
In the latest episode of Changed Podcast, we unveil a testimony that is nothing short of extraordinary. Leah Wolfe shares her tumultuous journey from a challenging childhood, through the haunting grips of addiction, and into a life brimming with purpose and hope. Her story is a vivid tapestry of heartbreak and resilience, punctuated by moments that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Yet, amidst the pain, emerges a tale of redemption that serves as a profound testament to the human spirit. Addiction may be an intimidating adversary, but as Leah's life illustrates, it's not invincible. The hopelessness that once clouded her path has now made way for a beacon of hope for countless others. Leah's words are a powerful reminder that with faith, determination, and a heart for service, one can rise from the darkest corners and carve out a life filled with meaning.

A heartfelt note from Leah: 

"...thank you so much for having me on the show! Excited to see what God is going to do with it."

Connect with Leah and learn more about her transformative journey:

Multiple contact avenues are available on the website, including phone, e-mail, Facebook, and chat. Your story isn't over; let Leah's journey inspire your next chapter.

What is Changed?

Welcome to 'Changed' a podcast celebrating transformative encounters with Jesus Christ. Each episode unfolds powerful testimonies of profound life changes, providing inspiration for your spiritual journey. Join our community, drawing strength and encouragement to deepen your relationship with God. Witness the irrefutable evidence of lives dramatically changed by His love. We're here to inspire hope, reinforcing God's relentless pursuit, and sparking the desire to seek a life profoundly transformed. Let's chase after God together. Your journey to deeper faith starts here.

Brent Stone (00:01.178)
Hey, welcome to another episode of changed. My name's Brent Stone and I have, I'm just, I'm super excited today because I have Leah Wolf with me and this is gonna be so powerful. I had the opportunity to hear Leah recently share her testimony in front of our whole congregation at church and it just, it rocked everybody. And I just, I'm not trying.

She's like, Oh my gosh, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not trying to, uh, you know, I'm gonna let her toot her own horn here. It's, uh, or to Jesus's horn here, but you know, I'm gonna let her go, but I'm just, I'm super excited for everyone that's tuning in for this. Leah, thank you so much for being here and being willing to just share. And with that, I'm going to turn it over to you and yeah, thanks again.

Leah Wolfe (00:50.642)
Yeah, thanks for asking me. I'm just very thrilled that all the platforms that the Lord has given me to share this, because it's a big deal. I feel like sharing your testimony has so much more power than I think we give it credit for. So I'm excited that he's able to use all of my bumps in the road.

Brent Stone (01:14.746)
Absolutely. That's awesome. Well, please take it away.

Leah Wolfe (01:19.582)
Alright, um, so My biggest changing point I guess um That the lord really gave me, um, well, I guess I should give you background first, huh? Okay

Brent Stone (01:34.478)
Yeah. However you want to do it. Yeah. We will out. Yeah. Give people, give people some background and then you can go into that change. That's totally fine.

Leah Wolfe (01:39.31)
Okay. Well, I grew up pretty, I'd say like middle class, good life, you know, family, brother, nice house, you know, we were all good. And when I turned nine, my parents rocked my world by getting a divorce. And yeah, I didn't cope very well.

I did not really know coping skills, I guess. That was not something that my parents had equipped me with. So they had shielded me from a lot of the things that were going on. So I really didn't know what was going on until it happened. So that turned into what kind of started as a food addiction. And you know, then it led to acting out. My grades fell from A's to F's in one year.

And I started cutting myself not long after that. And, you know, before long it was stealing liquor from the liquor cabinet and, you know, diving in a little bit farther each time something quit working. So I eventually was, you know, finding whatever I could find. And at that point, with my relationship with God,

I had grown up in the church. My mom had taken me my whole life. And I started to become very angry with the Lord just because of all the things. It's like, why are you doing this to me? You know, Sunday school always taught me all this. God is good. God loves you and all these things. And I'm like, well, this doesn't feel like love, you know, like, so I was already on the fence and questioning things, still coping inappropriately. And

A friend of mine, she was 19 and she died in a car accident and she was a big part of our youth group and she babysat me. She was just, she was such an awesome person and I was so angry that I actually renounced my relationship with God and I actually told people that he wasn't real, you know, he wouldn't do this, he wouldn't take these good people away and yeah, my mom was not very happy with me.

