Rachel Corpus: I had not had
anything to drink and I had
not been to sleep yet, and
I was just laying on my side
and all of a sudden I felt.
My spirit body moved out
of my physical body and I
was moving rapidly out of
my body and watching myself
look at my physical body
and my husband's body and
I was moving through the
ceiling and up into the sky.
And as I watched myself move
out of my body, I could feel
my heart stop and I can't
say that I was alarmed.
Because I felt this
overwhelming sense of peace,
Rod Bland: With me
today is Rachel Corpus.
Rachel, welcome.
And thank you for coming
on the show today.
Rachel Corpus: Hi,
thank you for having me.
Rod Bland: To get us going,
how about you tell us about
your childhood and how
incarnated here on earth?
Rachel Corpus: Thank
you for that question.
I impose that question a
lot, and So I've thought
about it quite a bit and I
think the clearest answer
I can give you is I didn't
know any differently.
Um, thinking back, suppose I
could tell you that I always
felt a little bit different.
I guess, but I think
all kids are a little
bit weird, aren't they?
That's their job
to be bouncy in their body
and, you know, to be kids.
Um, I, I remember very
clearly being able to see
what I call light beings.
So my family was Catholic,
so we went to Mass every
Sunday, and then on
Wednesdays I had a catechism.
And so when we would go to
church, I would see what I
now know are angelic beings.
dancing up near the ceiling
when the music would play.
And so I would watch
them and I would see
dead people, actually
ghosts near my house.
Cause we lived by a cemetery.
And so I really don't think
that ghosts hang out by
a cemetery, but I believe
they were there waiting for
their family to come visit.
So they would be coming
and going waiting for their
Waiting for their visitors.
And I would, I wasn't
afraid of them because
they didn't look bloody.
They just, they
looked like me.
They didn't necessarily
look translucent or
anything like that.
And I was able to see
spirit animals and because
I was really interested
in things like strawberry
shortcake or fraggle rock,
I could also see elementals.
So I could see fairies,
things like that.
And I.
I was very imaginative as
well, so I really didn't
know the difference between
what was on TV and what
I was seeing in the yard,
because I didn't need to know.
I, I didn't know what
was, what was made
up and what was real.
When I went to elementary
school, I was still seeing
these beings in the hallway,
and when I would address
them, my friends said,
who are you talking to?
It was at that time
I realized, Oh, I'm,
I'm seeing extra.
I'm seeing things that
other people can't see.
Then they started to, I
guess, tone it down a little
bit because I realized
that there was something
going on with me that not
everybody was experiencing.
the angel part of it comes
in when my family had a car
accident when I was four and
I had a near death experience
and I left my body for a
period of time and That
near death experience was
very, well, life altering
because when I was out of
my little body, I was not a
four year old out of my body.
I was, I, I was a grown up.
I was having
grown up thoughts.
I was articulating and
thinking as I am now.
I had this grown up voice.
I was, I was Rachel, except
more wisdom than I, And
I could ever have in this
version of me and these
angel like beings that I
could see when I was at
mass were talking to me
about what was going on
with my physical body.
They were telling me that
about the car accident and
what damage had been done to
my, my body and my options.
I could stay with them and I
could go back and what would
happen if, you know, whichever
trajectory was followed.
If I were to come back,
basically you talking to me
here, this would be my life
what the universe
could get out of it.
If I was brave enough
to share my story.
And they said that
I was like them.
I was an angel and
they were very clear.
Listen, girl,
it's no big deal.
You're downplay it.
All right.
And there are, there are a
few of you that are going
to be on earth at that
time, because when you.
They call it come of
age, and it's not an
age thing, but it is a,
reminds me, Rod, of a
coming of age movie, when
you get to that full circle
moment when it's time.
The world will be ready,
they'll be ready to
hear things like this.
You and I couldn't
have this conversation,
maybe even two years ago.
People would say,
oh, that's BS,
we're not ready for it.
She needs to go
back into therapy.
I do all that joyfully
and have done all of that.
My noggin's been checked.
They said that when it,
when I feel right about
owning who I am, the
world will be ready.
Those who are ready to
hear it will embrace me.
And those who are not ready
to hear it, it's good for
them too, because it'll
start a conversation.
Our world will be ready
to disagree, but still
play in the same yard.
We'll be ready to begin
that journey again.
Rod Bland: I didn't actually
realize, realize that you'd
had a near death experience.
I must've skipped over
that bit in one of your
previous interviews.
So do you have, um, much
in the way of memories, you
know, as a four year old,
I guess most of us don't
really have much, we don't
remember much from then, but
is it still clear in your
mind what, what occurred?
Rachel Corpus: It is because
that near death experience
doesn't register in my
mind as something that
happened to a four year old.
Since my near death
experience, I instantly went
into, I call it my old soul
mind, and I was articulating
really as an old soul.
I have all those memories.
I think it would be
different if I left my
body and I was experiencing
that as a four year old.
I wonder if I would have
retained those memories.
I don't have a lot of
memories as a four year old.
I really don't.
I don't have a lot of
childhood memories.
I have some spiritual
memories, big ones,
um, talking to
ghosts, seeing angels.
I have a collection of those.
Some have come
through hypnosis.
I have, I have a, I call
them my collection, but
in general, I don't have a
lot of childhood memories.
And a lot of my spiritual
growth or my psychic
growth has come through
near death experience.
I've had more than one.
