USDN podcast is run by the USDN_Chairman and the Council of Nerds. We strive to bring you the all the latest news and rumors from the World of Nerds and consolidate it right here at USDN. USDN is for the people, by the people and of the people.
Hello there and welcome to
the United States Department of Nerds,
where we are for the people,
by the people and of the people.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't think I need to
introduce Gibbs no more.
He's a mainstay and a staple here at USDN.
I do have my personal
editor-in-chief of BCP+.
He is also a drummer.
a commentator, a backstage interviewer,
ladies and gentlemen, new council member,
Mr. Rob Williams.
Rob, welcome to the show.
Finally, we got you on,
and we're happy to have you.
I'm not worthy, man.
And we were saying off air.
First of all,
I got to step up my intro game.
That was stellar.
A little Imperial March remix.
I was bopping the whole time.
That was awesome, man.
Good graphic design and vids and all that,
too, man.
I love that.
Shout out to our...
Our owner and proprietor,
Kelvin Kately for that.
What can't Kelvin do?
First of all,
I've yet to figure out what he can't do.
He's the man and happy to be with you guys,
I'm not worthy.
Long time coming.
I love what you guys have been doing, man.
It's so cool.
Like we were saying off air,
just kind of like,
And I think even going all
the way back to the
lockdown and all that stuff, man,
where you just kind of
started connecting with
people with similar
passions and projects and podcasts.
And it's really cool to see
us all come together,
talk about what we love and
have this little network going, man.
It's my favorite thing about it.
I know you've connected with
Bill and Amanda Gibbs.
It's so nice to meet you.
I love it, man.
I'm super excited to talk
about what we're talking about today,
Happy to be here.
Appreciate you coming on, man.
Let's talk about this X-Men 97.
X-Men, of course,
was created by Stan Lee and
Jack Kirby way back in the day.
But this X-Men 97 was the
brainchild of Bo DeMayo.
And sadly,
he was released by Disney slash Marvel.
And however,
we do know season two has
already been greenlit.
And it's going to still be
his vision for what X-Men
will be until season three.
And it will change because
it's already been green
lighted for season three as well.
So my only thing is,
is without him being the main writer now,
how much of it is going to change?
And that's going to tell.
Season two is going to tell
whether or not they can
keep this gold mine because
the writing for this season was bonkers.
I mean, this shit was crazy.
And that's 100% in a good way.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
I'm sharing the stream here.
Appreciate it.
Shameless promo.
We'll take all the shameless
promos we can get around here.
I know I know what I'm doing.
And thank you guys again for having me.
It's interesting, man.
I'll echo what Gibbs said for sure.
But it's fascinating in the
fact that this comes back.
It's not necessarily a reboot.
It's the.
It's the it's it's the next in line.
Continuation, resurrection,
whatever you want to call it.
And I said to my friend, I mean,
I'm sure you guys are
texting your buddies, too.
And we have this group chat with the boys.
I just I'm like, why is this so good?
And they were literally
texting me back because
they didn't you know what
with anything like they
didn't mess with anything.
You know,
they picked up where they left off.
If it ain't broke, kind of a thing.
And yep.
That's the formula right there.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
And that's what worries
coming into season three
and even season two.
How much are they going to be like,
that's got too much of the bow in it.
We don't want to mess with that.
I'll say they didn't detract
from what came on before in
the old 90s show.
But they did take steps to
correct and fix some things.
And I'm sure we're going to
talk about that.
But yeah,
some of the things that they did to
Fix kind of what was messed up.
Some of the only things that
was messed up about the old show.
Well, they made Cyclops not a bitch.
How about that?
We'll say it.
That's the biggest part.
The old cartoon did such a
disservice to Cyclops.
And, you know,
I know she's not everybody's favorite,
but Jubilee as well.
Jubilee is Jubilee, man.
She's not quite coming to her powers yet.
And I don't think we really
ever seen her in the comic
book really come into her powers either.
Oh, yeah, we did.
Let me caveat this with I'm
not a big fan of X-Men comic books.
I've read some story arts and some stuff,
but never to the point
where I see where Jubilee
finally stepped into her
powers like that.
The first biggest thing that
we had in the comics was
when her and Wolverine,
after they escaped out of
the Australian Outback and
they were hiding out in Madripoor,
the Mandarin got a hold of
her and she basically blew
the whole top section of
his big tower hideout, the handheld.
She blew that all up.
like and you know her her
detonations are not just
plasmoid fireworks they
detonate on a um cellular
microscope or nuclear level
and as as she was supposed
to get stronger with it
they were supposed she can
detonate with the nuclear
bomb at her most powerful
Yeah, the thing about Jubilee,
just piggybacking on what you said,
kind of, yeah,
kind of the same as what we saw,
like not too much evolution,
no pun intended,
evolution of the character there.
But I think...
I would want to have seen
more of her with and you
mentioned it like Wolverine,
like in the comics, like and you see lit,
like very minimal scenes
with that and stuff like that.
And I like I just want more
of that selfishly, I feel.
And again, getting another season.
You know what?
At this point in our lives,
we waited 30 years for for it's been 97.
So we could be a little
selfish when it comes to
how we feel about it.
Oh, I think I see Calvin.
There you go.
He's the man.
Love that guy.
I think also, as far as Cyclops,
like you guys said,
another thing I texted the boys, I'm like,
why is Cyclops so awesome
all of a sudden?
I respect him.
He's killing it.
His powers are leveling up.
The pilot, or not the pilot,
because I brought it back,
but the first or second episode,
he's using the beam to skydive,
he was skating and murking dudes at
the same time,
using nothing but his beams.
And his decision-making and stuff, too.
And even when he gets
emotional and frustrated, he's like,
I get it.
Where before it was kind of like, come on,
Cyclops, or punch him, Wolverine,
or something like that.
And now you're like,
maybe it's because we're older.
I don't know.
I get it now,
but they did a great job with Cyclops.
I mean, Wolverine, when we were children,
was everything.
I don't want to say he was
pushed and forced onto us,
but he was pushed and
forced onto us to kind of
be our favorite X-Men
because everything had Wolverine on it.
At least when he walked into
the comic book shop,
it was like Wolverine, Wolverine,
Wolverine everywhere.
That's my office.
There's Wolverine.
There's literally Wolverine
stuff everywhere, but that's, that's my,
I love them all, but Wolfie's my guy.
I mean, mine's all star Wars and spawn.
So spawn.
When I found spawn was the
year that Todd met Farland put it.
He basically bought image to
be able to make spawn from.
And then, you know,
cause he went through Malibu comets.
That was like the very first
spawn that ever came out, which was,
If you got a copy of that, congratulations,
you're sitting on a couple of grand.
But from his first action figures to now,
I think, I mean, we're on issue 335,
I think, of Spawn.
So that tells you something, you know,
right there.
You know, by the way, Image has expanded,
bought Skybound Productions.
And now they got Transformers and G.I.
And the list just goes on
and on and on and on.
So mad props to them.
But let's hop into episodes
one through five,
because I decided we would
kind of break it up in the middle.
Like we'll do one through
five and then six through ten.
And, you know,
starting with Cyclops here in episode one,
and we get the infamous line, to me,
my X-Men from Professor X,
which I think all of us
deep down inside were like, man,
if he says that,
we're all going to be like
that meme where we're all
like... And we got that,
and we were all... Oh!
And that was the same with
all the cameos we got, you know,
with this.
So it was a lot of a fan service.
And I'm not mad about it.
I will take fan service all day.
Go ahead.
No, please, Gibbs, by all means.
No, the first episode,
and especially that line, you know,
it was kind of the passing of the torch,
the acknowledgement that, you know,
he was the leader, you know,
after Charles, you know.
And, of course, we know what happens,
you know,
in the very next episode or two.
But it's one of those things
where he takes control and
he's leading from the front, you know.
And even when Wolverine's barking at him,
he's not sitting up there
just taking and going, oh, okay,
You know, he's kind of, all right.
Fall in line.
Y'all are my X-Men now.
Yeah, it starts off hot out of the gate,
Maybe that's another reason
why it's so good.
And I'm sure we'll get into it.
But it started strong with a
lot of classic X-Men story
arcs that he originally didn't touch on.
And to the point,
even with some of the later episodes,
people were kind of like, hey,
I see where this is going.
They're going to do this
infamous scene with Wolverine.
I think that's going to happen.
And it happens.
And the way they did it, like you said,
you perfectly said it.
That's the thing, you know,
and I think that's the brilliance of it.
Obviously, first thing that comes to mind,
the Madeline, the Jean Grey,
even even as far as the
nuances in the the the living intro,
as they called it,
that changes where she had
the ponytail and she didn't
have the ponytail in the
intro or Nightcrawler Gambit.
Obviously, we'll get into that.
That's a perfect Easter egg, though,
the way they rotate it as
as stuff happened with the intro.
i was like dude this is
perfect I'm like what what
what could be better than a
live-in intro the only
other thing that I can
think of that does intros
like that is uh is anime
anime does that they have
the multiple intros and the
multiple outros like I know
a little like chainsaw man
was big on that and they did it like
They would do intros and
outros that looked like
famous movie scenes.
So unless you were really paying attention,
you never really picked up on it.
I'm going to plug a TV series,
and it's an anime, I guess.
It's on Netflix.
It does exactly this,
and I was noting that today.
I actually was going between...
the the 13th episode and the
first episode and going
okay this intro has changed
multiple times and that's
delicious in dungeon they
do the same thing love that
which is fabulous
Love that.
And possibly Game of Thrones.
I know Game of Thrones kind
of had like the very long intro.
I don't know if like the map
changed a little bit.
Oh, it did.
It did.
And I'm taking that from
Calvin who in the chat just
said it was episode one through four.
Welcome to Westeros.
Let us set the table.
Episode five, Redwood.
He knocked it out of the park.
Yeah, exactly.
I didn't think about that
until he seen that.
I was like, well, goddamn, that's right.
That is exactly what happened.
Let's set the players.
And now.
So episodes.
One through five.
And I like the fact that they.
Out of the gate was like.
And it never stopped go.
Except for episode four.
Which is the Motendo.
Life death part one.
We really didn't need that.
Like solo thing that they did.
But I'm happy.
That they did it because it
did put a little bit more
spotlight on Jubilee,
who doesn't really quite
get the quite the love that
she deserves sometimes.
And I think that that's
exactly what they were trying to do.
And, you know,
they they were they were
needing a set up because
that that episode made her and Sunspot,
He came in on episode one.
They had to save him from
the Friends of Humanity
type deal and all that stuff.
But they kind of did that so
that you can kind of see
them two drifting together.
Not drifting, but coming together.
Having a shared moment, if you will.
You said that.
That nailed it right there.
I think just piggybacking on what you said,
Gibbs, it was kind of like, so like,
remember every Saturday,
like you want a new X-Men
and we've seen all of them.
And maybe it was like, like,
I still think I haven't seen some of the,
like the final episodes.
I got to go back on Disney
plus because every week it
was night of the Sentinels part one,
every single week.
And I'm like, why are they doing this?
I love this show,
but I don't want to watch
tonight at the Sentinels
part one anymore.
Frame for what he is.
is I'm sitting here looking
back now and me and my
brother watched that
episode probably every
saturday for a month
straight it felt like right
it's not just me okay no no
you're absolutely right
it's like it was night of
the sentinels last week and
you're not even playing
part two like they used to
say that that was the most
watched episode of the
cartoon well because it's
the one that was always yeah
And I was waiting for new ones,
but I think in all seriousness,
like this kind of remind me
when this episode came on, like, yeah,
it wasn't my favorite one
out of all of them,
but it was a nice departure.
Like, obviously like you said, Gibbs,
like the,
it wasn't just a subplot in this one.
It was, you know,
upfront Jubilee and sunspot.
Like we had to kind of get a
little bit more connection here.
You had the video game,
silliness of it it was very
different than all the all
the very heavy stuff that
we were dealing with out of
the gate so it just
reminded me of like a
saturday morning and like
oh what's happening and oh
this is this is the mojo
episode um and it was you
know there's nothing wrong
with getting some mojo in
your life no no and we got
spiral too you know mojo's
right hand you know right
six hand you know
And so one of the things
about that episode too was, you know,
we got a little bit of the mojo verse,
which sets up for next season two,
potentially with Dazzler
and maybe Longshot.
That would be nice.
So y'all want to address a rumor?
Are we going to get Dazzler, Taylor Swift,
and Deadpool Wolverine?
I think we do.
They were talking about that
and I saw something else
that my arch nemesis Tim
posted in one of the other
nerd groups was that it
might not be the Dazzler.