Leah Wolfe (03:58.102)
So at that point I had really started to drift away. I was very confrontational, especially with my poor mother. So I was just pretty much coming unglued at this point. And so because of that, I really wanted to gain some independence away from my parents, because I was in like full rebellion at this point. And I actually, I got a job when I was 14.

and started supporting myself and supporting my habits. And multiple times in school, I almost got in trouble for drugs, but somehow managed to escape it. So I kept, you know, progressively getting worse, got into a really, really bad abusive relationship for about six years. When I was 14, we started dating and did a lot of dumb things.

We both dove down the addiction hole together and everything became very abusive at one point Physically mentally spiritually and sexually abusive and so that was That was awful That really took me down an even darker path with my addiction. I had actually Gotten to the point where

I was starting to practice magic and witchcraft. I was practicing a Wiccan religion and some of it not so bright. And so I was really, I was grasping at strings really now that I look back at things and you know trying to manipulate the world around me because I felt powerless. And so that was, yeah, that was a huge...

Brent Stone (05:50.927)

Leah Wolfe (05:54.21)
point in my life where I had so much built up emotions. Once we had finally broken up that I went off the rails and I just wanted to you know get high. I wanted to escape my life escape all of the pain and everything that had built up in my life. And so I pursued life as a drug dealer.

Sounds kind of stupid now, but you know, like that was where I wanted to go. And so I actually had a vocational degree in criminal justice. So I knew exactly where all this was going to go, but did it anyway. Um, but yeah, I started dealing drugs on a fairly decent scale and I ran around. I was homeless for a long time in the beginning.

My family had completely disowned me at one point. One thing I will say, my mother never gave up on me. She was my prayer warrior my whole life and she still is. I don't think I would be where I am today without the prayers that she did. She had people in England, in Scotland, and Australia. She had everybody around the world praying for me.

Brent Stone (07:02.242)

Leah Wolfe (07:22.43)
You know, now as a mother, I like it's so powerful to know, you know, that you have somebody in your corner. Although I didn't really appreciate it then. But yeah, so all of that led to eventually, you know, me getting in trouble. I went to prison for two years for all of that and came home. Things were.

Brent Stone (07:27.505)

Leah Wolfe (07:49.846)
Yeah, you know, they were okay. I did have a lot of life changing experiences, though, while in there for those two years. You know, when you're stripped of everything in the world, you know, even the clothes on your back. Life takes a different toll. It takes a different outlook. You know, like things, these things are not important. You can survive without them.

But the one thing they do allow you to have is the Bible Okay, so I had this Bible and I said it on my shelf and you know, I didn't look at it I was like whatever, you know, I know about this and it's all lies, you know, it's in my in my head and In Rockingham, there is a way to actually clean out your toilet and talk to the men upstairs And you know, I was like, oh well, I'm bored. You know have you thing to do so

I decided to start talking to somebody and...

Brent Stone (08:47.342)
So we kind of just pause for a second. So how, how did you figure this out?

Leah Wolfe (08:49.778)
Yeah. So I didn't figure it out. So it's been known for a long time. And I'm not really sure who's. Yes, like no, like above like the men are above the women. And so I guess the plumbing pipes ran down. And so if you clean the water out of the toilet, you could actually hear like we would make little funnels out of our manuals in our books.

Brent Stone (08:59.482)
people to talk between cells. OK.

Leah Wolfe (09:18.334)
And so we could hear and we could talk and not like actually stick your head. It cracks me up. I think it's so funny. Like, you know, God's got a sense of humor because, you know, he's like, listen, I can reach you through a toilet. Come on. But.

