Clydesdale Media Podcast

We talk about Wodapalooza So Cal competing this weekend, in addition, we have the adaptive CrossFit Games happening on the same weekend.  Is there a fantasy miss with So Cal? Plus whatever is up with the Crew.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what is going on everybody

welcome to the Clydesdale

media round table we are

back for another lunch with

the Clydesdale crew um on

our Tuesday afternoon right

now it's just my man

Charlie and I Kat will be

joining us very soon Amy

had a schedule change so

we're we've got to figure that out so

With that, I got to ask you, Panther fan,

you already gave up on Bryce Young, huh?


I gave up on him as soon as they

picked him because he's

smaller than Corey and I together.

So there's no way that was

going to work out.

So Andy Dalton's the answer, huh?

Well, Big Red, let's go.


The red rifle.

He got Sensi to the middle

of the division-ish.

They made the playoffs a

couple years with him.

Yeah, that's about it.

There you go.

Didn't really have that big game.

But the Panthers don't have

to worry about big games

because they're not going to be in any.

So they don't need that big game play.

You know,

your guy's not really tearing up

the place.

Hey, hey, hey.

Two games in and under constant duress,

he's fighting.

He's going to be fighting in

a hospital bed in a minute

if they don't block somebody.

Kurt Warner said,

and I'm putting all my salt

in what Kurt Warner said, and he said,

he's improving,

but he's got to figure out

some answers for the blitz,

or he's going to die.


Can't do what you used to do, USC.

You're not the most athletic

on the field anymore.

But when your center's

getting knocked over into

your legs every single play.

It may be problematic.

Corey says Saints are two

and O just saying they beat

the brakes off Dallas.

The Saints look really

freaking good this year.

They'll come back to earth.

jay birch has a question

already we're just in we're

what sixty seconds in uh

charlie are we paying the

man right now five rounds

sixteen calorie any machine

and then ten to twenty

twelve dumbbell bench press

into four rounds I like

this in cal any machine

eight to ten dumbbell

incline bench dude that's

got you written all over it

I like that I may have to

start paying a man here my

my arm feels better now

got a workout in this

morning and uh can you get

full extension on the bench

I mean as much as I as I've

gotten in my whole life yes

there you go t-rex arms are

built for the bench um

anybody anybody doing the

thousand pound rogue thing

is that back again I

thought they already did it

believe it's back it came

across my social media I

know I could do that it's

just pay for a t-shirt

basically what you're doing

yeah still pretty cool to

say you could but what

would it what would I pay

for the shirt in my back

pain to get the squat

number I need and the

deadlift number I need

Is the thirty dollars worth

the Theragun and massage treatments?


And the chiropractor and the back doctor.


So we're live, just so you know.

Yeah, I figured.

Sorry I'm late.

What am I?

We just talked football

because it was dude talk time,

but since you weren't here.

Are you guys on fantasy football leagues?

Yes, of course.


You doing all right?

I had a bi-week the first week.

Talk about the most anticlimactic fantasy.

She didn't lose.

But I didn't lose.

And I killed yesterday.

Oh, good.

Do you have anyone exciting?

Yeah, I had Marvin Harrison Jr.,

so thank God I had a bi-week week one.

What school did you go to?


And I had James Cook from the Bills.

Those two pretty much won me the week.


Imagineer football teams.

That's right.

You did miss that Charlie

worked out this morning.

Oh, good, Charlie.

I worked out yesterday morning.

We're good.

There you go.

Sounds like you're waiting.

I don't work out on Tuesdays.

Tuesdays is rest day.

It's a Wednesday.

Yeah, I worked out yesterday.

Are you doing the IBEX?

What are you doing?

I'm still down to one car,

but I think my daughter's

car will be inspected this week,

and then we'll have our car back.

I'll be back doing full

Polaris workouts soon.

If it fits in my garage,

I do what they have on.

We're not doing IBEX anymore.

Oh, they ended up changing it.

They did.

And Ibex is on .com this week.


So if anyone's following .com,

they're doing what I'm doing.

Kat's reading my notes.


Christy and Patrick are

doing our programming .com this week.

So will be what

I used to do at Polaris and

what Kat does now.


