
All aboard the Calamity express! Stopping for no one other than the divine acolyte himself.

Show Notes

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Episode Cast
Sarah Ruth Thomas as Calamity Jane
Nathan Sager as Lieutenant Elick Townsend
Gianni Matragrano as Sheriff Boyd 
Katabelle Ansari as Faith Johnson
Enzo Fortuny as Dante Cortez
Josh Musser as Lightfoot
Andrew Gomez as Nomad 1   
Jordan Kalina as Nomad 2

Written, Directed & Produced by Jules Siege
Casting by Sandra Kyuumei
Sound Design by James Findlater
Calamity Main Theme is composed by Kevin MacLeod
Art Direction by Jocelyn Combe 
Special Thanks to Den Valdron

Music is provided by Storyblocks unless otherwise noted.

Not the Usual Train by Bzur SBA-300514518
Down to the Wire by Humans Win SBA-300472388
Calamity Main Theme Variation 3 by Kevin Macleod
Ambush by James Gaither SBA-346463166

What is Calamity?

Calamity Jane guides a theatre troupe across hostile lands while fleeing the ghosts of her past. (Western/Full-cast audio drama)


Sound: Steam train in motion.

JANE (V.O.): Last call to Rapid City. Would you believe me if I told you it was my first time?

SHERIFF (V.O.): Wild Bill was a regular in that area.

JANE (V.O.): That's long before I joined him...for me, Rapid City would be a place of firsts.

FAITH: Sit, I'm supposed to be anxious not you.

JANE: Why you? Hometown hero returning as a star performer. I'd say you'd give the great Calamity a run for her money.

FAITH: If only. I wonder how many would even remember me.

JANE: You ain't one to be forgotten, Faith. Come here.

ELICK: Didn't mean to interrupt, ladies. Seems we're all square.

JANE: How's our secret service friends?

ELICK: They sent a telegram for a burial crew at Yankton. Now they're keeping to themselves.

FAITH: I'm sorry for your loss, lieutenant.

ELICK: Thank you kindly, Faith. Though not as sorry as the scumbags that did this will be.

JANE: Hey, eyes on the objective Lieutenant.

ELICK: Right.

FAITH: Either of you wish to fill me in?

ELICK: Ain't my call, Ms. Johnson.

JANE: Trust me, Faith. You don't want to know.

FAITH (frustrated): This is what I'm talking about. In a few days ride you'll meet my parents. Least you can do is be honest about what I'm bringing to their doorstep.

ELICK: She does have a point.

JANE (exasperated): Fine...Dante's in a bit of trouble. Coin-wise. Those two agents are on his tail about counterfeit money from last show. They were about to lock him up when the lieutenant here stepped in.

ELICK: I vouched for him. Said this theatre troupe is just doing good business, headed to resupply Ft. Pierre.

FAITH: You lied to the secret service?

ELICK: Forgive me, but I thought hanging with Janie here would open your eyes. Sometimes world ain't so black & white.

FAITH: It's not the fact that you lied which concerns me, it's why you did it. From where I'm sitting you have nothing to gain by saving our boss.

JANE: Yeah...about that.

FAITH: What did you agree to?

SHERIFF (V.O): I'd bet a dollar you didn't tell her the truth. Not about the Captain, Lieutenant or Keema.

JANE (V.O):'d be a dollar short.

JANE Faith, wait up!

JANE: Please, I can explain.

FAITH: I don't believe you. I thought you were done with all the fighting. You told me war was hell, why would you wanna go back?

JANE: I don't have a choice. If we don't locate that horse and get those war plans to general Miles, more innocent soldiers will die.

FAITH: No one on that battlefield's innocent, Jane. Isn't that what you said?

JANE: This ain't up for discussion.

FAITH: I helped you put the pieces together. After Little Big Horn, after Bill...

FAITH (CONT'D): Don't you remember? You wouldn't eat, sleep or say anything for days Jane! I still don't know what in heaven put you in that state. Now you want to charge back in there like nothing happened?

JANE: I...I know you're nervous about coming home, darling.