Brent Stone (09:23.094)
Right. Wow. How amazing is that?

Brent Stone (09:43.634)

Leah Wolfe (09:43.75)
Yeah, this guy and we started talking and you know, we're getting to know each other asking each other questions, you know Typically, you know you have what are you in here for? How long do you have blah blah, you know And then he starts asking me about you know, do I read the bible and you know, I started on my Typical no, I do not and I don't want anything to do with it. You know, like he's not real This isn't this is all just baloney pretty much um

So he kept on me and kept on me. And finally, he was like, listen, do me a favor. I want to challenge you to read one thing in the word. So if you don't want to read anymore after that, I will drop it and leave it alone. I won't talk about it anymore. Now, it's like, OK, so he challenged me. Yeah, yeah, he was good at that. But he told me to read the book of James.

Brent Stone (10:28.986)
Seems fair, like a fair challenge.

Leah Wolfe (10:38.786)
And I just remember sitting in my cell that night, you know, and I mean, I remember where James was in the Bible from Sunday school and things like that. And I opened it up and I started reading it. And I remember, and this is still a verse that sticks out to me as one of the first things that really spoke to me was to rejoice in your trials and tribulations and that, you know, it is.

It is an endurance of your faith and it can grow your faith. And I just remember being like, you want me to rejoice in all of the stuff I have been through? Like I started getting in my feelings. I was like, this is ridiculous. You know, like, how dare you? I said, obviously it didn't endure my faith. You know, I'm getting my attitude and but I kept going. And the farther I kept going, the more like.

he talked about so many of the things that he knew we were going to encounter in this life and you know the power that we can hold to do pretty much good or evil you know and just how powerful the tongue can be and just I remember you know talking about how powerful the tongue is and how you know you can steer a horse from a bit in its mouth and I was just like you know these are every this is everything that I have.

encountered in my life and you know he told us that these things were gonna happen. You know at this point I mean now that I look back on it kind of makes me a little salty with my Sunday school teacher they didn't come to me with all this stuff you know like I'm like okay so maybe I didn't have the full story you know. So I became interested in trying to learn more. I became a lot more open-minded of you know what things were and

Before long, me and this guy in the toilet started doing Bible studies together. We would write to outside ministries and get the same Bible studies sent to us, and we would do them through the toilet and talk about them. It was really cool. We got into our relationship pretty far. I remember at one point when I got shipped down the road to prison.

Brent Stone (12:44.635)
So good.

Leah Wolfe (12:59.438)
I remember the Lord kind of spoke to me for the first time and told me that his season in my life was over, that he did what he was supposed to do. And yes, because we were we had developed a relationship from this. And so at this point, I was like, OK, you know, I had to make this hard decision. But I was like, really? And what position are either one of us in to be in a relationship? You know, like.

Brent Stone (13:11.09)
this guy. Got it. OK.

Leah Wolfe (13:27.554)
So eventually, you know, God was like, okay, like, this is what he was put in your life for. And so we ended up, you know, ending that. And I continued doing studies and things with a lot of the women in the prisons. You know, in prison, you really don't have as much at the beginning. You're shipped there with pretty much nothing. I was shipped two hours. It was almost three hours away in a paper jumpsuit and, you know, chains and handcuffs.

And so they take everything from you yet again, and you have to start all over. So I did still have my Bible. And so that's what we did is we would just go through the word and just talk about it. What does it mean to you? And I just remember like hearing, you know, some of the different perspectives from other people and just growing so much from them. And in prison, while I was there, I started a spiritual journal.

And in it, I had written that I wanted to start a recovery home for women. And so I yeah, I had started all these things that I felt like I was supposed to do. And so that was a big point of growth for me. When I came home, you know, my parents were they still didn't trust me. I had done a lot to our relationship, you know, lied.