And it's fun.

It's good stuff.

If you are looking for something fun,

check out dot com this week.

Lots of people are doing

well with the programming with that.

They're continuing to do it.


I mean,

they have an app and everything

like they're going all in on it.


that's good advertising for them or

good spotlight for them to for the week and

show off what it is.

I find,

I find it was the most fun style

workouts that I had done

since when I first started

CrossFit back in like,

and it was just walk in and

the coach would just start

scribbling on the board and

you'd wait to see what was coming.


Do they do the strength WOD

format or is it?

So it's pretty, it's not always strength.

It might be like a bodybuilding session.

It might be, it might be bench.

It might be like we're,

we're in squat cycle right now.

So when they sold,

we were in the middle of the squat,

we're keeping that going.

So every Monday it starts

with a squat and then,

and then you go into a Metcon.

And then there's always an

accessory piece after.

And that's, that's optional.

That's like extra time.

Yeah. stuff is just the

primary workout though.

They don't,

they're not doing the strength

and the whatever.

So it's just the, the Metcon

So the real question is how

long is their free trial?

Well, this week is free on .com.

It's free, yeah.

Try it.

Check it out.

Write it down.

I can always share it with you too,

Charlie, if you want.

I can make you a member of

my gym and you can see my

Wattify if you want.

Don't threaten me with a good time.

I mean, why not, right?

You said the magic word.

I'm all in for a day.

Charlie's all in for free.

I mean, shit, I could start making money.

I could just start charging

people like five dollars to

be Wattify members of my

gym and they'll get

somebody else's programming

for five bucks a month.


You're just you're just kidding.

That's not what you're going to do.

Jim needs to make some money.

I highly recommend going out

to dot com and checking it

out this week because it is

it is really a really fun

programming um I I guess

it's a lot like I'm betting

it's a lot like luck it's

because his is a lot of

like interval you know he

calls it emom for a reason

listen I still get that

endurance thing and I look

at it and I'm like this is

Who's doing this?

Reading it makes you have

better endurance?

It makes me tired.

I'm like level and options.

It gives you options, levels.

All of them are like this is

where's the out of shape version of this?



I've looked at EMOM.

It's a little more extreme than IBEX.

Shoot me your email, Charlie.

I probably have your email.

Send me your email and I'll hook you up.

I'll make you a member.


Every time we went into Polaris,

those workouts were fun, though.


The one thing I do do with

their workouts though,

is I take the Thursday

workout and I make it the

Tuesday workout and I take

the Tuesday workout and I

make it the Thursday workout.

I only flip flop those two days.

And it's just because of the

way my members come to the

gym and what they do.

And I don't do it every single week,

but every most,

most weeks I do flip flop

the Tuesday and the Thursday.

The Thursdays usually it would,

you would think it was not my favorite,

but it really turned out to

be my favorite.


like we're doing Thursday's workout


Because it's usually a long, long,

thirty-minute-ish grinder.

And it turned out where I

really enjoyed whatever

they would write for those.

They're very creative.

And I found that if we left it on Thursday,

and Saturdays are usually a

long grinder too,

it became too much for everybody.

And most everyone...

doesn't come in on Thursdays.

And so they weren't getting

that long grinder during the week.

So that's why I made it a

Tuesday workout so that we

do like traditional CrossFit Monday,

Wednesday, Friday grinders, Tuesdays,

Saturdays, it seems to like,

like separate them a little

bit more than a Thursday, Saturday,

if that makes sense.


I never,

we never compared Saturdays cause

we never talked,

but like Saturdays at our,

at the gym or usually team

workouts because there's so

many people we just couldn't.

And a lot of accessory stuff.

And for me, for my gym,

I would just cut out the

accessory stuff and I would

usually modify the

Saturdays to make them

longer or double the reps

and make them a partner

workout or something like that too.


and Saturdays are my bring a friend day.

So I try not to make them too technical.



awesome who is polaris using

now are they just they're

in-house they make it up

yeah so um alex uh he was a

semi-final athlete two

years ago um he is doing

the programming now but he was interning

Like he's been with

Christian Patrick for a couple years.

He's been helping with the IBEX.

So they moved to him.

