Money Lab

Creators & Guests

Matt Giovanisci
Founder of

What is Money Lab?

Matt Giovanisci and friends drop the gauntlet of truth about being self-employed, serial entrepreneurs. They're not "teaching" how to build a successful company. Instead, they run business challenges and experiments offering a transparent view of what it takes to make money online.

Matt: Welcome to money lab.

My name is Matt.

It is it's may, you know, and, and
we're getting into the summer season.

And for me that means Well, that
means I'm working a lot on my

flagship websites and university.

And yes, this is an episode where
I want to talk about something

that I've been working on.


I've been going through an optimizing.

Old content.

So that I can actually rank it on Google.

And you know, it ranks on Google.

Let's let's be clear.

It ranks, but it's maybe not
number one or even number three,

maybe it's on the second page.

Maybe it's down at number nine.

And so what I'm doing is finding
those posts and I'm optimizing them,

myself doing the actual work, not
hiring somebody, but doing the work.

And I want to share everything that
I'm thinking about and everything

that I'm doing to get that done.

So let's get into it.

You know, I mentioned it was
pool season, but it's, you know,

I'm also thinking about this.

With my other sites.

And I'm also thinking about this
in a way that like I can deliver

to other people and without, you
know, giving away my secrets.

It's not really secrets, honestly.

It's, it's, it's all on the surface.

And I want to show you, or just tell you
kind of all the things that I'm doing.

Maybe make this a little quickie,
little quick episode, who knows?

I, you know me, I say
I'm going to be quick.

And then you know, hour 45 minutes
later to an hour, I'm still

talking to myself in my basement.

Into a microphone.

To nothing.

But that's why I want you to email
me I've had people

who have DMD me about episodes
that I've done, which is great.

Just hearing from you.

Like, Hey, I listened to this episode.

I liked what you said or,
Hey, I listened to an episode.

You're a frigging tool.

Either way, at least I know
you're listening and that's, it's

like, okay, I'm not just putting
this out into the ether and.

Nothing's nothing's coming back.

So email me,
I answer all my own emails.




Here's what I'm doing.

I'm going through old posts and I'm
going, Ooh, this post is not so good.

And or this post is maybe not.

It's not that it's not good.

It's like, oh, this post could be better.

And, you know, you just look at
it, you can just tell, especially

if you'd been doing it, as long as
I have you look at a poster like

this could be, this could be great.


And so.

You know, you.

If I were to go through every
single post, it's not like it.

That could do that in a month.

It's not just like one big
optimization, like experiment.

It's something that's ongoing.


There is a way that
I've been prioritizing.

Posts to, to work on and not
just like, feel super overwhelmed

because you cannot eat an elephant.

In one sitting.

You can eat it one bite at a time.



The way that we've been doing it is.

Looking at H refs.

So H refs is the tool that I use
for SEO, and I'm actually gonna

pull it up for my own sake here.

Just so I can, as I'm speaking
this out loud, I'm also

knowing what I'm looking at.

So, what we do in H rafts
is we have our website.

It is, it is entered and we track all
of our keywords for all of our posts.

So if we want to rank.

You know, for example, if I look
at even money lab, I have a post.

That's all about podcast marketing.

And if I want to rank for that.

I add that keyword into
the rank tracker in H refs.

And what it does is it automatically
finds the post on my website.

That's the, that the keywords for,
and it will just every week update

and say, Hey, you're number five.

Hey, you're number 37 or.

You know, this is your position
and this is how much traffic you

should be getting relatively.



The reason for doing this is every single
time I go into a post and optimize it.

I want to know if it
actually did anything.

If it actually went in, instead of
having to go manually check Google

or however else, there's this tool
that's like, Hey, remember this

thing you updated on this date?

Well here, you know, it used to be number.

Two or used to be number
10 and now it's number two.


So, this is why we use
Atrius for that now.

What I'll do is I'll pull up the keyword.


And I'll look at all our keywords
and I'll sort it, and I just

clicked it, but nothing happened.

So I'll sort it by.

Position basically.


It's like, Hey, what's the position?

Oh, you know, you know, you can
either sort of by position, I can

say, all right, what's at the low.

You know, you can see all your number
ones, but then you looked, it's like, oh,

I have ones that are number 17, right?

