Happy Productive with Jennifer Dawn: Where Business Success Meets Personal Fulfillment

- Assess an area where you've been focusing too heavily on tactics at the expense of emotional well-being.
- Create a plan to balance tactical action with emotional intelligence and self-care in this area.

Creators & Guests

Jennifer Dawn
I transform businesses and empower leaders to achieve extraordinary results. My passion lies in guiding high-impact leaders to unlock their full potential, driving significant profitability increases and operational efficiency gains. With a proven track record of success across diverse industries, I excel at: ** Leading Transformation: ** I've spearheaded transformative change initiatives, optimizing resources, and fostering innovation to propel companies to new heights of success. ** Coaching for Impact: ** I empower high-impact leaders through personalized coaching, helping them maximize revenues, optimize operations, foster team development, and scale their businesses. ** Strategic Execution: ** I translate vision into reality, executing strategic initiatives with precision to achieve impactful business goals. ** Building Trust & Success: ** I build strong client relationships, collaborating and driving continuous improvement for long-term client success. Ready to unlock your true potential? Connect with me to discuss how I can help you achieve your business goals.

What is Happy Productive with Jennifer Dawn: Where Business Success Meets Personal Fulfillment ?

Happy Productive with Jennifer Dawn

Welcome to the Happy Productive Podcast, where business transformation meets personal fulfillment. Hosted by Jennifer Dawn, Business Coach and founder of Jennifer Dawn Coaching, this podcast delivers actionable insights and heartfelt guidance to elevate your productivity, align your goals, and enhance your time management skills - all while keeping joy at the forefront.

With 30 years of entrepreneurial expertise and her unique Inside Out Results Roadmap™, Jennifer offers a blend of practical advice and genuine support to help you break free from the grind and create a sustainable, thriving business. Each episode is designed to empower you and your team with resilience, authenticity, and a positive mindset.

Join us and discover how to transform your business and your life, one episode at a time. Learn more at www.JenniferDawnCoaching.com

Hey, hey there, bliss seekers. Welcome to day five of the business bliss challenge. I'm your host Jennifer Dawn. And today we're going to be diving into a concept that has the power to transform the way that you approach your business aligned action. Okay. You're going to love this one, especially for all my like doers, doers, doers. Now you might be thinking, Jennifer, I'm already taking plenty of action in my business. And trust me, I hear you, but here's the thing.

Not all action is created equal. In fact, the secret sauce is taking action that's truly aligned with your values, your vision and your unique gifts. It is not about just doing, doing, doing all the day long. And what we want to do is we want to actually strike that perfect balance between tactical action and emotional wellbeing because that's really when the true magic happens and just hear me on this, okay, for a second. So let's say that when we talk about emotional wellbeing and our emotions, right, let's say that we have an underlying belief that, you know, I'm not good enough. And so now all day long, we're taking all this action to prove to ourselves that we're not good enough. So we keep doing things over and over and over. So we're busy, we're taking action, but guess what? We're not really getting that result.

So when we start to look at our emotional wellbeing, which is mission critical here, the belief systems that we're putting into this and then aligning it with the tactical action, now that's where our action will go so much further. I've seen it time and time again, right? Entrepreneurs who are hustling hard, checking all the boxes, I've been one, but still feeling stuck and still feeling like really, really, really unfulfilled.

We're putting in the hours, but we're not really seeing the results. We're not really having the impact that we truly desire. And that can be so incredibly frustrating and discouraging. I have been there myself many, many times. And I remember like, I would say yes to every opportunity that came my way, even if it didn't fully resonate, I would take calls at times, which, you know, didn't work for me. And then what happens? I'm spreading myself too thin.

I'm feeling bitter and resentful because it's like hey this person is cutting into my evening They're cutting into my weekend and and what happens is you start to feel more and more disconnected right from our work In the coaching space. One of the things we call it is compassion fatigue. What is compassion fatigue? Well when we're just going going going helping helping everybody else and and please know it's great to serve Absolutely. I love serving. I love helping

But when we do it too much and we grind away and we just wear ourselves completely out, we get a little compassion fatigue. And that is also known as I just can't give a shit any longer. OK, so any time this is a great little check and balance for me, any time that I start feeling like, you know what? I don't give a shit. That's what I know. It's really, really time to step back and get my batteries recharged. But the beautiful thing here is I don't have to wait.

For myself to actually get burned out, stressed out and worn down, I can actually be proactive about it and I can take care of myself so I never even get into that space in the first place. Here's the truth. When we take action that's out of alignment with who we are, and what we really want, we just end up spinning our wheels and creating a lot of very negative emotions. We waste our precious time and energy on things that don't really move the needle or light us up. And that truly is the recipe for burnout and resentment.

But when we focus on taking aligned action, then everything shifts. Suddenly we're not just going through the motions, we're making meaningful progress towards our true goals and our true desires that are in our hearts. We're tapping into that zone of genius and our work starts to feel a lot more effortless and impactful. So how do we ensure that we're going to take aligned action in our businesses? In the Apple Stand, I'm sure you guessed.