And, um, Like many of us
psychics, brain trauma has
been something that has
heightened our ability as if,
and this is not scientifically
based at all, but it is as
if our brain needed something
to create room for it to
behave in a different way.
So my brain doesn't do math
very well, but my goodness, I
can go into the quantum realm.
I can understand
quantum physics.
I can look into
the quantum realm.
I can see the wheel of
time or the absence of
time quite effectively.
Rod Bland: Yeah,
there's, near death
experiences, I mean, I've.
Interviewed a lot of people
and there's definitely,
something gets cracked
open, but that's the only
way I can describe it.
And some people, you know,
maybe were somewhat connected
to this spiritual world,
like it sounds like what you
were, and some were just.
It was not even
on their radar.
And then all of a sudden,
you know, and there's no,
there's no going back either.
You know, it's,
it's, it's there now.
And I've had guests try
to try to make it put, put
the genie back in the box
and it just doesn't work.
Um, would you mind
talking about your other
near death experience?
Rachel Corpus: Sure.
one was quite subtle,
um, and it happened just
a couple of years ago.
And I think this might
be related to me being an
angel incarnate, because
I am quite loosely related
to my physical body.
Um, all of us have
a silver cord.
All people have a silver
cord that attaches our
physical body to our spirit.
I of course have one too,
because as an angel incarnate,
I, I utilize this beautiful.
form that I have as a costume
just like you have one as
well for as many years as
I'm here on this earth.
And so when I'm meditating
or sleeping or I have
surgery or something and
I'm not in my body, I'm
aware of that silver cord.
It keeps me tethered here.
Well, I, I find that I'm
not as Connected to my
body as most people because
I am an angel in body.
And so some of my near
death experiences, I, I
slip out rather easy and
they're not necessarily
connected to an accident.
Or something like that.
So for instance, one of
my near-death experiences,
I was just laying on my
side next to my husband
and I was not on anything.
I had not had anything to
drink and I had not been
to sleep yet, and I was
just laying on my side and
all of a sudden I felt.
My spirit body moved out
of my physical body and I
was moving rapidly out of
my body and watching myself
look at my physical body
and my husband's body and
I was moving through the
ceiling and up into the sky.
And as I watched myself move
out of my body, I could feel
my physical, I could feel
my heart stop and I can't
say that I was alarmed.
Because I felt this
overwhelming sense of peace,
both because I had felt my
body do that before when I
was a child and also I knew
that I wasn't by myself.
I'm used to feeling my
angel helpers around and
I have a pretty solid
connection with Source.
I felt all right.
As I was Coming out, I had
this feeling around me that
was this black, blackness
around me, but it wasn't
a negative black, it was
this sparkly, dense, I
call it the quantum, and
it wrapped me like a hug.
And even though I had
only moved about 10
feet, it felt immense.
It felt It was so vast and I
felt that there was so much
space between me and my body,
yet I could still see it.
And in that time I was moving
away, I was filled with
all of this information.
And what was given to me in
that near death experience
was, we are all connected.
in a way that
when we decide to come here
to have a life experience,
what's really happening is
I'm here as an extension
of you and you're here
as an extension of me.
So even though you live
where you live, when you
experience something, even
if it's a bite of delicious
food, I'm actually getting
a download from that.
When I stub my toe, however I
choose to deal with it, You're
getting a download of that.
So we're always pinging
each other, always learning
and uploading it back to
the universe and uploading
it back to Source.
And I felt myself kind
of go back into the,
the membrane of Source.
And it felt so good just
to feel that oneness again.
It was fantastic.
And then as soon as I
realized, I realized that
I was going to be fine.
But I remembered my children.
I snapped back into my
body just like that.
I had this thought of this
will be fine, but in a few
hours, my children are gonna
walk in and see me there
with no life in my body.
That's all it took.
It wasn't, that time it wasn't
posed to me as a choice.
No one talked to me in my ear.
Do you want to stay
or do you want to go?
We're always given a choice
when we are out of our body.
Whether it is us, we're
Remembering we can go back
or a guide speaking to us.
And that's how the choice
was presented to me.
I remembered it.
And I wonder, I think it's
because, I think my husband
would have understood.
He's so strong.
He would have been fine.
God bless him.
have, he's so strong, but
my children needed me.
And as soon as I knew that,
I was right back again.
And I was shaken for days.
And I don't think that my
gifts were amplified when
I came back after that one,
but my sense of gratitude
and love for this world
absolutely, um, grew.
It was just a
couple years ago.
So I hadn't hit my head
or anything like that.
It was just a simple
slipping up and out.
Rod Bland: And did you,
did you find out what was
going on with your heart?
Like why did your
heart stop like that?
Rachel Corpus: I, I went to
the doctor and nothing came
out on the read except that
when I mentioned the silver
cord, uh, when I went into
meditation, I noticed that my
silver cord had a knot in it.
And I asked the angels
what that was about.
And they said, that's,
that happened when you're,
Something about when I
was feeling my, my heart
was beginning to stop.
I was having a mild,
mild heart, heart issue.
They didn't call it a heart
attack, a mild heart issue.
When my cord was starting
to get stretched too thin
and the angels knotted it.
It looked like a
necklace with a knot.
They knotted it or
clotted it or something.
And that's all that I
could find out about it.
But when I went to get
my heart looked at.
It caused the doctors a
little bit of worry when I
talked about it, but they
couldn't find anything.
Rod Bland: Does it worry
you at all that that's just
occurred and then it's gone
and it's like, like any day
your number could be up?
Rachel Corpus: Sure.