It might be another one.
And I have to look for it
real quick and see which one it was.
But it might be an older
type of setting for a
movie or tv series or
something but okay it would
be perfect for dazzler so
the current dazzler that's
appearing in the comic
books is based off taylor
swift really yeah like you
look at the features and
everything they use taylor
swift as the uh the model for it
I I'm I don't want to know too much.
I'm infamously a spoiler phobe infamously.
I just want to sit back,
take it in and have a natural react.
I don't have expectations.
That being said,
this is going to be my
movie of the summer.
We might rent the theater,
do the whole thing.
Wolvey's my guy.
I just watched Deadpool 1 and 2 again.
Ryan Reynolds is brilliant.
I'm watching the doc where
he bought the soccer team,
and I'm enjoying that as well.
Welcome to Retsum was good.
I'm only through the first season.
Only through the first season.
We'll see what happens.
But yeah, you as Dan Black.
I will sign off on that all day.
I think he was made for that.
Oh gosh.
I think it's going to be similar.
If there's a Taylor Swift
cameo or whatever,
I think it's gonna be
similar to like how Brad
Pitt was kind of just
popped up in Deadpool two,
where he was like the invisible guy.
And then you just saw him randomly.
Like, Oh, you know, he did that for free,
Like he didn't get paid for that.
He was on,
he was on set for maybe 10 minutes.
and uh they did the scene
and he was gone like
they're like because he
owed a favor to the
director and that was the
favor brilliant and then
taylor swift is good
friends with ryan and his wife
That's what I'm saying.
I think we are going to get
some type of cameo from T-Swift.
Look at this.
If she cameos,
if it's just a cameo drop as Dazzler,
and maybe we get her later
as the X-Men franchise,
the staggering amount of...
It doesn't matter whether
or not it's a good script
or any of that stuff.
The amount of money...
that will come in and pour in.
Billions on, like,
maybe a billion on opening night.
Who knows?
These opening weekend,
this will be ridiculous.
Oh, without a doubt.
The Swifties will be out in force.
And not to mention all the
Kansas City Chiefs fans.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
If that works out, who knows?
It will work.
It will work.
um I love all of that and
it'll fit I'm I'm wondering
how uh yeah I'm I'm I'm
excited for that future and
that rumor to pan out as
great I am too I want to
put the stamp on that one
so bad and I'm I'm looking
forward to uh you know
wolverine uh deadpool and
wolverine um everybody
knows wolverine's not one of my favorites
Because of the old TV
cartoon and all that stuff.
Well, they put all the focus on him.
They did.
And then they changed the
Wolverine and the X-Men and
all this other bull crap.
Fair enough.
But I am very much so
looking forward to him and
Deadpool together.
That's going to be...
They're saying that it's going to...
This is Deadpool and the
X-Men's entrance into the
MCU in some way.
I'm waiting to see how that pans out.
It's going to be interesting.
I'm here for it.
I'm going to post a theory
as we get to episodes 6 through 10.
Let's finish up 1 through 5
because we are way off.
I make no apologies for it.
I make no apologies for it.
One thing that we kind of glossed over was,
we're kind of free-flowing this one
through five.
This whole thing is going to
be a whole free flow, man.
I didn't want to be like, okay,
episode one, guys.
I didn't want to do that.
I wanted it to be a
conversation between three dudes.
in our passion and love for
X-Men 97 and us eating a bowl of cereal,
watching X-Men dude,
that's what I wanted out of this episode.
And that's why I did it the way I did.
And I sent y'all spare sparse notes, man.
I just sent y'all the bare minimum.
Hey, here's, here's what we're looking at.
Let's just, let's just spit it.
Let's just drop a rhyme.
And episode two,
we had a big cameo with the
executioner who in the comic books,
he had a,
There was a huge storyline
with the executioner, of course.
Storm pays the bill for that
one with losing their powers.
And then that starts that whole arc.
I think it was a huge missed
opportunity for her to go, you know,
Mohawk Storm and bring in the Morlocks.
That would have, yeah.
And the opportunity was there, too,
because the Morlats were on Genosha.
They were on Genosha.
Yeah, they were kind of in the background.
And it was because it was like his topics.
They they were a big part of like,
you know,
20 years ago or whenever it was.
So they they kept them relevant.
But again, more in the background.
First of all,
Leach never things never work
out for Leach in any in the movies.
And then there's not a
timeline where Leach lives
to be an adult.
We're going to talk about
that when we hit six through ten.
Or actually, Episode 5, I think.
Episode 5.
It's heavy.
We'll talk about that.
I like that black.
If we don't get Deadpool in front of me.
You know who, in the comic book,
he's not Spider-Man when it
comes to Deadpool.
It's Uncle Spidey, who calls his daughter.
That is true.
And Peter is like the most humble...
like uncle ever like the
interactions between
deadpool his daughter and
spider-man are like like
the most like family
oriented stuff considering
we're talking about
deadpool well this is this
is them trying to make
deadpool more user-friendly
for the masses deadpool is
uh he's not user-friendly he's
I always said he wasn't a hero,
but I like the aspect of...
The Deadpool movies were
the only X-Men-esque Sony
movies that I enjoyed at all.
All the other ones can
straight up... Pound sand.
Let's put it nicely.
But seeing...
Having that interaction,
and of course it was with
Colossus trying to make him
a better person.
But now, you know,
him teamed up with Wolverine.
Both of them are just two
bad attitudes waiting to happen.
Seeing him team up with Spider-Man,
and we don't know what the
future of Spider-Man and
MCU looks like right now.
I think they're going to
bring back Tom Holland for one more.
I'm not sure.
He's on top for one more at least.
I'm not sure.
And if they go the route
that I think that they're going to go,
then the Deadpool
Spider-Man interaction we
see may not happen.
But, you know, I think that, you know,
this is Gibbs only,
but I think that they're
going to bring in Miles Morales.
I wouldn't be mad about that.
But we wouldn't see the
Deadpool Spider-Man that we
would want to see.
I don't expect the MCU to
give me anything I want anyway.
Whoever's going to play
Wolverine in the MCU,
we know it's not going to be Hugh Jackman,
but that interaction
between him and Spider-Man should happen.
We'll see how that falls out.
Most definitely.
But, yeah, where were we?
I'm sorry.
we do rabbit holes very well over here.
Let's just roll.
Because, I mean,
we know Magneto stood trial at the UN.
Storm lost her powers.
She met back up with Forge,
who took her on a journey
to figure herself out.
I think that they should
have if they would have cut
out Jubilee's episode and
just made a whole episode
or two with Storm because
they gave her what five to
ten minutes each on the
back half of two episodes
and yeah I mean because
during that time frame she
actually she lived a lot of
life up until the point
where she got her powers back
In the comics, they went years.
Oh, wow.
She spent a lot of time with the Morlots.
And, I mean,
that was one of the things that, you know,
we failed to see that
character build arc for her.
But I will say this.
Everything bad and
strife-wise that started
happening to them happened after,
in this series, this season,
happened after Storm lost
the powers and left.
Fair enough.
Storm is the glue.
We all know that.
You actually see how
integral Storm was to
keeping the X-Men together.
I like that they dove into
her character a little bit more.
But it's like you said,
it kind of happened kind of quick.
And I understand it's an animated series.
It was a little bit more of a subplot.
I'm not never a huge fan of
the Vision Quest kind of stuff.
And that's...
She was treated as a side quest.
Yeah, yeah.
That's not my favorite, but I love Storm.
I loved her interactions with Jean.
I love that later they talk
about gold team and blue team.
They get into that a little bit,
just like a little nod.
I mean, Storm's amazing.
Storm's amazing, and I want to see.
She's always been amazing.
I want to see more for her this season.
I want more from Storm, I guess,
And that's okay.
We can be selfish, dude.
At our age and growing up on this,
we've earned that shit, dude.
We can be selfish.
Kelvin nailed it, dude.
She left for five minutes
and the world went to shit.
That's right.
I mean, literally, we lost, like,
why was it 10 million mutants on Genosha?
Oh, my God.
I think that's a roundabout number.
I'm pretty sure it's more than that.
And like in the comic series,
it was a lot more than they
made it out to be in the show.
So – I'm just waiting for
when they do the callback
to – and just to make us all go, ah.
But just because they did it
with the – what am I going to wear?
Black leather or whatever,
which is the callback.
I'm waiting for the what
happens to so-and-so when
they – what happens to a
toad when he gets struck by
– or like whatever that line was.
Oh my god.
You know what happens to a
toad when he gets struck by lightning?
Yeah, same thing.
I'm just waiting for a
callback or a joke to that one.
Toad's in Deadpool and Wolverine,
so we may get it there.
Oh, please no.
And you know he would do
something like that too, right?
Oh, he's doing it.
You know what?
Let's plug that cheesy line.
That's exactly what's going to happen.
Let's plug this.
You'll probably say something like,
shut up, Toad.
They'll strike you with
lightning or some shit.
And you know what?
I wouldn't be mad.
Oh, I would.
God, let them die.
So while we're on episode five,
we had our first loss of
the X-Men in episode five.
We still skipping a lot of
real estate to hit five
because at the end of episode two,
The real Jean Grey comes
back and then we have a
sort of inferno arc,
a mini inferno arc that
goes on with them revealing that,
you know,
the Jean Grey that had Nathan
was actually Madeline Pryor.
Pryor, yeah.
You know, or she chose the name Madeline,
you know, at the end.
She chose it at the end, yeah.
And they went through all of that stuff.
And, I mean, it was...
They did a quick conversion
to her to the Goblin Queen, which,
like I said, in the comics,
it was a huge arc.
And we crammed it in.
And, I mean, it worked.
It did work.
Kind of.
Because at the end,
her and Jean kind of like,
They did hug it out.
She leaves and Gene's like, it's okay,
We'll work it out.
Wolverine had a little moment with
one of the Genes, too.
The real Gene.
This solidifies Wolverine is
a sucker punk.
And I said it,
and I don't care who takes offense.
Wolverine is a sucker punk
because that whole deal.
And Jean ain't shit either.
Oh, she knew what she was doing.
She knew.
She knows.
She's just dragging that man along.
She catches Scott, you know,
doing the whole mental thing.
And it's like, oh, my God,
that was our thing.
Well, it was their thing, too,
because he thought that she was you.
you're literally that replica of each
Which is fair, yeah.
Which is fair,
but then she goes along and
then does the whole thing
with Wolverine and then
jumps in Scott's ass?
Come on, triflings.
So that was 100% the real G. That, like,
no question.
That was 100% real G. That was 100% her.
That's the real G. That
scandalous-ass woman.
You're not wrong.
You're not wrong, Gibbs.
You're not wrong, bro.
Wolverine is a simp sucker.
And you know what?
He forever said in the comic
book that Gene was his only
one true love forever.
And those are his words.
He was always written that way.
We have ourselves an entanglement.
If we may quote Jada.
There we go.
Dean Gray is Jada.
Oh, boy.
Oh, boy.
Ladies and gentlemen,
you heard it here first.
That's right.
I said it.
Gibbs dropping the hard truth today.
You're right about that.
Wolverine did say in the
comics that Jean Grey was
his one true love.
But he also had four others.
He's had plenty.
Now, loves,
there's a difference than just hitting.
Because he knocked off about all the women,
the grown women.
All of them.
In the X-Men.
He knocked off most of them.
So, okay, then let's put it like this.
What was your favorite, like,
of all the hookups of Wolverine,
what was your favorite one that, like,
he had a relationship with
within the series, like the comic books?
Because he had many.
Okay, yeah, okay.
I didn't like,
did they do Storm in the
comic books or was that just that one?
No, that's a whole arc in the comic book.
It's one of those things where it's like,
I didn't like it because, you know,
I was never a fan of like
the alternate universes and
stuff like that.
that was main MCU or main Marvel
Him and Storm had a thing.
For quite a while.
In the comics.
It wasn't just a thing.
I don't think it was a thing thing.
I think that they hooked up several times,
you know, several times.
And, you know.
I think it could have been
bigger than what it was.
But, you know, that was that.
Because during the 80s,
they showed that they hooked up.
And then later on,
they kind of had a relationship.
It was more, you know,
more of the continuation
from what it was in the 80s.
And that was before she
became Miss T'Challa.
Yeah, right.
So because I remember the
way I remember going back
to the old episode when it
was like probably one of
the last newer episodes that I saw.
I'm like, oh,
it's not Night of the Sentinels.
But so I just remember
they're having the picnic
or whatever the beginning
episode and then it's like
the time travel thing.
