Made to Pray Podcast

Welcome back to the Made to Pray podcast.  This is Part Two - where we just pick right back up with prayer with our special guests, Sheryl Jones and Sylvia Gibson.  Karrilee, Sheryl, and Sylvia have decades of history praying together and much of what they have prayed for is thir kids and grandkids!  Lean in, Listen, and Pray along with us - for yourself, for kids/grands, nieces and nephews, etc.!

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Be blessed!
~Karrilee & Lori~
Co-Hosts of Made to Pray Podcast

What is Made to Pray Podcast?

Co-Hosts Karrilee & Lori believe that all of us are made to pray! They are both passionate about prayer and believe it is a lifestyle & it should be our first response, not our last resort! In this podcast, they will talk about prayer, and then they'll actually pray! Sometimes it will be just the two of them, but sometimes they will invite a special guest to the podcast to share a teaching or testimony as well as to join in with them in prayer! So whether you are passionate about prayer already - or just curious... we invite you to come along with us on this journey of prayer!


Hey, friends. Welcome to the Made to Pray podcast. Where we believe you and I were made to pray. Hey friends. Welcome back to the Made to Pray podcast.


I'm your co host, Karrilee . And as I promised last week, we are right back in the same atmosphere that we left last week with, with Cheryl Jones and Sylvia Gibson. And as we were praying last week, I just felt towards the end that we needed to pray. We're all mothers and grandmothers, and a lot of our prayer history is praying for our kids and our grandkids. And, this is just this world this world is is the world's way.


And we know that, as prayers, that is often what is heavy on our heart is our family things. And so as we were praying, I felt like we we we needed to cover that, but that's a whole thing on its own. So


We could talk for a while, but listen, what we need is prayer. So we're just gonna dive right in and we're gonna pray, and we hope you join us. Holy Spirit, as always, we just come to you with thanksgiving. We're so grateful to meet with us. That whatever is heavy on our heart is heavy on yours.


Mhmm. But you don't carry a burden because you have all the answers testimony and experience that we can trust you even if and even when it's not looking like it in this realm. Lord, we have time and time again handed you our spouses, our children, our grandchildren, and we just trust that your nail scarred hands can hold them and can lead them and guide them and can heal them and can do exactly what you want to do in them and through them. And so we come to you today as moms and grandmas, and we ask, holy spirit, that you would partner with us in prayer as we cover our kids and our grandkids. Thank you.


Thank you, Jesus.


Thank you, Lord. Thank you.


Thank you, Lord.


I just wanna come against the spirit of self self harm. Yes. I've I've had experiences where I've prayed over kids that were cutting themselves. They go through a hard time. They listen to the wrong voices.


Lord, we ask that those voices be cut off. We ask that, father god, that, their identity in Christ will be loosed, That they will believe that they are beautifully and wonderfully made. And Lord, you say find those things that are not in heaven. Mhmm. So self harm is not in heaven.


Yes. That, that there's no identity problem in heaven. We we here on earth lose the identity, though, like what you said, that that you've already written a book of life for them. You've already written. And I pray that, Lord God, their eyes will open, that they will realize that this is an enemy who's wanting them to shed blood on his behalf instead of accepting Christ's blood that changes everything.


So Father God, we're loosing the blood of Christ over them in agreement with their parents right now, who whatever child would come to your mind. It may be a niece, a nephew, it could be anybody in your life. That, Lord God, that the wrong voice will be silenced. Mhmm. We and we will lose the voice of the holy spirit that they will hear that they're beautifully, wonderfully made.


They will hear that God has a plan and purpose for their life. That they were they have been created for more than they can even imagine. So we speak the breath of life over them. We pray that when they see the mutilation they have actually participated in that they will say oh my gosh that's this isn't real. This is not what real life is about And they will become to love themselves.


We we we speak love over them. Father God's heart is for them and so Father God I am thinking that twisted thinking is gone. They will see truth and wrong from right. And that it their lives will come into order. And then, father, their testimonies will just be, loosed because Lord actually so many other people need this testimony.


They need the testimony that God loved my flesh as well as my spirit and my soul. He loved them




he wanted them to prosper and he wanted abundant life and that is exactly what we're losing in this situation. Thank you, Jesus.


