UNDER 30' Trailer Bonus Episode 46 Season 1

How to be more sustainable in mobility projects?

How to be more sustainable in mobility projects?How to be more sustainable in mobility projects?

Sustain-Mobility was the fourth conference of the European Platform on Learning Mobility (EPLM) in the youth field that took place near Munich at the end of March 2023. It was hosted by Jugend für Europa, the German National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps , in co-operation with the Youth Partnership and other EPLM members. In this episode, we are discussing the results of the conference and reflect on issues related to sustainability in youth learning mobility projects.

Manfred von Hebel - Jugend für Europa, the German National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps
Georgia Verna - a young journalist from Italy

Hosts: Lana Pasic and Dariusz Grzemny

Transcript: https://eu-coe-youth-partnership.transistor.fm/episodes/how-to-be-more-sustainable-in-mobility-projects/transcript

Event website: https://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/youth-partnership/conference-2023
The Youth Partnership's resources on sustainability, climate change and environment: https://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/youth-partnership/sustainability-environment-and-climate-change
How sustainability saved my life? - an article by Georgia Verna: https://youth.europa.eu/year-of-youth/young-journalists/how-sustainability-saved-my-life_en

What is UNDER 30'?

Welcome to UNDER 30, the podcast series by the EU-Council of Europe youth partnership that brings research results, explores trends in young people's lives and themes relevant for youth policy and practice.

The EU-CoE youth partnership is a co-operation programme between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth, created in 1998, connecting youth research, policy and practice.