FAITH: This is about you not coming home, Jane. Don't you get that?

JANE: I know what's at stake.

FAITH: I don't think you do. If you follow this trail of madness you'll end up like that Captain of yours.

JANE: He ain't dead.

Sound: Train crash.

Sound: Steam hiss.

JANE (CONT'D): Faith? (coughs) You alright?

FAITH: I'm fine...what happened?

DANTE: Was about to ask the same question. Calamity, don't tell me I got more delays.

JANE: I dunno what to tell you, boss. Hang tight.

ELICK: You see that?

JANE: I ain't seeing nothing.

ELICK: The brakes are smoking. I'll check the engine. You flank around the otherside.

JANE: Got it.

Sound: Jane cocks her revolver.


JANE (CONT'D): Hello? Conductor?

JANE (CONT'D) You hurt? Talk to me.

JANE (V.O.): The locomotive was empty. No conductor in sight.

SHERIFF (V.O.): Any chance the conductor went to check on the train?

JANE (V.O.): That's just it, Sheriff. No one saw him again. Elick and I searched the whole engine car and...

ELICK: What the hell's that?

JANE: What?

ELICK: Out there, on the tracks.

JANE (V.O.): Well, let's just say there's a reason I don't like surprises.

JANE (V.O.): There was a dead cow on the tracks. Large carcass, fresh kill.

SHERIFF (V.O.): Someone put it there.

JANE (V.O.): You're getting the hang of this crime solving stuff.

ELICK: I'll grab some guys, we'll move it off the tracks.

JANE: But how'd it get here? Lone cow in the middle of the desert.

ELICK (sarcastic): You try asking it?

JANE: I'd rather ask the conductor. Wherever he is.

DANTE: You kidding me?

JANE: Relax, it's just a cow.

DANTE: Okay, boys! Let's get this off the tracks.

FAITH: Where's the conductor and train crew?

ELICK: We didn't see em either.

DANTE: One problem at a time.

JANE: Something ain't right.

Sound: Warcry & gunshots echo across the desert.

JANE (V.O.): It was an ambush. About 20 armed fighters charged over the hill and took our train by surprise.

SHERIFF (V.O.): Sioux warriors?

JANE (V.O.): I wish. Sioux would've saved us the sermon.

JANE: Move! defend the train.

ELICK: You heard the lady, let's go!

JANE: Faith...

FAITH (determined): I ain't running.

JANE: You have to. Follow me around back, we'll grab a horse and get you on your way.

FAITH: We're in the middle of nowhere, I'm not abandoning you.

JANE: I know. That cow though, it's fresh...too fresh. If there's a farm round here then a town's nearby.

Sound: Jane shoots another enemy then hears the dreaded click of her pistol.

ELICK: I got you, move!

JANE (to faith): Come on, now! Almost there.

JANE (V.O.): I reached the animal cart and let the horses loose.

Sounds: Plank is lifted, horses protest in fear then scramble as Jane frees them.

FAITH (relieved): did find him.

JANE: We don't got much time, get on.

FAITH: (pleads) Come with me.

JANE: I gotta stay and watch the lieutenant's back.

FAITH: Jane...

JANE: Go! Please darling, I'll be fine. Just get us some help. I'm counting on you.

FAITH: Hang tight then.

Sound: Faith rides away.

SHERIFF (V.O.): You just let her go?

JANE (V.O.): What choice did I have? We were outnumbered and losing.

DANTE: Hold on now, let's be civil about--

Sound: hard whack knocks him out.

JANE: Boss!

JANE (V.O.): One of em knocked Dante out.

SHERIFF (V.O.): You still had your whip.

JANE (V.O.): Damn right I did.

Sound: Jane cracks the bullwhip against the enemy Nomad who dropped Dante.

JANE Come on, who's next?

ELICK (warning) Jane...

JANE (V.O.): The other had a gun to Elick's head.

Sound: The hammer of a revolver clicks back in warning.

ELICK: ...I think his gun's loaded.

LIGHTFOOT: Lay down your bullwhip, craven. It's over.