Um, the human side of
me does yes, but then
then no after a few minutes
because I'm so So good with
my life and I know who I am as
an angel that I I I know the
mission I accepted to be here
on this earth for However long
I'm supposed to be here and
I'm I know every moment Why
I'm here and what I'm supposed
to do, and I'm so filled with
bliss and joy every moment.
I really am.
Even when something really
bad has happened to me in
my life or could happen,
I'm so right with it
because I know who I am.
It's all right.
Rod Bland: I'm interested in
learning more about the, the,
when you were four, so the,
the near death experience
when you first had that
realization with the angel.
So I assume at that point
you said, okay, by the
way, you're an angel and
this is what's in store for
you if you're going back.
So can you talk more about,
it sounds like there was
kind of a mission plan laid
out there and you said,
okay, yeah, I'm up for that.
Can you tell us about that?
Rachel Corpus: Yes.
Yes, and so when I was out of
my, my body when I was four,
they Showed me my mission like
a movie because I love movies.
My parents owned
a movie theater.
So that was my language
Still is love the movies.
So they showed me the two
plans the two trajectories
as a as a movie one was
to stay And they, they
didn't hold anything back.
It would have been
wonderful and easy.
Everything you can
imagine in the heavenly
realm with angels.
They didn't have
wings and halos.
That's the, I remember
being surprised.
Um, There must have been,
Rod, there must have been a
little bit of four year old
in me because one thing I
remember as I think back, I
remember feeling, I know all
this that you're showing me
about the heavenly realm, but
there were some things that I
thought, oh, isn't that funny?
No halos, no wings, because
my Catholic upbringing,
that's what they looked
like in the Bible.
So I know there was a blending
of me being four a little
bit, but they showed me what
it would be like to stay.
And basically it was, you come
back home, business as usual.
But if I were to come
back to earth, I would
lead a normal, a normal
life until I got older.
And then they said, you'll
experience some, some trauma.
And they didn't tell
me what that was.
They said, You'll experience
some, I think they said
hard things, you'll
experience some hard
things, but you'll be okay.
You're going to find a best
friend that you will marry
and your, your best friend
will also be an angel.
When you find your best
friend, The two of you
will not have an easy time,
but you have to understand
that the hard things you
go through, you have, if
you choose to go back, they
showed me Earth Place as
a one room schoolhouse.
They said, this place is the
place where, where you learn.
And they said it will
be where I learn.
Not, not that,
all humans learn.
It's, it's all of us.
I would be part of that
learning and that I would
have a chance to learn.
If I didn't learn,
I couldn't help.
So I would be going through
a lot first then how I
handled it would determine
how much I could help.
And they said, don't let
it harden your heart.
So then they showed me
what could happen after.
And I don't
remember that part.
I don't remember.
I just remember feeling good.
And I remember music,
but that's the part
I don't remember.
And maybe they blocked it
because if they laid it out
for me, I always wonder if
maybe I wouldn't work for
it or I would expect it.
So I really don't,
I don't remember.
I just remember them
saying that it would, I
would have a hard life
and they weren't kidding.
things, bad things happened,
hard things happened.
And that really helped me
because when they, when
those things happened,
I thought, Oh, okay.
That's what they're
talking about.
We can get through anything.
And you know, we have,
we absolutely have.
And knowing that I'm not
alone and knowing that
no one is alone, we all
have angels, people on the
other side that guide us,
that has helped me a lot.
And also when I was there as a
four year old, I had a chance
to see what God was like.
They showed me the presence of
God because I was being taught
God was personified.
God was a he.
I had the idea at that time
in my human mind that God
was old man on a cloud.
And they told me that if
I didn't get right with
that, when the trauma
happened, I would be too
mad at God to work with God.
So they let me see what
God was really like.
And I was filled with love.
And I saw God not in a
human form, but as, uh, it
looks like beach sunlight,
beautiful energy, and
it just enveloped me.
And I didn't want
to come back.
After that, I didn't
want to come back.
But I saw my parents.
I didn't want to hurt my mom.
Um, so that was the reason
I came back really as a
four year old, but seeing
and feeling God's love on
the other side and what
that was really like that.
And, and knowing that I was
part of that, not because
I was an angel, but just
because I was a beloved
child of God, we're, we're
all part of that love.
And that's really what
they meant when they
said, you're special, but
you're not special just
because you're an angel.
God loves every being,
whether you are a ladybug,
a blade of grass, a slug,
an angel, all equal.
I saw that there.
We are all equal.
And that's one of the
things that I get to
teach people here is that
every, everybody counts.
We're all equal.
And I saw that
when I was there.
Rod Bland: Do you mind
talking about some of the
difficult experiences that
you had that they said you
were going to have that
they couldn't show you?
Rachel Corpus: You
mean the trauma?
Rod Bland: Whatever you feel
comfortable talking about.
Rachel Corpus: Sure.
Um, well, they told me that
I would marry my best friend
and he would be an angel.
And so I really thought that
that would mean the first
husband I had, he really
looked like an angel and he
was very kind and wonderful.
Uh, so I of course married
him right away and that
marriage didn't last.
And that was very sad.
So I had a marriage
that ended.
Sadly, and
So I, I, I had a divorce early
in life, which I know a lot of
people listening, um, have had
divorces and that's sad, so
I, I, I share that with you.
In addition to that, I,
I lost some children,
so I had, I have children
on the other side, um,
babies on the other side.
