
received an email from a lady. her ex husband has a new partner.

What is Crazy?

Laughing at Daily Lives Struggles

Caroline Rushe (00:00)
welcome to my podcast still no jingle I promised myself that I would get a jingle this week but this week just went away from it you know the way it goes lads and how is everybody is everybody good yeah what was I doing all week well I was on someone else's podcast actually

So I was and that was really, really good. It was just Julianne and it was just like mums talk to each other and just, you know, kind of saying how hard life is and it's okay that, you know, we find it difficult. And it's a massive, isn't it? Because we all trying to do a good job. We don't know if we're doing a well enough or if we're, you know, there's no rule book with these children and.

you're just trying to do the best you can with them and my old fella Callum finished his unit search around the week everything was grand grand grand grand more grand and even more grand so I don't know if he did good bad or the results will tell he did find them easier than the mocks and I don't know that's you know that's what they used to always say that the mocks are easier but yeah I'm not sure

At least it wasn't the leaving, you know, I don't I don't stress a lot about it. I'm just like, OK, he'll find his way. Anybody that cares for animals the way he does anyway, I think he'll find a job somewhere. But hopefully because he's the sort of child I'd say that could live here forever rent free. Do you know what I mean? Like, yeah, interesting. Also, I pulled all my

hair extensions out, of course I did. I just get these things into my head lads and I pull all my hair extensions out, yes, and I dyed it and my husband caught it with the razor. Interesting. I do need to go to the hairdresser and get proper cut. But yeah, I just get these things into my head. I pulled all my nails off as well at the match last week. Yeah, it's just a little bit mental, a little bit crazy. That's what I'm called, my crazy life.

you don't follow me on TikTok and Instagram, drop me a follow my crazy life Caroline I do everything and anything and it's my downfall and it's great people love to see it they love to see somebody be normal and clothes don't fit and clothes do fit and I tell the truth which probably isn't the best for you know getting brands because a lot of the agents are like

I'm not sure about her now, you know, I'm not the usual. I was on the radio actually with PJ on 96 FM and we were having a chat and he called me the anti influencer influencer. It's a good name. So because he knew I was coming on the show, he used to do a bit of research. So I went into my Instagram and he was looking at all my videos and he got stuck down a rabbit hole at two hours.

and he was like I'm not your you know you wouldn't be looking for me for a follow like because I'm not who you'd normally consider but he just said it's not just clothes you know he told you know I'm funny well I hope I am a little bit funny anyway but the interview just went so well that just the tickets for Cork just went crazy and I had to change the venue.

and yeah no I've disappointed loads of people and then I've made other people happy it's just a hard one so the new date is August the 2nd and tickets are on sale on eventbrite look up my crazy life on eventbrite tickets are reduced they're 25 and the reason I could do that was because the venue was way bigger so yeah it's a bad and a good in one so I'm so sorry for everybody that

know can go to the new date and they wanted to go to the old date and listen I am really sorry I just when I did my show at Ennis and the week before the show I could have sold another 500 tickets like there was just mayhem they were ringing the hotel ringing ringing and you just and I had to disappoint so many people then because I couldn't fit them in so this way I could fit a lot in and you know

and then pass on the discount to ye, you know, because listen, it is tough at the moment, like bills are expensive and everything is going up. And so it's a full night of entertainment and at 80s and 90s disco then to end, meet and greets, make up demos. We have menopause chat. It's just a load of special guests. So it's going to be fun.

So yeah, the interview was very good and yeah, it was just a really fun interview and he wants to bring me back on again. So we'll go back on again and have the chats and the laughs lads. Instagram for me, I never knew like I'm actually doing better on Instagram than I am on TikTok. I do find with Instagram.