And then, you know,
they do that whole arc and
then they're like, oh,
to make the world the way it was,
we have to like undo everything.
And our love has to end kind of a thing.
And then it goes back to
them having the picnic again.
And it's one of those things
like at first I hated it because I'm like,
no, no, Wolverine loves Jean.
And like, that's not that's not how it is.
Like, that's not organic.
And like, the more I think about it, like.
They're kind of perfect for each other.
Is that just me?
No, you're nailing it.
I ship or whatever the kids say.
You're shipping, man.
I think one of my favorite
ones from a comic book
storyline perspective was
Lady Deathstrike.
I say that because she was
one of my favorite
characters from the comic book.
And then she tried to kill him.
They didn't really have a
love relationship though, did they?
Briefly, if I remember correctly,
before the Weaponettes project.
Because it was her dad that
did the whole integration of his,
you know, his bones and adamantium.
I'd have to, like,
I'd literally have to go back to, like,
probably 93 or 94 to find...
You guys remember these cards?
I have them.
Do you know which one?
I want to say X-Men Series 2.
I remember having these in school.
So many things just fell out
of the binder just now.
You guys remember these ones?
Oh, yes.
I literally have them
sitting over here behind me
on my other bookshelf
behind me that you can't
see because it's so dark in here.
I think I'm missing just Rogue.
I think I have all of it.
It's probably somewhere around here.
It probably just fell out.
Yeah, dude,
they all literally just fell out,
which is fine.
But and they had like the 30
years special car.
I'm trying to see if you
probably have about two
grand sitting in that binder,
to be fair to you.
You know what?
Cards are weird, though.
I feel like it says they are
and then they're not.
No, they I'm telling you right now.
You you pull them up on the
on eBay and see what they're selling for.
I guarantee you're sitting
on probably about two grand.
And one of them is probably
just in one card.
all right I'll take I'll
take x-men gold x-men blue
card yeah yeah the puzzle
piece has been sorry I i
just had it here and this
is where a lot of you know
my comic knowledge and
x-men knowledge came from
you'd read the back of the
card get the stats get the
little tidbit hell yeah
dude that's what I like to
see man and you got the
famous sticker on the front
Yeah, you know the deal.
My guy, Travis Barker.
Yeah, that's my dude.
Love me some Travis.
Dude, I will, on long road trips,
I will put on his drum solo
albums and just hammer away, dude.
him and DJ AM had some good stuff with
That's a good driving music.
Love it, love it, bro.
You know the deal.
Yeah, I think he was with Typhoid Mary,
rings a bell I mean we got
so off topic but so
everybody knows deadpool
was with death death is the
reason why thanos was going
after all the infinity
stones but deadpool was
never mentioned one time in
in the infinity war saga
but that was the whole
point it's because he was
getting the infinity stone
so he could be with death
They changed that.
They changed it in the MCU.
In the end of the first Avengers,
the one guy at the end
where they had the cameo of
Thanos and the guy said,
but that will be courting death.
And he turns around and he
does this number.
And that was supposedly the nod,
but they changed it.
And then they came up with, you know,
the nihilist, well,
we're going to make the
universe more efficient and
destroy half the life.
That way, you know, there is that.
That also made sense, by the way.
All of that happened before
Deadpool was ever a
character in the comics.
Deadpool wasn't,
the thing with Deadpool and
death didn't happen until late 90s,
early to mid 2000 type deal.
It was not a thing when he
was really courting death and, you know,
hardcore when he first went after death.
Well, I think she was courting him.
No, death didn't care.
How that whole thing came about is he,
you know, he defended God.
It is.
It is.
But the whole thing was,
is he got the notion of
these cosmic beings.
Of course, him being, you know,
eternal and all that stuff.
And he fell in love with death.
Death didn't pay him any attention.
We're talking about Thanos, right?
You were talking about Thanos.
Okay, yeah.
So death didn't pay him any attention.
And Thanos said,
I'll show you my love for you.
And I'll destroy, you know,
I'll give you all these lives.
And that's why he started
going after that.
You're right.
At first, he didn't know she was death.
And then he said, okay,
I'm going to give you all these lives.
And when he figured that out, she didn't,
she, even if you look at the comic books,
the whole time he's doing that,
she's standing there in the background.
And most of the time she didn't even,
you know,
she might throw a glance at him
or doing that stuff.
But until it happened,
she was totally unmoved by
any of that stuff.
But they loved each other as
much as she could love and
all this stuff.
Later, they came out with, after he died,
came back,
you had the Infinity Watch and
all this other stuff.
Deadpool was ramping up and
all that stuff.
They were like, okay,
what's a way to fix him to do this,
to do that?
Let's time in with this.
That's when they got that he
fall in love with death thing,
which I never liked that.
I think he should have stuck with Siren.
If you don't know who Siren is,
Siren is Banshee's daughter.
I love that.
Very underrated, by the way.
yes that kind of quirky
relationship that they had
that was yeah but the whole
death thing and then you
know of course Thanos makes
it so that he can't die he
truly can't die so they can
never be together yeah
petty as shit I mean if you
look back on like all the
comic books and like villains and stuff
It was all just pettiness.
Like, that's all it was.
A lot of it is.
A lot of it is.
And, you know,
that's like a lot of the
stuff that was happening in, you know,
X-Men 97.
Yes, we went off the rails,
which is typical here.
It's what we do,
but we get back on topic right now.
Sinister injected Nathan with the virus.
That was petty as shit.
He didn't need to do that.
Of course,
they send him with Bishop into the future,
but that's the capital of...
Okay, y'all might have stopped me,
but I'm going to fuck y'all up, you know,
just because I can.
Dude, Sinister, that dude,
if there was ever a problem,
you could probably trace it
back some way or another to Sinister.
My sister had a great point.
So she gets props on this one.
Like when it started,
Bishop was there and in the
credits starting out.
But, you know,
Beast is fixing his time band.
So she's like, you already know.
You already know Bishop's
going to leave and Cable's
going to check in.
She's like, you're right.
She called that.
She's like, they're fixing his bracelet.
You know, Bishop's going to.
And then Bishop come back right at the end,
like at the very end.
At the very end.
Like episode 10.
He's like, hey, dude.
Yeah, but she's like,
you know Bishop's gone, right?
I'm like, really?
She's like, yeah, he's fixed his bracelet.
You know, now we got baby Nathan.
Like, Bishop's gone.
Like, he's going away.
But I like,
like we talked about that living intro.
I like that, like,
we got more Nightcrawler
and we're getting to see, like, again,
it goes back to the cards.
You can never have enough Nightcrawler.
Oh, God.
And perfectly executed.
All the screen time that he
got was absolutely awesome.
I'm like, he deserved that.
More Nightcrawler, please.
His dad is in the Deadpool trailer.
Well, he's not just his dad.
It's also Rogue's dad, too.
Is this... Are we going back
to Wolverine Origins?
Who is's character?
Wait, wait.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
It's not Rogue's dad.
Who's the other one?
It's not Mystique's dad.
It was Mystique.
Mystique and Azrael got
together and Nightcrawler is their son.
That's right.
He has a sister as well, I thought.
There is a sister.
I think her name is Sin or
something like that.
It's something.
Sin is something to him.
What were you saying, Rob?
Oh, no,
I think this is kind of a little
bit of a deep cut.
So, yeah, you hit it on the head.
You said the character was Azrael?
Azrael, yeah.
So who was,
I think it was's
character in Origins.
Was that the name of the character?
he was playing... This is the movie
Not Maverick, but...
Oh, God, what was his name?
Yeah, it wasn't the best.
It wasn't the best movie.
But the video game was solid.
That Wolverine video game, Xbox 360,
whatever it was, it was awesome.
It was solid.
And there was a cut scene
where it showed that him
and Mystique had gotten together,
something like that.
And I was like, oh,
they didn't touch on this in the movie.
I can't remember what it was.
Look it up online.
I'm sure it's online.
There was like a little tie-in.
I am going to... Matt
Crowell's sister is not magic.
Magic is Colossus' sister.
Magic is Colossus' sister.
All right.
We've lost a few carts off
our train going down the railway here,
which is common.
We do that.
We deep dive stuff.
We don't intend to deep dive.
And we have a passion for
something it shows.
And by damn it,
we're passionate about our
X-Men and our storylines
and who's related to who in Marvel.
I got it.'s character was Keystro.
His real name's John Rafe.
And, yeah.
Look at you, man.
I'm impressed, Gibbs.
A quick Google search?
No, I looked up the Wolverine origins.
Oh, okay.
I'm still impressed.
I'm still impressed.
so are we,
are we good on one through five?
So we know at,
I think it was midway through,
we found out Mr. Sinister was the,
the going to be one of the big bads in,
it's been 97.
He's kind of like the
mastermind manipulating
everything behind the scenes.
Was episode 5 the heavy one?
Episode 5 is Genosha.
Let's hit episode 5.
Let's hit that.
Let's talk about episode 5.
They're preparing to join the UN.
The team goes there.
Of course,
we get Rogue being scandalous as well.
Going to be shacking back up with Magneto.
Going rogue.
Let's not.
No, no, no.
No, no, no.
We're not going to do that rogue.
Even when it was shown
earlier and Remy got it
wrong because Remy didn't ask questions.
He just, just like most of us do,
we see something and we're like, oh,
what the fuck?
And then, you know, Remy being who he is,
he didn't say anything and
it never changed anything.
He was like... Punching air, yeah.
Punching and kicking air.
With tears in your eyes.
Because that's what I was doing.
But she had told Magneto in
that first episode when we
realized that they had a
thing in the past that she was like,
it's never going to happen again, sugar.
And even when they went to Genosha,
she wasn't being scandalous.
He came to her and he was like,
if I'm going to be this guy here,
I need you and this and this.
And Remy was all in his
feelings and basically was like, yeah,
You know, and so she was like, OK,
we all know he's a hothead.
I'll do this and all this stuff.
And it was one of those
things where she was.
He was kind of pushed into
it by Magneto setting it up.
And the optics of it all and
Remy being a total dick, which, you know,
was kind of warranted, but not.
Well, I mean, being jealous.
That was him, though.
That's on par for him.
So Rogue,
you're not going to put Rogue in
the same bag as Jada Summers.
You bring up some good points.
I think that's a very fair assessment,
Gambit and Rogue,
one of the best love stories,
if you want to call it that, of all time.
Forbidden Fruit, you know, like...
he, he, they couldn't touch,
they couldn't embrace,
they couldn't touch, you know?
Um, and, and that was, he didn't give up,
you know what I mean?
And I mean that in, in not in a creepy way,
like in an, in an awesome way.
He loved her no matter why he loved her,
man, you know, and that was his queen.
Um, and, and even with this, you know,
you could see how it affected him.
And, um,
it's almost one of those
things I'm almost going to
contradict myself here but
like the way he went out
and first of all no one
cared about magneto at all
that's a whole nother
conversation um but the way
the way he went out um man
it was perfect you know um
phantom not phantom menace
uh the the first remake the
the jj abrams star wars uh
force awakens we don't talk about it
Can I use an example?
No, you can't.
No, go ahead.
I don't want to.
I don't want to.
No, no, no, no.
You would never know.
They they spoiler alert.
If you haven't seen it many years ago,
if you haven't seen it, turn, you know,
mute it for a second.
They killed Han Solo.
They killed Han Solo.
wow I didn't that's it's a
big move it's a big move
it's a big move to come in
there and do that I didn't
hate it hate it I hated it
when it happened but I'm
like for the arc and stuff
like that and yeah I know
it's not on par with the
others it makes sense right
and the line it was his kid
like all right we went
there you know and who
knows harrison ford
probably wanted to end the
character oh he did he did
after the first one
exactly but I was like you
come in here you take this
franchise and you you have
the you know what to like
you're gonna pull this move
and we saw the other movies
played out and it was just
like whoa this was similar
that made me think of that
is like if he's gonna go
out him going out like a
boss like this his final
words rogue holding him
saying I can't feel you sugar like
Yeah, man, it was perfect.
And like, I know we got that little tease,
but first of all, yes,
I want Gambit back.
He's might be my second favorite.
Like, Oh, just we want, we want him back.
And yeah, it's the, it's the comps.
They always come back.
Rarely do they not.
They always come back.
And he should.
And that's the right way to go.
We'll save it for the end.
I almost don't, in terms of the way,
just in terms of this
episode and this scene,
if he had to go out, it was perfect.
It was perfect,
and I almost don't want them to touch it.
Like, I want Gambit back.
I know I'm contradicting
myself a little bit, but poetry, man.
It was poetry.