And then,
uh, there's some When I I
was a school teacher for a
while and when I was teaching
school, the administrators
where I taught, um, in a
small town, they, they were
going to say this in a way
that I don't want to out
anyone, but they just were
not the kindest people and
they tend to be bullies.
Um, and
let's say sometimes angels
are in human form and I was
part of the teacher's union.
So that was a good thing.
But, um, um, There are
some pretty horrible things
that happen to teachers
in small, small towns.
Some, some really
abusive, horrible things.
I'm, I'm really surprised
at some of the things
that happen in the
underbelly of our world.
And I had to go through
them so I can understand
what, what other, what
other people experience.
Um, so there was loss.
There was, I went through
poverty, near homelessness.
husband and I took in a couple
of my students and through
them we saw their abuse.
Um, and their poverty stories.
And you know, there were
times that we only had 35
cents in our bank account,
but we didn't lose faith
and we stayed together.
And uh, we just, we just kept
at it because I, I knew that
if God put this call in my
heart, that it was on purpose.
And eventually I decided
that I was going to do this
work on purpose, but I wasn't
quite ready to be a psychic
to do spiritual work because
I thought, well, people are
just going to think I'm nuts.
So I'm, you know
what I'm going to do?
I'm going to be a minister.
Yes, I'm going
to be a minister.
So I went to seminary
and I worked in
churches for a while.
And I thought that
I had found just my
absolute dream position.
But as soon as they found
out that I was spiritual
and I could Talk to Jesus.
And then I could
talk to angels.
They let me go.
And I thought, that's
just nutty, isn't it?
That, but it's,
but it's the way.
So I got to experience that
and I had a conversation
with God and I said,
look, you promised I need
you to be my employer.
So let's just,
let's just do this.
And that's what I'm doing now.
So I've been doing it
legitimately full time
working with God for
almost 10 years now.
with no backup plan because
I don't need it and, and
God is pulled through.
And I believe that's the part
of my near death experience
that I couldn't remember.
The good stuff
that I don't know if they
blocked or I just couldn't
remember because it was
so beautiful and shiny.
But after all the trauma
that I got through, that's
important because every day
I work with people who are
experiencing their version
of many of those stories.
And I get to say, I don't know
what it's like for you, but I
know what it felt like for me.
And I can hold space for you.
Then I get out of the way and
I, I channel spirit for them.
And I, I can share
guidance that I get.
And that's what I do.
Rod Bland: I guess it's a good
thing that you were, you know,
ejected from the ministry
because you wouldn't be doing
what you're doing now, right?
Rachel Corpus: Yes.
It all happened for a reason.
and I, I, I did not tell
them that I was an angel
because that's hard to
tell people, but I did.
I am open with people
about, I see spirit.
I am a psychic.
I know things because
I believe in that.
I believe in being
open and authentic.
My children know, my
children's friends know.
I'm, I'm open about it
because I'm not doing
anything that's out, out
of bounds of God's light.
It's, it's all light filled.
It's all good.
I will tell you that it's just
been in the last six months
or so that I've started to
tell people that I am actually
an angel, and that's big.
That is big for me.
Rachel's out.
Rod Bland: She's
being fully authentic.
Rachel Corpus: Yeah, it's big.
But you know, this is
what we're supposed
to do on this earth.
Be us.
Be who we are.
Be who we came here to be.
Rod Bland: So what does that
mean to be, to be an angel?
Can you describe, just
admit, you know, I don't know
what, what, what angels are.
I, I, I've, or maybe
I'll tell you what I,
what I think I know.
They're like a distinct kind
of being, and they're not
always, they rarely have
an existence, a human life.
Um, they, that, that's as
much as I know that, so yeah.
Tell us about it.
Rachel Corpus: It's
pretty accurate.
Angels rarely
have human lives.
They are messengers of God,
and there are different Types
of angels, not different
ranks, because as Spirit has
told us, we are all equal.
But there are different
types of angels that
have different jobs.
For instance, every city
has an angel assigned to it.
Every school has an
angel assigned to it.
Every person has one or two
guardians assigned to it.
There are worker angels that
if there's a building being
built, there's an angel
there temporarily as that
building is being built.
If a child is applying
for college, an extra
angel might be assigned.
And so I am from
the angelic realm.
So when I am not in this
physical form, my home
base is the angelic realm.
And that's where
I was created.
That's where I live.
And so when I'm not in
this cellular body, the
part of me that thinks
and feels and loves that
spirit part, I'm pure angel.
At some point, I either
asked to come here or I was
told to, given a mission,
to come into a body,
incarnate, and be here.
Both to contribute and
to learn what it's like
to be human and We can go
back to my angel ancestors
way back in the book of
Enoch when the story of
the fallen angels, um,
Archangel Metatron is someone
I work with all the time.
So if someone's having an
issue with, they think, a
supposed haunting in their
house or something, I'll call
in Archangel Metatron because
really what is usually going
on is some being, or some
person who's out of body, um,
an earthbound spirit has taken
a wrong door and they're lost.
So Archangel Metatron and
I will help that being
go home to its family.
It's usually misbehaving
because it's hungry or
it's lost or something.
Metatron is really good
at that because Metatron
remembers what it's like
to be human, like me.
Metatron's one of the few
that's been human before.
what happened at one point
is There were angels that
were assigned to watch over
humans, and the angels fell
in love with the humans and
they created a race of half
human, half angels, and a
race of these big, giant
people were created, and in
the Bible and in, in legend
as well, It said that this
race were fallen angels.
They weren't.
God re homed them.
God loves all.
