The InForm Fitness Podcast

Best-selling author and longtime InForm Fitness client Gretchen Rubin talks about her forthcoming book titled The Four Tendencies, Learn how to understand yourself better—and also how to influence others more effectively.  In this episode, we will discuss what those four tendencies are, how you can find out what your tenancies happen to be and how those tendencies might affect how clients of InForm Fitness approach their workout.  To purchase Gretchen's books, listen to The Happier Podcast with Gretchen Rubin, and to take the quiz to learn more your tendency visit _________________________________________________________________ Earn one FREE SESSION when you leave a review for InForm Fitness in iTunes, Yelp, Google+, Facebook,  & Amazon! Simply write a review and send a screenshot to - that's it!  For each review you leave, you will receive and entry for the GRAND PRIZE! One lucky listener will receive a personally autographed copy of Adam Zickerman's book,  Power of 10: The Once-a-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution. That listener will also get decked out in InForm Fitness apparel including an InForm Fitness T-shirt, hat, and a hoody jacket. And we’ll top off the prize pack with an Amazon Echo! Click here to see the Amazon Echo in action: Contest ends May 31st, 2017.  Listen for more details! To find an Inform Fitness location nearest you visit If you'd like to ask Adam, Mike or Sheila a question or have a comment regarding the Power of 10. Send us an email or record a voice memo on your phone and send it to  Join Inform Nation and call the show with a comment or question.  The number is 888-983-5020, Ext. 3.  To purchase Adam's book, Power of 10: The Once-a-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution click this link to visit Amazon: If you would like to produce a podcast of your own just like The Inform Fitness Podcast, please email Tim Edwards at  

Show Notes

Best-selling author and longtime InForm Fitness client Gretchen Rubin talks about her forthcoming book titled The Four Tendencies, Learn how to understand yourself better—and also how to influence others more effectively. 

In this episode, we will discuss what those four tendencies are, how you can find out what your tenancies happen to be and how those tendencies might affect how clients of InForm Fitness approach their workout. 

To purchase Gretchen's books, listen to The Happier Podcast with Gretchen Rubin, and to take the quiz to learn more your tendency visit
Earn one FREE SESSION when you leave a review for InForm Fitness in iTunes, Yelp, Google+, Facebook,  & Amazon! Simply write a review and send a screenshot to - that's it!  For each review you leave, you will receive and entry for the GRAND PRIZE!

One lucky listener will receive a personally autographed copy of Adam Zickerman's book,  Power of 10: The Once-a-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution. That listener will also get decked out in InForm Fitness apparel including an InForm Fitness T-shirt, hat, and a hoody jacket. And we’ll top off the prize pack with an Amazon Echo! Click here to see the Amazon Echo in action:
Contest ends May 31st, 2017.  Listen for more details!

To find an Inform Fitness location nearest you visit
If you'd like to ask Adam, Mike or Sheila a question or have a comment regarding the Power of 10. Send us an email or record a voice memo on your phone and send it to
Join Inform Nation and call the show with a comment or question.  The number is 888-983-5020, Ext. 3.
To purchase Adam's book, Power of 10: The Once-a-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution click this link to visit Amazon:

029 Gretchen Rubin Discusses Improving Your Habits Transcript

podcast, fitness, people, inform, tendencies, rebel, gretchen, questioner, books, habits, read, gretchen rubin, expectations, sheila, happier, writing, audio, work, accountability, fun