It's much easier, it will say put up a story on Instagram where you're like, this is what I'm doing today and there's no, where in TikTok it's not that easy and the stories don't come up the same. It's just harder because, you know, when you do a video on Instagram, you can put up your story. So every month it's following you, sees it, and then other people. Where in TikTok you put up a reel, anyone can see it. And then most likely your own followers don't even see it. It's crazy.

so i did my first live on instagram i always do tiktok lives and i did my first live for going out last night and it went really well very nervous about it and but yeah i know people loved it and i just doing my makeup and getting ready i went to the dirt birds last night in gloire all ads i never laughed i laughed constantly for two hours like they are some women and

suppose because I've been on the stage I know how hard that is like on your body like that amount of work and preparation and you'd be wrecked for a week after that now it really they really were amazing so if they're coming to somewhere near you definitely go in if you want to have a laugh they just talk about normal stuff like like you know picking up kids from school and they just do skits it's just very funny.

so stop talking caroline please do longer podcasts please do longer broadcasts and i'm like i try i'll try my very best it's yeah they they i get a lot of that the people want longer podcasts they're on their walk and they're like well you need to have a bit more crazy

The summer holidays are nearly approaching lads, who loves the summer holidays when they're off for months? Well the teenager is off already but I don't see him, he's a bit. I mean I often talk to push you know years ago they used to put the missing picture on the the middle curtain yeah because he's just never I don't see him up half the night and sleeps all day so I just let him do it because he's a teenager and you know

you know hopefully it'll change in the future. He's not doing transition year, he's sides against it, he doesn't really like going to school so an extra year would have killed him so he said no one is a grand but you're going to interview for chair you're going to have to study do you know what studying is? So it should be interesting and we are off to Spain at the end of the month and yeah.

lovely bit of heat because the weather here is just it was grand in April now it's rotten like what the hell like it is a bit sunny today but the cold there's a breeze blowing out there you'd need a couple of layers on if you had to sit outside

at all. okay let's get on with the podcast I have an email in here from a lady let's

ushe (09:02)
Hi Caroline, love love love your Insta chat it makes me laugh every day so thank you. Also, dilute your new podcast and agree we need longer episodes. Just talking much. Anyway, I'm just wondering is it me or who thinks this way but I'm recently single a mom to two very young kids and their dad's starting seeing someone a month after he left us.

Once I found out I asked him would he please please have the respect to tell me when he was going to introduce our kids to the new mother figure in their life and he agreed he would. Of course he didn't live up to that promise though and I had to find out through my daughter when she started talking. As a woman when I meet a man I want to bring into my children's lives not only will I wait

but I will have the decency to tell the father first and if there were kids involved with a previous mother I would like to run things by her first or meet her to see how she feels is it crazy or OTT or I've just been mistreated again like when I was in a relationship with my ex thanks okay firstly thank you for the email

and thank you for all the love about the instagram and longer episodes yes we're getting that lot we probably need to get more emails in maybe you know because this is the last one now i'll probably need to put up an instagram more my email address which is crazy agony and email .com so firstly i'm sorry the relationship broke down that's a tough one especially when the kids are so

young, you know it's tough but then also I suppose at least they weren't older with it, understand what's going on. So like when you're introducing a new person into their lives it is very important like that you're sure that this person is going to be around for a long time because you don't want to be introducing any willy -nilly and going yeah this is you know and then she's gone or he's gone and it's

It's a bad environment for children because you have to be so careful with children and who you bring into your home, especially with small kids. Like he, it was a month, like, so he started seeing this one a month after us, like, do you know, like, is he, I don't know, like, it's very sudden. And, you know, is he sure she's going to be around, like?

Like, that's the big thing for me is that if we do these things, but, you know, to please ourselves, like he's pleasing himself there, but like he was so wrong in this situation. This should have been all ran through you about this woman and you should have got to meet her before she starts spending time with your children. Imagine how confused those children are, like sitting there saying, well, if this is my new mammy, is it or what?