Or here's one, that's a number 18.

And it doesn't get a
ton of traffic, right?

It's not a big keyword.

So I'm like, yeah.

Maybe not the best one to go after,
because yes, it may rank pretty low,

but if we are ranked number one, We're
not going to see a huge win from that.


So I start going up the list and
looking at stuff that I'm like,

okay, this is really low on the low.

You know, really low in position.

But the volume is, you
know, 1600 or 7,500 or 2300.

And I'm like, okay, let's.

Let's take that and let's update
those things because those things

are going to give us the big wins.

So that's how I'm finding.

What to actually work on.

You don't even need a
tress to do this, right.

You could use, and he
should have the setup.

You should use Google search
console, which I'm also going

to pull up on my computer.

And you could go to a search results.

I believe it is.



You can sort, you can actually
add your average per position.

As a metric.

And you can start to look at.


Let's look at the positions and
we're going to go down the list

and we're going to go look at.

You know, things that are ranked at eight.

Position number eight, but
have a ton of impressions.


So if we, if we sort by impressions,
we'll see, okay, I have this post.

It has 54,000 impressions.

But it's position 9.6.

Well, that's, you know, that's a sign
that says you should probably work on

that post because if you were to rank.

You would get a ton more clicks, right?

Cause an impression.

So it means that there's 54,000 people
seeing that meaning they landed on the

page, but I'm all the way at the bottom.

I'm number nine.

I'm number 10, probably.


So I've only got 54 clicks to
that post, which is not terrible.

But if I were a number three, even I
would get way more clicks to that post.

So that feels like
something I should work on.

And you can even find ones that are
like, You know, slightly lower than that.

Like, I there's this one post
that I rank on the six position

it's like, okay, work on that one.

Right or just go take a look at
a bit and see if it needs work.

So that that's just ways
that you can prioritize.

What posts that you want to rank
that we'll post, you should work on.

And, and then now let's talk
about what we're actually

going to do those posts, right?

So there's a couple of
things that I think.

I could give you some, some quick wins.


And I wrote an email about this,
but I'm just going to go through a

couple of what I think, you know,

A quick.

If you want to do a quick update, you
didn't want to rewrite the whole thing.

This is what I would do.



I would change the headline.

It's probably bad.

So go through and make sure
that you're hitting the keyword

in the, in the headline.

It doesn't have to be the exact keyword.

But close enough.

And make sure that the headlines actually
something good want to click, right.

You've got to think of those magazines
and the, in the grocery store.

Especially, I always think of the
cosmopolitan ones because it's like, you

know, 10 tips to drive your man wild.

So like, yeah, I want to do that.

I want to drive him wild.

I'm gonna pick up that magazine.

And the content probably sucks, but
got me to pick up that magazine.

It makes me want to drive my man wild.


Think about that, you don't
have to be super sensational.

But a tool that I like to use is headline
analyzer been using it for years.

Been, been screaming about it for years.

It's just a good tool.

It's just like, it's not
necessarily, you don't have to

consider it like the end all be all.

It's just helpful.

So, you know, you might have
a very simple title, like, you

know how to download WordPress.

It might be the simple title, but.

You know, you add some emotional weight to
it, some power weight to it, and you start

to see like how to download WordPress in
five minutes, how to download WordPress

without pulling your hair out, you know?

That kind of thing.

Just, and that's not really going to help.

In terms of like technical SEO,
but it's definitely going to

help the click through rate.

Once you are, once you are ranking,
then you have people clicking into it.

Cause they're like, oh yeah,
that's speaking more to me.

Or like, that feels more
like emotional and powerful.

So I'm going to click that.


So it's.

It's more appealing to the visitor
as opposed to Google itself.

Now what it does for Google though, is
it shows that people are clicking it.

More, maybe you're maybe you're down
at number like six, but you're getting

like an abnormal amount of clicks
and it's like, well, it's headlines.

Good titles.


So pop them back up to number three,
see how it does there for a little bit.

So it does help in that way.

Another thing you can do is update
the date, the published date,

and make sure you're displaying
the publish date on your website.

You know, I hate to say this.

I used to remove the
date because I thought.

Well, Who cares?

Who cares that the date, you
know, who cares when I wrote it?

