Adventist Heritage Daily Devotional

This month, each of our daily devotionals are from Stories of Faith, edited by Vania Chew and produced by the Literature Ministries Department of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the South Pacific.

To find out more about this month’s heritage celebrations, visit the Adventist Heritage website or follow the devotions on Facebook or Instagram

What is Adventist Heritage Daily Devotional?

Imagine a thriving Adventist movement in the South Pacific. Do images or stories come quickly to mind? This podcast recounts important events, stories and memories from Adventists throughout the South Pacific. These mission stories from our past are proof that the Adventist movement is alive and thriving. Listen to these podcasts and step out to join these pioneering Adventists with Jesus on His mission of making disciple-makers in the South Pacific.

But when, again, biker
read by Megan skein.

Jesus replied.

I tell you the truth, unless you
were born again, you cannot see the

kingdom of God, John three, three.

The Cadena show is one of the longest
running shows in south Australia.

I attended by many families
from the community.

Literature advantage.

Just read up and Zony and attach
the Smirnoff took advantage of

this opportunity to share their
books with the public, by setting

up a bookstore at the show.

Assisted by two local church
members, they were able to give

away lots of free literature and
interact with many lovely people.

Uh, tobacco was walking by and
I extended my hand and offered

him a signs at the times.

Magazine said, Rita.

I mentioned that it was Australia's
longest running health and lifestyle

magazine and had a Christian focus.

At first, the biker was
reluctant to accept the magazine.

But as soon as he heard the
word Christian, his face lit up.

I'm a born again, Christian.

He exclaimed.

The biker whose name was Pascal
began engaging in conversation

with Rita and her friends.

He shared his testimony and
said that he was part of a

Christian motorcycle ministry.

I have a friend who was the director
of the Adventist motorcycle ministry.

Rita commented.

It turned out that he and
Pascoe were Facebook friends.

When Pascoe realized that Rita
was Adventist, he began asking her

questions about the Sabbath and health.

I was praying that the local church
pastor would arrive because he and Pascal

had similar testimonies, said reader.

It was almost time for the show to
end, but praise God, the pastor and

his children came just in time to
meet Pascal and his son, Frankie.

POSCO signed up for Bible studies
and a copy of the great controversy.

As well as discovery prophecy
course and a children's Bible

course for his little boy.

Pascal signed up for the Bible
studies and a copy of the great

controversy As well as a discovery
prophecy course and a children's

Bible course for his little boy.

Frankie fell in love with incredible
dinosaurs and Pascoe loves the family,

keeps a Bible and family Bible stories,
which he signed up for ready to set.

I praise God for that last
special divine appointment.

At the end of the day, she said,

Megan Skein: This year literature
ministry celebrates 175 years.

This month's devotional readings come
from stories of faith edited by Vanya Chu

and produced by the literature ministries
department of the seventh day Adventist

church in the south Pacific division.

Jarrod Stackelroth: To find out more
about this month's heritage celebrations,

visit heritage dot Adventist church.

Dot com.