Gretchen Rubin, Tim Edwards, Mike, Sheila, Adam
Gretchen Rubin  00:06
You know, rebels want to do things in an unconventional way. And so also something about inform fitness that appeals to rebels is like, Oh, everybody else is on the treadmill for 90 minutes and like they're pedaling away and doing the Stairmaster and like we know the secret way we've figured it out like we're doing it this unconventional way and everybody tells you you have to do this and we're telling you no you don't you don't have to listen to all of them because we know the like the secret arcane way to fitness and like you know, even your doctor doesn't you know, your doctors workers, they don't know what they're talking about. We figured it out.
Tim Edwards  00:45
Hey inform nation that was best selling author and award winning podcaster Gretchen Rubin, who was our guest for the next two episodes here on the inform fitness podcast. 20 minutes with New York Times bestselling author, Adam Zickerman and friends. Thanks again for joining us. I'm Tim Edwards, the founder of the inbound podcasting network and a client of inform fitness. Now, in just a minute, the founder of inform fitness himself Adam Zickerman will be joined by Sheila melody who is the co owner of the inform fitness in Toluca, Lake, California, Mike Rogers, the general manager of inform Fitness in New York City, and of course, our guest, Gretchen Rubin. Gretchen has a very popular weekly podcast titled happier with Gretchen Rubin, where she discusses good habits and happiness with their sister Elizabeth Craft. Her podcast was named in iTunes lists of best podcasts of 2015 and was also named in the Academy of podcasters best podcasts of 2016. So we're delighted to have her today. Gretchen Rubin is also the author of several books, including the blockbuster New York Times bestsellers, better than before the Happiness Project, Happier at home, and her forthcoming book to be released later this summer titled The four tendencies, learn how to understand yourself better, and also how to influence others more effectively. Now here in this episode, we will be discussing what those four tendencies are, how you can find out what your tendencies are, and how those tendencies might affect how clients of inform fitness could approach their workout. And this is pretty cool. Gretchen Rubin has been interviewed by Oprah, eaten dinner with Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman, and has actually walked arm and arm with the Dalai Lama, and now is interviewed by Adam Zickerman looks like Adams in good company. Let's get to it. Here is Gretchen Rubin on the inform fitness podcast.
Adam  02:35
Gretchen, thank you so much for coming on our show. It's been a long time coming. And so, Mike, since you're the one who's working with Gretchen all these time, all these years, why don't you introduce her a little bit?
Mike  02:48
Okay, well, I just looked through our database, and I just found out that she's on her 498 session, wow. 12 years, 11 11 years, like 2005, so almost almost 12 years. She is by far our biggest refer she's consistent, except when she's on her book tour and vacation or something like that. But it's been such a pleasure to have Gretchen as a client here. She's become a great friend. Her husband works out here her father in law, her mother in law, her children. So we're very, very grateful to have you as a client and a friend and and to have you on the podcast as well. It's such a pleasure to see her every week because, first of all, she is very easy to train because she's always on time. She works very, very hard. She follows directions. She really goes.
Adam  03:41
She's an upholder. Yeah, exactly.
Mike  03:42
Classic upholder which we'll talk about later, you know, in the in the time, the 30 minutes we have together we are really able to get out the very intense workout. I always look forward to it because we have the most engaging conversations about sugar and fitness and psychology and I look forward to it all the time. It really doesn't feel like work to me. I just wanted to welcome you to the podcast and it's so happy to so great to have you.
Gretchen Rubin  04:09
It's so fun to be here. And it's been as I was walking I was like it's so fun to be coming and having getting to talk to you without actually having to work out
Mike  04:19
I thought you enjoyed it.
Gretchen Rubin  04:21
I enjoy the talking part. I don't enjoy the weightlifting part is is less enjoyable than the conversation. Yeah, right. Oh, by the time I'm ready for it to be over it's over. And thats the great advantage  of inform fitness. I guess.
Adam  04:35
I did some quick math by the way and 12 years. 498 workouts in 12 years. That's 41 workouts a year. So that is as consistent as it can get.
Gretchen Rubin  04:44
Oh, that's great.
Mike  04:45
It's fantastic.
Adam  04:47
So think about that. 41 That's that's 20 hours of work. That's it. That's 20 hours a year working.
Gretchen Rubin  04:54
That is that is the thing that whenever I am trying to sell inform fitness on people, I always say it's 20 minutes, like, do you have 20 minutes a week, and there's no music, no mirror, no sweating, no waiting. And like, if you know now the 20 it's not gonna get better than that. Yeah, I'm not gonna find something that you're gonna like better than that. 
Tim Edwards  05:13
Gretchen, you were one of the first people that we talked to, we wanted to have on this show, because Sheila has been listening to your podcast for quite some time. And of course, with your relationship there at inform fitness the whole time. And it ties in nicely with what you're doing. But if you could, before we dive into your workout, tell us about what you do. And what led you to inform fitness.
Gretchen Rubin  05:33
Well, I'm a writer, principally that I I've written books about happiness and good habits and human nature. So I'm probably best known for my book, The Happiness Project, I have a podcast called happier that I do with my sister, Liz Kraft. And I found out about inform fitness because basically, a friend told me, she was describing her workout to me, and I thought, this is fantastic. I had been reading a lot of research about why people were increasingly thinking that high intensity workouts were more effective than kind of, you know that, because I always thought it was like, you're supposed to do like, three sets of 12 repetitions at a medium weight, you know? And this was like, no, no, no, that's, that's not the way to really like work out efficiently. Um, so I was intrigued by it. And then, you know, one of my favorite sayings is a Zen saying that when the when the student is read, ready, the teacher will appear. And it was like, I was out to lunch with this friend, and she was describing her workout to me, and I'm like, bang, I'm in like, Where is this place? And I find out, it's a long walk. But it's actually a walk from my apartment. So that's part of my exercises to walk here. It was exactly what I was looking for. Because I had become so convinced about the logic and the research behind high intensity workouts.
Tim Edwards  06:37
alright now sheila, when you and I very first met, we were talking about podcasting. You brought up Gretchen, because you've been listening, like you said since the beginning.
Sheila  06:43
Well, first of all, Gretchen, I just want to, you know, say I am a huge fan. But I also want to thank you for being so you're so open, you know, you're on your, you know, you reveal a lot about yourself. It's a courageous thing, in my opinion, you reveal a lot about yourself and your personal life and everything. And it helps people you know, whenever I read your books, I start to get all like, oh, my gosh, this is so you know, there's a guidelines, guidelines to getting to know yourself, and how do you do that? And how is that going to then lead to good habits or changing your habits or making your life better happier? So
Gretchen Rubin  07:22
well, that's so nice to hear. Thank you.
Sheila  07:23
Yes. Thank you so much. And yeah, I just wanted to say that thank you so much for being courageous about revealing a lot of yourself in this in all your work.
Adam  07:34
Well, it's powerful. It's powerful to hear somebody talk that way.
Gretchen Rubin  07:37
Well, you know, I think what it is, is that sometimes people you can read about a study or you can read great advice, anything, you're sort of nodding your head anything. Yeah, like that seems right, that seems true. But when you read how somebody else's sort of put it into, into their own life, how they put it into action sometimes then it's easier to imagine how you would put it into your life, maybe you would do something differently. But you can sort of imagine how to concretely apply it more easily. Because you don't have to make that jump from sort of the theoretical to the practical, because I'm all about like, how do you actually do something tomorrow morning, like exact night? You know, because we can all read stuff? That sounds great. But then what do people actually do differently? And that's what's hard. So I think sometimes just an example is,
Adam  08:18
that's great talk about the book name of the book is called better than before.
Gretchen Rubin  08:21
Yeah, so better. So I've been writing about happiness. And I found that when people were talking about a happiness challenge they face a lot of times, it was a problem with a habit, like I'm exhausted all the time, because like, I'm in the habit of not going to bed on time. So better than before was an attempt to try to help people understand how to change their habits, like how do you actually change a habit. And what I found is there actually 21 strategies that people can use to make or break their habits and 21 sounds like a lot. But the fact is, some of these strategies work for some people and not for other people. And some strategies are available to us at some times in our lives, and not at other times in our life. So it's good that there's so many because you can really pick and choose the ones that are going to work for you. Because some like absolutely do not work for some people. And this is important, because a lot of times when people are trying to help other people change their habits, or when you're trying to change your own habits, you think like well, what's the best way, I'm going to start small, I'm going to do it for 30 days, I'm going to give myself a cheat day. I'm going to do it first thing in the morning. And these can work for some people, but they don't work for everybody all the time. And so it's good to know all the options and so that you can really begin by saying what is the right thing for you? So I tried to really lay out the whole framework so that people could start saying like, yeah, I remember when I was in college, I did that. And that worked really well or Oh, yeah, I remember you know, when I tried it that way, didn't work last time. Maybe it's not gonna work that way. This time. Maybe I should try a different way.
Adam  09:46
And to help figure out which habits are best and will work best for you. You came up with the four tendencies. 
Gretchen Rubin  09:54
