Flip the Script with Vic

This week, I dive into embracing the season you're in without trying to change it. We explore how accepting our busy phases, like my jam-packed summer, allows us to find joy and flow. Instead of forcing productivity, let's honor our cycles and trust the timing of the universe. Remember, every season has its unique beauty and purpose!

Join me to learn how to navigate life's rhythms with grace and ease. Here are three key takeaways from this episode:

- **Embrace Every Season**: Just as nature goes through cycles, so do we. Whether you're in a bustling summer or a contemplative winter, acknowledge and accept the season you're in. This acceptance can lead to less frustration and a smoother transition to the next phase.

- **Avoid Multitasking Overwhelm**: Trying to juggle everything at once often leads to burnout and frustration. Focus on one task at a time and be present in the moment. Prioritizing quality over quantity will yield better results and a calmer mind.

- **Trust the Process**: Rushing through life or pushing to the next season can create unnecessary stress. Trust that everything is unfolding at its own pace and in its own time. Allow yourself the space to grow and adapt naturally.

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

Applications are now open for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico. Apply now!

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IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
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email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, loves. Welcome to another episode of flip the script with Vic. It's your host, Victoria Nielsen. I have been so busy these last couple of weeks, and today was the first time I felt like I had a little bit of space to myself and it felt really nice. And it was just a reminder that the season that I'm in is, is a really busy season. And all of us, right, go through different seasons in our lives, just as we have inner seasons that follow our moon cycles and the outer seasons that follow the cycles of nature. And so there are so many ways that these patterns repeat themselves and interconnect. And so I thought it was a beautiful reminder just to chat today about the seasons of our lives and acknowledging the season that you're in without trying to change it.

Speaker A [00:00:58]:
Because often that is where we struggle and where we find ourselves frustrated, right? Because we want to be in a different season than the one that we're currently in. And we expel so much effort trying to change the circumstances or feel differently. And if we would just embrace the season that we're in, we would realize that things would flow a lot easier for us to be able to get to that next season, perhaps, if that's what we're itching for, or to actually even just enjoy where we are, knowing that it's fleeting and that it's going to change and that, you know, the next season is going to come no matter what because it always does. And so right now, my life is following summer. You know, it's summer outside, but my life is also in a season of summer where I feel like the last, gosh, three weeks have just been so busy. I was at a retreat and then the kids have been out of school for two weeks. So we were home with them for a week. And then we went down to see my grandmother and my dad and a lot of my family at the beach.

Speaker A [00:02:02]:
And they finally started summer camp again today. And so I had some time to myself. But, you know, my husband and I both work from home on Mondays, so I haven't had the time that I really would like to see, sit and build the awakening program that I have written so many notes out on paper and I need to now produce the content and film the meditations and do all of the things, but I haven't had space for it. And instead of getting frustrated, I have released the outcome and said, okay, right now this is not the season to produce that. Or at this moment in time, I should say I have to travel this week for my corporate job. So I'm not going to get any space and time to work on any of that for a whole nother week. So it'll have been a month, really, that I haven't been able to work on this thing, this passion of mine that I'm wanting to put out into the world. And an older version of me would have been really frustrated by that, would have just tried to push through and tried to create while all of this was happening and then just probably combusted because I would have burned myself out completely trying to do all of the things.

Speaker A [00:03:23]:
And, you know, I think it's a beautiful reminder that there is a place in time for everything and to give ourselves the grace that if our lives aren't aligning with the things that we're wanting to do at the moment, that it's okay. And it doesn't mean we're procrastinating, and it doesn't mean that we're never going to do it. And it doesn't mean that we're bad business owners or bad people to not be able to always pursue our passions. It just means that in this moment in time, it's not possible. And if we can surrender to that, we can actually have a better outcome. Because then when I do finally get the time to sit and produce the meditations and the landing page and just all of the things that go with the program, I'm going to be in the right energy to do it. And I'm going to be able to give it my full attention. Because if you're not giving something your full attention, what's the point? And I'm kind of laughing to myself because I am a multitasking mom, as I'm sure many of you listening are.

Speaker A [00:04:24]:
And I find that every time that I try to multitask, it all just falls apart. And maybe I can juggle a couple of things at a time, but the more that I throw into the mix, I just end up frustrated. I end up yelling. I end up burnt out. I end up, you know, not being present with what's in front of me. And because I've learned that lesson the hard way now, when the kids are out of school, I just really try my best to focus on them and not have other things planned, because that's when things just don't turn out. When I'm, like, trying, you know, even just packing for the beach last week, like, I was like, oh, maybe I'll bring the podcast mic and I'll record this week's podcast while I'm down there. And then I said, no, like, I'm not gonna have the time for that, and I'm not gonna be in a headspace to want to do that.

