The Viktor Wilt Show

Old person scammed by fake Steve Perry, stories where someone realized they were dating someone who is dumb, Florida woman tries to force cellmate to eat dirty sandwich, the River Concert Series, man installs animatronic triceratops in his yard, Florida man trying to "scare child a bit" drops it from balcony, woman scammed by fake Kevin Costner, unhinged man smashes bus windshield, Primus at the Hero Arena, Louisiana bigfoot, country music, fish attacks boy, non-alcoholic wine, 

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The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.

Hope everybody's doing well this morning. And just a friendly reminder to, you know, keep an eye on your your old people. Alright? Saw an interesting scam that happened recently. An online imposter was posing as Steve Perry from Journey and scammed a 75 year old Journey fan out of a $122, 000.

Alright. If celebrities are messaging you online and, like, hey. I need some money. Don't give them money. Alright?

Yeah. She started talking with this fake Steve Perry on Facebook. They're like, well, I've got a business opportunity and I need a woman in my life. Send me money. So she did.

72, 000 in wire transfers and then about $50 in gift cards. That's a lot of money. That's a lot of dough. I'm pretty sure Steve Perry would be doing okay off Journey residuals. But anyhow, finally, the imposter asked for pictures of her passport and driver's license, and she's like, oh, that seems weird.

That's what it took, not the $122. I don't know. So she went to the cops and realized she'd been scammed. So now they're trying to find the person. What do we need to do to make old people aware that they shouldn't just send money to random strangers?

This happens all the time And it's not the first time it's been a, hey, I'm I'm a celebrity. Hey. It's me. I need money. Like, don't you live in a mansion in the Hollywood hills?

I I need the dough. Come on. It's a business opportunity. Again, just keep an eye on your old folks. Now that's probably some poor grandkid's inheritance down the crapper anyway we'll see what else I can dig up on this program getting rolling for the day I'd say it's good to be back, but, I mean, it's early and my neck hurts.

So maybe it'll get better to be back when the Ibuprofen kicks in. Wish me luck. I'm just scrolling through Reddit. You know, the use to start my day. I'm so glad I have a really smart girlfriend.

She's much smarter than me. I'm reading stories from people who have, well, just straight up morons for mates here. And these are pretty funny. The post was, what was your I'm dating an idiot moment? And I figured we'd dive into some of these because they are pretty funny.

Alright. Game void says she said that the temperature in her house never changed, so she couldn't understand why she was always hot or cold. She had never taken the packaging off the digital thermometer, so she was just looking at a sticker that said 72 degrees all the time. Alright. College girlfriend who is not a fully functioning adult, 0 life skills, got a flat tire while driving alone, stood by the car acting helpless until a guy stopped and offered to help.

He changed it, but unbeknownst to her had set the parking brake so she gets in her car and it won't go anywhere because the parking brake's on. Runs out of the car and asks the guy, my car won't go. Did you put the wheel on backwards? And then she told everybody about it. Met a cute girl and asked her for a date.

This was pre cell phone or GPS, so I asked her for directions. She says go past the train track, take the 2nd left, the 3rd right, the 2nd right, 2nd left, and my house is the white 1. Started at the train tracks, took her directions, ended up in the middle of nowhere, did this 3 times. So I started at the train tracks, and everywhere where she said left, I turned right. And where she had said right, I turned left, found her place on the first try.

During the day, she also told me she wanted to be a veteran because she loved working with animals. I mean, it's best to find these things out early. Right? You know? Let's see here.

I have an ex wife who pretends to be allergic to chocolate. Spoiler alert, she isn't. And 1 year for my birthday, we went out to eat with all my friends and family. Offered her some of my coconut shrimp, which she gladly accepted. 4 seconds later, she made a terrible sound and spit the chewed shrimp onto the table.

As loud as she could, she said, was that coconut shrimp? Yes. I replied, coconut? Coconut? She hollered, trying very hard to embarrass me in front of everyone I know.

Once the laughter died down, I asked if she really thought there was cocoa in coconut. We're divorced now. Reading these stories again makes me so grateful. I have such a smart girlfriend. How she sometimes puts up with some of the dumb things I do.

I don't know, but I'm very, very lucky. Here. Let's read another of these. We watched Shrek, and she didn't believe that the guy who voiced Shrek was the same guy who played Austin Powers because their accents aren't the same. I explained it was the same actor doing different voices.

She couldn't fathom it. When I told her that Austin Powers' voice wasn't the actor's real voice either, that was too much for her to handle. People can't just change their voice. No. No.

Any morning, I wake up feeling kinda dumb. I just need to pull this thread up, start feeling a little bit better about myself. Well, I'm still sitting here having a good time reading through these. My partner is an idiot stories on Reddit. There are some dumb people out there and sure.

These things could be made up, but I, I don't think people are making them up. I think they're legit. Like, check out this 1. A geeky ninja writes, he kept littering. I really hate littering.