It's not, it's not like the type of
content I'm writing is super relevant.


It's not news content.


You can't tell me that you're not
on Google and you see two posts

and you want to learn from it.

And one was, you know, published in.

Two years ago and the other
one was published a year ago

and you're like, I don't know.

I kind of want the more recent one.

I feel like that's more updated.

So it just does this
psychological trick to your brain.

And I also think it helps with
that whole, and I never really

believed this when it came to SEO,
but like Google wants freshness.


Fresh content.

How about the oven?

So I.

I just say.


Update the content a little bit.

Hit the update button.

It's not that hard to do and it,
and if it helps a little bit.


If it doesn't help at all, who
gives a shit, you did it and

it, and you know, It's updated.

So, those are like really,
really too quick wins.

That you'll see in the Serbs, you
could also update the description as

well, but nowadays I'm noticing that
like, Google's not really pulling

your meta-description anymore.

They're kind of doing their own thing.

So, I really wouldn't
worry about a too much.

But it's there.


So if you were to, again, want to
do some quick wins, scroll all the

way to the bottom of your post.

And I'm going to tell you two things
that I do that I think have really.

I don't even care if
this has helped with SEO.

It just feels like a really smart
thing to do and, and really helpful

thing to do to your, for your people.


So first thing.

Add some FAQ's to your post.

Especially if you're doing how to content.


So what do I mean.

And here's a trick.

So basically what I do.

Is I'll go into the post and I'll say,
okay, I want to rank for this keyword.

Whatever it is my primary keyword.

I'll open up incognito mode in
my Chrome browser, I'll go to

Google and I'll type in that.

Primary keyword just flat out and
you'll see this people also ask section

with a bunch of like, maybe like four
questions, but as you keep hitting

the drop downs on those questions,
more questions, keep popping up.

And so you start looking at those
questions and you pull out one that you

think might be relevant to your content.

And then if you scroll all the way to the
bottom of that search results page, you'll

see even more questions that Google will,
you know, Google is basically giving you

here's what your posts should be about.

Here's what should be in your posts.

And what I do as a shortcut is maybe
you've answered some of those questions.

In the post, right.

And maybe it's in sentences.

Maybe it's buried under
a certain paragraph.

But what I do at the bottom of
all my posts now is I'll create

an H two headline that says.

Frequently asked questions
about the main keyword, right?

And then I'll in age threes, put
in literally word for word, what

those questions are from Google.

And then.

I'll just do a paragraph.

One paragraph that answers that
question as tight as possible.


So that's going to require some editing.

You know, you can write out the
whole answer if it's a long answer,

but then try to shave it down.

So it's like the most bite-sized
thing and that'll help you

win some featured snippets.

That'll help you win spots
in that question area.

And it may even help you rank on
Google a little bit for your main

keyword because you're adding more
content and it's actually really

easy content to rank for you.


I'll have to think about it.

You can do the research really easily,
easily on Google, and then you can just

add it right to the bottom of the post.

And the other thing you could do,
and this is not necessarily for SEO.

But if you want to boost your
revenue a little bit, you

want to boost your subscriber.

Count a little bit.

Some of the things that we've been doing
is at the very bottom of every single

post we used to just write like, like
for instance, on swimming diversity

at the end of every post, we would
write a paragraph that kind of like.

You know, and I see this happen all the
time and you'll, and you'll, you've.

You've probably done it before.

And if not, you're doing it currently.

But you'll right.

A headline that says in conclusion, And
then you'll write some dopey paragraph

that's or a couple paragraphs that are
just like, not really summing up the

content kind of just being whatever, like
you just don't know how to end a piece.


It's just, it's just like, whatever,
the way that I kind of look at it is.

You got to think about it
in terms of like YouTube.

And the way that I, you know, th the,
the goal for me on YouTube at least.

Is to get people to watch all the way
to the very, very end of the video.


And what you do is you don't have that.

Ending where you're just like,
okay, that's it, everybody.

Thanks for watching by the way, if
you want this and it's like, you're

going into your like standard spiel.

And people have dropped off by that.

And they're like, okay, this
is how he ends every video.

It's it's, you know, he's going to spend
another minute talking about nothing

or the same thing I've heard last
week or whatever, and you cut it off.