yes. So I stumbled across this this four tendencies framework when I was writing better than before because I was variable struck by these different patterns that I saw on how people could successfully make or break habits or like particular challenges they faced. And actually, my next book is called The Four tendencies because since since I've introduced it, people have been just been deluging me with questions about it. So I thought, Okay, I'm gonna write a book about the four tendencies, and like, figure it all out for myself. So the four tendencies and Mike, you and I have talked about this endlessly, because I'm always picking your brain and the 4 tendencies are upholder, questioner obliger and rebel. And I argue that everybody is one of these their whole life, you know, in all contexts, and it has to do with how you deal with an expectation. So there are outer expectations, like work deadlines, or a request from a spouse. And then there's their inner expectations, like your own desire to keep a New Year's resolution, your own desire to start meditating. So upholders readily meet outer and inner expectations. So they meet the work deadline, they keep the New Year's resolution without that much fuss. Questioners question all expectations, they'll do something if they think it makes sense. So they hate anything arbitrary or inefficient or irrational. Their first question is, why should I listen to you? Um, so essentially, they make everything an inner expectation, because if it meets their criteria, they'll do it. And if it doesn't meet their criteria, they will resist it. Then they're obligers obligers readily meet outer expectations, but they struggle to meet inner expectations. And I grasped this when a friend of mine said, I don't understand it. I know I would be happier if I exercised. And when I was in high school, I was on the track team, and I never missed track practice. So why can't I go running now? Well, I would say when she had a team and a coach waiting for her, she had no trouble. But when it's just her own desire to run, she struggles. And then there are rebels, rebels resist all expectations, outer and inner, like they want to do what they want to do in their own way in their own time. If you ask or tell them to do something, they're very likely to resist and they don't even like to tell themselves what to do. So these now I know what I know that Mike is a questioner, because he has proved this to me over and over and over in my conversations, but I don't know.
Tim Edwards  12:01
You've been analyzed.
Sheila  12:03
Yes, we all took the quiz. Oh, good.
Adam  12:05
Okay. Um, definitely a question. I think anyone that knows me also would agree with that. Oh, yeah. But I do feel myself kind of in a gray area of rebel, I do find myself being very kind of, because you told me to do it. Yeah, I'm gonna question it. Which makes me a questioning rebel. I don't know. 
Mike  12:25
nobody who creates the power of 10 or develops this type of weight training is not a rebel a little bit, I think, 
Adam  12:32
well, I didn't develop it. I kind of I kind of popularized it, if anything, which is what we're doing on this podcast. So Sheila, what are you?
Sheila  12:40
Well, I'm an obliger. And, you know, I knew I wasn't obliger when I first heard the tendencies, but I've taken the test several times, please let me not be an obliger. Because I read, I reread the chapter, just the other day. And I was like, it's so true, as you say, obligers don't really like their tendency, because they get over, you know, like, kind of tend to get overwhelmed because they're meeting other people's expectations and not their own. You know,
Gretchen Rubin  13:10
so I would say this about the obligers. First of all, it's the largest tendency is the one the most people belong belong to. So you're in good company, because like 40% of the world, men and women is obliger. Um, they're the ones that pair up the most easily. So like, they get along with other people the best. And also, I think the advantage of the obliger tendency is that so all of the tendencies have strengths and weaknesses. The oblige the weakness of the obliger tendency is the easiest to fix. It's the easiest kind of buttress to put in because all they need is outer accountability. If they have outer accountability, they can meet an inner expectation. That's very easy. The limitations and weaknesses of my my tendency, upholder tendency, it's very abstract. It's a very kind of abstract, difficult to put your finger on thing to fix. And so it's much harder to offset it. Whereas I feel like with obligers, it's just plain as day. So I feel like God, they have this, they have this thing they have to deal with, but it's easy for them to deal with. But it's like with a questioner or a rebel or an upholder. It's like, that's trickier. It's trickier to handle the weakness.
Sheila  14:15
But one thing I read, and I'm so excited about this now, because I read rereading this and thinking that obligers pair up really well with rebels.
Gretchen Rubin  14:24
Sheila  14:25
And so I'm like,
Adam  14:26
That's easy for you.
Gretchen Rubin  14:27
You want to meet a rebel.
Sheila  14:29
Well, I'm not, but now I know what to look for
Tim Edwards  14:34
She likes the bad boys.
Sheila  14:35
Yeah, yeah. You know, so I think maybe Aren't your friends rebels. Yeah. I mean, I actually yes, but as far as a personal relationship, that's what I think I'm going to start looking for now. You know, so
Mike  14:49
when you sit back when you sit back and think about all the tendencies, I think, when you think about the virtues of all of them, to me, I actually Like the idea of the obliger, because I feel like the biggest trait that accompanies that is people pleasing. And I mean, obviously, that's that sometimes that can be very, very bad sometimes, but I feel like just as a in the world that we live in, to have that sort of Outlook, that you want to help other people. You know, I think the fact that we're fitness practitioners, health practitioners, I feel like it, it's fitting, you know, and sometimes when I, when I realized that I am an obliger, I am I'm actually, I don't hate that trait. Because I think also because I think I know that I fit into other categories as well. But I don't know, that's what I think,
Gretchen Rubin  14:54
Well, it's interesting, because I've had several people say to me, that they wanted only hire obligers, you know, because they're like, we're company like, our culture is client first, you know, customer always and we want you to, and we're gonna bring this, like, this outer expectation is going to be, you know, is going to be paramount to them. Because the fact is with an upholder, they're kind of like, well, you know, what, I got my own problems. Like, I know, the client wants to talk to me at 8pm on a Friday, but I've got to be like, in my son's recital, and like, I'm just, he's just gonna have to wait. And some places that works. And in some places, they're like, No, we really need you. And now it's not to say that other tendencies can't, can't accommodate that culture, because everybody can learn to deal with it. But it's certainly true that for obligers, several people have said to me, they think like, oh, in my profession, it's a big advantage to have an obliger. Outlook,
Mike  16:27
I think, especially if you're a new employee somewhere, because you know, when you're new, you always want to do more, impress more, be more available. And I think like when you're especially when you're starting a job or starting something like that, I think that I think that's what an employer wants to see after they hire you is that you are that type of person
Adam  16:45
or an upholder?
Gretchen Rubin  16:47
Well, it's interesting, because it all goes one of the things I should say about the tendency is is this is just one aspect of somebody's personality. So what some problems I have with some personality frameworks as they tried to explain too much about you like, your these 15 things. And I'm like, Well, no, I'm not. This is one tiny thing. So we could take 50 questioners and line them up. And they would look very different depending on how ambitious they were, how intellectual they were, how curious they were, how considerate they were, how extroverted they were, um, and so that would be very different. But in this way, how did they respond to an expectation they would be the same, and so it doesn't explain everything about you. But it does explain this one thing. And by the way, if somebody doesn't know what they are from this, this, this discussion, Sheila, you mentioned the quiz, you can take the quiz at happier It's a short quiz that will tell you what you are. But a lot of times people can just tell what they are from the description,
Adam  17:36
can you repeat that again, where they can find it
Gretchen Rubin  17:37
it's happier.
Sheila  17:42
I'm gonna have all my trainers take the quiz Well, I am because I want to know, you know, how to, it'll help me to managing them and then relating to their clients.
Gretchen Rubin  17:52
I think it has huge implications for things like like, I think a lot about like, if I were, you know, like, if I were training somebody, what would I think what, what would I think about? And I think one of the things that working out this way gives is it does give accountability, like somebody has an appointment with you. And like, I know if I don't show up, it's like, Mike, I've wasted Mike's time because I'm, you know, I've taken that slot. Now one thing I've proposed, because to up the accountability,
Mike  18:20
I know what she's gonna say,
Gretchen Rubin  18:21
Yeah, I proposed this before, see what you think. I think a lot of people know a lot of obligers know, they need accountability. I think if I were you, I would offer people the option to say, if you choose, we will charge you triple. If you do not show oh my gosh, within a day of canceling, you can choose to opt into that. I would bet some people would choose that. Wow. Because they would want to make the accountability greater.
Sheila  18:49
That's hard core.
Adam  18:50
But we would never have to do that.
Sheila  18:52
Yeah, I would never have to do it. 
Gretchen Rubin  18:53
Yeah, that's what people would want. Accountability. Like this is something that is very important for obligers. This kind of accountability. There's other aspects, I think of inform that suited to other tendencies that are not, but for an upholder and a questioner outer accountability doesn't matter that much. We don't need a lot of outer accountability because we have our inner expectations. But so for like a questioner, one of the things that is true about questioners, they love to customize. And they love for things to be efficient and rational. And so like one of the things that like my father's a questioner and he's, he lives in Kansas City. He's working out with a trainer now. And he loves talking about why are we working out this way? Why is this muscle important? Why why are you shifting the chair this way? Why are you repositioning my arms? And like the idea I'm customizing it for you? These are your strengths. These are your weaknesses. These are your former injuries. This is like where you want to improve performance. It's customized, it's efficient. It's like the it's like the cutting edge research. And that is what is compelling to a questioner more than the accountability because they can make themselves do anything they decide is what should be done. What they need is to really be convinced they I need to be convinced this is what I should be doing. I trust your judgment, I trust your your, your your knowledge. And this is like the right thing for me right now. And so that's like a different message. And then for the rebel, you know, rebels want to do things. Like they often will do things in an unconventional way like so they quit smoking, they don't join a usual cessation program to do in some like bizarre way, or they do some unusual form of yoga. And so also think about that I was thinking