God gave them a
new place to live.
Um, but it, it said that they
were fallen angels, and that
they are, they are negative.
But in truth,
we have the rule
of, it just is.
We don't need good and bad,
um, light and dark, just is,
everyone has their place.
And so, we have some
angels on earth that
are called earth angels.
There are some angels
that are part human and
part angel, and they walk
among us all the time.
Just as we have some
starseeds, some people who
are from, maybe, uh, the
Lyrians or the Pleiadians,
and they are part human
and part starseed.
The way I am formed
is I am a starseed.
Pure angel inside.
And I popped into this
costume that is a human.
And it's kind of hard for
me to wrap my mind around
because I also came here
through a mom and dad.
So how does that
work out in my brain?
I don't know, but that's
what the angel said.
Rod Bland: Well, it's either
that or a walk in, right?
You've got to, they're
your two options.
Rachel Corpus: Yeah.
Walk in.
Very possible.
That's, that's what I know.
That's the best
answer that I have.
And I have prayed on
it and asked so much.
And that is what they tell me.
Rod Bland: First thing,
and is this your only human
lifetime, as far as you know?
Rachel Corpus: No, I know
that I've had, I know that
I've had a few because when
I, as an angel, I have access
to all my other lifetimes.
So often when I sleep or when
I meditate, I'll slip into
another lifetime and when
I look down, I can see my
feet or I can see my hands.
And once in a while, it's,
it's really cool Rod, because
I will have, a client or a
friend or one of my cousins
even, and I'll be talking to
them and I'll realize, Oh,
we had a lifetime together.
It doesn't happen often.
And so that also gives
me proof that I've had a
human incarnation before.
And I'll just slip in
and see a little bit of
that data or that story.
So yes, I've
incarnated before.
One of them is Atlantis,
which is very exciting
because I know that a lot
of the energy and data from
Atlantis is starting to
come back to aid us now.
So that's, that's fun
to remember and see.
Whole different
conversation, but so good.
Rod Bland: Yeah.
My friend, Nikki Allen,
who's a psychic, has only
had that recent connection
with Atlantis as well.
I think that's happening to
a lot of people in that sort
of psychic medium realm.
Rachel Corpus: So good.
Rod Bland: So I'm going
to segue a little bit.
, uh, and ask you, I always
like to ask you, especially
psychic ones about ets.
So have you ever had
any encounters with ets
or, or, or UFOs or UAPs?
Rachel Corpus: Yes,
so running parallel to
all of this, um, I, I am
thinking that this is after
my near death experience
when I was four, after.
And I think it was about
six months after I began
to have visits from
extraterrestrials at my house.
This is something I speak
of openly, often, and
this group of beings call
themselves Sarai, S A R A I.
And they have come to see
me since I was little.
And my bedroom in this old
home we lived in was up on
this big Victorian home.
My bedroom was upstairs.
And I could, I could feel
when they were there in the
backyard because they had,
it had a certain hum to it.
Not, you couldn't hear it, but
you could, you could feel it.
And they also had this very
specific calling card where
they would sometimes put an
apple on my bed because I had
a big dog, a golden retriever.
And when I was to
go to the ship,
there was a little ladder
that would come down,
little tiny ladder, and I
could fit up the ladder.
But I had to throw the apple
so my dog, Barney, would
chase after the apple so
I could go up the ladder.
So yeah, I have, I've
been in a ship before
and then it just stopped.
Then I didn't see them
for a really long time.
When we moved here to Des
Moines, they started to come
back and one night one was
just standing by me and it
looked like a gray, but it
was, he or she was taller.
and was communicating
with me and was putting
something in my arm.
I don't know what it, I
don't know what it was.
It didn't hurt.
then the next day in
meditation, I was contacting
again, just in a way that
I thought might work.
I didn't know what I was
doing, but I just said,
okay, I'm, I'm sending
you love in my heart.
Can you talk back to me?
And I got a response.
Then they said, we are Sarai.
I didn't know their
name when I was little.
I just was really into E.
T., the movie,
because that came out
Rod Bland: Mm-Hmm?
Rachel Corpus: in 1983, 1984,
something, I don't know,
completely my childhood.
So when they were in my
backyard, I was like, I
am the coolest kid ever,
because they're in my yard.
Uh, so when they came back
just a few years ago, when
they had a name, I was
really excited about it.
Once in a while, they would
come back and visit me.
So I want to say real quick
that I, I have kind of
documented this.
I don't know if that's
the right word, but in my
podcast, this whole visit in
my relationship with them, my
podcast is called Angel Talk.
And if people want to
know more about Sarai,
it's all in there when
they came back and all the
visits, it's real juicy.
It's in there because
sometimes they hover above
my back deck and we have
these weird conversations.
It's kooky.
So the coolest thing that's
happened to me is I was just
watching up, listening to a
podcast when I was getting
ready one morning, I think
just about two months ago.
And the woman was talking,
she said, Oh, and I talked to
this collective named Sarai.
I felt so validated because
I thought, Oh my gosh,
someone else knows them too.
So I know that there are
people that are connecting so
much to ETs and specifically
the ones that I know.
But yes, I, I've had lots
of visits with the ETs and
get light codes from them.
And they tell me that,
They work with the angels
directly and sometimes
angels and extraterrestrials
are, they're in cahoots.
They work together and
they've been, they've worked
on projects together like,
um, the Pleiadians and
the angels work together.
