The Work of Warriors


In this conversation, Kim Rapach interviews singer, songwriter, and producer Abel Heart. They discuss Abel's background, including his career in snowboarding and his transition to music. Abel shares his journey of self-discovery and the challenges he faced along the way. They also touch on the power of social media and the importance of embracing individual experiences. Overall, the conversation highlights the themes of resilience, personal growth, and the transformative power of music. In this conversation, Able Heart shares his journey of overcoming self-limiting beliefs and finding purpose and passion in music. He discusses the importance of focusing energy and overcoming trauma, as well as the obsessive dedication required to excel in his craft. Able Heart emphasizes the illusion of talent and the need for hard work and perseverance. He also explores the power of gratitude and selflessness in personal growth and the impact of vulnerability and authenticity in connecting with others. Ultimately, Able Heart encourages individuals to fight for themselves and bring their gifts to the world, thriving and resilient after darkness. In this conversation, Able Heart shares his journey of transformation and the power of belief and trust. He emphasizes the importance of having non-negotiables to maintain a higher frequency and shares advice for new artists and those suffering in silence. Able Heart also provides information on how to connect with him and access his master class.


  • Abel Heart's music is inspired by themes of hope, self-love, and manifestation.
  • Abel's journey from snowboarding to music was driven by a desire to cope with his emotions and find meaning and purpose.
  • The power of music lies in its ability to inspire and help others.
  • Overcoming personal struggles requires a willingness to change and seek guidance and support.
  • Individual stories and experiences have the power to resonate and positively impact others. Belief and trust are essential in achieving personal growth and success.
  • Having non-negotiables, such as stretching, meditation, sleep routine, time in nature, and exercise, can help maintain a higher frequency.
  • Patience, belief in oneself, and not letting past experiences define one's future are crucial for new artists and those struggling in silence.
  • To connect with Able Heart and access his master class, search for 'Able Heart' on social media or visit

Creators & Guests

Kim Rapach
Creator & Host - The Work of Warriors
Able Heart
Able Heart is a talented music producer, singer and songwriter. He has had his share of adversity, and is using his gifts to inspire others.
Mac Rapach
Editor, Designer, Composer - The Work of Warriors
Mike Rapach
Producer - The Work of Warriors

What is The Work of Warriors?

A warrior is defined as one who is in conflict and sacrifices themselves for the
good of others. Sadly, in the entertainment industry, and the world of
entrepreneurship, this perspective is dangerous. To stay alive, amidst our
struggles, we must first fight for ourselves and then fight for the masses. My
name is Kim Rapach and I am an integrative coach on a mission to end celebrity
suicide. My life’s work is to help entrepreneurs and entertainers escape the
darkness that often accompanies high levels of success. What an honor it is to
have crucial conversations around entertainment, entrepreneurship, and mental
health. “The Work of Warriors” is a series of brave conversations with talented
entertainers, and entrepreneurs who are not only using their gifts to make the
world a better place, they are modeling mental wellness in ways that inspire
others. For our purpose of bringing healing to the world, a warrior’s task is to take
great care of themselves, so they may take great care of others. The work of a
warrior, for us, is someone who has radical self-acceptance and uses their gifts to
make a profound impact on the world. If we are going to have a positive impact
on the entertainment industry, we need to do THREE things: 1. Normalize candid
conversations around mental health 2. Redefine success so that it aligns with
mental wellness 3. Engage with each other from a place of self-love, and healthy
boundaries When we fight for ourselves, we heal the world. Therefore, the world
needs more people who are willing to fight for themselves. As warriors on the
front lines, it is our greatest hope that these conversations will inspire high
achievers to care well for themselves and ask for help when they need it.
Together, we are all warriors, redefining mental health as mental wellness, and
healing the world, one warrior at a time. SPECIAL NOTE To all entertainers,
without all of you, we have nothing. Sincerely, thank you for your work, for using
your gifts to heal the world. If you are struggling, please reach out to your local
community resources, or call the National Suicide Hotline, 988.

Kim Rapach (00:03.33)
Hello and welcome. You know, one of the benefits of social media, I know there's a lot of downsides, but one of the benefits is the artists that we get to hear from on all the platforms. And today's guest came across my TikTok feed probably a year or two ago, and I was instantly magnetized. I was instantly drawn to his energy, his presentation, but more importantly, his lyrics and his message were,

which are of.

Kim Rapach (00:38.934)
his message of hope and self-love, manifestation, positive energy, joy. And so I have been following him and connecting with him for quite some time. And so I'm very excited to have singer, songwriter, and producer, Abelheart on the show today.

Kim Rapach (01:15.23)
Abel was at one point lost in life after his amateur US Olympic snowboarding career came to an abrupt halt due to an injury.

Kim Rapach (01:34.978)
For years he questioned his life and... For years he questioned his life and he struggled with depression and addiction until he found music as a way to cope with his emotions. Nope.

Kim Rapach (01:57.07)
For years, he questioned his life and struggled with depression and addiction until he found meaning and purpose with music.

Kim Rapach (02:19.554)
For years, he questioned his life and struggled with depression and addiction until he found a deep connection and purpose with music.

Kim Rapach (02:34.222)
Creating music became his therapy and healthy outlet for expressing himself.

Kim Rapach (02:42.878)
Abel now hopes that his music can inspire and help others. And as you will hear, he is an absolute joy, and I'm excited to introduce to you Abel Heart.

Kim Rapach (28:53.934)
Hi, Abel. It's so excited to meet you. I'm going to start that over. It's so exciting to meet you. So I have to tell you, you came across my TikTok feed over a year ago, maybe two years ago. Maybe it was COVID. I don't know. I feel like we've all lost a sense of time. But I think it was the song, Love Myself. And

Able Heart (29:02.732)
You too as well.

Able Heart (29:07.989)
Oh boy.

Able Heart (29:13.606)

Able Heart (29:17.695)
Oh, okay.

Kim Rapach (29:20.026)
So magnetic, so energetic, and I was just immediately drawn to you and your presence, but even more importantly, your lyrics and your message. Whenever I hear an artist and I just trust my gut. I trust how the music makes me feel. And I just immediately felt hope and positive energy. And I was like, okay, I have to follow this guy. And I just started following you and you have more energy than I think I would know what to do with.

Able Heart (29:37.604)

Able Heart (29:49.956)
Sometimes I don't.

Kim Rapach (29:50.034)
And I love it. I love it. And so I've been following you for a while. And so I'm just so excited to finally meet you and to have you on the work of warriors, and it means a lot that you've accepted the invitation. Um, I don't know how much you know about the work of warriors, but this podcast where we're creating a space for artists to be seen as real people.

where they can show up and be heard and seen and not have to perform, not have to produce to share their stories. And what I've studied and followed with you is, you present with such beautiful positive energy and a message of hope and it's, I mean, it's life-changing, but I also know that you have struggled. And so I'm just wondering, if you want to introduce yourself, but maybe even share a bit of your story of how you.

How you got here?

Able Heart (30:45.504)
Yeah, definitely. Of course not. I appreciate you filling me in on that. So my name, if anybody that's listening or watching doesn't know is Ableheart. For one, I appreciate you having me on. I love being able to connect just with new people in general, but yeah, in a setting where we can have like open and honest conversations as well as I feel as human beings, that's super important, you know, just in general.

Kim Rapach (30:54.882)
Can you tell us what the name means? Where did the name come from?

Able Heart (31:14.268)
It also makes me happy to hear that the music resonated with you and that you connected with it on that level. Because as an artist, as a creative, I guess really in any sense, you could only dream of that. That's what you really want. And as corny as it may sound, you hear the saying of people like, oh, as long as one person resonates with one person, all right, go. But it really is so some of the most famous cliches are usually true. But it is.

That's what I wanted with making the music, but to answer your question, the name Able Heart essentially comes from my mom. She's always said I'm able to do anything my heart desires. She's definitely my favorite, my biggest cheerleader. I love Mama Duke, so I'm definitely a mama's boy as well. But yeah, life is... it makes me super happy. It really does, I think, when you say that it resonated with you.

Yeah, you know, that's switching this direction. Like you kind of briefly mentioned in the beginning of our conversation, life was definitely not always like this. You know, and if you go back and deep dive on some of my earlier catalog stuff and some of my earlier releases and music just starting, it was I mean, it's completely different than it is now. I don't know if you if you had a dive that deep, but that was my full picture.

You know, that was the full, okay, this is where I'm at currently, you know, and how do I vent and express the way that I feel inside without actually carrying through those acts in real life, right? How do I do that? Because I, you know, and at the time, because we make great excuses, you know, great excuses to not do the thing that we know we need to do in order to get to where we want to be. It's like, it's like along that road, like the journey of that. And really, again, the cliche, it's all about the...

the journey, not the destination. That's another, I couldn't speak any more true to that, but that's another one that's definitely very true. But the music, I think I was definitely in a way better place when I started to make the darker stuff. Unfortunately, what I didn't realize at that time is when I started the project and able to do anything your heart desires being the basis of that, I wanted, I saw the full picture. I was like,

Able Heart (33:42.82)
These are things that I experienced in my life that I feel for one. I definitely I believe it'll help me Being able to vent the way that I feel inside without actually continuously carrying through those acts but on the flip side in hopes that

Even being darker music at the beginning that someone else can resonate with it. Someone that either has experienced those things has gone through it. Even if it's not right. That's the one thing that we always come up with great excuses and moving forward. We have so many people that have gone through similar situations yet. We, we tend to come up with excuses and reasons why their story is so much different, whether it's way worse than ours or whether it's not even close to as bad as ours is, was, or might be, you know, it's like we've come with these greats. So.

For me, it was like, I just want to get this out and hopefully someone can also connect with it while being super, like almost meditative for me to write about these things and express them. Now I never, I never, I always wanted to sing and write and do all that, but I started out producing. You know, I started out, I mean, I guess the stereotypical bedroom producer, you know, it's just like, how can I do this? And

But it was that was I mean, that's like super skipping the story as well. I yeah.

Kim Rapach (35:03.102)
Well, okay. So when I heard, I think it was the song love myself. And then I think, I think there was another one very similar to that, but these positive messages. And of course that's the part that resonated with me, right? There was a huge part of my life where I didn't love myself and now I do. So when I heard that connected, but also you, I mean, I have my own story of darkness, but you have your own story where that started, you had an athletic career prior to music, right? You want to say a little bit about that?

Able Heart (35:14.224)
Right, yeah.