that about inform fitness that appeals to rebels is like, Oh, everybody else is on the treadmill for 90 minutes. And like they're pedaling away and doing the Stairmaster and like, we know the secret way. We've figured it out. Like we're doing it this unconventional way. And everybody tells you, you have to do this. And we're telling you, no, you don't. You don't have to listen to all of them. Because we know the like the secret arcane way to fitness. And like, you know, even your doctor doesn't you know, your doctor's orders, they don't know what they're talking about. So that's a very kind of rebel, or also rebels can do anything. Yeah. They can do anything they want to do. And I know Mike, one of the things that you mentioned is fun for people, when they start working out is like, they'll go skiing, and they'll be like, Oh, my gosh, I'm skiing so much better, like their performance is so effective. Well, a rebel like a rebel might be like, well, I want to do it because I want to be stronger. I want to feel younger and more energetic. I want to be I want my, my skiing, or my golf game, or my tennis game to improve. That's what I want. I can do anything I want. I choose to do this, because this is gonna get me what I want. And so there's like, you can see though how different messages will resonate with people, depending on what their tendency is. So as an upholder, you probably don't. I don't need that question. You just just tell me what to do. And I'll do it. Yeah, well one of the things I love about Inform, as an upholder, I realized is like one of the things that's very striking about this gym, is there's nothing else to do. There's no like options of going on the treadmill or having a bike there's nothing else that you can do. You come in, you work out with a trainer, you leave, and you can't like you can't opt to work out for two hours. It's like, you're gonna do this and then you're out. You can't Can you do it three days a week. Now, we won't train you three days. Like it's very, it's very
Mike  22:04
You don't get many choices.
Gretchen Rubin  22:05
Yeah. And so it's like, for me, it's very satisfying, because like, it's like, I come in, I do it. It's done. I have a feeling of like, total fulfillment, and like, I've absolutely done everything that I can do. I've earned my gold star
Adam  22:17
check that box
Gretchen Rubin  22:18
checked that box, it's done. And like there's no lingering feeling of, should I be doing more, or whatever. It's like, you've done the most that you can do.
Tim Edwards  22:27
For those members of our audience who might be hearing you for the first time. Gretchen, if you would just give us a little history on what led you to your award winning podcast I saw you picked up an award at Podcast Movement in Chicago last year. And that had to be thrilling. And you've been doing this for just a couple of years. Just lead us into what led you to the podcast did you write your books first. And you figured that it'd be a good idea to support it with your podcast, tell us about your journey with your with your podcast.
Gretchen Rubin  22:52
So I've been writing and talking to people about happiness and good habits for years. And then I had the opportunity to start a podcast. And I thought this would be great, because, first of all, I've always wanted to collaborate with my sister Elizabeth craft. She's a TV writer and producer living in LA. So I'm very far away from her and, but i She's one of the most important people in my life. And we've always wanted to collaborate together. So this seemed like a great opportunity. And it was a different way to connect with my audience. You know, I wrote books, I have a daily blog. Um, but this is like the podcast is a very different medium. It's a very intimate medium, because you're talking right into people's heads. It's conversational. And so one of the things I love about writing is you can get the words exactly right. But then you lose kind of the spontaneity and sort of the fun that comes from conversation. And it's been fantastic because we've engaged with a whole new group of people. And because I'm always trying to understand human nature better. That's great, because I learned so much from our listeners who like get in touch all the time. And it's just been really, really fun to explore happiness and good habits and human nature. And to you know, every week hang out, you know, over Yeah, in an audio way. Yeah. With my sister.
Tim Edwards  24:05
You're spearheading a community.
Gretchen Rubin  24:07
Yeah. No, it's it's really fun. It's really fun.
Tim Edwards  24:10
Tell us about how about a plug for for Liz's new podcast. Oh, get off of yours. Right.
Gretchen Rubin  24:15
Right. Yeah. So Liz is having a, is starting a podcast called happier in Hollywood, which she is CO hosting with her writing partner, Sarah Fein, who's her longtime writing partner, and also one of her good friends from high school. So she's known her forever, and they are doing a podcast that's all about how to be happier in Hollywood. Which is all about like the crazy crazy show business. We're gonna live at it I have to say I've heard the first couple episodes preview and it is so great. They have some crazy crazy stories and it's it's it's it's interesting stuff even if you're not a Hollywood person,
Adam  24:51
it's interesting. You know, I can't help I have all these habits and techniques in my head now after reading your book and what you just saying what led to the podcast, I have a whole new audience. So in other words, There are some people that read your blog. Yeah, there might be some people that read your books. There's some people that listen to your podcast, they might not be doing all three, right? Yeah, some people, there are some tendencies to listen to politics easier for people to listen to podcasts. Yeah, some people, it's easier for them to read your blog. Yeah. So it's really interesting. So you're expanding a universe. And however they find you, they find you.
Gretchen Rubin  25:21
I think that's really important because different different media work for different people. And like you say, like a podcast you can listen to while you're walking your dog, and you can't read a book or watch a video. But then, you know, if you want to mark something up, you need you want a written version. So it all like you want to have, it's good, I think to have a lot of different forms of ways for people to connect, because then they can choose what works for them.
Mike  25:41
And more and more people nowadays. I mean, like, I love reading books, but sometimes I catch myself reading like four or five at a time. Yeah, getting very slowly through some and very quickly through others. And just yeah, sometimes it's like, just Alright, well, I got I got the podcasts. So that's, I guess, I just don't have time. Yeah, you know, to read another book, or whatever
Gretchen Rubin  25:59
it is, you're doing dishes, or you're driving, you can listen to podcasts,
Mike  26:03
I never would have gotten through the biography of Alexander Hamilton without the audio. And I had bought the book and the iPad had the audio. But literally, I probably did 75% of it in the car.
Adam  26:16
I tried all your books, I couldn't stand the voice, no matter whose voice it is. I didn't want to hear this person anymore.
Mike  26:22
Even if it was like Christopher Walken.
Sheila  26:24
We live on audiobooks.
Tim Edwards  26:27
I mean, out here, I'm in the car all the time. And so I'm pleased to know that your books are also available on Audible so I can now
Sheila  26:33
did you narrate the books on audible?
Gretchen Rubin  26:36
Is that an interesting question because I did the Happiness Project and better than before, and I'm going in in a month to do the four tendencies. I did not do happier at home because a friend of mine, who are actually an acquaintance who I later found out had a husband, who's an actor, had argued in a group very persuasively, that you really owed it to your listening audience to have a professional actor record your book, because they were the ones who could really read. And I believe I was like, wow, she's right. And so thinking that that was serving my audience better. I had somebody else do it, even though I like doing the audio. And boy, I have heard from so many people to the point where I'm almost thinking of asking if I could rerecord the audio for half your time because yeah, I really do not like it agree, right? If it's a first person narrative, and you're not reading it, they really really feel like that, that that is not what they want
Adam  27:26
its a disconnect.
Gretchen Rubin  27:27
It is a disconnect. And so I I learned my lesson and so from now on, I always do read the audio. And it's fun. It's actually a very, it's a it's a kind of a cool when I read one of my books when I read better than before. I Jim Dale had just been there recording Harry Potter and they were telling me about all the security measures they had had to put into place for dealing with the Harry Potter file. So it's fun. It's like a whole different world to be part of it. So I do I do record them now.
Tim Edwards  27:55
Thank you, Gretchen Rubin for joining us here on the informed fitness podcast. Hey in the shownotes we will include a link to all of Gretchen's books in audible just like she mentioned. And of course to her website, There you can purchase hardback copies of all of her books, listen to her podcast, and even take the online quiz that we all took to discover which of the four tendencies rings true with you. Gretchen joins us again next week as we continue discussing the framework for the four tendencies. We'll also be chatting about managing four foundational habits that we all share, so make sure you join us for that. Also, we are winding down our month long contest here in May of 2017. Remember, we want to reward all of you for listening to the inform fitness podcast by offering a free training session at an inform fitness location nearest you. All you have to do is leave inform fitness a review on Yelp, Google, Facebook, Amazon or iTunes, screenshot that review and email it to podcast at to claim your free session and qualify for the grand prize, which includes a personally autographed copy of Adam's book power of 10 the once a week slow motion fitness revolution. You'll also receive an inform fitness t shirt hat and a hoodie jacket. And we'll top off the prize pack with a device to listen to all of the inform fitness podcast, Amazon music, audio books from Audible and more using the Alexa voice service with your very own Amazon Echo. If you haven't seen the Amazon Echo yet, check out the link in the show notes for a full description and videos explaining what it does and how it works. And here are the rules you can only receive one free training session for your reviews, however, you get an entry into the grand prize drawing for each review that you submit. For instance, if you leave us a review and say Yelp, iTunes and Facebook, you still get one free training session overall but three entries into the grand prize. So again, submit those reviews, screenshot it and email them to podcast at You must get those emails to us by 11:59pm Eastern Time on Wednesday, May 31 2017. To qualify for the free session and the grand prize drawing the winner will be announced on our Monday June 5 episode right here on the informed business podcast. Alright, I'm done yappin until next week, thanks so much for listening and for Adam Zickerman, Sheila Melody and Mike Rogers. I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting Network.