I'm assuming it's going to

be very similar to what's been going on.

I mean,

we're still like only two weeks

into the change.

It's like a coach's tree.

You worked under the guy.


He's under the McVeigh tree.

Now he's Mike McDonald.

So he's under the Aaron O'Connell tree.

And we'll see what his

programming turns out to be like.

Very nice.

So, yeah.

If you guys didn't see it yesterday,

we dropped episode number

two of the behind the

scenes of the Masters CrossFit Games.



What's that?

I'm halfway through.

So nice little twenty minute episode.

These ones are going to be

shorter as we get event specific.

But yeah,

it kind of came and went really fast.

I watched it live in the

chat with everybody and yeah,

it went really fast, but really good.

Some good stuff from the athletes.

And again,

next week we'll drop episode

three every Monday.

We'll keep dropping those.

I'm getting great feedback.

Just hoping people share and

get out there because this

is a new group of athletes

that have never really been

highlighted before.

And I want to make sure that

we highlight the Masters athletes.

They deserve it.

They work hard.

And they were so willing to be on camera.

I'm going to stop on you

guys for a second.

So that happened yesterday.

This weekend,

we have a bunch of stuff going on.

We have what a Palooza SoCal

in the tier cup happening this weekend,

as well as the adaptive CrossFit games.

I know for a fact that the

adaptive CrossFit games are

being streamed.

I heard that what a Palooza

SoCal is being streamed,

but I cannot find the

information anywhere.

That's going to be fun to watch.

Has anybody seen it to know for a fact?

I haven't seen anything.

I'm out on YouTube.

I'm going to look.

Loud and live has a channel, right?

Loud and live.

They used to at least.


When I type that fully out,

I only get no luck with that search.

I don't know.

This is making for great radio.

So Latin Life does have a channel.

I found it.

Did we talk about

Waterpalooza moving to Miami Beach?

We did not.


Maybe we could talk about

that while you're looking.

Go ahead.

That's going to be crazy.


Like crazy.

So when you say crazy,

what do you mean by that?

First of all,

is it even possible for

Wadapalooza to be any

crazier than it already is?

And now they're moving to South Beach.

Now they're moving to South Beach.

Yeah, I just,

God bless them for trying to

make that happen.

The people watching alone.

I mean, I just want to go, yeah,

I just want to go and watch

and soak it all in.

I don't, I, I,

the people trying to put that together,

lots of respect.


cause I can't imagine the logistical

nightmare and the people

that are trying to afford

to stay close to the venue also,

God bless.

But, um, other than that,

like if I had an unlimited

amount of funds,

I would be there front row

watching and loving.

I'm sure.

Here's my thought.

That's all I'm going to say about that.

Bayfront could not get any bigger.

They made the stands bigger

the last year you and I went,

and they seemed a little bit dangerous.

Last year they went even bigger.

I can't imagine what that was like.

So they had to move.

They were at capacity.

They've been at capacity for years.

So I get the move.

But now you move into even a

more expensive area.

Waterpalooza was already

probably the most expensive

trip if you wanted to make

it during the CrossFit game season.

And now you're putting it in

touristy South Beach,

which is going to be even crazier.


I can't even imagine what

the cost of a hotel room is

going to be like for five nights.

oh it's gonna be I mean it's

already bad south beach

non-event I mean bayfront

was thousands now you're

gonna go to south beach

that's got to be but

they're doing something

right because they're at

capacity like people are

coming and hanging out and

paying and yeah and like I

hate you know we were some of the

louder proponents of them, you know,

saying it's not big enough.

They need, you know,

it needs to be bigger.

It needs to expand.

And then here,

now they're moving and here

we are shitting on them for moving.

Um, but it's like, I get it.

They, they definitely need to find, I mean,

I hope it works out for them.

Cause I think it could be a super,

super fun, um, experience for everybody.

Cause I mean, I always thought when I,

when I first went there a

couple of years ago,

I thought it was in Miami beach.

I didn't realize that it

like was nowhere near

the beach.

I was kind of bummed, you know, I was like,


I didn't even like stick my foot in

the ocean.


so the fact that it's going to be there

is super exciting.

I just hope that the people

that want to go can,

can go and afford it and

have it be logistically okay for them.

