Jessie's World

Jessie's World podcast is back with Season 2 episode 31 and it's action packed with personal and professional development tips.
Hosted by @JessicaVibez (Jessica Lambert), and brought to you by, this is a peer mentorship podcast dedicated to spreading love, light, and insight. In this episode, Success Strategist Jessica Lambert breaks down the importance and Art of Choosing Yourself, and how taking time to know and build you, and your business, will ultimately lead to building stronger families, better communities, and a much better world. It all starts with you - this is more than a podcast - it is a transformative journey that will heal your life and accelerate your rate of success!
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What is Jessie's World?

Welcome to Jessie's World - a weekly variety show that takes us through Jessie's Wheel of Life including Community, Fun, Health & Wellness, Entrepreneurship, Relationships, and Personal Development. Each segment brings a different flavor, making it interesting and engaging. The host Jessica Lambert aka @jessicavibez keeps it conversational and weaves humor though light and heavier topics. Special guests come from all walks of life and may surprise you. The ultimate goal of the show is to entertain, inspire, uplift, and assist us all (host included) in becoming our best selves. You get new, entertainment, wellness, and inspiration all in one great show.

Segments Include:
Tessy Time (Community) - real talks about current societal issues.
Mrs. Write (Fun) - a freestyle on-air comical writing segment where computer generated prompts are turned into master poems, songs, and short stories right on the spot.
Big Boss Vibez (Career Health) - let's talk all things entrepreneurship and bring our businesses to new heights
Today's Topic (and sometimes - Guest) - This segment covers a variety of topics that are aimed at peeking curiosity, inspiring, motivating, supporting, and most of all assisting listeners in becoming their best selves.
Gods N Goddesses (Health and Wellness) - travel inwards to center yourself. Let's focus on the personal care and wellness items that will help ensure you maximize your quality of life. A peer learning and sharing segment we grow together.
Love, Fam, N Family (Relationships) - let's share stories of human impact and the importance of leading with love.
Quote of the day.

Listener interaction is encouraged. If you have show suggestions or would like to be a guest on our show you can send your request on Instagram @jessicavibez or @jessiesworldxo you may also visit




Welcome to Jessie’s World - where we are dedicated to spreading Love, Light, and Insight. I am your host JessicaVibez and you can find me on Instagram at Jessica V I B E Z. I began Jessie’s World as a peer mentor podcast where we learn, explore, heal, and grow together. I am excited to continue my growth journey and welcome you to walk with me as we work to manifest our best selves together.

Topic - Today’s topic will be “The Art of Choosing Yourself”

Monta - our mantra for today is - I Choose ME!

This is the first episode of Season 2, and I took time off to heal, build, grow and come back better, stronger, and more able to help facilitate a transformative journey for you.

Jessie’s World is produced by Blessed Vibez Media - Blessed Vibez is a platform of courses, consulting, and community dedicated to helping people improve their quality of life personally and professionally.

Before we discuss today’s topic I want to help you focus, be mindful, and center yourself in this moment so you can get the most out of this transformative episode. This season we will use a variety of methods to help you release cortisol, the stress hormone, relax, heal, find your inner bliss, nurture it, and turn your passion into profit so that you may improve your quality of life.

We may use breathing, ASMR, guided meditation, and other methods throughout the season. DM me @JessicaVibez and let me know what works for you, I always enjoy receiving feedback.

Now we are going to begin our episode, with some deep breathing…

BREATHE - ASMR . CHEER - bringing you into this moment, finding our center together we will do an asmr / affirmation style breathing cheer to get us in the moment. I am making it up so I am shocked into center with you - so follow this short exercise with me to raise your frequency and keep you in this moment… let’s go….

Short freestyle meditation


Now that we are centered, and focused, let’s get into today’s topic - The Art of Choosing Yourself.

Why Choose You

Total wellness is impacted by mental health.

According to the World Health Organization, 1 BILLION people are suffering from depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental health issues, are struggling with the recession after the pandemic, and the social changes that happened after the pandemic.

We are not living in the same world, and we need support to stay healthy, stay focused, and stay successful.

When you choose you, you are acknowledging every day that by prioritizing yourself, engaging in self-care, self-love, and self-improvement you are doing all you can do to create success in this new normal we are living in. As you rise and create that success, you are better positioned to help others around you find and nurture their gifts so that we can create a community of wellness. Choosing you is the first step in making the WORLD a better place, it’s the most selfless and God loving act you can do. God gave you gifts to share with the world, without centering yourself, spending time with you, learning you, how will you identify nurture grow and share those gifts. CHOOSE YOU!

Step to Choosing Yourself

WRITE A DECLARATION - COMMITTING TO YOU… then say this mantra daily every morning, night and every time you need to
CONNECT WITH YOUR HIGHER POWER - and invite guidance, protection, and favor to enter your life and assist you along your success journey
Fill yourself with positive uplifting messages - use tools like the 5 minute journal,
Connect with an echo-system of support that keeps you on track - for example - commit to Tuning in weekly to Jessie’s World and keep giving yourself an hour a week to focus on YOU and learn new practices and information that will elevate you personally and professionally for free.

Another way to ensure you take in good quality content is to become a member of where you are surrounded by a community of supportive, success minded individuals.

Finally, if you are on Instagram, Follow me @JessicaVibez and follow BlessedVibez and other uplifting accounts so you get positive messages in your feed when you scroll.