Able Heart (35:30.036)
Right, yeah. Yeah, it was with, yeah, totally. Yeah, with, yeah, snowboarding. So I was very fortunate to be very good at something from a young age, snowboarding. Anything, I guess, extreme sports, just connected. I just liked it a lot. I did other sports as well, like team sports, but it's not that I didn't like to hand the ball. I just didn't so much, I feel like, like the rules. You know, I kind of wanted to do what I wanted to do if I look back now.

And so I guess I just kind of flocked and like fell into alignment of extreme sports because kind of like the rebellious thing, I guess, you know, I definitely wasn't a conscious choice or decision. My mom brought my cousins and I to like do a lesson, like a snowboard lesson. I don't know how old I was, maybe seven, eight. And it was like.

She paid the instructor and the instructor just gave my mom the money back and was like, no, you don't like he doesn't need lessons Like he doesn't need to and so I definitely didn't resonate with me. It was it was irrelevant It was like yeah, this you know, this is what it was so I think it probably showed something in her like oh, you know, like he's really talented at something and i'm sure i'll bring up later my thoughts on talent, but uh But yeah, I was just it just connected and made sense with me and I was like I loved it. You know, like I was I was obsessed

I was obsessed just as I, you know, fast forward I am with music, but that's all I wanted to do the rest of my life. And I was very fortunate. My mom took out a second job and she worked at the mountains so that I could get a ski pass. And so she served like fries and stuff at the food court. And yeah, and I started doing that. And then she connected with other people that were there and they were like, well, if you he wants to take this more serious and you want to like really kind of like turn this could be a career thing into a career. He needs to compete. So I started.

you know, getting in that field, starting to compete. And then my mom being she's very similar to me. I'm very similar to her where, you know, we like to talk to people and have conversations. And so she started talking to more people at these competitions on the East Coast. I grew up and went to this mountain called Blue Mountain. It's just like the Poconos. And they she started talking to people and they were like, well, if he really wants to take us to the next level.

Able Heart (37:45.072)
He has to travel, you know, in these, these competitions where they're just on the East Coast. They're all the time all over, you know, all over the world. So it kind of fell into that, which then brings in like having to involve with like sponsors to be able to fund certain things. And so it just made sense. And obviously, with that, that career choice, I guess anything extreme, but definitely in literally extreme sports, it comes with the territory in order to break things. I always say I give you

be a shorter list to tell you the bones that I haven't broken in comparison, but it comes with it and I feel like it's like territorial rights like you know what oh you broke like this Calabro whatever it is.

Kim Rapach (38:24.406)
Which is precisely why I've never tried my hand in extreme sports.

Able Heart (38:27.852)
Yeah, for sure. I mean, I don't I don't do anything anymore now because I'm like, Oh, you know, I don't want to get hurt and not be able to put my hand on a mouse to produce, you know, or something. But, but yeah, so I started doing that. And long story short, I did I don't know how many years I did that. I want to say if I was like six or seven around that when I started, I stopped I got seriously injured when it was my worst injury, I guess, because I would seriously injured before I have like

Kim Rapach (38:36.31)
Yeah, yeah.

Able Heart (38:54.788)
bit off half of my tongue and had it like hanging off. And I've had a ton of like just weird ones. But I, yeah, I fractured my lower back and that put me out. I was around like 16, just about maybe a little bit before. And yeah, that was one that was like, well, it happens. And it was so external for me. I was like, I don't want this to happen. Snowboarding was all I was gonna do the rest of my life. Like it wasn't like.

I was never like, oh, I need to do this and I need to make money and I wanna, that was not, I was like, I just want, I love what I do and I just wanna do this forever. I could just live on a little cabin in the mountains and just snowboard every single day, all day, whatever. This is all I wanna do. And then it's kind of like ripped from you, right? What you feel, especially being so young, you feel is your purpose and your passion and everything while you're here on this planet, even not having that full spectrum picture at that point in time, right? But in actuality,

Not even though I have that perspective, it's your life. You know, that's everything. That's all you do. I only went to school for like maybe a semester in high school and then we'd travel. We had like someone that would like go for school work and stuff with the team, but then I got thrown back into like normal schooling, right? So that had happened and I started to get better. I think, I mean, I don't think in the reality I could have broke my back and been back at it. Like that's.

Kim Rapach (40:02.128)

Able Heart (40:19.916)
It's just kind of the name of the game. That's not like my story is never really, like nothing special in that sense. But I think it was that mixed with finances and my parents and just a ton of things. And after that period of time being away and trying, you know, getting better and healing, I just, I think it was, I was so far, the progression of the sport had jumped like leaps from even that year prior.

to when I stopped, you know, or got injured. And then in Paris Center Finances and other things, and then I kinda got wrapped into the normal schooling system. And again, because I had something that I felt like was my purpose and my passion taken away from me, third party, it wasn't my choice, not my decision. I got the case of what I say is like the F-its. I was just like, F this, and if I can't do this, if I, you know, I was younger, I was like, if I can't do this, I don't wanna do anything. Like, that's it, like, period. If I can't do this,

Kim Rapach (40:51.318)
Thank you.

Able Heart (41:18.44)
What's the point of any of it? Like if I can't do what I love in this, why would I even wanna be here? Very pessimistic, small-minded thinking. My mom for sure, throughout the whole thing, was like, you could do anything. So I've been very, very fortunate to have super supportive parents with that mentality. But again, none of that matters because I'll have like a parlay this discussion for a quick second and say that. So many things and I put out now.

Like I want it to resonate like you Unfortunately, you can't shove something like I'm trying to shove this in someone's face but I want it to resonate with as many people as possible and I do see so many people going through so many different things in life and they don't have to totally Understand or resonate with my story like but I genuinely want them to feel better than they currently are You know

Kim Rapach (42:14.498)

Able Heart (42:14.956)
And I want that for me every day, even when I'm feeling good. I'm like, what's the next thing? Because this journey of life that we're on, for one, that's where it's at. Right, it's the journey, the conversation that we're having, the experiences that we make, the people that we meet. You know, it's all of these things. It truly is that, as cliche as that is. But as humans, to continue that growth, we have to feel like we're growing. Like, what's new? What are new experiences that we could have? Where do I feel like I'm growing? Right?

If not, it's like plateauing, I guess essentially, right? So, and that doesn't feel good to be flat line, right? So, of course.

Kim Rapach (42:50.646)
Well, can I just interject for a second because it's really profound. I'm having kind of my own aha moment right now, because you're talking about like, why don't want to shove this down anybody's throat, but I wanted to resonate with people and I used to be a therapist and now I'm a mental wellness coach and I just have a different niche and I do a different thing, but that was it exactly. I kind of plateaued. I felt like I was trying to pull people uphill with me and it's like, I still want to bring hope, but I can't.

You know, you just have to be available and you have to put it out there. And so that really is one of the main reasons for the podcast is to be able to hear other stories so people don't feel alone, somebody will hear your story and go, Oh, I thought it was just me. Right. And so just to have like all, I feel like it's like, kind of like a full circle moment, so I'm just glad that you said that.

Able Heart (43:35.596)
No, no, no. And I appreciate you voicing that as well. And totally right. It'll resonate our story. We could have like, so we can. And the funny thing is like, imagine just no one will ever have the same exact story. Right. We just know it's just like a fingerprint. Right. But we could, and someone could just resonate with you and not resonate with me. And that's why I think so as many voices as possible as there is talking about any of these things where it's helped or benefit someone's life is a benefit to this world. It's just that simple. Right. Um, but.

Kim Rapach (44:02.654)
Yeah. Love it.

Able Heart (44:05.264)
bringing that back to the story, it's like, I know that more so than ever, you can't put it, shove it down someone's throat and you can't put it in someone's face, they're gonna see it when they see it. Now taking it back, I know that because that was me. I had so many people tell me everything that I was doing was completely incorrect. I don't, I could tell you, and I did many times, I was like, okay, I know you're right. I think that was the one thing, moving forward, just in life, it's like,

I totally, I want someone to be at least open and honest with where they're at, you know? Like I know for me when I was going and why it can resonate with it because I didn't care. It didn't matter. I was going through my own thing and nothing anyone else could say as valid as it was and as real as it was. It was irrelevant to the way that I was feeling and it wasn't going to change the choices or decisions I was making. It was really that simple, right?

And that's just how it was. And it was like that. So I went to high school for, I think it was like the last two years because I've been traveling prior to that. And yeah, like I said, I got the case of the efforts and I just, people, places and things, I just, because I was putting on big on frequency, energy, universe, manifestation, law of attraction, it's a real thing. And I swear we live in a video game. But.

I was putting that energy out there, so I was receiving it back. Mind you, I wasn't conscious of it at the time. I was super subconscious and for good reason, right? Like not I don't discount the fact that like some whatever something happened. And but I allowed an external, you know, factor and something that I had no control over control me. Right.

Kim Rapach (45:36.513)

Able Heart (45:49.032)
And so I started putting that out and hanging around and associating with other people that were also on that frequency. Now mind you, that's not a negative sense to anybody else, right? Everyone's going through their own thing, but let's say birds of whatever flock together, it's another one. Of feather flock together. And it makes total sense. And that's what I wanted though, like the self-depravation. Like I really wanted to feel the hurt.

Kim Rapach (46:01.974)
Birds, birds of a feather flock together.

Able Heart (46:17.592)
You know, like I just wanted to feel that because I felt so hurt. And that may not be the most extreme of like that, that example and what I had gone through my life and the injuries and like, it may not really be that extreme in comparison to other people's stories. Like it really, I don't, I don't think it is, you know, but, and I'll tell you that also held me back for so many years. You know, I was like, well, mine's not that bad. Or I would see someone where like

My situation was way worse. Uh, and that also held me back. You know, it was just.

Kim Rapach (46:51.798)
Yeah, I think comparison in both directions is dangerous. You know, I really do. If you compare thinking someone has it better or easier than you, or if you compare yourself and, well, I'm not that bad, none of it's helpful.

Able Heart (46:56.845)
It's it.

Able Heart (47:05.824)
Yeah, I totally agree with you. Yeah, so I definitely went down that road for, I mean, a long time, honestly. I just very, where can I put myself in the worst case scenario? And I think most of it, a lot of it was subconscious, also as well as kind of like, you fall into like the rebelliousness of it, I guess. And yeah, just a lot of issues with, for sure, at the wordy and.