The day he spit his gum out on the sidewalk of a zoo, I called him out on it. He says it will evaporate. I laughed and said that's funny, but, no, seriously, you should just use the trash can. He gave me a confused look. That's when I realized he was serious.

He was so convinced that trash evaporates in the sun. We had a full on debate about it. The true idiot was me because I stayed for him 3 years after that. You gotta really like somebody to be willing to look past trash evaporates in the sun. It just disappears every time I just throw garbage on the ground.

I come back the next day. It's gone. Okay. This one's, I mean, it's sort of gruesome, but it's not real. So, okay, I came home.

She was upset about a news story she watched earlier about a new method of execution being approved in, you know, Ohio or something. So she proceeded to explain the process where a person sits on the seat. It automatically activates a grabber arm, which has a topical anesthetic applied to each prom prong to numb the area to make it totally painless before it twists their head off. There was more to it, but we got about 30 seconds into her explanation when it was clear this isn't a thing. I tried to reassure her of that, which led to an argument and her eventually sending me the video in question.

It was a video from The Onion. It was clearly not real and not even clever satire. It was just dumb. Even when I tried laughing it off and showing her where it was from and what they do, she still persisted. It's the news and they can't make things up.

See, this is the problem. If people will buy into the onion as real news and insist they can't make up the news. That's why people believe some of the things that are in the news that are completely made up. I mean, y'all understand that the news has a, a bit of bias. Right?

When we're talking national 24 hour news channels. You all know that. Right? They are kinda slanted in their, in their coverage. Yeah.

Kinda give the perspective they know their audience wants. Yeah. Okay. Well oh, jeez. My ex would find a recipe online, not follow it, and blame the recipe for being garbage.

Things like subbing bread Adding pepper Adding pepper flakes and dishes that are not spicy. Those were the most disgusting Swedish meatballs I've ever had. Yeah. Follow the recipe, people. Google had an April fools joke 1 year where if you lick your phone screen, you can actually taste the object of what's being displayed on the screen.

Needless to say, she did it several times and said it didn't work. Anyway, this is a great thread if you wanna feel good about yourself. What's your I'm dating an idiot moment? Good stuff. Oh, what's going on in Florida jails today?

Well, apparently, somebody doesn't like sandwiches. Who doesn't like a nice sandwich? Well, maybe sandwich from the ground of the jail wouldn't be very good. Got a woman being held without bond who was, well, charged further while behind behind bars for trying to force her cellmate to eat a sandwich. Yeah.

Sandwich fell on the ground, so she picks it up and then is, like, eat this sandwich. And the cellmate is, like, no. I don't want to eat that dirty sandwich. So then she tries just forcing the sandwich into her mouth, and then they get in a big brawl. We got hair pulling, screaming, and yelling, and, then she started choking the other person.

Eat the sandwich. Yeah. Just a typical day in Florida jail. Eat the sandwich. Then the cops show up.

You know? She decides to bite the cop. She's, you know, should've just ate the sandwich if she want wants to bite so badly, but I guess the, the deputy tasted a little bit better than the dirty sandwich. I don't know. Anyhow, the victim who was attacked and, you know, the cellmate was trying to force feed her the sandwich, said her mouth was scratched by the sandwich being driven into her mouth.

So, yeah. I don't know what kind of a specific charge that is battery, But it's not gonna help you get out of jail any faster. Yeah. Try to feed your cellmate a sandwich they don't want 3 second rule. Yeah.

That's a myth. Alright? Especially in a dirty jail. There's 1 place I could think of that I wouldn't want to eat a sandwich off the ground. Well, I'm sure there's worse I could think of than a jail floor.

Maybe, you know, 1 of those public restrooms in a national park floor. That'd be about the worst. But jail floor is right behind it. You know? It's just kind of a grody sandwich.

So, anyway, we wish her luck on, her poor little mouth healing up from the the sandwich scratch. Was it a was it toasted? What's how do you scratch yourself with a sandwich? I don't think they serve up a nice toasted sandwich in jail, but it is Florida. Who knows?

I saw this photo of a supposed 8 foot long centipede online. Disgusting. I mean, it was fake but still gave me the creeps. Grossed me out. Again, it wasn't real.

But people are easily fooled online by fake photos. Wanna remind you that websites like Snopes exist. You can go find out what is true and what isn't. If only more people would look into, is this real or not? Boy.

Scrolling my Facebook feed as of late. It's gotten to be something else. Something else altogether. So if you didn't get enough activity the last few days and you're looking for something fun to do, could be a good night to give it get out and see some live music. The river concert series with the Idaho Falls Arts Council going down tonight.

Green belt stage between d and e streets on Memorial Drive in Idaho Falls. Who's playing tonight? Little Red. There you go. Get out and check out little red.