That was a way that, and I like that,
Black says she was for the streets.
Here's the thing though.
She loved him throughout the comic books.
She really did.
They were essentially,
they were the couple despite everything.
There was a,
there was a time where after
the age of apocalypse happened, um,
Because they thought the world was dying.
They saw the stuff happening
and they kissed.
Right as the age of apocalypse happened,
when Legion killed
Professor X and everything
was crystallized, he kissed her.
When it came back,
he ended up in a coma and all this stuff.
She went with the dude named
Joseph for a long time.
Yeah, it does.
Balls, big balls.
But she went with a guy
named Joseph for a long time.
And Joseph was the Magneto
from the Age of Apocalypse era, you know,
Because she could touch him
and he made it to where they could touch.
so there is that that was
going on there but um
there's a couple things
that I uh I don't know who
captain kick-ass is but
yeah you got it yep the the
thing with uh this whole
episode was um millions
died there they had all those cameos
of mutants that was there
and my man leech who is
from leech's creation it
was uh as a morlock it was
two of them him and arty if
they would have had arty
maddox there and arty would
have died I I'm I would
have y'all would have had a
tirade from me that would
have lasted because arty is
one of the most
misfortunate uh warlocks
that there ever was
and him and Leach were best friends
and all this stuff.
But Leach just wanting, you know,
Magneto to save them.
And, you know, he told him, you know,
you'll never have that again.
And that scene, you know, when Rob,
when you said nobody cared
when Magneto died,
that scene where he did
that and he looked and he
had him going in that fear
in Leach's eyes at everything.
The way they made this cartoon, you know,
they got that feeling and emotion.
I mean, God dang.
It hits you in the feels, man.
And Leech has always been
one of the most innocent of characters.
Now, of course,
how any of their powers
work while Leech was around
is a fucking mystery
because Leech is a power drainer.
He's literally a leech.
We're going to skip over
that shit because the emotional depth.
I forget the other guys that
was right there with
Magneto and Leach when they got killed,
but they didn't matter.
It was all about Magneto and Leach.
Then Remy.
If you're going to go out,
that's the way you go out.
Go big and go home.
He went big and went home.
Hey, he went out like a boss.
Yes, he did.
Yes, he did.
All right.
I know Rob has to step away from us at 930,
if I'm not mistaken,
to prepare for his next show.
No worries.
930, I'll tag out respectfully,
but I'm having a ball, guys.
I just want to make sure
we're respecting your time
because I know you're going
to be hopping on and giving
us king and queen of the
ring predictions after this.
Switching to wrestling,
Kelvin will be there.
Are you a wrestling guy too, Gibbs, or no?
I am.
Okay, who's your guy or girl?
Who's my guy of all time?
Dusty Rhodes.
There we go.
Son of a plumber.
There we go.
Georgia boy.
Yeah, okay.
That bionic elbow.
the Samoan SWAT team and the Road
Yeah, okay.
My buddy Mike does a Dusty Rhodes cosplay.
You may have seen some of
the videos with Cody.
I'm going to have him do a
shout out for you, Gibbs.
I got you.
That video they just
released with Macho Man and
them getting kicked out of
the house is cinematic gold.
Oh, wait.
I got to see this.
What is this?
It's one they just recently did.
It's Macho Man and
their wives kick them out of the house,
and then they, like, move in together.
And it's cinematic gold, man.
It's like a five-minute clip
or something like that,
but it's... Machoverse, is it?
Machoverse and Mike Ramondi?
Check them out.
Oh, yeah, they're brilliant.
Mike Ramondi, like, the voice, man.
The only person who sounds
better than him as Dusty is Dusty.
I'll be sure to check this one out.
Oh yeah.
We're getting the shout out for sure.
So they're shameless plugs, man.
I love those guys.
And then seeing total what time last night,
man, that was fucking awesome, dude.
Oh, my French.
That was awesome.
Seeing him on last night.
Oh, awesome.
He'll, he'll be thrilled that his,
his ego will inflate,
but he sent me a friend
request cause I inflated his ego.
Well, there you go.
We talk about networking.
There you go.
So, yeah, we ready for six through ten?
Let's hit six through ten.
This is where it gets real good.
We're getting into the... So
we had a fucking crazy
mid-season finale where we lost Remy.
And now everything's going
to fall apart to be rebuilt again.
Rogue goes rogue in the next episode.
Storm gets her powers back.
Let's discuss this rogue
going rogue before we... First,
let's hit up the episode six.
Yeah, that's where I'm at.
With Charles.
Okay, yeah.
Oh, true.
He's up with Leandra.
Shi'ar Empire and you know
he shows us walking around
with new legs with his
bionic suit on you got new
legs in the ghetto of the
Milky Way as they put it
that line right there is
that is forever how we will
I will refer to the Milky
Way universe is the ghetto
the ghetto of the Milky Way
I want a sign that just says the
ghetto of the Milky Way.
And, of course,
you see Death Bird kicking
ass with Gladiator.
And that was pretty awesome.
And, you know, all of that.
And Charles says, oh, my God,
I got to go home.
Yeah, it's an interesting character arc.
So remind me, because again,
it was always Night of the Sentinel.
Remind me what happened
exactly to Professor X
where we thought he was gone.
He died.
Both of our tracks.
But he's obviously somewhere else.
They took him to their home planet.
Leandra and them saved him.
And it seemed like he died.
I'm psychoanalyzing here,
so be very honest with me if I'm wrong.
Do we feel that Professor X,
Charles Xavier,
lost sight of his mission statement,
lost sight of his home, what's going on?
We lost Gambit in the meantime.
We see him come around.
Was he blinded by love?
Was he blinded by this new life,
the ability to walk,
things of that nature?
Am I reading this wrong?
Was that kind of the internal conflict?
Because I don't know if
that's true to the character.
when it kind of was in the
comic books too because
this actually happened in
the comic books where he
He went off with Londra and
was her consort, if you will,
in the Shiite Empire.
And they were having all
sorts of shit there.
And, you know,
he was always conflicted
because he wanted to go back.
You know,
he was always checking on his X-Men.
He was that.
So he that confliction is
always there for him.
But in this one,
like when he did the whole
Professor X thing,
and then he got a glimpse of, oh, my God,
my X-Men are, you know, they're here.
He feels that, I would say,
kind of like survivor's remorse.
You know, oh, my God,
would this have happened if
I was still there type deal?
You know, oh, my God, this is my fault.
I was not there.
You know, and he's like, okay,
I got to go back.
Well said, man.
This is why you're here, man.
Thank you.
You explained that to me.
Cause I'm like, I'm like, it's almost like,
you know, his mission statement, you know,
he's, he gives, gives, gives, he gives,
you know, mutants a home and, you know,
teaches them to control
their powers and tries to
do right by everybody.
And now he's kind of doing his own thing.
No, he has some selfishness in him too,
but, and he's allowed to,
and he's allowed to,
you know what I mean?
I think that's just the human part of him.
Yes, exactly.
All right.
Well, well said.
But, uh,
Like we said,
Forge's Storm gets her powers back.
They mess up the... They get
rid of the adversary.
And they do all that stuff.
Can we just take a second to
appreciate Forge and him
getting some screen time?
Forge has always been an
awesome character.
He really has.
In the comic book,
he never got as much love
as he deserved to do the
things that he did behind the scenes.
He's been a part of a couple
X-Men teams there over the years.
There was that,
but he's mainly worked in the background.
He's kind of like the guy in the chair,
you know, like the Spider-Man movies.
You know what I mean?
Leave me alone, my X-Men.
Oh, God.
Oh, Calvin's in rare form tonight.
I don't know.
We're going to get a good
show out of him later.
I don't know.
He's going to be wilding on
the show later.
I'm telling you.
I'm here for it.
But, yeah, that whole thing was there.
As they go back,
and Storm kind of helps heal Ford.
How the hell was that ever
in her power set, healing people?
I agree.
That's why I didn't like the
whole spirit quest or side journey.
When it gets all kind of interpretive,
that's where you lose me.
So I'm with you on that.
I struggled with a lot of
those little things.
This is one of those episodes where
It didn't make the sense
that you wanted it to make sense,
but we got classic rogue in
the classic outfit,
so we couldn't be mad.
We got a lot of classic outfits.
Except for the black leather.
It made sense with the
spiritual aspect when
you're talking about Forge
because in the comics,
that was part of the cool
thing with Forge is his
mutant ability is if he thinks it,
he can make it.
He's not 100% sure how the fuck it works,
but if he thinks it, he can make it.
He also has a shaman aspect
um in the comics in which
it's small and then grows
larger as he delves deeper
into it so that kind of
jobs with what they had
there and helping her you
know defeat the adversary
which I think um I think
was a little analogy for uh
what's his name the uh
Which McCulloch King,
Chaos King or whatever his name was.
OK, yeah, it's Chaos King.
I think that that was kind of a
little because he used to
mess with her a lot.
But yeah, other than that,
I was I was cool with it.
It was just like,
where did she get the
ability to heal from?
but I like it.
I like them two together.
I've always liked Storm and her together.
Of course,
not as much as I like Storm and
Black Panther together, but... Dude,
that's actually... I think
that arc in the comic book
just come to a close, if I'm not mistaken,
the current run of it.
you're talking about Storm and Black
Yeah, yeah.
That's been over for years.
Well, no,
it was a rerun of it with the new
covers and everything.
Same story, just brought
pages and like inks and that
kind of stuff they revived
it and brought it back and
of course they tweak it a
little bit and here and
there to make the writing
more today but it was still
a good run that run sucked
the way that it ended the
way that they ended that
was a writer who came in
and was like I don't like
it get rid of it how did it
end I'm curious
There was a time in the 2000s,
I think it was.
Or it might have been late 90s,
early 2000s where... It was
around about 2010.
If they didn't like it,
they just trashed it.
They would write it off.
It was during the time when
a lot of stuff was
happening in Wakanda and he
went there and it was one
of the X-Men versus
Avengers type deal and
He was upset because he
thought that she was in
collusion with something
and she didn't tell him something.
And she was like, I just found out.
He goes, well,
are you still with the X-Men?
She goes, these are my, these are,
you know, yeah.
We're not this.
We're trying to hit.
He said, well, yeah, it's already done.
You're no longer my wife.
You didn't even have to be there.
I did it back in Wakanda.
And that was it.
Is that true to the
character or is that a little out of, no,
it's not true to him or any of that
And again,
that was a writer that came in and I,
And they were just like, no,
we're not liking this.
I won't go into more of what
I think about that.
But basically it was, yeah,
we're done with this and
we're going to end it in
the most dumb and stupid way possible.
There was a lot of comic
books in the late 90s into
the 2000s that they were
just like writers were
quitting because they were
tired of Marvel shit and being underpaid.
And they were just like, we're done.
We quit.
And they brought in new writers.
And new writers were like,
we hate this shit.
And started changing everything.
Now here we are in 2024.
And Marvel pays their writers better.
They get long-term deals for longer times.
And the writing's improved greatly.
Oh, yeah.
Okay, I was off an episode.
It was episode six where she... Oh, no.
We were talking about episode six.
We were talking about
episode six with... Yeah,
Storm getting her powers
back and Professor X
getting some strange in the
stars in the ghetto Milky Way.
And then episode seven is
where Rogue goes full... Yep.
When she merts Captain America and
She doesn't murk them.
She beats them.
They fight.
And then she throws the shield.
That was petty.
She didn't just throw that shield.
She chunked that shit and
dared him to do something.
That was petty.
She was like, well, don't stand in my way.
And he goes, well.
And she goes.
And then flies off.
Pretty much.
That was a great episode and
some great cameos, too,
because we got Captain
America and we got what's his name?
Red Hulk.
Thunderbolt, too.
Thunderbolt Ross.
So, yeah.
And of course, they go back to it all.
Everything goes back to Madripoor.
It always does there.
In anything related to X-Men,
it always seems to tie back into there.
I don't know if that's done on purpose.
It's there or Genosha.
One of the two.
Everything ties back to those two places.
What do you guys think of
Rogue going rogue?
Do you think that's true?
The character?
Do you think it's the extreme, you know,
stress like, you know, when people grieve,
you know, they go through stuff, man.
Did you guys think that was
a fitting character arc?
You know,
the juxtaposition being Captain America,
the essential Boy Scout, you know,
and she kind of...
is cool with him.
And then like you said,
it was kind of petty.
Like she throws, go get it, you know,
go find it kind of a thing.
did you guys think that was true to the
I thought it was an
interesting character arc for her.
Um, and she's gotta be frustrated,
you know,
did you guys think that was well done?