Yeah, I was just, in all honesty, like looking back, I was just lost. You know, I didn't know what, like, I didn't know what I wanted to do. I really didn't want to do anything but what I was doing, which I couldn't do anymore. And so if I couldn't, then why would I want to do anything else? And it was really just that simple. Now, mind you, through this process, I grew up, my father is a musician. My dad's in music. I grew up as a baby that my mom would take me in and out of the clubs. You know, so that was.

That was my life, but you would think even before snowboarding that I'd want to get in the music I just did it wasn't like Honestly what it really was just insecurities like no way which if you look at the spectrum of like able heart the project Like it wasn't it's really not it's nowhere near the how long I've actually been doing music And they're like that started because I just wanted to face my fears and I was at such a low place in my life so after I'll jump back though after

school for a while then it just ended up a lot of you know, whatever, like different facilities and in and out just doing like a lot of stupid things, you know, just not just thinking I could change the way that I did it last time and do it different this time, right, just the definition of insanity. And I did that for so long, you know, I did it for so long, where, like that just became my answer for everything, like, I'm just gonna do it different than I did it last time, right. But it's just a circle that I kept.

Kim Rapach (49:04.15)
What were you doing?

Able Heart (49:06.944)
Um, just, uh, just like, you know, just guilty by association of associating with certain individuals that were like whatever, you know, caught up with certain drugs and, uh, not making the best choices, definitely in society. Like I sit here definitely as someone completely different. Uh, you know, still.

days that are up and down, but there's like daily reprieves, what I say of things that I have to do consistently because I can see I don't want to say I can see but I know that there is a part of me from the past that likes to do certain things. Right. But I know that's not me anymore. And I'm very fortunate where because of a lot of work that I've done like self work, that really doesn't shine itself, you know, like you'd have to really

to like for me to ever show that there have to be something pretty profound in my life or dealing with someone that I love that would have to, you know, that become a reality. But but not even speak.

Kim Rapach (50:08.77)
Well, and I think, can we normalize, not give permission to let our shadows come forward, but can we normalize that we all have, I think thoughts and behaviors that are somewhat of a default, that are more in the moment of darkness, they're comfortable. So whether that's addiction, whether it's spending, whatever it is, food, shopping, whatever, drugs, alcohol.

Able Heart (50:33.38)

Kim Rapach (50:37.31)
We all, it's human nature to want to turn off the pain. That is not a character flaw. That is human design. But what you're, I think, talking about, what we talk about, what we share, is you rise above that, right? You find your essence, you find your calling, your gifts, and you fuel those, and you, I think it has to come with a decision to love yourself and to believe in yourself.

Able Heart (51:03.116)
Yeah, I mean I couldn't resonate with what you're saying like anymore honestly, but because the issue you had these conversations They're very touchy conversations But I'll just I try and speak for me myself and I statements as much as possible and just you know Explain my story again. Everyone has a different, you know has a different story along this journey for sure and I would never try and Say, you know, like I would be I know exactly what experience you had there cuz I wouldn't like I could have went through The same exact thing but I would all it's just

Kim Rapach (51:18.434)

Able Heart (51:32.904)
Like a fingerprint again. Yeah, it's just gonna be totally different right so I would never try and come off as if I did But it's the same thing where there's drugs shopping gambling Sex whatever it may be for that specific individual that I think I feel like this is what held me back for so long Like that's the issue. You have a drug problem. You have maybe a shopping problem. You have that is not

Kim Rapach (51:33.098)
still gonna be different.

Able Heart (51:58.488)
Like that's not the problem. Honestly, if it wasn't and I don't I'm not promoting it That's but that I would have been long gone if that wasn't that it's a temporary Solution to a permanent problem which a permanent problem is a spiritual malady a spiritual malady is the lack the void that you feel Fill feel on the inside that you fulfill externally, but that is only temporary and it's not fulfilling does not last long It doesn't take you anywhere. It's just a full round circle just to keep you in the same place that you are, right? So

that took me forever, you know, because it was so the end and you bring this up to the you saying that that's not a problem. It's definitely an issue. Like it's not something that's benefiting you for sure. But the problem is deep seated internally. And then you start to realize these things. Well, how the frick do I fill this internal thing if I can't like grab anything physically externally? How can I fulfill this internal void that I feel inside internally because that's the only way to do it. And it's like the journey of it and

And and I guess it all depends right where the person's at and what they're going through and whatever the But I do believe and this is what brings back to what I was first saying You know what you love a trap what you focus on most you attract it is so if I know I'm hanging out with The same people places and things mind you I understand everyone's in a different place But I knew if I was going to continuously Because I like the thing is like a lot of that time of doing that and I feel like most of us do

We know we shouldn't be like that's the thing. We know we shouldn't be and that was definitely my experience and You know up until it was just like I don't know what number rock bottom It's just like just rock bottom and it's the worst and you keep taking six feet now. It's 12 feet it's like right and until I Always wanted to go home. Like I always wanted to go back to the same people places and things right? But that like I voiced earlier just different

I see what I did there like that's okay. So if I did like that sort of like that, but not that because that happened. If I did it different this time, like this, like that's, you know, I start thinking right, right. They say they say you can, you can't be too dumb to get it, you know, you can be too damn smart, you know, just overthinking, help thinking like you're, it's crazy, right. And so that's what I had done for years and years until I hit the point where

Kim Rapach (54:15.502)
Thanks for watching!

Able Heart (54:21.592)
Like I don't know what it was like, but something internal. I was like, I just don't want to go home. Like I want to do something different. And that was my issue for so long because we had to feel that, right? We could have these external factors, everyone in our vicinity, even the people that you really know, you have an issue and like all the people that are like F'ed up more than you that you're associating with or telling you that you have like a real problem or an issue, right? And it's just like, what? Talk about the, yeah, that's, that's wild. So, uh,

Kim Rapach (54:49.131)

Able Heart (54:49.748)
It just came to that point where it was the first time in my life where I was such a rock. I was like, I just I don't want to go home. I don't even I want to do all I know. Like I'll do anything. All I know is I'm willing to do whatever it is that I have to do in order not to feel the way I always feel. And it was that simple. And if I had to take direction from anyone, like I apparently I did this. Rock bottom so many times, I was like, I apparently I don't know anything.

Like, and that's such a scary, like, it's such a scary and freeing place to be. But it is definitely scary because it's like, I can't trust anything that I do. You know, like I'd been at that place. But like, I was like, should I drink this coffee? Or is it like an issue? Like, I don't even know. And that sounds so silly, right. But I was like, completely at the vulnerable place of like

Kim Rapach (55:39.389)

Able Heart (55:42.556)
You know, I just reference coffee because it's something that like doesn't really make sense, right? It's like what should I have this piece of candy or is this like my internal thing? It's like But I needed to get to that place Because I was willing to do whatever like I apparently didn't know anything. I didn't know what life was and I was so and again, it's a totally scary but freeing thing because it's like once you're actually open to that and

you're in a place where you could start receiving advice from people that either been through similar situations to you or have experience work, whatever it is that because there are so many amazing people out there that genuinely want to help or that's just what they do. You know, that's like what they do. And we live in the best time, time and age like we have like the internet and social media and be like, well, social media, how are you going to answer the question with that? Because there's so much negative stuff? Well, I mean, for sure, but

Just as much as there's negative stuff. There's positive stuff. I mean you could compare any two people's feeds You know, it'd be completely different be like well the algorithms good The algorithm gives you what you focus most on if anything like that should be the most proof of law of attraction in this world Like well, it's an algorithm. It's a computer has nothing to do. You can't compare that to law of attraction It's literally the same thing like just saying it out loud now, right? It's like well, that's an algorithm Okay. Well, the algorithm is smart enough to know

Kim Rapach (56:54.3)

Kim Rapach (57:02.419)

Able Heart (57:09.841)
So if you take that simple concept, that's very because you start talking about the universe. I feel like sometimes it's awesome now because again social media. So many people actually really are on this wave and it's amazing. It's amazing to see like, oh, what you put out there. You attract. Oh my gosh. You know, like maybe this is a video game, which I feel like it is.

Kim Rapach (57:28.202)
I was just laughing because as I work on my algorithms, if I hit search, I see a bunch of golden doodles. A bunch of graphics. Like, right. I just, I notice how much time I spend looking at these cute puppies and I do. I think it's, you know, it's the same. It's the same. It may not be the same source, but it's definitely the same. Yeah, for sure.

Able Heart (57:37.142)
You're like, I'm not going to get one more dog. And you used to see them every day. I was just like them, you know, but it sounds like, oh, maybe I should, you know.

Able Heart (57:50.585)

Able Heart (57:54.14)
I mean, yeah, I mean, I can totally I totally agree with you. Yeah, but it's it is it's super it's exactly the same like that's all

Kim Rapach (58:01.29)
Yeah. And when you talk about energy, I just, I wanted to share this with you because I do think, you know, I, again, I'm resonating with what you're saying, but as a therapist in the traditional medical model of therapy, what do we focus on illness, right? And we've been conditioned to think people have mental health issues. People don't, and I'm not saying that people don't, but we also have a lot of power within us to be well. And so that is literally why I had to leave that system.

Able Heart (58:14.844)

Able Heart (58:23.287)

Kim Rapach (58:28.51)
and create a system that now focuses on mental wellness. Because there is so much within us that we have control over to be well, but we're not being told this. And if you're not awake, yeah.

Able Heart (58:32.028)
That's good. I love that.

I used to have, yeah, I agree. Yeah.

Able Heart (58:42.512)
Well, because we also fall into the belief that we have an issue and it's uncurable and this is something that we'll have to live with. So we have no choice.

Kim Rapach (58:48.702)
Yeah, like when you were saying, you know, you have a spending problem, you have a this problem, like, you know, you have depression, you have anxiety, and it's like, well, you have a nervous system that is dysregulated because we're Let's talk about it.

Able Heart (58:57.956)
Mmm, such a touchy subject, isn't it touch such a touch and I think it's until you know Yeah, I mean it is such but I totally agree with you I mean I could like the amount of like mental distress that for one that I was told that I had Let's make it super something. Let's let's start with a little less touchy subject, right? Dyslexia, you know or even ADHD a little bit more touchy but

I mean, this is totally fine again. Like I said, I try and speak for me myself and I statements people could say is as crazy as it is. This is my life experience, right? It's pretty much that's plain and simple and all that I hope I.

Kim Rapach (59:34.016)
Sure, yeah. And another reality is you get to have your own experience. It seems wild to people. Yeah.