What is The InForm Fitness Podcast?

Now listened to in 100 countries, The InForm Fitness Podcast with Adam Zickerman is a presentation of InForm Fitness Studios, specializing in safe, efficient, High Intensity strength training.
Adam discusses the latest findings in the areas of exercise, nutrition and recovery with leading experts and scientists. We aim to debunk the popular misconceptions and urban myths that are so prevalent in the fields of health and fitness and to replace those sacred cows with scientific-based, up-to-the-minute information on a variety of subjects. The topics covered include exercise protocols and techniques, nutrition, sleep, recovery, the role of genetics in the response to exercise, and much more.

029 Gretchen Rubin Discusses Improving Your Habits

podcast, fitness, people, inform, tendencies, rebel, gretchen, questioner, books, habits, read, gretchen rubin, expectations, sheila, happier, writing, audio, work, accountability, fun
Gretchen Rubin, Tim Edwards, Mike, Sheila, Adam

Gretchen Rubin 00:06
You know, rebels want to do things in an unconventional way. And so also something about inform fitness that appeals to rebels is like, Oh, everybody else is on the treadmill for 90 minutes and like they're pedaling away and doing the Stairmaster and like we know the secret way we've figured it out like we're doing it this unconventional way and everybody tells you you have to do this and we're telling you no you don't you don't have to listen to all of them because we know the like the secret arcane way to fitness and like you know, even your doctor doesn't you know, your doctors workers, they don't know what they're talking about. We figured it out.

Tim Edwards 00:45
Hey inform nation that was best selling author and award winning podcaster Gretchen Rubin, who was our guest for the next two episodes here on the inform fitness podcast. 20 minutes with New York Times bestselling author, Adam Zickerman and friends. Thanks again for joining us. I'm Tim Edwards, the founder of the inbound podcasting network and a client of inform fitness. Now, in just a minute, the founder of inform fitness himself Adam Zickerman will be joined by Sheila melody who is the co owner of the inform fitness in Toluca, Lake, California, Mike Rogers, the general manager of inform Fitness in New York City, and of course, our guest, Gretchen Rubin. Gretchen has a very popular weekly podcast titled happier with Gretchen Rubin, where she discusses good habits and happiness with their sister Elizabeth Craft. Her podcast was named in iTunes lists of best podcasts of 2015 and was also named in the Academy of podcasters best podcasts of 2016. So we're delighted to have her today. Gretchen Rubin is also the author of several books, including the blockbuster New York Times bestsellers, better than before the Happiness Project, Happier at home, and her forthcoming book to be released later this summer titled The four tendencies, learn how to understand yourself better, and also how to influence others more effectively. Now here in this episode, we will be discussing what those four tendencies are, how you can find out what your tendencies are, and how those tendencies might affect how clients of inform fitness could approach their workout. And this is pretty cool. Gretchen Rubin has been interviewed by Oprah, eaten dinner with Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman, and has actually walked arm and arm with the Dalai Lama, and now is interviewed by Adam Zickerman looks like Adams in good company. Let's get to it. Here is Gretchen Rubin on the inform fitness podcast.

Adam 02:35
Gretchen, thank you so much for coming on our show. It's been a long time coming. And so, Mike, since you're the one who's working with Gretchen all these time, all these years, why don't you introduce her a little bit?

Mike 02:48
Okay, well, I just looked through our database, and I just found out that she's on her 498 session, wow. 12 years, 11 11 years, like 2005, so almost almost 12 years. She is by far our biggest refer she's consistent, except when she's on her book tour and vacation or something like that. But it's been such a pleasure to have Gretchen as a client here. She's become a great friend. Her husband works out here her father in law, her mother in law, her children. So we're very, very grateful to have you as a client and a friend and and to have you on the podcast as well. It's such a pleasure to see her every week because, first of all, she is very easy to train because she's always on time. She works very, very hard. She follows directions. She really goes.

Adam 03:41
She's an upholder. Yeah, exactly.

Mike 03:42
Classic upholder which we'll talk about later, you know, in the in the time, the 30 minutes we have together we are really able to get out the very intense workout. I always look forward to it because we have the most engaging conversations about sugar and fitness and psychology and I look forward to it all the time. It really doesn't feel like work to me. I just wanted to welcome you to the podcast and it's so happy to so great to have you.

Gretchen Rubin 04:09
It's so fun to be here. And it's been as I was walking I was like it's so fun to be coming and having getting to talk to you without actually having to work out

Mike 04:19
I thought you enjoyed it.

Gretchen Rubin 04:21
I enjoy the talking part. I don't enjoy the weightlifting part is is less enjoyable than the conversation. Yeah, right. Oh, by the time I'm ready for it to be over it's over. And thats the great advantage of inform fitness. I guess.

Adam 04:35
I did some quick math by the way and 12 years. 498 workouts in 12 years. That's 41 workouts a year. So that is as consistent as it can get.

Gretchen Rubin 04:44
Oh, that's great.

Mike 04:45
It's fantastic.

Adam 04:47
So think about that. 41 That's that's 20 hours of work. That's it. That's 20 hours a year working.

Gretchen Rubin 04:54
That is that is the thing that whenever I am trying to sell inform fitness on people, I always say it's 20 minutes, like, do you have 20 minutes a week, and there's no music, no mirror, no sweating, no waiting. And like, if you know now the 20 it's not gonna get better than that. Yeah, I'm not gonna find something that you're gonna like better than that.

Tim Edwards 05:13
Gretchen, you were one of the first people that we talked to, we wanted to have on this show, because Sheila has been listening to your podcast for quite some time. And of course, with your relationship there at inform fitness the whole time. And it ties in nicely with what you're doing. But if you could, before we dive into your workout, tell us about what you do. And what led you to inform fitness.