I had stolen from them at one point my addiction and they were still pretty angry with me about that. I wasn't even allowed to have a key to my house for a long time. I wasn't allowed to be there without anybody there. And now that I look back on that, you know, my pride, I guess you could say, got in the way of helping heal that. And I started rebelling again, being angry with them.

You know, another thing I look back on is, you know, even though I developed that relationship, I didn't find any healing while I was in prison. I was just, you know, going through and learning. I wasn't working on myself in my own spirit. But it started my journey. Yeah, it wasn't long after being released, I ended up turning back to that life. And that was a...

Brent Stone (15:40.634)

Leah Wolfe (15:53.71)
quite the journey, but I do believe that without God on my side during that time, I don't believe I would have made it out that time. I experienced a lot of... the easiest way for me to explain it is a lot of very evil and just demonic things.

Brent Stone (16:05.795)

Leah Wolfe (16:18.166)
And, you know, now that I look back, I truly believe in my heart that the enemy was pissed that he lost one of his soldiers and that God had gained one. And he was trying to take care of that. And I just that's the only yeah, it is the only way I can explain it. I mean, I could tell you stories like some people just don't believe me. Like it's crazy stuff that I experienced during those couple of years.

Brent Stone (16:29.11)

Brent Stone (16:32.786)
So good.

Leah Wolfe (16:46.646)
And I finally escaped from that situation and I was trying to rebuild my mental health at that point. And I just remember there were certain things that happened during that time, I will tell you one turning point that really gave me enough courage to leave that situation. And it was a relationship that had surrounded me with a lot of those things.

And we actually were homeless and we were hanging out with one of his friends and we didn't have anywhere to stay. Our phones were dead. We had to have some place to charge them. So he was like, well, let's stop at my mom's house. It's right over here. So we go in and I just like, I had been so uptight all day, just very nervous. That's how I lived for years. And when we walked in, I just felt this overwhelming

I sat on her couch and she had a Jesus Calling book right next to a Bible. And I waited until they left the room and I picked up the Jesus Calling book. I asked her first and she told me yes. And so I started reading it and I could tell that she was deaf just by how she was speaking. And you know, I thanked her and read it and I don't even remember what it said.

But I remember mine and hers conversation and she had told me that, you know, she said, you know, what's your situation? Like, how are you here? You know, we started talking and, and she said, you know, I wasn't always deaf. She said, but when I lost my hearing, I kept going to the Lord and asking him to heal my, heal my ears, heal my ears. And instead he gave her a better gift. He gave

Leah Wolfe (18:42.258)
I was in danger and that don't forget that the Lord is beside me and he is fighting with me and that he's gonna help me out of this. But don't forget that he's with you. Like, I just I was feeling so abandoned again and just, you know, this can't be what life is. And I remember when I left there, I had like this empowerment about myself and I was like, I'm determined I'm going to get out of this. And like.

I finally did and it was really hard, but he carried me through it. Once again, still not dealing with the healing part of my life. I ended up getting in trouble again and I went back in for a year. It was during that time I found out I was pregnant about a month and a half after I had been in jail.

And I was just totally blown away. I was like, you've got to be kidding me. Like, is this a joke? You know, like, I didn't even know how much time I was gonna get at that point. But, you know, most people in their first probation violation, you know, they can get three six months, you know, it's, it's all good. So I was like, okay, you know, this isn't so bad. And when then I go to court, and they told me I got a year.

And I mean, I fell to pieces. I was like, that means I'm gonna have to have her while I'm in jail. Like, this is not what I pictured for my life. Like, what are you doing? And you know, I was so angry. And you know, when I got to this point, like there were some habits from my Wiccan days that I hadn't fully let go of. And I finally got to a point where

I just completely surrendered while I was in that jail. Same pod and everything. I was back there again and I was like, you know what? I can't do this. I can't. This is too much. You have maxed me out. I am done. I told him this is beyond what I can handle.