Able Heart (59:37.536)
Yeah, of course, and all that I hope, right? And all that I hope is to anything that I save to resonate and potentially better someone's life or someone could benefit anything from what I say, you know, in their experience. So, but yeah, let's take dyslexia, right? I never read, I have so many books now, it's hilarious, but I never read anything because I was told that I'm dyslexic in the way that she thinks and they're backwards and whatever, whatever they, I don't even...

My so jumbled up from what I've been told or that about ADHD Obviously that you talk about energy or see any of the stuff that I put out there. I'm like this I try and be I don't want to say I try and be I try and come to like interviews and stuff like starting off at your basis or everyone just Everyone just think someone freaking drugs, you know, oh you can't because I can't be like this normal because I can't know Okay, it's not it's not attainable. There must be something else behind it. Like it's unfortunate

Uh, but societally, like that's just what it looks like. If you're like slightly any different than what's like the societal norm, uh, there's something behind that, you know? Uh, it is what it is. Like it really doesn't bother me. And what bothers me is that it could negatively, uh, disbenefit someone from hearing that and being like, oh, it's not attainable. Like I'm on this road to like really doing this thing and, uh, just like fool, whatever it may be, whether it's sobriety or whether it's, um,

You know anything I speak more in life. I really don't again because Once I realized that like those certain things weren't the issue Right. I'm not saying like to go pick some like for anyone to go do those things, right in real life It's like I would never condone that again I can only validate from my own experience that if it also wasn't for those things I wouldn't have been able to deal you know, and I did have

ridiculous amount of depression and anxiety and had a complete void in my life and took it out on myself and then return others you know the people that you love most and it was just like a vicious repeated cycle that it's like that's not my I'm not the only one of that story you know but when I stopped believing just like dyslexia and I was like well I can't read like in school they want me to read but look Mrs or Mr whoever I can't you know like

Able Heart (01:02:03.796)
The way like dyslexia works see is it's like But so okay great. So because you're gonna have someone tell you that you can't You won't right which essentially is gonna hold you back from a life beyond your wildest dreams or anything that you could punch and it's like you think of again we started on this subject because it's not as touchy but Until I stopped buying into that belief that I had dyslexia or a little more touchy I had ADHD or ADHD

And I started reading, I started focusing for ADHD, ADD on things that I could actually positively focus my energy on because my energy is all over the place, right? But that's because it's all over the place in fields that shouldn't be. It's very simple. I don't want to be doing this. So I'm just like, oh, and I act like this and makes total sense, right? It's not like properly focused. Very straightforward. Like it should just be common sense, right? But we fall into this trap. We I did

whatever advice from other people that you think are, you know, give you like should be in the position to give good advice. And then it's just really self-limiting beliefs. So then I bought into that until again, I didn't. And I started reading and it wasn't to be like, oh, my gosh, I picked up a book and it like all made sense. No, like I had to be like I had to surpass. And it took time to get away from that past programming, right, because it's all programming.

People places things experiences we haven't for sure I have tons of traumatic experiences in my own life And I did for years let it hold me back And I understand every situation is different and you talk about certain traumatic experiences, and I totally understand again Like we could have the same like the same experience, but You're gonna have a different reaction to it than I am right, but the one thing that I know is I don't

Kim Rapach (01:03:54.335)

Able Heart (01:03:58.552)
And it took a while. I just I do not want to have an external thing that I didn't even have control over. Yes, this thing happened in my life. And it sucks, you know, like it's it truly it's hurts. Right. And to and to allow that to like, be aware of that. Right. Like this is I'm not just like throwing it under the rug and like carrying on my business. Like this is a real thing that has happened in my life. And. It's.

If I'm being also honest with myself, it's also held me back from moving forward. So until I can let go, can I ever continue to move forward in my life? And and that's a hard thing, just like we talked about a little bit ago. It's like such a hard, it's like a scary, but also such a freeing thing. It's like, well, how do you do that? You know, and again, it's a journey and it's well, who do I start talking to? What are things that I start focusing on?

Kim Rapach (01:04:30.91)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Able Heart (01:04:54.64)
Who else has had similar stop trying to stray away from differences be like who has had who's gone through this again, we live in the best time and day like the internet social media or things that we subscribe into that we like, it's not all BS, you know, like it's really, really not if you choose to believe that again, self limiting beliefs, then of course it is

Kim Rapach (01:05:16.37)
My current mantra is I have gratitude for everything that is going well in my life, my community, and the world, and I have resiliency and resources for everything that's not.

Able Heart (01:05:31.972)
I love it. I love that. I haven't heard, I've never heard it at all like that. So I, I that's seriously amazing. And, and I do, um, and I talk about these things a lot for one, like I truly can't help myself. I think, uh, and, and in parallel, I also think it's like, uh, again, everyone could have their own opinion, but I think it's a bit of a disservice if there's something in your life and you have this awareness.

And you had gone through something or things in your life. And then you have a platform where you could speak. I do think it's a disservice not to voice these certain things, you know? And again, my only intention is like, I just hope whatever it is resonates with someone and again, that goes back to music, right? So. After snowboarding, lost, I was back and forth.

through whatever just like life and I like to get into specifics I mean I usually could not have before in the past but whatever I just I just I associated with all the negative things you possibly could I was involved in everything that you don't you wouldn't want me around your kid you know like it is really that simple and

Kim Rapach (01:06:49.17)
I literally was the one where they're like, keep that kid out of here. Oh, she's bad news. Yeah, I was bad news too.

Able Heart (01:06:52.936)
For sure. Yeah, I mean first night. Yep Yeah, that was me so until and then until I tried something different which I feel like I say music more So it was more so serendipitous for me like in serendipity like it found me more so than I found it I was just one thing I Went out to the club and I was never a club kid like the things I was associated with it was like you just hang out in your house and you just be like this, you know a friend's house, whatever and

I had this experience and I went. It was like house music. I went, first time I've ever really been out like that. Even snowboarding, we used to just train and focus. I'm very, to myself, which I feel like I'm maybe, as far as like social goes, because I am very military mentality with the way that I have done things, at least historically. It's like, this needs to be done, they're non-negotiables. It's like very simple, bro. You know? Like, because I wanna come up with a great excuse. But until I started like...

treating myself and again, I think there's a fine balance with that. And a lot of people don't resonate with that. I can tell you right now, I never did. You know, I can even say I still do, but I know it works. I knew that the easier, softer way for me didn't work. And, and I understand the harder, like strict way is harder and more strict. Uh, I think that's what holds us back. I do believe that a lot of people though, can have the easier, softer way.

It's like, oh, these things messed up. Not going to do that again. You know? And that's freaking awesome. Like, shit, I wish that was my story. But yeah, you know? It's just like, I wish that was the case. Yeah, for sure, yes. Us as a human race would be probably so much better off. But again, there's no such thing as mistakes without like,

Kim Rapach (01:08:28.15)
Yeah, most of us are just like, let me hit my head one more time. And maybe this time I'll get it right.

Maybe it won't take me down this time.

Able Heart (01:08:47.068)
As long as you're able to learn from them, right? It's a mistake. Really, it's just a definition of insanity if you keep doing the same shit. I guess it's that simple. But yeah, so I went to the club and it sounds so like I went to the club and like things, it was crazy. I've never experienced it. And that's why I was like, this is my place. It wasn't, I mean, it actually kind of was like that. I can't say it wasn't. I experienced it. I was like, oh my, like, holy, like what is this?

You know, I was like, oh my gosh, because everyone was on that frequent. This is I didn't know this at the time, but everyone's on that frequency. And this is like house music before I have this conversation. People like this because everyone was on drugs, you know. OK, great. Like at the end of the day, like it's irrelevant. That was my first experience in any of it. And I've never experienced other people also on the frequency that I always felt like I was at that I was told I was so wrong for being on all the time, you know. And I was just like, oh my gosh. And you bump into someone which and bump into someone.

uh, you know, you bomb everyone was just like, like feeling good and get whatever I don't care if they were on something or not. That wasn't the point. I never experienced that because that's how I felt normal. That's just how I felt. Right. So even though I wasn't aware of all the things, like, I'm, I'm not gonna say I was completely unaware. Like I knew what people were doing, you know, but it was just a new, I was like, Oh my gosh, you know? And then I was like, I don't know what it is in this industry, but I want to do it. Like I want to, whatever it is.

And that's just where I knew. And again, this was never like this from snowboarding. I pretty much knew I was gonna live and die from the way I was living. Like that was already, it was just a matter of time and it was what it was. And I totally accepted that. Like long, like pretty quickly after stopping snowboarding. Like I pretty much accepted that pretty, as hard as that was for my parents to hear, definitely my mom as well. You know, that's just where I was at, you know? It was like, what can get me there? Like, what can get me there?

I feel like you want to be there fast. But at the same time, if you're using a temporary solution, you also want it to be like the easier softer way slowly, which isn't funny, you know, but I laugh at all the past stuff that I've done because what am I again, what am I gonna let it hold me back and be like, I can't believe you know, I live like this. And I did like, of course, that's all true. But I'm not like, like rest on the things that I know that held me back for so long until I was able to move after I stopped having that

Able Heart (01:11:14.46)
train of thought, right? That thinking so I experienced that the club and I was like, how do I do anything in this industry? And so I started and I started I was where I would drive up to New York, maybe like three, four times sometimes a week, like unhealthily, I was so obsessed. And just started going for like all the right who can I connect to? How do I, you know, how do I really like get in this field? And the people you know, long story short, the people that I would talk to be like, well, you can DJ, you know,

But if you DJ, you're gonna hit a ceiling. Like you need to learn how to produce. And mind you, this is way before like house music was ever on the radio. I don't make like date, make me sound like date me or whatever, but I was like, okay. I was like, well, you have to produce. And I was like, oh damn, produce. Like, I mean, like I, okay. You know, like I'll do that. You know, I'll do that. Cause I don't want a ceiling. You know, I'm gonna take this as big as I possibly can.

You know, I just want I just I just knew like in the moment and being so obsessed and then why I kept going. I just wanted other people to feel how I felt in that moment. And I was like, Oh, if I could do this, and I could resonate through like music or what, like, this is how you do it. Like I want people to do they have to know I used to bring so many people that club because like, you think life you like you've never experienced life. I'm just gonna let you know like, I just bring so many people like, well, just called posture. It's not there anymore. Unfortunately.

They do have one in Ibiza, but I was like, I just want people to feel this, you know? Like this, whatever it is, mind you, I wasn't aware of frequency or energy or whatever, but that's what I was experiencing. I was like, holy moly, like this is life. Like this is how we're supposed to live, you know? Like this, like I enjoy all of this. Like I'm just happy, why am I happy? You know, why am I happy? Like what's going on here?

