The From Scratch Body

Full of flavour, vitamin C and great for uses around the house. We’re looking at the benefits and uses of lime!

Welcome to The From Scratch Body! I’m Liv - and I believe that anyone can cook. Since being diagnosed with endometriosis, I have been on a journey to find out what food makes me feel great. By cooking from scratch I have not only started feeling much better, but also fallen in love with cooking completely! Join me for my weekly food topic and recipe here on my podcast, and check out my website for the transcripts and more. Find me on Instagram, and on YouTube.

What is The From Scratch Body?

Singer and actor Liv Austen has turned a health issue into a passion for cooking, by taking control of every ingredient that goes in to her meals. Every week she shares something she has learned from cooking from scratch, and goes through a recipe she loves, so you can cook alongside the podcast. Cook from scratch - your body will thank you.

Liv: You are listening to the From Scratch Body. I'm Liv, and I believe that when we make our own food from base ingredients, our bodies will thank us. I want to help you with the skills, the knowledge, and most importantly, the confidence you need to make food at home in your own kitchen on your terms to fit your body. So every week I share a health topic or a recipe or both which will take you on a journey to effortless cooking step by step and you can always find the topics and recipes in writing on my website the from scratch body dot com Welcome back to the From Scratch Body. We are looking at an ingredient again today.

We are looking at limes. They are not just for margaritas or Mexican food. They pack such a punch when it comes to health and home benefits. So let's explore today why it's worth having a few in the fridge where they last a long time, may I add. We've looked at lemons a while ago, you may remember.

Now, let's talk about their zesty cousin, the lime. They are great for flavouring so many things. They've got some serious health and home perks too. If you need a bit of help with your immune system and who doesn't, I love that kind of sound a bit coldy as I'm talking about this, but limes are packed with vitamin c, and we have spoken about vitamin c many times. It's like a superhero for your immune system. Absolutely crucial.

A squeeze a day might just keep those sniffles away a bit longer. Don't forget that vitamin c also helps your body absorb iron. So a meal that's high in both, think a tofu stir fry, for example, with a generous squeeze of lime juice is a super, super combo. For your digestion, it's great as well.

Squeeze a bit of lime juice on top of your food to help your stomach out because they actually help your saliva break down the food better. So it's like giving your digestion a little boost. And it also looks like limes and other citrus fruits as well can help lower the risk of kidney stones. Great for hydration, add some lime slices for a flavor upgrade in your water. It's like fancy spa water, but a lot cheaper.

And it helps flush out toxins and keeps you feeling fresh. And it might be motivating you to drink a little bit more water as well because it's gonna taste nicer. So that's a great way to use them. It's great for your skin too. You can whip up a DIY face mask with some lime juice and honey, and your skin will thank you later.

How do you use it in the kitchen? So like I mentioned, a stir fry is the perfect place for a big squeeze of lime juice. You can try some in my egg fried rice, which you can find in, on my website. It's perfect in marinades, salad dressings, and also squeezed over seafood, pork, or chicken. Just a little bit mixed in with your coleslaw or your potato salad, both of these are recipes on my website, to brighten things up, that works brilliantly too.

Basically, anywhere that you need something acidic, you can try lime instead of lemon or instead of vinegar to see if you like it as an alternative. And the more you cook, the more you'll trust your instincts and your taste buds, and you'll know exactly when to go for a little addition of lime juice and zest. Don't forget that it works perfectly in desserts too. It's a great companion to sweet dairy or coconut based treats. In your home as well, I love something that can be used both for cooking and for for housework.

For cleaning, you can avoid harsh chemicals completely by mixing up some lime juice with water and vinegar for a natural cleaner that actually works. If you have some funky odors lingering around, stick some lime halves in the fridge or at your waste disposal to freshen things up. You can give your laundry a tropical holiday and say goodbye to musty smelling clothes with a splash of lime juice in the wash. How cool is that? And also, if your kitchen has a waste disposal, chuck your used citrus fruit in last.

It will freshen up the disposal and leave a much more pleasant smell. In a nutshell, limes are fantastic both when it comes to your health and your home. They're versatile, affordable, and they smell amazing too. So don't forget to stock up on limes. As I say, they last a long time in the fridge so you don't need to worry.

You can get a good half a dozen of these. Your taste buds and your cleaning supplies will thank you. Have you got other great uses for limes that I've forgotten to mention here in cooking, for your body, or for your house? Message me on Instagram or email me at liv at the from scratch body, and I will be here next week. Thank you for listening to this week's episode.

There are tons of recipes for you to try on my website, my YouTube channel, and also on social media channels. Just search for the from scratch body, and you'll find me. Save useful for topics and inspiration for the future, and try to have fun and experiment when you cook at home. And remember, cook from scratch, and your body will thank you. I'll catch you next week.