National Health Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Monday the 10th of June 2024.
England’s top health officials are backing a call from NHS Blood and Transplant for people to come forward to donate O positive and O negative blood types. The national call follows the cyber attack at Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s College Hospital that saw IT services from pathology provider, Synnovis, affected, leading to operations and procedures being cancelled.
The incident means the affected hospitals cannot match patients’ blood at the same frequency, so for procedures requiring blood to take place, hospitals need O negative type blood as that can be given to anyone and O positive as that is the most common blood type. On the ransomware attack, an NHS London spokesperson said: “NHS staff are working around the clock to minimise the significant disruption to patient care following the ransomware cyber-attack and we are sorry to all those who have been impacted. We are still working with hospitals and local GP services to fully assess the disruption, and ensure the data is accurate.”

As it enters its third year, the Welsh Government has said the Six Goals for Urgent and Emergency Care programme will focus on cutting ambulance handover delays and the longest waits in NHS Wales’ A&Es. Backed by £25m every year, the initiative was launched in April 2022 to help people avoid busy emergency departments and has presided over the roll-out of 16 urgent primary care centres, 25 same-day emergency care services, and NHS 111 Wales.
Over 200,000 people have benefitted from new services developed under the six goals initiative.

NHS Scotland’s hospital at home for older people programme is set to benefit from £3.6m of further investment in 2024/25, the Scottish Government has confirmed. The initiative allows people to receive acute support treatments that would usually require a hospital admission as well as access to hospital tests under the care of a consultant in their own home.
This latest round of funding for the scheme means the total investment for the initiative is more than £15m since 2020. Recent statistics show that the service is the eighth biggest hospital for older emergency inpatients and thousands more used the service between April 2023 and March 2024, compared to the 12 months prior.
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