And these are all new, flooded in neuropath away. Like all my things are, I've never experienced this before. So I started, I tried to pick up, I feel like I tried Fruity Loops, I tried Ableton. Like they're all different programs, like DAWs, Digital Audio Workstations. They're all different programs and I tried to pick up producing, nothing clicked. Like I feel like subconsciously, I felt like I could go into it like I did snowboarding and I would just be able to do it.

Able Heart (01:13:35.024)
But that's not the case. And I voice this a lot because, like I said, I was gonna bring up the word talent. Now is when I bring it up. A lot of people say talent or they look at certain things or they hear certain things. Oh my gosh, I'm talented. I'm gonna be honest with you. I would be so, like, I could just pull the easy car and be like, I appreciate it. You know, like I appreciate it, like, you know, or it's like, oh, it's just like this. But that's not my experience. It was not at all. All I believe talent is ours.

Hours and hours and hours and hours of beating out your craft whatever it is I mean you could go off the 10,000 hour rule whatever you want to believe like that's what I believe It's just I mean I don't believe that I know that like I didn't cause that because that didn't happen for me that way I wanted it to you know I wanted to just pick up the computer and be able to do this and even when it came to like later after understanding production and learning all that

I wanted the same thing for writing and for singing and I just thought it would all like, you know But that wasn't the case, you know, it's just like Completely obsessive just how can I get better at this? How do I do this? I couldn't sleep and I mind you It was totally unhealthy. I switched one thing for another is what I did at first right which I feel like a lot Said again

Kim Rapach (01:14:46.23)
I appreciate your authenticity. I think that's, I appreciate your authenticity. It's important for people to hear that because we do that. Yeah.

Able Heart (01:14:52.872)
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean, for sure, it's a positive thing. But that was the excuse as well. Right? Because it was, I'm doing something I'm not hanging out with the same people. And I'm not like involved in the same things and wrapped up in this. I'm not locked up, whatever. I'm not doing the same things. That was the excuse. But that obsessive compulsive like the same acting the same way in a different thing, even if it's positive without balance and structure is the same, the same, you know, it's like,

But I didn't I was I was addicted. I was so obsessed. I was like, I don't care. Like I need to know. I don't know. Like it's crazy to me even think about it now because I understand everything that I do as far as like what I do. But but I can't say everything because I'm continuously learning and growing still. But but it's why because I was I mean, like super unhealthily obsessed I couldn't I didn't

sleep and God bless my parents because I was making house music at the time so it's just the same kick over and over and my mom's sleeping in the room over and I'm just, I would listen loud. That's how I first started mixing and doing, I would crank it, you know, just so incorrect.

Kim Rapach (01:16:08.47)
That's so funny. My son produces music too. And right before we were getting on the call, I had to walk across the hall and be like, Hey bud, I have a conversation at one.

Able Heart (01:16:16.257)
Yeah, that's awesome. That's amazing. Yeah, I mean that's that was for sure. That was for sure me and Yeah, I just I was obsessed. I was like I need to look like because nothing because then I found logic which I still produce in now and I don't want to say it clicked but I it made more sense than any other program that I had tried and I think because I messed with like final

Able Heart (01:16:44.504)
I used to try when I just snowboard. Yeah, when I when I, yeah, final cuts video. Yeah, I edit because I do all the edits. So I edit everything in Final Cut now. But yeah, it was funny like looking back full circle to like. I used to bring this little thing. I like this little computer that I had on it. I was my computer, but I used to have garageband on it. And and yeah, I just used to like be in the corner like when we were like.

Kim Rapach (01:16:44.51)
Yeah, all these words are very familiar. Final Cut, GarageBand, Logic, yeah.

Able Heart (01:17:12.708)
go travel to compete and I would just like sing and rap in it, you know, in the corner. And I remember one time, like the team heard me and I have, that's probably what made me so insecure too. I've told them this before. I've talked to them like in the past, not super recently, but I was like, when you used to like, they'd be like, Oh, what are you like you, you sing now, like you rap now. And they're like, No, I'm not even freaking doing nothing. You know, like, no, you know, like, as if that's a bad thing, you know, like, it's crazy. But that

For sure was deep seated, definitely held me back for a long time in my insecurities.

Kim Rapach (01:17:46.542)
Well, and you talk about like the obsessiveness and you almost say it's like unhealthy, but I think going back to when you were talking about like ADHD, and we don't have to have labels or diagnoses like just understand how your brain works. And if your brain...

when you know, if you don't have like a level of dopamine, but it that dopamine kicks in when you're doing what you love, it does look addictive, but it's like that's where you're getting your fuel. Whereas before you were trying to numb negative feelings. And now you're just like, I want more of the good stuff. That's a dopamine hit, right? Like, yeah.

Able Heart (01:18:08.749)

Able Heart (01:18:21.516)
Yeah, but that's not but again, without like balance or you know, like an actual regiment behind whatever you're doing, it's not sustainable. It's the same thing because all drugs, all drugs. Yeah, all the drugs or like even you're addicted to other things or like involved in other things because most people do have a void. Like most people do have a thing, whether it's TV or food or whatever it may be. Right. We just hold ourselves back for so long because it's something different than our shit. You know, like.

Kim Rapach (01:18:28.99)
Exactly. You'll just go off the rails in the other direction.

Kim Rapach (01:18:50.779)

Able Heart (01:18:51.944)
But like really? You know, it's like, but regardless, it is on it is unhealthy because if you don't have that balance behind it, it will lead you down the same path. And what is your one thing to escape the void that you're feeling inside? You know, and, and it is and plus you take away a lot of it's hard. And definitely you could say with the brain or whatever. It's, it's, it's hard to step away.

Definitely was and I didn't you know, I didn't but I'll tell you it led me down the same path Even while having something positive led me down the same path people places and things because I did this and I just hyper focused on this and this is all I did non-stop 24-7 and then That's like there as much as I want to be the person to tell you one that you could do everything yourself and two That there is no ceiling and you don't ever have to stop or sleep. You don't have to do any of it

I would love to be the, I would love if I could be the spokesperson for that. Like, uh, I believed it for so long, for so long. I mean, so many times I would fall, I would fall asleep so many different, just like places I would go or be and just, uh, I feel like I was in such a delusional state, but I was, you know, I felt, I found purpose after losing it. You know, and I thought it was never attainable after losing that. I just never, I know not, I always knew from the jump.

a normal nine to five and me working for someone was never a thing. Maybe I got that from my dad being in music or who knows? I just knew maybe because I just didn't like authority. You know, maybe that was as simple as that. But but I knew that. And then when I found not only something that I was so passionate about and was so in love with, that I also knew nothing about and it was totally scary and unknown. But it also.

dealt with not having to have nine to five and you know, you could pretty much like live like this. It's not that simple. I can tell you that. But yeah, I worked nonstop and again, it led me down the same path. Just going just crazy. It kept me away for a long time. It did keep me away for a long time. But again, the same cycle in a different field is the same cycle. You know, so I was wound up just like I said earlier, people place these things.

Able Heart (01:21:11.64)
and then we'll get back on track and then I'll just do the same thing. I see why I was doing different, but now I got this positive thing. If I did this, but like this, you know, then it would work. I did the same shit, you know, and rode down the same path and did it again. I mean, that cycle continued for a while when I first started music. And until I voiced it a little bit earlier, until I hit that point where we're so rock bottom and then with.

Kim Rapach (01:21:24.214)

Able Heart (01:21:38.82)
the thing that I also loved that was still attainable, but I could, I could potentially lose. That's when I was like, I just I want to do any like I'm willing to do anything. I just know the way that I'm living is not working. I just I'm willing to do anything not to what to feel the way that I feel inside. Like that's it. I'll take anyone's advice. And most importantly, for me, I was like, I don't want to go home, like in the sense of I don't want to go back to the people places and things. And I need something new. Like

Something needs to change because this it ain't working. You know, this is not working for me and Apparently, I don't know how to do it. So I need like to outsource right I need so that's essentially what I did and I was fortunate enough my sister lived in California and She lives in this like little studio apartment in LA and I was fortunate enough. I Was fortunate enough to have her

allow me to stay so I sleep on her kitchen floor and actually just posted something about this morning or this morning. And she sent me pictures like maybe like a week ago or something of is like I used to sleep in this little corner of her kitchen floor. And then I had my little setup and then I would set up every single day. And I knew when I started this new journey, right? If I was going to do this, it was so life or death for me.

I was like, if I'm really, you're gonna completely, essentially start, like, cause for me it was. Like, yes, I was very fortunate to travel for snowboarding, but in the sense of like life, cause I mean, it was life, but I was traveling. I was also a kid, you know, it's like, I'm gonna snowboard forever. Not that that's impossible. I mean, many people have made it a career, which is phenomenal, but I was like, I wanna start a new project.

Kim Rapach (01:23:16.462)

Able Heart (01:23:24.98)
I want to do what I'm most scared of that I've always wanted to and it was too insecure and had too many flaws and insecurities within myself I want it to be based out of like pure the full spectrum I Want it to start dark and end which you talk about a full circle and the stuff I'm putting out now I would because I even after knowing all this stuff I've never would have ever pictured myself talking about putting out or even like in the hip-hop field of any of this stuff Which is crazy really talk about manifesting in a full circle

But I said when I sat there all my sisters kids and floor is like I'm gonna start a project and full spectrum it's gonna start dark and it's gonna be talking about a lot of the things that I've gone through in life in hopes that it also Resonates with someone and then potentially I could also vent the way that I feel inside without actually carrying through those acts, right and Then eventually it'll go into pop or go into something like that in the positive field something that's not so negative But I need to I see the full picture

you know, it's like, cause I see the full picture and so that's where it started and the whole able heart able to do anything your heart desires. And yeah, I mean, it's, it's great. It's, it's why, I mean, you know, I have these conversations a lot. I talk about this stuff all the time for one. Um, but still sometimes it's like, I had to step back and be like, geez, you know, like it's, uh, it is so wild for one that I'm just here.

Like that alone is just yeah, literally and Yeah, it's just it's just nuts and I couldn't you were saying this earlier but to make sure and I do my daily meditation practice Us gratitude. I swear the keys to this are gratitude and selflessness the keys to any of this, you know it's like gratitude and selflessness and

Kim Rapach (01:24:51.786)

Able Heart (01:25:18.988)
It's it's mind-blowing but again we're human beings and we create great excuses and there's a ton of things that we want that We don't yet have and it's kind of ridiculous that we don't have them. So we try and you know Come up with excuses or reasons why we don't sometimes we put that on other people for the reason why we're at where we're at And it's tough, you know, like none of this easy, you know, I've never met someone that said it was gonna be yeah, so

Uh, like literally I've never, I just, I wish, you know, um, but

Kim Rapach (01:25:51.382)
But it is empowering and it does lead, I think, to emotional freedom as opposed to suffering and living in the dark is like bondage.