Yes, father God. Thank you, lord. And miss Sheri and Karri were both praying. I was just thinking, of, I don't know what this was something, Lord, you just reminded me of of years ago, and it's just such a a perfect illustration of what we wanna pray for today. It's, someone with a woman was given doing a conference.


I don't remember who it was, but you do. And, there was someone that came up to them and said, please please pray for my daughter. She is in a very dangerous situation, and she was just beside herself. And so they began to pray in a group and they began to intercede for this girl. And this is what we're going to do today, Lord.


There are family members out there. There's sons. There's daughters. There's nieces and nephews and others, Lord. That we are and not just in our own immediate family, but, you out there as well.


Others that are in this place and they're desperate, and they really, really need to see something happen in their loved one's life. And so Yes. We are coming together and she they came together and they began to pray and they began to intercede. And a few days later, I don't even know if it was that long. She got a call from her daughter.


And I remember this so well, Lord God. And her daughter says that she was on a couch and she was in this, I don't know if it was a pimp's house or what it was for. She was in a horrible horrible place. And and all of a sudden, she said, mom, she said, mom, I woke up. I woke up.


Jesus. And I said, and I looked around like the prodigal son did when he was in the pig pen. And he looked around, and she looked around and she said, what am I doing here? I have to go home. Jesus.


And she called her mother up and, Lord God, that woman sought that woman at the conference out for I don't know how long so she could give this testimony. Well, father, I really believe it's on our hearts today Yeah. That that might have been a one once in a while thing then, but it's gonna be a big deal now. And you are waking up these young people, father. The god of this this world has blinded their minds to truth.


He has held them hostage, and we're coming together today in agreement, lord, that that those hostages have been ransomed. They have been ransomed by the blood of Jesus Christ. And, lord, we are claiming them. And I have prodigals in my own family, father. And and, you know, we all do.


And, Lord, we're we're claiming them for Jesus that those blind eyes would be opened and they would look around and see where they are and say they need to come home. Yes. And there may be at ones out there right now, lord god, that have no choice about where they are. They're being held hostage literally. Father, we're asking for miracles and signs and wonders to be done for them right now, Lord God.


There are places in this city right here. I couldn't believe how many that are being held hostage. And so father god, we we just believe in you to release them Thank you. And ransom them by your precious blood, Jesus. That they would wake up.


Yes. And maybe even some of the ones that are holding them would wake up in Jesus' mighty name. And father god, we're going to be I really believe I really believe, lord, that we're going to see many prodigals coming home. Many blind eyes being opened. Yeah.


Many hearts being changed for Jesus. Thank you. We believe it, Lord. We we really do. We know this is a moving spirit that you are doing right now, and we are joining in agreement.


I can feel it in our spirit, Lord. Yes. Many testimonies Prodigal's coming home in Jesus mighty name, father. Thank


you. And if


you're out there today and you're discouraged, take this word to heart. Begin to pray. Begin to intercede. And that blind eye those blind eyes are coming open. And and more testimonies are being are going to be heralded.


Yes. To that. To the world around us. She's And this is the generation you are releasing to be the next generation. Raise up to the glory of Jesus Christ.


Thank you.


Thank you, father. Thank you, father. Thank you, Jesus.


So the thank you. There's many prodigals and really what a prodigal is is his the freedom. What he thinks freedom is or she thinks freedom is has become twisted. Yes. It's twisted and what looks like freedom really is a door to




Of just serious serious problems. Yes. And so what we're believing together is we're just gonna speak freedom, true, true freedom. We're talking the very definition of freedom, set free. Because the prodigal, he thought is freedom.


He ran to what he thought was freedom and it turned out to be bondage. So Lord, we we bind the bondage to those in our lives, to those out there that they thought, oh, this is freedom. But it turns out to be the very thing that leads them to poverty and bondage. Mhmm. And we lose freedom.


Amen. The true freedom that will set them free. They will never be the same. The word said when you're set free, you're free indeed. That means it's done.


And so Lord God, we're lit we're we're losing the finished work. We're losing the finished work and also when she was praying, one time I was in my car and I was driving into the city and I kept hearing open, open, open. Well, Lord, there are those in our family that need their spirits to open up to the truth. They need their soul to be healed because it's been covered. It's been wrapped up.


