The Web Canopy Studio Show

What metrics should you be tracking to monitor your website and overall marketing performance?

We are constantly asked, “what KPIs do you track on your website, what metrics matter the most?''

Today there are a lot of tools and dashboards that capture data of even the tiniest elements of any website.

…And that is exactly why people get overwhelmed by data because they further complicate the process of knowing which metrics really affect your business.

What metrics you should track will depend largely on what your business goals are.

 However, there are three fundamental KPIs that you may have been ignoring (and they are critical for your business!)

In this episode John Aikin goes through those three metrics:

🟢 The first one will inform you whether you should increase or decrease the pace of your marketing activities.

🟢 The second one is likely something you’re not considering at all (and if you are, 10 points to you!) which will help you fine-tune your conversion rate.

🟢 The third one is a consolidated report, which if done right, can give you high-impact insights that will tell you exactly where you should focus next. 

This episode is for you if you're confused with your website & marketing data, but want to know which metrics you should be tracking regularly. 


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Get This Free Website Assessment Report Today!

Are you frustrated with your website’s performance? Is it a clearly outdated thorn in your side? Do you wish you could actually use your website as the #1 sales tool for your business and consistently put high-quality leads on your calendar for calls and demos?

If you want a customized action plan for how you can actually achieve all of this, then you need to take our free Website Conversion Assessment at

It only takes roughly 10 minutes of your time. Answer 30 questions on this self-guided assessment, and instantly get your report delivered.

When you fill out this assessment, you will receive a personalized report which includes:

✅  Individual evaluations for how your website performs in each of the 6 key areas of the Website Conversion Framework

✅  Detailed descriptions of the areas you should focus on and why they are critical to your company’s success

✅  A checklist for each area of focus that shows you exactly what you need to do to fix your website in a step-by-step format
Additional resources to help your website perform better

And the best part?

You don't need to hire developers or designers to make these changes! The majority of what we're providing you in this assessment are things that you can address on your own without relying on coding or special tech requests.

Get your free self-guided assessment and see how your website fares today! 

What is The Web Canopy Studio Show?

Everyone wants to grow their business, but not everyone has the time or patience to learn all the ins and outs of marketing, sales enablement, and making the most out of a CRM such as HubSpot. Join the Web Canopy Studio team, a HubSpot Diamond Partner Agency, as they chat about various topics all designed to help you grow your B2B business.