Able Heart (01:26:02.036)
Yeah, I mean, yeah, well, you know, it's crazy to me. I'm just thinking about it now. But a big thing that's changed, and especially recently for me, I was always I mean, what's held me back a lot in life is always like others opinions of me like that. That's such a heavyweight. I think it is for a lot of people. I know from people that I've talked to, whether it is like people want to start a podcast or people want to like.

Get a law degree or something like there's like what are people gonna think or what if I don't do it You know or what if it happens and one of things change because of that It's like whatever excuse you want because my that was mine It was like I was never scared that it wasn't gonna happen. I was always fearful of What it did are people gonna change am I gonna change because then the people around me change and then like are things gonna be different I mean like one things for sure out of that statement like things are definitely gonna be different, you know But essentially that's what you're asking for

And but if you're going to talk about it in a negative sense, you're also going to project that. And that's definitely what happened in the first craziest thing, like life experience out of career that happened for me. All that happened, you know, like it was amazing and phenomenal. I couldn't even believe it happened, even though I said I manifested it and whatever or worked for it, whatever. But all of those things happen, you know, but that's because I also believe that they would, you know, in the good and in the bad sense. So.

Yeah, it's just thing that us as human beings but yeah recently I was gonna say recently I Feel this is a crazy one for me because even talking about these things a lot. I feel for a long time I'm saying a lot of the things that I believe But I'm also holding myself back from a lot of beliefs like not beliefs but a lot of things that have helped me essentially because it's maybe too In your face

And I'm at that point, which is crazy. But like even having these conversations, I'm at the point where it's like, I can't play God. If someone else is hurt, I have to I have to I have to stem it in the fact that, okay, anything that I'm about to say, or anything that I have put out? Has it ever been out of malintent? You know, has it ever been out of malintent? Did I ever do I intend for any of this to affect someone like in a negative way to hurt them to be catastrophic to like, is any of that?

Able Heart (01:28:29.08)
And I sit with myself, you know, I've done this many times. And I'm like, you know, I'm like, because people have opinions, right? So it's like, well, if I put this out, even if it's for the positive things, someone's gonna say some crap. And it's like

Kim Rapach (01:28:32.714)
So have I. When that fear kicks in, I have to read.

Kim Rapach (01:28:42.814)
Yeah, someone's gonna hate it. Someone's gonna tell me I did it wrong. Someone's gonna say the wrong thing, yeah.

Able Heart (01:28:46.936)
That's when you that's when you know, you're doing something right, which is crazy that has to be a cliche like the like When you're doing something wrong, I mean when you're doing something right like you start getting hate for it or dislike I like that word better than the H word, but you know, it's like What how is that it wasn't

Kim Rapach (01:28:52.124)

Kim Rapach (01:29:00.406)

Kim Rapach (01:29:06.582)
Yeah, like that is a that is a pillar of success, which is so disturbing. Right.

Able Heart (01:29:12.496)
so messed up. It's so messed up. It's unfortunate. But we that's something we as individuals on this journey of life or career, whatever we're going after, we have to know we have no control over that. Right? Like, there's no control. I wish that wasn't the case. And I wish that people are like, we're super like, who are for like other people doing stuff. And usually they are until that other stuff happens for them. And then and then they're like, Oh, my gosh, like, or it's the other way. They're like, Oh, I always knew it was gonna happen. But they were never there in the back end, right?

It's like it is what it is either way. It's like all that I know is I want to feel Like I want to feel myself and I want to feel the best in my skin is possible No matter what that is and a lot of that is held back by other not just self-limiting beliefs because that's totally true, too but of others opinion on us and that has held me back and super recently I you know, I sat with myself with that and a lot of these conversations that I've been having recently and the stuff that I'm putting out I'm just like

I can't. I've known this, you know, I can't play God. Like I'm not God. I also know that. Like I do also believe in the I am that I am concept. I don't know if you know about that way. I do believe in that like I am God, essentially, you say that out loud and people are like, what do you think you're? Whatever I do believe in that. So essentially, I am God in the life that I live, you are as well. Right? If you believe in that concept, and I

Foolhardedly believe in that concept and it is true, but I'm saying I'm not I Can't control that's a better way to phrase it. I can't control other people's opinions what they're gonna think All I can control is what I want to put out into the world and hope it resonates with the right people That's it. Like it's very simple anything else that is a benefit like that comes from that is Like hopefully it's all positive, you know, but anything that comes from that

And especially if it's negative, I don't have control over you know, because sometimes I find myself even like stupid little silly stuff I'll put out there. And if I see something, I'm very fortunate that I don't receive some sometimes in my personal and like, yeah, like, I'm surprised I don't see more, more bs, you know, I'm very surprised. But yeah, sometimes I want to respond, you know, sometimes I have. And sometimes I just want to respond, but I want to respond because I want to explain, you know, like certain things. And it could be something as simple as

Able Heart (01:31:37.188)
Why do you post the same freaking song, you know, like 20 times? Well, listen, if you understand the way the algorithm works, well, it likes this one thing. Yes, I have 20 other million. Like I have 20 different things over here. I just released 40 songs in 40 days, but they don't like this specific thing. Like the algorithm or whatever they were trying to push doesn't like this, but it likes this, so you're going to hear it a lot because this is the only way that I get like I can't how would I live like that? I tried for a while. You know, it's like.

How do I explain this to them? Because then maybe it could also help them if they're trying to. It's like, I can't control that. It's out of my control. The serenity prayer is the best. I'm not religious by any means. I'm super spiritual. My part of like, whatever helps anybody in a positive way. Regardless of what religion, ethnicity, I don't give... It's like, everyone should, what's the matter? Also with like love, like who loves, who freaking cares?

Kim Rapach (01:32:20.302)

Able Heart (01:32:35.392)
Let anybody what does it matter? Is this belief, you know as whatever it's just all this is like obvious It just like love really is as corny as that is right. Love is like that's the juice like all of it You know, so who cares let people do it though, you know Uh, especially when it's positive

Kim Rapach (01:32:49.243)

Well, I would say the world needs healing, and my contribution begins with me.

Able Heart (01:32:57.208)

Kim Rapach (01:32:58.862)
just this is what I have control over, right? And I've heard you on another podcast and I talk about it obviously a lot in the work that I do too, but we do know that hurt people hurt people. But people who are healing, I don't think people are healed, but people who are healing and people who are evolving help others heal and evolve. And, you know, I...

Able Heart (01:33:09.807)

Able Heart (01:33:18.959)

Kim Rapach (01:33:21.558)
You know, we can say it'll never get better, but I think every time, like that's what a warrior is, right? A warrior is somebody in this environment, in this community, a warrior is someone who fights for themselves first so that they can fight for everyone else. And when we are well, other people benefit from that. And so if we just keep doing our work and keep, you know, be in the light, I do think things are changing. People...

Able Heart (01:33:47.704)
Yeah, I mean that's yes, it's so well put because it is true. And it's so hard for us, especially I know for so long is an empath, you know, and I feel like even socially, I'm an empath and I feel like but another cliche, the gas mask cliche, you have to put it on yourself before anyone. It's just like, is it a gas mask, air mask, whatever oxygen mask? Come on.

Kim Rapach (01:34:05.642)
Oh yeah.

Kim Rapach (01:34:10.374)
The oxygen mask on an airplane, I think.

Able Heart (01:34:14.476)
Yeah, you know, that's another one just kind of kind of going off what you're saying. It's true. It's hard for us to be like, no, that's messed up. What if there's a kid? What if there's this? Well, the kid wouldn't be able to survive. So what happens is then it crashes and no one's there to it. And you're gone. You didn't push it. You can't care for it. And then it's going to grow up. And what life is it going to fall? Like what's going to happen? Right. It's all these things. But it's just like we do. We have to get that point of ourself and to see our own flaws and a lot of things that. But that's a tough place.

right? I know I was for me. I don't I don't have those issues. Yeah. Yeah, that's not me. But but it was, you know, but it was and I think the openness and vulnerability to and being able to speak that out loud, especially the things we've gone through the past. I think even that is alone. Like not even like you're trying to teach something or like, put something out there specifically like these are things that I went through and this is how what I'm currently go through.

Kim Rapach (01:34:51.021)
Me either. Right.

Able Heart (01:35:11.032)
You have no idea how much that actually someone could just scroll by that right we live in the day in social media I mean, that's what I do you could post something like that just being vulnerable Letting go of the fact that you can't have control over anybody was someone's gonna say and you have no idea that could save someone's life It was literally be one person That's it. Like that's what it's about. There's some court

Kim Rapach (01:35:25.654)

Kim Rapach (01:35:30.622)
I mean, I've had books, I've had songs.

I've had podcasts, I've had speakers, like one sentence, one word, and I'll be like, oh, that changed my life for the better. Just like that, if I believe that. And so again, we have this, you know, we have this community where we can share, and we can say, you know, especially for artists, I think a lot of us have been conditioned to sacrifice ourselves for other people, you know, whether it's moms for their kids, or marriages, or whatever, but artists in particular, right, are, you know, so driven,

Able Heart (01:35:46.236)
If you believe that, yeah.

Kim Rapach (01:36:04.236)
so excited, so gifted, often so brilliant that they do forget themselves. And I think when you chase a dream, and I think it's Rick Rubin just said this recently, probably said it his whole life, but you chase a dream for 20 years and you give it everything you have. And then that thing happens, you win that award, you get on stage, you, you know, whatever the thing is that you were chasing and you realize like, I still feel the same. I now have this thing.

Able Heart (01:36:30.552)
Yeah, wasn't about that.

Kim Rapach (01:36:32.99)
And if you are wrestling with trauma or addiction or faulty belief systems or, you know, worrying about what other people think, it's not the answer, right? And so the answer is right in here.

And it has to start here. So we want people, again, this probably sounds a little preachy, but I do, I want people to fight for themselves first, so that they can bring their gifts into the world, so that they can bring their own healthiest selves to the world, because I always say when artists are well, we all win.