Build your vision board - the first step to creating the life you want is first knowing what how it is you want to live. You will need both a business and personal vision board, even if you are your business - because your goals in each area will be different, and so will the strategies you use to achieve those goals.
Invest in a Personal Development Strategy for your personal success, and a Strategic Plan for business so that both you, and your business is on track. These services are offered on and will help you accelerate your rate of success.

If you are feeling the impact of the global changes including the recession consider the following for improved mental health:

Reduce news intake
Increase meditation time
Make personal and business development your hobby
Reconnect with the love of simple things like going for a walk, or a coffee with a friend - leave the expensive things until the economy is more stable or until you have a track record of attracting and successfully managing abundance
Take a financial planning and budget management course - I will be doing the same; managing your money during a recession is important and pretending times have not changed will not help us weather the storm, let’s proactively gain the skills we need to succeed
Gratitude attracts more abundance, happiness, health, and joy. Also Gratitude feels amazing. Giving thanks connects you to yourself, God, and possibility in a new exciting way
Connect and grow with others who are working on improving themselves and their lives, you become the sum of what you interact with - be the sum of greatness - choose this intentionally
Actively love yourself - do little things just for you
Do not wait for anyone to save you - it’s not happening - if everyone has holes in their boat everyone will have to start patching their own boats before helping others - get to patching and when you are comfortably afloat patch the boats of those you love the most, and then your fellow neighbors and community - we are in this together
Give yourself grace, you are not alone, ONE BILLION PEOPLE in this world are suffering from the same insecurities, mental health issues, financial concerns, fear, and shock from the changes that have rocked the world - have each others backs… but first CHOOSE YOU - put YOUR OXYGEN MASK ON FIRST then help the person beside you, you got this!

All week I will post tips on The Art of Choosing Yourself - follow on Instagram @ Jessica Vibez for daily tips to help you KEEP YOU at the top of your own Priority list.


So why do people NOT choose themselves? Why is it so hard to love yourself first and make yourself a priority? There are a number of reasons, some include:

Learnt behavior from childhood
People pleasing tendencies
Past unhealed trauma
You never learn The Art of Choosing You
A misunderstood perception of Self Care - you think it makes you ‘selfish’ or ‘bad’ - this stigma perpetuates poor mental health, and a lower quality of life, ditch it and PUT YOU FIRST!

What if YOU were your own SUPER FAN - how awesome would that be?

Super Fan “ Someone who has extreme admiration for a person.” I want you to extremely admire you - be your own cheerleader.

HOMEWORK - tonight I want you to write a CHEER for yourself, encouraging you, and helping you master the art of putting yourself first. This cheer should be supportive, self-loving, and uplifting. It should support self love and self care.

Then post it on social media including instagram with the # Cheer Challenge and tag me @ Jessica Vibez and then #JessicaVibez and #BlessedVibez - finally challenge someone you love to take the cheer challenge too and tell them to use #Cheer Challenge and tag me and you - and ask them to challenge someone. Together we will create a world of people cheering for themselves and healing themselves so they are better able to love others too - what a beautiful world we have the power to create TOGETHER!

There are so many more details I could cover when discussing The Art of Choosing You that I may even decide to do a part 2 - DM me and let me know if you think I should.

I grew up watching old shows and movies with my grandma, she loved them, and one of the shows she loved was I Love Lucy. So I will leave you with this quote as we wrap up -

“Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line.” Lucille Ball

And now - to wind down…


Let’s recenter ourselves again (bell)

And Breath in through the nose,
And out through the mouth
As you breathe, focus on your tummy rising and falling
Rising and falling
And focus on the oxygen nourishing every part of your body
Fill each breath with love
Breathing love in … on the inhale
And Exhale any stress from the day
Releasing that stressed
Blowing it away
Inhale love
See beautiful healing energy
Entering your body on the inhale
And healing your
Healing your mind
Your heart
Your lungs
Every part of your body
And on the exhale
Blow away any stress
Blow away worry
Blow away fear
As it drifts away like a balloon
Never to be seen again
And you replace it with a fresh breath full of love
Full of nourishing, healing, self cheering love
You are your super fan - and you are proud of it
You are your biggest supporter
You love yourself so much
You love your eyes
And your nose
And your mouth
You love your face
And your body
You love your pure and good essence within
And as you connect with your God given natural beauty within
You remember you are perfectly created
You remember you came here as a perfect flawless beautiful baby
Deserving of love
Deserving of kindness
Deserving of opportunity and respect and joy
And as you breathe in - you fill your lungs, your tummy, your body
With the love and joy you deserved on the day you entered the world
As a perfect representation of God’s miracle of life, and purpose
And you exhale anything that may have taken you astray from your perfect, beautiful inner essence
And you breath in the restorative healing transformative breath of love you so deeply deserve
Exhale the world with it’s issues
Inhale love and feel it heal every part of your body
You are perfectly devine within
You are not defined by the world’s challenges
You are not defined by past mistakes
You are not defined by perceived flaw
You were created perfect
And arrived in this world perfect
And as you breath in
You are restoring your own perfection
As you inhale
You are building your self love
And you are cheering for you
Loving yourself
Mastering the ART of CHOOSING YOU

I love you
And you love you

Thank you for tuning into Season 2, Episode 31 of Jessie's World - I am your host Jessica Vibez spreading love light and insight, and I am very proud of you for staying connected to the end and really taking time to love and heal you - you deserve the best, but YOU are the only one who can give yourself the best. Keep showing up every week, ,you are worth it!

One love always xo until next week - this is Jessica Vibez reminding you that world healing starts with self healing - thanks for tuning in and helping to heal the world!


Do do do do do - love and light!