To, um, what were they,
something they said
about, um, the eclipse.
that there are so many
experiments happening
during the eclipse
that the angels and the
aliens, they don't like
aliens, extraterrestrials,
were watching what was
happening to make sure
everything went okay.
So they were
surrounding everything.
So that was kind of
neat to hear and see.
I get so excited.
Rod Bland: You do tell us
about like, like codes.
I've heard that mentioned
before, but I'm not actually
bothered to look it up.
So what does that mean
when you get light coats?
Rachel Corpus: When I get
light codes from my angelic
family, I will, it'll first
begin with my ears ringing
and, or a humming, and then
there will be Some energy
that will come through the
top of my head and then
through my body and I'm making
this Shape because it's a
vibrational frequency that
will come into my body and
it's simply information It
doesn't come in as words But
it's information that we need
could it be something for
a meeting that we have the
next week or it could help
us with a Relationship, but
it's it's a code that comes
through the light So it could
come from a light being, it
could come from the sunlight,
it could come from God's
light, and it usually comes
from, comes into one of our
ears, usually comes from my
left ear because my, my left
side angel is very verbal.
Comes from our left ear or
right ear and then from our
crown chakra, top of our
head, into our body and will
kind of go into our heart.
or if there's a part of our
body that needs healing or
some sort of correction of
disease, it'll come into
our body and then it just
rests there and it either
heals what needs to be
healed or if you have a
meeting or a conversation
that's coming up, you might
have one of those moments
where you speak eloquently
and you think, well,
where did that come from?
The light code.
It's data.
Rod Bland: As you grew up
with this sort of knowing,
and as your understanding
of who you are as an angelic
being evolved, did you share
that with your family and
friends, or is it something
you had to keep to yourself?
How did that work out for you?
Rachel Corpus: I, I kept it
to myself for the most part.
And then as I got older,
I began to share it more.
Um, I didn't want to
be the strange kid.
When I did share it, there
were a couple of precious
friends that embraced
me when I was little.
Um, when I did share it a
couple of times when I was
little with teachers, I, I
got in trouble for lying.
Or was told by
Rod Bland: Oh.
Rachel Corpus: Um, one
of the nuns at church
that I was, um, not to pretend
that I knew God more than
others, um, to humble myself.
So I, I really, I really made
sure that I, I kept quiet
about it and, and know that
there was a big part of my
life that I ignored my gifts.
And when we ignore our
gifts, they do go dormant.
I wanted a normal life and
they told me in my near
death experience that I would
have a normal childhood.
So I really did it.
My gifts went quiet.
I couldn't see the future.
I couldn't see light beings.
I was just watching the
Cosby show and things like
Saved by the Bell and things
like that for a long time.
And then it seems like when
I got more confident with
who I was, Who I was as a
person and less attached to
what people thought of me.
And as I went through my
journey with the trauma we
spoke of before and began
to navigate that and learn
how to be angry with God
and realize that that
didn't make God go away.
Then my gifts started
to blossom because it's
a real relationship.
Basically I just started
to live my life my
way based in love.
And then they came back and
I started to tell people
and really, I, I tell
everybody now, I mean, I
don't like introduce myself.
Hey, uh, I'm Rachel
and I'm an angel.
I mean, I, I don't do that.
I don't go out in the
wild and tell people,
but I don't hold it back.
Rod Bland: Hmm.
Rachel Corpus: culture
is so involved in,
hi, how are you?
And what do you
do for a living?
So it can be really fun.
It can either be a
conversation starter or
a, it can clear the room.
It just depends on,
on where I am, but I
always tell people now.
Rod Bland: It's way more fun.
It's um, when I go to like,
social gatherings, people
I haven't met before.
You know, there's like you
say, there's like, what
do you do for a living?
And, um, yeah, you know,
I, I have a job like
everybody else, but the
really interesting thing
I'm working on is this,
and I talk to people about
their NDF experiences.
So that's the way I, I,
for the most part, and
they're like, really?
Rachel Corpus: Hmm.
Rod Bland: than just talking
about every, everyday life.
Rachel Corpus: Yeah.
So good.
Rod Bland: So I wanted
to ask you about,
yeah, this is like, I
asked, this is a, this
is a question for me
personally, and I know it's
for everybody else as well.
I'm interested in, I feel like
the only connection I have to
the spirit world often is just
through dreams and, and they
just flat out weird, right?
A lot of the time I just don't
understand them and I've been
trying to remember them and
I, and like this morning I
wake up at like five o'clock
and I could remember I'd
had three separate dreams so
I'd like, you know, turn my
phone on and spoke into it so
I've, I've got a record of it
because they fade really fast.
And I'm interested in
you know, having this
better connection to
my guides and angels.
Like I believe that they're
there, but I just feel like
I've never ever had any sort
of connection to them at all.
And so I'm curious as to
how we can foster that,
that connection with
the, the non physical.
Rachel Corpus: Hmm.
Beautiful question.
The first thing that,
okay, I'd like to first
start by saying that I'm
going to channel this
answer for you, if that's
okay, from your guides,
Rod Bland: I knew that
you were going to do that.
So that's great.
Rachel Corpus: You did?
Good job.
And when I channel, I'd like
you to know that sometimes I.
I look elsewhere.
So I'll break eye
contact a little bit.
When I do this to
something that I do.
So I am hearing them,
first of all, answer with
gratitude that you're asking
this question because they
feel you all the time.
And they're really excited
for this relationship to be
more cohesive and friendly.
So, Oh, so much gratitude.
They're so excited about this.
And they're saying,
well, you are spirit.