Speaker A [00:05:14]:
I'm gonna wanna be present with my family, and then I'm gonna feel bad that I take time away from, you know, my family in the evenings, even if it's for, like, 30 minutes to record an episode. You know, I don't get to see my grandmother and my dad and my brother and sister, you know, all that often. So, like, why would I bring all of that down there and have that take me away from the time with them? And so it's also a reminder to be where your feet are. And I have to bring that to mind probably more often than I would like. But it's my reminder to be present and to be where I am, grounded in reality, and again, to be okay with it and not try and change it, because that's where the anxiety comes up, the frustration, the anger. All of that friction is caused by us, by ourselves, by wanting to change what's happening around us, when really just flowing with the energy would make it move faster, would make us move through it much easier. And so, you know, if you're like me, where you're in a summer, in a very busy season of life, can that be okay? And can you give yourself the hope that, okay, you have a certain date in mind of when you want to follow these passions in the future? Right? And can you still allow yourself perhaps, you know, baby steps or baby things? Like, this morning I led a Kundalini class, and it was so beautiful to come back to my practice because I had not been practicing over the last two weeks. And, you know, that's another thing that comes in cycles is our practice and our spiritual self care.

Speaker A [00:06:55]:
You know, we are not robots. And it is okay to take a break from these things if you need to, if you don't have the time and space for it, if you just don't have the bandwidth. You know, I think there are too many rules as it is in the healing space of, oh, you have to do this and you should do that, and, oh, my God, you have to stand on your forehead and how the moon and, you know, whatever, do all these things, and I throw all that out the window to say, whatever works for you is perfect. If you don't practice for a whole month and then you come back to it for a day and then, you know, have a whole nother month that you don't do anything, that's fine, because then when you come back to the practice, it's going to be such a beautiful reminder of why you love it and why it's there to support you. And, you know, I think other spiritual teachers would probably tell you, you know, to not do that and to try and get your practice in no matter what. But I am really all about not forcing the energy right now because I have found when I force the energy, the outcome is never as good. You know, I don't feel as in alignment because I am fighting the current energy of whatever I'm in. And yes, I could probably use more Zen, and yes, I could probably use a meditation to calm down with the kids and especially when they're frustrating with, you know, and yelling and being crazy like they were the last week.

Speaker A [00:08:25]:
But I also know that kundalini yoga in particular is an arousing practice. It is not always a Zen practice that's going to make you be calm. It's going to bring out the emotions that need to arise within you. So if you have that anger, if you have that sadness, if you have whatever it is, it's going to bring it up. And if you're already in a tumultuous situation, perhaps with young kids who already are, like, triggering you, it might not be the best thing to continue with the practice or force yourself to practice. If it's not what's in alignment. Maybe it's more in alignment for you to go for a run and to get that frustration out. Maybe it's about putting on music and dancing around your kitchen.

Speaker A [00:09:10]:
There are other ways to tap into your inner knowing and your inner well, and to replenish yourself that aren't always traditional, that aren't always sitting on a yoga mat, doing a yoga practice, doing a kriya. You know, they have a time and a space, and I will scream from the rooftops how amazing kundalini yoga is forever. But sometimes I need to run. Sometimes I want to go for a swim. Sometimes I just want to do pilates or something different with my body because I don't want to bring up all of those arousing emotions when I'm already in a house full of high tempers and heightened emotions from my young children. And so that's how I'm taking care of myself in this time. And I know that my practices will come back. I will swing into fall at some point right when the leaves need to fall off of the tree.

Speaker A [00:10:04]:
And I need to take that time for introspection, especially before I start really working on producing the pieces of the awakening program that would actually be really beneficial to go through a fall and see what needs to fall away. Take a second look at all the notes that I have written and say, does this still ring true? Do things need to change? You know, there is no need to rush. And I can be a rusher, especially if I have an idea. I want to get it out into the world right away. And there are merits in waiting and letting it marinate and letting it really be juicy. And I think, you know, the rushing comes from my childhood, where I was always rushed from, like, activity to activity. I remember just, like, shoveling dinner in my mouth because you had to, like, go straight to bath in bedtime because we were out until, whatever, 738 o'clock at different practices and things. And I always had something to do, there was always more to get done.

Speaker A [00:11:11]:
And I also felt like I had to prove myself a lot, you know, and prove that I was worthy of love, which I know is not true now, but that's one of my biggest core wounds, right? Is that my worth is tied to the things that I can produce. My worth is tied to the things that I can do. And so that's been a major rewriting for me, to say that there is no need to rush any of this process and get it out there. So what, I can pat my back on the back and say that. Pat myself on the back and say that I did it? Like, that's not serving anyone. What's going to be the highest good for both myself and for all of the women that I serve, it's going to be to take more time putting this together. And there's nothing wrong with that. You know, it almost is like this, like, fear of missing out, almost.

Speaker A [00:12:00]:
Or fear, right, that someone else maybe is going to take my idea or do this thing. But anything that I create is uniquely mine, even if it comes from a kernel of someone else. We're all inspiring one another at all times. And so even if someone was to come out with the exact same program before I did, my program would be different because it has my energetic signature, because it has my frequency, because it has my vibration. You know, that's what I love about Kundalini yoga. And any type of teaching that you can experience is that you're always going to get something different. No two teachers are going to teach the exact same thing alike, even if the curriculum is the same. I saw it over and over again in my Kundalini teacher training.