I share a lot of strategies, but here I'm gonna share a few more that are not in the book to get you started. First, get crystal clear on your core values and what really matters to you. Ask yourself what impact do you wanna have in the world? And there was an exercise that I had done a while ago where they would have, a coach asked me to imagine your funeral. I know it's a little morbid, but imagine your funeral.

Right? You're dead. You're in the casket. You're up above and you're watching everybody who's attending your funeral. And what are they saying about you? What are they saying about you? And whatever it is that they're saying about you, that's your impact. That's the impact that you want to have on this world. Are they're saying bad things? Are they saying good things? Okay. And those things that they are saying and the impact that you want to have, you can use that as kind of like your North star to guide you back to your decisions and your actions because that's really in the end what matters. Another thing you can do is learn to tune into your intuition and trust your gut. They're doing studies now you guys that we actually have a brain in our gut, your gut reaction. So there's our brain up in our head and then there's our gut brain. When an idea or an opportunity, it comes your way, check in with yourself, check in with your gut.

Does it feel expansive and exciting or does it feel heavy and draining? In future, I'm sorry, in previous episodes we talked about think it all the way through. When you think it all the way through, how are you gonna feel at the end, not just at the beginning? Your inner wisdom, it absolutely knows what's right for you.

In my Asana board, so I use Asana project management software for tracking everything in all of my businesses, because I need a place for it, you know, to keep it all there. But on the board in my Asana, I have a column for think tank slash later. And that's where I put all these ideas, right? As business owners, we often just get bombarded with lots and lots of ideas.

And it's a good thing. We want to keep that creative process flowing. But sometimes these ideas pop in and it's not exactly the ideal time. And if you find yourself constantly pivoting and changing and losing focus, right, we want to take those ideas and we want to store them somewhere. So I don't want to forget about them. But remember, a good idea will still be a good idea tomorrow, next week, next month. And so I just store those ideas in my little board with my think tank.

And then I periodically once a month, once a quarter, I go and I look at my think tank and if it's a good idea or now it's the right time to do it, I pull it out of the think tank. If I'm like, you know what? It was a good idea at the time, but now new information has come to me. And thankfully I didn't just like react and jump into it. Now I have newer information and I realize I'm glad I didn't go down that road. Then I can just delete it. Okay. And then what it does is it gets it out of my head as well. So now it's out of my head. It's on paper and I can stay focused on the task at hand. Okay.

Another key here is to focus on your unique strengths and your zone of genius. Where can you make the biggest impact with the least amount of effort? Double down on those areas and then delegate or let go of the rest of the things and just get them off your plate and don't waste valuable time and action on those things. Last but not least, make sure that you're balancing your action with reflection.

You wanna regularly check in, in My Best Plan or Ever, there is a page called Weekly Reflection. And there's just some simple reflection questions every week where you can regularly check in with yourself and assess whether your actions that you're taking that week are moving you closer to your desires, your goals, your vision. And if not, don't be afraid to course correct and go in a different direction.

Now, your challenge for today is to identify one area of your business where you've been taking misaligned action and then brainstorm a way to shift it into alignment. Maybe that means saying no to a project, right? That doesn't really fully resume or delegating a task that's been draining your energy. For me personally, the biggest thing I struggle with is doing everything myself.

This is a daily thing and so when I start feeling overwhelmed like I can't get it all done I literally need to check in with myself look at what's on my plate for the day Recognize what I can delegate and then just take those few minutes to teach train whatever because when we delegate we've got to delegate with clarity you guys to our team it's not fair to just dump it on them without being very crystal clear about how we want to done what our expectations are one of the things we use our loom videos they're like they've changed the whole whole business where I am at my time, I can just record a loom, share the screen, explain what I need done. Now it goes out to my team. They can watch it on their own time and pace. We don't have to have a meeting. We don't have to waste time getting together or coordinating schedules. It's like, let me just record a loom and shoot it off to you. And now it can get done. Okay. But we also have to make, make that time to teach and train our people. But once we do that, we get all that time back 10 fold, a hundred fold, because now they know the right way to do it and how to do it.

And you don't have to be having it on your schedule every day. Okay, remember, aligned action is that secret sauce to creating a business and life that you truly love. When you focus on what matters most to you and then you take those steps to feel good in your soul, right? In your soul, people, your spirit, your soul, your heart, success starts to become inevitable. So get clear on your values, trust your intuition, play to your strengths, and then just course correct when needed.

This world needs your unique gifts and your contributions and aligned action is how you're going to share them most powerfully. Anytime you catch yourself saying, I don't have enough time. Remember every single human being on this planet, we all have the same 24. The only difference is that other people are using their 24 better than you are. So take ownership of your 24.

You can absolutely do it. You can, you absolutely can. And then set your intention to work in your zone. Okay.

Thank you guys so much for showing up today. I can't wait to see you tomorrow for day six, where we're going to be exploring the ripple effect of meeting with love. I promise it's going to be super transformative. And if you have a business owner friend who could really benefit from this message, please share it. And if you get a moment, please hop on and leave us a review as well. That really, really helps us to extend our reach and help more business owners. All right, until then, you guys keep shining, keep aligning.