Lord God, we lose their soul. We lose the things that lead them into this open open place where all of a sudden we can see, we can hear, we can know, we can understand. Those are the things we're speaking into existence in their lives. Thank you, Jesus.


Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Father, I lift up the the parents. Mhmm. The moms and the dads of these kids who are believing lies, who are lost, who are thinking they're making their own choices, but it's leading them to sin and death.


Lord God, we ask holy spirit that you would stir up hope and faith in these parents again. That they would not just reserve we just resign themselves to this is the way it is, but that they would feel a call to intercession. Yeah. That they would know that that there's no one that is too far out of your reach, Lord. So we pray father for testimonies of these mamas and these dads that have been woken up in the middle of the night to pray that they will begin to see shifts and changes in their kids, that they will begin to see the children that they love come back to life.


Thank you. Holy Spirit, we're so grateful that your heart is for family, that your heart is for that we are your kids. You love us. You love our kids and our grandkids and our nieces and nephews more than we do. And so, Lord, we can trust you that you are working things out for their good.


We ask that they would get to the end of themselves and realize that they need you.


Thank you, Lord. Thank you.


Lord, break off the scales from their eyes, the hardness around their heart, the independence that causes them to say, I don't need God. Lord, show them in your grace and your mercy that you are there for them anyway and that they do in fact need you. We are created to need you.




And so, holy spirit, we pray that you would come in to their dreams, that you would invade these children's dreams, that that the things that they hope for would begin to shift, That when they have dreams, lord god, that all of a sudden, there would be Jesus in the middle of their dream. And you would begin to peel off the lies that they have covered themselves in, the labels that they have covered themselves in, and that they would find themselves standing bare before you, fully accepted, fully loved, and fully free, like Sherry prayed. Free. Let them experience true freedom and knowing that you are the one who created them with purpose and identity and with love. Yes.


That they are accepted and loved for who they are, but who they are is not what they believed. Lord, so we pray that you would break off the lies and that you would show them their true identity. We thank you, Lord, and we pray for the mamas and the daddies who are beside themselves because they have prayed. They have done all they knew to do. And and like like Sherry prayed last episode that having done all we know we stand.


Yes. And so, lord, we pray that you would put on on our hearts the people who have done all they know and they're standing. Lord, let us be, let us come beside and help hold up their hands. Yes. Let us come beside them and pray with them and watch and see the salvation of the Lord come for their children.




Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.


Lord, you love the children. Yes. We are all children in your eyes and you love each and every one of us and you grieve for the lies that we believe about ourselves.


Thank you.


Each and every one of us. And so, Holy Spirit, we ask that you would sing songs of love over us when we're awake, when we're asleep, that we would catch the sound of heaven, and we would understand


father. I have a testimony that I can't get off my heart that I'd just like to share real quick. Yes. 1 night, I was asleep. I had been asleep for a few hours and my sister called me.


And for whatever reason, she got up to go to the bathroom and she felt she was to check her Facebook. So, in doing that, a man that we both knew, had written some things on there that sounded like he was gonna commit suicide. So we started praying immediately. I love this man, but he didn't know Christ and and, fully. He had limited understanding, but he had not made gave his life over to him completely in any way, shape, or form.


But, anyway, while we were praying, I had a, you know, just a picture come to my mind. And I saw him in his garage, and I saw him trying to take his life by, the garage shut and the car gone. And he yeah. And so we, of course, prayed for intervention intervention and we're praying and the Lord said, I've sent an angel. That's all he he said, I've sent an angel.


So, we my sister and I ended prayer. I turned over and went back to sleep. Now this guy lived close to my house. I I asked the Lord, do you want me to drive up there? He said no.


So, the next day, I call early morning and the the a person called and said the fumes on this man, he was living, The fumes on him and it scared the person badly. Yeah. And and, so I I waited a while to you know, it it's so personal and it's so real. Right? So I waited a while and then finally one day, I asked the man.


And his testimony was that he was really super drunk. He had gotten in fight with a person and then went in, not so much, but kept drinking to kill himself. Right. Basically, in a very, very drunk state, He made a bad choice and he attempted suicide. He remembers being on the ground by the car and that's his last logic.


He was locked in the garage with the vehicle running. When he came to the next day, he was out in the park parking lot in the gravel Yeah. And woke up. Mhmm. And he said, I don't know how I got there.


