Sandals Church Podcast

Pastor Matt gives some brief insight on what it looks like to set boundaries and say 'no'.


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At Sandals Church, our vision is to be real with ourselves, God and others. This channel features sermons and teaching from Pastor Matt Brown and other members of the Sandals Church preaching team. You can find sermon notes, videos and more content at

Morgan Teruel:

Thanks for tuning in to the Sandals Church podcast. Our vision as a church is to be real with ourselves, god, and others. We're glad you're here, and we hope you enjoy this message.

Pastor Matt Brown:

Jesus Christ. Right? He doesn't have social media that's calling out to you every single day. Hey. Get involved.

Pastor Matt Brown:

Hey. Have an opinion. Hey. Stand up for this. Hey.

Pastor Matt Brown:

Post this. So there's no social media when Jesus Christ is alive, but he's walking through a crowd and somebody shouts at him. That's what social media does. That's what the news does. That's what your friends do.

Pastor Matt Brown:

They shout at him from the crowd. Teacher, please tell my brother to divide my father's estate with me. Jesus replied, listen to this. Here's the here's the son of God, the judge of everyone. He says, friend, who made me judge over you to decide such things?

Pastor Matt Brown:

You know what Jesus did? He just created a boundary. He said, that's that's not why I'm here. That's not a part of my mission. And we have to ask ourselves as Christians, is this something that I'm supposed to be a part of?

Pastor Matt Brown:

Because here's the thing you need to know about crazy people. Crazy people don't have boundaries. They will call you all night long. They will wear you down, and as soon as you're dead, move on to the next person. And they won't feel bad bad about it.

Pastor Matt Brown:

But as Christians, a lot of us, we read this verse, hey. I'm under an obligation. Yeah. Those who are strong are under an obligation to help the weak. It doesn't mean you need to be dumb about it.

Pastor Matt Brown:

But a lot of us have a hard time with boundaries. I had a huge problem with boundaries. Boundaries are guidelines, rules, or limits that a person creates, listen to this, to identify for themselves things that are reasonable, safe, and permissible ways for other people to behave around them. So if people start screaming at me, they get an opinion on vaccinations one way or the other, I don't have to stand there and listen to it. It's not good for me.

Pastor Matt Brown:

K. I've been screamed at in all kinds of places. Like, one time, the worst was in Home Depot parking lot as I'm literally pushing all of our stuff into our car. This guy is just reading me the ride act, screaming. I just you know what?

Pastor Matt Brown:

I don't I don't have to respond to him. He was out of his mind. I need to make sure that I don't go out of my mind because who do you think is gonna be on social media? Me or Captain Rando. Right?

Pastor Matt Brown:

Nobody knows who he is. And I'm not famous enough, but I'm famous enough that if I do something really stupid, everybody's gonna know who your pastor is. Oh, you go to Sandals. Yeah. Well, look at this guy on Instagram.

Pastor Matt Brown:

He's losing his mind. You're like, yeah, I don't go there anymore. I don't I don't know what happened. But you need to be careful. So you gotta create boundaries, and you gotta you gotta think about how am I gonna respond when someone steps outside those limits.

Pastor Matt Brown:

See, some of you are mad at god because you keep finding yourself in a cage with a gorilla, and god's like, I don't show me the verse where I said get into the cage with the gorilla. Listen to me. It's okay to say no. God says no to you every day. Some of you call those unanswered prayer requests.

Pastor Matt Brown:

No. God answered. You didn't like the answer. So god says no. You can say no.

Pastor Matt Brown:

It's okay to say no. And I don't know about you guys, but I always feel like I have after a reason. I have to have a reason to say no. Oh, I mean, I'd love to, I'm so busy. Man, if it wasn't, you know, Or we do the Jesus juke.

Pastor Matt Brown:

Let me pray about it. You know, I'm not sure. You know? You can just say no. You can just say no.

Pastor Matt Brown:

No. No. And here's the thing is, some people will then respond like a 2 year old. And, you know, adults that can't handle no have never really become adults.