Leah Wolfe (21:00.874)
I need you to walk me through this. I need you to pick me up and carry me and, you know, give me a bottle. I'm like, treat me like a baby because I can't do this. And so I remember I started a journal and I would sit in my myself by myself and just talk to him and tell him, you know, like this is.

Brent Stone (21:13.402)

Leah Wolfe (21:25.226)
This is what I want for my child. You know, like I can't do anything in here. I'm helpless. I can't prepare for this baby. I can't, you know, I can't be a part of any baby shower. I can't be a part of anything. You know, getting the room ready, picking out clothes. All of these things were weighing on me so much. And the Lord finally told me like, this is not what's important. You know, what is important is praying over your child.

getting rid of attacking these generational curses that have been in your and her dad's family and you know start plowing through the spiritual warfare because you know it's real and I mean it was like bam okay you know like this is what I can do and then I felt like I was actually doing something for her and

Brent Stone (22:00.934)

Brent Stone (22:06.556)

Leah Wolfe (22:18.558)
Back then, this is when Grace Covenant Church had the prison ministry where they had the women coming to the doors and praying. They impacted me so much. I would look forward to every Saturday they would come. I would sit and I would wait for them to come and I would be the first one up there. And I remember them giving me...

you know, jobs, like, you know, write these things down. And when we come back next time, we're going to pray into them. And, you know, you can continue to do it on your own, but let's do it together too. And that meant so much to me. And, you know, I have to add that today's me and some of those women are very good friends. So they have helped me so much. And, you know, that was, that was a huge turning point for me to actually feel useful and to have those people from.

Brent Stone (22:50.363)

Brent Stone (23:00.73)

Leah Wolfe (23:11.234)
you know, our church that also could help my mom, you know, out there who was going to take my daughter after I had her. So yeah, that's, that's a little bit of a background, as far as that point, because, you know, I got out after I had her. She was three months old when I came out. And my parents were that it's like God was working on them. Because

They were like, all right, let's fresh clean slate. Let's start over. I was like, yeah, I was like, that's great. So, yeah, so yes, he is. So they, you know, took my daughter and welcomed me into their home when I came home. And I remember just having this drive like I had never felt before.

Brent Stone (23:45.36)

Brent Stone (23:49.994)
What? Oh god so good

Leah Wolfe (24:10.114)
I was like, okay, you know, let's do this. I mean, I just felt so empowered when I got out because I knew that the Lord carried me through those three months. Like I was a disaster, but it was like he almost cut off those bad emotions for me and helped me push through. He gave me a hysterical roommate that I needed desperately.

And, you know, he put things in place that I needed. It didn't mean the enemy didn't try to send some other things my way, but he carried me beyond what I thought was possible. And so coming home, I had been also sentenced to do what was 90-day reporting at Gamon Chef Women's Home.

They now have a residential part, but this is before they had residential. So I went through that and really started to find that I had such joy in watching these women walk through their lives. And I had this determination. I was like, this is no longer an option. My past is not an option. It's just, it cannot happen.

I kept looking at my daughter and I remembered that pain that I had felt for those three months. And I used that to drive me forward every day. And I began to share some of those things with some of those ladies. And just watching how they saw that the pain that I used to let rule my life and send me down a dark hole was now pushing me forward. And so...

you know, I started encouraging them to do the same thing. Like this pain is just going to keep coming if you keep putting yourself in these situations, you know, instead use that is to remember that to move forward. And you know, that's how it kind of started there. I ended up staying at Gemeinschaft. I was only sentenced to 90 days, but I stayed on as a actual participant for about a year. And

Leah Wolfe (26:29.046)
then they were like, you don't need this. They were like, why do you wanna keep doing this? And I was like, this is helping me. It's pushing me forward. And so I ended up signing intern papers and stayed with them for another year. And so I was part of the recovery team and my daughter was also part of it. They let me bring her with me and they were awesome. So I just remember.