And he said, honestly, there's I don't know how it what saved me. And I I got the Yes. Well, I do.




And he's looked at me and I said, an angel Lord told me he sent an angel and carried you out. And that's what how you and that's I know that's what happened. Yes. And I know that's how I could turn over and go to sleep with confidence that God had worked. Yes.


Mhmm. Yeah. I mean, I just I thought, Sherry, how could you go back to sleep?




You know? Right.


But I sincerely felt the peace and rest of God and that it he had taken care of it, and he absolutely did. Why I'm saying this is so often we think it's too bad and we go to panic. Right. But we didn't go into panic. We went into Thanksgiving.


Yes. And, God, you sent an angel. You protect we were a 100%. But you know what this did to my faith? Oh, yeah.


And the the guy knows. God saved your life. I could I told him, God has a purpose for your life. You are not worthless. You are not nothing.


You know? His mother had died on an overdose. He had so many of these wounds and sadness and these things, and it tried to bring him down. But I'm telling you, god can use you in in an intercessory way that you cannot understand. But on top of that, fill you with confidence that he is working.


He is able. He's doing it.




not me. Right. He woke me up. Okay. He says Right.


That was my part. Yeah. I woke up. And I you know what? Experience.


And I'm eating. Right. Yeah. And my sister, I mean, he woke her up.




did something she doesn't normally do. Right. I mean, it was supernatural. Yes. Yes.


But we we serve a supernatural God. Thank you too. And and it was exactly like I saw in the spirit. Yes. So we he pinpointed that.


If I didn't see that, I might not have I thought, no. No. He's exactly what you're saying. He's tried to attempt. So god is so faithful.


What I wanna say is, does God do this for everybody? No. He doesn't. If a person Mhmm. I can't go against their will.


Right. Right. And if they purposely don't want to live any this man, that was not the case. Okay? Right.


But when God leads us to partner with him, you guys, there's gonna be amazing results. Yeah. And that testimony Mhmm. Yeah. Can save lives.




I've told that testimony saying, you know, you may feel so God can do anything. He doesn't he will do what it takes. Right. You know, I just feel like, even today as we pray, Lord, there's people that are making decisions out of being manipulated by the enemy. They're not seeing how valuable they truly truly are.


And I, Lord, I pray that that opening, you would open their hearts and their minds. Even some of our, kids, and they can be young where the enemy doesn't want them to succeed, doesn't want them to live past, you know, an age that, you know, that, but they, something so beautifully is, is part of their identity. They have a, you know, we have kids that have historical destinations to fulfill. And I pray, Father God what the enemy means for evil, you will turn it around for good. That no matter what he speaks the fallacy of it will come down, the scales will come from their eyes, they will hear clearly.


Lord, the things that I've seen people with shackles, I've seen them not only around their their feet and their arms, I've seen them sit free. I saw one recently where the shackle was around their neck and it was embedded in their spine. I mean that's how I thought, man, this person is called to greatness. This person is called to something to stand for well, I right now I'm hearing for the nations. And the enemy doesn't want him loose, but I saw God, restoring the spine and taking off the shackles from the arms, the legs.


I saw this person being set free and I said, Lord, no longer. No longer with this person's destiny. This person calling will be stopped by these shackles, by these untruths, by the things the enemy thinks he can well, actually, he tries to manipulate them. It's like throwing them around. They're like rags because they're so bound.


But lord god, I know you have a generation coming up that you want them to walk in such freedom. And lord, what's in them just amazes me. It sets my heart on fire knowing that there's a generation coming up that are going to be so bold for the kingdom of God. It could be your child. It could be your grandchild.


I know some of mine have these amazing my nieces, my nephews, they are so gifted in Christ and they are coming into the revelation of who they are younger and younger. That's what I pray. I pray over every person's, family member that, Lord, doesn't recognize who they are yet. I pray for that open, open, open. And that it would be so strong in their heart.


Things so and the areas that have been bondage to them, that they can't see themselves who they are. You know, even the ones father, I'm gonna speak straight. The ones that they don't even know they who they are because they don't understand their identity. Christ and they are having problems even knowing that they're a boy or a girl Or an animal or a person.




So father god, I pray that the revelation of who they are will be loosed over them. I pray for the lies because the the enemy told me or the father told me that the enemy has been twisting their identities. Yeah. They don't know up from down. And they're listening to the world's message that you can be a cat or dog or you could be male or female.