But if you give people content,
meaning like new content to the

very frigging last 20 seconds.

And then the last 20 seconds
you throw in an end card.

Well, then you're more likely to get
people to click over to another video.

So the goal is to like, not
throw in outtakes at the end,

don't do stuff that's like.

Not really.

I mean, I'll take it as a funny,
cause that's like that is content,

but like again, you just want to
deliver all the way up until the end.

And so what we've been doing is
literally doing that, delivering all

the way up to the end and the very end,
instead of doing that in conclusion.

Few paragraphs nonsense.

And then ending with happy swimming
or in brew cabinets, happy brewing.

We do.

Need more.

Pool maintenance help or
need more homebrewing help

question mark as an H two.

And then we bullet out all of
our products or, or things you

want people to take action.


For example, we have download our
cheat sheet, which has gets us.

Subscribers we have subscribed
to our YouTube channel would help

helps our YouTube channel out.

And we have check out our product,
just three bullets with links and

a little pear, a little sentence.

That's it.

Just super helpful.

Copy and paste it, throw it in every
post, change up the words here and there

for a little, you know, a little bit.

But I think that's a nice way to like,
Cut out that in conclusion, throw in

some like actionable shit and move on.


So that's, those are my quick,
quick tips, quick wind tips.

Now as far as the content itself.

I think.

Especially when it comes to how
to content, you gotta think,

and this, and this is why, you
know, I going back to like,

People always ask me, like,
how do you pick your niche?

It's like, I don't pick my niche.

It picks me because my, I mean, you
know, I have a pool website cause

I've been doing pools since I was 13.

It just like I did that first,
you know, pools picked me and

then I started a website around
it because I knew everything.

Same with home brewing.

I started homebrewing first and
then I started a website about it.

And the same with online business, right?

It's like, and that's what everybody
does is, is you start, you know, you

have success with one little nice
site and all of a sudden, you're,

you're qualified to talk about
online business to everybody else.


So that's that's exactly what money
lab is, but I've been doing it for

like 10 years and it's like, okay,
well let me start my own little.

You know, playground.


What I do.

Is you got to think about.

The like you.

This is why I.


How do I want to say this?

Let's say.

You're doing it yourself.

You got to sit there
and be like, all right.

What's the best shit ever.

What are the questions I want to answer?

And I do this by.

Looking at literally doing the
same thing I did with the FAQ's.

I'll Google the keyword incognito mode.

And see what everybody
else is writing about.

Look at their headlines, look
at what topics they're covering.

And go and just cherry
pick the ones that I think.


Cause I know the topic so well, I'm like,
oh yeah, I got to answer that question.

Oh yeah.

That's a good section to have,
you know, and I'm not re I'm not

copying and pasting the full text.

I'm just, I'm just
writing down those ideas.

Into an outline.

And you build the outline.

And then you start filling
in the buckets, right?

So each, each bullet point and outline
is your, is your headline right?

Either your H two or your H three.

I only use H twos and H three is H.

One is for your main title.

And then I start filling in
the buckets and what's nice

about being in the industry.

And especially if you know it.

You just start typing.

And yeah, writing is
hard, but like who cares?

You're just gonna spill it all
out of your system and edit later.

I did this at brew cabin.

You know, I've been thinking a
lot about, you know, changing

out my dry hopping process.

So I wrote about that first,
the thing that I'm doing every

single day, but I can't just talk
about my dry hopping process.

I have to talk about other ones
to give people alternatives,

give, give the whole gamut.

So I had to go research.

What other methods I'm
like, oh yeah, right.

There's that method.

Let me write about that.

Maybe let me go out in the garage
and actually do that method.

You know, who CA it's it's easy for pools.

Same thing.

I know a little bit, but there's
some parts that I'm like, I'm

a little unsure about that.

So I'll go and do that research.

And just add it and just type
it, type a type of type it, and

then edit, edit, edit, edit.


If you're hiring a writer in this
case, And you know, the topic well,

Consider your writer, your first draft.


Let them write the first
draft and then you go in.

And it's spent another couple of
hours, like improving it, adding

to it, not correcting mistakes.

You don't want to do that.

You just want to improve it.

You want to add your take.

Because that's what makes your
website different than everybody

else's that you're competing with?