You know, sponsors won't care.

Sponsors will put up shit

ton of money for their

athletes to stay wherever they need to.

I think that's great.

But from the community aspect of it,

there's a lot of people that, you know,

are going to have to get there too.

here's so we had so bruce

was in the chat on sunday

night when we brought this

up bruce is from miami as a

local he's like ooh it

moved to the touristy part

of town yeah like for him

as a local he loved it

where it was at and how

many of the people there

were locals just hanging

out for the weekend

are we losing a big chunk of

people by moving it up to

the touristy part?

I don't, I don't even know.


I don't know that area well

enough to like make definitive statements,

but, and I'm sure.


Presumably loud and live has

done their due diligence and, you know,

has figured out all of

those logistics and I'm

sure they're going to, you know,

hopefully they get big

blocks of rooms for, you know,

people that they need there

and all that should be fun.

I would like to go,

I would love to go this year.


I'm so glad we didn't last year

because half of it was in

the rain or rained out.

That's the other crazy thing

is you spend all this money

and then half of it's rained out.

You're like, shit,

what did I come to watch?

But you know that last year we went, Kat,

like if you got into the

stadium and you had to pee,

you lost your seat.

Yeah, you couldn't pee.

You had to hold it.



remember I was sitting next to them,

that athlete's mom.

And like, she, she's like, save my seat.

I'm like, okay.

And she left and she never came.

She never got back in.

I felt terrible.


So, yeah.

But, but good luck to them.

Hopefully it, it,

a much hopefully it's a much

bigger facility they can

really do some cool stuff

um I'm anxious to see what

comes of it all yeah I mean

it'll definitely get a

bigger crowd just of people

who were just there like

what is this yeah just

walking that partying down

south beach what are these

shirtless people doing in here yeah

Definitely be, yeah,

definitely be good for the sport.

Oh, I can do that.




go to the community area and try it out.


I cannot find plenty placeholders on

loud and live for, uh, uh,

for this weekend's tier cup

but that doesn't mean it's

not going to be there I

just I I thought I heard

somewhere dylan say that it

was going to be televised

or streamed friends going

to be there uh my friend

amanda is going to be

competing we had dinner

with oh yeah in the

community division this boy

will be out there

Who's that?

Thick boy going to be out there?

I don't think so.

Pedro said he was hosting a pregame show.



that's Peter White from Coffee Pods and


So maybe they are.

Thick Boy doesn't do the

bigger ones like that.

He did Wadapalooza,

and because of the rain,

a lot of people lost a lot of money.

I know Wad Zombie's going to be there.

Anything in Southern California,

Wad Zombie goes to.

He'll be at your cup for sure.

I think they missed out on a

fantasy opportunity.

And maybe it's just because

of the way CrossFit is designed.

But when you have these

teams and each event

features a different

athlete or a different

group of athletes or whatever it is,

if you explained like the

weightlifting spotlight is

one athlete from each one male,

one female from each side,

I think it would have been

fun to pick who they would

have put in those positions

as a like fantasy game.


Because one of the events is

like what a Palooza style team.

One of them is game style team.

One of them is all hands on deck.

One is captains only.

One is then they have these

things called spotlights.

And I'm guessing you put one

athlete in on those.

There's a gymnastic spotlight.

There's a monostructural spotlight.

There's a weightlifting spotlight.

I think it'd be fun to see,

to try to like be the coach

and figure out who you

would insert and all those

different things,

but it's not explained enough.

And the workouts aren't

explained enough for you to

be able to do that.

And is it because CrossFit

wants to be unknown and

unknowable that we can't

like play along with that?

Does that make sense?

What I'm saying?


That would be cool.

Yeah, you guys.

I love you guys.

She only knew.

I would tell myself I'm

never going to was again

ended up going like five times.

I will never go again, though.

That's what I keep saying, too.

Yeah, I said I would never judge there.

And I actually never did.

Because it just I just

thought it would be way too chaotic.

I can't deal with the chaos.

An acai bowl never tastes

better than it does at Waterpalooza,


Yeah, that's true.

I think we had one of those once a day.

Because you just need something.

It's just cool.