Hey, everybody. In this episode, we are talking about what metrics we should be tracking to monitor our website performance and our overall marketing performance. So we're going through the three website KPIs. Every marketer should be tracking today. My name is John Aikin. I'm the CEO of Web Canopy Studio. And this is The Website Conversion Show.
Hey everybody, I get asked this question all the time and I don't know, I don't know how many times this has come up just in recent months about people who are wanting to know John, what are you tracking on your, your dashboards? What KPIs, what metrics are you paying a 10 to for your website? And that is a, a really, really wide open question because, you know, there's, of course there's dashboards and you're using any kind of software tools. They're gonna say, say, here are the, the five things that you have to have. And then they have this report builder of hundreds or thousands of different reports you could put on a dashboard and they're all cool of them. Look really beautiful. And you could probably dig in and find what things are really important, but keep in mind, a lot of that stuff is built around vanity metrics.
There are there's data about everything, any, anything that we're having, some kind of input in, in some kind of a point of tracking, we're giving data to a contact record, to a CRM, to a, to anything. And so all of that stuff really can feel overwhelming because there's so many different things. So when we're thinking about websites, what are, what are the things that absolutely need to be tracked? I cannot give you a straightforward answer on that because it a hundred percent depends on what your business goals are, but what I can tell you the things that I think are just really critical that have to be there. The three KPIs that I track and that I wanna make sure I'm paying very close attention to are probably things that, that you are maybe not doing right now. And so I'm gonna go through some of these and just kind of present them in a way that I think might give some, some value to you, or maybe give a little bit of a different way of looking at some of these KPIs.
The first one is pretty obvious. I would think most people are doing this, but I'm, I've been surprised before. It's about passing leads to sales. I want to know how many contacts that I am sending to a sales team as a marketer. I want to know that on a monthly basis. And I want to track that what's actually being passed to sales versus what the goal was of being passed to sales. And this is gonna vary again for everybody what this means, like, what does a lead mean in this situation? Most of the time in this scenario, we're talking about an MQL or a marketing qualified lead. And so there's some, there's a lot of different area about what makes a person and become a, an MQL instead of just a lead. So not gonna get into that, cuz that's a completely different rabbit hole that will go down on another episode.
But right now let's, let's assume that we're saying an MQL, a marketing qualified lead is somebody who has been engaged a lot. They've, they've engaged with what we're doing. They've read blogs or emails and they are a good fit. They meet the criteria of what we say is a good fit lead. And so we'd have to have some kind of trigger, some kind of threshold that would pass that person to sales team, right? And you can use automation. You can use tons of what HubSpot is built to do. You could use all kinds of different things to make that happen. You could also just say, Hey, when somebody becomes a lead and they filled out this particular form or so many forms, boom pass 'em to sales. So what you wanna do is make sure that regardless of, of whether you're really tracking this in depth or not, but you want to, you wanna make sure that you have an agreed upon term or definition what that is?
What, what constitutes a lead being passed to sales with the sales team so that you have a very clear definition. Marketing knows what it is. Sales knows what, what it is. And we, we can just talk about that, send things back and forth. There's no room for question. If this person was the right kind of person to send, because oath, people have agreed to that. Okay. Makes sense. So we're gonna track leads past to sales. The other thing we wanna do with that is make sure that we have a goal. We need to understand how many, like what's the target, what is the target number of leads that we're passing to sales? And based off of that, we're gonna be able to go back into our marketing plan and be able to say, okay, the target was 20 and we've only passed 10. And we've been consistently passing 10 and we're not seeing much improvement.
So from a marketer that tells me I have stuff to do. I have things that I need to work on, right? Nurturing, maybe it's traffic. Maybe it's just engaging our existing contacts or cold contacts, things like that. So we're gonna track leads past to sales, but regardless we are gonna know what makes, what makes that definition. And we're gonna make sure that there's a goal set. So I have a target and I can track how well I'm doing or how much I need to work on, on approving that. So leads pass to sales. Number one, number two, this is the one I bet you're not doing. And if you are fantastic, you are awesome. You're doing a great job. We wanna talk about leads that are returned to marketing. Okay? So we want to track the number of leads that sales sends back to us.
The reason we want to do that is number one about you're not because most people don't think about this. Most people will have the sales team or the marketing team, their working leads. They become whatever. It's a marketing qualified, lead sales, qualified, lead opportunity, whatever they're calling it. And then the sales team generally will work it. And once they can't work it anymore, it just kind of disappears. And maybe the sales team will have it on a separate list. And they'll, they'll hit 'em up six months from now, maybe a year from now. But for the most part, it's almost like we have this one way street of marketing contacts and they're coming over, they get past a sales and then sales can't get them to move forward. Whether it's because the sales person isn't doing a very good job, or because that lead has just gone completely cold, that lead's not a good fit at all.