You know, bring down some food and lawn chair and relax by the river. What's the, forecast looking like today? I mean, I'm not gonna go outside. Once I'm out of here, I am just relaxing. Oh, yeah.

I mean, I had a fairly relaxing weekend with the kids around, but not like just relaxing in my silent house. You know, kids are there. It's always a a little bit extra crazy. I've gotta actually cook and do like, do dad stuff. Yeah.

Not quite as easy as sitting around being just lazy me by myself. Oh, yeah. It's a good day to stay inside. We got a heat advisory. Looking at a high today of, like, 95.

Uh-oh. The next number of days look terrible. 100? Alright. Well, this weekend, guess who's not going anywhere?

This guy. Drink lots of water. Stay hydrated. Yeah. Luckily, it's shady down at the river if you wanna go down and check out the river concert series.

Not too bad by the river where there's, you know, water. Kind of, kicks up a bit of a cool breeze. And, again, trees. 95 today. Yikes.

Well, good thing I left that AC running. Be nice and cold when I get there. Alright. There's something for you to do. You're welcome.

You know that I wish more people would make their houses and yards a little bit more exciting. Everything around here, you know, tends to be painted, like, 1 or 2 colors. Gets very bleak during the winter months. How about an animatronic dinosaur in your front yard? This was in, Vancouver.

A guy was just scrolling the Facebook marketplace and saw an animatronic triceratops and was like, I have gotta have this. Guy's got more money to spend than me on useless yard decorations. I shouldn't call it useless. It's bringing joy to the community. They wanted $10 for it.

He talked them down to 35100, And this thing looks sweet. And it's animatronic. It moves. And the news article says that it made a rather bleak stretch of Vancouver's night street more interesting, and the community's very happy about it. People love it.

Anybody know where I can get an animatronic dinosaur for, like, way less than 35100? I mean, we gotta get we gotta get really low on the price taking donations, but I would gladly put it in my front yard. Now I still think back to 1 time 1 time at band camp. No. 1 time in Cottonwood, Arizona.

I was at an I think it was an antique shop of some sort. I don't know. 1 of the stores in the touristy area of town, and there was a giant metal bore, like a wild bore, a giant metal pig, and it was awesome. It was huge. And I think I could've got it for a pretty decent price, but it didn't happen.

And I think back, and I go, is is that pig still there? Because it would look ridiculous in my front yard, and I would totally totally put that out there. I've got a little metal dragon on my front porch. That's cool. But this this wild boar it was it was massive so next time I can afford to drive to Arizona because you gotta have a truck to move a giant pig across many states next time the gas prices are low there we go it's no animatronic triceratops but it would be it'd be neat You know, I always like to give props to my neighbors that have a giant skeleton in their yard year round.

Why not? Liven things up a little bit. Further down the road in the neighborhood, somebody's got 1 of those, I think it's a Costco, werewolf. It's up year round 2. Why not?

Why not have a werewolf out front? It's fun. If you're not gonna paint your house a bright color at least go for the giant werewolf in your yard. Alright? You have my permission.

What? Your your neighbor's gonna judge you? Who cares? Alright. You be you.

You do what you want. Decorate however you'd like. Halloween's right around the corner. All kinds of ridiculous lawn displays are gonna be on sale. Again, outside of my budget.

I'd get a giant skeleton too but can't afford it. So thankfully, the neighbors are already have 1 and I'll figure out how to get myself a giant sheet metal wild boar 1 of these days because why not? Could all of the other states out there just start sending your crazy news stories to your local news? I know it's not only Florida where these kind of things happen. Alright?

This guy, 31 year old man, Brandon Gilmore, arrested on Saturday. He took his 4 year old out on the balcony of a Daytona Beach Resort. Yeah. He just wanted to scare him a little bit. Alright.

If your spouse says, I'm gonna take the kid outside and just scare him a little bit. Put a stop to that. Alright? So what he did was, grab the child by the legs and hold him up over the balcony and then just started swinging him back and forth. Well, child slipped out of his hands.

It's okay. It's okay. I think so. I mean, he fell about 2 stories. But I I believe he's okay.

Dad's in jail as he should be. Yikes. I mean, don't you remember when Michael Jackson was, you know, hanging his baby over the edge of a balcony? People lost their minds about that. I would think with that being, you know, international news back in the day, people would remember that and go, oh, yeah.

You know, hanging a child over the balcony a few stories up. It it's just not a good idea. Alright? Especially if, like, mister Gilmore here, you have a crappy grip. You know?

I mean, there's no situation when you should do this. But if you think there's a chance, you're not gonna be able to hold on. I mean, it okay. Again, there's no situation in which you should do this. That clap.

What an idiot. Glad the child's okay. At least, I I think they said he'd be held of concrete. Yikes. Well, it makes you feel better as a parent, right, to hear these kind of stories.