You got to have a take,
you got to have a stance.

I think at least.

So, yeah, that's, that's what I do now.

That's just the text.

Any dumdum can write words.

Let's be honest.

And I'm not putting any
writers down out there.


But I'm a dumb, dumb, and I
could put words on a page.


I can, I can literally type one
letter at a time on my keyboard.

It's kind of what the computer does now.

Does it require skill 100%
if you want to be good at it.

But like I said, they have fucking
AI now robots dumb, dumb robots

that are pumping out articles.


I'm sorry, but if a robot can do your
job, then your job's not that hard.

I don't know.

I don't like that.

I'm not like making
that general statement.

But you, I hope you get
what I'm saying is that.

There, you know, you're really going
to have a hard time competing with

words is what I'm saying, right.


Let's say you do the
skyscraper technique, right?

Which is the Brian Dean.

Backlinko yeah.

That's his term.

And so you're like, okay,
I'm going to find this post.

And it's ranking number one,
I'm just going to outward it.

I'm just going to make more words and
I'm just going to cover more topics

and then you put it out there and you
have your blog posts and whatever.


Well, then that person goes, oh shit, man.

I'm being outranked by this.


Let me out word him and then they,
that person outwards that person.

And then you're just
playing out word game.


No one has a competitive edge
because no, one's better at the game.

They're both equally as good at the game.


You got to think outside the text outside.

What you would, what you, what
anybody could really do or pay for.


And here's what I think it is.

I think.

It's video for one.

Not everyone can do video.

Not everybody can do video.

And two graphics.

Not everyone can take pictures.


Caveat anyone.

Can go on 1, 2, 3 RF, which I love.

We're going Unsplash and
pull a friggin stock photo.

Any asshole can do that.


You have a computer.

And a credit card.

Your, your S there's your skill.


But what if you were
taking your own pictures?

And maybe putting a
little watermark on it.

Making sure it's yours.


You post that on Instagram.

That's original content.

That's not, that's not stock photos.



Now same with graphics.

Make your own graphics.

You know, I I'm a graphic
designer by trade.

That's my original job like from like,
well, my original job was teaching.

Adults had to take care of their pools.

But after that, then it was
like, okay, I'm doing graphic

design and website design.

And then I got into like affiliate
marketing and you know what I do today?

But yeah, it was, it was
graphic design on a computer.

So I that's, so that's like,
I, that skill is there.

And you can pay for that skill.

I think that skill is crazy important.

I think video is crazy important.


You are.

It's going to be tougher.

It's going to be a tougher you
know, and you know what I'm saying?


You know,

What I'm saying?

Anybody can type.

But creating good graphics
and creating good video.

Is harder.

And I'm even noticing, you know, we
spend a lot of our time and effort

putting out YouTube videos for the
keywords that we rank for, for the

articles that we have on our website.

Well guess what our videos
are, outranking our posts.

In Google.

So, what does that tell you?

You know, Google is
favoring video a little bit.

So you want to outrank your competitors.

Make a video and make a good video.


We also have image images
that are image search.

You know, make sure you got
your all tags in your images,

make sure you title your images.

You know, don't just put I M G underscore
0 5, 0 dot PNG, and then upload that

literally type in the goddamn thing it is.

And then as your file name
and upload, that that helps.

Like little things that help.

You know, am I telling you
that's a huge, quick win?


But any chance I could throw a
keyword in somewhere that makes sense.

And that is actually helpful for
maybe people who are blind and don't

have the ability to see your images.

They have their own technology
where they can click it and it

tells them what that image is.

That's helpful.

It's the same with color blind people
underlining your links is helpful.

It's not, it's like, fuck the design.

Fuck whatever you want to think about.

I want my design to look like this.

You're helping people by
underlining your links.

That's simple.



Like I said, this turned
out to not be a quickie.

But super Longie.


And yeah, I That's what
I think you could do.

The other thing too, like.

Think really, really hard about
internal linking at this point.


You're in the post.

You're updating it.

Link out to link out to other posts.

Right while you're thinking about
it while you're writing this stuff.

You know, this is why it's
good to know your content.

You know what you're working with,
know your website, know everything.

It's your thing.


That's it.

And I'm going to try to
end this with content.


Email me,
and I will see it next time.

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