Gretchen Rubin 05:33
Well, I'm a writer, principally that I I've written books about happiness and good habits and human nature. So I'm probably best known for my book, The Happiness Project, I have a podcast called happier that I do with my sister, Liz Kraft. And I found out about inform fitness because basically, a friend told me, she was describing her workout to me, and I thought, this is fantastic. I had been reading a lot of research about why people were increasingly thinking that high intensity workouts were more effective than kind of, you know that, because I always thought it was like, you're supposed to do like, three sets of 12 repetitions at a medium weight, you know? And this was like, no, no, no, that's, that's not the way to really like work out efficiently. Um, so I was intrigued by it. And then, you know, one of my favorite sayings is a Zen saying that when the when the student is read, ready, the teacher will appear. And it was like, I was out to lunch with this friend, and she was describing her workout to me, and I'm like, bang, I'm in like, Where is this place? And I find out, it's a long walk. But it's actually a walk from my apartment. So that's part of my exercises to walk here. It was exactly what I was looking for. Because I had become so convinced about the logic and the research behind high intensity workouts.

Tim Edwards 06:37
alright now sheila, when you and I very first met, we were talking about podcasting. You brought up Gretchen, because you've been listening, like you said since the beginning.

Sheila 06:43
Well, first of all, Gretchen, I just want to, you know, say I am a huge fan. But I also want to thank you for being so you're so open, you know, you're on your, you know, you reveal a lot about yourself. It's a courageous thing, in my opinion, you reveal a lot about yourself and your personal life and everything. And it helps people you know, whenever I read your books, I start to get all like, oh, my gosh, this is so you know, there's a guidelines, guidelines to getting to know yourself, and how do you do that? And how is that going to then lead to good habits or changing your habits or making your life better happier? So

Gretchen Rubin 07:22
well, that's so nice to hear. Thank you.

Sheila 07:23
Yes. Thank you so much. And yeah, I just wanted to say that thank you so much for being courageous about revealing a lot of yourself in this in all your work.

Adam 07:34
Well, it's powerful. It's powerful to hear somebody talk that way.

Gretchen Rubin 07:37
Well, you know, I think what it is, is that sometimes people you can read about a study or you can read great advice, anything, you're sort of nodding your head anything. Yeah, like that seems right, that seems true. But when you read how somebody else's sort of put it into, into their own life, how they put it into action sometimes then it's easier to imagine how you would put it into your life, maybe you would do something differently. But you can sort of imagine how to concretely apply it more easily. Because you don't have to make that jump from sort of the theoretical to the practical, because I'm all about like, how do you actually do something tomorrow morning, like exact night? You know, because we can all read stuff? That sounds great. But then what do people actually do differently? And that's what's hard. So I think sometimes just an example is,

Adam 08:18
that's great talk about the book name of the book is called better than before.

Gretchen Rubin 08:21
Yeah, so better. So I've been writing about happiness. And I found that when people were talking about a happiness challenge they face a lot of times, it was a problem with a habit, like I'm exhausted all the time, because like, I'm in the habit of not going to bed on time. So better than before was an attempt to try to help people understand how to change their habits, like how do you actually change a habit. And what I found is there actually 21 strategies that people can use to make or break their habits and 21 sounds like a lot. But the fact is, some of these strategies work for some people and not for other people. And some strategies are available to us at some times in our lives, and not at other times in our life. So it's good that there's so many because you can really pick and choose the ones that are going to work for you. Because some like absolutely do not work for some people. And this is important, because a lot of times when people are trying to help other people change their habits, or when you're trying to change your own habits, you think like well, what's the best way, I'm going to start small, I'm going to do it for 30 days, I'm going to give myself a cheat day. I'm going to do it first thing in the morning. And these can work for some people, but they don't work for everybody all the time. And so it's good to know all the options and so that you can really begin by saying what is the right thing for you? So I tried to really lay out the whole framework so that people could start saying like, yeah, I remember when I was in college, I did that. And that worked really well or Oh, yeah, I remember you know, when I tried it that way, didn't work last time. Maybe it's not gonna work that way. This time. Maybe I should try a different way.

Adam 09:46
And to help figure out which habits are best and will work best for you. You came up with the four tendencies.

Gretchen Rubin 09:54
yes. So I stumbled across this this four tendencies framework when I was writing better than before because I was variable struck by these different patterns that I saw on how people could successfully make or break habits or like particular challenges they faced. And actually, my next book is called The Four tendencies because since since I've introduced it, people have been just been deluging me with questions about it. So I thought, Okay, I'm gonna write a book about the four tendencies, and like, figure it all out for myself. So the four tendencies and Mike, you and I have talked about this endlessly, because I'm always picking your brain and the 4 tendencies are upholder, questioner obliger and rebel. And I argue that everybody is one of these their whole life, you know, in all contexts, and it has to do with how you deal with an expectation. So there are outer expectations, like work deadlines, or a request from a spouse. And then there's their inner expectations, like your own desire to keep a New Year's resolution, your own desire to start meditating. So upholders readily meet outer and inner expectations. So they meet the work deadline, they keep the New Year's resolution without that much fuss. Questioners question all expectations, they'll do something if they think it makes sense. So they hate anything arbitrary or inefficient or irrational. Their first question is, why should I listen to you? Um, so essentially, they make everything an inner expectation, because if it meets their criteria, they'll do it. And if it doesn't meet their criteria, they will resist it. Then they're obligers obligers readily meet outer expectations, but they struggle to meet inner expectations. And I grasped this when a friend of mine said, I don't understand it. I know I would be happier if I exercised. And when I was in high school, I was on the track team, and I never missed track practice. So why can't I go running now? Well, I would say when she had a team and a coach waiting for her, she had no trouble. But when it's just her own desire to run, she struggles. And then there are rebels, rebels resist all expectations, outer and inner, like they want to do what they want to do in their own way in their own time. If you ask or tell them to do something, they're very likely to resist and they don't even like to tell themselves what to do. So these now I know what I know that Mike is a questioner, because he has proved this to me over and over and over in my conversations, but I don't know.

Tim Edwards 12:01
You've been analyzed.

Sheila 12:03
Yes, we all took the quiz. Oh, good.

Adam 12:05
Okay. Um, definitely a question. I think anyone that knows me also would agree with that. Oh, yeah. But I do feel myself kind of in a gray area of rebel, I do find myself being very kind of, because you told me to do it. Yeah, I'm gonna question it. Which makes me a questioning rebel. I don't know.

Mike 12:25
nobody who creates the power of 10 or develops this type of weight training is not a rebel a little bit, I think,

Adam 12:32
well, I didn't develop it. I kind of I kind of popularized it, if anything, which is what we're doing on this podcast. So Sheila, what are you?

Sheila 12:40
Well, I'm an obliger. And, you know, I knew I wasn't obliger when I first heard the tendencies, but I've taken the test several times, please let me not be an obliger. Because I read, I reread the chapter, just the other day. And I was like, it's so true, as you say, obligers don't really like their tendency, because they get over, you know, like, kind of tend to get overwhelmed because they're meeting other people's expectations and not their own. You know,

Gretchen Rubin 13:10
so I would say this about the obligers. First of all, it's the largest tendency is the one the most people belong belong to. So you're in good company, because like 40% of the world, men and women is obliger. Um, they're the ones that pair up the most easily. So like, they get along with other people the best. And also, I think the advantage of the obliger tendency is that so all of the tendencies have strengths and weaknesses. The oblige the weakness of the obliger tendency is the easiest to fix. It's the easiest kind of buttress to put in because all they need is outer accountability. If they have outer accountability, they can meet an inner expectation. That's very easy. The limitations and weaknesses of my my tendency, upholder tendency, it's very abstract. It's a very kind of abstract, difficult to put your finger on thing to fix. And so it's much harder to offset it. Whereas I feel like with obligers, it's just plain as day. So I feel like God, they have this, they have this thing they have to deal with, but it's easy for them to deal with. But it's like with a questioner or a rebel or an upholder. It's like, that's trickier. It's trickier to handle the weakness.