Like, alright. You know? I'm not perfect as a parent, but never dangled a child over a balcony and then let him slip out of my hands. Alright? Freak news is powered by Greasemonkey, voted Idaho's best oil change.

There are so many stories in the news today about people being scammed, like old people getting scammed out of all kinds of dough. We talked early this morning about the woman who was scammed by fake Steve Perry from Journey. I really need money. Come on. Send it to me.

Alright. Sure. Here's a $120, 000. Well, apparently, we've also got fake Kevin Costner out scamming people. There was a woman who, was scammed out of just $200, so not too bad.

Could be worse. Could be a $120, 000 like fake Steve Perry. But I guess there's some type of a Facebook page, Kevin Costner. And, they're going all out. They're using, like, AI video to have fake Kevin Costner talk to you.

I really need a $100. Purchase a $100 voucher, and you can be 1 of our VIP members. So she did send that, but then got another message from fake Kevin Costner, and he's like, alright. Actually, if you wanna be a VIP, you gotta get the membership card for a little over $1, 000. So, that was when she got suspicious.

I would think if Kevin Costner asked you for a $100, you should be suspicious right out of the gate. K? Pretty sure Kevin Costner's doing alright financially. But, yeah, as I scroll through the news, it's like page after page of people getting scammed. There's even a full news article.

Scammers are wiping billions from American bank accounts every year. 1, 000, 000, 000. And most of them are getting away with it. Yeah. You hear about the great wealth transfer.

That's when your your boomer relatives transfer all of their money to people overseas like fake Kevin Costner. Yeah. People rarely get their money back, and they rarely catch the people who are doing these things. If you have anybody online trying to get you to send them money, alright, talk to your family members. Hit up law enforcement.

Be like, you know, it seemed a little bit weird. I just don't know. There was a video I saw when I was scrolling Reddit of a Texas police officer stopping an elderly woman from sending $40, 000 to a scammer. 40 grand. I mean, if you tried to get me, fake Kevin Costner, to send you $20.

$20. I can't afford it. I need all the $20 I can get. Alright. 40 grand.

What would somebody have I mean, I don't have 40 grand to send somebody. Don't have anywhere close to that. But what would it take? What kind of story would I have to be told if I had $40, 000 to send it to somebody? I I can't even imagine.

It would have to be yeah. Again, I I really don't know. Watch out for scammers, people. Watch out for Kevin Costner. If you're gonna be in Central Pennsylvania anytime soon, just wanna let you know that helicopters are gonna spray thick brown liquid over central Pennsylvania communities.

And, no, it's not that. They're trying to deal with bugs. Bacterial larvicide for blackfly gnat suppression. I guess I got a problem with gnats, so they, spray what looks like chocolate milk. Yeah.

You know, you're hanging out. All of a sudden, brown liquid starts falling out of the sky. You'd you'd probably be concerned. So just wanted to give you the heads up that will be happening if you're planning on, I don't know, maybe heading to Central Pennsylvania to drop off $30 in gift cards to fake Kevin Costner. Nah.

Might wanna just cancel cancel the trip because, you know, after you're out the deli, you're already gonna feel like you're covered in brown liquid. Jeez. Alright. We'll do more stupid news as the program goes on. What locals or not local.

Local celebrities better not be scamming people. That'd be messed up. Celebrities shouldn't be doing it at all. I mean, it's a big shame on Kevin Costner. Buses are not a big thing around here.

I know we have some public transit, but we don't get any crazy bus stories, do we? When's the last time 1 of those popped up? I don't know. But I got 1 from is it gonna be Florida? Oh, Massachusetts.

This guy, he wanted to get on the bus really bad. But they told him because he's, like, knocking on the door. They're, like, you can only board the bus at a designated bus stop. So he took a glass jar and just smashed it into the windshield, which would not be an effective way to get yourself on the bus. You know, imagine you're driving down the road and someone goes, can you give me a ride?

And you're like, no. And then they just smash your windshield with, you know, a baseball bat. I don't think you're gonna pick them up. Right? And take them where they wanna go.

I I wouldn't. You know? When I'm dealing with unhinged people, I tend to get away as quickly as humanly possible because you never know what an unhinged person's gonna do. And I I'd say the sign would point to them potentially doing something extra crazy after they have smashed a glass jar into your windshield. So not surprisingly, the, person was intoxicated and also packing, narcotics is what the article says.

He's in jail, but I tell you, you know, you're just trying to get where you need to be. This is the kind of crap you gotta put up with. Oh, jeez. Crazy person trying to get on the can the bus driver just hit the gas? Probably not.

They'd end up getting sued. Bus drivers, man. They gotta put up with a lot. All of them. You know, the the school bus drivers.

Can you imagine a job that would give you more of a headache than having to drive a bunch of screaming kids to and from school? Kids do, you know, terrible things on the bus too. They're not very nice to the bus driver sometimes. Not saying that, you know, there's any excuse then if the bus driver becomes unhinged. You know, you you you're gonna take on that kind of job.

