Today, on this special day of Tu Bishvat, we dive into the Tanya's rich teachings. Picture this: every tree we plant today symbolizes our innate love for Hashem, deeply rooted yet often hidden. The Alter Rebbe reminds us that this love can shine through, even in the face of minor transgressions, which we often overlook as insignificant.
Think of a brave woman faced with a dire choice: bow to an idol or face death. She would stand tall, refusing to sever her bond with the Divine. Yet, when it comes to everyday sins, she may falter, believing they carry no weight. This is the folly! Each transgression, big or small, distances us from Hashem's oneness.
Even a tiny gnat, a creature seemingly insignificant, holds a higher place than a person who chooses to sin. Why? Because every being fulfills its purpose, while we, with our free will, can rebel against our Creator. Let’s cultivate awareness, nurture our hidden love, and strive to say no to even the smallest infractions. This Tu Bishvat, let’s plant seeds of strength and conviction in our souls, connecting deeper to our true essence.