Sheila 14:15
But one thing I read, and I'm so excited about this now, because I read rereading this and thinking that obligers pair up really well with rebels.

Gretchen Rubin 14:24

Sheila 14:25
And so I'm like,

Adam 14:26
That's easy for you.

Gretchen Rubin 14:27
You want to meet a rebel.

Sheila 14:29
Well, I'm not, but now I know what to look for

Tim Edwards 14:34
She likes the bad boys.

Sheila 14:35
Yeah, yeah. You know, so I think maybe Aren't your friends rebels. Yeah. I mean, I actually yes, but as far as a personal relationship, that's what I think I'm going to start looking for now. You know, so

Mike 14:49
when you sit back when you sit back and think about all the tendencies, I think, when you think about the virtues of all of them, to me, I actually Like the idea of the obliger, because I feel like the biggest trait that accompanies that is people pleasing. And I mean, obviously, that's that sometimes that can be very, very bad sometimes, but I feel like just as a in the world that we live in, to have that sort of Outlook, that you want to help other people. You know, I think the fact that we're fitness practitioners, health practitioners, I feel like it, it's fitting, you know, and sometimes when I, when I realized that I am an obliger, I am I'm actually, I don't hate that trait. Because I think also because I think I know that I fit into other categories as well. But I don't know, that's what I think,

Gretchen Rubin 14:54
Well, it's interesting, because I've had several people say to me, that they wanted only hire obligers, you know, because they're like, we're company like, our culture is client first, you know, customer always and we want you to, and we're gonna bring this, like, this outer expectation is going to be, you know, is going to be paramount to them. Because the fact is with an upholder, they're kind of like, well, you know, what, I got my own problems. Like, I know, the client wants to talk to me at 8pm on a Friday, but I've got to be like, in my son's recital, and like, I'm just, he's just gonna have to wait. And some places that works. And in some places, they're like, No, we really need you. And now it's not to say that other tendencies can't, can't accommodate that culture, because everybody can learn to deal with it. But it's certainly true that for obligers, several people have said to me, they think like, oh, in my profession, it's a big advantage to have an obliger. Outlook,

Mike 16:27
I think, especially if you're a new employee somewhere, because you know, when you're new, you always want to do more, impress more, be more available. And I think like when you're especially when you're starting a job or starting something like that, I think that I think that's what an employer wants to see after they hire you is that you are that type of person

Adam 16:45
or an upholder?

Gretchen Rubin 16:47
Well, it's interesting, because it all goes one of the things I should say about the tendency is is this is just one aspect of somebody's personality. So what some problems I have with some personality frameworks as they tried to explain too much about you like, your these 15 things. And I'm like, Well, no, I'm not. This is one tiny thing. So we could take 50 questioners and line them up. And they would look very different depending on how ambitious they were, how intellectual they were, how curious they were, how considerate they were, how extroverted they were, um, and so that would be very different. But in this way, how did they respond to an expectation they would be the same, and so it doesn't explain everything about you. But it does explain this one thing. And by the way, if somebody doesn't know what they are from this, this, this discussion, Sheila, you mentioned the quiz, you can take the quiz at happier It's a short quiz that will tell you what you are. But a lot of times people can just tell what they are from the description,

Adam 17:36
can you repeat that again, where they can find it

Gretchen Rubin 17:37
it's happier.

Sheila 17:42
I'm gonna have all my trainers take the quiz Well, I am because I want to know, you know, how to, it'll help me to managing them and then relating to their clients.

Gretchen Rubin 17:52
I think it has huge implications for things like like, I think a lot about like, if I were, you know, like, if I were training somebody, what would I think what, what would I think about? And I think one of the things that working out this way gives is it does give accountability, like somebody has an appointment with you. And like, I know if I don't show up, it's like, Mike, I've wasted Mike's time because I'm, you know, I've taken that slot. Now one thing I've proposed, because to up the accountability,

Mike 18:20
I know what she's gonna say,

Gretchen Rubin 18:21
Yeah, I proposed this before, see what you think. I think a lot of people know a lot of obligers know, they need accountability. I think if I were you, I would offer people the option to say, if you choose, we will charge you triple. If you do not show oh my gosh, within a day of canceling, you can choose to opt into that. I would bet some people would choose that. Wow. Because they would want to make the accountability greater.

Sheila 18:49
That's hard core.

Adam 18:50
But we would never have to do that.

Sheila 18:52
Yeah, I would never have to do it.

Gretchen Rubin 18:53
Yeah, that's what people would want. Accountability. Like this is something that is very important for obligers. This kind of accountability. There's other aspects, I think of inform that suited to other tendencies that are not, but for an upholder and a questioner outer accountability doesn't matter that much. We don't need a lot of outer accountability because we have our inner expectations. But so for like a questioner, one of the things that is true about questioners, they love to customize. And they love for things to be efficient and rational. And so like one of the things that like my father's a questioner and he's, he lives in Kansas City. He's working out with a trainer now. And he loves talking about why are we working out this way? Why is this muscle important? Why why are you shifting the chair this way? Why are you repositioning my arms? And like the idea I'm customizing it for you? These are your strengths. These are your weaknesses. These are your former injuries. This is like where you want to improve performance. It's customized, it's efficient. It's like the it's like the cutting edge research. And that is what is compelling to a questioner more than the accountability because they can make themselves do anything they decide is what should be done. What they need is to really be convinced they I need to be convinced this is what I should be doing. I trust your judgment, I trust your your, your your knowledge. And this is like the right thing for me right now. And so that's like a different message. And then for the rebel, you know, rebels want to do things. Like they often will do things in an unconventional way like so they quit smoking, they don't join a usual cessation program to do in some like bizarre way, or they do some unusual form of yoga. And so also think about that I was thinking that about inform fitness that appeals to rebels is like, Oh, everybody else is on the treadmill for 90 minutes. And like they're pedaling away and doing the Stairmaster and like, we know the secret way. We've figured it out. Like we're doing it this unconventional way. And everybody tells you, you have to do this. And we're telling you, no, you don't. You don't have to listen to all of them. Because we know the like the secret arcane way to fitness. And like, you know, even your doctor doesn't you know, your doctor's orders, they don't know what they're talking about. So that's a very kind of rebel, or also rebels can do anything. Yeah. They can do anything they want to do. And I know Mike, one of the things that you mentioned is fun for people, when they start working out is like, they'll go skiing, and they'll be like, Oh, my gosh, I'm skiing so much better, like their performance is so effective. Well, a rebel like a rebel might be like, well, I want to do it because I want to be stronger. I want to feel younger and more energetic. I want to be I want my, my skiing, or my golf game, or my tennis game to improve. That's what I want. I can do anything I want. I choose to do this, because this is gonna get me what I want. And so there's like, you can see though how different messages will resonate with people, depending on what their tendency is. So as an upholder, you probably don't. I don't need that question. You just just tell me what to do. And I'll do it. Yeah, well one of the things I love about Inform, as an upholder, I realized is like one of the things that's very striking about this gym, is there's nothing else to do. There's no like options of going on the treadmill or having a bike there's nothing else that you can do. You come in, you work out with a trainer, you leave, and you can't like you can't opt to work out for two hours. It's like, you're gonna do this and then you're out. You can't Can you do it three days a week. Now, we won't train you three days. Like it's very, it's very

Mike 22:04
You don't get many choices.