At one point at I was at Grace Covenant. I was like, why don't we have like a recovery group? You know, like. What's what's going on with that? So I started meeting with Pastor Mike Sauter and. I just asked him, you know, what's going on with this? And he's like, we have been looking for somebody to do something like that. Like, that would be really cool. And I'm like, let's do this. Yeah, I'm down.

Brent Stone (27:09.746)

Leah Wolfe (27:28.138)
and many meetings and then really putting trust into me to take care of this. And that was a new thing for me is somebody that barely knew me just to give me trust. And with something so big, I was like, really? I passed my one year sobriety date on the 7th of September 2019.

Well, that was my year release. So technically, two years sober, but a year out. So I have a hard time with that sometimes because it was an option when I was out. But yeah, but yeah. So then it was September 11th of 2019. We started New Life Recovery at Grace Covenant Church.

Brent Stone (28:04.934)

Brent Stone (28:09.403)

Leah Wolfe (28:21.378)
And I had some co-leaders and my parents were coaching me. And I remember we only had two people show up, which that was fine. I was a disaster. I was a nervous mess. I was like, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just I'm going with the flow. How about we just get to know each other this meeting, you know, like, so that was like a big part of God growing me and healing me. Now that I look back like

It's not always, you know, this cookie cutter, you know, like you go to an inner healing meal meeting or counseling counselor and you're just you're good. It's all these different pieces that he puts in front piece together. And so he kept putting all of these things in my path and slowly but surely he has like cracked open all these different spots in my life. And I've found so much healing in my life.

Brent Stone (29:04.154)

Leah Wolfe (29:16.878)
through new life recovery, through, you know, I have been to counselors, I have been to doctors, you know, I've been to all of these things, and finally I'm free from so much. And he just keeps growing new life recovery, which has been awesome. One of those two people that came on the first night that year still comes regularly every Thursday, and he has been

absolutely awesome to walk with life through. And we just went to his birthday party yesterday, actually. So it's been really cool just to get to know these people and help them with their walk and just be a resource, you know, when somebody needs to grow or somebody just needs a friend, like whatever that is.

I really felt like the Lord told me that this group was supposed to be based on community, not on 12 steps, not on a set curriculum. So I felt like it is supposed to be based to come together as a group of people with the same goal and to grow in community with Him. And so we do a lot of Bible studies. Everything that I do is based off of the Word.

Brent Stone (30:36.347)

Leah Wolfe (30:39.83)
And that's been a growth point for me too, because every week I'm forced to get in that word. So it has been so awesome all the way around. And I've really been feeling like the Lord's telling me that this house that I have been wanting to do since I was sitting on my bunk in prison is going to happen. He is forming it. He has started things. I have my first mission support team on the 20th of October.

And so we're pushing, we're trying to get stuff rolling. And I'm like, I find so much passion in this. And I know that the Lord has so much that he is turning for his good. You know, Romans 828 is something that I just look back and, you know, he works all things for the good for those that love him. And he is working all of my mess into his masterpiece. And it is so much fun.

Brent Stone (31:35.781)
That's so awesome. That's, yeah, that's so good.

awesome. I'm not stopping you. Keep going. I'm just commenting.

Leah Wolfe (31:42.484)

Okay, okay.

Leah Wolfe (31:49.514)
Okay. Just kind of briefly too, like, you know, my daughter's five years old now, and she is, she is awesome. She is such a joy. And you know, I just had a parent-teacher conference with her teacher recently. And you know, another little background God moment when I had her dedicated when she was a child. I had the worship leader at Grace prophesied over her that she was going to

And that's the only thing that really stuck to my brain that day. And she has been beyond a peacemaker in her life. Like she is at school comforting the kids that are uncomfortable, comforting those that are hurt and having a hard time. Even the ones that aren't nice to her, she is still nice to them. Like she is so sweet and she's just she's just a blessing in so many ways. And I'm just so grateful.

that she has grown to be who she is. Her father is not present in her life. He is still battling with those addictions. And so it has been quite the journey with my parents. Once again, they have been my lifesavers and they have helped me raise my child. And now I'm engaged. And so...