JANE: Take it easy there...partner. Let's not do anything stupid.

Sounds: cheers of victory.

LIGHTFOOT: Celebrate, siblings! For we have stopped this reign of terror on the land.

JANE: Elick! You alright?

ELICK (pained): Who the hell are they?

JANE: Nomads. Don't worry their grudge ain't with us.

LIGHTFOOT: You're sure about that? Riding through our lands, dirtying our air and nature's beauty with your metal monster. We can't let that pass.

SHERIFF (V.O.): I've heard about the Nomads. Group of rebels living in the desert. Believe any coal-powered invention is destroying the world.

JANE (V.O.): They believed in this Lightfoot I'll tell you that much. He ordered the rest of them to round up the passengers.

DANTE: Please, I beg you to spare us. We entertain the people, that's it.

LIGHTFOOT: I saw your stage-cars loaded with helpless animals. You think they're entertained being shuttled across the land?

DANTE: We treat them well.

LIGHTFOOT: Nature will treat them better.

LIGHTFOOT (To his crew): Release the animals! Let them return to what's familiar.

Sounds: Lions, chickens, various animals running away.

DANTE: No!!!!! I am never going to financially recover from this.

JANE: Big words coming from a man leaving dead cows on the railway.

LIGHTFOOT: You there!

JANE (amused): What, don't like the truth?

LIGHTFOOT: Bring her to me!

JANE: Get offa me!

ELICK Hey, leave her out of--

Sound: Elick is hit with a shotgun.

LIGHTFOOT: I saw you. You freed the horses during battle.

JANE: ...ah, yeah...damn right I did.

LIGHTFOOT: You were protecting life.

JANE: It's my job.

LIGHTFOOT: Indeed it is all of our jobs. (to henchmen) Untie her, immediately!

JANE (confused): Thanks...

LIGHTFOOT: The name's Lightfoot. Leader of the Nomads and very pleased to meet you, miss?

JANE: Ah, Jane. Calamity Jane.

LIGHTFOOT: Well, Jane...Calamity Jane. You're free to go.

JANE: What about my friends?

LIGHTFOOT: They will be sacrificed for their crimes against the bounty of our beautiful goddess.

JANE: Hold up, pal!

Sound: The nomads beside lightfoot cock their pistols.

NOMAD #1 (menacing): What did you just say?

NOMAD #2 (disdain): Our great leader doesn't take orders from the likes of cravens.

LIGHTFOOT: It's okay friends, let her speak.

Sound: The weapons are holstered.

JANE: Thank you...Lightfoot. Look, my friends here, they ain't building the trains or the rails.

JANE (CONT'D): We ain't meaning to offend your goddess, we just need to get to Rapid City.

LIGHTFOOT: Your friends chose to ride this monstrosity that sends dark clouds into our air. Do you know how much blood was spilt building these railroads?

JANE: You'd be spilling a lot more if you cut us down here and now.

LIGHTFOOT: An eye-for-an-eye. That is the goddess's wish and I am her acolyte.

JANE: Well, I'm not sure how to explain this to your goddess, but you see those boys over there?

JANE (CONT'D): They're secret service. If uncle Sam doesn't find them, he'll send the whole cavalry after you & your friends here.

LIGHTFOOT: Interesting...and how do you know of this?

JANE: I used to be that cavalry.


JANE: Me. The Lieutenant over there. And a whole lot of us with more guns than you ever seen.

NOMAD #1: Lightfoot, don't listen to these cravens. They will defile our lands again.

NOMAD #2: Agreed. But I'm sorry Lightfoot, I ain't fighting no calvary.

NOMAD #1 (angry): Then you dishonor the goddess.

LIGHTFOOT: Enough. I am tired of your petty squabbling!

NOMAD #1: Forgive me...great Lightfoot.

NOMAD #2: Apologies...

LIGHTFOOT: Very well, bring the carriages.

JANE: Hang on, where you taking them?

LIGHTFOOT: The inner sanctum of the wilderness goddess, Artemis. She will decide what to do with you cravens.