Able Heart (01:37:05.168)
For sure. Yeah. I mean, I said, preach it all day. That's what I just said. I said, like stepping into the power of, of that, you know, like of that. I think that's, that's huge. What you're preaching is nothing negative. You know, you're trying to, what you're saying is just in hopes that it's going to resonate with. So just like me, it's going to resonate with someone and potentially help their life, you know? Uh, it's like, so I would say preach that preset all day. It's funny. I just put that in a song lyric, you know,

Kim Rapach (01:37:34.114)
Did you? Well, I'm not surprised.

Able Heart (01:37:35.424)
Yeah, this recently because I've been on this wave. I'm gonna put it up. I'm putting a whole EP together of all different like frequencies and uh, yeah, and I it's like one of the one of the lyrics I forget what I said like, uh, I don't even know. I gotta freaking learn all my lyrics. I make stuff so fast. I will do like virtual concerts sometimes

Kim Rapach (01:37:58.658)
Well, I saw your process, the one that you posted about, the 888 hertz and the manifestation, and I sent it to my son, and I was like, this guy just made beats or what? I don't know the right language, so don't fault me for that, but I'm like, for a manifestation, like that's genius.

Able Heart (01:38:05.5)

Able Heart (01:38:13.196)
No, yeah.

Able Heart (01:38:17.208)
Well, because that's what I listen I have to I have to take things because I do believe and I've and I feel that when we force things that aren't either an alignment of us or we're putting things and projecting things out there into the world that aren't in alignment of any of that for one people are so smart. Now, people know like I could be sitting here. If I was bs in you. Like you like you or anybody else who put on the internet. It's pretty like a parent.

Kim Rapach (01:38:41.518)
I have to feel it.

Able Heart (01:38:46.424)
Like only if you've experienced or had sim, can have similarities or understand, will you be able to relate and be like, okay, it's genuine. Or I could be just like spitting, but like, I'd like to think like, cause I eventually would love to get into acting. I would like to think that I could, you know, but when it comes to that stuff, uh, I just think people are too smart now and they pick up on it. You know, I know, I feel like I do when I watch certain things. Um, it's also not on me to like depict what anyone else does or

Kim Rapach (01:39:10.879)

Able Heart (01:39:16.092)
They're on their journey, you know, it's like I'm not I'm not a Content savage and I mean a comment savage. I don't I don't really do that Unless it's positive I will I'll see like artists that aren't like maybe just starting or maybe they don't have anything but Yeah, it gets me so hype like I just want to say something nice, you know, because I know they're struggling around They're like doing something they have like 50 likes. I see this all the time

Kim Rapach (01:39:36.159)

Able Heart (01:39:42.156)
Have like four comments and one of those comments is so negative and I'm just like what do you like, you know? and you just want to be the you know, you could do this easily freaking trying to do his thing, you know and You just want to say something, you know, the only thing you can do is just put out positive energy, you know

Kim Rapach (01:39:45.602)

Kim Rapach (01:39:59.638)
But again, that's why we focus on wellness, right? Because when you are working on your own mental wellness, when you're working on your own spirituality and your own physicality, when you're taking care of yourself, you want to pour into other people. You want, especially when you've been in the darkness, like you've been in, and you now get to live in the light, and those may sound like strange terms or whatever, but whatever you wanna call it, when you've struggled or suffered,

Able Heart (01:40:03.033)

Kim Rapach (01:40:27.774)
and now you're thriving and you're resilient. Doesn't mean life is easy, but you're resilient and you're thriving. Is it?

Able Heart (01:40:31.904)
Mm-hmm. That's what this that's what this is resilient. That's that's fine. I didn't choose that. Yeah, I didn't like the tattoo anyways Yeah

Kim Rapach (01:40:39.21)
I didn't know that. But yeah, but that's, you want to give it away, right? And that's why the work of warriors. That's why the Ableheart Project. Like when your life, when you come out of the dirt, you know, you rise like a phoenix or like, I want to help all the people. It's possible.

Able Heart (01:40:54.552)
Yo, you're yours. I don't mean to say you're speaking truth. Like I the thing I was just about to post I'm gonna post right when we get off this call. I'm literally the end of it is that I was like this. Like that's what it's about. You know, I can control like none of this like because I was talking about manifestation frequency, like being in alignment, you'll get people there's like, Oh, this doesn't make sense. Or what is the frequency or it's not about money or it's not like, I can't control like

I can't control that you know like you can make this up and make it like I'm not making it up if someone in the comments could please whatever I said, you know and But when you realize like when you find this thing you just want other people Like feel this I mean it's like to know this like just like you said then that is what it's about You know that yeah, that's genuinely what it's about and that's all you can hope for you know, cuz at the end day whatever you know, but

Kim Rapach (01:41:46.666)
Yeah. When is that lyric in your song, is it worth it? Where you say something about the universe won't throw me what I can't swing?

Able Heart (01:41:56.252)
Uh, oh I wish I could give you the universe. Uh, yeah but I can't.

Kim Rapach (01:42:00.014)
I think it's the universe won't throw me what I can't swing. But my point is like what's meant for me will get to me, right? What's not meant for me won't get to me, it'll miss me. But it's also what we put out. We can't, everything we put out, whether it's a post, whether it's a comment, whether it's, you know, a compliment in the grocery store, like how we present ourselves isn't going to land with everyone. And that's okay because we can trust that it will land where it's supposed to. And then we can just release it.

Able Heart (01:42:03.704)
I know what you're saying, he's in the second verse.

Able Heart (01:42:09.914)

Able Heart (01:42:27.084)
Yep. You have to try. That's the part. Yeah. It's the universe. The universal tell me what I can't swing. Yeah, like you can't make this one. Um, yeah, I mean, but that's, that's the part is the trust because it was just cruel. Like I feel good right now. You know, like really, really good because, uh, even when things are going great, I create these blocks, you know, like I think as a human being, and again, there's just levels to this, right. But, um, yeah,

Kim Rapach (01:42:32.874)
Yeah, that's it.

Kim Rapach (01:42:53.77)
Literally before we got on the call, I was like, oh, it's Abelhart, I've been following him forever. And I started feeling a little anxious. And then I was like, wait, what's true? What's true? This is for me, what's true? This is one of the kindest, most positive energy giving.

like free spirited people that you have seen on the internet. And so you are so freaking lucky. And I was like, I'm so grateful that I get to get on this call. And it shifts everything, but those blocks are defaults, right? It's our nervous system trying to protect us. And I think sometimes excitement gets confused with anxiety. And so we have to stop and go, wait a minute. I don't think I'm anxious. I'm just really excited. Yeah.

Able Heart (01:43:19.044)
No, I appreciate it.

Able Heart (01:43:28.668)
Thank you.

Yeah. Yep. I mean, yeah, it's totally it's totally true. Hey, it's a journey at the end of the day, we're all I'm gonna talk about this with my manager all the time. The end of the day, we're just all here trying to figure it out. Like that's, that's it. But once we understand that, like the figuring in and out of it, you know, like the journey of it is what I'm saying. That's where it is. Like, it's really that simple. And then when we can have the belief

because that's what's so crazy. There's been so many things over the past. I feel like over this last couple weeks, even it's just been really super game changing for me in the in the mental space. Not that I've always felt this. I think I just I'm more aware of it than ever. But and I've always believed everything's gonna happen for a reason, whatever. But I think now in my life, so many big things are happening that like, but then there's within each of these things happening.

there's like, it could be a catastrophic thing over here. If this doesn't pan out, it doesn't work out. Okay, like if it doesn't work out, like, until like my old self or like to someone else that could be like, Oh my gosh, no, you have to make sure that it's not on me. Like, I did what I could do. And I hope that it works out the best way it does. Like that's whatever way that is, because I know if it's not in alignment, and I force it, I know where that's always led me, you know,

even if it's not like some crazy life experience like in a bad way, it's never led me in the right direction. Like, that's as simple as that. And I also know that forcing it and trying to build things and building because I am the one that's causing that anxiety around whatever it is and something I don't have control over. I don't have like that. Like, it's really that simple. There's like, I don't know how you could do that. And it's like a big call, you know, like you like, you should really like figure that out.

Able Heart (01:45:24.216)
It's not for me to figure out I figured out my portion and my part. And I have to let go of the rest of whatever it is, you know, it's not in control. And it's so funny, because once you do that, it's like everything comes in like everything and it's wild, you know, but you really like deep seeded like really have to believe that and that's, I think just a process in itself. And I just wish the best for anyone on this journey of life because it's a roller coaster.

You know, so what I say, uh, it's a roller coaster. Cause that was the first thing I was told by my mentors are like, Oh, this industry is a roller coaster. You know, hold on. But I say, uh, you know, it's a roller coaster for sure. Buckle up, but like ride without your shoes, you know, because like the breeze is where it's at, you know,

Kim Rapach (01:46:12.114)
I love that. So you have really, I mean, you have wrestled with the darkness. You've had loss in your early adolescent sports career. You are now thriving, you're making music. You have a master class for people who wanna live in their highest vibration. You're doing amazing things. Back to the work of a warrior, are there non-negotiables that you have on a regular basis that you do to keep yourself present,

Able Heart (01:46:12.293)

Kim Rapach (01:46:42.249)
attuned in your higher frequency in a good place. Do you have non-negotiables?

Able Heart (01:46:46.616)
Yeah, I mean, yeah, I think I brought it up early. I didn't say what they were, but I brought it up earlier, right? Uh, so you're not, not BS and you, um, yeah. I mean, stretch is stretching meditation early in the morning, non-negotiable, uh, definitely a sleep routine, which can be difficult, especially being a creative. Uh, I still, even though I have routines and non-negotiables now, I still don't know what day it is. Kind of whatever comes with the territory. I don't know. Maybe being an entrepreneur, I have no freaking clue. Um,

Kim Rapach (01:46:51.393)

Able Heart (01:47:16.068)
But yes, sleep meditation, I have to have something outside like nature, you know, just outside just something. And the gym, I have to have the gym. It's not just for like a career thing, like I don't have to stay in shape. Like what it does. And I was a harp on the gym so much. I also like to give a lot of metaphors and things that I'm trying to talk about with life based off of the gym, because there's just so many similarities and so many things that are so easily relatable to so many just off of the gym.

But gym can be a touchy subject for some and I totally understand but that's one for me for sure is the gym I need to get there and the benefits of what it does for your endorphins it releases what it actually like what it does for your brain and body I'm not saying they go because you have to be the biggest baddest thing I definitely don't like specifically go for that reason again but like a lot of people would disvalidate that because then they see the shape I'm in and say that it's like but

I can't control that. You know? You know, like, yeah, I can't control that.

