Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Friday the 26th July 2024.

A joint report from the Local Government Association and the County Councils Network has found that educational attainment among children with special education needs and disabilities has not improved since reforms were made in 2014.
A decade on from those reforms, it has been discovered that council spending on SEND services has increased – with projections putting it at £12 billion by 2026. Another consequence is that the system is now at breaking point, with organisations moving responsibility among themselves, whilst also creating adverse relationships between parents and local authorities.
The report has outlined that, now there is a new government in place, further reform should be made to improve capacity, create inclusion and offer further funding support.

London Councils has called for a new approach to homelessness, following a report from the National Audit Office.
The report explored the effectiveness of government in tackling homelessness, with the main findings being that homelessness is now at its highest level since comparable data collection began in the early 2000s, whilst a shortage of available homes is making it even more expensive for local authorities to house people in temporary accommodation.
Councillor Grace Williams, London Councils’ Executive Member for Housing and Regeneration said: Better coordination across government departments, greater housing security, sufficient funding for councils, and more investment in building affordable homes are key to turning the situation around.

“London boroughs are determined to work with the new government and the Mayor of London in tackling this crisis – there is not a moment to waste.”

The Department Science, Innovation and Technology has committed funding to a number of new research hubs, which will help to deliver on its goals of economic growth and rebuilding Britain.
Hubs in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Birmingham, London, and Oxford will research quantum technology that can deliver improvements across healthcare, cyber security and navigation.
These innovations will aim to improve people’s lives through better diagnosis, transport improvements, and a UK-wide ‘quantum internet’ to drive cyber security for people and businesses around the country. This will be done through £100 million of funding.

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