And when the sun's shining and it's warm,

it's just like perfect.

You know what, though?

My first acai bowl was in

Carson in twenty sixteen.

And they also had these like

frozen drink huts.

where you could get like a

mango margarita and like blended and I,

you know, frozen so good.

I had one of those a day every day too,

with an acai bowl.

They didn't have fun drinks at,

at the games this year.

They haven't since then.

I feel like they've all just been,

it's like beer and whiskey and bourbon.

I didn't have much fun at

the games this year.

It was pretty,

it was a pretty downer year.

This is true.

Frozen drinks would have

made things a little bit better.

Just saying.

They did have acai bowls and Kat did.

They did.

I have one every day.

Oh, that's great.

I appreciated it so much.

Well, pick me up.

I think it's going to be

interesting to see what

SoCal does because it's in Newport Beach.

It's like South Beach.

So I'm anxious to see if the

setup will be similar to

what we see in Miami

because they are saying now

it's going to be out on the beach more.

Yeah, it's going to be a challenge,

but super fun.



Anything else going on?

Don't forget the adaptives.

The adaptives are going.

It's their CrossFit Games this weekend.

It is being live streamed for sure.

Is it in Canada?

It's in San Antonio.



Kind of the opposite of Texas.

I know that one of the guys

from Wheelwad is Canadian, I thought.

So I just made that assumption.

That was a huge leap.

I know.


The thing is,

if you're not going to these

events and you're just

watching them on YouTube,

it doesn't really matter where they are.

So I didn't need to have any

kind of awareness of where it would be.

so yeah make sure you

support the adaptive group

and go out and check out

some of their workouts they

look fun uh they've done a

really good job on

instagram of showing all

the different divisions uh

so the real starts with

like this division then it

morphs into this division

and it shows the changes in

the workout based on that that change so

then we have the let the

legends qualifiers are

going on right now I would

like to say I hate online

qualifiers and I will not

be taking questions at this

time isn't canada I like

his next comment yeah no

yes canada canada is not in texas

Here comes the comments.

No, well, that's my bank shirt,

and I didn't want to wear

it on this conference

because I don't need people

knowing where I work.

That's why I took it off.

Because your shirt says... It's like a,


it's like a bank shirt with a logo on it.

Um, so Corey, what, you know,

this was the big goal.

Like I've,

so he says I won't be taking questions,

but I,

but that means I got to ask questions.

So the big goal for Corey

was he wanted to make

legends this year and

compete at legends last year.

He competed at Matt MFC this year.

He wanted to take,

and then MFC is going to hate me.

He wanted to take a step up

and try to make legends.

It's my words.

If you look at the leaderboards,

Legends is a much stiffer

competition than MFC is now.

They get much bigger names than MFC.

And so...

what is the problem with the

workouts corey is it the

actual recording and trying

to get it all documented or

are they just hard or what

what is what is where's the

hatred coming from you

won't make legends I will

make legends I didn't don't

like the idea that we have

two full weeks to do four stupid workouts

Then you can procrastinate.

What I heard was... And stew

on them a little bit,

which sometimes isn't the greatest.


I don't know why they

started them so soon after

the Masters games.

Yeah, that was kind of weird.


why not wait a week and then just

give a week to do the four?

I mean,

are they allowing anyone that was

at the CrossFit Games to

just come to Legends and not qualify?


it's only I think top five

so all those other poor

people that kill themselves

at the games to try to get

top five that didn't make

top five now have to do

these workouts maybe that's

why they gave him two full

weeks to do them yeah maybe

well why not just wait a

week give everybody another

extra week and start them a

week later yeah agreed I'm

with cory though on the too

much time to think about

them I hate having to think

about workouts

The, my,

my most sleepless nights are used

to be Thursday nights after

a open announcement into Friday morning,

Friday afternoon, Friday night.

Like good Lord.

My least favorite.


Let these old people recover.

right they did drug test at

the games just so you know

nick top five got drug

tested at the games yeah uh

jamie said she doesn't have

to qualify she finished

fourth she's yeah I heard

top five um he said brandon

fontenot is doing I don't

know where brandon finished um

That was the hardest thing

about doing behind the scenes.