It's Lord, it's ludicrous and we're feeding it when the Father says they're beautifully, wonderfully made and in his image. So I am praying for the image to come through, the true image of who they are, the destiny that is upon their lives and the giftings. And then that parents will come alongside and train up a child in the way he should go but if he's in the way you should go according to the giftings that are activated in their lives. And Lord I do pray for an activation over every person that has been attacked by this line or even every parent who might think, well, maybe they are. Maybe he is a girl.


Maybe, said Lord, I heard testimony after testimony that, for these kids to get set free. It was a lie from the devil. Now I recognize the lie. It was not me. It was I believed a lie.


And then they entertained the lie. Right. Right. We break off that entertainment. We break off that entertainment.


Lord, I pray that they will have awakening that brings them to entertain the truth. Yes, Lord. Thank you, Father.


Thank you, Jesus. Father. Thank you.


We know that you are waking up blind eye. Mhmm. Yes. Really, Jesus. Destroying in my mind.


In my heart, you know, to I was just kind of pricked with, with parents that may be out there even today, Lord, and and they're they're they they've just got regrets.




And so, Lord, we're we're just gonna pray against that. Right? Yes.


In the


name of Jesus. We can't go backwards. We can't go backwards. There was one day thank you, father, for this reminder when my one of my children was being very rebellious. And I was going over and rehearsing in my mind all the things that I had done wrong as a mom.


You know, I was just the enemy was just right there telling me, you know, this, that, and the other about, you know, I should've done this. I shouldn't have done that. I as he does. And I remember walking into my bathroom and the lord just kindly said to me, Sylvia, would you stop making that huge, long list of things you've done wrong and make a list of all the things you've done right? Yes.


Because, you know, none of us are perfect parents. None of us. And and a word out there to to to a mom or a dad, you know, that might have a wayward child right now is to say no. No. You've done a good job.


You've seeded good seeds into their hearts and into their lives. And you have we have things, Lord, that we know that are in our control. There are things that are out of our control. And one of the things that are out of our control is the choices that our children or our grandchildren or our nieces and nephews, you know, they make those choices. And we surrender then our children to use the father.


Yes. And just like we talked about earlier, then we begin to pray for them and and we intercede for them. And then maybe god father god will lead us to other spiritual children, you know, that we nurture in the medium. Yes. While we wait upon you to do that work in our own children's hearts and minds.


So don't live in the land of regrets. We break that off right now in Jesus' mighty name. And we say no. We say no more regrets. We're going forward with Jesus.


We're keeping our eyes fixed on him, fixed on things above, and we're going to start blessing our children. We're going to start blessing our grandchildren because it's the blessing of God. Even if we don't see it in the natural, we see it in the spiritual. Yes. Not what they are, but what they are becoming.


And so, father, we thank you for that. We thank you, lord, for putting new hope in the hearts of moms and dads out there that may not know what to do and how do I go forward. Well, Lord, you're gonna walk with them through this. And, Lord, they are to release all they have to do. Just release them into your loving hands, God.


I mean, it's not easy sometimes, especially if they're around them wanting things from them. And give help these parents to make wise choices. Help them to know what to do in hard situations. And we thank you for that, Paula. You're really faithful to do that.


Thank you, Jesus. Thank you,


Lord. Father, we thank you that your heart is for the family. Yes. That you created family. You are


the idea.


You are family in and of yourself. And you created us and grafted us in to be called children of God. Lord, that we're all part of your family. Thank you. And we just pray for the restoration of families in our culture,




this realm, Lord God. We pray father for this young generation, Lord, that you would give them a desire, to to have a family, to be a family, to be in marriage, to have the roles that that you've given them, Lord, that that you would begin to stir up this generation, that they would long for the old days, that they would long for things that that don't seem like they are normal, that this culture is offering them, that they wouldn't have a hunger or a thirst for what this world has to offer. That they would want to create community and have family connections. That they would want to hear the stories from their grandparents of how things used to be and that you would just begin to stir up, legacy and generational connections, Lord God, that you would do a healing work in families, father. And we just pray, Lord, for this this young generation that's growing up now that is becoming their own people and and entering into early adulthood, lord.