I think you're totally right in being really angry and upset. I just think sometimes women are so different in relation to the way we think of our heads. We are wired so differently to men. We just kind of worry, we're like, well, that will affect them. Men just don't seem to have that, you know, there's a, it's going to be there or.

you know they don't seem to have the same worries as us and I think you know he might have done it kind of willy -nilly and not thinking about it but it was an extremely wrong thing to do those kids need you know they have to have time and you know they might accept this woman at all like you know as from the last email last week like there was a this it was it was the woman on the other side like that you know

it was married to this fella and he had four kids and none of the four kids wanted to spend time with her and that's okay as well. The kids are always and will always be the ones that you have to protect. There's not a whole lot you can do because they're introduced to her and I just hope that the relationship lasts with him and that they won't have any other disruption.

And like, you know, I still do you in a sense is if you did meet someone, I think you should still be the bigger person and say, listen, I've met someone. Is it OK if I introduce him and do what you would do? Don't just bring me in just to just despise him. Listen, just just do you and, you know, tell him you've met someone if you've met someone, but take your time. You know, that's the big thing. Like he dived into this relationship very fast. So you wonder, is it going to last?

you know, I don't know, like, you know, take your time in relation to relationship and I know it must be hard for you to look on and say, look, he's met someone, why can't I meet someone? But you know, he has no point meeting the wrong person and then disrupting your life and being with this person, then he's gone. That's the kids are like, is anyone ever going to stay around? So you take your time with it. I.

I would say it to him as well, I'd say listen I'm extremely angry that you did this, that you know it's our children I'm trying to protect our kids and that you really think he should have you know told you first and it's not on you know so like you are being very good about it and I'm really really sorry it's a shitshow yeah absolute shitshow but I just think sometimes men just do stuff and then they worry later.

where we were always up in our heads like, you know, like I remember being in bed one day with my husband and the kids were small and the one of them was up all like sick and we were sitting there and I was thinking in my head, who the hell am I going to get to mind my children today? And next thing your man turns around and goes, I'm thinking of getting a hair transplant. I said to myself, yeah, there it is now, that's the thing. They don't have, they're just wired differently to us. They don't look.

you know, these things, you know, there's someone to mind it, you know, but it won't be him anyway. It'll be me or someone belonging to me to mind it, you know. So, yeah. So that's the only email we've in today. So today is Father's Day. And I just want to speak a little bit about Father's Day because you'll see all over Instagram and TikTok all pictures of my father is the best person in the world. And it's lovely. But like not everyone has this perfect relationship with their father.

I certainly don't. I don't have the perfect relation with my father. I wouldn't even contact him today and I know that's sad. It's just things that happened. As I said, if you rang me I'd pick up the phone and said I need something, I'd be down. But we just don't have that relationship and that bond unfortunately. It's terrible and it's something that I would never want for my own children.

And thankfully my children have amazing relationship with their dad. But like they don't even have relationship with my father, like their granddad. So it is, it's a tough one for a lot of people. Like then a lot of people might have lost their father and they'd be devastated over it. And then they're looking at all this and you know, it's hard sometimes. I think these kind of days, like I find Mother's Day hard because everyone is with their mother. And then I'm like, no.

very hard to be looking on you're like why is my because my mother was my best friend in the world and still miss her every day and her anniversary now is coming up in August but yeah it's it's such a it's such a big loss in my life and my kids life because my kids were obsessed with her and you know even my young fella he's still traumatized from losing her I mean because like he was very close to her and

he still struggles, in a sense, he's afraid that I'll die, you know, and he's a very clingy child, he wants to be with me all the time, and if I go anywhere it's big drama, and it's a difficult one, because I look at my sisters and all their kids, they're like, yeah, go away, I'll just go up to Carolenther. But for me to go away for a couple of hours is a big deal, it's a hard situation, but...

just hoping that he will come out of it. I did try play therapy but he wasn't he just didn't like it and I just said okay we'll just try and you know try and just be there for him for now and hopefully he'll get out of it eventually and you know I feel how to go out.