So this should be easy, right?
Because you are the
same as us inside.
So we can.
We can really pick up where
we left off when you were
dreaming with us last night.
And they're showing me
how delightful it is for
them to pick out their
costumes every night.
How they're going to
show up in dreams as this
person or this person.
It's always them, they say.
With the exception of
when you dream about
some of your relatives,
that really is them.
They are saying that
though they can hear
your, your thoughts quite
easily, they'd like you to
spend some time speaking
to them with intention.
So that, in other words,
they're asking, they're
calling you to a meeting.
Could you sit
with them and say,
all right, well, this is what
I want to know about you.
What do you look like?
Um, what, what is it about
me that makes you laugh?
What is our favorite
thing to do together?
When can we connect?
Build a relationship just
like you would with, with
anyone, because these are your
not just lifelong friends,
but soul lifelong friends.
They have been with you
for ever, ever, ever.
And then they're saying,
could you build a
meditation process with us?
And that meditation can
look like whatever you want.
If it is painting, if it
is, if it is, um, working
with clay, if it is
sleeping, a light sleep,
uh, if it is listening
to music, pull us in.
We'll do that with you.
Really, the answer for us
is creating time together.
Because we love how creative
you are and how busy you are.
But when you get involved in
the doing, doing, doing, we
tend to sit in the background.
We love doing with you.
But when you are being, that's
when we That's when we feel
like we're with you and we
can get to know you more.
And it's not just you wanting
to know us, we also want
to know you because this
version of you is different
than all the other versions
you have, so it's exciting
for us too, they're saying.
Rod Bland: Oh, that's
really helpful.
That's, that's terrific.
Let's see my other, my
other questions here.
Rachel Corpus: Do
you meditate, Rod?
Rod Bland: I, I try to,
and I gotta, I gotta say
that whenever I try to,
here's where, here's where
I'm at with meditation.
Whenever I try to
meditation, it's like a
must have or a must do.
And it just, and I know
that that doesn't work.
So I've actually given
up on the idea of having,
unless I can find a place
where it's like, I really
do want to meditate.
Not because it's good
for me spiritually,
you know, then yeah.
So the thing that I'm actually
drawn to is just going for a
walk out, you know, in nature.
It's one of those things
I can really miss and I
take my shoes off now and
walk on the grass and.
You know, do that
file for now.
So I feel that's the, that's
the closest I can get.
And then sometimes
naps as well.
Oddly enough, I feel
drawn to having a
Rachel Corpus: perfect.
Rod Bland: Yeah.
Rachel Corpus: So when you
nap, I'm hearing them say,
let us float with you.
So when you nap, I'm
hearing them say, play
DMT music, DMT music.
So you and the listeners look
that up on YouTube, DMT music.
It will emulate, you know,
DMT mushrooms, but the
same thing in your brain.
So you might not get
the most restful nap.
But you'll get all these
creative ideas and it will
allow your body to rest,
but your mind to stay awake.
And you'll, you'll, you'll
float much the way that when
we're in our light sleep, we
have those creative dreams
and it's almost, well, it's
so conducive to astral travel.
Rod Bland: Mm hmm.
Rachel Corpus: And then
when you're on a walk
with them, I can see them
putting on a human form
with you, shoes off, walking
in the, in the grass,
crunching leaves with you.
They love that.
so you, anything you
imagine, we're pulling
on the law as above.
So below right now, anything
you imagine with, with good
intention, you actually are
creating in the spirit world.
So, as you imagine, you're
two, I see two guardians
with you, one on your
right, one on your left.
So, as you imagine
them walking with you,
they actually are.
And, and they're saying,
can you just let the
meditation be that?
We don't want this to
feel like something
you have to practice.
We're not a math book.
We're not a, this isn't
violin practice, friend.
Just be with us when
you feel like it.
Rod Bland: Okay.
Rachel Corpus: Sorry
for everybody who loves
to play the violin.
Please don't come at me.
Just an example.
Rod Bland: now I've heard
you mentioned that there
are, uh, There are more
angels incarnated as humans
at this time because it's
needed for our evolution.
Can you talk more about that?
Rachel Corpus: As a, as an,
as earth, people who are
here on earth, all of us who
have chosen to incarnate,
we have chosen to be
here at this time because
we are here for the
thousand years of peace.
So you, before you
were born, you knew.
that at this time in
your life, you'd be here
when the thousand years
of peace was to begin.
That's why you're here.
Now, as soon as you,
we get into our body,
we have amnesia.
We forget all these
things, but everybody
who's here on the planet
is here for a reason.
They're either here to support
it, or they're here to be the
antagonist or the protagonist.
You know, they're, everybody's
here for a reason, even
if they're kind of like
the, in the video game,
the non player.
Rod Bland: Mm hmm.
Rachel Corpus: has a role,
and to, to support and
to guide are the angels.
Some of us are here just to
deflate the fear, because
there really is nothing and
no thing to fear, because
it's all, we're in the
very, very, it's like the
preface of the book of the
Thousand Years of Peace.
It just began, and because
we're, we haven't, nobody
here on earth has, has
seen it or remembers it,
we need angelic guidance.
Because angels are not
connected to time and space.
So when I told you that I
have all my memories of other
lifetimes, I remember what
it was like in the thousand
years of peace before.
So when I guide people who
are saying, Oh, but there's
always going to be war.
There's always
going to be famine.
Something that I bring
to the table is Yes, and
yes, that's true now.
And here's what it can look
like when we heal that.