I thank you that they have a thirst for truth That they might not know where to go to find it, but they're tired of being lied to. And, Lord, I pray that you would just continue to allow that irritation to be stirred up, Lord. That they wouldn't just they wouldn't just buy what's being told them, but they would want to get to the truth of the matter. And so, holy spirit, we ask that you would stir up in them an investigative mind Yeah. That they would want to understand and know Or that or that when they want to know the truth of something that they would learn that that you are true, that you're the only one that knows truth and that never lies.


And so holy spirit, we release you to reveal truth to them and whatever it is that they're struggling with and that they would begin to recognize your voice above all the others, and that they would begin to realize that your voice is trustworthy and true. Mhmm. And so, Holy Spirit, we ask that you would speak. Speak in pictures, speak in words, speak in songs, speak in movies, speak in books they're reading, speak in every possible way. But we ask that you would inundate them with messages of truth so that they would not be deceived, Lord God.


That they would study the truth so that when the when the enemy comes with a lie and something that is forfeit or that they would know that this is not real. This is not true. Yeah. Because they know your voice. Lord, your word says that your your kids, your sheep will know the voice of the good shepherd.


Mhmm. And so, Holy Spirit, we pray that you would tune their ears to hear the voice of the good shepherd.


Yes. You're fine. We thank you father


for truth. We thank you for truth. We thank you that as much as we love our kids and our grandkids and want the best for them, you love them more and you know what is the best for them. And so we just by faith, we place them in your hands. And we say, we trust you, Lord.


Mhmm. Cover them, protect them. Yes. Keep them safe. Help them know you.


Help them fall in love with you and serve you and partner with you, Lord.




That is our heart. And we know that we can pray in faith and assurance because that is your heart for them too. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord.


I am. This year, the Lord told me the word no would be a very, very important verb word to exercise. No. No. This isn't happening to my family.


And the thing that he brought to my mind is divorce. And it just, you know, it undermines the family. Right. And God it got it's not that we're not redeemable and we can't live through it. Right.


But it's harmful to our children. It just it brings a a lot of hurt things. Anyway, I feel like, the Lord spoke to my heart and he said that, my he thanked me. The Lord actually thanked me for praying for the generations. And I'm I I pray like this.


I pray for my children, my grandchildren, and my children's children. I just that these things will not fall on my family. That these are not allowed. They're not in heaven. They don't bring greater love.


They bring damage and hurt and the the enemy likes to break down the family. Right. So, I have prayed, from the time they were born for who their mates would be. Yeah. I mean, praying that, you know, God would line them up with the right people, the right mates, the right and, God has answered and God has answered our prayers so much.


So I wanna say that it's really good to tell the enemy, No. Especially when He seems to be taking some of your ground. Right. And it's not His ground. That is our inheritance.


Yeah. All these generations are our inheritance and he has no right. And for the longest time, when somebody would come and say, my children are, and it was the enemy. I've been saying, wait a minute. You are an amazing woman of God or man of God, and this is your inheritance, and there's no right here.


And we say no. Yeah. And I I think, well, I'm in contact with a lot of people that I minister to who need to learn to say no. Right. No.


And I've said it enough that even some of my best friends said, I know. I need to say no. I'm I'm trying. I'm trying. Yes.


Because, you know, the attack is real at times and we have to rise up.


I think we have to recognize and we remind ourselves often that we are in a spiritual battle. Yes. We are soldiers in the army of God. I mean, we really are. We arm ourselves up.


Yes. And so often we think, oh, no. I can't just be that cold with, you know. And and yes, we can. Yes.


Right. And it's a good reminder, Sherry. I mean, I needed that reminder myself. I need to say no more. Right.


You know? Right. And declare more. Yeah. And, you know, and just even if it feels like it's out of our comfort zones to do so, I think we really do.


Yes. We have to It's almost like if we've got a family member that is, someone that knew Christ, maybe somebody that, you know, a son or a daughter that was in his I mean, you know, like my daughter and son. And, you know, and then it seems like between the ages of 18 Mhmm. And however long Right. You know, the world can get hold of them.


Yeah. And I think that's what we need to remember that we need we must take up our our sword the sword of the spirit and which is the word of God and begin to declare Right. Who they are in Christ and the enemy has no right to hold them hostage. Yes. And as as soldiers that are god's army, we we are kinda like the whole I'm gonna I'm gonna ramble here.