And, and she, Rogue is her name.
Well, uh,
I like that black says she yeeted
that shield.
True to the character to the
point of in the comic books,
she was going rogue because
she was having problems
dealing with the Carol
Danvers powers that she
stole as Marvel's power.
And she was having problems.
But she was causing all sorts of havoc.
I mean, she went basically rogue.
And that's when Storm was
trying to save her and got
shot and lost her powers in the comics.
and it kind of you know she
kind of snapped out of it
and all this stuff but she
in the comics she had a
history of uh you know
going ape and going yeah
she she would go and eat
somebody's lunch yeah yeah
by the way carol denver has
never really recovered from rogue she did
she didn't but it was like
much much later oh it was
decades decades later
decades she spent in a coma
and angel uh angel helped
heal her um after he became
arch archangel archangel
and he held he healed her
and then um the latin cree
the cree blood that was in
her from captain marvell uh
kickstarted and all that stuff.
And then she lost that power,
became binary.
And then Captain Marvel, as we know her.
Did you guys see that?
I don't want to say meme.
It was like that graphic.
I think it's legit.
It was like the animated
cell of Rogue with her hand
on the head or whatever of,
I think Carol Danvers,
correct me if I'm wrong.
And then they're like,
she's keeping her in the
coma because you don't see
the glove animated on.
But you can kind of see the
bracelet of the glove.
You know what I'm saying?
And they're like, oh, no, no, no.
They just forgot to paint
the yellow on the glove.
And it's like this whole thing.
I'll have to find it and
show it to you guys.
But it's like this whole thing.
It's like, no, no, no.
She's not wearing the glove.
She's keeping her in this state.
And that's like another...
She's refreshing her power.
Yeah, well, that too.
Topping off, topping off.
And they're like,
Carol smiles when she does it.
It's all these fantasy.
It's very interesting, but who knows?
I might have to look at that.
Yeah, I would have to look.
I'm not too familiar with it, but damn,
now I want to see it.
Because if she's been going back to top up,
then that's like the ultimate villain.
That's like some villain shit right there.
Let me go top up real quick.
Swing it to the gas station.
We find out that Trask was
taken out to help with
Operation Zero Tolerance
and all that stuff.
They track him down and
Cable comes back and saves the day.
And she tried to kill him.
They're like, wait, we do that now?
And Wolverine's like, oh, fuck yeah.
I'll get back, baby.
Oh, man.
That's Wolverine.
Not to get too sidetracked, real quick.
Did you guys read the Civil War run,
the comic book ones?
That series.
So Wolverine had a run in that, right?
He had his own storyline.
And Wolverine's... I'm not denoting this,
Wolverine they're all the
heroes are all infighting
and you know it's getting
political and like spider
spoiler alert spider-man
like on mass and reveals
his identity and that whole
thing and the registration
all that stuff Wolverine
actually goes after the guy
that like caused this
explode was a nitro or
whatever his name was
explosion and I think he
kills him he does like
Wolverine is just like you
guys do this I'm gonna go
take care of this guy
Wolverine had no problems
killing like yeah he would yeah
If something needed to be killed...
Send Wolverine, he'd kill it.
Yeah, and they tow that line, I think,
in the animated, which is, I mean,
he's beating up robots most of the time,
but which is right, and again,
we talked about Wolverine,
but they kept him very not
on the sidelines, but very subplot,
very lines,
and I thought it was perfect
how they did Wolverine here,
and he's my favorite.
Well, in the X-Men,
he kind of he calmed down,
and he's much older by the
time he joins the actual X-Men.
You talking about in the comics?
Well, yeah.
And in the animated series.
He's older at that point.
Yeah, he... Yeah, no.
Wolverine, he did some killing.
I mean,
the dude's a few hundred years old.
I think by the time he joins the X-Men,
something like that.
He's like 165.
He's old as dirt.
I just thought it was interesting,
just because everyone else was fighting.
And I get it.
That's the whole main plot.
But his whole arc was
tracking this guy down and
finding the villain.
And no one else was doing that.
Nobody cared about that anymore.
But Wolverine, I think because Neymarita,
I think, died in that.
And something else happened.
And Wolverine took that personal.
and he was like yep this
dude nah he's gotta die you
know and let's just say it
as it is he took a lot of
stuff personal and if he
just didn't like you anyway
he would probably kill you
so when he when in the
comics when he first came
on that was part of what
you know his thing he you
know he he was always
bouncing and he was always
fighting and doing all that
stuff and that was uh
you see the consequences of that in
this season.
So I will say this.
So we just had Marvel Echo, right?
Echo didn't just go to Oklahoma City
right away.
She took a long detour.
And on that detour, she met Wolverine.
And Wolverine and her
traveled together for quite a while.
And a lot of the stuff that
Echo learned was from Wolverine.
So he helped mold her into
what she became after Fisk.
True, true.
So a little side story there.
Didn't know that.
A little history lesson.
It's actually in the comic,
but they don't talk about a
lot of that stuff too much
from the comic books.
Yeah, it's not in the TV series,
but it's in the comics.
Can I, can I fast forward, right?
Just cause I'm going to cut out and about.
Yeah, absolutely.
No, I'm not trying to speak.
Do your thing.
I just wanted to say something,
something that crossed my mind.
So in the, in the,
in the finale or the last episode, um,
so they all kind of had to
do the time shift, right?
I'm knowing,
I'm knowing jumping ahead here,
but I wanted to get this in.
So like some people go to what?
Ancient Egypt.
Uh, some people go, uh, the future.
Um, so my guy,
he was in like a hospital
bed or he was like in the bed.
Where did Wolverine go?
That's a great question.
And we're not sure they did
that on purpose.
Is he in the bed still?
You want to hear my theory now?
I want to hear all you guys got.
I'm like, where's my guy?
What comes out in July?
Deadpool and Wolverine.
What are they doing in it?
Time jumping.
there's a connection here between the
animated and the... I'm here for it.
I mean, he was still in the bed,
but nobody knows where he went.
What if Wolverine in
Deadpool and Wolverine is that Wolverine?
Because the costume is that costume.
He was wearing the orange and brown,
I think he was wearing those
because they all had the old suits,
I think, for that last battle.
I like where you're going.
I like where you're going with this.
I like that, but... Is that what we get?
I don't know,
but that's kind of the way it
ended and everybody got
separated and they're all
in different times.
I was like,
what if Deadpool's time jumping
and getting them?
What if that's the opening to the movie?
It's just him...
appearing somewhere.
I'm not going to shoot it
full of holes because I like it,
but I'll let you have that one.
Bang, bang.
That would be next level and awesome.
I could be completely fucking off on this,
but as that ended and we've
been getting all the
previews for Deadpool and Wolverine,
I'm like,
but what if that's Deadpool
jumping and saving their asses?
And that's how we get to X-Men in the MCU.
But hey, again...
This is just the chairman's
like wild theory.
I'm going to let you have it.
I'm just saying.
But if that's it, if that's what happens,
you fucking heard it here first.
I was just going to say, man,
like I owe you a coke or something.
I'm telling you,
the next time I'm on the podcast,
and if that's what's
happening in Deadpool and Wolverine,
my head's going to be like
this fucking big,
and I'm going to have a
shit-eating grin that just
doesn't leave my face.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm going to let you have it.
You're right.
It's not MCU canon.
But they didn't say it wasn't either.
Here's why it is.
I'm just saying.
They're obviously going to
call back to the X-Men
origins and the old X-Men
movies and stuff like that,
but what if they... I mean,
they will anyway,
but what if they do what you said first,
Coming out of that, it's fresh,
because Wolverine's done.
Hugh Jackman was done.
We know we're not getting
season two of X-Men 97,
at least until the
fall-winter time frame.
Because I know it's done.
It's done.
The only thing they're doing
is publishing animation right now.
We shall see.
That's my one theory.
I know Rob's going to be leaving us soon.
When he brought that up, I was like, hey,
let me go ahead and give
you my fan theory.
There you go.
Like I said,
I'm going to let that one ride.
I'm not going to shoot it full of holes.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
I've been wrong many of times.
It's so awesome for discussion.
That's why I wanted to throw
that one out there for
everybody to think about.
You got to put that on Twitter,
I feel like, so it comes back to you.
I mean,
maybe don't so people can
experience it if it happens.
I don't know.
I'm a spoiler guy, but it's brilliant.
I put it like this right here.
This will get uploaded to Spotify.
That way,
if it does come out and that's
what happens,
I haven't seen nobody else
say that theory yet.
I have it documented right
now that I was the one to call it.
Type that shit out on the USDN.
I will type that out later.
I will get that out into the
rumor that you started.
Hey, and that's what it's all about.
Like I see so many people
put shit out there and it's
quite literally shit.
I used to shovel that when I
was a kid on the farm, all right?
But at least mine makes some damn sense.
Hey, not on BCB+.
Championship journalism, man.
I put out great articles on BCB.
I'm just saying.
There we go.
My new article will be out
next week as soon as King
and Queen of the Ring comes
to a conclusion.
Shout out to Mike Mueller,
who just wrote an excellent
article on the history of
the King and Queen of the Ring.
Just saying.
There we go.
Love it.
I love it.
I love it.
I love it.
So, Rob,
I know you're going to be leaving us.
I'm sorry.
Plug your stuff, man.
I want you to plug
everything you got before you hop off.
And as soon as we're done here,
I'm actually hopping on and
watching y'all.
So appreciate it.
I'm going to finish up some laundry
real quick.
Check on the dog set up for
we got our king and queen of the ring.
predictions panel or on the,
the Bob culture podcast, YouTube channel,
uh, over on BCP plus on my Facebook page,
we'll be streaming as well.
Finish this, uh,
finish this episode of USDN first.
Cause I feel bad.
I gotta, I gotta tag out of this one.
It's been a great discussion.
I'm so glad we talked about
that last episode.
I'm sorry to fast forward.
It's totally worth it.
It was great.
it was great um gib so nice
to meet you man I'll add
you on facebook because I
want to send you guys the
um yeah please do hey just
share it on the usdn and
we'll all talk about it
okay and it might have been
hopefully it's not just
some fan thing but
hopefully it's even if it
is a fan thing we'll talk
about it we love that shit
I love it but an honor
being here guys that will
definitely do it again uh
jeffrey we got to have you
on our show down the line
on a two-way street like I always say
Guys, check us out.
We've been the Bob Culture
Podcast for years,
interviewing a lot of the
wrestlers on the independent level,
the national level.
We've talked to Johnny Gargano,
Kofi Kingston.
We even interviewed a Ghostbuster,
Mr. Ernie Hudson, man,
which is like my childhood.
Hey, has that one come out yet?
What, Ernie Hudson?
Oh, it's very good.
That's the one that Bill
mentioned last night, right?
Yeah, I don't even think there's video.
This was like...
I mean, it was a pod.
I mean,
this is me walking around with a
handheld recorder at horror cons,
you know, we really come a long way.
Now we're on site covering WWE events.
We have all the UFL guys go
over to BCP hyphen
Right now we have Yankees
and Mets coverage, WWE coverage, AEW,
a lot of great stuff from
Jeffrey T. Fountain himself, man.
So go over there, check it out.
Follow us on socials at Bob culture pod.
And thank you guys so much for having me.
We'll definitely do this again.
And I'm probably going to
watch the rest of this tomorrow.
So thank you guys so much.
Hey, Rob, appreciate you, man.
We'll see you over there on
the other side here in a little bit.
You guys rock.
You guys are awesome.
You guys are a wealth of
knowledge and I am not worthy.
So thank you guys.
I appreciate it.
Appreciate you, Rob.
Peace, peace.
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen,
that was Mr. Rob Williams.
And I owe a lot to him.
I'm going to...
Just put it out there right now.
I know he just left,
but he gave me a chance to
write about something that
I'm passionate about.
And it's freaking awesome
that I get to write about wrestling.
And yeah, it's wrestling, W-R-A-S-S-L-I-N.
So big props to him.
Big props for him coming on
tonight and fitting us into
his busy schedule.
I've been trying to get him
on for literally months and
months and months.
And I was like, hey,
I know he's a big fan of Vetsman.
Let me just shoot the shot
and see if he's got time.
And it just so happened that he had time.
So big props to him for
taking time out of his very,
very busy day.
to come on and talk with us
and share his passion of
the X-Men as well.
So, Rob, let's jump back in, man.
All right.
Tag, tag.
All right, so we're on Boulevard Tower Ask,
and Rogue just murking this motherfucker.
She's like, I'm killing this dude.
She literally just said,
Cable kind of disarms him and all
that stuff to stop that from happening.