There's any number of things that could contribute to that. But most of the time that person is just kind of like gone, right? So what has to happen? What should be happening is if the sales team says, this is not a good lead or I can't, I've tried, I've done this whole sequence. I've got all these things. I, I typically work this work a lead for two weeks or a month before I would write this off as not, not a valid target anymore, whatever that is. That's fine. Again, another podcast episode, maybe, but, but you guys need to be aligned on what that is that lead needs to get passed back to marketing so that marketers can track. And it can't just be passed back and said, Hey, this guy didn't do anything. Or this, this girl didn't do anything. Has to come back to that marketer with a reason.
I need to know why we do this. We have a dropdown list. We created a new contact property on our deal records and in contact records that state why this is getting passed back. And so we have a clear set of definitions and they have to meet these different things in order for them to even be passed back. So you can get really complex with this, but we want to know what those are so we can send them back to marketing. And as a marketer, what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna go through every single one of those leads. And I'm gonna start saying why, what happened? I wanna review who this was, what they did, what they didn't do, what the sales team did. What, why are we saying it's not a good fit. If you're telling me it's not a good fit, is it just because you can't reach them?
And you're just saying, now they're a bad fit lead. Let's, let's really dive into this because you're gonna pull out so much data. Once you just get 10, 20, 30 of these people back, you're gonna get so much data out of that. That's gonna inform, okay, we have a gap. The person's missing something in this marketing process and this handoff process, or we're not getting them early enough or our time to contact is not, not fast. So you're gonna figure out this process just by tracking back the people that, that sales sends back to you. So that's the second thing that I would definitely be tracking. The third thing is kind of a broad statement, but it's conversion rate breakdown. So you would probably have, if you're using HubSpot, you have like a landing page report that you could pull it's. It should be just baked into a, a, a report that's already existing in HubSpot.
I know a lot of other softwares do this too, is just a standard report. So what I wanna do, I want a single report that shows me all of my landing pages, or, you know, maybe you have forms on website pages too, or you're using something else. It doesn't matter, but I wanna track all the pages that people could convert on and I want it in a list. And what I'm doing is I'm looking at each page in just a, a holistic view as a quick, almost like it's a spreadsheet, right? I'm looking at those pages. I wanna see the individual visitors each month to those pages. So I can filter by most frequently visited. I want to see also the next column over. I want to see the conversion rate. So the submission rate of that landing page, so I can see 10%, 1%, 45%, and then I wanna see the total number of conversions.
And so I want this in a quick dashboard and a quick thing that I can review regularly. Just look at, I'd look at it every day and just see what's going on. The reason I want to do this is I'm going to track patterns. So you can, you can go as complex as you want with this and make cool reports and graphs and like percentage I up and down over, you know, 90 days and stuff like that, more power to you. I think it's great. The representation of that visually is really, really powerful, I think, but when you're doing this, what you're now doing is looking at the individual pages. You have a quick list to say, okay, sh this is a problem. This one right here is a problem. Or this one right here is really, really good. Look at the conversion rate. And the last 90 days that has bumped up, you know, 20% we're sitting at a 65% conversion rate on this page.
Let's put more people on this page, right? So we're doing different things there to improve our overall lead quality. So those are the, the three metrics that I would be tracking today. These are the things that I would implement immediately, if you could, because you're gonna have way bigger impact on your overall sales and your overall revenue. And again, we're doing this, like all the metrics that are just baked into a lot of different softwares. They're good, but a lot of them are just vanity metrics. And a lot of people will just throw dashboards together because they think, oh, look at all this stuff. I like to look at it from an intent based perspective and say, what am I really trying to understand? What am I really trying to see? And then I identify the metrics inside of that, that I wanna track. And you build your reports and dashboards around that.
So that's it. Those are the three things that I would implement and look at right now, inside of my platform. If your platform cannot do these things, you start thinking about how I can switch platforms because that's, these are just kind of like very basic level tracking things. And if you don't have that kind of clarity, you're really, really missing the mark and potentially doing a lot of damage and leaving a lot of money on the table. So that's it check out our website, You can take your conversion rate assessment there, walk through the website questions that we have. We have five different questions for six different categories of the website conversion framework. And based off of your, your answers, be as honest as you can what's gonna happen is these different answers are gonna provide you with a checklist of things. So if you're doing poorly and let's say nurturing and automation, we provide you a checklist. It's just an automated report that gets distributed based off of your submissions, a checklist of things that you should be doing right now that you can implement on your own to make that happen. So it's a very tailored kind of personalized experience there. I think that's it. Guys. Let us know if you have any questions, we'll see you next time.