We are hoping to start that life here in the next year or so. And so that's been an awesome journey. And I feel like, you know, God has given me somebody who also has a passion to help people. And he is, he is much farther in the process, but he is trying to also open a men's recovery home. And so he is, he's been working towards that for a couple of years. And so I really.

hoping you know God's gonna give us the clarity on how our ministries merge together here in the future. But yeah, it's been such an awesome journey to just see the blessings that God will give you if you just make that choice to be like, okay, yes, I will do this. It's like starting that group. I had no idea what I was doing. But you know what? I'm here and just use me. I don't know.

Leah Wolfe (34:06.678)
But it's been awesome. And now I have participants that lead groups that have taken up the torch to help with things. Because for the last few years, I have been leading this group by myself since COVID. And at first it seemed overwhelming, but now it's like, God's like, you got this.

You know, I'm going to provide what needs to be provided and he has and we feed everybody every night. We've recently taken up donations from a local store that has been helping us. We've had people donate meals like once a week out of the month. And I mean, he has provided so much to help with this. And that just tells me that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing and that he is going to continue providing.

We've been growing a lot here lately. And there is a website, if you'd like me to feel that out there.

Brent Stone (35:05.326)
Yeah, well, yeah, you can say it now. And then also, I'll we'll put it in the show notes, too. So people can go and click on a link. Yeah. But yeah, please go ahead and share it.

Leah Wolfe (35:12.361)

Okay, yeah, it's Yeah.

Brent Stone (35:22.13)
It's so awesome. Leah, this is so good. Is there anything else you want to share or any like, bit of encouragement you want to share with people watching and listening before we cut out of here?

Leah Wolfe (35:35.698)
Yeah, so first time I ever shared my testimony was in a rehab that I went to. And they asked me to come up with the biggest takeaway of my life. And I remember my biggest takeaway was choices. You know, like all of our little choices in life that seems insignificant or, you know, whatever, all the way down to your thought process.

have such a significant impact in our lives. You know, just, I remember before I would relapse, I would think about, you know, start thinking in this pattern. And, you know, they teach us that in recovery, but you know, when you're in that mode, it's like, yeah, whatever, these don't mean anything. This is a stupid class I have to take, you know. It's like, you get stuck in this mentality, but in reality, every single choice we make, I mean.

down to the simple things that our bodies do and voluntarily is a choice to live or a choice to go down the other road and you know, it's so important to think about these things and you know, we can't change our whole lives and our whole choice patterns by ourselves, you know finding a community of people, you know, even if that's not new life recovery finding a

of people to help with that walk is huge. And so that is one thing that I definitely always like to share. And the other thing is to never lose hope. It has been such a journey. I remember my mom had this big thing with the word hope there at the end of my addiction and she didn't know why it was just extremely important to her for some reason.

And I told her recently, you know, we had a big cry about it and everything, you know, like that, that is what gave me hope, is that she hadn't lost hope in me and she hadn't lost hope that the Lord could save me. And I just remember it being almost like rooted into me because it was at a point in my life where I had lost hope.

Leah Wolfe (37:56.354)
I actually had a suicide attempt right before this happened and I was unsuccessful and Clearly, so now I look at you know it was right after that the Lord put that word on her heart and It then transferred to me. So, you know whether you're in addiction or you have somebody else in addiction Don't lose hope because it's contagious and it can affect

what that person feels, you know, so yeah, that's my biggest things. You're welcome.

Brent Stone (38:29.734)
Hey, this is so good. Thank you so much. This is this is gonna help a lot of people and So thankful for you just being willing to come on here and just share. This is so good well with that we are wrapping up this episode of changed and Look forward to seeing everyone again here real soon. Thanks Leah for coming on

Leah Wolfe (38:36.763)

Leah Wolfe (38:52.051)
Yeah, thank you.