Speaker A [00:12:46]:
We would do a workshop where we had to teach, like, diaphragmatic breathing. And we were given the exact same steps, the exact same thing that we were supposed to make sure to cover, right? Like the, the intro, middle and end. And everyone did it completely differently because each of us are different and we have different perspectives and different ways of doing things. And so there is no need to be afraid that someone else is going to copy you or do the exact same thing, because they're not. It will not ever be the exact same thing because it has your energetic signature. And so when you can release that a little bit, you can release the pressure to have to produce, to have to put something out so that you get the gold star again. It allows you to be in the season that you're in and not worry that you're missing anything because anything that's meant for you will never pass you by. And taking the time is worth it because the universe isn't the one putting the pressure on you.

Speaker A [00:13:41]:
The universe is never the one that is saying, oh, my God, you have to get this done right now. That's your ego. And so the universe is never forceful in that way. And if we can trust that maybe we're being given space to actually be able to hold all of the things that we want to do and not burn out and do it in a way that is loving and is in the highest expression for ourselves and for those around us. And so as you evaluate, perhaps what season that you're in in your life, can you make the most of it? Right? Like, there's beauty in every single season. So if you're in winter, you know, perhaps those ideas are still germinating. Perhaps that passion is still being uncovered. And it doesn't make it any better or worse that you're in winter when someone else is in summer.

Speaker A [00:14:39]:
It just means that you're in a different phase, a different season of your life. Just as someone that's in spring is going to be planting those seeds for the future is going to be perhaps making connections and building things in a different way. And, you know, summer, for me, is also about enjoying myself. And so why am I going to put this pressure on myself to produce something if it's not in enjoyment and if I'm not doing it from a place of joy? Because then people can feel that they're not going to want to participate in the program because they're going to feel the force that was, you know, created that was put into it as I was creating it. And so, yeah, like, just being more in flow with the season of life that you're in and knowing that it won't last forever. And I know my women with kids really understand this, and I think that's how a lot of us can get burnt out and that's how a lot of us can lose. The way is when we try to be everything to everyone and try to do it all when it's not the right season for that. And I'm not saying that you have to wait forever.

Speaker A [00:15:51]:
Cycles happen quickly, right? This summer season for me is has been a month, and then I'm going to have some time to go into fall and winter and spring, and the cycles can move as fast as a day as you can. You can experience all four seasons in one day. Technically, that would be a lot, but you could, right? Just as you can experience all of the seasons in a month with your moon cycle. And so it really just depends on the person and the time of your life that you're in. And there is nothing wrong with being in a season longer. Even if you're yearning to get to the next season, there is still sweet nectar in whatever part of the process that you are in. And you're going to stay in that part of the process until you allow yourself to surrender to it. And, you know, pushing onto the next one is possible.

Speaker A [00:16:43]:
Right. I've done it myself. But then you're either going to have to go back and fix things that weren't done correctly or you're going to go back and have to relearn lessons that you tried to force your way through instead of actually integrating and learning them. And that, honestly is far worse than just doing it right the first time. You know, like, excuse me, if you just took your time and did it right the first time. And also, this kind of brings me back to the idea of, like, sometimes again, I have been guilty of this as well. We try and force ourselves into this next point of the season because we don't like the life that we've currently built. Okay.

Speaker A [00:17:24]:
And I know that's really hard to hear, and I'm going to repeat it again, louder for the people in the back. Sometimes we're trying to rush to the next season or the next milestone, the next thing, because we don't like the life that we are currently living. We don't like where we're at because it is no longer in alignment with who we are. And so we're rushing to move through that because we want it to change rapidly. But change and transformation takes time, and you have to put in the work to make the changes necessary for your life to reflect around you the things that you want, and it doesn't happen overnight. You have to believe that your reality is going to shift before it actually does, and you have to be in that energy and essence before it actually shifts. And so instead of running away from the life that you're currently in again, sinking into slowing down, into embracing where you're at and then making changes from that place, right. Going into that next season, okay, maybe you realize you woke up one day and you're like, this is not the life I want to be living.

Speaker A [00:18:35]:
Okay? Then as you move into that next season of your life, following the energy of that season, most likely a fall, if I had to guess, as you're uncovering and stripping away these things that no longer serve you, then you go into the hibernation of a winter, and then you're ready to plant the seeds in spring. Okay? It all follows a natural cycle and a natural flow that makes it a whole lot easier, I think, to live our lives. So I would love to hear from you. Let me know what season you're in right now in your life. Let me know on instagram. Iktoriamargonealson I love responding to your DM's. I love hearing what you love about the podcast and if it resonates. And yeah, I'll be sharing more as I finally put together the pieces of this awakening program.

Speaker A [00:19:28]:
But I'm not going to make any promises because who knows, maybe it'll be another couple months before it comes out. Just going to flow with the seasons. Thank you guys so much for being here. I love you all. I'll see you next week. Be good to one another.