I understand what
it looks like now.
And beloved, this is
what God is showing us.
Here are the next steps
to move from that.
And, and so I hear, I hear
one of the archangels, who are
kind of like my managers, say,
tell, tell the audience this.
It's not that the world
is in need as if they
can't do it themselves.
We're answering prayers.
The world has been asking
for help for so long and
all prayers are answered.
And this is the way God
is answering prayers.
God is always there.
And the angels are
the messengers.
We're here to help.
We're here to do
whatever is needed.
Rod Bland: So, I, I have
another random question.
I, I recently, uh, Terrence
Howard recently did an
interview with Joe Rogan.
I don't know if you know
who both those people are.
So the thing that has,
Terrence's cause, There's
a lot of division, eh?
There's people that fall on
either side of Terence is
crazy, Terence is brilliant.
I think one of the most
important things is he's
willing to talk about what he
was, what he felt passionate
about and what he felt
strongly as being the truth.
Um, and for me, it comes
back to the more practical
aspect is that, uh, like the,
the, the source of energy
that we all rely on, you
know, to run our daily lives
is, you know, determined
by fossil fuel availability
and things like that.
And what he's talking
about is something that.
Nikola Tesla was, was talking
about, which is like a, an
energy source that's very,
very, very cheap or free.
And, and the, the impact
that that would have.
So I'm just, I'm interested
in, in like forwarding those
kinds of conversations, even
though they're, they're going
to be very much against very
powerful and very established,
you know, people and
organizations who don't want
that sort of change to occur.
Um, so I'm just wondering.
Yeah, and I know there's
other people that sort
of feel the same way, so
how can we forward that?
How can we make it so that
there's a future that is
like that, where energy is
more or less free and, and,
and all of the benefits
that come along with that?
Rachel Corpus: I want to
jump to the end first.
It will happen.
It is happening.
And to get there,
we are, we as a people,
we are, we are building a
different way to communicate.
And We're also learning how to
help each other not be so
fearful of being without.
So the people who now own
the expensive fuel power,
they're fearing what
their life would be like
if they didn't have it.
But what's going to happen is
the people who are working on
the power that is accessible
to everyone, they're going
to be able to show what it's
like when everyone is equal.
And we're actually
going to see that in the
political system, in the
money system, and even
in a church structure.
that people can have
access to if they want it.
And in a school
structure, we're going
to see the paradigm,
the triangle go flat.
And the energy structure is
one of the first things that
will shift the political
and the energy structure.
And the money structure
are the first three
things that will shift.
So it will appear
to the people
that are hanging on
to power right now.
It may appear to their egos
at first that they are beaten.
They're not.
It'll be a blow to their ego.
But what I'm seeing, what
I'm being shown is that
this is something as souls
that they signed up for.
They, they signed up to come
in with something really
big and giant that could
be the giant that could be
slayed so that something
more peaceful that's for
everyone could come in
and they will actually
end up being the advisors.
They'll come in,
they'll come back.
It's, it's going to be
difficult for a while because
we're going to butt heads.
and there's going to be some
civilians against civilians.
That's, that's going
to be ugly for a while.
And we're going to, it's
temporary because I see these
people over here that have
all of the expensive stuff.
They're going to say,
all right, we see it.
We're done.
They're just going to wipe
their hands of it and say,
okay, show me what you got.
That's because we're in the
thousand years of peace.
Peace is what, peace
is the commodity, the
angels are saying.
Peace is the new commodity.
Rod Bland: Yeah, that makes
sense, because, a lot of the
fighting that goes on in the
world is, is for resources.
So if you don't have to fight
to get that resource anymore,
then there's no more fighting.
Maybe that's a
simplistic view.
That's the way I see it.
Rachel, can you tell us
about, uh, what, what you've
got going on as far as
how you work with people?
I don't know if you, I don't
think you have a book, but
if you've got anything like
that, can you fill us in and
how people can get in touch
with you if they want to?
We'll put all that in the
Rachel Corpus: Yes.
Well, I joyously work with
people one on one, um, I
connect them to their angels.
and we work on whatever
people feel that they
want to bring forward.
So I collaborate with
their angels and their
family on the other side
and their ancestors.
And I do that on zoom for my
clients that are not near me.
I live in Des Moines, Iowa,
or if you live close to
me, I have an office in
the city that I work from.
And then I also do something
called Mindset Luminary, which
is a program where you can.
work with me more often
and it's not necessarily
coaching, but it's kind of
re redesigning your life.
Um, with the help of you,
help of your angels and all
of that is on, on my website.
And one of my most precious
things that I do is I get to
teach different classes and I
have my podcast, Angel Talk,
and all of that is available
on my website, RachelCorpus.
Rod Bland: Okay, terrific.
And, uh, do you or the
Angels have any message
that you'd like to
leave the viewers with?
And, and I've got way more
questions, so maybe we'll
have you come back for a
live stream or something.
But do you have a message
before we finish up?
Rachel Corpus: Yes, the
angels are grateful.
The angels are grateful
to the listeners for being
open to their messages
and they are noticing.
That your listeners are
bringing kindness back.
And they're, they're
thanking them for that.
And they're thanking
you, Rudd, for having the
channel Rachel on and for
giving her a chance to
be her authentic self.
This is new for her.
It is new for me to talk
about my angel self and
just thank you very much.
And may they bless you.
Rod Bland: Well, thank you
to the Angels and thank you
to you, Rachel, for being
a guest on my show today.
Rachel Corpus: Thank you.