No. I'm gonna let you know there's we're not getting off onto the nations today. That's not what we're praying for today. But with Israel, there's hostages that are being held there. Right.


Right. And, you know, we it's in the natural. That's what's happening. But in the spiritual realm, we have those rights being held hostage. And we need we need to follow the the Lord's, you know, rescue plan.


Right. And that is Yeah. His work. Yeah. That is


delivering his work.


Well, it


says in the word that the enemy roams around like a lion, like seeking whom he may devour.




And I remember the first time the Lord showed me that scripture and he said, but your responsibility is to tell him he may not. No. Exactly. Right. No.


You can't do this. You may not devour No. My children. You may not devour this nation. You may not and so I think that, you know, we talked earlier kinda off mic about, just the power of what we come into agreement with.




And so often we're not aware that it is not the truth. And we just start to agree with it and then that just pulls us further and further away from the truth that the Holy Spirit wants to show us. So I think that taking up our authority, saying you may not devour. I see you roaming around, but you are not the lion. Mhmm.


And I I call him the lion of the tribe of Judah and he is the one who's gonna devour you. You know, let's turn it around. Let's and use our voice and say say no to the enemy. Tell him. You know?


I mean, we we we do a lot of battle and I don't really I mean, these people do deal with the enemy differently, but I don't really like to deal with them head on. I just send them to Jesus. Yeah. Right? Because I don't I I already know that you lose and Jesus wins.


That's right. I don't wanna be in the middle man and get wrapped up for it. You know, like, just go to Jesus and he will take care of you. But we have to take our authority. We have to say Yeah.


You know, and and declarations are powerful. Yeah. Decreeing and declaring something out loud. Again, the enemy can't hear your thoughts. He can influence them, but he can't hear them.


So if we say it out loud, it releases something in every realm.


Mhmm. And he can't he can't stay.


And so when you say things out loud, decree and declare things out loud by faith, if you don't know where to start, find some scriptures. The word does not return void. That's right. That's right.


So we I've got a book, by Wanda helper. Words to pray by. And it, you know, sometimes, I mean, it's all kinds of categories in there. And if it's over your children, there's scriptures right there. There's no reason not to be able to declare the word of God.


Right. You may not have it in our hearts yet. Maybe we're we're learning. Right. But when we have something like that Yeah.


We can take that scripture. And when the Holy Spirit maybe will will direct us to a scripture and we begin to pray it, But we take them to the throne. I've been envisioning taking my family to the throne of grace.




Because remember earlier, we talked about being positioned in Christ. Yeah. And so we have that you know, we have his permission Right. Really to come before the port of heaven and plead our case for our children and our grandchildren, our, you know, our loved ones. Yes.


So so One


of the simple ways I practiced is, I would get you know, once in a while, I would get a sore throat, and I would say, no. This isn't mine. Yeah. Don't even try to stay here. And you guys, you cannot I cannot even count how many times it went away.


Yeah. So there's things in our life if we will accept them Yeah. And entertain them Mhmm. Right. And decide we're gonna go battle when we obviously know




That this is mine. I don't have to take this on. And that's how I kind of pray for my family too. When I see those things coming up. They may not understand their position yet.


But as the, grandma over everybody, I I stand in a position and just remind who is coming against


us Right.


Mhmm. Of, no. Yeah. This doesn't happen to my family. Right.


But if we accept it, then we sent tend to give it more power than it truly has.


Don't you think it's it's looking at the circumstances more than we I mean, we it's really tough when something comes up in our family or with one of our kids or loved ones and all of a sudden, I mean, that's a circumstance and you're being faced with it. Right. To give in to our feelings.


Or give in to our fear.


Or give in to our fear. Right.




Instead of you know


Or to come into agreement with the lie. Yes. Because even though what we're seeing looks like the truth, we know it's not the truth. Right. That's right.


Right. But we would and that's such a simple thing to do. Yeah. If we would, when that comes or that thought comes or maybe it's with us personally and the enemy could come and tell


you I deal with it. Yes.


All of us.


It's just to say no. Yeah. No. This is not who I am. Right.


No. This is not who my child is. Right. Yeah. No.


I'm not gonna listen to that voice anymore.




We don't none of us like to waste


time. Right.