You gotta deal with crazy. You're gonna be a bus driver. You're going to deal with crazy. Alright? You need to accept it and just be ready for it.

But jeez. Tommy the cat. Little bit of Primus on a Tuesday morning. Primus, always fun, which is why you should go see them live. And they're gonna be here, what, next week?

I should remember the date, but you know me. On the, 15th, Primus with Coheed and Cambria next Monday. Alright. I was looking on Ticketmaster last week. I don't know if this is still the case, but, I mean, there were tickets for that show as cheap as $25.

I gotta tell you. If you wanna have your mind blown at a live show, go see Primus. K? Lots of seats available. Yeah.

And, again oh, yeah. There's still there's still a bunch. $25. $25. Now there are VIP packages for, for more, but, yeah, a bunch of tickets, 45, $25.

$25 to see Primus. I'm sorry, but you gotta be a fool if you wouldn't pay that. They are 1 of the best live bands on the planet, and I'm sure Khoheed will kill it as well. I guarantee you I will be at that show. No way I'm missing Primus right here.

Pages. Was just telling listeners, if you wouldn't pay $25 to see Primus, you're an idiot. Why would you tell them about the ticket prices? Now there's gonna be more people there, more people in my way. Sorry, peaches.

I don't care about you. I care about the listeners. I talked about this 1 guy that was extremely mad yesterday on the unwritten rules of concert going. He was like, if you're over 6 feet tall, go to the back. I'm like, I'm gonna find this guy and go right in front of him the entire the entire show.

Yeah. I think we should just ban all tall people from concerts altogether. I can say that if you're under 6 foot, you are not a legal human being. You are more so just, you know, a stepping stool. Oh, look at this guy.

Look at this guy. Yeah. That there's a reason I like to be up in the seats because, I don't. Yeah. I don't see too puny.

Yeah. I know. You're a big guy. Yeah. That's why for regular people.

What are you talking about? You're gonna stand on the floor, tall guy. That's right. I'm gonna sit in my comfy seat. Just sit in that chair, old man.

That's right. The future's now. Look right over the top of your head from up here in the sky. That's what you think. I'll still block you.

What's this person want? K Bear, you are live on the show. Keep that in mind. Who's this? Victor, good morning.

It's the redneck. What up, the redneck? I just wanna say peaches. There is nobody that's in your way unless it's my baby cousin. Oh, the redneck got a baby cousin that's, 10 feet tall.

It's a baby. It's gonna be a monster. I showed Pete just a picture of him. He's 7 foot 6. 7 foot 6, man.

It's gotta be difficult to go through life being 7 foot 6. Oh, yeah. Oh, it has to be terrible. I mean, trying to find clothes and shoes for the guy is ridiculous. Yeah.

Yeah. It'd be awful. I've seen the, the picture of Yao Ming and the Lincoln Navigator. Yeah. Looks like a toy car.

You're showing that. Popping out the sunroof. Right. Yes. It's very nice to be a normal person.

I'll tell you. I got no problem buying. I would say rednecks, normal height. You're you're kinda like, yeah. I I can find shoes and clothes galore.

When you walk into big and tall and they say no, you're a little on the excessive side. Is this your Jeff is this like your Jeff Foxworthy type of comedic betrayal? Do you look at the menu and say, okay? Well, Gary, you guys have yourself a wonderful day, and that was a wonderful prima song. Oh, yeah.

Well, they're all wonderful which is why everyone should go see them. Like it it's gonna be amazing. It's gonna be amazing. Especially co heat is the opener. Yeah.

I mean, what a lineup. What a lineup. It's gonna if you like, you know, killer musicianship, you would be insane to miss this show, especially where there are tickets for $25. That's so cheap. And there's not a bad seat in that place too.

No. No. Even if you're all the way at the back, it's gonna be great. Right. So If I'm still here, I may go and check it out.

I'm not sure when we're heading over to, North Carolina to go find a house yet. I'll probably be this week or next week. Well, I'm gonna just pre shame all the listeners if you wouldn't pay $25 again to see Primus. You're an idiot. We talked about it many times.

If you don't show up to shows, they're gonna stop booking them here. That's right. That's right. And I mean, the the tickets are of value. I mean, holy cow.

Well, there's been so many concerts and people have spent a lot of money so far. Even if they were a poor band, the ticket's still a fair, good value. Yeah. I mean, if it was a band, I mean, $25 anymore. You you don't see shows that cheap unless it's day of and the scalpers are panicking.

So it looks like they're they're already panicking because they're all scalper tickets for $25. There we go. I love it. Love it. I'd pay $25 to see a good local band.

Me too. Me too. 25 ain't bad. So, maybe we'll see you there, the redneck. Absolutely.