I don't really know where

anybody finished because I

was never out like on the floor watching.

I mean, I was,

but it was like quick stints

here and there to know like

the story of how the

weekend went for people.

I have no idea what happened.

So maybe that's why I asked

Colton Mertens on.

Saturday night.


Next day.

See, it's legit.

You don't always pay

attention to the leaderboard.

See, I get it.

That makes sense.

Do you know that he,

we weren't doing behind the

scenes though.

Do you know that he likes my

Instagram posts?

I think that is so cute

because you're memorable.

No, but no, I'm not.

And for him to do that is,

I just think is adorable.

Well, Jay Birch, man,

what a busy month you have coming.

I will be judging a

Mayhem-sponsored event in

Amarillo next month,

and I will be performing in

a production of the play Clue.

I would like to know what

character you are playing.

Will you be in the kitchen with the noose?

Are you allowed to be that jacked?

To be?


In Clue.

Because you just look like

the guy who did it.

Speaking of judging,

did you guys watch Hiller's

NorCal Classic recap?

Not yet.

It's on my list.

At the very end of the video,

there are two surprises.

One is one of the organizers

of the event came on and said,

we are trying to upgrade

our judging for next season.

We are looking for twenty

five devoted judges who

to work with us over the

next year and they will be

paid dollars to judge that weekend.

That's cool.

So you got to work all year

for three hundred dollars.

I don't know.

I just I thought that was really cool.

It's a cool surprise.

We didn't just get paid to

go to do this stuff.

And I thought that was

pretty cool that they're doing that.

And I think it's just

working on the standards as

they're putting together the events.

if you didn't follow it they

actually eliminated the

scores of one of the events

because of judging

inconsistency and it was a

floater and basically if

you did it you got fifty

points if you didn't do it

you got zero because they

had to eliminate the actual

scoring of it because the

judging was so inconsistent

over the weekend

So then they made this

announcement at the end of

Hiller's video.

And then the other surprise

at the end is if you have not,

we're not following it.

Andrew went up and tried to

have a conversation with Danny Spiegel.

It did not go super well.

And then, um,

And then at the end of the video,

I guess there was a kid

there selling water, bubbly water,

whatever that's called.

And Danny asked how much it was,

and it was like three dollars.

And she said, ah,

that's too much and walked away.

So Andrew bought her a water

and had the kid take it

over to her as a gift.

And that's what you see at

the end and her reaction to that.

That's the very end.

And I sent a message to Hiller and he said,

I was going for that Marvel

surprise ending.

The post-credits scene.

After the credits.

Yeah, it was pretty funny.

She shook his hand, at least.

This scene,

Andrew's not even in it because

he bought it from a

distance and all it is is

the kid running it to her.

I thought she shakes

somebody's hand and says, thank you,


for the olive branch or something

like that.

I think that's the kid.

Oh, okay.

She's talking to the kid.


An update from Jay Burch.

He's playing Wadsworth the butler.

And he's using an English accent.

When you do that,

does the Texas accent go all the way out,

Jay Burch?

Or is it an English accent

with the Texas twang?


Did I tell you guys my dad

has a girlfriend that lives in England?


She's coming to the US at

the end of the month.

I get to meet her.

Is this mail order?

He's been to England twice now.

To see her.

My dad is seventy seven.

Would you like to know how

old his girlfriend is?

Forty two.

Thirty eight.

Forty nine.

Two years younger than me.

Corey hopes to God it's an

English accent with his Texas twang.

That's so how you feel about that?

I mean, I want my dad to be happy.

My guy.

That's all I have to say about that.

I think he's going to move to England.

He's talking about getting

married and moving to England.

Okay, now.

Background check.


Yeah, I don't know.

Like I said, whatever makes him happy.

I hope he's making good choices.

There you go.

What can I do?

I think that's pretty much it.

I'm avoiding the PFAA this

week because we got a lot

of comments on my comments

on the PFAA last week.



it's been a relatively quiet week

with regard to news on that front.


We did get some comments on

your shouldn't be the

medical staff in charge of safety.

A lot of people agreeing with you.

There were nurses and EMTs

saying that I have no clue

what to do with water safety.

Right, right, right.

