Public Sector Executive News

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Daily News from Public Sector Executive

And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Monday the 26th February 2024.

The UK Government has announced that improvements to transport within the North and the Midlands will be achievable thanks to the allocation of almost £5 billion.
The North will benefit from £2.5 billion, with the remaining £2.2 billion being given to the Midlands from April 2025.
Now that funding has been announced, local authorities will be given advice on how they can develop plans for using the funding, whilst they will be expected to publish delivery plans for where the funding will be invested.

A new survey from the Local Government Association Coastal Special Interest Group has outlined how councils on the coast are feeling the impact of the deterioration of water quality.
According to the survey, coastal councils are highly concerned about the way that poor water quality will impact people’s health, as well as coastal habitats.
More detailed analysis would also allow councils to understand what action they can take to improve water quality.

Since responsibility for adult education within West Yorkshire fell to West Yorkshire Mayor Tracy Brabin, more than 159,000 people have signed up for training opportunities.
This has helped to support the improvement of skills within communities, as well as improving the chances of people getting into better, well-paid jobs.
This also supports the labour market within West Yorkshire, as improved education widens the pool of skilled workers that local businesses can recruit from.