You guys have yourself a wonderful day. Don't work too hard, and don't have too much fun. We'll try. We'll try. Alright, everybody.

If you want details on these shows, check out the all new Peaches did a fine job updating the concert calendar with, everything coming to the area. Oh, we got a Hinder coming to Boise. I know you're gonna pay $25 to see that band. Right?

I'd pay $25 to see Hinder, but I'd tell you, I'd I'd much rather see Primus. I'd much rather pay $25 to watch you sing lips of an angel in karaoke. Oh, I hate that song. We're headed down to Louisiana to talk about Bigfoot. Yeah.

A group of terrified teenagers have been rescued after an encounter with a glowing eyed and growling Bigfoot in a Louisiana forest. Now, Louisiana forests are creepy to begin with. If you've played any Red Dead part 2, you know what I'm talking about. Mhmm. Creepy.

So these kids aged 17 to 18 were out in the woods, walking along a trail, and just stumbled across a creature resembling Bigfoot with glowing eyes. It was about 5 feet tall and they got scared so they called the cops. Help. Help us. Now most people seem to believe that they just saw, like, a bear or a wild boar or something like that.

Animals have shiny eyes if you point a flashlight at them. But the kids are like, no. No. It was a growling Bigfoot. I think I would personally much rather stumble across a Bigfoot than a bear.

Alright? Bigfoot, they're generally friendly. Right? There have been no reports of people being ripped apart by a Bigfoot as far as I'm aware. Bears?

Wild boars? Yeah. Easily. They'll tear people up. So, anyway, the kids are okay, but they've got a lot of sightings going on.

I always thought the Pacific Northwest was Bigfoot country. Louisiana, you know, look alike trying to make themselves a new tourist destination for all the, you know, cryptozoological, hunter people. You know? Anyway, we're in a Bigfoot hot spot ourselves. You know, in case you were unaware, I've asked Bigfoot, or asked for Bigfoot stories on the air before, and we always get a bunch of them.

Now I have never seen a Bigfoot, but I also tend to avoid just wandering around in the woods because, hey. There's a mountain lions out there. Alright? Grizzlies. I ain't worried about Bigfoot.

Alright. So those other critters, what about a a fox? They could gnaw on your leg. Probably give you some rabies. Squirrels can't be trusted.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know if you're looking for a fun Bigfoot, vacation. Louisiana might be where it's at. Just watch out for the glowing eyes. Oh, scary. Alright.

We'll be back. I even, took yesterday off, and it still wasn't long enough. I mean, it's to the point now when somebody says, how's your weekend? And the constant answer is not long enough is a sad state of affairs. Yeah.

I do believe the world needs to move to the 4 day work week. Right. I know. Yeah. I think if we move to the 4 day work week, we wouldn't.

Then it would be, Yeah. We need a 3 day work week. Yeah. I'm down for that. 0 day work week.

Just That's what we need. I would love that. Yeah. Absolutely. Fireworks show was amazing though.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. The the firework I mean yeah. And holy cow was it packed with people. It was it was wild.

Nuthouse. Yeah. It it was great. I know I was reading about the Boise fireworks show afterward Mhmm. And they were bragging up there.

1200 shells. God. I'm like Serious? 1200. We went through that many in 12 minutes.

Yeah. Yeah. 18, 500 shells. Yeah. Crazy.

Just crushing the capital. That's what I like to see, but it was a good weekend. It was good. Though, I I don't know what I did to myself, but my neck is killing me today and it's driving me nuts. You know, when you got a bad pain Mhmm.

That it just you you can't focus on anything else. That's how I'm feeling today. Well, normally if it was a little bit lower, I would say it was probably Peach's fault. Yeah. You know?

Yeah. No. It's, I mean, he is a pain in the neck, but, I was going lower. I know what you were doing, Justin, trying to make me slip up, No, no, I'd never do that. You're a trained professional.

You would never slip up. No, never. Ever. I have never ever slipped up. Never had to push the dumb button on myself.

Never. So yeah, listeners, if you're into country music, you should listen to Justin's show this afternoon. Yeah. I'm gonna play some Co Wetzel. Got some Co Wetzel.

That's what we were talking about off air and we've played Ko Wetzel on k Bear. So, he, you know, 1 of those country guys who who he's kind of a weird fit in that genre because he rocks. He's got himself, what what do they call him? I forget what the what the name, they actually branded him as, but it's certainly not country. But No.

No. It's it we always have to find the songs that fit right to play on Hawk. Yeah. Give us a clean version of that 1 because we can't play it with that content. He does tend to use a lot of naughty words Mhmm.

And, engage in bad behavior Yeah. Well, I mean songs. I Which that's kind of country music. Right? I mean, I I don't I'm supposed to be clean.

I I don't know. I it's all good. I've met lots of cowboys, man. Alright? And they're they're rowdy folk for sure.

