it it just gets worse the longer it sits. So I like to eat it when it's fresh and when it and when it's good, and, and sometimes that means sidelining conversation in order to snack. Yeah. And then when I'm done eating, let's talk. No.

We got all the time. Let's talk. When you're done eating, you get up and you leave the table. This is a this is a problem we've had our entire marriage. I'm listen.

I'm talking about, like, in a restaurant. I don't get up and be like, well, time to go. No. But you guess what you do do? You get on your phone.

Well, because everybody else is still eating. I'm done. I'll wait for you. I it's like now I'm in a waiting room, and I'm fine with that. I understand.

There's so a noise. There was there was a bunch of silence and then just a what's that noise mean? Meant to be quiet. What's that noise mean? It is one thing that annoys me about you.

The did I eat fast? No. I don't care about that. I don't care that you eat fast. Okay.

But if you don't participate when you don't participate in the conversation that we're having, whether we eat out or we eat at home Yeah. And then we're talking I'm talking to the family. I'm talking the kids are talking to me. I'm talking to company. I was eating.

And then you're finished, and then you're like, well, I'm done. I'm gonna get on my phone. Yeah. Well Continue to be non social. You're all eating, so I'll just be over here doing my own thing.

That's all. That's the that's it. That's all there is to it. I was gonna I was gonna talk about other stuff. Well, I wanna hear about savory.

No. It's just people are like, you should do this with other stuff too, not just food. Like, you should savor positive experiences. I agree. If you're outside and you're enjoying the sunshine, savor it for as long as possible.

Sure. If you are having a fun conversation with somebody or you're having a a good chuckle with a friend Yes. Savor it for as long as possible. It is a happiness hack. I like to savor the things.

If you're outside in nature, savor it. Yes. Why you've been gone fishing so long? I was savoring it. Yeah.

Exactly. It's great. I was out savoring the woods. It's good. It is.

You ever have a good day at work? You just wanna savor it? No. What? You ever doing the show and you're like, man, I just wanna savor this moment?

There are moments for sure. What about right now? I don't mind. Alright. Just checking in, making sure we're good because you made a noise.

I know. It's fine. Okay. We'll talk about it later. Oh, great.

Great. Can't wait. What do we still have to talk about? What do you what do you mean? Oh, no.

Oh, would you rather this or that? Would you rather meet your great great grandfather Okay. Or your great great grandson? Oh, wow. I know.

I think I'd rather interesting. I think I'd rather meet my great great grandson. You would rather meet a great great grandson? Yeah. So this would be our son's Grandchild.

Great grandson. Holy cow. Yeah. So I'm just I I drew a dad or a grand or daughter. It could be I'm just thinking about how many generations we're talking about.

So if I'm here has a son Or which is our grandson or or our daughter. Grandson has a grandson, and then that grandson has a grandson. Okay. So this is it's it's It's 2 grandsons from our grandson. Son, grand, great I already drew you a diagram.

I didn't see it. I'm showing it to you. Okay. So we're talking about 1, 2, 3, 4 generations away from Yes. Either either forward or past.

Yes. Okay. I'm going forward. I think I'd rather meet my great great grandson. So you're talking about 4 generations you're talking.

I'm trying to I'm just putting I'm trying to put into perspective here. Let's call this 20, 40, 60. Let's call it, like, somewhere around 80 years forward. Okay. So you're talking about, like, the year 21100.

Oh. Or you're going back 80 years to, what, 1860. Oh. When you put it into that perspective, I don't know. Yeah.

Because if you if you sue No. No. No. It's 1940. Not 18.

It's not 1980. It's 1940. Good math. I had to figure that out. But, yeah, 80 years 80 years.

So you're going back to the forties or you're going forward to the 21 100 in the forties. It's only 80 years ago. Because my I think it's earlier than that. Anyway, what are you picking? I don't know.

I'll I'll go forward too just to see what's up, see what see what the genes got up to. Yeah. Right? Probably weirdos. Probably all of them.

Bunch of radio people. I mean, like Doubt it. Yeah? I don't know. Maybe.

We'll see. Would you rather this or that? So there you are. Here I am. Your phone rings Yeah.

And you answer it. Yes. And you hear somebody, maybe it's me on the other end. K. But then you also smell me.

Ew. Why? I don't smell ew. Ew. What do you smell like?

Because you don't have Like me. I know, but you don't have a specific scent. There are you have a lot of different smells. What? Like, for instance, sometimes I'll smell your beard wax, or I'll smell your deodorant.

Or I'll beard wax? Yeah. I don't use beard wax. Sometimes you do. I use a beard oil.

Okay. That. There's a mustache wax, but I haven't used that in years. You knew what I was saying. Stop.

So sometimes I smell your beard oils. Sometimes I smell your dirty hat. Sometimes I smell your deodorant. Yeah. That's not my favorite smell.

Sometimes I smell d o d o b o. Not in a bad way. Just sweat. Listen. So Scientists are working on a new technology called digital scent technology, and it uses scent cartridges that mix like pixels on a screen to create pictures.

It the the little scent cartridges can mix little bits of smells to create a bunch of different smells. So it's in the early stages of development, but the idea is that one day, you would be able to talk to your friend or your family member and and smell the food on the table or smell, you know, the dump they're at. Ew. Right? You just don't know.

You know? Whatever you're gonna be smelling, it's it's gonna be able to take some sort of some some way it can capture the smell of the person you're talking to and distribute that smell on the other end. Fascinating. Isn't it interesting? Do you get to choose what smell the person on the other line is smelling?

You would it would be the smell of whatever is around. I know. But if if if I've just made food, but I also have, like, perfume on, is the smell coming through the phone, the mix of food and perfume? Because that's awful. Why are you wearing so much perfume?

I'm just I'm just saying. Your perfume should not overpower the smell of food. That's a lot of perfume. I've met some people like that. That's what I'm saying.

Restaurant where I'm trying to enjoy a nice meal and somebody walks in, and my entire olfactory senses go We were at the grocery store the other day, and there was a a little old man with his he had some very strong cologne on, and I couldn't even walk down the same aisle as him. Okay. So I'm just Do you think his cologne is in one of those glass, old timey cars? Oh. And he's and he's dabbing that on and hitting that on his neck after a good shave.

Gotta go to the grocery store. I don't know. There is some strong. Uh-huh. True.

There are some strong odor toilets. You are correct. I don't know if we need this technology. I It's not needed. It's kind of an interesting idea.

That immediately when you said that, I thought it might be kinda nice to talk to my mom and smell what my mom smells like because I like the smell of my mom. Well, I get that. I get that. And if the phone could decipher that, bottle that up Yeah. You could get that.

I see what you're saying. Well, on that fun note, have a great Wednesday. Happy Wednesday. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Thanks for listening to the show.

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Hope you have a great Wednesday. We'll see you back here tomorrow morning. We'll be here. Bye. Bye.

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