And, the Lord once said to me, I don't answer fear based prayers. Begging, He's not into those things. He loves it when we stand up and and who we are and what we're truly about and what he wants to accomplish. What he's telling me is feel.




Yes. But he loves faith based prayers and and that's what he told me. He said, you can do all this stuff in fear and it does not move him. Right. But you get up and you give a faith faith.


And sometimes we, we feel like, well, we have to talk it out. And then I I laugh at myself because I think, I know he already knows all this, what I'm talking about. You know? But it's funny how his heart is for us. Everything, every single thing that comes up against us is a growing opportunity.


Yeah. And I so now I go, wow. He put his finger right on a problem here, didn't he? Right. And even though it was hard, I that was hard stuff to listen to.


Right. But what a growing opportunity. Now you can go to him, say, okay. This is how this worked out. What am I supposed to do with it?


Right? What and it so often, we just it's like an onion. A little water comes off and we're getting deeper, deeper, and greater and greater healing. So I start to praise. I start praising.


Wow. If that terrible thing didn't happen, how would you know that? He put his finger. I said he pressed the very thing that is the root of your hurt right now. Isn't he a good God?


Right. Now what do you think he's gonna wanna do with that? Yeah. Yeah. I leave it to them on that.


I said, if it's too hard, come back and we'll pray for it together. But if you can go to him and he you and him can. Right. Yes. I said, 1 on 1.




I said, and usually and usually that person comes back. You're right. He healed it. Tells me how he heals it. It's so sweet.


Yeah. It's so sweet to hear those testimonies of how he just takes on our pain, takes on the hurt, takes on Mhmm. Doubt and unbelief. Mhmm. You know?


Yeah. Mhmm.


But, you know, and even sometimes


if you don't know, because I I really am a firm believer in if you've got you've got a trouble on your heart, you go Right. Yeah. Pour it out. And then, you know, because we learn that from the Psalms. Right.


And so if you can just go to the Psalms and we can begin to read, you know, about David and, you know, especially David. He was such he was so transparent with his feelings. Right. Yes. And he could tell God anything.


And then but at what you were saying, right, just a minute ago about, but you the end of his songs always ended with praise and thanksgiving and you're lifting up praise to God, and God answered him. Yeah. He never ever abandoned him. Right. Right.


So so that makes me think of praying as fruit. Right? Don't just pray your problems and pray your fears, but pray through to the point of praise where you can give him thanks. Not for the thing necessarily, but for him knowing that he's working out the thing for your good. Right?


I mean, I think that, when we're going through a hard thing, you know, and as moms, especially, right, with our kids or or their friends or our grandkids or Mhmm. It's it it can so often feel like a reflection of our own identity when they're going through something hard and it goes it leads to the regret that you talked about earlier, Selen. But I and it leads to our identity, how we get our false identity and who they are, which is not good for any anybody. But I feel like, just remembering that, yeah, come to him and be honest, but stay with him long enough that he gives you that hope that you're looking for.


And it


might not be the immediate answer. It might not be, like, all of a sudden the heavens opened and you know exactly what to say that's gonna fit. It might just be that you're grateful that he's there




In it with you. Because listen, whatever it is that you're walking through with your kids or grandkids or whoever that you are praying for today as we're praying, you're not praying alone. Yeah. He is sitting right there with you. He's brokenhearted with you.


He wants the best for them. The trick is, like we said earlier, he he's just the one who knows what that is. And he's writing their story and that he doesn't waste anything. We'll end with that. God does not waste anything.


No, he doesn't. He doesn't waste anything. You know, he's building a testimony. We just have to believe that he is working all things together and that he's building a testimony. And even when things look their darkest, he's not done


yet. Right.


And we can trust him that he desires the best for them, and he desires, just he desires for them to cling to him in the midst of whatever it is they're going through so that they walk out of it stronger in him and and that you he just I feel like he just really wants to encourage you to continue to pray, to continue to believe that he is working things out for their good. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.


So bless you. Continue to pray. Listen listen to this episode again and again if you feel alone in praying and pray with us for them. And we will continue to pray for you as well and pray for your kids and your grandkids. We just release blessings over them.


We release the spirit of truth to encounter them in a way that sets them free and puts them on the path toward God. Mhmm. In Jesus' name. Amen. Amen.


Be blessed. We'll be back.