shiny (for the moment)

shiny (for the moment) Trailer Bonus Episode null Season 1

Shiny Shenanigans! Celebrity stories, early internet days + doppelgängers

Shiny Shenanigans! Celebrity stories, early internet days + doppelgängersShiny Shenanigans! Celebrity stories, early internet days + doppelgängers

Celeste Brown joins me for this first-ever attempt at what we are calling “shiny shenanigans” —an unstructured and NSFW candid conversation where we cover important issues like:
  • how to act when you meet a celebrity 
  • does cropping a penis out of a photo take a discerning eye?
  • is there anyone out there that looks like you that won't aggressively offend you?
  • and introducing our new segment: Old Bags! where we talk about how old and cringe we are
We shot the sh*t about some shiny things... here's a list of those things (mostly celebrities): 
Connect with me!
IG @shiny_forthemoment

Connect with Celeste!
IG @celesterbrown

Theme music "Gospel of Gold" by Effie Zilch

What is shiny (for the moment)?

Conversations about things that interest me… until they don’t. Because new = shiny ✨
Featuring cool people and unbridled banter.
Dive in. Jump out. Rinse. Repeat.