And he kind of explains what's going on,
you know, because he's from the future,
so he has that future knowledge going on.
And he tells him that the
real adversary is Bastion.
Which we start going into...
tolerance is extinction from here.
Which is actually,
they do a fantastic
friggin' job of fleshing
out who Bastion is.
Because he's not really a mutant.
He is a mutant.
I mean, he is, but the way they
present him is like he
doesn't believe that.
He believes he's something above that.
He's the next evolution in
the timeline of what mutants could be.
Could be, right?
He sees him as an alpha
mutant and I think he even says later on,
too bad, suckers.
We're going to get rid of
all the mutants and if
humans can't get down with it,
then it'll just be me and
my prime sentinels.
Mm hmm.
You know,
and he they kind of explained it
that he affects them people.
Like Sinister was using the
techno organic virus to
infect mutants and all that stuff.
Which, of course, you know, cable is,
you know, he's a techno.
he would have been a mutant no matter
But he he is the byproduct of.
And we know that Bishop and
him got separated in the time jump.
They talk about that.
And of course, you know, he ends up,
you know, with the Ascani and Bishop,
you know, does what he does.
So let's talk about that real quick,
because that is a cameo
that we get when they do this,
when the time jump happens
and they all get separated.
So Mother Ascani is Rachel Summers.
Uh, in the,
in this cartoon for estimate 97,
they said it was Rachel Summers.
I didn't see that.
They said that it was Rachel Summers.
I know that, uh, I haven't seen that yet.
Um, and it could be,
I know that at different
points in her life, she was mother.
Mother is Connie.
I know that, um,
Because when they go into the future,
Cyclops and Jean,
that's harrowing the Red
and Slim Avengers from the comic book.
And that Mother Ascani was not Rachel.
It wasn't.
You're absolutely correct.
And as I was doing...
Because this is part of the
stuff I sent you earlier
when I was looking at it.
They specifically said that
this one was Rachel Summers.
And that could just be...
Because anybody can come in and, well,
I pulled it from IMDB, actually,
and then one of the other websites.
And it may have just been like, oh,
by the way,
Mother Isconi was also Rachel Summers,
who, oh, by the way,
is one of Gene and Scott's
children as well.
And that's kind of like the
point I was making on that one.
Because she comes from the future,
and she's an Isconi,
and she goes back to the future,
and that's when she becomes
Mother Isconi.
Um at different times,
so we That'll be
interesting and you know
That'll be it's a lot of
implications implications
for Future stuff if that's
what they roll with it
within the cartoon verse.
We'll call it a cartoon
verse so But I thought that
was cool that because when
the character comes up and
she's walks toward him I'm like
are they intending that to
be who I think they're
intending that to be?
And then when I was reading later on,
after I built my baseline of stuff,
I was like, Oh,
they are saying Rachel
Summers on this one.
And then I checked a few
more and there's a few
other sites that also said
Rachel Summers.
So I don't know if they were
like exactly saying like, Oh no,
that's the Rachel Summers
version of mother Ascani.
So who knows?
We'll see how that plays out.
Hopefully in season two.
That'll be interesting because we'll see,
because that will mean that, you know,
she helped to raise her brother, Nathan.
We'll see about that.
That's very interesting.
But, you know,
with the whole bastion thing,
they kind of they talk
about it several times that, you know,
he has a bone to pick.
with xavier because you know
he was like you you know
you left me behind you you
left me behind you did this
and they were like nah that
was your mama and her
anti-mutant type deal you
know this mother did teach
him to hate mutants and all
that stuff so the whole
time I mean she she knew he
was a mutant but she
pretended that it wasn't a
thing so I mean I don't
In the real world here,
we would call it neglect.
But, you know.
She didn't want him to grow
up with that stigma.
She knew that was going on.
And so in her own.
I mean, Sunspot's mother was the same way.
Protect him.
But yes, you really just fucked him up.
But clearly we got three
episodes of him trying to
destroy everything.
And during this, Charles comes back.
Professor X comes back.
He left the one thing he
could do in space and that's walk.
And one of the loves of his life as well.
Yeah, he did.
And he came back and the
mansion was all jacked up
and they were like, oh, so you are alive.
and you can tell that Scott's going
to be Scott.
He's going to welcome him
back with open arms.
But there were some that were like, oh,
really, motherfucker?
You're back all of a sudden?
And we've seen that happen
with him more than once,
on more than one occasion.
and we find out what has been
happening with Magneto,
that he wasn't killed.
And Sinister has been, you know,
Bastion has been doing the
mind screw on him.
That was some crazy mess at
the end of the episode
where he's shaving him and
talking to him.
I'm like, yo.
That's some put the lotion
on the skin or I guess the
hose again shit right there, man.
I was like, okay.
flag on a plane.
That's something.
Dude, that shit was so awkward.
But it worked.
It did.
It really lined who his
character was and how his
head really worked.
And then Magneto came back and said, hey,
you can join me in both
Sunspot and Rogue Do.
You know, they do.
And that was also stemming from, uh,
you know, sunspots old mother, you know,
willing to sell him out.
And, uh,
She pushed him under a bus
so fast it wasn't funny.
Oh, my God.
Just go with them.
I'd have burned everybody.
But you know what it did was
it really helped him come
out of his shell and
realize his true potential as well.
So, yeah, it's fucked up,
but he learned that he
could fly and he could burn
you with a thousand suns.
He knew he could fly before that.
He just wasn't using his powers.
He was trying not to because
his family wanted him to hide it.
But not only did they want him to hide it,
but she readily gave him over to,
was going to give him over
to the Friends of Humanity,
not the Friends of Humanity,
the Prime Sentinels.
Prime Sentinels.
Just like, hey, just go with them.
Do this and do this.
And he was like, mother, what?
And she was like, no.
She really shrugged that
shit off like it was nothing.
I'll make another child.
He's not feeling too
inclined with the regular humans.
You know what's funny is
that one of the parents had
to carry the etched gene in
order for him to be born a mutant.
So if they were to have another child
Is a high probability of
that child also being born a mutant?
I believe he does have a
younger sibling in the
comics and no mutant.
I mean,
it is... Do they consider it a
recessive gene in the comic?
I can't remember.
some bloodlines carry it strong.
Like the summer's bloodline
carries it strong.
Others is just,
they can be the start of
that bloodline of the X gene popping up.
That was just it.
They didn't,
they were saying that some
families you could track it and others,
they were just the true X factor.
Um, how, what was that?
That really shitty X-Men ripoff movie.
They gave us magic in it the first time.
But it had the Native American girl in it.
Are you talking about the... New Mutants?
Yeah, New Mutants.
The Native American girl.
I think hers is because she was chosen.
I think it's how it worked
within their culture.
That chose the person.
Kind of, yeah.
I think it's how it works for them.
Because it was weird the way
they laid it out.
It was a horrible movie.
They did Sunspot dirty.
Well, they did them all dirty.
They did them all dirty.
All of them was dirty.
But, yeah.
So, I mean,
there's different things out there.
But I know within that one culture,
it was like they felt like
you were chosen by whatever
it was to become that person.
That was their way of
explaining the X gene in her tribe.
That was their way of
explaining it because they
didn't have any other way
of explaining it.
That's why it came through.
Going back to 97,
they actually go to Muir Island.
We see them go to Muir Island.
And they're making plans, you know,
to split the team.
You know,
one to go after Magneto and the
others to go after Bastion.
Can we figure out why
Wolverine is always chosen
for gold team and to go
after Magneto in every single timeline?
Well, because they figured that they're
They figured that his
ferocity might help win the
day or any of this stuff.
I mean, it did to some degree,
but he also paid for it
once again with his Animadium skeleton.
And it is brutal to watch
every single time.
No matter in comic book form or animated.
It is brutal.
But I got a feeling season
two is going to fit some stuff.
I don't know.
We'll look at season two
when we get toward the end.
We got to see how season two comes out.
Because I got some ideas on
season two as well.
You know what?
And I'm going to say this
just like in the comic books.
Wolverine absolutely deserved it.
Oh, fuck yeah.
Magneto had basically put
his stuff on pause and he
stabs him through.
whether or not Magneto should have died,
we can get into that.
But all of a sudden, he's like, yeah,
he just tried to kill me.
When he was talking to Professor X,
he was like, he just tried to kill me.
Yeah, and did.
And for him to yank it,
that was the most satisfying moment
shot in this whole deal one
because it was coming if
you were familiar with this
storyline that they were in
the last three episodes you
knew that shit was coming
we just didn't know how
brutally they were going to
show it yeah in the in the
in the tv series yeah and
by damn it is every time to
watch it it's it's unique
experience to see whether
you're reading it
Or you're watching it.
I know people.
That straight up was upset.
And sad.
And they were like.
Oh my god Wolverine.
Like he said.
It doesn't take away.
The skeleton didn't really
take anything away from him.
He still has the ability to heal.
He's still Wolverine.
Only now he doesn't weigh 400 pounds.
When he ripped out.
When Magneto, even in the comics,
when he ripped out that adamantium,
it fucked up his healing
factor so much that it was
never the same again.
That's how we got old man Logan later, too,
because of this.
we got old man Logan because he
survived every fucking
thing that was out there.
And I think at the time, at old man Logan,
he was, what, 300, 400?
He was old.
Not quite then because, you know,
some of the X-Men were still around.
But when you sit up there
and you look at it, he... When, you know,
in the comic books, after...
which McCullough pulls out
his adamantium and all this stuff.
He's in a coma.
You know, he's sleeping.
He's doing all this stuff
like it was in the TV series.
But then he kind of
disappears for a while.
You know,
he does this whole thing and his
bone claws come out.
And we're like, oh, my God,
he really does have bone claws.
Yeah, he had them like in his origins.
He had those.
Well, the origins, remember,
the origins came much later.
Comic book origins, my bad.
Let me rephrase what I'm saying.
Comic book origins came
later after that showed him
what bone claws came after
he had his adamantium ripped out.
So, you know, and it just made sense.
But that whole deal,
it leads me to something else.
After, you know, they go up there and they
They basically put down
Magneto and all this stuff.
Xavier kind of goes in there
and he's doing the Vulcan
mind mill to him.
And Wolverine, they're trying to save him.
You know, they stabilize him.
Morph says something to him
as they're all going.
And he kind of fights.
He's like, but he's like,
I know she can't say it for you,
but she can't say it
because she's not here.
And then he turns into Gene and he goes,
I love you too, Morgan.
You know, Logan.
And he's kind of like, any of this stuff.
Dave actually said that that
was kind of more professing
his love for Wolverine, too.
I did see that.
Morph wasn't really... Morph
is one of those characters.
He's not very well used
within the comic book world.
The way he should be.
I mean, he is.
But some of the stuff he was
used for was spying.
I think he went years and
years on a mission one time.
Just feeding the X-Men intel
off of something else.
that was after because when he first
got his start and all that stuff,
you know,
with the age of apocalypse and all that,
when he came back,
he was with the exiles and
going back and forth and doing that.
They didn't kind of know
what to do with him.
So he was that kind of
throwaway guy who was never
fleshed out or any of that stuff.
We kind of get to see during
this whole season,
the first half of the season,
You know, when he's talking about Sinister,
we kind of get to see his
real face and how he really looks,
you know.
But, you know,
there's a thing also that
Morph doesn't ever wear clothes.
He just morphs his body to
look like he's wearing clothes.
I've seen that before.
But there was that.
It's no different from Mystique.
they say Mystique does it too at times.
You know, Mystique is weird.
Well, yeah.
And I think that that's why
they kind of limited both
Morph in the comics and in, you know,
because we already had Mystique.
He basically does the same thing,
except for they show that
he has some of the powers
of the people that he morphs into.
He does have that ability.
Which means he could
potentially be an Omega level mute.
If he was ever done correctly, yeah.
He says that and I think
that's going to cause
problems in the future
because all Wolverine is going to see is,
Jean said she loves me.
We'll see how that one
fleshes out in season two
because I got a feeling
that one may come back.
It will.
But you know,
The other half of the team went to Bastion,
and that got disastrous really,
really quick.
It did.
And some of the stuff that
happened in that episode really was like,
what is going on right now?
Why are they doing it this way?
I mean, I could wrap my head around it,
but it was like,
why are they doing it this way, though?
They really wanted to show
the totality of it in a way
to bring back the Phoenix.
That was the last of it, too.
Because that's the only way that they...
fucking helped uh
overpowered bastion and
stopped him was uh jada
gray turned into uh yeah
I'm not calling her jean
gray she's jada gray she's
jada gray from now on but
she became the white
phoenix which was the last
of the phoenix force she
became white phoenix was it
white phoenix or was she
just a regular phoenix okay and um
It might have been White Phoenix.
