National Health Executive News

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And here’s todays news from National Health Executive – on Thursday 9th May 2024
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has launched a new Maternity Disadvantage Assessment Tool (MatDAT) for the midwifery workforce.
With a growing number of pregnant women experiencing more social complexities, RCM has developed MatDAT not only to ensure they receive the right care, but also the right support from other agencies.
There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the impact of disadvantage, such as poverty and poor housing on pregnancy and birth outcomes, which means a multi-agency approach is needed.
Launched at RCM’s annual conference in Liverpool, MatDAT will provide midwives across the UK with a standardised assessment tool to provide better support to the women in their care.
The tool also includes a modifiable template for maternity services at a local level to map and plan the support services that are available for women and their families experiencing social disadvantage.
A first for Scotland’s NHS has been achieved through testing of a hi-tech system to flag how sick patients are when they come to an emergency department.
As part of the digital planning for Lanarkshire’s new, state-of-the-art hospital, the technology has been tested for the first time in a Scottish emergency department (ED) by staff at University Hospital Monklands.
The trial of the Patientrack digital patient observations system is being spearheaded by the Monklands Replacement Project (MRP) – NHS Lanarkshire’s exciting vision for the replacement University Hospital Monklands (UHM), which will be Scotland’s first digital hospital when it opens around 2031 at Wester Moffat in Airdrie.
Monklands is the first ED in Scotland to use electronic observations as it works to ensure its digital systems align with plans for the new hospital.

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