Somebody said it should be under security.

And again, yeah,

maybe it fits better under security,

but it could be its own thing.

I think it's important

enough that it's probably

could be its own thing.

It should be its own thing.

You know, handful of people.

And it's,

it doesn't have to be hands-on safety.

It could just be like the

mind meld of safety.

Like who,

who's coming up with the plan and

doing the thing and, you know,

taking into consideration

all that in coordination

with medical folks and in

coordination with rescue folks and,

you know,

in coordination with all those people.

But if the, uh,

if the if the mind meld of

safety says hey we need

three medical personnel on

board and we need security

to cover this and this

entry that's when they get

involved correct I would

agree yeah but yeah you got

you got a handful of

comments about that and

then I got blasted for

lying about the pfaa

did you see the the thing

that I sent you the link of

the guy that random dude's

youtube post about how

dangerous crossfit is I

never watched it because

you said it was like just

sensationalism it really

was I mean they basically

were like you know crossfit

has you know has are not

taking any responsibility

for you know what happened

and I was like that is not true

At all.

It was really bad.

And they took basically

every meme that you've ever

seen on the internet that

shows how CrossFit is dangerous.

People dropping bars on

their heads and falling off

of bullet bars and everything else.

And that was basically the

montage of what they used.

It was such crap.

Alex wants to know,

will there be a ninety-day fiancé?

I mean, if we're lucky,

it'll last that long.

They get to ninety days?



I'm afraid I'm going to show

up to dinner on next Sunday

when she's here and it's

going to be a surprise.

It's our wedding.



I think you should write a book.


Jay Burch has just DM me his accent.


Let's hear it.

Maybe the accent is quite Texican.

I don't know.

But I'm going to try to only

speak with an English,

proper English accent.

Thank you very much.

That's acceptable.


I think there's just a tinge

of twang there.

But, hell, if I lived in Texas,

I'd go see it.


It's a little off-Broadway,

but not that far off.

It's as off-Broadway as

Canada is in Texas.

As Canada is.

Broadway in Texas, too?


We love the audience

participation part of this show.

Good times, guys.


Hey, guess what came back last week?

Remember I had that thing on

my finger that blew up like a balloon?

A wedding ring.

And I was going to be like, wait.

I was going to say the same thing.

I was like, what?

No, guys.

Remember when I had that

huge lump on my hand and it

got really painful and I

was on steroids for like three months?

Well, it's back.

Now I have to go to a

rheumatologist to figure it

out because they think it's

systemic or something.

I'm dying.

I see.

My heart's still beating

from thinking it was a wedding.

How great of an end of the

show would that have been?

No jewelry.


I was like, after all that, it's back on?

I thought the same thing.

You guys.


I'm on steroids, prednisone.

Here's a fun fact.

So I called the doctor on

Friday to say that I needed

some prednisone because it's coming back.

And that's how we got rid of

it the last time that along

with a cortisone shot and dash my dog,

my dead dog has prednisone at the house,

like a whole bottle that I

bought just last week that

we only gave him like one or two doses.

So I drove to my house in

Hocasin and I got the steroids from

the vet.

And I use those for a couple

of days until I can get the

other one filled.

Cause I didn't get the other one.

I still haven't picked up

the other prescription,

but they only called me

yesterday to tell me that

they were going to give it to me.

So yes, I'm on dog.

There's a shiny coat to your hair.

The good steroids are the

ones they usually give horses.


Well, I don't have a pet horse.

We're easing into that.


And then we got a horse.

Yeah, so I think it's safe.

I mean, it's prednisone.

It's the same medicine.

I don't think it's

formulated any differently.

Oh, gosh, Kat.

So I'm on day three of that.

We'll see what happens.

Next week when she has a

lump coming out of her temple.


She starts sniffing people's butts.

Feel good.

Whoa, whoa.

She comes in with a cone around her head.


Aren't you glad I share my

medical issues with you all?

Definitely glad.

Better than that.


I know a guy who will buy your dog


Because they don't test for

that at Legends.

All right.

I think that's a perfect

ending to the show.

Hope everyone doesn't have a rough week.

We will see everybody next

time on the Clydesdale Media Roundtable.

Bye, guys.