I could have sworn I heard
some mention of the White
Phoenix because that was
what was left of the
Phoenix Force after it was finally done.
We'll see because she
becomes the Phoenix later on again.
I know.
That's why I'm just like... Yeah,
that's why there was some
stuff that played out in
that episode where I was just like...
this like okay let's just
roll with it and see where
they're going with it well
the phoenix is the you know
their deus ex machina so
that that's how they beat
bastion and they shut him
down and then it becomes
all about you know uh you
know the whole tolerances
is uh extinction thing um
that whole thing plays in.
And after they stopped that, I mean,
they stopped the prime
signals and you see
everybody fighting against
the prime signals.
That's where we have the, you know,
cameos of the black Panther.
And yeah, so let's, let's, we can,
we can hit some cameos real quick.
And so we had silver server, I'm sorry,
silver samurai,
silver samurai standing on the building,
Captain America, Iron Man, Dr. Strange,
Carol Danvers, a.k.a.
Captain Marvel, as a prom sentinel.
There is a character,
like when you watch it back,
or you can just Google
Carol Danvers prom sentinel,
and it will show that there
was a prom sentinel that
has the same headgear that
Carol Danvers wears as Captain Marvel.
Even though she was in a coma at the time.
And they were saying that's
why that was like one where
I was just like, oh, damn, really?
But we had Black Panther, Daredevil,
Cloak and Dagger.
Which it was cool to see Cloak and Dagger.
I'm not going to lie.
Spider-Man, of course, was pretty cool.
It was good.
I enjoyed it.
Mega Red,
which was one of my favorite
villains from back in the day.
Dark Star, Crimson Dynamo, Psylocke.
Cypher, Alpha Flight,
which is a Canadian group.
Oh, yeah.
North Star, Puck, and Aurora.
Then you get the Children of Magneto,
Quitsilver, Scarlet Witch, and Polaris.
On the boat.
Then Peter Parker, Mary Jane, and Flash.
We get Apocalypse and Mother Ascani,
which those were the big, big ones.
and yeah after the the time
jump yep and we're gonna
touch on apocalypse before
we close out for the night
because he's gonna be the
season two front runner I
think as far as a villain
goes right and one of his
uh horsemen of the
apocalypse is remy so I
think that's how they bring gabbit back
I know the foreshadowing is there.
It's there.
Hold on.
This is where I contradict
and I'm going to say this.
The foreshadowing is there
for Remy to be death.
Remember in the comics,
Wolverine was death before Remy was.
And also,
how did Wolverine get his
Adamantium skeleton back?
Apocalypse pulled it out of
himself and put it into him.
He didn't pull it out of himself.
He had the Adamantium there,
and he was going to choose
between Sabretooth and Wolverine,
and he made him fight for it,
and Wolverine won.
Yeah, that's right,
because I misread the story then.
The way they made it sound
is that Apocalypse pulled
it from himself and gave to
him after he defeated Sabretooth.
Is the way they made it out
to be when I was reading
the Easter eggs and
potential stuff for season two.
We'll see how that one turns out.
I think it could be either way.
I'd be happy either way.
I could be either way and
Yeah, but.
As all the Prime Sentinels
are going and they turn off the humans,
you know,
the human councils and other world,
they enact the Magneto Protocols,
which was cool.
Yes, that was.
So that's in my Easter eggs
that I have on here, too.
And that was it was just I'm
glad you brought it up
because I didn't put a lot
of notes to it because like
you mentioned Magneto
Protocols in your mind start swirling.
The fact that Charles Xavier
made the Magneto protocols
with President Kelly just
in case Magneto did what he did.
And Asteroid M,
which I love seeing Asteroid M there,
which is kind of like
Magneto's palace in the sky, basically.
But I thought it was cool
because it had his power
levels from his trading card, basically.
Then it had his previous
names or names he may go by,
which were the names of the
actors and the voice actors
who have played him,
which was a cool little
Easter egg to toss in there.
And so I was like, man,
that's kind of cool.
And then, you know, seeing, you know,
Magneto has always been one
of those characters where
if you don't fuck with him,
you're not going to have an
issue with him ever.
But the moment you start
pissing on what he cares about,
God save your soul because
he won't do it.
He's the wrong one to fuck
with when it comes to being a mutant and
We're going to do this.
We're going to do that.
His thing after a while was
why he created both
Asteroidium and Genosha was
you don't fuck with us,
we won't fuck with you.
Let us go.
That didn't seem to happen.
Everything that was going on,
they sent out the missiles and
it didn't work the way that
they wanted it to work.
Yeah, no, they were way off on that one.
Instead of blowing it up, it was like, oh,
this shit is falling to the earth.
And it's so big,
it's going to cause an Ellie event.
And yeah, that's it.
So we got to address an
elephant in the room, too.
The blue area of the moon.
I've seen so much bitching
and complaining about this
online and people just not
really understanding.
Maybe I'm using that wrong,
but they're like, well,
how the hell can these
people breathe on the moon?
Well, that's the blue area of the moon.
That is literally the
citadel of the Watcher.
That's an area on the moon
that he created with oxygen on it.
Think of it as like a bubble
over this area.
And it's also where they
fought the Dark Phoenix so
she wouldn't destroy Earth.
So, I mean, there's... Yeah,
it makes no sense.
When we were... Physits
don't apply to X-Men in the MCU.
Let's just address that.
There's no such thing as physits.
I had to press the I believe button,
you know.
They had sunspots.
Okay, first, Jubilee flies out into space.
They weren't even on the moon.
They were in space.
She flies out in space and
Sunspot goes and gets her
and then flies her back
down to the Earth.
Without imploding.
I believe.
Dude, that's all you can do.
People put too much focus on it.
I'm like, dude,
it's a cartoon and it's the
fucking X-Men.
What did y'all expect?
Yeah, that was one of those things that,
OK, we're going to suspend realism.
You people want realism.
We're talking about superheroes.
We're talking about shooting
shit out the hands.
It's fine.
When that shit happens
outside my door and I'm
sitting up here going, okay,
and they adhere to our
rules of nature or any of that stuff,
then I'll stop pressing the
I believe button.
And my good friend Ben Affleck says,
we're talking about fictional characters.
Fictional characters.
now all I can see is that interview
and him go in.
So, yeah, this – Dude,
that's awesome that you
brought that up because
that was a great interview.
I think he walked off on
that interview too.
He might have.
I got that from Jay and
Silent Bob shirts back.
Oh, nothing.
I'm always about to go to
work okay so um uh one of
the things that uh they
they're falling people are
saving each other and scott
was totally about to bite
the bullet and get the rest
of them out of there you know
Wolverine, Magneto, Professor X,
all of them were in the jet.
They were ready to go.
Jada Gray was like, no, you can't.
He says, this is what you were doing.
It's like, well,
we can do this and we can do that.
I was like, okay.
Here we go.
they get Magneto to wake up and
shit happens.
Of course,
Jubilee and Sunspot weren't
there because they were
back on Earth watching everything fall.
And I'm like, all right.
What the hell is going on here?
That was like a whole 10 or
15 minutes or whatever it
was of that episode where
you're just like,
This is total chaos,
and I need it to make sense quickly.
And then all of a sudden,
everything made sense quickly.
It's like, oh, okay,
how do we kind of unfuck a
mess that we made?
Well, of course,
it was Xavier trying to get
Magneto to exude dominance
and basically do what
they're supposed to do.
You can stop this.
You can save us.
You can stop all of this.
He reached them.
That was a very Professor X
Magneto thing to do.
I love that.
I love them showing that part of it.
It really cements their
everlasting friendship no
matter what side of yeah
you know good guy bad guy
they're on they always find
a way at some point or
another to get back into
that middle like area where
they call each other
brother yeah also they
weren't at the the watchers
temple on the moon
That was Apocalypse.
Was it Apocalypse?
because you even see Apocalypse's
face out there where Rogue
and Bastion were fighting.
She knocked him the fuck out, though.
that was the most realistic cartoon
punch I can think of in recent memory.
They were messing each other up.
That was a slugfest,
and I was there for it.
Oh, dude, yeah.
I rewound and watched that twice.
I ain't going to bullshit.
I watched it twice.
It was a good,
it was a great fight and I loved it.
I love seeing, you know,
sunspot come through.
I love seeing how all of it, you know?
Everything comes together
and Magneto wakes up and
they are transported.
I'm not exactly sure what
exactly happened.
It was like somebody reached
in and messed with it.
You know what I'm saying?
There's no way that they
could just end up that far
separated in that many
timelines without there
being some type of outside interference.
Well, in the comics,
this kind of echoes the
thing that happened with
the rebirth of the X-Men.
Which wasn't a great run,
if I remember correctly.
Oh my God, that was a fucking awesome run.
Was it?
I'm thinking of a different run then.
Because remember...
They went into the Sage Perilous.
And that's when everyone
thought that they were dead.
And they actually went into that.
They had the base in the
Australian Outback Gateway was there.
And that's when we first get Jubilee.
Storm kind of dies.
Nanny and the Orphan Maker dies.
They put her body in the
Sage Perilous and she goes
back to the kid,
but that's when you get
Remy because the next time we see her,
however her and Remy find each other,
they're being Batman and Robin type deal.
I'm going to have to go back
and read that one.
I have the Marvel app.
I'm going to have to go back
and read those because I
think it was a 10-issue run or a 12-issue
oh it was longer than that
they were done yeah because
that's when uh Scott that's
when they were doing those
like 20 and 30 issue like
runs of them yeah and it um
remember they um Scott and
them the original uh X-Men were the uh
extinguishers or some shit
like that where they were
supposedly hunting mutants,
but what they were really
doing was helping them out.
That's where we get Skids, Boom Boom,
and Firehands, Rusty, and all those guys.
I'm going to go back and
read that one then.
I remember pieces of it called...
Back in the day,
I didn't get to go to the
comic book shop that often
to like in order to like
put together a complete run.
So I end up with like issue
here and then like issued like seven.
I just never like was never
in the cards for me to collect like that.
That's why I have the Marvel
out so I can go back and read that stuff.
And that's one of the runs I
need to go back and read then.
that's the one with the iconic one of
Wolverine with the X tilted
to the side and he's slayed
out because the marauders got to him.
That was sick with it.
Yeah, I'm sold.
I got to go back and read that one.
That's the whole reason I have the app,
is to go back and read those types of
That's the only thing that I
can think of them trying to do.
And, of course,
them throwing them into the different,
you know,
some of them went into the past.
Cyclops and Jada Gray went to the future.
And, of course,
we don't know where
Wolverine is right now.
I'm telling you, we'll see.
We'll see if my...
My fan theory comes true.
But let's dive into some
more Easter eggs before we
close out for the night, man.
All right, let's roll.
At the end of episode 10,
we have Forge looking at
his new list of X-Men as
he's getting ready to reassemble a team.
That's a throwback to X-Men 141,
which started at the Days
of Future Past movie.
which was pretty cool to see.
And it also proved the
existence of shadow cat, AKA kitty pride.
I used to have that comic.
I owned that comic.
That's a key worth about two
grand right now.
I think.
Days of future past was one
of the greatest, uh,
X-Men story arcs that they ever did.
It's, it's up there.
It's in the top five.
It's in my top five X-Men story arcs.
but uh that was that scene
that that picture you know
that scene right there in
x-men 97 that was great and
it did have they had you
know deceased presumed dead
this this um I did look
back and I can't remember
now what it said about uh jubilee
and I can't remember off the
top of my head but you know
we know jubilee's still
alive but whether or not
she's messing with him
she's with him or any of
that stuff but who else did
you see on that uh that's
that that shot uh colossus
which I was cool to see
because I know he comes in
after that um and I do
appreciate that it was
forge that was doing this
well because forge is
you know,
technically he's one of the last
X-Men because he joined the team.
Colossus is the only one
that I can really like
stands out to me that like
caught my attention.
But Colossus didn't really
come after that.
Colossus was.
I think he was already part of the team,
but he wasn't with the team at the time.
And in days of future.
Angel was there?
And Dazzler was on that as well.
That's what I'm saying.
We'll see.
We'll see.
I'm excited for what they
have planned in the future.
I'll put it like that.
So at the season finale of X-Men 97,
we get Apocalypse in modern day Geonosia.
As he's digging through the rubble,
he finds Gambit's card.
And it ends with him using
that there was so much pain
and so much death there.