Yeah. Yeah. And anytime I've talked to people at, big concert venues, I'm, you know, like, what what's the worst crowd as far as misbehaving? And it's always the country shows. Yeah.

You wouldn't think. No. You probably wouldn't think. But yeah. I mean, lower IQs and I mean, it comes with every genre, doesn't it?

There there's a lot of lower IQs in every genre for sure, but I think the metal heads get a bad rap because they tend to look weird, but they're they're pretty well behaved. No. I guess there is nothing weirder than a cowboy hat. I mean, come on. If you think of hats.

Tend to wear hats. Yeah. Yeah. It's a weird hat. Hee haw.

You know? Reminder to not go into natural waters. Alright. I don't know why people keep doing this. You're gonna get attacked by who knows what?

Maybe a shark? Yeah. Here's the, here's the article out of California, a film and TV editor watched oh, okay. Sorry. He was from California headed to Montreal, watched his Montreal vacation turn from a monster horror film to an emergency responder hero movie before his eyes.

Yeah. His kid was out swimming. Next thing you know, he's, you know, just screaming, and, the guy said it was a little bit like the first scene in jaws. All of a sudden he's in the water, and there's just screaming and kicking and thrashing and blood. Yeah.

That's why you don't go in natural waters. Alright. Let's see. The working theory is that a musky fish bit him and then cut him when thrashing around after the attack. It's a long, large fish with sharp teeth, scaly cheeks, and gill covers.

And, big fish. You You don't even need to be worried about sharks. Just a big old fish. Big old fish attack this poor boy. Alright?

I'm looking at a picture of a musky. Terrifying. Alright. If you've never seen a picture of 1, look it up. It's got really sharp teeth.

It's big. It's hideous. And what? You think we don't have big fish in the waters around here? I think there's sturgeon in the snake.

Aren't there? I believe I've been told that river monsters. Alright. You wanna keep going for a swim in these type of waters. Animals are fighting back.

They're fed up with people. We got fish attacks, people. Not even sharks again. Fish attacks. You wanna get attacked by a fish?

What if he died getting attacked by a fish? It'd be a real real dumb way to go. What happened to grandpa? Got killed by a fish. What kind of fish?

Yeah. Just a musky. What? Yeah. Very, very aggressive monster.

Anyway, just just my fair warning. We get about 1 a week because because there's always people getting attacked by creatures in the water, but they keep on swimming. Swimming pools, people. You can buy your own. You can buy your own swimming pool and put it in your backyard above ground pools.

They're not that expensive. All right. Better ways to stay cool than getting ripped apart by a fish, but to each of their own. Apparently, there is a war on wine happening as we speak. I hadn't heard a word about this, but according to this article by Jeff Siegel, the war on wine has begun.

And the main culprit trying to take down wine is non alcoholic wine. Jeff Siegel is not a fan of non alcoholic wine. He wrote this I mean, he's just going on and on and on about how this isn't real wine. You know, people drink wine for a reason. This is just grape juice.

Yeah. I'm guessing non alcoholic wine is probably just juice. Overpriced juice. But the fact that non alcoholic wine would exist. I'm pretty sure that's not just gonna all of a sudden make wine cease to exist.

Alright? Non alcoholic beer exists. It's not good, but it's out there. And far as I know, beer is still a thing. Alright?

I saw nonalcoholic seltzer. 1 day at the grocery store, it's like, that has always been a thing. And rather than spending $8 a 6 pack, you could get yourself a a 12 pack for just a few dollars of regular old seltzer that probably tastes better than the non alcoholic seltzer that you'd find in the beer area. I mean, I I thought non alcoholic beer was I don't I don't know what word I'm looking for here because I don't wanna say it's the worst. It sort of tastes like beer, but is there anything more useless than nonalcoholic seltzer that you pay the same price as a regular, like, booze filled seltzer?

Doesn't make any sense to me. But nonalcoholic wine, that that does sound like just kind of a waste. We got somebody calling. Let's see what they want. K Bear, you're live on the show.

Who's this? Victor, it's me again. Oh, the redneck again. What's up, man? Oh, I wanna just comment on this whole nonalcoholicalcoholic beverages.

Alright. That makes sense. I mean, why I mean, just call it a different name. Say nonalcohol, you know, wine or beer, that that makes as much sense as wiping before you poop. No.

The the description you used was kind of, gross. So I, I dumped out of that, but all right. I don't know what else you're supposed to call non alcoholic beer. It's still made with the same ingredients and it, you know, it tastes like beer, nonalcoholic wine. I don't know.

Because wine doesn't taste like juice. Yeah. So maybe if it sort of tastes like wine, the only thing to call it is nonalcoholic wine. I don't know. It it does sound like a weird 1 to me.