Kim Rapach (01:48:15.958)
We don't worry about what other people say that we don't do that anymore. I always say the gym is my medicine. When I don't wanna go, I'm like, take your medicine. Go. I'm a different person. When you were talking about, when you went into that club the first time, and you were like, this is how we're supposed to be living. That's how I feel when I'm in the lake or at the gym. If I'm in the lake.

Able Heart (01:48:23.697)
Oh, I like that. Non-negotiable. It's like...

Able Heart (01:48:35.192)
I like that you have that that's huge that you know, you know, you know that. Yeah, that's that you had found that and that's that is that's freaking amazing. But that's what it is for me those three things and then balance a reading to is not my heaviest non negotiable I do read every day but it's not my biggest non negotiable

Kim Rapach (01:48:38.583)
Yeah, that's fine.

Kim Rapach (01:48:55.206)
I love that you're reading after being told at a young age that you couldn't.

Able Heart (01:48:58.168)
Yeah, just. Oh, that's why I do. I just I'm almost finished this Deepak Chopra book. Yeah, I've got a ton of books over there. But yeah, I do. Because I'm because I really because I base it off of what I just explained earlier, you know, because I was told dyslexic or whatever it is. Also, not just that. I do think it benefits with so many other things for the brain. I just do like even things that I'm maybe not even aware of, you know, but I know that it's just beneficial to me as a human being and growth. And if I look at anything,

Kim Rapach (01:49:03.231)
I love it.

Able Heart (01:49:27.932)
Uh, any people in life that have achieved anything that I personally, uh, want to come close to or like attained like want to be like, you know, or like desire to be, um, it's always reading, you know, it's always like, I read books, you know, I could audible, you know, or what does it, what does it call it? Whatever. Yeah, I could do that. Like, of course I could, you know, like, but that, I know for me, that's an excuse. Like that's just an easier, softer way. And that's

Kim Rapach (01:49:36.835)

Kim Rapach (01:49:44.779)
Yeah, sorry about that.

Able Heart (01:49:54.244)
like anytime I've done that it's never been beneficial. It hasn't been the most beneficial. Yes, that's probably better than eating chips and watching TV, like audible, for sure. I'm not denying that, you know, but if I'm not, if I'm not like, not almost 100% in on something, but I'm not fully utilizing, utilizing like an asset. What's the like, what's the point of it then for me, that I'm not fully like getting all the juice from whatever the thing is that potentially could benefit me.

Kim Rapach (01:50:22.135)

Able Heart (01:50:22.296)
But that's how I feel around that so that the gym and it's just meditation Meditation for sure like game-changing has to be non-negotiables. I'm also very military mentality with my Myself, which I strayed even line because I'm not do this, you know, like I'm crazy I was for a long time, but Yeah, it's like this is I just tell myself like is like I come we want to come up with excuses It's what we do now like it's Really?

Kim Rapach (01:50:37.836)
Yeah, sure.

Kim Rapach (01:50:48.926)
I say the same thing. We do now. So David Gragens. Gagans, yeah. Yep. This is what we do now. I love it.

Able Heart (01:50:51.736)
What we do now like is David Goggins love them Yeah Love so what we do now, you know, just what it is. I love that, you know, I love that that's like That gets me it gets me hype to just think about that to say that yeah, it's so But yeah, all of it's just that's where it's at all of us the journey the conversation we're having in potentially hopes to help

someone else or resonates with someone again, I say it with music like, even if it's for the two to three minutes or the six second piece of content I put out there, you know, it makes them laugh, you know, or, or feel something, you know, better and takes them away because I know that has done that for me in the past, whether it's with music or content, like comedy, as well. So I'm gonna use a big one.

Kim Rapach (01:51:28.226)

Kim Rapach (01:51:40.778)
Well, full disclosure, like, I don't know, my warmup playlist at the gym is probably half you. Because I don't, I always tell people like, I don't want to go to the gym. I don't wake up and be like, yay, I get to get up. It's early, it's cold. I'm gonna go to the gym. It's, I just have to, all I have to do is get myself there. And then once I'm two minutes in and the music starts, I'm a different person. And it's...

Able Heart (01:51:49.172)
Oh really?

Able Heart (01:51:55.534)

Able Heart (01:52:07.681)
Yeah. Oh.

Kim Rapach (01:52:08.666)
it you know so many so many of my songs on my warm-up playlist are able heart so

Able Heart (01:52:14.436)
That's, that's a minute. Well, I think I appreciate that. That makes me super hype because that's definitely a big portion of what I hope that other people could benefit from it, you know, while listening and doing things. But I think you're, you're like a lot of the new frequency stuff coming out. There's one I specifically, uh, I tuned, uh, for like motivation, um, because not all the, like those are my assumption too. Uh, just like when I

Kim Rapach (01:52:33.332)
Oh, cool.

Able Heart (01:52:39.undefined)
Being in the in this field or just like being so into all of this that like all the low frequencies are bad frequencies But not like they're specific frequencies for everything which is crazy and some are motivational which makes sense And then actually being like the lower tier of it, but it's not a negative thing So there's all of these frequencies so but there is one specifically I made for like motivation and for the gym But I called it like on the move, you know, it's like so I'm super I'm super hype on those

Kim Rapach (01:52:42.616)

Kim Rapach (01:53:06.786)
That's awesome. Well, I look forward to that. Definitely. Okay, so I like to end with three questions. And much of it you've probably already covered, but if you just wanna kind of quickly summarize. So the first one is, what's a piece of advice you would offer to a new artist just starting out?

Able Heart (01:53:09.924)

Able Heart (01:53:17.239)

Able Heart (01:53:32.277)
I don't want to say I don't I don't want to give the easy you want to be like us It's not gonna be it's not gonna be easy You know it's not gonna be easy I Would say I would say have patience with yourself. I think that's a good one because if I look back I Was the furthest thing from patient, but I do ooh cuz that's also very hard. I go off a Jordan Peterson's quote where he says Become a monster and then learn how to tame it

Kim Rapach (01:53:41.054)
Is that it? Just know it's not gonna be easy.

Able Heart (01:54:00.376)
The thing that's very scary is kind of like the serenity prayer in a sense where like the end of the serenity prayer, God, please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference. That's where the juice is right. The wisdom to know the difference between things I can change and I can't change because we're trying to change things that we know we can't. Right. Vice versa. I would say that with

Music as well or whatever it is that you're trying to go after like have patience with yourself, but also like be a monster you know like believe that it's gonna happen like you have to believe it more than anybody else and essentially I Mean in the entrepreneurial sense in general you're selling yourself and everything that you do right so like if you don't believe it or because I used to be which I still struggle with but like

Able Heart (01:54:54.65)
If you actually looked it up in the dictionary, but I Definitely struggled with that. I feel like actually definition sense But I thought it was actually being like humble with society like societally like what you think humble is this thing? Oh, thank you so much, you know But I did that too much and it held me back. So I would just say patience just to Yeah

Kim Rapach (01:55:15.966)
I love that. So the next one would be, how would you encourage someone? Do you have a couple words for someone? This podcast is dedicated to people that we have lost in the industry to addiction, suicide.

and those who are still suffering in silence. And while this isn't replacement and it's not therapy, it's not mental health treatment, but to share our stories, what might you say to someone who might listen to this and they are suffering in silence?

Able Heart (01:55:37.02)

Able Heart (01:55:47.052)
Just in life in general. For one, yeah, for one, you are not alone in any of this. And it's definitely a process, you know, it's a process and to have the understanding. I think patience also goes along with just what I said with it in general. Everything relates back to all of this in life. I mean, we could be talking about career or life or going through something. For one, you are not alone. Please, like...

Don't cast yourself into the bucket of your like the story and because this is such right It's a touchy subject too because someone is currently if we're just talking about someone that is currently going through us through something, right? Just as we're having this conversation someone's listening right now and they're currently going through it How in this right mind could I tell them to not? Let them self get in the way of a life beyond their wildest dream. Well, I'm going through this currently This is a reality that I'm going through not taking that away from you at all like it for sure is but

Kim Rapach (01:56:42.975)

Able Heart (01:56:44.164)
What we don't want is to have that be the reason that holds you back from everything you're truly meant for and because of that Experience that you're having just had or currently having take away the fact that you have no idea Because of what you went through what that potentially will help someone in the future, right or just You have no idea what that will even lead to in your life But we know is we don't want that to hold back from everything that you're meant for we just don't see it right now And that's totally

it's totally okay. I didn't which I'm sure you probably have a similar sounds like you ever said. So that's what that's definitely what I would say.

Kim Rapach (01:57:20.998)
I love that so much. Thank you. I think at some point I could probably take a clip from every episode of this podcast where people like one of the first things everybody says when I ask that question is you're not alone.

And so, you know, I could clip all those together. You're not alone. There are those of us who have been in the dark and it's not the end of the story. And if you don't allow it to be the end of the story, there is beauty and so much goodness coming. You just, like you said, beyond your wildest dreams. So thank you for saying that.

Able Heart (01:57:32.676)

Able Heart (01:57:51.793)

Kim Rapach (01:57:55.954)
Okay, so on a lighter note, how can people find you, your music, if they want to work with you, your master class, you have a lot going on, what's the easiest way for people to connect with you?

Able Heart (01:58:08.812)
Yeah, 100%. Everything is obviously on social media. If the easiest thing is to Google, you just Google Able, A-B-L-E-H-E-A-R-T. Like you're able to do anything your heart desires. Able Heart, yeah, Instagram, Able Heart, some other things are Able Heart, Able Heart Music. Anything with that, that's how you'll be able to find me. Masterclass, I believe it's, as well as some other things on the site and some new things that were.

We're building on the side as far as like building other things that we're doing courses for so Yeah, I mean that's where everything is just Google's usually the user Google's usually easiest for most things, you know You want to Google how do I get rid of a splinter? You know, it's like

Kim Rapach (01:58:53.422)
There's Dr. Google, construction Google, cooking Google. Yes. All right, well, I hope people find you because what you're doing is incredible. I love the story of redemption, if you will. It's just beautiful. It's beautiful to watch your transformation. So glad you came across my TikTok feed. And I'm so grateful that you said yes today. You were truly a warrior.

And I'm just grateful that you're here. And I just look forward to staying connected. So thank you.

Able Heart (01:59:23.948)
Well, I appreciate it. You too as well. And thank you again for having me. It's seriously amazing. Amazing conversation. Yeah.

Kim Rapach (01:59:29.422)
Thank you.