Which means the apocalypse
that we see when they go
back in time survives and
becomes the apocalypse of today.
Which was really cool to see, by the way.
I like the way that they...
I'm a fan of Apocalypse, by the way.
He's one of those endearing
villains that you love to
hate and hate to love.
You know what I'm saying?
Given that Apocalypse is
the... Everyone thinks that
Professor X created the
X-Men to combat Magneto.
But it was proven that it
was really because of the
coming of Apocalypse.
I remember reading some of
those earlier episodes of
Apocalypse and just being
in awe of what he did.
He was the man.
Dude, without a doubt.
He was the man.
Apocalypse is the Apocalypse.
So I know we've already
talked about this next one I had written.
It ties back into Apocalypse
and how Gambit attempted to
infiltrate Apocalypse's
organization by
volunteering to become one
of the horsemen.
And he was actually
brainwashed to actually
serve in Apocalypse.
And it looks like season two
of X-Men 97 is going to
lean into that is what they're saying.
But it would be the
resurrected Gambit because
we're getting Gambit back
without a doubt.
I think it's safe to say we're going
to get Gambit back.
But I think it'll be more
the case of when Wolverine became Death.
They weren't, you know,
it was like he had lost who he was,
you know.
He was brainwashed.
He didn't know who he was or
any of that stuff.
It wasn't that he went there
to infiltrate or any of that stuff.
And I think we'll get that with Gambit.
He's called back to life by Apocalypse.
And Apocalypse has basically said, okay,
you're going to leave my
horsemen and this has happened.
It's kind of fuzzy on who he was.
But yeah.
Oh, that reminds me.
Bro, we skipped over a huge cameo.
At Gambit's funeral, his wife, Belladonna,
and his people, and his ex-wife,
because he was part of the Thieves Guild,
they were part of the Assassin Guild,
and all that stuff.
And they were there.
That was huge.
I love that.
I want to go back and watch
that episode again, like his funeral,
because I know there was
some more in there that I
probably overlooked.
Belladonna is one of those ones.
It's just not a name you hear.
Modern day.
We can go back to Golden Era.
She pops up quite a bit.
That was it.
Also seeing a young Nathan
Dayspring in the future was kind of cool.
So I'm looking forward to season two.
I want it here.
I want it now.
I want it.
So I know they have said
that we're getting it
sooner than we think we're
going to get it.
And I think we're going to
get it probably in the
October time frame when
they would normally do new episodes.
episodes of stuff.
that's when we would get normally
get new seasons of stuff.
So I'm excited.
I know the voicing is done.
I know they're polishing the
animation and doing that kind of stuff.
I know there's both the Mayo storyline,
Unless they go back and
decide to change stuff.
I'm hoping that's not the case.
We know that season three
has already been green lit
and we're getting new writers for it.
So it's going to be interesting to see who,
Kevin fate brings in to be
the writer because I know
like he was hesitant to
reboot this and he had like, you know,
we have to have these people and we
have to have this song or
else this shit ain't happening.
And Disney said, okay, cool.
And they went out and got them.
So it would be interesting
to see with him being a
hardcore X-Men guy, Marvel, you know,
who he will bring in for that.
And I'm hoping they reach
out to comic book writers for it and go,
Hey guys, what do y'all think?
Or who would y'all recommend
come in for this?
Cause to me that works better.
I want them to bring back
the guy who did this season.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm with you.
I wish they would bring Bo DeMayo back,
but Bo DeMayo must have did
something horrible for them to just go,
dude, you're out of here.
Before season one,
episode one ever comes out.
Like what was so bad that
they got rid of Bo?
And it's tight lip.
Like they're not even
talking about this shit.
It was just a Twitter, like, oh,
by the way, we fucking fired Bo.
We're like, wait, what?
It comes out tomorrow, and you fired him?
I got the poster up.
It shows Colossus.
That's a huge one.
It wasn't Dazzler.
It was the White Queen.
Havoc and Iceman.
I like Havoc.
He's... Yeah.
And then they have Scarlet Witch,
but it says Offworld.
It says Offworld.
What's going on at the same
time as all this?
I don't know, but that's crazy.
That's crazy.
So Secret Wars is still
taking place behind all the
scenes of this.
Or it should be, I thought.
cause that was going on at the same
time as, um,
the infinity war was the
secret wars was happening behind it.
Cause that's why we always
did it within the comic book.
We didn't see certain people for a while,
but then they would pop up
in the secret wars comic books,
but not in the infinities like gauntlet,
like comic books.
Are you talking about the
newest Infinity Gauntlet
stuff or the stuff from the past?
The newest stuff.
I need to go back and read
the older stuff.
I haven't kept up on the new
Secret Wars that they have.
I've got to read those.
I actually do.
I kind of hate it because of
this whole God Emperor Doom bullshit.
But I can see where that happens, you know,
because in the original Secret Wars,
he did his thing.
So I'm not sure whether or not any of that,
how that timeline works in
the comic books.
I don't think they really do
because it's so like there
were certain people that
disappeared and just never
reappeared again.
And it's just because they
fucking forgot they were there.
Like it was a hot mess for a hot while.
yeah I'm not sure I'll uh
I'll tell you what I'll
read those and I'm gonna
sit down and reread them as
well rehash it but it shows
angel on here archangel on
here as well which version
of archangel it's the blue
it's blue blonde hair so
he's actual archangel okay um
And, you know,
they do say missing presumed
dead on some of them cables.
I know the final form of
Bastion is a rip off of the
Archangel final form.
It's a throwback to what it looked like,
but I'm not sure if it was
actually meant to be a
ripoff or any of that stuff.
Ripoff was the wrong word.
It was a callback and a homage,
I want to say, rather.
Here's something, too, though.
They introduced the
techno-organic virus in this, right?
Who else might we get with
the techno-organic virus?
A true being of it.
I'm just sure.
From Cable's storyline, right?
Oh, no.
Oh, shit.
All of Warlock's people are
techno-organic beings.
No, you're right.
Dang, dude,
if we get that in season two as well,
season two and three has so
much potential.
So much potential.
So much potential.
But I think that even though
they saved the world,
I think what forged in them,
that they've really got to
be quiet about what they're doing.
And of course, you know, Bishop came back.
Like, hey,
I know what you're doing and
this and this.
And they're going on,
but they're going to have
to get in contact.
We don't know what Jubilee's doing,
what Sunspot's doing,
or any of that stuff.
It's going to be interesting, though,
when they open Season 2,
what has Bishop shared with
Forge from the future?
Or did Bishop make it to the future?
Maybe he accidentally went
backwards when they went
through the time jump.
Who knows?
So it's going to be interesting.
Yeah, I'm here for it.
I'm stoked that we're
getting at least two new seasons of this.
And I'm here.
I'm like, I look forward to, you know,
whatever, three,
four or five months from now.
Sitting back down with everybody and like,
dude, season two, man.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Whenever it is, you know, I mean,
we'll be back to talk about it.
But with that, man,
final shots and thoughts, bro.
What you got?
I see you broke out the
Comic Wars t-shirt.
I like it.
I would like to say that I
did this just for this episode.
No, I like it.
I wear my Comic Wars all the time.
That's one of those where
I'm sitting here looking at it like, man,
I got to get me one of them.
Final shots, parting shots.
All of the season was truly amazing.
This shows the shit at
Marvel with the MCU side of it.
We're not talking about the Sony crap.
We do not speak of that.
But Sony, not Sony, Marvel, Disney,
They basically came out and said,
we can do this shit and we
can do this shit right.
This is exactly a show.
And am I saying that it was perfect?
By all means, it was not perfect.
There's some gaps.
There's some stuff that we like different.
But it hit us in the feels
and it elated us.
And it never stopped hitting
us in the feels either.
No, no.
From episode one to episode 10,
it 100% gave us everything
that we wanted and more.
If you wanted fan service,
you got fan service.
If you thought you weren't
going to see a cameo, boom,
there's the cameo for you.
And don't get too attached
to anybody because they can
get murked too.
And we've seen it hundreds
of times throughout the comic books of
people come in and go in and
all of a sudden there's a
funeral scene like well how
in the fuck did they die
and that's exactly what
happened and I'm here for
it we could get that at the
opening of season two uh we
can we can oh season two
was going to be full on oh
dude what what I don't
think a lot of people
recognize was this series
happened over a span of years
This season happened over a span.
Season one happened over a
span of a couple years.
It wasn't just boom, boom, boom, boom,
boom, and everything happened.
But, you know, time progressed.
Time went on.
But I am so ready for season two.
Dude, without a doubt.
Hell yeah.
Without a doubt.
So let's do this, Rob.
It's 10-23.
All right.
What does Rob got coming up next?
Where's Rob heading to?
I know you're heading out of town again.
That's why we're live on a
Thursday night before a four-day weekend,
which is cool.
I love opening up a four-day
weekend with the show.
This is everything.
I'm actually chilling this weekend.
Just got back last week on
up until this week.
We were in Memphis in May.
What was you doing in Memphis?
We were judging barbecue.
We actually got to judge
Memphis in May this year,
which was pretty awesome.
Those pictures look like
y'all were having a blast, man.
I'm telling you.
I actually got to do on-site judging.
So we went to each, you know,
I did three teams for each one,
both ribs and whole hog.
I got whole hog and we got
to see them do an onsite presentation.
You know, they tell us about their smoker,
their hog,
what kind of seasoning rub they use,
this whole deal.
They sell us on everything.
It's a whole story and a pageant.
Dude, I love it.
It is awesome.
And I'm telling you right now,
for anybody listening to this later,
if you've never been to
Memphis and ate barbecue and soul food,
You're missing out on life
and you need to make at
least one trip out to Memphis, Tennessee,
not Arkansas.
There we go.
And eat barbecue and eat soul food.
Go to the pyramid and enjoy it.
And also the National Civil
Rights Museum is there.
It is right down the road
from the pyramid.
There's so many cool things that is there,
but we, by the way,
the pyramid is now a Bass
Pro shop for anybody wandering out there.
It is.
Bass Pro.
Yeah, it was, it was pretty awesome.
Um, we're kind of in a, uh,
for my competition stuff,
we're kind of in the, uh, hole, you know,
it gets too hot during the summers,
but we're on the off season
and all I'm doing now is just practicing,
getting ready for the, uh,
second half which will begin
uh in sylvester georgia
late august okay I will go
right now I'm tied for they
got me in the 11th but I'm
tied for 10th it's like
10th 11th I think 12th uh
but tied for uh 10th in the
state of georgia 11th in
the state of georgia uh my
first year competition so
I'm hoping to break into the
top 10 and finish strong this year.
So when are we going to see
some Rob barbecue and Rob
seasonings hit the shelves
at our local supermarkets, man?
so many people right now have sauces
and have seasonings on the
shelf and you can buy them.
And it's really cool to see
people that we knew from our past
doing big things like that.
When's Rob going to get that?
That's my question.
I will tell you this.
I know you just took first
in sauce in the last competition.
The last competition we did,
we did a sauce and one of
our sauces took first place in sauce.
I have an award winning sauce.
We have award winning rubs that seasoning,
the rubs that we put on there.
We have a whole
A couple different sauces.
Just stay tuned.
No, I'm here for it, dude.
I'm telling you.
There's one thing I live for,
and that's good barbecue.
I haven't been told yet that
I've got bad barbecue.
There we go.
If anybody out there is listening,
those people who make sauces and rubs,
hit up Rob and get it on the shelf.
What are y'all waiting on?
But with that, Rob, man, hey,
appreciate you coming on.
I know we're all busy doing things.
You're a backbone and a key player here,
And I can't thank you enough.
With that,
I want to thank everybody for
tuning in tonight.
I know there was a handful of you.
I appreciate it.
So everybody who's going to
be listening later.
You have no idea how much we
appreciate y'all tuning in and listening.
Stay tuned.
We may be going... It depends.
We've done three shows this fucking month,
which is crazy to think about,
but there's a lot of good
shit happening in the month of May.
And here we are toward the end of May,
and this is show number three.
We've done Star Wars.
We've done... Fuck, what else did we do?
I can't remember.
We've done a lot of stuff this month.
Oh, yeah.
Depending on what June brings,
I don't know if we'll be
doing another show like
this or if we'll just be on
here talking just basic
nerd news next month a couple of times.
We're still looking for interviews,
so stay tuned for some of those.
A big thanks to Mac and
Kelvin and the whole crew at DFPN.
As always, we want your feedback,
so tell us if you enjoyed it.
And don't forget to hit that like,
subscribe and share button.
Stay tuned for more.
And with that, ladies and gentlemen,
this podcast is USDN approved.