Juice is delicious, so why not just get get some juice going on? But Well, I you know? I mean, I mean, they can make up another name or something for it, but you know, this stuff with names that they were alcohol. Yeah. But then people are gonna have a difficulty finding it.

You know? I mean, it it's hard to get a new term out there and have everybody know what it is. If they're in the wine section and they see nonalcoholic, they're they're gonna know what it is. You know? You gotta you gotta market things if you wanna be able to sell them.

So I don't know. Probably the only way that they could sell it is by keeping it with the same name. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly.

So I bet it'll be a decent seller. I mean, nonalcoholic beer sells well. I've even seen, like, nonalcoholic liquor before. I mean, I've never tried something like that. That seems bizarre to me as well, but look, whatever.

If somebody can make a buck and if, you know, somebody is trying to not drink and it gives them an option to have something similar, you know, it's not not a bad thing. It just sounds weird to me, sometimes. Even if it's like, you know, non nicotine cigarette or, non caffeinated coffee. Well What's the point? Decaf is people like the taste of coffee.

And I mean, if they were to take nicotine out of cigarettes, that would probably be great for smokers because they'd be able to stop easier. But I don't think that the, corrupt tobacco industry is gonna do that anytime soon. I agree. It's like some of the stuff with the mechanic world. How they make stuff is to make force people to have to go to the dealerships and because you can't do it on your own.

Yep. Yep. Exactly, man. So well, good to hear from you, the redneck. Hope you have a good rest of the day, man.

You as well. Peace. Bye bye. If anybody sees any nonalcoholic wine for sale, you'll have to try it and let me know. Okay.

Does it just taste like juice? Because you can get a pretty good deal on juice. They're like $20 bottles, nonalcoholic wine. Well, you spend your money however you want. Yeah.

If you're ever wondering the name of our sales manager, his name is Jay Miller. As I pointed out on air in the middle of that song. Got a call from somebody looking to do some advertising, so I was trying to get them to the right department. You're welcome. Anybody who wanted to know.

Because advertising on Kbert is a pretty good idea. We're a very popular radio station, and people like to listen to us. And they know how much we love our advertisers. Because I always point out if you hear somebody advertising on k Bear, they're a support, so you should support them. Absolutely.

Alright. Kind of threw myself off with that. Anytime I screw up, it's very distracting. So thank you to, Bryce for pointing out to me my mic was on. And, thank you for not being rude about it.

I was reading a list of the rudest cities in the Midwest. In case you were wondering, they're pretty much all in Indiana and Missouri. Just don't go there. If you want friendly people in the Midwest, you go to Minnesota. Now, now, what do they base things on as far as determining whether somebody is friendly?

Alright. Holding doors for strangers, yielding in traffic, smiling at or greeting strangers, tipping well, adhering to speed limits, helping your neighbors. How much polling did they do to find this out? Alright. That's what I'm curious to know.

And I mean, it's the Midwest, so who cares in general? Worst area of the country. Well, I don't know. I don't know if the Midwest is the worst. It's just kinda boring.

It's like flat, and there's nothing. I don't know. Got some big cities, but not my jam. Not my jam. Need something to look at.

Okay. I'm gonna I'm gonna find some other content. I'll be back. If you live in a tourist destination, I wanna let you know tourists are going to visit there. Apparently, folks in Barcelona don't get it.

Very upset. They want the tourists to go home. 1, 000 taken to the streets in an anti tourist protest, and they were mowing people down with squirt guns. Yeah. I don't recommend even if it's a neon blue plastic see through squirt gun you start waving those around in the streets there are unhinged unpredictable people out there k Don't do it.

But, yeah, you know, if you're going to live in a place like imagine you lived in Manhattan Tourists go home. I think you need to move to the country, buddy. Move to a small town and not a tourist small town. Alright? Don't wanna move to Sun Valley.

Don't wanna move to Sedona if you don't wanna deal with tourists. K? 1000 in the streets. I hate to break it to these people, but local businesses probably thriving, thanks to tourism. I think people are just mad nowadays.

They'll get mad about anything. Is housing going through the roof? Is it an Airbnb thing? Can't afford houses because too many, short term rentals? I don't know.

I didn't read the article. I just saw people complaining. I was like, well, that'll be a decent way to wrap up the show. People are spray painting. Tourists go home in their own neighborhoods.

Don't vandalize your own neighborhood to try to get people to leave. Alright? Maybe you gotta get rid of the Barcelona city tour bus. The double decker that drives tourists around. Close down all your local restaurants.

Hell, anyway, I'm gonna get out of here. Hope you have a good day today. I'll be back for the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Haliscos. I'm gonna go get some more, Ibuprofen going on for the pain of my neck. Appreciate you listening.

Talk to you soon. Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt Show. This program's a production of river. This program's a production of river. Why can't I say that?

God, I'd like to say river bend media group, river bend media group. This program's a production of river God. This program's a this program's a production of Riverbend Media Group. To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at