Gretchen Rubin 22:05
Yeah. And so it's like, for me, it's very satisfying, because like, it's like, I come in, I do it. It's done. I have a feeling of like, total fulfillment, and like, I've absolutely done everything that I can do. I've earned my gold star

Adam 22:17
check that box

Gretchen Rubin 22:18
checked that box, it's done. And like there's no lingering feeling of, should I be doing more, or whatever. It's like, you've done the most that you can do.

Tim Edwards 22:27
For those members of our audience who might be hearing you for the first time. Gretchen, if you would just give us a little history on what led you to your award winning podcast I saw you picked up an award at Podcast Movement in Chicago last year. And that had to be thrilling. And you've been doing this for just a couple of years. Just lead us into what led you to the podcast did you write your books first. And you figured that it'd be a good idea to support it with your podcast, tell us about your journey with your with your podcast.

Gretchen Rubin 22:52
So I've been writing and talking to people about happiness and good habits for years. And then I had the opportunity to start a podcast. And I thought this would be great, because, first of all, I've always wanted to collaborate with my sister Elizabeth craft. She's a TV writer and producer living in LA. So I'm very far away from her and, but i She's one of the most important people in my life. And we've always wanted to collaborate together. So this seemed like a great opportunity. And it was a different way to connect with my audience. You know, I wrote books, I have a daily blog. Um, but this is like the podcast is a very different medium. It's a very intimate medium, because you're talking right into people's heads. It's conversational. And so one of the things I love about writing is you can get the words exactly right. But then you lose kind of the spontaneity and sort of the fun that comes from conversation. And it's been fantastic because we've engaged with a whole new group of people. And because I'm always trying to understand human nature better. That's great, because I learned so much from our listeners who like get in touch all the time. And it's just been really, really fun to explore happiness and good habits and human nature. And to you know, every week hang out, you know, over Yeah, in an audio way. Yeah. With my sister.

Tim Edwards 24:05
You're spearheading a community.

Gretchen Rubin 24:07
Yeah. No, it's it's really fun. It's really fun.

Tim Edwards 24:10
Tell us about how about a plug for for Liz's new podcast. Oh, get off of yours. Right.

Gretchen Rubin 24:15
Right. Yeah. So Liz is having a, is starting a podcast called happier in Hollywood, which she is CO hosting with her writing partner, Sarah Fein, who's her longtime writing partner, and also one of her good friends from high school. So she's known her forever, and they are doing a podcast that's all about how to be happier in Hollywood. Which is all about like the crazy crazy show business. We're gonna live at it I have to say I've heard the first couple episodes preview and it is so great. They have some crazy crazy stories and it's it's it's it's interesting stuff even if you're not a Hollywood person,

Adam 24:51
it's interesting. You know, I can't help I have all these habits and techniques in my head now after reading your book and what you just saying what led to the podcast, I have a whole new audience. So in other words, There are some people that read your blog. Yeah, there might be some people that read your books. There's some people that listen to your podcast, they might not be doing all three, right? Yeah, some people, there are some tendencies to listen to politics easier for people to listen to podcasts. Yeah, some people, it's easier for them to read your blog. Yeah. So it's really interesting. So you're expanding a universe. And however they find you, they find you.

Gretchen Rubin 25:21
I think that's really important because different different media work for different people. And like you say, like a podcast you can listen to while you're walking your dog, and you can't read a book or watch a video. But then, you know, if you want to mark something up, you need you want a written version. So it all like you want to have, it's good, I think to have a lot of different forms of ways for people to connect, because then they can choose what works for them.

Mike 25:41
And more and more people nowadays. I mean, like, I love reading books, but sometimes I catch myself reading like four or five at a time. Yeah, getting very slowly through some and very quickly through others. And just yeah, sometimes it's like, just Alright, well, I got I got the podcasts. So that's, I guess, I just don't have time. Yeah, you know, to read another book, or whatever

Gretchen Rubin 25:59
it is, you're doing dishes, or you're driving, you can listen to podcasts,

Mike 26:03
I never would have gotten through the biography of Alexander Hamilton without the audio. And I had bought the book and the iPad had the audio. But literally, I probably did 75% of it in the car.

Adam 26:16
I tried all your books, I couldn't stand the voice, no matter whose voice it is. I didn't want to hear this person anymore.

Mike 26:22
Even if it was like Christopher Walken.

Sheila 26:24
We live on audiobooks.

Tim Edwards 26:27
I mean, out here, I'm in the car all the time. And so I'm pleased to know that your books are also available on Audible so I can now

Sheila 26:33
did you narrate the books on audible?

Gretchen Rubin 26:36
Is that an interesting question because I did the Happiness Project and better than before, and I'm going in in a month to do the four tendencies. I did not do happier at home because a friend of mine, who are actually an acquaintance who I later found out had a husband, who's an actor, had argued in a group very persuasively, that you really owed it to your listening audience to have a professional actor record your book, because they were the ones who could really read. And I believe I was like, wow, she's right. And so thinking that that was serving my audience better. I had somebody else do it, even though I like doing the audio. And boy, I have heard from so many people to the point where I'm almost thinking of asking if I could rerecord the audio for half your time because yeah, I really do not like it agree, right? If it's a first person narrative, and you're not reading it, they really really feel like that, that that is not what they want

Adam 27:26
its a disconnect.

Gretchen Rubin 27:27
It is a disconnect. And so I I learned my lesson and so from now on, I always do read the audio. And it's fun. It's actually a very, it's a it's a kind of a cool when I read one of my books when I read better than before. I Jim Dale had just been there recording Harry Potter and they were telling me about all the security measures they had had to put into place for dealing with the Harry Potter file. So it's fun. It's like a whole different world to be part of it. So I do I do record them now.

Tim Edwards 27:55
Thank you, Gretchen Rubin for joining us here on the informed fitness podcast. Hey in the shownotes we will include a link to all of Gretchen's books in audible just like she mentioned. And of course to her website, There you can purchase hardback copies of all of her books, listen to her podcast, and even take the online quiz that we all took to discover which of the four tendencies rings true with you. Gretchen joins us again next week as we continue discussing the framework for the four tendencies. We'll also be chatting about managing four foundational habits that we all share, so make sure you join us for that. Also, we are winding down our month long contest here in May of 2017. Remember, we want to reward all of you for listening to the inform fitness podcast by offering a free training session at an inform fitness location nearest you. All you have to do is leave inform fitness a review on Yelp, Google, Facebook, Amazon or iTunes, screenshot that review and email it to podcast at to claim your free session and qualify for the grand prize, which includes a personally autographed copy of Adam's book power of 10 the once a week slow motion fitness revolution. You'll also receive an inform fitness t shirt hat and a hoodie jacket. And we'll top off the prize pack with a device to listen to all of the inform fitness podcast, Amazon music, audio books from Audible and more using the Alexa voice service with your very own Amazon Echo. If you haven't seen the Amazon Echo yet, check out the link in the show notes for a full description and videos explaining what it does and how it works. And here are the rules you can only receive one free training session for your reviews, however, you get an entry into the grand prize drawing for each review that you submit. For instance, if you leave us a review and say Yelp, iTunes and Facebook, you still get one free training session overall but three entries into the grand prize. So again, submit those reviews, screenshot it and email them to podcast at You must get those emails to us by 11:59pm Eastern Time on Wednesday, May 31 2017. To qualify for the free session and the grand prize drawing the winner will be announced on our Monday June 5 episode right here on the informed business podcast. Alright, I'm done yappin until next week, thanks so much for listening and for Adam Zickerman, Sheila Melody and Mike Rogers. I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting Network.

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