I've been rang 400 times but as mothers we just do these things and we don't say anything about it I was telling a woman yesterday she was like but you never talk about it you just kind of know but I'm so used to having to deal with it like that he's so clingy and my sister was saying a thing called it is a thing called being over touched by your children where you actually feel like anxiety because you've been

your kids are on top of you all the time. I so relate to it. I was like, my God. Sometimes like when they're always beside you, you know, in the bedroom, they're beside you, they're everywhere you go. Where is he? Where is ma 'am? Where is ma 'am? Sometimes it's like, you know, it's like sometimes it's good. You have the break of them going to school, you know, but summer is approaching.

Where he'd be with me when he'd get up in the morning and with me on a busy night.

We'll need plenty of Heineken lads. Right, I hope this was long enough for you. Again, drop me an email crazyagonyend at gmail .com. Also, I'm doing a live podcast on my show in Cork. My crazy life, going to Eventbrite, buying a ticket, come and see crazy, come and meet her. I do a meet and greet. It's going to be the crack.

and then boogie on down. Yeah and also drop me a follow on Instagram or TikTok, I'm on Facebook now as well. Yeah, just to add more pain. I mean, why like, why do I have to do everything? I'm a little bit of a workaholic and I think, I was reading a book before and it was all about growing up with trauma in your childhood and people that have a lot of trauma.

they actually are really good workers because they never feel good enough and I definitely have it even after three years of therapy I still feel it that I'm not good enough and so yeah so you know like I said Instagram and TikTok sometimes it's like look you know but like you know I feel it too I feel it sometimes I'm like I'm not good enough or your man on the radio said to me how did you get such a following I'm like I don't know

I'm just being myself. And he's like, there it is. There's your USB. I'm just being myself. But I was like, why, why is just being myself interesting? That's what I don't get.

I don't get it like I'm like I'm not perfect I'm bloody bigger than I ever was I'm my hair is short now mumsy vibes from the hair and you know my wardrobe is okay you know you walk into it like I do buy too many clothes I drink too much but I have got better with the water

drinking two liters of water every day now and I swear to God the bloating definitely it helps for bloating absolutely I got this big huge jug thing inside my pennies and I just every day keep drinking keep drinking keep drinking it and it does help so if you're losing if you're looking to I don't know about losing weight but if you're looking to actually you know

you know, get rid of some bloating. Definitely try it. Yes. So that's it from crazy number. Is this 17 or 18 episodes? One percent of podcasts get past their 21st episode. So that is driving this loony on. Right. It is because the charts, I was 51 last week. I'm 90 this week. You just can't.

you're like and some people are like that's absolutely amazing you only started three months ago you absolute lunatic but again the drama you're not good enough you're not good enough and I shouldn't good enough job why? okay I still need to go to therapy thoughts of going to therapy now lads I don't know I prefer to gouge my eyes out I did three years of it it's tough going it's tough bringing up all these past bits and you know

I don't know if I'll be able to go down that road again. But I might have to because I need to be more grateful for where I am in my journey. I'm only at this whole thing over a year and a half and you know, I've achieved a lot and I've more to achieve. I have more goals than I want to achieve. And you know, it's great having a goal. I was actually listening to Simon Cowell. He did a podcast actually.

was on someone else's podcast and he was like he said he's had some of his happiest days when he was poor and he's had some of the saddest day when he's a millionaire and he was like it's the journey to get there is the most enjoyable when he looks back and he's like I really enjoyed the journey to get where he was and I was like isn't that amazing like where I'm just I have to try and enjoy it more I'm always looking for

Okay, what do I do next? I need to can the head.

Okay that's it, that's it definitely. I love you all, all over the world you're listening and I'm glad I can put a little bit of crazy into your lives, a little bit of joy, a little bit of sprinkle on a bad day and that's what makes me happy when I get the message saying you're just brilliant and I laugh every day and laugh in its own part. Laughing every day, I tell you now.

It's good for the soul.